2022/01/01 Santolucito Dore Group, Inc. (15)StateFam STATE FABM GEI{EFAL INSURAT{CE COI'PANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS B?"Fii&li,t ?*, u o t s. t t ru Addl lnsured€ection ll Only M-23-372C-FA71 F U 002118 3123CITY OF HENIFEE 29 7I4 HAUN RD itEN I FEE CA 92546-65qO trh 1il h,,, tillrIltll, rltlh trl,l, r,,tltrt,rt,h I,rltrlh It, I DECLARATIONS AMENDED JUL 13 2022 Policyllumbrr 92-E$R381-4 Policv Period Elloclivc Dats Exoiration Oab 12 iil'onths JAN 1 2022 JAN 1 2023 The policv period begins and ends at 12:01 am standardtme atlhe premtses locaton Named lnsured SANTOLUCITO DORE GROUP INC !(-)oo ft# 8 E Otfice Policy Automalic Renowal - lf the pollcy poriod is shown as 12 months , dris policy will be renewed automatcally subject to tie premiums, rules and forms in eftect for each suc Leedini policy period. If tris policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance witr the policy provisions or as required by law Entlty: Corporation Reason tor Declarations:Your policy is amended JUL 13 2022 ADDITIONAL INSURED ADDED PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT FORM CMP-4786.1 ADDED Endorsement Premium lncrease Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Sprinkler Claim Record $ 44.00 Prepared JUL 19 2022 cMP-4000 019092 290 At N O Copyright Stlte Flrm Muturl Automobilo lnrurlnct Cornplny, AXE lnclud€s copyriohtsd mltsIi.l ol lnsurrnco Ssrvic€t oftics, lnc.. wth its psrmission Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 1ol 6 51l610d-? 05 31 20ll lollu3lcl DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Otfice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Number 92-E$H381-4 SECTION I . P PEBTY SCIIEDULE LocationNumber Location of DescribedPrsmises Limit of lnsuranc.e* Coveraoe A - Buildfngs Limit ot lnsurance' Coveraoe B - Business PersonalProperty Seasonal lncrease- Business Personal Property 001 STE 1OO.L 31 600 HAILROAD CANYON BD CANYON LAKE CA 92587-9461 No Coverage $ 11,600 251" -Asof date of thrs p0 icy, t mit of nsurance as shown nc os any increase in the Irmt ue to lnflae on rage Cov A Cov B - lnflation Coveraoe lndex - Consumer Price'lndex: N/A 1t J.O SECTION I-DEDUCTIBLES Basic Deductible Spocial D€ductiblos: l\iloney and Securities Equipment Breakdown $1.000 $ Employee Dishonesty @ Copyri!ht, St6te F!rm lvlutu6l Automobile ln!urEnce ComD6ny, 2OOg lnclude! co[yrightod m6terial of lnsur.nco Services offjce, lnc.. with it. pormt!sion Continued on Nexl Page $ '1,$250250 000 Other deductibles may apply - reler to policy Prepared JUL 19 2022 cMP-4000 019092 Page 2 ol 6 StateFarm(D@ ffi DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Ollice Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-E$R3814 SECTION I. EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE . LIMIT OF INSURANCE. EACH DESCRIBED REMISES D a8 Ths coverages and corresponding limits shown betow apply seporately to each described premises shown in these Declaratlonb, unloss indlcat€d by''See Schedule." l, a coverago does not havo I correspondlng llmit shown below, but has "lncluded" indicatod, please refer to that pollcy provlslon for an oxplanation ot thEt coverage. COVERAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Otf Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Ol Sewer Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Equipment Breakdown Fire Department Servico Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Rocharge Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Exp€nses lncreased Cost Ol Construclion And Demolition Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacement cost basis) Money And Socurities (Otf Premises) Monoy And Securities (On Premises) Money Orders And Counterleit Money Newly Acquir6d Business Personal Property (applies only il this policy providos Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or Construcled Buildings (applies only il this policy provides Coverage A - Buildings) $s0,000 $1s,000 $5,000 $15,000 lncluded Coverage B Limit 2570 of covered loss lncluded $5,000 $5,ooo $10,000 lncluded 1OYo o copyri0h! Strt. FErm MutuElAutomotils lnturuncs Complny.2008 lncludo. copyrioht6d m.t6rirl of lnsurinco Ssrvic0! offics, lnc,, with its p8rmission Continued on Reverso Side ot Page $s,000 $10,000 $1,000 $100,000 $250,000 Page 3 of 6 LIMIT OF INSUBANCE Prepared JUL 19 2022 cMP-4000 019093 290 N DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Oflice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-E$H3814 Ordinance Or Law - Equipmenl Coverage Outdoor Propsrty Personal Effects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Personal Property Otf Premises Pollutant Cloan Up And Removal Preservation Ol Prop€rty Property.Of Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Signs Unauthorized Business Card Use Valuable Papers And Records On Premises Off Premises lncluded $5,000 $s,ooo $15,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,s00 $2,s00 $5,000 $s0,000 $15,000 SECTION I -TENSIONS OF COVEBAGE -LIMIT OF INSUBANCE - PER POLICY The coverages and correspondlng limits shor n below are the most we will pay rogardl6ss ot the number oldescribed premisss shown ln th€se Declarations. COVEEAGE Dependent Property - Loss Of lncome Employee Dishonosty Utilily lnterruption - Loss Ot lncome Loss Of lncome And Extra Expense @ Copyrighl St0ts Frrm Mutu.l Automobila lnsur!ncs Comoiny, 2m8 lncludes copyrighted mate al of lnsur.ncE Servicos Oflica, lnc., with its oormission Continued on Next Page LIMIT OF INSURANCE $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 Months Prepared JUL 19 2022 CNiIP-4000 019093 Page 4 of 6 ttateFarm Y,r,#iffiI DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Otlice Policv for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-ESH381-4 n SECTION II - LIABILITY 8? T;B COVERAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) Damage To Premises Rontod To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Products/Completed Operations Aggregate General Aggregate LIMIT OF INSUBANCE $2,000,000 $s,000 $500,000 LIMIT OF INSUHANCE $4,000,000 $4,000,000 Each paid claim for Liability Coverage reduces the amount of insurance we provide during the appllcable annudl period. Please reter to Section ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any altached endorsements. Your poticv consists of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown bolow, and any other lorms and-endorsements that apply. including those shown below as well as those issued subs€qusnt to the issuance ot this policy. FORMS AND EN SEMENTS cMP-4101 cMP-4786.1 cMP-4787 cMP-4819.1 FE-6999.3 cMP-4705.2 cMP-4710 cMP-4709 cMP-4698 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4703.1 cMP-4788.1 cMP-4260.1 Businessowners Coverage Form.Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched "Waiver of Trans Rgt of Recov Unauthorized Business Card Use Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Loss of lncome & Exlra Expense Employee Dishonesty Money and Securities Back-Up ol Sewer or Drain Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Utility lnterruption Loss lncm Addl lnsd Mgrs Lessor of Prem Amendatory Endorsement-CA Prepared JUI 19 2022 cMP-4000 O Copyrilht Stlto F!rm Mutu!l Automobilo lnsurrnco Comp!ny, zffi lncludrs copyri0ht8d mltsrirl of ln5ur!nc0 Strvioo! offico, lnc., with its p6rmi!sion Continued on Reverse Side ol Page019094 290 N Page 5 of 6 (-@ DECLAHATIONS (CONTINUED) Office Policv for CITY OF MENIFEEPollcy Num6er 92-ESB381-4 cMP-4261 FD-6007 Amendatory Endorsement lnland N,larine Attach Dec NOTICE: INFORMATION CONCERNING CHANGES IN YOUB POLICY LANGUAGE IS INCLUDED. PLEASE CALL YOUR AGENT IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS.' New Form Attached This policy is issued by the State Farm General lnsurance Company. Participating Policy You are entitlsd to participate in a dlstribution of th€ earnings of the company as determinod by our Board of Directors inaccordance with the Company's Articles of lncorporation, as amended. ln Witness Whereof, the State Farm General lnsurance company has caused this policy to be signed by its presidentand Secretary at Bloomington, lllinois. tr*n!-"tt secr€tary -il-e C"& IMPORTANT NOTICE: Callfomla bw tequlrcs ug.to plovlde you w.hh inlomatlon lor llllng complalnts wlth the gtate lnguranc€ D,epanment rcoardog tlEcoverage and rrvico provk ed under this policy. Your ag8flt'! nsme and contsct il oImqtlon are provided on the lrom ol thb document. Another opthn io to teach out bymall or phone dlrcctly to: Sl€le Farm@ Erocutlvo Cuilomor S€rylce PO Box 2320 Bloomin$on lL 81702 Phone * 1{oo-STATEFARU (1'8fi!782-8332) Depsrtment-o, lnglrsnoe comphlnb shouH be liled only arter you rfld state Fam or your agerd or othsr comparrylopre$nrrtivs havo lailsd to re8c+t E 8{tlatsctory sg]s.eflont o; a probhm, CElitornia Depsruflent of lnEurance Consumer Earyloes DlYblrn 300 Soulh gprlng $reet Lo8 ArgoleE, CA 90013 Phone # l€@-927-HELP (ilils7) or vbit f,ww.insurance,ca.ooy,ol-con!{merq President O Copyri0h! Stats Frrm lvl utu 6l Automobils lnsur.nce Comp!ny. 2m8 lncludes copyrilhtgd mat€ri!l of lnsurrnco S€rvrcBs oflice, lnc., with lts permission Prepared JUL 19 2022 ct\,tP-4000 019094 290 N Page 6 ol 6 StateFam(-)CD STATE FARTiI GENEFAL INSURANCE COIIPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?"F?ia€lf,! ?* z' * u. s s z s Named lnsured M-23-372C-FA71 F U SAI{TOLUCITO IIORE GROUP II{C ATTACHING INLAND MARINE INLAND MARINE ATTACHING O'"'O'O''O'J Policyilumber 92-E$8381-4 Policy Period 1 2 Months Ellective Dato JAN 1 2022 5ffiii'L"dr'i" The oolicv oeriod beoins and ends at l2:01 am standardtme at he Fremrses Tocaton. vi:*i EH E J Aulomatic Renowsl - lf the pollcy period is shown as 12 monlhs , this policy wtll be renewed automatically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effectforeach succeeding policyperiod lf tris policy is terminated. we will give you andthe Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wifr tre policy provisions or as required by law. Annual Policy Premium lncluded The above Premium Amountis included in the Policy Premium shown on $e Declarations Your policy consists of these Declarations, tre INLAN0 MARINE C 0NDITIONS shown below, and any other forms and endorsemenb $at apply, including frose shown below as well as trose issued subsequent to fie issuance of this policy. Forms, 0ptions, and Endorsemenb FE-8739 FE-6271 FE-8745 lnland Marine Conditions Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marino Computer Prop See Reverse for Schedule Page wifr Limir Prepared JUL 19 2022 FD-6007 019095 O Copyrioh! Slrle tum Mutu6lAutomobilo lnrur!nc! Comp!ny, 2008 lncludes copyriohtsd mnt€rirl of lnsurdncB SBrvics! oltics, lnc., with its pBrmission. bill, 6866 ? 0! 31 201I lol,3?32c1 92-E$8381.4 ATTACHI G INLAI{D MARINE ATTACHING INTAND MABINE SCHEDUTE PAGE ENDORSEMENT NUMBER FE-8745 COVERAGE lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Expense LIMIT OF INSURANC E DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT s 500 ANNUAL PREI\4IUI\,I Included Included $ $ 25 , OOO 25,000 Prepared JUL 19 2022 FD-6007 019095 OTHER LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY , REFER TO YOUR POLICY @ Copyrighl St6ts Frrm Mutu6l Automobilo lnsur!nc. Comp.ny,20(tr lncludgs copyflohtsd materirl of lnsurrncs Servic€s oftic0, Inc., with its Dermisston. 510 535 d, ll5 tl ?011 (oll3233cl