2022/02/14 Leighton Consulting, Inc. (23)Eiit4#I(f-l!r#Eiat(c i ili3.'f.. E,,) 714 e4r -28i s !ffi!". LMcNay@mcgrlft.com page 2 of 23 a77 -297 -11 01 s1,000,000 r5O,OO0 s EXCLUDED s1,0{D,0O0 s 2,0O0,000 s2,0O0,000 . s $5,000.000 sl,od),000 s s s5,Om,o0O s5,00O,00O 5 Cllent#: 1257049 3O5LEIGHGBO ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Lorl McNay McGrifl lngurance Servlcas l3oThoory 516 20O lrvlne, CA 926'17 714 941.2800 INSUCEF(S) AFFi)RDING COVEFAGE Lcxlng on lnBurancc ComPanY Travclers lnd6mnlty Co of CT Leighton Consuhlng lnc 17781 Cowan Sto. 100 lrvlno, CA 92614-6009 INSUREF B IT{SUFER C INSUBEF D IN6UREH E cLArMs.rrAoE XloccuB CEBTIFICATE NUMBER 006546318 013001524 FEVISION NUMBEN 4l2OZ2 0211412023 t AcH occuBFENcE THIS IS TO CEBTIFY THAT IHE POLICIES OF I INDICAIFI] NOTWITHSTANDING ANY BEOUINE CEBIIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PENTA EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLI NSUBANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN IMENT, TEBM OR CONDITION OF ANY C IN, THE INSUBANCE ATFOBDED BY TH CIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE AEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSUFED I'IAMED AAOVE FOBIHE POLICY PERIOD ONTRACT OR OTHEB DOCI]MENI WTTH RESPECI TO WHICH THIS E POLICIES DESCFIBED HIBEIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEFMS. BEDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, A x ANOLSUBRrYPE oF TNSUnANCE iir-sn wvo PoLICY NITMBEG coMMEFcrat GETIERAL LrAEtLrrY 065463440 POLICY EFF POLICY EXP {i/t iootI.r YYY) (MrvDD,"fYYY) lli2t2 W1 q z0Br! ach occu cRErtcE , EAI10BEJ?.!'JliP.nu rrlED EXP t,!Y ont P"mnt ' PERSONALIAOV IN.IJBY : I ,,ane"ot ^GGREGATELl!a!cI!:!!!a911Gj Overall Policy 8A3R70843'12243G enelal A99r69ate 4t2o22 o2114t2023lt9^l?ll,t;l i''o" ''" ' EoolLY INJUFY {P.r pden) EOOTLY lNJl.lBY (Por accd.nl) S B X BYPD Ded:250o0 GEN'L AGGB.GATE L]MIIAPPL ES PEF ,o.,"', x'5I& X roc ArjtottoErLE L46lLIIY x x OWNEO HIiEO SCHEOULEO NON.OWNEO UMBFELLA LIAB EXC€SS LIAB x AX x I oel i!( I aeiqqrloir r1@oo WOFKERS COiIPENSATIOI{ AIO E{PLOYEFa Ln6(ITY vrN ANY PFOPRIETOFVPAB'IN EF/E XECUTIV E OFFICEFUMEMBEF EXCLUOEO? {M.nd.rory ln NX) ESCFIPTION OF OPEEATTolTS b.low A ProflPolutn Llab Claims Made It 0 TpEC T TiH-lsralllE | -EF !.L.l 9H 4!9lqE]rl ! ,!, qrgEtlE jf\ qlr?loaEE E,L, DISEASE. POLICYLIMIT CEHTIFICATE HO R CANCELLATION m 00O Dsd @ 19S8-2o15 ACORD COBPOFATION. All rlghts reserued (LC)Clty ol Menltee 29714 Haun Boad M6nllee, cA 92586 SHOULDAIiY OF THE ABOVE DES,CFIBED POLICIES SE CATCELLED BEFONE THE EXPTMTIOI{ OATE THEREOF. NOTTCE WILL BE DELIVEBEO IN ACCORDANCE IYITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AIITHOFtrEO NEPRESETlATIVE ).*ar.- s^-^q*y 2J1612022 BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSUFANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE REPBESENTATIVE OR PRODUCEB. AND THE CENTIFICATE HOLDER' tMpoBTANT: lt rh. certilicste hotder ls qn AoolTloNAL INSUREO, the policy(lss) muet have aoolTloNAL lNsuBE0 provislons or be endorsod ll suBBocATloN ls wAlvEo, sublect to the terma and conditlon6 of the policy, certaln policlos may requlfe sn 6ndoraement. A Btatement on FI HT SEcTRCAETEOLoHRHTSGPUNoETHDNocFNERoNNoMAFtoTONNLMAETTOFBTFTCAEsSSEUASDHTSEcFHTPOLSEFEGFFOADEDFiEBTEBLETHovcEDEEXTDNnoENGTLMENEFaTIVLEoBTIETECAEDONOTScUTHOlZEFDsISUGNNSnUEsBTcBTEEETNEH{HcNo this cerlillcate doos nol conlor ar|y ri9hts to lhc ccrliflcato holder in lleu of such endorsomcnl(3) oEscB,PTloN oF oPEnaIlol{6 / tocaIlolls / vEHcLEs (acoF0 101, a.dlllon!l R'm'rt' schedu Addltlonal lnsursd aPpllss on Goneral Llability por Lexlnglqn's Add Conlractors endorsernont LX4316 06r'14 and LX96O5 l UOl atlached by wrinen conlracl. pilmary wordlng applies to csneral Llability per Lexlngion's ondorsement LX983g O&05 attached to policy. Addltlonal lnsured and Prlmary wordlng applles on Automobllo Llablllty Per Travelors endorsement cAT474 l.,6ryb..lrrch.d llmor..P.c. l. r.qulr.d) lllonal lnsurqd Ownors. Lessges ol to thq Ganoral Liability pollcy as roquir€d (See Attached Descriptlons) 19t) ACORD 25 (201d03) 1 ol2 #s2947783&/M29461171 The AcoBD nsm€ 6nd logo aro rcglslared m6rks ot ACoRO COVEFAGES 19437 256€2 bz'tilzoz. o2J1N2o23 $2,000,000 Per claim I oo,ooo,ooo aggrogate LXMCN l;',Y-,tR:r.t'jEfti}: page 3 of 23 DESCRIPTIONS (Continued lrom Page 1) 0216, Blankst Addhional lnsur6+PrirEry and Norrcornrlbutory wlth Olher lnsuranco, atlached lo the Aulomoblle pollcy as requlred by writton conlract. Re: Proj #1105'l.007 PMP 2002: Ouall valley Streel Flesurtaclng Prolect, Menltoe. Addltlonal lnsured to lnclude por spoclllcatlons: Clly ol Menllee and lts ofllcers, employses, ageflt9, and authorlzed volunteerc. SAGITTA 2s.3 (2016r'0q 2 ol2 #s294778391r2946t 171 r9/3 page 4 ot 23 FiiHJ+ffii ENDORSEMENT t2t14D@2 Thls ondorsement, effoctive 12:01 AM Forms r prrt oI poliqy no.: 66ko lsau6d to: Leighton Consulting lnc By: LEX I NGT0N I NSURANCE COIIPANY CANCE LLATION AMENDME NT ln consideration ol the premium charged, it is hereby agreed that the cancellation provision is amended to 90 days in lierr ol (30) days, excepl ,or non-psyment o, Dremium vrhich remains {10) days' Al other terms and condhions remain rlnchanged t//*- Auft orized R€Pr.,sentalive OR Countersignsture lln statas where applicablel 19/4 tx9586 rO2lO3) pag€ 5 of 23Ft#'+EJ.lit E-rr.i+ This page has been left blank intentionally r9/5 pag6 6 of 23 ffi ENDORSEMENT Th is o nd orsome nt, 6 ffsctivo 12iO1 AM o2t1 412022 Forms a parl ol policY no.: 065463440 lssu6d to: Leighton Consulting lnc By: LEX INGTON INSURANCE CO|'IPANY PR IMARY/NON CONTRIBUTORY ENDOFSEMENT This endorsement modifles insurance provided by the policy: Norwithsrsnding any other provision of the policY to the contrary, the instrrance aiforded by this policy tor lhe benefit ol the Adcjitional lnsured shall be primary insurance, but only wirh respect to any claim, loss or liability arisino out o, the Named lnsured's operations; and any insurarce maintained by the Additional Insured shall be non-contributing Al other terms and conditions oI lhe policy remain lhe same. Authorized Repros€nt tiv€ OR Count€rsiqnature lln st tos rvhere applicable) 1976 L X9a3a toa05) ffi This page has been leti blank intentionally 19/t page 7 ol 23 ffi page 8 of 23 LeightonConsulling lnc 8A3R7084312243G COIVIIVIERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - PRIMARY AND NON.CONTRIBUTORY WITH OTHER INSURANCE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM 2. The follo'irin9 is added to Paragraph 8.5., Other lnsurance of sEcTlON lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONOITIONS Regardless of the provisions of paragraph a and paragraph d. of this part 5, Other lnsurance, lhis insurance is primary to and non-contributory with applicable other insurance under which an additonal insured person or organization is the first named insured when lhe writlen contracl or agreement between you and that person or organization, that is signed by you before the "bodrly in,ury" or "property damage" occurs and lhat is in effect durinll the policy period, requires this insurance to be p'imary and non-contributory. U 2Ol6 The Tlavelers lndemnlty Company Alltights re3erved Includes oopyrighted materielof lnsurance Services Olrice, lnc w[h ls permEslon PROVISIONS 1. The following is added to Paragraph A.1.c., Who ls An lnsured, of SECTION ll - COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: This includBs any person or organization who you are required under a writlen contract or agreement between you and that peEon ot organization, that as signed by you before the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs and that is in effect during the policy period, to name as an additional insured for Covered Autos Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which this insurance applies and only to the extent of that person's or organization's liability for the conduct of another "insured" r9/8 cA T4 74 02 t5 Page 1of I Firs-.Jt E*E+tt!\-Lii This page has been left blank intentionally page 9 ol 23 r 9/9 Bffii*ffi A Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an insured ttle person or organization sho\Ml in the Schedule, but only \ith respect to liabllity arising out of your onSoing op€rations performed for that insured. L With respect to the insurance afforded to these addhional lnsureds, the fcllo\in8 e)alusion is a dde d: 2. Exclus io ns This insurance does not appv to "bodily in- jury" or "property damage" occurring after: page 10 of 23 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 lo lo ol (1) All uork, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such \ork, on the project (other than seruice, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the site of the covered operations has been comPleted; or (2) That portion of "you aork" out of \ hich the iniury or damage arises has been put to its intended use bY anY Person or organlzation other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same projed. POLICY NUMBER: 065463440 ENDoRSEMENT# 004 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ 1T CAREFULLY, ADDIIONAL l]..lStnED - OvI[cRS LESSEES OR MIIIRACTTRS . SOTTII.ED PERSOT{ OR ORGANTZA]ION This endorsement modifies Insurance provided under the follo\ ing COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE llame of Person or Organization: REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT tc)City ol M€nifee enilee, cA 92586_0000 Projf1L051.0O7 PMP 2G02: QuailVall€y Slre€t R€l icers emplcrye€s, agents, and authonzed volunteers surfacinS Project, Meni{ee. Additional nsured to include per sp€cificltions: City of M€nifee ind its (lf no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be sho\Ml in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) Igilt) cG 20 I0 lo oI 1x9605 O ISO Properties, lnc.. 2(m Page lofl tr ffi page 11 of 23 ENDORSEMENT # o21 This endorsement, effective l2O1 AM 0217417022 Forms a partofpolicy no,: o65A63a4o lssued to: LEIGHTON GROUP, lNC. By: LEXIN GTON INSURANCE COMPANY ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS. COMPLETED OPERATIONS (Based on cc2o37 04/73]. This endorsement modifies insurance provided by the iollo\in8: COMMERCIAL GEN ERAL LIABILITY POLICY SCHEDULE Name of Additional lnsured Person(s) or Organization(s) Location of Com pleted Operations AS REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT (LC)Cily of Menilee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586{000 Re: Pr.i #11051 007 PMP 20-02: Quail Valley Str€el Re6urfacang Project, Monilee. Addilionsl Inaured to include per Bpecifcationo City of l\4enifee and it8 offceB, employeB, agents, 6nd authodzed volunteer6. lnformation required to comphte this Schedule, if not sho,Mr above, vull be sho\ n in the Declarations A Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) sho\,$ in the Schedule, but only \,ith respect to liability fur "bodily injury", or " prop€ rtv damage" caused, in v"hole or in part, by "your r,rcrk" at the location desi8nated and described in the Schedule of this endoBement performed for that additional insured and included rn the " products-com pleted operations hazard". HoM€ver: '1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured onv applies to the e)dent permitEd by law and 2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additonal insured v\,ill not be broader than that,tlich you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the follo\ing is added to Section lll - Limits Of lnsurance: lf covera8e provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most \,\,E will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurancer 6 rgU, Offices, ln(., with lts permission. All Rights Reserved es a8e page 12 of 23 E,CSE Ed#r.-r.l': l. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limib of lnsurance sho\Ml in the Declarations; u,hichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shov.fi in the Declarations All other terms and conditions of the policY remain the same r 982 Authorized Representative LX43 I 6 (06/14)lncludesLopyrlgnreo lnrormat()n oIma! In su rance 5e rv ice s Ofrlce s, lrr . , wlth its pe r mission.AllRrghts Reserved Page 7 ol 7 //rz- page 13 of 23ffi Cllents: 1257049 3O5LEIGHGRO ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY !NSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBEF BEVISION NUMBER 2l'ld2t22 THIS CEBTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTEB OF INFOBMATION ONLY AND CONFEBS t{O BIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CEBTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIFMATIVELY OB NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTENO OB ALTEB THE COVERAGE AFFOFOEO BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CEFTIFICATE OF INSUBANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTBACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUBER(S). AUTHORIZEO BEPBESENTATIVE OR PBOOUCEB. AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOEB. IMPOBTANT: ll lho cenlflcste holder is an ADDITIONAL INSUREO, th6 pollcy(les) muel have AODITIONAL INSUFED pioviiione or boinaorecO It SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, oubloct to the lerme .nd condltlons ol th. Pollcy. cert!ln pollcler may r.qulro an ondorsemont. A atat.ment on lhi6 conlflcatq do.s not conlor any righta lo lho ceililicat. holdor ln llou of auch endoraemenl(t) McGrlll lnsurance Servlc€s 130Theory St6 200 lrvlno, CA 92617 714 041-2800 fi!$[Acr Lort tvtct'tay I lI8:r{E", E"),714 e41-2s15 [-JHLEss LMcNay@mcgrlfl.com II{SUFEA(6) AFFOFOING COVERACE Lcxlngton lnsuranc6 Company Travclcr! lndGmnlly co ol cT 19437 256€2 fiI.rr") 877-2e7-1101 Lelghton Consulting lnc 17781 Cowan Ste. 1m lrvlne, CA 92614-6009 THIS IS TO CERIIFY THAT THE POUCIES OF INSUFIAI'JCE LISIED BELOW HAVE BEENISSUED TOTHE INSUBED NAMED AAOVE FOBTHE POLICY PEFIIOD INDICAIED, NOTWITHSTANDING Airy HEQUIREMENT, TEBM OR CONDITION OF AI,IY CONTRACT OB OTHER DOCUMENT WITH BESPECT TO WHICH IHIS CEBTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED ON MAY PEFITAiN THE INSUFANCE AFFORDED BY IHE POUCIES DESCHIBED HEREIN IS SU&JECf TO ALL THE TEBMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN BEOUCED BY PAiD CLAIMS, TYPE OF INSUFANCE x coMuEacraL GENEFAL LlABlflTY cu us vaor Xioccun X BUPD Ded:250O0 POLICY NUMBEF 065463440 POLICY EFF POLICY EXP(MWDO/"TYYY) {MM/OO,/YYYY) A 412022. O2l'l 4lzgyJ EAci o.cLrFFt^cE BAI,$EE J?eiiiJFP."',r MED ExP (Any on. p.Eod PEFSONAL 8}DV INJTJFY GENERAL AGGFEGATE PAOOUCTS COMP/OP AGG sl,OOO,OU) s5O,mO sEXCLUDED s1,(xlo,@o s 2,O0O,OO0 s2,000,0O0 s$5,mo,000 r't,0oo,0oo GEN L AGGFEGATE LIM T APPLIES PER "o,"" x 5l3i X roc ]orxrn AUIOIIOBILE LlAAILIIY Ovsrall Pollcy 8A3F7084312243G oneral .Aggrogate B 4t 2a,2 u2n 4noz3 EHlI."Prj1":. . *l' BOOILY INJUFY (Pa P.e.) 600ILY INJUEY(Pd@danl) x AI]TOSONLY SrFEO s s s5,00O,00O s5,000,000 a SCIEOlJLED rPracoddnf 1qzAZ) O2l1 MI0|?3J [q99!E!!!9q AGGFEGATE A x EXCE66 LIAB CLAIMS.MAOE 006546318 oro X nererurLoru slO0OO WOFKERA COMPEI,ISATION AIID EMPLOYEFS LlAAILllY ANY PFOPFlETOF/PARTN EF/E XECU NVE OFFICEFI/MEMAEF EXCLI,]OEO? oEscRlPTION oF OPEFATTONS b.lol Pror/Polutn Llab Claims Mado IPER T tor+]STAIUTE LEB EI, EACH ACCIDENT E.! DrsE4gE, E4l!!!oYE. EL DISEASE PO(ICY LIMII s A 013001524 412022 OA1U2V23 i2,m0,000 Por Claim $4,000,000 Aggregate slm 0o0 Ded oEscRtpTrol oF opERAIofrd / LocATroNs / vEHlcL!6 {acoRo 101, Addr on.r6.m..r. s.h.dul., r.yb..rr..h.d ll mor..p.c. r. r.qvlr.d) Addlllonal lnsurod applles on Gsnoral Ll8bility per Loxlnglon's Addltlqnal lnsured Ownors, Lessoos or Contractors endorsoment D(4316 0gl4 end D(9605 1UO attachod to the General Liablllty pollcy as rsqulred by wrttton contact. Prlmary wordlng applles to General Liablllty per Lexlngton's endorsemenl LX9838 08/05 sttached to policy. Addltlonal lneured and Prlmary wordlng appll6s on Aulomoblle Llabllhy por Travolors endorsomont CAT474 (Soe Atl€ched Doscriptlons) (LC)Clty ol Menilee 29714 Haun Road Meniles, CA 92596 SHOULDANY OF TIIE AEOVE OESCBIBED POLICIES BE CAIICELLED BEFOAETHE EXPIFATION I'ATE T}IEFEOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVEBEO IN ACCOHDANCE WITH THE POLICY PFOVISIONS, AUIhOFq€O BEPRESENTAT]VE I sr' s("-15' TIF ATE HOLDEB CANCELLATION !983 ACOHO 2s (2O16,/03) 1 ol2#s29477839/M29461 171 O 196&2015 ACORO COBPOBATION. All rlghtB r.6rrv.d. The ACORD nrm. !nd logo !re ragltterod mErka ot ACOBD LXMCN page'14 of 23 ffi DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) 0216, BlEnkot Addltlonal lnauro*Primary and NoGcontrlbutory wlth other lnsuranco' attached lo tho Adomoblle pollcy as requljed by wrllten contract. Ro: Prol *11051.010 CIP 21.13 (Mccall Blvd Bssurlsclng-Encanto to anteloPo) Matedals Testlng & Geotechnlcal 56rvlces. Additional lnsured to lnclude Por specillcations: Clty ol Monlloe and h3 otlicers, employe€s' agents, and authorlzgd volunleels SAGITTA 25.3 (m16logl 2 ol 2 #s294778:t9/M29461 1 71 t9ll4 page 15 of 23Hi;48ffi ENDORSEMENT (Dt1A(p2 This endorssment, oftociivo 12:Ol AM Forms ! prrt oI policy no.: m546344o lssued to: Leigtton Consulting lnc By: LEX INGTON INSURANCE COI{PANY CANCELLATION AMENOMENT ln consi.leration o, the premium charged, it is herehy agreed that the cancellalion provision is amended to 90 davs in liel, o, (30) davs, except lor non-payment ol premitrm wtlich rcmains (10) days- Al other terms and condilions remain lrnchanged ,Wr---- Auth orized Reptosenta tivo OR Count6rsignrtu16 lln statas whoro 6pplicsble) 1985 LX95a6 (02lo3) page 16 of 23 h,riE#EffiStrxlttt: r986 This page has been left blank intentionally ffi page 17 of 23 EN DORSE MENT Thi6 6ndorsomont, affoctive 1ZO1 AM an 4a@2 Forms a part of policy no.: 065463440 lssuod to: Leighlon Consulting lnc Bv: LEX INGTON INSURANCE COi'IPANY PR IMARY/NON CONTRIBUTORY E NDORSEMENT This endorsemenl modiries insurance provided by the policy: Not\ rilhstanding any other provision ol rhe policy to the contr8ry, the insurance aftorded by rhis policy lor the benefit ol the Additional lnsured shall be primary insurance, but only with respect to any claim, loss or li8bility arising out of the Named lnsured's operations; and any insurance maintained by the Addhion6l lnsured shall be non -contributing. Al other terms and conditions ol the policy remain lhe same. Authoriz6d R epr6s6ntEtivo OR Countersignature (ln stEtss where applicablel 198 / LX9a3a (04051 v*.*22/a/Z^ page 18 of 23 ffi This page has been left blank intentionally rgrJtiI COl\illl!ERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - PR!MARY AND NON.CONTRIBUTORY WITH OTHER INSURANCE This endorsement modif ies insurance provided under the following BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FOR IVI LeightonConsulting lnc 8A38708431224:)G PROVtStONS 1. The following is added to Paragraph A.1.c., Who ls An lnsured, of SECTIoN ll - CoVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE; This includes any person or organizalion who you are required under a written contract or agreement behffeen you and that person or organization tnat is signed by you before lhe "bodily injury" or "pmperty damage" occurs and lhat is in efrect during the policy period, to name as an additional insured for Covered Autos Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which this insurance applies and only to the eient of that person's or organizationb liability for the conducl of another "insured" page 19 of 23 2. The follo ing is added to Paragraph 8.5., other lnsurance of SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS: Regardless of lhe provisions of paragraph a. and paragraph d. of this part 5. Other lnsurance, this insurance is primary to and non-contributory with applicable other irEurance under which an additional insured person or organization is the fiIst named insured when the writlen conlracl or agreemenl between you and lhat person or organization, that is signed by you betore the "bodily iniury" 0r "property damage' occurs and that is in etrect during the policy period, requires this insurance to be primary and non-conlributory. r989 cA 14 74 02 16 u 2016 The Travelels lndemnrv Company All rEhls reservea, ncluc,es copynghled materialof lnsurance Ssrvlces Offce lnc tytlh ls permission Page 1 of 1 ffi page 20 of 23ffi!tffi This page has been left blar ( intentionally r990 FhiHftEf*|!*HA.;lrt page 2'1 of 23 PoLlcY NUMBER: 065463440 ENDoRSEMENT# 004 COMMERCIAL CENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 l0 r0 0r THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AEHTIONIAL IIIISIRED - OvIf[RS LESSEES OR OI.IIRACT'ORS - SOfII..I.ED PERSOT{ OR ORGAT{ZATIOi{ This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the folloralng: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of P€rson or Organization: AS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT (LC)City of Menif€e 29714 Haun Road Menif€e, CA 92586-0000 Re: Proj fl11051.010 CIP 21-13 (MccallEfud Resu rfa cing-E nc:nt o to Ahtelope) Materjals TestinE & Geotech nical 5e ruices. Additionallnsured to incjude per tpecifiEations: City of Menifee and its officers, employees, agents, and authorir€d volunteers. (lf no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be sho\,wr in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) A Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an insured the person or organization showl in the Schedule, but only Wth respect to liability arising out of your ongoing operations performed for that insured. B- With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the followng e)€lusion is addedl 2, Exclus io ns This insurance does not apply to "bodily in-jury" or "property damage" occurring after: (l ) All r,rprk, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such \Drk, on the project (other than seryice, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional lnsured(s) at the site of the covered operations has been completed; or (2)That portion of "your raork" out of \hich the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractoror subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. I q9l cG 20 lo to ol 1X9605 O ISO Propenies, lnc., 2OOO Page Iofl tr Hirf+ffi page 22 ol 23 ENDORSEMENT # O21 This endorsement, effective l2ol Al'll ou$17r]22 Forms a partof policy no.: 0€54€3440 ISSUEd tO: LEIGHTON GROUP, INC' By: LEXINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY ADDITIONAL INSURED . OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS. COMPLETED OPERATIONS (Based on cczo37 M/731 This endorsement modifies insurance provided by the follov.inB COMMERCIAL GEN ERAL LIABILITY POLICY SCHEDULE Name ofAdditional lnsured Person(s) Location of Completed Operations or organization(s) AS REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT (LC)Cily ol Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menitee, CA 92586{000n" piq *rrosi.oro ctp 21-13 (Mcca Blvd Resurlacing€ncanto to Antelope) l\,'laterial. Tesling & G€otechnical Sewice. Additional l;ured'to include per spocilications: City ol Menifee 6nd ito oficers, employe€s, aoent6, arE authorazed volunleels lnformation required to comphte this Schedule, if not sho',^,n above, \''ll be sho\fl in the Declarations A Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured th€ person(s) or organization(s) showl in the schedule, but onlv \ith rEspect to liability fur "bodily injury"' or "p-roperty damage" caused, in u'tlole or in part, bv "your \'ork" at the location designated and a.r..iU"O in th; Schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the " products-completed operations hazard". H o\A€ve r: l. The insurance afforded to such additional insured onv applies to the extent permitEd by law and2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required bY a coniract or aSreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured \ill not be broader than that \hich you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured' B. with respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the follo\ ing is added to Section lll - Limits Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most !\,/e will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurancei n(pyrt6 199? Offices.lnc..wth its permission. All Rightg Reserved ace F#EffiI page 23 of 23 l. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of lnsurance sho\,\rr in the Declarationsj \Ahichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shovm in the Declarations All other terms and conditions of the policy remain the same. r993 Authorized Representative u(la r6 (06/r4)Lalutlea-opvrioliied Inlorrut ion ol the I nsu ra nae 5e rvice s Offices,lnc., with lts permission AllRight! Reserved. P.Be 2 ot 7 /Fp--