2022/06/16 SECC Corporationo.Ro'CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 6t6t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE IIOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSITUTE A CONTR.ACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. IMPORTANT: lf tho cortilicato holde. is an AODITIONAL INSURED, tho policy(los) must have AODITIONAL INSURED provisions or be ondorsod. It SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subjoet to tho torms and conditiorts ol tho policy, cenain policios may require an endorsoment. A statement on this certificate do6s not confor righG to lhs cortiticalo holdor in lieu o{ 3uch ondorsement{s). PRooucER GMGS Rrsk Management & lnsurance Servrces 6201 Oak Canyon. Suite '100 lrvine. CA 92618 www gmgs.com 0884519 Chanse USON 367 94 559$703 AFFOROING COVERAGE INSURER A : TTAVCICTS Cas Co o, America 25674 Travelers lndemn of ConnecliculSECC Corooration 14945 La Palma Drive Chino CA 9171 0 IN COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION O 1988-20't5 ACORO CORPORATION. All .ights rosorved ACORD 25 (2016/03) Tho ACORO name and logo aro rogist.rod marks of ACORD .:,-:r A-pr / ;/!/w,,r.o F.!qu5.f ^/6/,rr:-, Permit Citv of Menifee Atth: Proiect Mgr 29844 Haun RoadMeni€e CA 92586 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES AE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE TTIEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OELIVEREO IN ACCOROANCE IflITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, A U THORIZEO REPRES€NTA TIVE /u- e z4cs,S Ste\e I\,4osrer THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECI TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOROED 8Y THE POLICIES DESCRIBEO HEREIN S SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERIVS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOW! MAY HAVE BEEN R EDUCED 8Y PAID C LAlMS s300 000 s1 000 000 s 2,000,000GENERALA6GREGATE PERSONAL AADV NJURY 611612022 6t1612023 PROOUCTS, COMP/OP ACG s2 000 000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GEN L AGGREGqTE LIMIT APPLIES PERf l PRo f lL ]JECI I ] OTI]ER DT22 CO-5083C175-TtL-22 611612022 6t1612023 aOolLY INJURY (Per aco<ron0 -PRoP-ERrY oa ib-_ SOOILY INJURY (P.. perso.) s s $1 000COMB NEO SINGIE L M TB AUTOSONLY AUTOSONLY SCI]EOUIEDAUIOS AUIOMOBILELIABILITY 810,5P216031-22-26-G Plrysical Damage Comp Ded $1.000 Coll Ded $1,000 EXCESSLIAB OCCUR 5 I s s1 s s1.000 000 0 000 E L EACN ACCIDENT E L OISEASE. POLICY LIM]T E L DISEASE. EA EMPLOYE WORXERSCOMPENSANON AND EXPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANYPROPRIE-IOR/PARINEOEXECUTIVEO'FIC€R/MEMSEEEXCLUO€O' oEscRtPTtoN oF oPERATTONS b.t* uB-1L280770 22-26-G 6t16t2022 611612023 DESCRTPTION OF OPERATION S / LOCAIIONS / VEHICLES (ACORO 1 01, Addirion.r R.m..l. S!h.dul., m.y b. .nrched il moro spaco i! r.qurud) RE:Permit As respects General Ljability co\,/erage, City of Menibe is added as Additional lnsured per CGD3160219 attached I NAtc I | 25682 Lll occuR r 1.000 000 I I I MEoExPraiyo^.Fmn, t5.000 I I I1.1 .) I I SLCC Corporation D t 22-( ()-5083( l75-l-lL-22 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT GHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. XTEND ENDORSEMENT FOR CONTRACTORS This endoEoment rnodines insuranca proyided underthe following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIry COVERAGE PART GEI{ERAL DESCRIPnON OF COVERAoE - This Endors€msnt brosdEns co\€rage. Horyever, covqrago for any lnlury, damsge or m€dlcal elpcnses described in any of tho provisions of this endors€ment may be 6)(ciud€d or lirdted by snolhsr ondorsamsnt to this Coyeraga Part, and thesa cov€rage broad€ning provisions do not apply to thB elden thst co\arago is s)@lud€d or lirdted by such an sndorsameri. The followlng listino b 8 0eneral co1/Brage descddion only. Read 8ll th8 pmvbions of this sndorsemant and the resl ol your policy carefully to dstermino rights, duiies, and what is end is not covered. A- Who ls An lnsur€d - Unnamod Subsidiaries B, Blenket Additional lnsured - Govemmental Entiti€s - Permlts Or turthorizations R6lating To Operations cG D3 16 02 t9 C. lncldental Medlcel Maltradico D. Blanket Wsiver Of Subrogstion E Contrsciual Liaullty - Rellmeds F. Damags To Premises ReJied To You r. An olganizalion olher than a psrtnership, ioinl venturs or llmitcd llrulity comFny; or b. A lrust; c indicated in its name or the doormenls that gov€m its stnEture. B. BLA KET ADDITIOT{AL INSURED GO'ERNMENTAL ENINES - PERMITTI OR AUTTIORZATIO S RELATING TO OPERANOiIS The folowlng is added to SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSUBED: Any govEmmental entlty lhsl hes issuod a permitor euthorizdion with respec{ to operatlons perlormed by you or on your bshalf and that you are rsquird by any ordinancs. law, buildinq code or written conlrad or agEement to include 8s an addillonal Insurad on this Coveraos Psn ls an lnsur€d, but only w'th respeci to liability for'bodily injury', 'prop€rty damaoe' or "personal and adverlislng hiury. arbing oul ofsuch operatlons. The irEursrEe provid6d to such govemmgntal onltty do€s nol apply to: a Any "bodily infuq/,'p.oFrty damage' or 'personsl and advsrllsing injuqf arbing oul of operations pertorrned for the govemmental entity; or b. Any "bodily inirry' or 'property damagd'included in tho "Foduds-complstod oPerations hazard". O2Ol7 Thr Tl.y.bls lndrnnry Comp.ny. All rlhta ri..rd. lnc-ll5e copyrloHad mtbrht ot hsunnce Servbra Otll€, lnc., i t na paml6slor. A-PD/c/r/Nt/ti,a Rl, char13. Fe.9!son 6/6/2a22 ll:01:02 M rpur,) I paqr r .f Pa0s I of 3 Piolflstotrt8 A, WHO I8 AI{ IT{!'URED - UN A ED SUBAIDlARIES The fotrowing is 8dd€d to SECnON ll - WHO lS AN ITISURED: Any of your suBidiarios, oth6r thsn I psrtn6rship, Joint venluG or limitod liability company, thst isnot shorNn as a Nam6d lnsured in th8 D€clarstions ls a Nam€d lnsured if: a, You ere tho sole orvn3r of, or mSintein an own8rshlp intersst of mor€ thsn 50% in, such subsidiary on the tlrst dEy ofths pollcy pedod; and b, Sllch subidi8ry is not 8n insur€d urdor sin{l8r olhEr in$ranca. No such subcldiery ls an insursd for 'bodily injurf or "tropcrty dsm{6' thd occurrsd, or 'tErsonaland adverlblng lnjury' caus€d by an offonse comrdttsd: a. Before you maintaind en of,'nership intercst of more than 5096 in such suBidiery; or b. Aner $e dsta, if eny, during the pollca poriod that ycr,l no longer melmeln sn orvnsrsfiip interesl ot rnore than 50% ln such subsidlary. For purposB of Peragraph ,. of Soc{on ll - Whols An lnsutEd, oach such subsidisry will bs deemed to b6 designat€d in the Declerations as: