2022/07/01 Riverside Construction Company, Inc. (6)1016t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A IIIATTER OF INFORiIATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRi,IATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEI{O, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROED SY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF II{SURANCE OOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE |SSU|NG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. IMPORTANT: lf the certiflcato holdor l3 an ADOITIONAL INSURED, tho pollcy(ios) muot havo ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be 6ndorsod. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, slblect to ths tsrm3 and condltlorEr oI tho policy, cortaln policies may roquire an endorsoment. A statomont on this certificalo doos not confor righlsllg the certlflcato holdor ln ligu ot !uch ondoEemont(s). RooucrR Edqewood Partners lnsurance Center (EPIC) 19000 MacArthur Blvd. PH Floorlrvine, CA 92612 wwwedgewoodins.coan 263-0606 I 263-0906 INSURER{S) AFFORDIN G COVERA GE TNSURERA: Executi\e Risk lndemnity lnc 35181 Riverside Construction Comoanv. lncPO. Box 1146 Riverside CA 92502 TNSURERB : Federal Insurance comgany 20281 aiQo"CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO EELOW HAVE EEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSUREO NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIODINOICATEO NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMSEXCLUSIONS AND CONOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWT\] MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED 8Y PAID CLAIMS, COTIM€RCIAI GEiI ERA L LIA gILITY CLA MS MAOE Bl/PD Deductibler $25.000 G€N'L^GGREGAIE LIMIT APPLIES PER JECT LOC 54309745 71112022 711t2023 s2 000 000 PREMISES lEa @curenco)$100,000 MED ExP (Any oh. p6Bo.)s5 000 PERSONAL & ADV NJURY $ 2.000,000 GENERALAGGREGAIE r4 000.000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG s4 000,000 5 B AUTOMOAILE LIABILITY OWNEO sHEO!tfoAUIOS 7 t112022 711t2023 COII,| BINEO SLNGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY lPerpe.son) i't ooo,ooo 5 BOOILY INJURY (Pd .cod..'l)5 I $ 2,500Como/Coll Deductrble B OCCUR 93652733 7 t112022 7 t112023 EACH OCCL,,]RRENCE $5.000.000 $5,000,000 DEO RE'ENT]ON !s B WORKERS COrlPENSATIOITANOE PLOYEiS'UABILITY ANYPROPRIEIOR/PARTNE'{€XECUT]VE ClFFICEFAilEMBEREXCLIJOEO? DESCRIFTION OF OPERATIONS bo|@ N 54309464 7 t1t2022 7 t112023 STAIUTE OTH EL EACH ACCIOENT $1,000,000 E L DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE $ 1.000 000 E L OISEASE POLICY LIM]T s 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION S / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORO 1ol, Addil{on.l R.m.rl. Sch.dul., n.y br .tt..h.d it mo6 .p.c. l. cqul.d) RE Holland Road/l-215 Overpass CIP l3-03 for tntent lo Award Contractthe Cily ot Men&_e. s offcers agenls and employees are adddional insured as respects Generat Lrabil y and Automobile Liability per altachedendolsemenl(s) Pnmary and Nonconhbulory wordrng applies lo General Lrabrtrty aid Automob e Lrabititi per the attached erdorldment(s)Wai\er ofSubrogalion applies to General Lrabrl y Automobile Lrabrhly and Worke;s Compensatrm per attadted endorsemen(s).30 Day Notic€ Cancellatron wtth '10 Day br Non payment of Premtum'. COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 70723758 REVISION NUMBER CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION @ 1988-20i5 ACORD CORPORATION. All right8 rosorved ACORO 25 (2016/03) The ACORD n.me and logo are reglsteled martE of ACORD ^Lr ! r"L .;jt'.3;;ea -jei. iiir;:e-' Holland Rd/l-215 Proiect - lntent to Award Contract Citv of l\ilenrfee Attir: lvlaroarita CorneioFinancialServices M6nboer 29844 Haun Road[Ienifee CA 92586 SHOULO ANY OF THE ASOVE OESCRIAEO POLICIES AE CANCELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OELIVEREO IN ACCORDANCE WIfH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUT}IORIZED REPRESE]!IATIVE Anlhony D'Asaro I I ls430s463 I II II I I ?grp- Riverside Conskuction Company, lnc. POLICY NUMBER: s430s745 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 37 1219 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifles insurance provided under the following COMIVIERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s)Location And Description Of Completed Operations WHERE RTQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACI, BUT ONLY WIIEN THE CONTRACT SPECTFIES COVERAGE FOR COMPLETED OPERAIIONS AI,L LOCAIIONS WHERT RAOU'RED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but onlywith respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the Schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products-completed operations hazard". However: '1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contracl or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section lll - Limits Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Required by the contract or agreementi or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations, whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. CG 2037 1219 @ tnsurance Services Offic€, tnc.,2012 6t,/A!/Ir{3/Ex/flclpRoFpo!L-13t 1.yer I firn xerrey rol6/:022 i:t5:?s pr{ lpmr p.q.2 of r:'11." ,.r'.r 'd - '.r'nls and srperspops pJt p!evro-sty':s.;uedi;i-iiraiie;. Page 'l of 1 COMMERCIAL GENE RAL LIABILITY cG 20 10't2t9 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s)Location(s) Of Covered Operations WHERE REQUIRED BY WRITIEN CONTRACT AIL LOCATIONS I{HERE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf: in the performance of your ongoing operations forthe additional insured(s) at the location(s) designated above. However: 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law: and 2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the proiect (other than service, mainlenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. CG 20 10 1219 O tnsurance Services Office, tnc., 2018 ]"rrrt! r:l/:r cLllLluHB/Er/wclpRoapoll, 1rr !.yer I hrn xetley 1o/6/ro:l t:ltr23 px lpm)T\i "r'iri - r.'c'.'el" r1d ALt prev,orsty-rssuoo.erLrfrciLe!. Page I of 2 Ri\€rsrde Construclion Company, lnc. POLICY NUMBER: 54309745 This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMIUERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section lll- Limits Of lnsuranco: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the mosl we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Required by the conlract or agreement: or 2. Available under the applicable limits of insurance; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable limits of insurance. Page 2ol2 @ lnsurance Servicss Office, lnc., 2018 tnti)15u 21/:3 lj1,/AL/U$A/EX/tlc/tp.aFFaLL-t!L ldyer krr x.11€y I 10/6/20:? 4rr5:2s pt (pm) I paqe { of 12lh.' , i ,i ...dni lLFrrq.d.! el p.e,r,usiv'riiieS ;iLiil;:,-;ei. cG 20 10 12 19 Endorsement NumberNamed lnsured Riverside Construction Company, lnc.Policy Number 54309464 Pokcy Period a7 ta1 t2022T O 0710112023 Effective Date of Endorsernent 07 t01t2022 lssued By (Name of lnsurance Company) Fedeaal lnsurance Company lnserl the polrcv nu mbglr The rema roder of the inlormalion is to be com pleled only when this endorsement is issued subseq uenl lo lhe prepa ration of lhe pohcy Workers' Com sation and Em ers'Liabil Pol CALIFORNIA WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT This endorsement applies only to the insurance provided by the policy because California is shown in ltem 3.A. of the lnformation Page. We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by thas policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule, but this waiver applies only with respect to bodily injury arising out of the operations described in the Schedule, where you are required by a writlen contract to obtain this waiver from us. You must maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneration of your employees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule. Schedule 1. ( ) Specific Waiver Name of person or organization ( X) Blanket Waiver Any person or organization for whom the Named lnsured has agreed by written contract to furnish this watver 2. Operations: ALL 3. Premium The premium charge for this endorsement shall be 1.0 percent of the California premium developed on payroll in connection with work performed for lhe above person(s) or organization(s) arising out of the operations described. 4. Minimum Premium: $0 I 0 Authorized Representative wc 90 03 7s (05/18) This\153 2)./2J CtlAt/oUB/EXlBC/PROFPOLL-r!r lay.r K1n r(.lI.y I rO/5/202? 1rI5:23 pt (pm) I plge s of 12'.r-ir,.aLe cdn.ers dnd supcrsFdes AIL prevtousry'rlJ.ieo iiiLiiniiei. ' Riverside ConslrLrclion Company, lnc. 54309463 BIJSII,IESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM This ondorsem€nt modmes the Budness Auto Coversge Fom.1, OiIENDED CANCELLATION CONDITION Paragrsph A,2-b. - CANCELI-ATtON - of ths COMMON POLICY COND|T|ONS rorm tL O0 .t7 is delelod BM rEplaced wrth tha fo owing:b. 60 days b8fore tho offoctivo dale ol cancoltation l, we cancel for any othor r€ason,2. EROAD FORM INSURED ,q. S{rbsldlarica and N6wly Acquirrd or Formod Crrgsni:€tlons A.a lnGurodg Th6 Named Insured shown in he Dectaraoorc is amended lo includo: 1. Any leg8lly incorporatod subsidisry in \ fiich you own more than 50Yo ol the voung stock on thg etfecflvc dat8 of th6 Covorsgs Form. However, th€ Named lnsured do€s nol lncludo any subsidlary thst is an "insured, undar eny other automobilo policy or would be an "insured' under Buch a policy but lor il8 tarminalion or the €xhsuston of its Llmit of lnsuran@.2. Any org8nizBtion thst is ecquired or formed by you and ov6r which you maintain maJority ownershlp. Howevor, 0lo Named ln6ured does nol includ€ arry newly formed or scqulr€d onganization: (a) That is sn 'insurad' under sny other automobil€ potioy; (b) That has €xhaustsd its Limit of lnsuranca undsr any ohsr policy; or (c) 180 days or mora afler it8 acquisiflon or lormadon by you, unlsss you have giv6n us Mitten notice of tle acquisitioo or lormation. Coverag€ does nol app,y to'bodily injury' or'property damago' lhat lesults from an .accjdenp thst occured b€fore you formed or acqulred tho organlzation. B. Employoes ss lnsured! Paragraph A.1. - WHO lS AN TNSURED - ot SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE is amend€d to add ths tollowing:d, Any 'employoe' of yours while u6ing acovered'Eulo' you dont own, hilE or 1016t2022 bonow in your businsss or your personal atfeirs. C, Lcr3on as lnsurodt ParagEph A.1. - WHO lS AN TNSUREO - of SECTION ll- LtABtLtTy COVERAGE is smonded to add th6 itltorying:6. Th3 les8or of a coverBd "auto' while the'6uto' is based to you under e writen 8gr€6m6nt if: (1) The agreemBflt rsquiros you to povide direcl primary insuranco for the lgssor; and(2) The 'suto' ls lsas€d without a driver. Suclt lsased 'euto' will be consid€red a mvered 'auto' you own and not a coverod'auto'you hll€. However, ths lessor is an'insur€d'only for "bodily iniury' or.property damage. rosulting ftom ttle acls or omissions by.1. Yori:2. Any o, your "employges" or agents; or3. Any perEon, oxcopt the lesEor or any 'employ6e' or agcr ofthe lgssor, opcrating an'auto' with thc permission of any o, 1 . endlo( 2. above. O. p.rsons Ard Orlan&rtlon3 As tn3urgds Und.r A Wrii.n ln3urrd Confst Paragraph 4.1 -WHO lS AN TNSURED - of SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE i6 am€nd6d to add the following:f. Any person or organization \,r,ith respect to the op€ration, maint€nance or use of a co\rsred 'aulo', provided that you and such p€rson or organizauon have agre€d undar an express provision in 8 writlen 'insurcd contracl", wdnon agreemanl or a Mittsn permit issusd to you by a govemmenlal or public Buthority to add 6uch person or orgsni2a on to this policy 68 an'insur€d'. Ho'/vevar, such per8on or organization is an'insursd'onV: COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE BROAD FORM ENDORSEMENT Thls eMorsement modifles insumnc€ provided under the following: Form: 1&02{292 (Rev. 11-16) page 1 of 3'lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Servicss Olfic€, lnc. with ts dermisslon" c"n ."1s " 1.1 suDers.des ALL plevrousty' rssued cerrr flcaLes. (1) with respect to the op€raflon, d. Rantll Erpamamalr enance or us€ of a cov€r€d Ws will pay tr6 following expsnseg that you or'auto'; and anv ot ybui .emptoye;;;JG;tt ;bt;s;;(2) for'bodry injury' or 'prgpsrty.damage' to iav Lecause ot i written con-trEit o, - csu8ed by an "accidsnt' whlch takes agiiment entered into fof use o, e ,ent lplaco alter veNclB in t l€ conduct cf V"ri Ouif"*"i-(a) You exeo.rted-rh:-'illyl{ -^ - nreiruuu wE wrLL pAy FoR ANy oNEcontmcf or u/riflar agraement; or Cbi*ifridr On aSREEMENT:(b) The permlt h8s b6en lrsuod to i-'ii,ei6 to, r"*, ot incomo incuned by theyou.3. FELLOW Ei,lpLOyEE-COVmlOf rental sgoncy during ths psfiod ot timo t|ar gXCluSf Or.r 'e-8. - Fe-LLoW Ef*,iibvee - ot vehlclo is out of use because of actual SeCrrON rr _ LAA[_iIy CijVEnaO-e.J&. iot.oor". dsmege ro, or .toss, of, rhar vohict€, tnctudtng4. pHyStCAL iJnr,tAcE _ ADDmONII E]ipoiiiii tnco.ne to3r due tc absence of Uler v€hicta for TRAHSPORT Ttoit EXPEHSE COVERAGE- - ure eo o rcplac€msnt Paragraph A.4.a. - TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES 2. $2,500 for decroase in trodoln valu€ ol the _ ol SECTTON lll _ PHYSICAL DAMAGE renl8l vohicls bocause of acual dsmage to COVERAGE is amondgd to pmvido I timlt of E5O per that v€hicl. sriGing out of a covgrcd '1066': and day for tamporEry lransportalion €xp€nss, subj€ct to a 3, $2,500 lor administrstlvg oxpsn66 lncu.rad maximum limit oI91,000. by the reniBl aoency, as stated in fio contr8ct5. Alno LOAN/LEAsE GAP COVERAGE or agrooment. ?aragrsph A. 4. - COVERAGE EXTENSIONS - of 4. $7,500 maximum tctel smount tor paragraphs SECTION lll- PHYSICAL OAMAGE COVERAGE ts 1., 2. 8nd 3. combined. smondad to add lhe follorring: 7. EXTRA P(PENSE - BROADENED COVERAGE c. Unprld Loan or baie Amounts Parsgreph A.4. - COVERAGE EXTENSIONS - of ln the cv.nl of a lotal 'lo;s' to a cover.d 'euto'. we wilt SECTIO6I lll- PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVEFAGEpay any unpaid amount due on the l@n or lsaso fur a is amcndcd to add the tollovving: covsred 'aulo' minus: €. Racovry Erpenar1. The amounl peid under he Physical Damags Ws wlll pay for &le sxpcn$, of r€tuming a Coverags Sectjon of the policy: and stohn coversd 'auto'to you.2. Any: 8. AIRBAG COVERAGEa. Overdue loan/leass payments at ths tlm€ of Pardgrsph 8.3.a. - EXCLUSIONS - of SECTTON the "loss'; lll- PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE doe6 notb. Financial ponsltlBs lmposed under B los6o lor spply to the accldenhl or unintendod dlschargo of oxcosslve u8o, abflormal wrar and tsar or an glrbsg. Cov€rage 13 axcoss over any other high mileag6; ollectbla lnsursnc€ or wa snty spscificallyc. Secuity doposits not r€tumod by the lessor: dosignsd to Fovide ttlls mrrcrage.d. Costs for sxtended urarranties, Crsdit Ufe 9. AUDIO, VISUAL Ar{D DATA ELECTnON|C lnsurance, Health, Accucnt or Disabitity E(ltJlpllEifT. BROAOENED COVERAGElnsuEnco purc}lasod with th6 loan or lease; psragrsph C.j,b. - L|MIT OF INSUMNCE - ofand SECTTON ut _ pHyStCAL DAMAGE 18 d€tstede. Carry"ovgr belances 'Iom provious loans or end leplacad wl$ thc following:teasas. b. g2,i0o iB the mo6t ws wifl ;ay br "toss,, in anyWe will pay for any unpaid amount due on th6 loan or one "accldent" to dl sfectorii" uqrip.nent it,it1686s if cgused by: rgpmducos, recei\r€s or fonsmft; audio, visual1. Olher th€n Collision Cov€rage onty if th€ oiiato lignats wtict, ,f t " tir. Jir"r;, L, " ffiiiullr,,:e*:"r;{:{fl;"*; iiiSi;,j;t*id'tr#*:lilft": 2. Specified Causes of Lca Cov Dectarations indicote urri spiirn*iir'".r'Ji :116.r l9c:ton $at ls not normallv used bv l-osa coverase is pr;Jia-6i "rl,-*""r.J'"rr.'' f";H'lffi]gfrer ror the lnstarration 3. Collision Coveraoe only lf the D6clarations indlcato (2) .Removoble trom s pormanonuy installed that collislon cdveraga is provioea Ior qny - - '- houslng unit 8s d€scribod in Psrsgrsph covarad .auto. 2,a, abovo or ls an inteoral pert of that 6. RENTAL AGEllCv EXPENSE equipm€nti or Pa€graph A. 4. - COVERAGE EXTENSIONS - of (3) An intGgral pslt of such oquipment. SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE ls amended to add lha folloiring: 10. G|-ASS REPAIR - WAryER OF DEDUCIB-E Form:16{2-0292 (Rev. 11-16) page 2 of 3.lncludrs copyrighted mat€rial of lnsurance Services Ofiico, lnc. with its p;rmlsslon. 3 ?1/?1 cL/AL/uttB/Ex/ rtclpRoFpoLL-rrt I!.rL!tr.aLe cancels and supersedes Aye! r rrin \eIr./ 10.5/?0:2 4:15:.s pu ,pmi p.qe ? ot l?IL prevlouslv rssued cerr i fica Ee5, Undor Paragr8ph O. - DEOUCTTBLE -ofSECTION III- PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE the following is added: No deductibl€ applies to glass dameg€ [ the glas6 is repailsd ralher than raplaced. r1. TWO OR tiCF.E DEDUCnALES Paragraph D.- DEOUCTIBLE - of SECTTON t -PHYSICA'- OAMAGE COVERAGE is Emonded to add tle rollorving: lf this Covardge Form end any other Coverage Form or policy issusd to you by us that is not an automoblle policy or Coveraoe Fom applles to the same'accidonf, the rollowing applies:1. lf th6 deducdble und€r thls Buatna66 Auto Coverage Form is the smaller (or smalle8t) d6duc{ible, it will be $/aivad; or2. lf the deductibls under this Busin€Bs Auto Covemgc Form ls not the smdler (or smaltcst) deducliue, it will be reduced by the amount of the smallsr (or smsllest) d€ductibl€. 12. AIIENOED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACGIDEtIT, CLA|ltl, SUIT OR LrOSS Paragreph 4.2.a. - DUTIES tN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT, CLAIM. SUIT OR LOSS OfS=CrlON lV - BUSINESS AUIO CONDrI|ONS i3 dalotsd ard rsplac€d wlth he following:a. ln the event of "accider ", clalm, 'suit" or 'loss', you mu6l promptly noliry u6 whon th6'accid€nt' is known to: (l ) You or your authorized ropre86nlative, if you 8rs an indlvldusl; (2) A partner, or sny adhorized repres8ntativg, if you arE s parfiorship; (3) A membsr, lf you er8 a ltmited tiabllity company; or (4) An exocutlve offcer, insurance managsr, or EUthorizgd roprcsentative, if you ars an oBanization olh€r tlen a partnarship or limitsd liability company. Knowledge of an'sccident', daim, 'su[' or'loss' by other p€rsons do8s not lmply that the psrsons listed above heve such knowlodgc. Notics to us should lncludo:(1) How, when and where the'accidcnf or'loss' occunedi(2) The 'insur6d's' name and addr€s8; and(3) To th€ ertent po3slbl6, the name6 and addross€a of any iniured porsons or wihesses. 13. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ParEsraph A.5. - TRANSFER OF RTGHTS OF RECoVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIoNS is delet€d and replsced wlth tho following:5. W€ will waivc the right ot recovery we would ohonvisg havs agginst anothsr porson oI organization tor'los3'to which this insuranca applieE, provkJed tho 'insursd" has waivsd thelr rlghts of recovory agEinst such parson ororganizalion (rlder e conhact or agreemenl that i8 sntorgd into bcfor€ such .loos'. To lhe oxtenl thal the'in!ur.d's' righls to locovsr dameges for all or parl of any payment msd6 under this insursnce has not boen wsiv€d, hoss righB ore bansl€.red to us. Thel psrson or organization must do everylhing necesssry to secure our rights and mu8t do nothing aller'accidenf or.loss'to impalr them. At our rBquest, the insured will bring Buil or trgnafer hose rights to us and hclp us €nforcs th€m. I4. UNINTENNONAL FAILURE TO O'SCLOSE HAZARDE Parsgraph 8.2. - CONCEALMENT, MISREPRESENTATION or FF.AUD ot SECTTONlV- BUSINESS AUTO CONDTTTONS - b deleted and replac€d with hc following: It you unintontionally fail to disclose any hsz8rds axisting et th8 inc€ption dato of your policy, w€ wi not void coverage undor thle Cov€rage Form be6u6a of such lailure. 15. AUTOg REITED BY EIIPLOYEES P8rsgraph B.5. - OTHER INSURANCE of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS . is amandod to add the fo{lowing:€. Any'euto' hired or rented by your,6mployeG' on your bohalf and at your diroc-tion will be considered an 'auto' you hira. lf an 'employss'8' parsonsl lnaur6nce also appli8s on rn excesr baris to I covared ,auto' hired or Gnt6d by yout'Gmployre' on your bch6lf and al your dir€ction, thls lnsur€nce will be primary to ihe "employ€€'6, personal tnsuranco. 10. HIRED AUTO - COVERAGE TERRITCRY Paragraph 8.7.b.(5). - pOL!Cy pERtOD, COVERAGE TERRTTORY of SECTTON lV -zuSINESS AUTO CONDITTONS b dot€ted end replaced Rith the lollorying: (5) A covaBd 'auto' of thc private passenger type is l6a66d, hired, rented or borro\{"d without a ddver for a poriod of 45 days or less; 8nd 17. RESULTA T ENTAL ANGUISH COVERAGE ParEgraph C. of - SECTTON V - DEF|N|T|ONS is dolstod end replsc.€d by the ,o owing: 'Bodily injury' mean8 bodily iniury, dckncss or disBaso sustainsd by any porson, inctuding msntal snguish or death as 0 rosutt oflhe .bodily lnjuM sustslned by thal p€rson. ?4 t p'."-- Fon:1642-0292 (Rev. 11-16) page3of S'lncludeE copyrighted matedal o, tnsurancB Servlces Oftic6, lnc. vrith its p;rmission. .'./: cl ar/JM8.Ex/u'.pFvFpol.L-l'r l.y.r x'n KeIIey I ro/6/.022 {rL5r:3 pM .pDr. p,qe 3 ot t2' .1 'cdl6 .an.els and sLpersedes ALL previoLslv rssJed :e-rrrrcdres. POLICYNUMBER: 5a30s7a5 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY INSURANCE FOR SCHEDULED ADDITIONAL INSURED This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAT GENERAL LIASIUTY COVERAGE PART SCHEDUTE Ri\€rside Conslruction Company. lnc. Addltlonal lnsured: WHERE REOUIRED BY WRITTEN COITIR,ACT wlth respect only to the Additlonal lnsured and at the Location Of Covered Operations shown ln the Schedule, the following is added to SECTIOI{ lV - COMMERCI.AL GENERAT TIABILTIY CONOMONS, Paragraph 4.Other lnsuranceand supersedes any provision to thecontrary: Prlmary And Noncontrlbutory lnsuranco This lnsurance is prlmary to and will not seekcontribution from any other insurance available to the Addltional lnsured wlth respect to the Location Of Co\€red Operations shown in the Schedule under thispollcyprovlded that: 1042-2461 (Ed. 7-151 '1016t2022 COMIIIERCIAL G ENERAL UABILITY 1042-21$1 (Ed. 7-r 5) Lotation O{ Covered Operatlons: Atr,! r,oclf,roNs (lf no entry appears above, informatlon requlred to complete thls endorsement will be shown in the Declaratlons as applicable to thls endorsement.) lndud€s copyyightod m€lerlal of lnsuranc€ Servicss Offlcg, lnc., with its permisslon. (11lhe Additlonal lnsured is a named lnsuredunder such other insurance; and (2) You have agreed in wrltlng in a contract oragreement thal lhls insurance would beprimary and would not seek contributionfrom any olher lnsurance avallabh to lheAdditlonal lnsured. cdn.ers and 5upersedes ALt p!evroJsly lssued ce!rrtrcares. P89€ I of '1 POLICYNUMBER: sa3osa63 COif MERCIAL AUTO 10-02.03't6 Ed. 10 r4 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY AND NON.CONTRIBUTORY LIABILITY INSURANCE This endorsament modili8s insurence proMdsd under lha following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM . witr| -respscl. to coverage provid€d by this endorssment, the provislons of he covarage Form apply unlsssmodified by lhe endorsement. This ondorsement changB tho policy efiBcliva on tho inoeption date of the policy unle$ another dste is indicatedbelow. Named lnaured: Ri\€rsde Consltuclion Company, lnc. Endorsoment Efreclive Datr: to/6/2022 SCHEDULE Name(B) Of P.Eon(r) Or Organiza{on(3}: Where Roquired By Wrtttan Contr6d lnformation red to com ete this Schedu16 if not shown aboy€will be shown in tha Declarations. The following is sdded to ltem 5. -'oth.;ln3uranco' of llem B. -'Ganerel Condltlonr' under Seclion lV - "Buslnssi Auto Condltlon.": e. Regard,ess ol he proMsions ot Paragraph 5.s. through d. above, for any liability arising out ot the o\,vnership, maintonanca, uEo, rental, less6, loan, hir6 or borrowing by an 'insured'of a covor€d 'auto'for which an 'insured' i8 conlracrtually obligaled to provide primary lnsuranca covsrage to a cllent, this Coverage Form lvill b€ primary and non-contributory with r8spoct to the PsrsoN or Organizations in lhe sch€dulo, regardless of the availability or exislonco of other collectible insurance undor any other Cowrago Fom or policy that applies on a primary basis- 10-02-0316 Ed, 10,t4 701?3t43 t 2?/,j Cr,/ALlUrlB/EXIWC/PROEPOLT,-1s! I.y.! I Krh XeIIey rO/6/202? 4:r5:23 pU lFm) I p.qe r0 of 12-5is 'orrrtr.d p r '.ls a1d 3upe.seoes ALt pcevrously rssueo certrfrcaIes, Page 'l of I Transfer Or Waiver Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us Ri\erside Construction Company, hc. General Liability Policy: sr:osz+s c, Mothod Of Sharlng lt all of tle other lnsurance permlts conlributlon by equal sharB, r,e will follow thls me.thod a!.so. Under this apfroach each lrcurer contrib-utes equal amounts until lt has psld its appll- cable llmit of lnsurance or none of the i6ss remalns, whlchever comes fir61. ll any of the oher lnsurance does not p€mlt contrlbullon by equal shsres, wB wlll contrlbuteby limlts. Under lhis mehod, each lnsure/s share ls based on the ratio ol lts appllcsble llm-ll ot lnsursnce to the toEl appllcable limlts of lnsurance ot all insureB. 5. Promlum Audlt a. We will compute all premlums for lhls Cover-age Part ln a@ordance wl$ our rules and rateS. b. We may audit your books and records 6s hey relale to thls insurance st any flme durlng the term of this policl gnd up to three years sfrsr-wsrds. c. The flrst Named lnsured must keep records of the infurmstlon tve need tor premium cornpub- llon, and send us coples al sudt Imes as n€ may requesl. 6. Raprrs.ntltlon3 By acceptlng thls pollq/, you sgree: a. The stalements ln the Dedaratons te sccu- rate and comdete: b. Those stalemenls sre bssed upon r€paesenla- tions you made to us: and c. We have lssued thls policy In relisnce upon your representatonS. 7. Soparatlon Of Imuiads Except with respect lo lhe Llmib of lnsurance, and any righb or dulles sp€ciflcally asslgned in thlg Coverage Pad to the first Named lnsured, thls ln- suranco spplies: !. As if each Named lnsured were the only Named lnsurcd; and b. Separstely lo eadt lnsured sgainst whom clalm is msde or "suil'b b.ought. 8. Tran3ter Or Walvor Of Rights Of Rocov.ry Agalnrt OlhoE To U3 We will wEi\re the dghl of recovery $,e u,ould olh- erwise ha\re had agalngl another person or organ- lzatlon, for loss to which thls lnsuranco apdies,povlded the lnsured h8s wsirrEd trelr rlghts of re-covery agsinst such person or organi:G on ln 8contracl or sgreemenl thal b executed betore such lo33. Pago 12 of 16 141612022 To the extenl that the lnsured's rights to recover all or part ol any paymenl made unter this Cover- 6ge Pan havr not been waived, those dghts ar€ tansfened to u3. The insured must do nothlng af- ter loss to impalr them. At our Gquesl, the insured will bring 'suil" or bansfer those rights to us and help us enforc€ them. Thls condlUon does not apply to Coverage C. 0, Whcn Wc Do Not Rsngw lf lve decide not to renew this Coverage Part, wewill msll or deli\€r to the first Named lnsured shor,l,rr in he Declarations written notlce of the nonrenewal not less than 30 days belore the expl- rallon dale. lf notlce ls malled, proof of malling will be sufilcientpmof of notce. SECTION V - DEFIT{ITIONS 1. 'Advertisement' means an electronic, oral, wrilten or oher nolice, about goods, FoducB or services, deslgned for the specific purpose of attracting thegenersl publlc or a specific market segment lo use such goods, products or services. 'Adverllsement' does not include any e.mail ad- dress, lntemel domain name or other electronic address or meblanguage. 2. "Adverlislng injury' means lnjury, otherlhan'bodi- ly lniury'. 'prop€rty damage' or'personsl iniury", suslalned by a perEon or organlzadon and caused by an offens€ of inkinging, in that particular parl of your "sdverllsement' aboul your goods, producls or servlces, upon their: !. CopyrighEd 'advertbemert'; or b. Reglstered collecfrve msrk, reglstered seMce mart or ofier regislered tademarked name, slogan, symbol or title. 3. 'A.sbesto6' means ssbeslos in any form, including tE presence or use ln any alloy, by-p{oduct, com- pound or other material or'waste'. 4. "Aulo' means: !. A land motor vehicle, trailer or semltraller de- signed for t'a\€l on publlc roads, including any sttacfied madlinery or equipmenl; or b. Any other land \€hicle hal is suuecl to I com- pulsory or financial responsihility law or other motor vehlcle lnsurance law ln lhe strate where It is llc€nsed or principally gsraged. However, 'aulo'does nol lnclude'moblle equlF menl'. 5."Bodlly lnjury" means physical: a. lnjury: b. Slckness; or c. Diseass;?9t P-- lncludes copyrighted materisl of ISO Pmperlies, lnc., wlth lts permission 1412315A ?1/:1 CL/AL/Ut(BtEX/ttC/pRO??aLL-1sr r.y€! |(rn Grl.y I to/6/20r2 a:l5r?3 pN (pm)'rhis .errif,cate ca.cers a.d supersedes Atr platiousri' r;;;;i i.iit i i',ijii.! . Form 10.,02.1800 (Rey. 6-09) trEItrEI MEMO Ccrdficate Eolder Namc & Address Citv of Menifee Atth: l\ilaroarita Corneio.FinancialServices Mdnboer29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 Should the abovc described policy be csncelled before the expiration date theroof, chaoge in coveragc or reductiou of limits, wc will mril 30 days written notice to thc Certificste Holder named above; except, 10 days notice for non-payment ofpremi 'm. Sincerely, ?4 r0 10t6t2022 Managing Principal (949) 4t7-9170 ,,9000 Ma.Arthur Blvd., PH . lMne, CA 92612 Pr 949.263.ffO6 . Fr949.263.0906. CA Uc.nse 0829370 wy,vr.cdtewoodl nr.com Ib:Whom it may conccrn l'rom:Anthony D'Asaro Named I nsured(s):ons n ompany,nc. Policy Number(s): Noticc of C8ncellatior 7D7?3753 jrl:r CrlAr,/UHS/EX/HC/PROEPOLr!-trt rayer Krr K.ILey | \A/6/2022 arr5rts px {pm) | tuq. i or plhis .6rfiricate cancets and supersedes al,! prenioustv' r'siuea iertrilCiie!. 81',o851%o 9'#B,o33u*,93652733 RE: