2023/01/01 LexisNexis Copologic Solutions, Inc.----\ -A,(:tofra L,CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBEB: 5700s707 4287 REVISION NUMBEB: CANCELLATION @1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORo $li+itffi - = ! P I z .9l=t :r r-JE .I+ g EI 8 E CEBTIFICATE HOLOEB DATE(MWDD,YYYY) 1A2A12A22 ATEATILYATTEB ATI GATFICATE HIHOLDERFtcTSRHTSPONUHTCEFTIEANDFEcoNNOGRSFFONBMONONDEASMocTHISBTIFECATEISSUISTHELPOCIESDEDFFORBEcovTHEBAGEEEXTDNOBERoENEIVNOTDOESBAFFIMCERTIDESNEURSoBtzUTHENEETHUISSNGcoRNTAER(),ACTNToCONSTITUTESFoNRASUENCDOECERTITHISICATEFowBEL BEPBESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER ns beALLrstahLDREasntheceNTale h sendorsemenlnAstalementiesarlaiceolhrequaytesndndiiongbsuloSVEAIDpolthepolicyBRSUATIOGONiectndorsemsderhollieutnsuchofrilocsrttheilicateer().doeste conlenolcertitica ghts (800) 363-0105(866) 281-7122 ADORESS INSUFERlS) AFFONDING COVEFAGE PFOOUCEH Aon Risk 5ervi ces llortheast, Boston MA office 53 State Streetsuite 2201 Boston MA 02109 UsA lnc 22667tNsuFERA: ACE AmeriCan Insurance company 165 35tNsuREB Br zuri.h american Ins co AA17 59ItlsuFEF c: Zurla AA112862 3TNSUREFO: Lloyd's Syndicate No 2623 INSUFED Lexi sNexi s coploqic 1000 Alderman Drivealpharerra GA 10005 sol utions Inc USA OICATE C PE DoTEHEABOVDFOEENDDETEHNUHVEEBSUENISBDELENCISTENNTEPOLcOFESHF]T S CEIO HT T CHH HT ST\ITH SPE cE TOooTl-r E tlDOC E,/N coN ACTTRTRMECONORlooDTNTANoEUEMEITHSTNOTWDNNGDN HT TE IJSBJEUTOCTLLEDEEBHoEINESSDTEHPOLCESUDORENESTHEEBESEUoDECTICLA]IVSENDEUllDCD Li ilsOWt-l N E AELITS[,1 SU1-l Lrclo SEDNNco]T OND oS S CFEXCSUStoN s1,000,EACI]OCCUBBENCE $1,000,000PFEMISESJ5,000ME0 EXP lA.y ono porso.) $1,000,000PEFSONAL& AOV NJUFY 2,OGENEBALAGGAEGATE J2,000.000PBOOUCIS. COMP/OP AGG $5 ,000, COMMERCIAL G ENE BAL LIABIIITY GEN LAGGFEGATE LIMITAPPLIES PEF OCCUB tocJECT $5,000,000COMBINED SINGLE LIMII BODILY INJUSY I Pvp66on) BOD LY INJURYIPoT accdsf0 0t/ot/2o23 o1/0r/2o il8AP 8176848 24E AUTOS ONLY SCHEOULED NON-OWNEO AUTOSONLY AUTOMOgILE LJAA]LIIY $4s,000,000OCCUR EXCESS TIAB 51GBCGP OED FETENTLON X E L EACHACCIOENT $1,000,000E L OISEASE EA EMPLOYEE 51,.000E L. DISEASE POLICY LLMIT FXEFS COMPENSAIION AI]O EiiPlOYEFS' LIABIIITY ANY PROPRIETOA/ PAFTI]EF / EXECUIIVE OFFICER]MEMAEN ETCLUDEO' O€SCFIPTION OF OPEaATiONS belo* $30.000,000t231'ions Per C'lain Aggreqate 0 condi 2lFSC sIR applies per policY terEEO-PL-Pr mary sk 29 DHtc0EscFt ttcrittrdvngvtdesabs&a s vTh tcDORSvSt5tDEvLNctctts I Itd9{64HdM{ltdthdtI]t(i h pvLl)th CE ty5t(l th v p ANY OF THE ASOVE DESChIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BETOFE THE FIpInATON OATE IHEnEOF. NOTICE WLL BE OEtIVERED lt'l ACCOAOANCE WTH -&g-/.7"""*-,/AA*3* AUTHORIZED EEPRESEI{IATIVEr ty 984 c) Meni fee cA 92586 usa4 Haun Roadr+ii+it H4 ACORD 25 (2016/03) ALTERAMEND, ocLC4bb6JlbO t-2 / it/ 202. I lorH I $1, ooo, ooo oI/ol/2lJ21ot/o7/ to2 RE AGENCY CUSTOMER lD: 570000055869 LOC #:,o,<:R}ADDITIONAL BEMARKS SCHEDULE Page _ of _ AGENCY Aon Risk serv'ices Northeast, Inc. NAMED INSUFED Lexi sNexi s coplogic Solutions Inc. See Certi ficate Number: 570097074287 See Certi fi cate Number: 5700970742g7 NAC COOE EFTECTIVE OATE: ADDITIONAL REMARKS KS FORM IS A SCHEOULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBEB: ACORD 25 FoBM TITLE: Cedificate of Liabi| THIS ADOITIONAL REMAR ity lnsurance ADI)l r roN,\t, Pol,t( rt.ts ll a policy below does not includc ccrtificatc [orn) for policy limits. limir information. refcr to the corresponding policy on rhc ACORI) INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURI]R r\st Rt rt tNstrkl.rR INS U R l1R rIII l\sR t,t R 1l'rtl:oF tNst R1\('tj st'uR uttt:crrvr,l DATE u\t,!R4l l()N t.t\|l ts 6ENERAL LIABILITY oGtG46663160 07/01,/ 2023 ot/01,/2024 oeductible $15,000 llI II II I I III lIlI llItIr acoFD't01 (200a/01) Th€ ACOBD name and toro are regisrered mark3 ot ACORO @ 20OB ACOBD CORPOBAT|Oi|. Alt.ights reserved. I I I A AGENCY CUSTOMER lD: 570000055869 LOC #:.a,<-R>"ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page - of - Aon Risk services Northeast, Inc.Lexi sNexi s coploqic solut'ions rnc see certi fi cate Number: 570097074287 see certi ficate Number: 570097074287 NA|C COOE ADOITIONAL REMARKS Companies Affording coverage 82 18 r:i.w THIS AOOITIONAL BEMAFKS FOBM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORO FOBM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FOBM TITLE; Certificale of Liabil lnsurance ol' Ltsl(t:FtEcTrvl:t,t\L()aBl sl\Lss I)lis( kll'llo\ 10016515r/L/2023 7/1/2024BAP 8176848 24Busi ness Auto coverage AA112 8 (L loyd' s syndicate No. 2623t/L/2023 L2/31./2021FscEo2 30001-5E&o - Profess'ionalLiability - Primary AA1126(Nt2/ 37/ 2023 Lloyd's syndicate No. 623r/ t/ 2023FSCEo2300015E&o - Professi onalLiab'ility - Primary AA17 80(zurich rnsurance Plct/t/2o23 72 / 3r/ 2023GBCGP2 301519Excess Liability covera9e 10022667ACE Ameri can Insurance ComPanY7/7/20241,/7/ 2O23oG1C46663160General LiabilitY coverage 100165t5)./t/ 2024 zurich Ameri can lns cor/L/2021tvc837684524vvorkers Compensati on IIIIIIIII II -IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII -III IIIIIIIIII 100 s sI 88rhe subicribins insuters, o\iqaxian| Dnder concfacts ot insurance to ||hich they su-bscriDe ale 'ewetal a[d not jaint an't ate liniteat so7ely to rhe exrerr at their individual subicriptian|. The eubscribing insuftrg are not reeponsible tor the subscription otanyca-subgcfibinginsutervhatolanyreasontloesnotsatistya]Torpartafitsob]igatians. lfj:i*H acoaD tot (2008/ol ) The ACOBD name and logo ars regist€r€d marks ol aCORD O 2OOA ACOBD COFPOFATIO . All dghts reserved. Zurich ameri can Ins Co certif icate No : 57009707 4290 Ciiv of Menifee 29644 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 USA Wednesday, December 28, 2022 MSC# 17755 lAon P.O. Box 1447 Lincolnshire, lL 60069 AON To whom it may concern: Followinq a concentrated effort to reduce our environmental footprint and provide_timely certificate Oeiiveiv.-non *ltt Oegin delivering our Certificates of lnsurance eiectronically in PDF format. please utilize one of the following methods to ensure you will receive the electronic copy of your Certiiicate (Certificate No: 570097074290) for future renewals: - Visit aon.com/e-cert; or - Utilize the QR Code below to enter/validate your information. lf vour email address has chanqed or will be changing in the future, or you no longer require this ceirtificate, please let us know using one of the methods above. Thank you for your cooperation and willingness to help us reduce our impact to the environment. I I r I tr ] E EII g I'rl:tfH4 I l"jriifr 0fl4