2022/08/01 Harris & Associates, Inc.COVERAGES J I I IITHIS CERTIFICATE Ig ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY A},ID CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPOI{ THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOI AFFIRiIATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY ATIEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. TH|S CERTTFTCATE OF TNSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TSSUTNG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER" ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. ltlPORTAttT: lf ths clrllflc.t holdar b rn ADoITIONAL INSUREO, ths pollcy(lo.) mu.t h.vr ADDITIONAL INEURED proyidont or b. ondoE.d. ll SUBROGATION lS IYAIVEO, tublocl to lho to.m. .nd condltlon! ol lhe pollcy, cort ln pollcl.r m.y roqulr. .n .ndortam.nt. A rt.l.menl on thla ca.tificato doer not conter rlghta to tho car ficata holdar ln llou ofruch cndo[amant(a). pRooucEi rJrc ;0757775 800-87? -1560 gUB IDtarDtloEaI IaauErEc€ gawicer Inc. P.o. Eox l0{7 corcoral, ca 9a52{ ua IN'UFID Hrrrla a Lr.oclata! Inc. AttE! Au!!.u xanilll.g 1a01 nllrol, Par. ao!d, aull. s00 corcor(t, ca 9{520 usa 925 5 09- 65 00 925 509-5550 INSURER(SI AFFOROING COVERAGE lNSrJRtRA. v I]LEY FOROI INS CO tNluiERB. Allntclll cls co oF RIADINS PA 20508 2042',t trluilRc: comrtrENtAI. INS CO 35289 tHluR€RD. colt_ltllENrlr' c s co 20443 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE r_rdfi[u ! z!J THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED AEOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO INDICATED, NOMITHSTANOING ANY REQUIREMENT ERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENI WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY IHE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCEO BY PAID CLA1MS. x coxraERcrA! GEr{EFAL IrASl!rTY x D.A: 0 GENT AGGREGATE IIMIT APPLIES PER. OTHER x JECT LOC x x 60't277 6719 oa/ot/22 08/07/23 EACHOCCURRENCE r 1,000,000 s 1,000, 000 E0 ExP (Any o p.tu^)t 15,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY t 1, 000,00 0 PROOUCTS - COMP/OP AGG t 2,000.000 t B AUrcrO6(-ELtAE[m x O\ONEDaulos oa{lY HIREO AUTOS ONLYD.d:0 SCHEDULEO NOIIOWNED AUTOS OIiLY x Brra 5076590520 od/0Lt22 o8toL/2x t 1,000.000 BOoTLY INJURY (P..F|M)t BOoILY lfiJURY (P- .cdd.nl)I i i c x cuB 6076590551 0e/ott22 oatott23 EACHOCCURRENCE a 10,000,000 x r 10,000,000 0E0 x f,ErENloN t 10, ooo t B IIoRKERI COrPaIllTloIAro arPt-oYEFa'u B[m AI{YPROPRIETOPJPARINE&TXECUIIVE OFf ICERA'EMSER EXCIIOEO? oEsCR,PnoN oF oPERATIoNS b.rd 703r1219554 08t01/72 08/07/23 x STATU-TE OTH. ER E.L EACH ACC1OEMI a 1,000,000 E.L OISEASE , EA EMPLOYEE t 1.,000,000 E,I DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 31,000.000 D PSOIESSIONA', I,IAEtT,tfI c1.inr-lilda ABH591891588 0a / olt 22 0a / 01. t23 Par c1alr!, Aggr.grt. D.al. tlob CI8ID 5,000,000 10,000,000 150,000 DllciFnoil oF OPERAnOI! / lOCAnOx! / VEHICLE! ( COno 101, Addltlon.l lm.rlq &h.dur., 6.y t .tr..h.d ll .m .p.e l. nquhnl r Forl.6r! cq)€tr!!ti.o! Do]icy.:.cludle. rcEo9o11.t1c .t.t.. I{D, ol, tlA, wl. O.!crt1 Llablllty ald Auto l,trbttlty Mdltloul l!.ur.d .t!tu. grut.at, tf r6qulr6al lry rrilt.! coatrrct/agr..D.Et, DlEett.ci.al lolE qlA?50?9II 1015 !!d CllA63359XI 0a12 (pg. 1, I.1.3). Clty r lt! offl,s.!., q)loy..., !g.nt. a authorlr.d volult..rr !r. rdalltlonil tE.u!.aL und.r o.a.raL LllDlllly .ad Auto ll.bll1Ly tl r.qu1!.d tlll r rrltt.D codliact. Rlr OD-calI Prof.!.lolrl E!l!l@.rt t th.I Egla..?her a.rvlc., (EA *1600586) CERTIFICATE NIJ BER: 535315990 REVISIOT{ NUMBER: CAN @ 1088.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rlght! .o!.rvcd. Th. ACORD n!n. lnd logo are rugl.t.Ed m!*! oIACORD HOLDER ACORO 25 (20r6103) bboga!t 53 s315990 SHOULD ANY Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFOREIHE EXPIMTIOT{ DATE THEREOF, NOTICE IYILL 8E DELIYERED IN ACCORDAiICE IYITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, [1.a l.uE Publlc lorlr. / tsglu..llDg 2971a lt!u! 8o!d!addt.., ca 92585 osa 160-0586 ( 2022 ) clly of x.Dlfc. &a.mu-AUII{OFllED NEPRE!EI{TATruE 01/2912022 ! 2,000,000 EXCE'8LIAB tr I I CNA Blanket Additional lnsured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - with Products-Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement o c CNA75079XX (10-16) Page 1 ol 2 lnsured Nam€: Harris & Associates lnc. Policy No: 6072176739 Elfective Date: 0810112022 ! zl! Copyri0hl CNA All Righls ReseNod. lnclud8e copy.ightad matodal ol lnsurance Sorytcos Offrco, tnc-, wilh ils pomBsion. E This €ndorsem€nt modiries insurancs provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART It is und€rslood and agrsod as lollows: L WHO lS AN INSURED is am€nded to includo as an lnsured any psrson or organization whom you are required by wrltlon contract to add as an additional insured on this covorage part, bul only with respect to liability for bodlly lnlury, property damege or porsonal and advgrtlslng lnlury caussd in whole or in part by your acts or omissions, or lhs acts or omissions of those acting on your behall: A. in the perlormance of your ongoing operations subject to such writtsn contract; or B. In tho psrformance of youa work subiect to such rvrlften contract, but only with respect to bodlly lnlury or property damsgo includsd in th€ products-completed opcratlon. hazard, and only if: 1. the wrltton contract requkos you to provide the additional insured such coveragBi and 2. this covorage part provides such coverage. ll. But if the wrltton contlad rcquiros: A. additional insured coverag€ under lhe 1 1-85 edition, 10-93 edition, or 10-01 odition of CG2010, or under th€ 10-01 edilion of CG2037; or B. additional insursd covsrage with "arising oul ot" language; or C. additional insured covsrag€ to the greatest exlsnt psrmissible by law; thsn paragraph L above is delet€d in its entirety and replaced by ths following: WHO lS AN INSURED is amended to include as an lnsurod any person or organization whom you are rsquired by w tlon contract to add as an additional insured on this covorage part, but only with respecl lo liability for bodlly lnlury, propsrty damage or porsonal and advertlslng lnrury arising out of your work that is subject to such wrltten contract. lll. Subject always to the terms and conditions of this policy, including the limits of insurance, the lnsurer will not provide such additional insured with: A. covsrage broadsr than required by th6 wrltton conlrsct; or B. a higher limit ol insurancs than required by the wrltton contracl. lV. The insurance grantsd by this endors6mont to the additional insured does not apply to bodlly lnlury, propcrty damage, or porronal and advortlslng lnlury arising out oI: A. the randeling of, or th€ tailure to rendsr, any prolessional architectural, engineering, or surveying services, including: 1, ths proparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approvs maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Iield orders, change ordsrs or drawings and sp€cifications; and 2. supervisory, inspsction, archilectural or enginesring activities; or B, any prsmises or work for which the additional insurod is sp€cifically listed as an additional insured on anothor €ndorsem€nt attachod to this covorage part. V. Under COtlilERC|AL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, the Condition €ntitled Othor lnsurance is amendsd to add lhs following, which supoBedes any provision to th€ contrary in this Condition or elsewhere in this covoraga parl: e I CNA Blanket Additional lnsured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - with Products-Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement Prlmary and Noncontrlbulory lnsurrnce With rospoct to othsr insurance available to the additional insured undsr which the additional insured is a named insured, this insuranco is primary to and will not ssek contribution lrom such oth€r insuranc€, provided that a wrltten contracl rsquires the insurance provided by this policy to be: 1 . primary and non-contributing with other insurancs available to the additional insured; or 2. primary and to not ss6k contribution from any oth€r insuranco availabl€ to lhs additional insursd. But oxcgpt as specilied above, this insurancs will be excsss of all other insurance available to ths additional insurod. Vl, Solely with respec,t to the insurance granted by this endorsement, the section entilled COMITEBCIAL cENERAL LIABILIW CONDITIONS is amended as follows: The Condition entitled Dutl$ ln Tho Evonl ol Occurrenco, Otfense, Clalm or Sult is amended with the addition ol the lollowing: Any additional insured pursuant to this €ndorsemsnt will as soon as practicablo: 1. givs the lnsurer written notice of any clalm, or any occurrenco or otfense which may result in a clalm; 2. s6nd the lnsuror copiss ol all lsgal papers rBcoived, and otherwise cooperate with the lnsur€r in the invsstigation, dofenso, or settlement ol th€ clalm; and 3. make available any other insurance, and tondsr lhe defense and indemnity of any clalm to any other insurer or ssll"insurer, whoso policy or program applias to a loss that the lnsurer covors undor this coverago part. Howevor, il the wrlttan contracl requires this insurance to be primary and non-contribulory, this paragraph 3. doss nol apply to lnsurance on which the additional insur€d is a named insured. Th€ lnsurer has no duty to dofend or indsmnily an addilional insured und6r this endorsement until the lnsur€r r€ceives written nolice ol a clalm from tho additional insur€d. Vll. Solely with rospect to the insurance granted by this endorsement, the section entitlsd DEFINITIONS is amended to add the following dafinition: Wrltton contract means a writtBn contracl or writton agrgoment that requiros you to make a psrson or organization an additional insursd on this covcrago part, provided the contract or agreement: A. is currently in ctf€ct or becomes eflsclivo during the term oI this policy; and B. was exscutsd prior to: 1, th6 bodlly ln,ury or propcrty dam!96; or 2. th6 otfenso that caussd th€ psrsonal end advortlslng lnlury; for which the additional insured seeks covsrage. Any covorag€ granted by this sndorsement shallapply solely to th€ sxtent permissible by law. This ondorsomsnt, lvhich forms a part of and is lor attachment to lhe Policy issusd by the designaled lnsurers, takes otfect on tho Btlectivo date ol said Policy at the hour stated in said Policy, unless anoth€r effective date is shown below, and expires concu116 with said Pol f{],4ftffiI C a z cNA75079XX (10-16) Page 2 ol2 lnsured Nams: Harris & Associat€s lnc Policy No: Etlective Date: 6072176739 0810'U2022 Copynghl CNA All Flght3 Bos€lvod. lnclldos copyrighlod malori6l ol lnsuranco S€Mces Olrico, lnc., with hs p€mi$ion. All other terms and conditions ol th6 Policy remain unchangsd. I CNA Architects, Engineers and Surveyors General Liability Extension Endorsement (6) of the Dsmago to Prop€rty Exclusion do nol apply to property damage that r€sults from th6 use of elevators. B. Solely for the purpose ol the coverage provided by this PBOPERTY DAMAGE - ELEyATORS Provision, th6 Othor lnsursnco conditions is amend€d to add ths following paragraph: This insurance is sxcsss over any of lhe other insurance, whether primary, excess, conting€nt or on any othor basis that is Property insuranc€ covering property of others damaged kom the use of elevators. 23. FETIRED PABTNEBS, iIEMBERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES WHO lS INSUBED is amgnded to include as lnguredr nalural persons who are retired parlners, members, directors or employees, but only for bodlly lnlury, property damago or porsonal and advartlslng lnlury that results from s€rvicss porlormod for the Namod lnlurod under the l{smed lnsured'g direct supsrvision. All limitations that apply to omployeos and voluntoei worker! also apply to anyone qualitying as an lnsured und6r this Provision. 24, SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS .0 F! Z 25. 26. ThE SECI|ON ENtitIEd SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS. COVEBAGES A AND B iS AMENdEd AS fOIIOWS: A. Paragraph l.b. is amendsd to dsleto tho $250 limit shown for the cost of bail bonds and replace it with a $5,000. limit; and B. Paragraph l.d, is amondsd to del€le the limit of $250 shown for daily loss ol €arnings and roplace it with a $'1 ,000. limit. UNINTENTIONAL FAILUBE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS lf th€ Namod lnsurod uninlentionally fails to disclose all existing hazards at the inception date of the Named lnrurod'3 Coverage Part, tho lnsurer will not deny cov€rage under this Covorage Parl because ol such failur€. WAIVEB OF SUBROGATION - BLANKET Undor CONDITIONS, the condition entitlsd Transtor Of Rlghts ol Fecovery Agalnst olhcrs To Us is amendsd to add the following: The lnsurer waives any right ol recovery the lnsurer may have against any person or organization because of paymsnts the lnsurer makes for injury or damage arising out of: L the Namsd lnsurgd'3 ongoing operations; or 2. your work included in the products-compleled operatlons hazard, Howevor, this waiver applies only when the Named lnsurgd has agreed in writing to waive such rights ol rocovery in a written contract or written agr€emont, and only if such contract or agrgemgnt: 1, is in otfect or becomes etfeclive during lhe term of this Covsrage Padi and 2. \,vas executed prior to the bodlly lnlury, propsrty damage or personal and advertlslng lnlury giving rise to the clslm. 27. WRAP-UP EXTENSION: OCIP, CCIP, OB CONSOLIDATED (WRAP-UP) INSUFANCE PROGRAMS Noto: Tho foilowing provision doss not apply to any public construction proiect in the state ol Oklahoma, nor to any construction project in the state ol Alaska, that is not permitted to be insured under a consolldatod (wrap- up) lnsuranco program by applicabl€ slate statute or regulation. oNA74858XX (1-1s) Page 16 of 17 lnsured Nams: Harris & Associat€s lnc. Policy No: 6072176739 Eflective Dat€: Oqlo1l2o22 Copynghl CNA All night6 Rsa€lvod. lncludo8 copydghtod metodal ol lnsurance S6Mc€3 Otfce, tnc., with its pomi$sion \ IJI 2 E rl'i!i!rEffiCT(A Business Auto Policy Policy EnCorsement CONTBACTORS EXTEI'IDED COVERAGE EiIDORSEMENT . BUSINESS AUTO PTU$T THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This sndorssm€nt modifies insursnc€ providsd undor the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVEHAGE FORM I. TIABILITY COVERAGE A. Who ls An lneured The following is added to Soctlon ll, Paragrsph A.1., Who k An lnsurod: 1. a. Any incorporat€d sntity of which th€ Named lnsured owns a majority ot th€ voting stock on ths date of incsption of this Coverago Form; providod that. b. Tho insurance afforded by this provision A.1. doss not apply to any such Bntity that is an insurod under any othsr liability "policy' providing auto coversgB. 2. Any organization you newly acquirs or form, other than a limitod liability compsny, partnership or joint vontu16, and ov€r which you maintain majority ownership int6rest. The insuranc6 afrordBd by thiB provision A.2.: a. ls €ffGctive on the acquisition or formation date, and is afforded only until the 6nd of the policy period of this Coverag€ Form, or the nsxt snniversary of its inc€ption date, whichever is earlier. b. Doss not apply to: (1) Bodily iniury or proporty damage c8us6d by an accident thst occurred befor€ you acquired or formed the organizstion; or (2) Any such organization that is an lmurad under any othsr liability "policy" providing auto covaraga. 3. Any porson or organization thst you are required by a written contract to nama as an additional insured is an inturod but only with respect to their legsl liability lor acts or omissions ot a person, who qualifiss as an lnsursd undsr SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED 8nd for whom Liability Coverago is aflorded undsr this policy. lf r€quired by written contract, this insurance will be primsry 8nd non-contributory to insurBnc€ on which the sdditional insursd is a Nam6d lnsurod. 4. An 6mploy€6 of yours is 8n in8urod while op€rating an auto hirod or r€nted under a contract or 8gr€6ment in thot employoo's n8m€, with your permission, whil€ p€rforming duti€s relat€d to th€ conduct of your business, 'Policy', as used in this provision A. Who 13 An lnsurod, includes those policies that were in force on the incoption date of this Coverage Form but: 1. Which ar€ no longsr in force; or 2. Whose limits hsve be6n exhausted. B. Bril Bonds 8nd Loss ot Earnlngs Soction ll, Paragraphs A,2. (2) and A.2. 14) are revised as follows: 1. ln a.(2), the limit for the cost ol bail bonds is changed Irom 92.000 to $5,000; and 2. ln a.(4), the limit for ths loss ol oarnings is chang€d lrom $250 to $500 a day. o : zgl Fom Nor CNA6335gXX 104-2012) Endorsrm6nt Elloctivr Dst!: Endors6m6nt Expiration Dal6: Endorsam€nl No: 13; P.g6: 1 of 4 Undorwrhang Comprnyi Ar!.rican Csudty Comp.ny OfR..din& PA 151 N Frenklin St, Chicago, lL 00006 '"il;il^;;;;r;;_--lPo cy Efhctiv. D.t6:0E/012022 Ic Copyright CNA All Rioht! nororvod. lncluda3 copyrightsd mst€rial of tho lBursnco S€rvic€s Offico, lnc., u3€d with itr psrmi$ion. I I CNA Business Auto Policy Policy Endorsement C. F.llow Employoe Soctlon ll, Paragrsph 8.6 doos not apply. Such coverage as is affordsd by this provision C. is excess over any oth€r collectibl€ insurance. PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE A. Glasr Breakage - Hitting A Bird Or Animal - Falling Objscts Or Missllos The following is added to Seotlon lll, Paragraph A.3.: With rosp€ct to any covsred aulo, any deductib16 shown in the Declarations will not apply to glass breakage if such glsss is repairod, in a mannsr acceptable to us, rsther than replaced, B. Transportation Exponso! Soctlon lll. Paragraph A.4.a. is revised, with respect to transportation expense incurred by you, to provide: s. $60 per day, in li6u ol 920; subjsct to b. $ 1 ,800 maximum, in lieu ol $600. C. Loss ot Use Expensos Section lll. Paragraph A.4.b. is revisod, with r8spsct to loss o, use expenses incurred by you, to provide: a. $1,000 maximum, in liou oi $600. D. Hlrsd "AuloE" The following is sddsd to Soctlon lll. Paragraph A.: 5. Hlrod "Autos" lf Physical Damage cov€rage is providgd under this policy, and such coverage does not extend to Hired Autos, th€n Physical Damage covorago is oxtended to: a. Any covered auto you l€8se, hire, rent or borrow without a drivsr; and b. Any covered auto hir6d or rBntsd by your omployee without a driver, under I contract in that individual employea'r name, with your p8rmission, while portorming duti€s rolated to the conduct of your businoss. c. The most we will pay for any ono Eccldont or loss is th€ 8ctu8l cssh volue, cost of repair, cost of replacsment or $75,000, whichevor is less. minus I $500 deductible for esch covered auto, No deductible appliss to losa causod by fire or lightning. d. The physical damage coverage 8s is provided by this provision is oqual to the physical d8mage coverage(s) providBd on your owned autos. L Such physical damago covorags for hired sutG will: (11 lnclude loss of us6, provided it is the consequence o, an 8ccid6nt for which the Named lnsured is legally liable, and 8s a rssult of which a monatary loss is sustainod by the leasing or rontal conc€rn. (2) Such coverage ss is provid€d by this provision will be subj€ct to 8 limit of S750 p€r accidont. E. Airbag Covsrsgo The following is addod to Ssctlon lll, Psragrsph 8.3.: The accidsntal discharg€ of an airbag shall not be considsred mechanical br6akdown. . o z Form Nor CNA63359XX (04-2012) Policy NorgUA 0076530520 Endorsamant Effactivo D6t€i Endorscmont Expirstion Date: Policy Ell€ctivo Oste: 08/01/2022 Endor6sment Noi 13; Pago: 2 of 4 Undorwriting Comp8ny: Ameri.rn C$ualry C.mpany Of Rerdin& PA, 151 N Franklin St, Chicago, lL 00606 o Copyright CNA AllRlghts Ro!€rvod. hclud€s copyrighted mat6rialof tho Insuranc€ Sorviceg Olfice, lnc., us€d with its pormission_ I CNA Business Auto Policy Policy Errdorsernent F. EloctronicEqulpment SBction lll, Psragraphs 8.4.c and B.4.d. are del6ted and replaced by the following: c. Physical Damage Coverage on a covarod auto slso spplies to loss to sny p€rmsnontly install€d €lectronic €quipment including its antennas 8nd other accessories d. A $100 per occurranca doductible applies to the coverage provided by this provision. G. Diminution ln Vsluo The following is addsd to Sectlon lll, Parsgr8ph 8.6.: Subject to lhe tollowing, the dlmlnutlon in valuo oxclusion does not apply to: a. Any covered suto oJ the private passengsr type you l€ase. hire, rent or borrow, without a driver for I period of 30 days or loss, whilo performing duties rslatod to th6 conduct oI your businsss; and b. Any covered suto of th€ privato passenger typs hirod or rsntsd by your omployoo without a drivsr for 8 period of 30 dsys or less, undor I contract in thst individual €mployoo's name, with your p€rmission, whilo performing duties related to the conduct ot your business. c. Such cov€r896 8s is provided by this provision is limited to a diminutlon in value loss arising directly out of sccidental damag€ and not as a result of the failure to make repairs; faulty or incomplet€ msinlenanca or ropairs; or the installstion of substandard parts, d. The most we will pay for losa to a covered auto in any one accident is tho lesser of: {11 $ 5,000; or (2) 20% ot the ruto'. actual cash value {ACV). lll. Drlva Othor Car Cov..age - Ex.cutlva Offlcsrs Th6 following is add6d to Soctlonc ll and lll: 1. Any .uto you don't own, hirs or borrow is a covsred auto for Liability Coverago while bsing ussd by, 8nd for Physicsl Damage Coverage whils in th€ caro, custody or control of, any of your "oxacutivo officers", except: a. An suto ownBd by thst "Bxscutivg oflic6r" or a member of that person's household; or b. An auto used by th8t "ex8cutive ollicer' while working in a business of selling, sorvicing, repairing or parking autos. Such Liability and/or Physical Dsmage Cov€r8ge as is aflorded by this provision. (1) Equal to th€ greatest ol those coverages afforded any covered auto; and (21 Excess ovsr any othor collectibls insur8nce. 2. For purposes of this provision, "Bxecutiv€ officer' m8ans a person holding any of the officsr positions created by your chsrter, constitution, by-l8ws or any other similar governing document, and, while a resident of the sams household, includes thst person's spouse. Such'exacutivs olficers" are insul8ds while using a covered auto described in this provision. IV. BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS A. Dutles ln Tho Evont Ol Accldont, Cloim, Suit Or Loss The following is sdded to Soction lV, Psr8graph A.2.a.: Form Nor CNA63359XX (04,2012) Pollcy No: 8UA 8076590520 Endorslmlot Eftrctive Dstor Endorsom€nt Expirstion Dat6: Policy Eff€ctivo Dat€: 08/01/2022 Endorsemont No: 13; PEg€: 3 ol 4 und€.writing Comp6ny: Am.ricrn Ci6urltycompany OfR.rding, PA. 151 N Fr8nklin St, Chic.go, lL 00606 o Copyrioht CNA All Rights Ro3orvod. lncludos copyrightad materiEl ol the lnluranc€ S€rvic€s Office, Inc., ur€d with it! parmigsion. ffi o z I CNA Business Auto Policy Policv Endorsement {4} Your omployoes m8y know of an accldsnt or loss. This will not mean that you have such knowledge. unless such accident or loss is known to you or iI you are not an individual, to any of your exocutiv8 oflicers or partners or your insurance manager. The following is addsd to Soction lV, Paragraph A.2.b.: {6} Your omploy8os m8y know of docum€nts roceiv€d concorning a claim or suit. This will not mean that you hsvo such knowledge. unless recoipt oI such docum€nts is known to you or if you ar6 not 8n individusl, to 8ny of your ox€cutive officers or partners or your insur8nce manager, B. Transfer Of Rights Ot Recovery Against Othors To Us Th€ following is addsd to Ssction lV, P8r8gr8ph A.5. Trangler 0f Rights Of R6covery Ag8lnst Othols To Us; We wsive any right oI racovary we may have, bscausB of psyments we make for injury or damag€, sgainst any pBrson or organization for whom or which you ar€ requitsd by written contract or agrsemBnt to obtain this waiver from us. This injury or damags must arise out ol your activities under a contract with thst person or organization. You must Egree to that requirament prior to 8n accident or loss. C. Concealmont, Mlsropresontation or Fraud The following is added to Soction lV, Parogrrph 8.2.: Your failure to disclose all hazards existing on the date of inc€ption of this Coverage Form shall not prejudice you with rosp€ct to ths coverago afforded provid€d such failu16 or omission is not intentionsl. D. Other lnsursnce The following is addsd to Saction lV, Paragrsph 8.5.: Regsrdless of the provisions of Parsgraphs 5.a. and 5.d. above, the coverage provided by this policy shall be on a primory non-contributory basis. This provision is applicable only when required by a writtBn contract. That written contract must have be€n onterod into prior to Accident or Loss. E. Policy Poriod, Covoraga Tsritoiy Section lV, Paragraph B.7.15).(al. is revis€d to providsi a. 45 dsys ol covorag€ in lieu oI 30 days, DEFINITIONS Ssctlon V. psragraph C. is dsl€ted snd replaced by ths rollowing: Bodlly lnjury means bodily injury, sickness or dis6ase sustained by a person, including mental anguish, mental injury or death resulting lrom any o{ these. Form Nor CNA6335gXX (04-2012) Endorromont Elfcctiv6 oata: Endorsom.nt Erpirstion Date: Endo66m6nt No: 13; Prg6:4 oI4 Undorwriting Comp8nyr Am.rican C&ualty Comprny OfR.edinS, PA 151 N Franklan St, Chicago, lL 80606 o a z o Copyright CNA All Rights Ro6grvad. lnclud€s copyrightod matgrial of th6 lnsurance S€rvices Otlico, lnc., uled wilh its parmission. Policy Nor 8UA 6076590520 Policy Ellectiv€ Dsts: 08/01/2022 IJI 2 I Business Auto Policy Policy Endorsement Iffi WAIVER OF TRAITISFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAIITIST OTHERS TO US IWAIVER OF SUBROGATION} o ! z Nsmod lnsurod: HARRIS & ASSoCIATES lNC. Endorsomont Effcctlvc Dats: 08/01i2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHAI{GES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This andorssment modilies insursnc€ provided under the following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FOBM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIEB COVERAGE FORM With respect lo covorage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverago Form apply unless modified by the endorssment. This endorsoment chsnges the policy eftectiv€ on the inc€ption date ot the policy unless another date is indicated below. Th6 Tlan3tor Ol Rightr Of RGcoveiy Agalnst Othars To Us condition do€s not apply to th6 person(s) or organization{s) shown in th€ Schedul€, but only to ths extent that subrogation is waived prior to th€ "accident" or the 'losr" undsr I contrsct with thst person or organizstion. Form No; CA 04 44 10 13 Endor8lmant Effoctiva DaIc: Endorsomont Expiration Drt6: Endorsomont Nor 4; PBgo: 1 ol 1 undorwrltlng Compsny: Amodcan C$ualty Company Of R6.dlng, PA, 151 N Franklin St, Chicsgo, tL E0606 lnformation il not shown above, will b6 shown in the Dsclarationsir€d to com ete this Schodule o Copyright lnsuranc6 Servicos Offico, lnc., 2011 Policy Nor BUA €076590520 Policy Effectivo Dator 08/01/2022 Namo{s) Ol Parson(s) Or Or0anizatlon(s): SCHEDULE ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHOM OR WHICH YOU ARE REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT TO OBTAIN THIS WAIVER FROM US. YOU MUST AGREE TO THAT REOUIREMENT PRIOR TO LOSS. I E I Workors Compensation And Employers Liability lnsurance Pclicy Endorsenrent This endorsomsnt changes the policy to which it is attached. It is agrsed thst P8n One - Workarr' Compons.tlon lnsurance G. Recovery From Othors and Part Two - Employers' Llabllity lnsurance H. Rocovsry From Others are amend€d by adding the following: We will not entorce our right to recovor against persons or organizations. {This agreement appliss only to th€ extent that you pedorm work undar a w,itton contrsct that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) PREMIUM CHARGE - Rsf€r to th€ Schodu16 of Oporations The charge will be an smount to which you and ws agr6e thal is a perc8ntago of th6 totsl standard pr€mium for California exposura. The amount is 2%. All other terms and conditions of the policy r€main unchanged. This endorsement, which {orms a part of and is for attachment to the policy issued by the designated lnsurers, takes eifect on the Policy Eflective Date of said policy at the hour stated in said policy. unless another eflective date (the Endorsement Ellective Datel is shown below, and expires concurrently with said policy unless another expiration date is shown below. CNA Form No: G-19160-8 (ll-19971 Endor6omont Efioctivo O6tor Endora6mont Exphltion Dat6: Endors6m6nt No: 2; PsO6: 1 ot 1 Llnderwriting Company: Amorlcan Casuelty Company Of Roading, PA 151 N Franklin St, Chicago, lL 60806 @ o a zLll BLAN(ET WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FBOM OTHERS o Copyright CNA All Rights fies€rv€d Policy No: WC 7034219554 Policy Effective Dat€: 08/01 /2022 Policy Pago: 32 of 48