2022/09/30 HHS Construction, LLC (3)08t31t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER. AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. NE PROOUCEE LocktonCompenies 444 W. 47th Street. S'rite 900 Kansas CiV MO 64112-1906 (816)960-9000 kctsu@lockton.com tNsuRERA I Hartford Fire lnsurance company 19682 rNsuRER B: Hartford Casualty lnsurance Company 29424 INSURER C INSURER D lNsuRED HHS coNSTRUcIoN, LLc '1451971 2042 s. GROVE AVE. oNTAR|O CA 91761 ,A(-()Rn"CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE TIFICATE NUMBER: 166 254 9t30t2023 REVISION NUMBER: XXXXXXX ee ments @ 1988-2015 CORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved c RTIFICA H NC THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTW|TIISTANOING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONIRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY TI]E POLICIES DESCRIBED I]EREIN IS SUBJECT TO AIL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSD SUBF EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1.000.000 OAMAGE TO REN'TED $ 300 000 MEo EXP lAnY one o€rcon)s 10,000 PERSONAL & AOV INJURY 5 1.000 000 GENERAL AGG REGATE s 2,000,000 PRODUCTS, COMP/OP AGG $ 2.000.000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILTY L AGGREGATE LIMI-TAPPLIES PER X X X CLAIMS-MAOE OTI.lER JECT Y N 37 ECSOL5825 09t30t2422 09t30t202? s COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ $1.000,000 SOD|LY INJURY (Pd p.6on)$ XXXXXXX BODILY INJURY (Per.ccrdent)$ XXXXXXX $ XXXXXXX AUTOMOBILE LIABILIIY OWNEOAUTOS ONLY HIRED SCHEOULEOAUTOSNON-O!/NEOX X X X Y N 37 UENOL5831 09t30t2022 0s/30i2023 $ XXXXXXX X EACH OCCIJRRENCE , 10,000,000UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB X $ 10,000,000 B DED X RETENTION I1O OOO N N 37XHUOL5832 a9t3at2a22 a9t3at2a23 S E L DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE $ xxxxxxx woRxERs corPEtls^troAND EXPLOYERS' LTABLI'Y E L OISEASE. POLICY LIM T $ XXXXXXX OESCRIPT|oN OF OPERATIOiIS / LOCAIIONS / VEHICIES {ACORD 101, AddltoDl Rm.*. Sch.dul., m.y b..tach.d It moE.prc.lr FquiEd) CITY OF MENIFEE, IiS COUNCILMEMBERS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE ABDITIONAL INSUREO AS RESPECTS TO GENERAL AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILIry ON A PRIMARY NONCONTRIBUTORY BASIS AS REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTFIACT COVERAGE IS SUEJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHOULD ANY OF IHE ABOVE DESCRIAEO POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, r'lOTlCE wlLL BE DELIVEREO lN ACCORDANCE IVITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE //*Z ACORO 25 (2016/03) The ACORO name and logo are registered marks of ACORD IMPORTAiIT: lf rhe certificate holder i3 an AODITIONAL INSUREO, tho policy(ie3) must hav€ ADDITIONAL INSURED provirion! or bo 6ndorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, 3ubject to th6 terms and conditionB of lhe policy, certain policic! may .6quire .n enclorssmsnt. A ltatement on this certific.te does not confer right! to the certilicate holder in lieu ot auch ondoB6m6nt(3). I s XXXXXXXNOT APPLICAELE 16663254 CITY OF MENIFEE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 29714 HAUN ROAD MANIFEE CA 92586 f/-- Attachment Code : D555319 Certiflcate lD : 16663254 POLICY NUMBER: 37 UENOL5831 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER(S) This policy is subject to the following additional Conditions A. lf this policy is cancelled by the Company, other than for nonpayment of premium, notice of such cancellation will be provided at least thidy (30) days in ad\ance of the cancellation effecti\€ date to the certifcate holde(s) with mailing addresses on fle with the agent of record of the Company. B. lf this policy is cancelled by the Company for nonpayment of premium, or by the insured, notice of such cancellation will be pro\,ided within (10) days of the cancellation effecti\e date to the certificate holde(s) with mailing addresses on file with the agent of record or the Company. lf notice is mailed, proof of mailing to the last known mailing address of the certificate holde(s) on file with the agent of record or the Company will be suffcient proof of notice. Any notification rights pro\,ided by this endorsement apply only to the acti\,e certificate holde(s)who were issued a certificate of insurance applicable to this policy's term. Failure to prolide such notice to the ce(ificate holder(s) will not amend or extend the date the cancellation becomes effecti\e, nor will it negate cancellation of the policy. Failure to send notice shall impose no liability of any kind upon the Company or its agents or representati\€s. Form lH 03 13 06'l'l Attachment Code : D555319 Certificate lD : 16663254 Attachment Code : D558764 Certificate lD : 16663254 POIICY NUMBER: 37 ECSOL5825 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Itris policy is subject to the following additional Conditions A. tf this policy is cancelled by the Company, other than for nonpayment of premium, notice of such cancellation will be pro\,ided at least thirty (30) days in ad\ance of the cancellation efiecti\e date to the certiicate holder(s) with mailing addresses on file with the agent of record of the Company. B. tf this policy is cancelled by the Company for nonpayment of premium, or by the insured, notice of such cancellation will be provded within (10) days ofthe cancellation effecti\€ date to the certificate holde(s)with maiting addresses on file with the agent of record or the Company. lf notice is mailed, proof of mailing to the last known mailing address of the certificate holde(s) on file with the agent of record or the Company will be suffcient proof of notice. Any notification rights provided by this endorsement apply only to the acti\e certificate holde(s) who were issued a certificate of insurance applicable to this policy's term. Failure to pro\,ide such notice to the certificate holder(s)will not amend or extend the date the cancellation becomes effecti\e, nor will it negate cancellation of the policy. Failure to send notice shall impose no liability of any kind upon the Company or its agents or representati\es. Form lH 03 13 06 11 NOTICE OF CANCELLATTON TO CERTTFTCATE HOLDER(S) .AC()Ri7.CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 08t31t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE BOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEIIO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AT{D THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. IMPORTANT: lf the ce.tific.t6 hold6r i3 an ADDITIONAL INSURED, th6 policy(iss) must have ADOITIONAL INSUREO provilion! or be 6ndors6d. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to ths terms and condiiion! of the policy, ce(ain polici.r may .equire .n endoGement. A Btatement on this certificate does not confor .ight! to tho cenficate holder in lieu olsuch endorsement(s). INSURER(SI AFFORDING COVERAGE tNsuRER A: Harlford Fare lnsorance Company 19682 INSUREO HHs coNSTRUcTIoN, LLc 1451971 2042 S. GROVE AVE. ONTARIO CA 91761 rNsuRER B: Hartford Casually lnsurance Company 29424 INSURER E : 9t30t2023 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVIS N MBE R men s o 1988-2015 CORD CORPORATION. All .ights resewed CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEO ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO AI I TI]E TERI\'S EXCI TISIONS AND CONOITIONS OF SI]CH POI ICIFS LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVF BFEN REDt]CFD BY PAID CI AIMS SUBRrNso EACH OCCIJRRENCE $ 1,000,000 PRFMISFS rFe...rtr.n..l $ 300.000 MED ExP (Anv one oe6o.)$ 10.000 PERSONAL 8 AOV IN.JURY r 1.000.000 GENFRAI AGGRFGAIF $ 2.000.000 PRODI]CTS, COMP/OP AGG s 2 000 000 Y N 09t3012422 o9t30t2023COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIM TAPPLIES PER X X X JECT L ] CLAII\iS-lrrADE LOC OTHER 37 ECSOL5825 s INED SINGLE LIM $ $1,000,000 BODILY lN.lURY (Per pe6on)5 XXXXXXX BODILY INJURY (Per accdenll 5 XXXXXXX S XXXXXXX AUTOilloBILE LIAAILITY o!4NEO AUTOS ONLYHIREDAUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED NON.OWNEO X X x X Y N 37 UENOL5831 49t30t2022 0s/30/2023 S XXXXXXX x EACI] OCCURRENCE s 10,000,000UiIBREILA LIAB EXCESS LIAB x AGGREGATE s 10.000,000 B DED X N N 37XHUOL5832 09t3412422 4913012423 S XXXXXXX E L O]SEISE- EA EMPIOYEE $ XXXXXXX woixERs cofPENsaltotl ANO E PLOYERS' LIABIIITY ^NY PROPRETOMNINERTErcCfi Nt NOT APPLICABLE $ XXXXXXX OESCRTPITON OF OPERATIoNS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORO lOl,Addltloul R.nl.lo Sch.dule, h.y b..tt!ch.d lrmoE.p.@ l. EquiEd) CITY OF MENIFEE, ITS COUNCILMEMBERS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS TO GENERAL AND AUIOMOBILE LIAEILITY ON A PRIMARY NONCONTRIBUTORY BASIS AS REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT COVERAGE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHOULO ANY OF IHE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIE5 BE CANCELLEO BEFORETHE EXPIRAIION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE wlLL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 4?*e^*'l r-1 't6563254 CITY OF MENIFEE DEPARTI'ENT OF FINANCE 29714 HAUN ROAD MANIFEE CA S2586 ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD PRooucEn Locktoiiompanies 444 W 47th Street. Suite 900 Kansas City MO 64112-1906 (816) 960-9000 kctsu@lockton.com l I IRETENToN s 10 000 I Attachment Code : D555319 Certiflcate lD : 16663254 POLICY NUMBER: 37 UENOL5831 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER(S) This policy is subject to the bllowing additional Conditions A. lf this policy is cancelled by the Company, other than br nonpayment of premium, notice of such cancellation will be provided at least thirty (30) days in ad\6nce of lhe cancellation effecti\e date to the certificate holde(s) with mailing addresses on fle with the agent of record ofthe Company. B. lf this policy is cancelled by the Company for nonpayment of premium, or by the insured, notice of such cancellation will be provded within (10) days oflhe cancellation effecti\€ date to the certifcate holde(s) with mailing addresses on fle with the agent of record or the Company. lf notice is mailed, proof of mailing to the last known mailing address of the certificate holde(s) on file with the agent of record or the Company will be suffcient proof of notice. Any notification rights provided by this endorsement apply only to the acti\,e certificate holder(s)who were issued a certificate of insurance applicable to this policy's term. Failure to pro\,ide such notice to the certificate holder(s)will not amend or extend the date the cancellation becomes efiecli\e, nor will it negate cancellation of the policy. Failure to send notice shall impose no liability of any kind upon the Company or its agents or representati\es. Form lH 03 13 06 11 Attachment Code : D555319 Certiflcate lD : 16663254 Attachment Code: D558764 Certiflcate lD: 16663254 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTTGE OF CANCELLATTON TO CERTTFTCATE HOLDER(S) 'lhis policy is subject to the following additional Conditions A. lf this policy is cancelled by the Company, other than for nonpayment of premium, notice of such cancellation wjll be provded at least thirty (30) days in ad\ance of the cancellation efiecti\€ date to the certificate holder(s) with mailing addresses on file with the agent of record of the Company. B. lf this policy is cancelled by the Company for nonpayment of premium, or by the insured, notice of such cancellation will be provided within (10) days ofthe cancellation effecti\e date to the certificate holde(s) with mailing addresses on file with the agent of record or the Company. lf notice is mailed, proof of mailing to the last known mailing address of the certificate holde(s) on file with the agent of record or the Company will be suffcient proof of notice. Any notification rights provded by this endorsement apply only to the acti\e certificate holder(s)lvho were issued a certificate of insurance applicable to this policy's term. Failure to pro\,ide such notice to the certificate holde(s)will not amend or extend the date the cancellation becomes effecti\,e, nor will it negate cancellation of the policy. Failure to send notice shall impose no liability of any kind upon the Company or its agenls or representati\es. Form lH 03 13 06'11 POLICY NUMBER: 37 ECSOL5825