2022/03/01 Hill Crane Service, Inc.RisK o^le {rIloD/YYYY' 022412022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAI"TER OF TNFORUANON ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIG}fTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, tHIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFINMAT1VELY OR I{EGATTVELY AHEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S}, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLOEN. IMPORTANT: l, tho cedflcato hold.r l. nn ADOITIONAL INSURED, lho pollcy(lca) muir hrvc AODITIoNAL INSURED provlslons or lro endorsod. lf SUBROGA?IO IS WATVED, Eublscl to tho term6 end condltlonr ofthe pollcy, cerlaln pollcles may rcqulre en endor8ement. A Elrlement on thls certlllcote dos8 not conlsr rlght6 to th6 certlficste hold€r in lleu o, auch endoreement{s}. ?ROOUCEi Tolm€n I Wiker InBurance Servicer, LLC 136 S, F[ Sfeet PO Box i3ag cA s3002-1388 (805) 58s€798 (005) 58Sr€79€ lhansen@tolmanandwlker,aoln tIsuRER(S) ATFOQOlllG COVER G€ ht8uici A . Cl€ar Blus Sp€ciBlty ln6 Co 377 45 Hill Crane Servkre. lnc. 3333 Chorry Avonuo LonO Beach cA 90807 i{luRERa. Clear Bluo lns Co 28960 btsur€F c - Zu.ici Am6rlc6n 16535 [!9un6Ro. lndian H6rhor ln6 Co s09.0 NAURERE CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERT|F|CATENUi|BERT 2,,23GUAU/xs/wcCOVERAGES REVISION NUMBER.THIS IS TO CERTIFY TTIAT TtIE POI"ICIES OF INSURANCF LISTEO 8EI"OW HAVE BEqN |SSUED TO THE INSUEEO NAMED AAOVE FOR TNE POLICY PEFIIOI) INOICATEO NOTWITHSTANOING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CER1 IOATE M^Y EE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN. THE IN$URANCE AFFORDED BVTHE POI-t(:I€B OESQFIBEO HEREIN IS SUBJECl TO ATLTHE TERMS, EXCLUSIONSAND CONOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HA!€ BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO{TTERCIAL GENERAL LTABILITY cL^rMs u^oE ffi o""ro oN , hooK OVER THE ROAD GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PETI. r,unt"ffi JECT AWo3-RS-210008802 o31o1t2022 03101t2023 s 1.000.000 PnEMTSEt {E, @d..,/-.)s 250,000 MEO HxP (AnV m p.Mh)s r0,000 PERBONAL !AOV INJUBY s 1,000.000 GENERAT A6GREGATE r 2,O00,0o0 PR()Otr(i rs, coliF/oP AGo ( 2,000,000 a ^uto oBr!! LrAE[rY OWIEO BrR€O SC'lEDULEO a3n1t2t)u 0310112024a (:oMB$r€o 8rrict,t r,Mrr s 1.000.000 aOOILY I\JURY (P6r p.r*sl 3 E()oltY rN.tlrRY lPqr..ld. l t UMEIELLA IJAB EtCE'!LIAB x CLAIMS.MADE AWM2100029,02 olio1t2022 o3tol12023 s 5.0o0.0o0xr 5,O0O,000 I c WoE(Ent ColrP€tlSaiibir ANO EUPLOYERG' LIABILTTY ANY PROPFIETOIT,PAFTNEfu E\ECUTIVEO[r.rOEnIuC$ggR TiXCllJO!O') OEgCRIPTION OF OPEFATIO']S b€ie wc5084565-10 11t01t?Q21 11101t2022 x PCR otl'l, E I E CI] ACCTOCNT s 1,000,000 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE i'1,000,000 EL DISE/ISE. POTICY LITIIT s 1.000.000 D EXCESS sxs0056130"02 031o112023 $5,000,000 ss.000.000 DECCRIPIIOI| OF OPEtAtIONa / LOC tIONS / v€HlcLES IACOf,D tot, Addh|on.r R.Mrtr &hrdel.. Dy b. intxh..t il ror rpft. l' rcqdr.jl) Rei 1,2. GLr Certlflcate Holdor ls Addltlonal lnsurod as respects to Operatlons ot tho Namod lnsured por fonn CG20101001. EndoBemont applles only as rcquirsd by cunoflt wntten contrsct on 616. "GL: EXCLITDES ALL WFAP/OCIP PROJECTS ACORO 25 (20r6i03) RH LLATION @ 1988.m15 ACORD CORPORATION, All dghts rolrw.d. the ACORD n.me and lo0o.re .rgistered niarls ol ACORO EI{OUID ANY OF TIIE ABOVE DTECRIEED POLICIES BE CAI{CELLED SEFORE TtiE EXTIRATION OA'E TIIEREOF, NO'TICE 9IILL BE DELUENED N ACCOXOAT{CE Y{ITH T}IE POLICY PROVlalo{S,Clly of Monllo€ 20714 Hsun Rosd cA v2s86 A* U'IHOFIZEO hgFRESEIYAIIvE ^-il- I I AWo2-RS-210005842 Each Occunenc€ Agorogele: 03n1t2022 POLICY NUMBER: Awo3Rs22ooo6$'02 COMMERCIAL GHNERAL LIABILITY cG 21 54 12 19 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. EXCLUSION - DESIGNATED OPERATIONS COVERED BY A CONTROLLED (WRAP-UP) TNSURANCE PROGRAM This 6ndo.somcnt modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIry GOVERAGE PART SGHEOULE DoscrlptJon And Locatjon(E) Or Operalioo({: Any and all consolidated insurance program wrap-up locations lnformation required to complete lhis Schedule, if not shown above. will be shown in the Declarations A. Tho following oxclusion is added to Paragaph 2. Excluelone of Sectlon I - coverago A - Bodlly Inlury And Propody Damag6 Llablllty: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage': 1. Arising out of your ongoing operations; or 2. lncludod in the "prodrrcts-comploled oporations hazard": at the location(s) described in the Schedule of this endorsemenl. bul only if you are enrolled in a "controlled (wrap-up) insurance program" with respecl to the "bodily injury" or 'property damage" described in Paragraphs A.1. and A.2. above al such location(s), This exclusion applies whether or not the "controlled (wrap-up) insurance program": a, Provides covorago identical to that providod by this Coverage Part: b, Has limits adaquato to cov6r all claims: or c. Remains in effect. B. The following definition is added to the Dofinltlons sectionl "Controlled (wrap-up) insurance program" means a c€ntralazed insuranco program undor which oneparty has secured eithor insuranco or solf- lnsurance covorlng som€ or ail of th6 contractors or subconlractors porforming work on ono ot more spGclflc projoc(s). cG 21 U 1219 O lnsurance Servioes Offioe, lnc., 2018 Page 1 of 1 POLICYNUMBERi AW03RS220006$-02 COHIIERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20,t010 0't ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifieg ingurance provided under the follo ring: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Nam€ of Percon or Organlzation: Any person or oqanization for whom you aro pertormlng op€ratlons wh6n you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a cont,act or agreement thst such person or organization be added as an additional in6ured on your policy. (lf no 6ntry app€ar6 abov€, lnformatlon roquirod to complete thls gndoG€m€nt will b€ Ehovrn in tho Doclaretions as applicable to this endoBemenl.) A. S€ction ll - Who lt An lnsured is amended to includo as an lnsured the porson or organizatlon sholvn in the Sohedule, but only wilh respoct to liability arising out of your ongoing operations per- formod for thal insured. B" With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following exclusion is addod: 2. ErcluSlonS This insurance does nol apply to "bodily in- jury" or "propsrty damags" occurring after (l) All work, including materials, parts or oqulpmBnt furnlshod in connoction with such work, on the proiect (other than seNice, maintenance or h6peir0) to be performed by or on behalf of the addi- tional insured(s) at the site of the cov- ered operations has be6n completed; or (2) That po(ion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage ads€s has be€n put to its inl€nd6d usG by any person or organization other than another crn- tractor or subcontractor ongagod in performing operalions tor a principal as a part of the same project. cG 20 10 10 01 O ISO Propertios, lnc., 2000 Pago l ofl tr THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY.