2021/07/15 HP Communications, Inc.Client#:424269 HPCOMMU,IACORD," CERTIFICATE OF LIABILTTY INSURANCE COVEBAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: 6t30t2022 TH cS RTIEF c TE s SUs ASED M TTER Fo FON MAR toT oN LN DN ocN BSE RIGNO PUHTSON ETH ERTIc FI HTE DEROL HITsETBFIAcETNOTBoNEGTIAVELDAMENxEETDNRoLRTEETHOVcREAEFOFDREDTHPEOLESclEBTHSEcFtcRTITLOWoEFDOESNOTcTONCTRAEBEENSSUNGNUsBBESUTHORzDE),RE BP ENT ETIV Ro AN THD cE RTIE TtcAE oH ELDR M It certheifi hRTPONTcat td tset ADan tTtD No L SUIN ER he OI miesu hsta D TIDI No LD,p NS BU DE rovisl scv(be nd rsedptfBSUOGRTlorsNAIEsUbctethelotmsleanD,d nco irid n OIs he oli acert n esci tre anpcypolmay state enlm noreqtslhdoescertificaleconlernotahlshrtcaiIihteeoldofieuendmses PRODUCER Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC Marsh & McLennan lns. Agency LLC PO Box 85638 San Diego, CA 92186 858-452-7530 tNsuFEF A: Gre€nwlch lnsurance company IIISUFED Ittsunen c INSUFEF O XL Speclalty lnsurance Company Atlanllc Sp€cialty lnsurance Compeny 858-768-4080 27154 Margarita.Casillas@MarshMMA.com Margarita Caslllas |NSUFEH s: The Contlnental lnsurance Company 35289 37885HP Communications lnc, 13341 Temescal Canyon Road Corona, CA 92883 INSUREN E INSUREB F TH S To E TH T THE OLIC ES o NSU NCt STED BELo HA E Bt EN SSUED To Ttl L NSU ED NAMED OV E I o THE PO CANTEORcoNDITONOFCONTRACToOTHEROOCU[,1ENT WTH ESP ECT To H CH TH SCETCATEBEOFTHEFFORoE0BYTHEPOCDESC8EOHN5SUAJCTTOLTHETEt.lSEXCUSONSDCONDoNSoSUCOL]C]S L llt ITS SHOWN BA E a N EDUC o o CLA r,1SlNsnTYPE OF INSUBANCE PO!|CY Err L Mrs A x coMitEHcraL GEtiEFAt UAalun 7t1512022 07 t151202 EACH OCC!RRENCE s 2,000,000 s300,000 s10,000 clArMs MADE f1] o""u"ENIEO X BI/PD Dedr 10000 PEASONAT & ADV INJUBY GENERAT AGGBEGAIE s 2,000,000 s4,000,000poucv X iibl LOC PROOUCIS. COMP/OP AGG ,0!0 A OTHEB: AUTOMOBILC LIABLITY x x c4H745991002 7115t2022 07115i2023 - -- ItCOMBINED SINGLE TIMIY I 2,000,000Ix OWNEDAIJTOS ONLY HIREDAUTOS ONLY BOOILY INJURV (Per p6rson) SCHEDULEO NON.OWNED See attached lor Hired Auto BOOILY INJURY (P€r accidenD P ical damage B X OCCUF ClAIMS.MADE 6072189359 t't5t2022 07t15t2023 s'10,000,000 s'10,000,000 S x ExcEss L|AE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE DEO BEIENTION S "l IYOFKERS COIIPENSATION AND EIIIPIOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOF'PABINER/EXECUIIVEOFF CERMEMBER EXCLUOED? (M.ndrrory ln NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPEFATIONS betow /N N x cwG745990802 115t2022 0711 X STA]UI OTH- IERI E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L, OISEASE. EA EMPLOYE 1 s'1,000,000 slPqg,000 sl,000,000E,L. DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT Contractors Equipment Floater . ACV 7100336610008 7115t202'l 07t15t202 Scheduled: S7,134,389 Bented: $200,000 ltem Deductible:0 oEscBlPTloN oF oPERATIONS / LOCATTONS MHIC|-ES {ACOFO rOr, Addfionat Bemsrk! Sch.dute. m.y bo afia.hed I more 3psc6 t. reqllred) City of Menilee is named as Additional lnsured as respects lo the General and Automobite Liability per the attached endorsemenls. City oI Menilee 29714 Haun Hoad Menifee, CA 92586.0000 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFOBETIIE EXPIAATION DATE THEBEOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVEBED IN ACCOBDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPHESENTATIVE CEBTIFICATE OLDER LATION @ 1988.2015 ACOBD CORPOFATION. A[ rtghrs reserved. The ACORD name and logo are reglstered marks ol ACOBD WSJZH ooEs AFFIBMATIVELY BY INSURANCE CONSTITUTE THE PRODUCEB, endotsemenl. such INSUNEF(S) AFFOBOINO COVEAAGE NAIC} IS PER ODINDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING REOUIREMENT, ISSUED PEHTAIN,NSUBANCE x X GEN'L AGGAEGATE LIMITAPPLIES PEB: E I s s D G>5- acoBD 2s (2016/03) l ot1#s11057189/M11055822 a,coni>t ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE HP Communications lnc ADDITIONAL REMARKS @ 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved The ACORD name and logo are registered marks ot ACORD THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: 25 FORM TTTLE: Certilicate of L abitity lnsurance ADDITIONAL COVERAGE Professional Liability - Berkley Assurance Company # PCAD850149860721 Tetm:7115121 - 7/15/22 $5,000,000 Each Claim Limit / Aggregaie $25.000 Deductible Each Claim Pollution Coverage " Berkley Assurance Company # PCADB5014986072'l Tetm: 7115121 -71'15/22 $5,000,000 Each Claim Limit $10,000,000 Aggregate $50.000 Deductible Each Clainr Crime Coverage - Travelers Cas & Surety Co of America #105983294 f e(m:7115121 - 7115122 Employee Theft of Client Property 91,000,000; g't0,000 Betention Fiduciary Limit $'1.000,000; $0 Relenlion lnstallation Floater / Property Coverage - Atlantic Specialty lnsurance Company #71003365'10008 f etmiThSl2l -7h5122 Actual Cash Value $2,000,000 Limit $2,500 Deductible Business Personal Property Coverage $556,600 Limit w/ $'1,000 Deductible Business lnterruption / Extra Expense Coverage $500,000 Limit Cyber Liability carrier: syndicate 2623/623 at Lloyd's Policy Number: Wl F803210401 Ietmt7115121 - 7115122 Aggregate Limit; $1,000,000 Retention: $25,000 Hired Auto Physical Damage (Comp & Collision): 9100,000 Limit Comp $1,000 Deductible & Collision 91,000 Deductible Hired/BorrowedAuto Liability: 91,000,000 Limit Non-Owed Auto Liability: $1,000,000 Limit Employmenl Practices Liability lnsurance Insurer: Underwrilers at Lloyd's London Policy #ANVl '15282A f etm:7/15121 - 7/151?2 $1,000,000 Policy Limit $75,000 Deductible Each Claim Claims N,4ade Policy Prior and Pending Dale:7/2512017 ACORD 101 (2008/01) Page2 o1 2 lvlarsh & Mclennan lnsurance Agency LLC INSURED POLICY#: HP Communications lnc. cGS745990902 POLICYPERIOD: 07t15/2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s):Location And Description Of Completed Oporalions Where required by written contract lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products-completed operations hazard". All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged XIL 2037-0704 (Ed.0413) O 2013, XL America, lnc. Page 1 of 1 All rights reserved. May not be copied without permission. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Offlce, lnc., with its permission ro.07/1512023 INSURED: POLICY#: HP Communications Inc. cAH745SS1002 BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORI\4 MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM POLICYPERIOD: 07/1s/2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AUTOMATIC ADDITIONAL INSURED ro.07t15t2023 xtc 41 1 1013 COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, Who ls An lnsured, is amended to include as an "insured" any person or organization you are required in a written contract to name as an additional insured, but only for "bodily injury'or "property damage" otherwise covered under this policy caused, in whole or in part, by the negligent acts or omissions of: 1. You, while using a covered "auto"; or Any other person, except the additional insured or any employee or agent of the additional insured, operating a covered "auto" with your permission; 2 c Provided that: a. The written contract is in effect during the policy period of this policy; b The written contract was signed by you and executed prior to the "accident'' causing "bodily injury" or "property damage" for which liability coverage is sought; and Such person or organization is an "insured" solely to the extent required by the contract, but in no event if such person or organization is solely negligent. B The Limits of lnsurance provided for the Additional lnsured shall not be greater than those required by contract and, in no event shall the Limits of lnsurance sel forth in this policy be increased by the contract. c.General Conditions, Other lnsurance is amended as follows Any coverage provided hereunder shall be excess over any other valid and collectible insurance available to the additionai insured whether such insurance is primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis unless the contract specifically requires that this policy be primary. All terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of this policy shall apply to the liability coverage provided to any additional insured, and in no event shall such coverage be enlarged or expanded by reason of the contract. All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged xtc 41 1 101 3 Page 1 of 1 This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: O 2013 X.L. America, lnc. All Rights Reserved. [/ay not be copied without permission. lncludes copyrighted materialof lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission INSURED: POLICY#: HP Communications lnc cGS745990902 ro.07t1512023 It is agreed that to the extent that insurance is afforded to any Additional lnsured under this policy, thisinsurance shall apply as primary and not contributing wilh any insurance carried by such Adilitional lnsured, as required by written contract. Where required by written contract POLTCYPERTOD: 07115t2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE BEAD IT CAREFULLY PRIMARY INSURANCE CLAUSE ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COIVPLETED OPERATIONS COVERAGE PART All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged xtL 424 0605 @, 2005, XL America, lnc