2023/01/01 LexisNexis Copologic Solutions, Inc. (3)DATE(Mr'rvD0,^YYYY) 1212812422 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OB NEGATIVELY AMEND, E BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. FICATEMATIOLYMATTEFICATE LTE R SCERTIOLDERHTHINOBHTSGPONUHETFOBNONDNONFECRSSSUEDASOFRNHITCERTISIS B POLITHE ESCIcovTHERAGEEDFFOBDEDXTENOR DNGUISUINEBSOBIZEUTHACTNTBEBETWNEETHtssCOR( suBRoGATION tS WAIVEO, subiect to thg terms and conditions ol the policy, c6rtain policies may roquirc an endorsemenl htg to the certilicate holder in lieu ol such endor3ement(s). the es musl provisions or A statement on this cerlilicate does nol conler rig rTtis anANT: ll the (800) 163-010t(866) 28r /122 ADDFESS INSUFEA{S) AFFOFOING COVEAAGE PFOOL'CEF aoh Ri sk Services Northeast, Boston MA Offi ce5l State Streetsuite 2 201Boston MA 02109 USA INC 22667TNSUFEBA: acE anerican Insurance company 16535Ins Cozufic s9tNsuREB C: zuriCh hsurance P AA112 862 3Ir.suFEF O: L-loyd's syndicate No. 2623 INSUFED LexisNexis Risk solutions FL rnc 1000 Alderman Drivea'lpharetta GA 10005 uSa o<-G)r"CERT!FICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBEB: 57009707429 0 BEVISION NUMBER: CANCELLATION 01988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights resetved. The ACORD name and logo are regislered marks of ACORD E# oI oz .9 =r o -+iE FJ --- =]H J.l CERTIFICATE HOLDEB I E 3 3 E RTA NCAT HAV toDTHEENDFODABOVEEEBNsEUTODHTESUNETLIS0ELOWBEENoLlcoESSNUTHTEoRTCETHHTTHTHHSNTTHPESCToCTRACoToEllDOCUMEol,l COND OFTION AN ONTCTEEUOBEl\l TNNITOTWStlLJNINGr.l EDDIc T T RMSENCTEoTLHESDECREDBHEESU BJ]SFORDDEIETHPOLICESHETUINSRANCEPEEBSSEDUoEcRTDcSMNl',r E EI NE DBE CU BYED imilsLLSMITOWSHLtcESilCONDITDONSSOFcUPOHcEXONSLU L $10,000,000 $1,000,000 s5 ,000MEo ExP tany one pe6on) $10,000,PEFSONAL & ADV NJURY $10,GENEBALAGGBEGATE $10.000,000PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG s5,000,000 COMMERCIAL G ENE RAL LIABILITY GEN LAGGFEGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER LOCJECT $5 ,000,000COMBINEO SINGLE LLMIT BOOLLY INJURY lPer porson) BODILY IULIBY lPer acc'donll o1/01/2423 0l/01/2o24BAP 8176848 24B OWNED AUIOS ONLY SCHEDI,JLED AUTOS NON-OlrliNEO AUIO OAILE LIAEILITY ,000EACHOCCUFFENCE $45,000,000EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAMS.MAOE GACGPc x E L EACHACCIOENT E L. D SEASE.EA EMPLOYEE 1,000E L. OISEASE.POLICY LIM!T B e$PtoYERS LrABrUll ANY PROPBIETOR ] PARINEBT EXECI]TIVE OFFICERT\,IEMBEB EXCLUDED? DEscPrPTroN oF oPEFATToNS b€tow J30,000,000 30,Per C aqgregate t/oL/2o21 & condi 12 l1FSCEO2S15 srR applies per policy te0E&) aitv of Menifee. its officers, emolovees, aqents and authorized vo]untee15, 29841 Haun Road. Menifee cA 92586iiii.i""ii"i,iri",i'i;;;;;;;;".;;iifr-ih;;6liat p.ouiiions of rhe Generdr Liab ity and Automobire Liability DESCFIPTION OF OPEBATTOTIS/ LoCAllOr'ls, vEHIcLES (ACOFO 101, additonal FeF.rk.Schodule, mdy bo.tl6ch.d il more lpEco i3 roquired) are included aspolicies. NSMH STIOIJLO AI{Y OF IHE AAOVE OESCFIB€D P''LICIES BE CA'€€TLEO BEFOBE THE EXPISAIIOI{ DATE THEFEOF. IiIOTICE W]fL BE OEIIVEREO IN ACCOROA'{CE wTh THE FOLTCY PFOVTSTONS. .-&" %9"".*ru/Ca.*9- AUTHORIZED REPHESENTATIVEcitv of Meni fee 29844 Haun RoadM€nifee cA 92586 usa ACORD 25 (2016/0s) a). /ot/ to t IDED I FETENTION I lorH I Jr, ooo, oo( | $1, ooo, ooo 01:01/'201, I ffi AGENCY CUSTOMER lD: 5700000ss869 LOC f:,o,<:R}ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE eage _ of -AGENCY Aon Risk Serv'ices Northeast, Inc. NAIiEO NSUPED LexisNexis aisk Solutions rr tnc See ce rt i fi cate Number: 570097074290 see certi fi cate Number: 570097074290 NAIC CODE EFFECI VE DAIE ADOITIONAL BEMABKS DITIONAL BEMABKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORO FORM. FORM NUMBEB: ACORD 25 FORM TTTLE: Cediiicate of Liabit THIS AO ity lnsurance ,\t)t) 'toNAL P()t.t( ll.ts If a policy below does not include lirnit information cenificate form for policy limits. refer to thc corresponding policy on the ACORD INSUREB(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INStIRI.,R INSURITR INSLTRIR INSURFJR IIrI I\SR I,'I'R tl l,t: {)t I\\l R\\( t INSII st [r POLICY t:t'rE( TrvE DATE POt,rcY *ixt,tRATIoN DATT: GENERAL LIASILITY ocLG4666l160 ot/ot/ 2023 01/07/2024 Deducti bl e $15,000 I It TIIIItII ttllIIttrt rl acoFD lol (2008/0r) The ACOFD name and togo aro regislor€d marks ot ACOBD G) 2008 ACOAO COBPOFATION. AllrighB reserved. AGENCY CUSTOMER tD: 570000055869 LOC f;o-R}ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page - of - 46ENCY Aon Risk serv'ices Northeast, rnc LexisNexis Risk Solutions FL rnc see certi fi cate Number: 570097074290 see certi fi cate Number: 570097074290 NArC COOE EFFECTIVE OATE ADDITIONAL BEMABKS companies affording coverage 82 18 100 ffi THIS ADDITIONAL FEMABKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORO FORM' FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FOBM TITLE: Certificate of Liabil lnsLrrance PIt{( t-\l:\(;t RISKFLAC Ft)t.( \ \( \lBuRr-t\[ ot ul st\r.-ss DEs( Rll/tl()\ 10016s35zuri ch American lns co1/ t/ 2023 l/L/2024BAP 8176848 24Busi ness Auto coverage AA1128 (t2 / 3t/ 2023 Ll oyd' s syndicate No,2623FSCEo2100015). / L/ 2023E8o - Professi onal Li abi Iity - Primary AA1126(NL2 / 3l/ 2023 Ll oyd' s syndicate No, 621t/7/2023FSCEO2 300015E8o - Professional Li abi 1i ty - Primary AA1780(zu ri ch rnsurance PlcL/7/2023 L2/3r/2023G8CGP2 301519Excess L'iability coverage 22667 100r/ L/ 2024 AcE Atneri can rnsurance companyt/t/2023ocLG4666 31606eneral Liability coverage 10016515zu ri ch American rns coL/1/2023 7/L/2024I,vc8376845 24t\iorkers ComPensat'ion III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII g E 3 ETne Sub6criDing insurers, ob)igariors unde! cor.racts ot in9rrance to rbich they BuDscril)e are sevetaT and noc ioitt aad are timiaed sote]y io rtre exreac ot theit individuai subscriptiorE. rhe subectit ing ihe$er6 are noc te9PonsibTe tor tbe subacriPtion at any ca-7ubicribing insufer vha tat any rcason daes not satisfy a77 or patt of ite obTigations. r+iiiisEi.;ElHdl-< acoBD r01 (2004/01) Tha acoRo namo rnd logo are regist€fed marks ol AcoFD O 2OO8 ACOFO CORPOFATION. Allrights reseryed. l- ,--tI rrrrr rtrr-I rrrrr l,rtnrrrrunrrr, certif icate No : 57009707 4287 City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 USA Wednesday, December 28, 2022 MSC# .17755 | Aon P.O. Box 1447 Lincolnshire, lL 60069 AON To whom it may concern: Followino a concentrated effort to reduce our environmental footprint and provide timely certificate delivery,"Aon will begin delivering our Certificates of lnsurance electronically in PDF format. Please utilize one of the following methods to ensure you will receive the electronic copy of your Certificate (Certificate No: 570097074287) Ior future renewals: - Visit aon.com/e-cert; or - Utilize the QR Code below to enter/validate your information. lf your email address has changed or will be changing in the future, or you no longer require this certificate. please let us know using one of the methods above. Thank you for your cooperation and willingness to help us reduce our impact to the environment. I I I I I E E P EI EI E.t,:;i* hE F:;:iFE& n ! I n I