2022/03/01 Genasys, Inc. (3)--^\.A(:Ofr'D pRoDUcFR License # 0C36861 San Diego-Alliant lnsurance Services, lnc701 B St 6th FtSan Diego, CA 92101 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE GENAINC-02 fiSgllcr Joanne M Garland fJ8,^|f", e,q, (6rs) 238-1828 EilHtEss JGa rland@al liant.com tNsu RER{S) AFFOROTNG COVERAGE [il, N.)'(6 ls) 5ss-2100 c INSURED rNsnRER a : Hanover lnsurance Company 22292 rNsuRER B :Allmerica Financial Benetit lnsurance Company 41840 Genasys lnc. 16262 W. Bernardo Drive Safl Diego, CA 92127 '12t13t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THISCERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEO BY THE POLICIESBELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE |SSU|NG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZEOREPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. TIONAL INSUREO provisions or be endorsed. may require an endorsoment. A statoment on thlfMoTRANT ertilicate h td ais DDtTt No IL SN RUE the oli ies hD.ts o DDp() SII AIVEO ubs ct to the terms nda dniti s tofh rtain,e toscpolpo ht ts catertili notdoes confer hts ttoh rtcerfic hatoolde I of s h dorseme s A ;1 couurnolt ceNERAL LrABtLrry cLArMs MAD€ X occuR GES G€NL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER X ]eorrcv 5A& Loc OTHERB ourouoerre r're'.'r, OWNEOAUTOSONLYX XllBs on." SCHEO!LEOAUTOS RTIFICATE NUIVIBER x zH3 4798064-09 x AW3A796829.07 wH3A777 457 ION NUMAER COMBINEO SINGLE !Ii'IT EOOIIY lN.lURY (Pe/ p€rson) AOOIIY TNJURY (Per a@dent) 31112022 3t112022 311t2023 2,000,000 1,000,000 10,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 x ^^8ibgtNt9 UMBREIIALhA OCC(JR tEXCESS LIAB CLA MS MADF oED Oaru*r,o^, A wonxenscotnrerserrorANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER ET'-I IIDFD)(M.ndatorv l. tHl EACIi OCCURRENCE AG6REGATE PER5-ar, _F 't2t1512022 1211512023 .L eocn occ,o.r, OTH E L OISEASE.EA EMPLOYEE $ E L O SEASE 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000A Errors & Omissions A Cyber Liability LH3-H071128-02 LH3-H071128,02 3t1t2022 3t1t2022 3l'12023 311t2023 S10,000 Deductible $10,000 Retention 3,000,000 3,000,000 oEscRtploN oF opERATtON S r L OCA nON S , VEH|CfE S IACORD t O I Add ,on. t R.m.rt r S.heduto, m.y t . ati.ch.d t, moro .o.c. t! ,.outmdtThe city ol Menifee, its officers. agenls and emptoyees named as aJdiiio;;litl;sii;;ir;J;e;lieiriteiiiiiiiiiEii{ and aulomobite Liabitiry THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSURED NAMEO ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIODINDICATED NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER OOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WTIICH THISCERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR I\iAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFOROEO AY THE POLICIES DESCRIAED HEREIN IS SUAJECT TO ALL THE TERMSEXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POTICIES LIMITS SHO$,\I MAY HAVE BEEN REOUCED AY PAID CLAIMS POLICY EFF POLICY EXP ACORD 25 (20.t6/03) R o 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATTON The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORO All rights reserved CERTIFICAT D LATION SHOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFORETHE EXPIRATION DATE IH€REOF, NOTICE wlLL BE OELIVERED INACCOROANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS,City of Menetee Office oI Finance 29844 Haun Road Monifee, CA 92586 AUTHORIZEO REPRESENIATIV€ I SUBROGATION I EACH OCCURRENCE u1,2023 PASASEE{?E:E&R.c€r MEO ErP (Any om p€Bonl P€RSONAL A AOV ]NJIJRY GENERAL AGGREGAIE , PROOUCTS. COMP/OP AGG EBL AGGREGATE 5 5 I ! ! s $ $ 3 I s s zH3 A798064 09 1001 358 THIS ENDORSEI\,4ENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMM ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY BROADENING ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SUMMARY OF COVERAGES Additional lnsured by Contract, Agreement or Permit Addilional lnsured - Primary and Non-Contributory lncluded lncluded2 3 Blanket Waiver of Subrogation lncluded 4.Bodily lnjury Redefined Broad Form Property Damage Borrowed Equipment, Customers Goods & Use of Elevators lncluded lncluded lncluded 7 Liberalization Clause lncluded I Medical Payments - Extended Reporting Period lncluded I 10. Newly Acquired or Formed Organizations - Covered until end of policy period Non-owned Watercraft lncluded 51 ft 11_Supplementary Payments lncreased Limits Bail Bonds $2,500 - Loss of Earnings Uninlentional Failure to Disclose Hazards $1000 12 lncluded 13.Unintentional Failure to Notify lncluded This endorsement amends coverages provided under the Commercial General Liability Coverage Part through new coverages, higher limits and broader coverage grants. 1. Additional lnsured by Contract, Agreement or Permit The following is added to SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Additional lnsured by Contract, Agreement or Permit a. Any person or organization with whom you agreed in a written contract, written agreement or permit that such person or organization to add an additional insured on your policy is an additional insured only with respecl to liabilityfor "bodily injury", "property damage", or"personal and advertising injury' caused, in whole or in part, by your acts or omissions, or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf, but only with respect to: (1) "Your work" for the additional insured(s) designated in the contract, agreement or permit; (2) Premises you own, rent, lease or occupy; or (3) Your maintenance, operation or use of equipment leased to you. b. The insurance afforded to such additional insured described above: (1) Only applies to the extent permitted by law: and (2) Will not be broader than the insulance which you are required by the contract, agreement or permit to provide for such additional insured. 421-2915 06 15 lncludes copyrighted materialof lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission 't. 5. Knowledge of Occurrence Page 1 ot 4 (3) Applies on a primary basis if that is required by the written contract, written agreement or permit. (4) Will not be broader than coverage provided to any other insured. (5) Does not apply if the 'bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" is otherwise excluded from coverage under this Coverage Part, including any endorsements thereto. c. This provision does not apply: (1) Unless the written conlract or written agreement was executed or permil was issued prior to the "bodily injury', "property damage", or "personal injury and advertising injury". (2) To any person or organization included asan insured by another endorsement issued by us and made part of this Coverage Part. (3) To any lessor of equipmenl: (a) After the equipment lease expires: or (b) lf the "bodily injury'', "property damage', "personal and advertising injury" arises out of sole negligence of the lessor (4) To any: (a) Owners or other interests from. whom land has been leased which takes place after the lease for the land ex- pires; or (b) Managers or lessors of premises if: (i) The occurrence takes place after you cease to be a tenant in that premises; or (ii) The "bodily injury", "property damage", "personal injury" or "advertising injury' arises out of structural alterations, new con- struction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the manager or lessor. (5) To "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injuqy'' arising out of the rendering of or the failure to render any professional services. This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence orother wrongdoing tn the supervisron, hiring, employment, training or monitoringof others by that insured, if the"occurrence" which caused the "bodily injury'or "property damage" or the offensewhich caused the "personal and zH3 4798064 09 1001358 advertising in,ury" involved the renderingof or failure to render any professional services by or for you. d. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following isadded to SECTION lll - LIMITS OF INSURANCE: The most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured for a covered claim is the lesser of the amounl of insurance: l. Required by the contract, agreement or permit described in Paragraph a.; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. 2. Addltional lnsured - Prlmary and Non- Contributory The ,ollowing is added to SECTION tV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 4. Other insurance: Additional lnsured - Primary and Non- Contributory lf you agree in a written contract, written agreement or permil thal the insurance provided toany person or organization included as an Additional lnsured under SECTION ll - WHO lSAN INSURED, is primary and non-contributory, the following applies: lf other valid and collectible insurance is available to the Additional lnsured for a loss covered under Coverages A or B of this Coverage Part, our obligations are limited as follows: a. Primary lnsurance This insurance is primary to other insurancethat is available to the Additional lnsured which covers lhe Additional lnsured as a Named lnsuled. Wewill not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the Additional lnsured except: (1) For the sole negligence of the Additionat lnsured; (2) When the Additional lnsured is an Additional lnsured under another primary liability policy; or (3) when b. below applies. lf this insurance is primary, our obligations are not affected unless any of the other insurance is also primary. Thon, we will share with all that other insurance by the method described in c. below. 421-2915 06 15 lncludes copyrighted materialof lnsurance Services Oflice, lnc., with its permission.Page 2 ol 4 b. Excess lnsurance (1) This insurance is excess over any of lhe other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis: (a) That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder's Risk, lnstallation Risk or similar coverage for "your work"; (b) That is Fire insurance for premises rented to the Additional lnsured or temporarily occupied by the Additional lnsured with permission of the owner; (c) That is insurance purchased by the Additional lnsured to cover lhe Additional lnsured's liability as a tenant Ior "properly damage" to premises rented to the Additional lnsured or temporarily occupied by the Additional with permission of the owner: or (d) lf the loss arises out of the maintenance or use of aircraft. "autos" or watercraft to the extent not subjectto Exclusion g. of SECTION l- COVERAGE A _ BODILY INURYAND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY. (2) When this insurance is excess, we will have no duty under Coverages A or B to defend the insured against any "suit" if any other insurer has a duty to defend the insured against that "suit". lf no other insurer defends, we will undertake to do so, but we will be entitled to the insured's rights against all those other insurers. (3) When this insurance is excess over other lnsurance, we will pay only our share ofthe amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the sum of: (a) The total amount that all such other insurance would pay for the loss in the absence of this insurancet and (b) The total of all deductible and self insured amounts under all that other insurance We will share the remaining loss, if any, with any other insurance that is not described in this Excess lnsurance provision and was not bought specificallyto apply in excess of the Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. c. Method Of Sharing lf all of the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we will follow thismethod also. Under this approach each zH3 4798064 09 1001358 insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or none of the loss remains, whichever comes first. lf anyof the other insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares, we will contribute by limits. Under this method, each insurer's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limit of insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers 3. Blanket Waiver of Subrogation The following is added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us: We waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organizalion with whom you have a written contract that requires such waiver because of payments we make for damage under this coverage form. The damage must arise out ofyour activities under a written contract with that person or organization. This waiver applies only tothe extent that subrogation is 'rvaived under a written contract executed prior to lhe "occurrence" or offense giving rise to such payments. 4. Bodlly lnjury Redeflned SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, Definition 3. "bodily injun/ is replaced by the following: 3. "Bodily injury'means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person including death resulting from any of these at any time. "Bodily injury" includes mental anguish or other mental injury resulting from "bodily injury". 5. Broad Form Property Damage - Borrowed Equipment, Customers Goods, Use of Elevators A. SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A -BODILIY INJURY AND PROPERTYDAMAGE LlABlLlTY, Paragraph 2. Exclusions subparagraph j. is amended as follows: Paragraph (4) does not apply to "property damage" to borrowed equipment while at ajobsite and not being used to perform operations. Paragraphs (3), (a) and (6) do not apply to "property damage'to "customers goods" while on your premises nor do they apply to the use of elevators at premises you own, rent, lease or occupy. b. The following is added to SECTION V -DEFINTIONS: 24. "Customers goods' means property of your customer on your plemises for the purpose of being: lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Ofllce, Inc., with its permlssion Page 3 of 4421-2915 06 15 a. worked oni or b. used in your manufacturing process. c. The insurance afforded under this provision is excess over any other valid and collectibleproperty insurance (including deductible) available to the insured whether primary, excess, contingent 6. Knowledge of Occurrence The following is added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 2. Duties ln the Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit: e. Notice of an "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit" will be considered knowledge of the insured if reported to an individual named insured, partner, executive officer or an "employee" designated by you to give us such a notice. 7. LiberalizationClause The following is added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: Liberalization Clause lf we adopt any revision that would broaden the coverage under this Coverage Form without additional premium, within 45 days prior to or during the policy period, the broadened coverage will immediately apply to this Coverage Part. L Medical Payments - Extended Reporting Period A. SECTION I- COVERAGES, COVERAGE C -MEDICAL PAYMENTS, Paragraph 1. lnsuring Agreement, subparagraph a.(3xb) is replaced by the following; (b) The expenses are incurred and reported to us within three years of the date of the accident; and b. This coverage does not apply if COVERAGE C - MEDICAL PAYMENTS is exctuded either by the provisions of the Coverage Part or by endorsement. 9. Newly Acquired Or Formed Organizations SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED, Paragraph 3.a. is replaced by the following: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded until the end of the policy period. zH3 A798064 09 1001358 10. Non-Owned Watercraft SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY OAMAGELIABILITY, Paragraph 2. Exclusions, subparagraph g.(2) is replaced by the foltowing: g. Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 51 feet tong; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge; This provision applies to any person who,with your consenl, either uses or is responsible for the use of a watercraft. 11. Supplementary Payments lncreased Limits SECTION I- SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS COVERAGES A AND B, Paragraphs '1.b. and 'l.d. are replaced by the following: 1.b.Up to $2,500 for cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily lnjury Liability Coverage appties. We do not have to furnish these bonds. 1.d.All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our request to assist us in the investigation or defense of the claim or'suit", including actual loss of earnings up to $1000 a day because of time off from work. 12. Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards The following is added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 6. Representations: We will not disclaim coverage under this Coverage Part if you fail to disclose all hazards existing as ofthe inception date of the policy provided such failure is not intentional. 13. Unintentional Failure to Notify The following is added to SECTION tV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 2. Duties in the Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit: Your rights afforded under this policy shall not be prejudiced if you fail to give us notice of an "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit", solely due toyour reasonable and documented belief that the "bodily inrury" or "property damage" is not covered under this policy. ALL OTHER TER[,4S, CONOITIONS, AND EXCLUSIONS REMAIN UNCHANGED 42r-2915 06 15 lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Ofllce, lnc., with its permission Page 4 ot 4 s Hanover lnsurance Ctoup 4W3A796829 1001358 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES fiE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CABEFULLY BUSINESS AUTO @\ERAGE BROADENING ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FOBM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions ol the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsemenl. 1, CANCELLANON EXTENSION d. Any business entity for which you have a financial interest greater than 50% of the voting stock or otherwise have a controlling interest after the effective date of this policy or that is newly acquired or formed by you during the lerm of this policy. SECNONI-COVEREDAUTOS The coverage provided by this provision is afforded until expiralion or ter[]ination of lhis policy, whichever occurs earlier. Paragraph A. CANCELLATION 2. b. of the COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS rs replaced with the following:b. 60 days before the etfeclive date of cancellation iI we cancel lor any other reason. 2. EMPLOYEE HIRED ''AUTOS" Description Of Covered Auto Designation Symbols; Symbol 8 is replaced by the following: I = Hired "Autos" Only - Only those "autos" you lease, hire, rent or borrow; including "autos" your employee hires at your direction, for the purpose of conducting your business. This does not include any "auto" you lease, hire, rent, or borrow from any of your "employees" or partners or members ol their households. SECNON II - LIABILITY COVEBAGE 3. BROADENED NAMED INSUBEO The lollowing is added to the SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph 1. Who ls An lnsured provision: The coverage provided by this provision does not apply to any business entity described in d. above that qualifies as an insured under any other automobile liability policy issued to that business entity as a named insured or would have been an insured except for the exhaustion ol the policy limits or the insolvency of the insurer. The coverage provided by this provision does not apply to "bodily injury" nor "property damage" arising f rom an accident that occurred prior to your acquiring or forming the business entity described in d. above. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services OFfice, lnc. with its permission, Copyright, lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 1996 461-0155 (9-97) page 1 of 7 4. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS The following is added to the SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph 1. Who ls An lnsured provision: Any employee ot yours is an "insured" while using a covered "auto" you do not own, hire or borrow in your business or your personal affairs. Paragraph (4) is replaced by the following (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insured" at our requesl, including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of lime off lrom work. 6, AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION The following is added to the SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVEBAGE, B. Excluslons Paragraph 5, Fellow Employee exclusion: This exclusion does not apply if the "bodily inlury" arises from the use of a covered "auto" you own or hire. This coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance SECTION III . PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE. 7. E(PEI'ISE OF RETURNING A STOLEN "AUTO" and SIGN COVERAGE The lollowing is added to SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A.1. COVERAGE: d. Expense OI Returning A Stolen "Auto" We will pay for the expense of returning a covered "auto" lo you. Sign Coverage e e The most we will pay for "loss" in any one "accident" is the lesser of: 1. The actual cash value of the property as of the time of the "loss"; or2. The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged or stolen property with other property oI like kind and quality; or3. $2,000. 8. GLASS BREAKAGE DEDUCTIBLE The following is added to SECnON lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. COVERAGE paragraph 3. class Breakage - Hitting a Bird or Animal - Falling Obiecls or Missiles: Any deductible shown in the Declarations as applicable to the lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc. with its permission. Copyright, lnsurance Services Office, Inc., 1996 461{155 (9-97) Page 2ot 7 5. SUPPLEMENTARYPAYMENTS The following amends SECTION ll - LIABILITY @VEBAGE, Paragraph 2. Coverage Extensions provision : Paragraph (2) is replaced by the following: (2) Up to $2500 lor cost o, bail bonds (includinq bonds for related traflic law violalions) required because of an "accident" we cover. We do not have to furnish these bonds. We will pay for loss to signs, murals, paintings or graphics, as part of equipment, which are displayed on a covered "aulo". sHHnoverlnsuranc€ Croup AW3A796829 1001358 covered "auto" will not apply to glass breakage if such glass is repaired, rather than replaced. 9. TRANSPORTATIONEXPENSE Paragraph 4. Coverage Extension. of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. COVERAGE is replaced with the following: We will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum ot $1500 for temporary transportation expense incurred by you because of the lotal theft of a covered "auto' of the private passenger type. We will pay only lor those covered "autos" lor which you carry either Comprehensive or Specified Causes of Loss Coverage. We will pay Ior temporary transportation expenses incurred during the period beginning 24 hours after the thelt and ending, regardless ol the policy s expiration, when the covered "auto" is returned to use or we pay for its "loss". The most we will pay for any one loss is the lesser of the following: a. $50,000 per accident, or b. cash value, or c. the cost of repair, minus the deductible equal to the lowesl deductible applicable to any owned "auto" for that coverage. Any deductible shown in the Declarations does not apply to "loss" caused by fire or lightning. SubJect to the limit and deductible stated above, we will provide coverage equal to the broadest coveraqe provided to any covered "auto" you own, that is applicable to the loss. lf the loss arises from an accident for which you are legally liable and the lessor incurs an actual financial loss From that accident, we will cover the lessor s actual financial loss of use of the hired "auto" for a period oI up to seven consecutive days from the date of the accidenl. subject to a limit of $1,000 per accident. 1 1. AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC EOUIPMENT COVERAGE The following is added to SECnON lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVEBAGE, A. COVERAGE: 6. Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment Coverage We will pay for "loss" to any electronic equipment that receives 10, HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE The following is added to SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. COVEEAGE: 5. Hired Auto Physical Damage lf hired "autos" are covered "autos" Ior Liability Coverage and if Physical Damage Coverage of Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss, or Collision is provided under this Coverage Form lor any "auto" you own, then the Physical Damage Coverage(s) provided is extended to "autos" you hire without a driver or your employee hires, without a driver, at your lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc. with its permission. Copyright, lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 'l ggo 461-0155 (9-97) Page 3 oI 7 4. Coverage Extenslon direction, tor the purpose of conducting your business, for a period of 30 days or less, oI like kind and use as the "autos" you own, subject to the lollowing: or transmils audio, visual or data signals and that is not designed solely for the reproduction of sound. This coverage applies only if the equipment is permanently installed in the covered "auto" at the time ol the "loss" or the equipment is removable from a housing unit which is permanently installed in lhe covered auto at the time of the "loss", and such equipment is designed to be solely operated by use of the power from the "auto s" electrical system, in or upon the covered "auto", including its antennas and other accessories. However, this does not include tapes, records or discs. The exclusions that apply to PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, except Ior the exclusion relating to Audio, Visual and Dala Electronic Equipment, also apply lo coverage provided herein. ln addition, the tollowing exclusions apply: We will not pay , under this coverage, for either any electronic equipment or accessories used with such electronic equipment that is: Necessary for the normal operation of the covered "auto" or the monitoring of the covered "auto s" operating system; or 2. Both a. An integral parl of the same unit housing any sound reproduclng equipment deslgned solely for the reproduction ol sound if the sound reproducing equipment is permanently installed in the covered "auto", andb. Permanentlyinstalled in the opening of the dash or console normally used by the manulacturer lor the installation of a radio. With respect to coverage herein, the LIMIT OF INSURANCE provision of PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is replaced by the tollowing: a. The actual cash value ol the damaged or stolen property as of the time of the "loss"; or b. The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged or stolen property with other property ol like kind and quality; or c. $500. 2. An adjustment for depreciation and physical condition will be made in determining actual cash value at the time of the "loss". 3. Deductibles applicable to PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, do not apply to this Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment Coverage. lf there is olher coverage provided by this policy for audio, visual and data electronic equipment, the coverage provided herein is lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc. with its permission. Copyright, lnsurance Services Otfice, lnc., 1996 461-0155 (9-97) page 4 of 7 1. The most we will pay for all "loss" to audio, visual or data eleclronic equipment and any accessories used with this equipment as a resull of any one "accident" is the lesser ol sHHnoverlnsuran(e Croup. AW3A796829 1001358 excess. However, you may elect to apply the limit or any portion thereof of coverage provided herein to pay any deductible that is applicable under the provisions ol the other coverage, 12. RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT and MATEBIAL TRANSFER E@ENSE The following is added to SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. COVERAGE: 7. Renlal Reimbursement and Material Transler Expense This coverage provides only those Physical Damage Coverages where a premium is shown in the Declarations. lt applies only to a covered "auto" described or designated to which the Physical Damage Coverages apply. We will pay for auto rental expenses and the expenses, incurred by you because of "loss" to a covered "auto", to remove and transler your materials and equipment from the covered "auto" . Payment applies in addition to the otherwise applicable amount ot each coverage you have on a covered "auto". No deductibles apply to this coverage. We will pay only for those auto rental expenses incu rred during the policy period beginning 24 hours afler the "loss" and ending, regardless of the policy s expiration, with the lesser of the Iollowing number of days: The number oI days reasonably required to repair or replace the covered"auto". lf loss is caused by theft, this number ol days is added to lhe number of days it takes to locate the covered "auto" and transport it to a repair shop. 2. 60 days Our payment is limited to the lesser of the following amounts 1. Necessary and actual expenses incurred, including loss of use. 2. $3000 This aulo rental expense coverage does not apply while there are spare or reserve "autos" available to you for your operations, lf "loss" results from the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger type, we will pay under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement expenses which is not already provided lor under the SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. 4. Coverage Extension. 13. AIRBAG COVERAGE The following is added to SECT|ON lll - PHYSICAL OAMAGE COVERAGE, B, Exclusions, paragraph 3. The portion of this exclusion relating to mechanical or electrical breakdown does not apply to the accidenlal discharge ol an airbag. This coverage is excess ol other collectible insurance or warranty. No deductible applies to lhis Airbag Coverage. lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc. with its permission. Copyright, lnsurance Services Otfice, lnc., l996 461{155 (9-97) page 5 ot 7 14. AUTO LOAN PHYSICAL DAMAGE EXTENSION The following is added to SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, C. Limit oI lnsurance provision: When a "loss" results in a total loss to a covered auto you own for which a Loss Payee is designated in this policy, the most we will pay lor "loss" in any one "accident" is the greater of: The actual cash value ol the damaged or stolen property as of the time of the "loss"; or 15. AUTO LEASE PHYSICAL DAMAGE EXTENSION The following is added to SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVEBAGE, C. Llmit Ol lnsurance provision : lf, because of damage, destruction or thelt of a covered "auto", which is a long{erm leased "auto", ihe lease agreement between you and the lessor is terminated, "we" will pay the difference between the amount paid under paragraph C. LIMIT OF INSURANCE 1, or 2. and the amount due at the time ol "loss" under the terms of the lease agreement applicable to the leased "auto" which you are required to pay: less any fees to dispose of the auto; any overdue payments; financial penalties imposed under a lease for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high mileage; security deposits not relunded by the lessor: cost for extended warranties, Credit Lite lnsurance, Health, Accident or Disability lnsurance purchased with the loan; and carry over balances from previous leases. This coverage applies only to the initial lease for the covered "auto" which has not previously been leased. This coverage is excess over all other collectible insurance. SECTION IV - CONDITIONS 16. DUTIES IN fiE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OB LOSS The following is added to SECnON lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, A. Loss Conditions, 2. Duties ln The Event Ol Accident, Claim, Suit Or Loss: d. Knowledge of any "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss" will be deemed knowledge by you when notice of such "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss" has been received byl (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) Any partner or insurance manager if you are a partnership; or (3) An executive officer or insurance manager if you are a corporation. 17. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBBOGATION lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc. with its permission. Copyright, lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 1996 461-0155 (9-97) page 6 ot 7 2. The outstanding balance of the initial loan, less any amounts for taxes, overdue payments, overdue payment charges, penalties, interest , any charges for early termination of the loan, costs for Credit Life lnsurance, Health, Accident or Disability lnsurance purchased with the loan, and carry-over balances from previous loans. Paragraph 5. Transfer of Hights Ot Hecovery Agalnst Others To Us, SECTION IV - BUSINE$S AUTO CONDITIONS, A. Loss Conditions is replaced by the following: s HanoverlnsureDce Croup. AW3A796829 't0013s8 lf any person or organization to or for whom we make paymenl under this Coverage Form has rights to recover damages trom another, which have not been waived through the execution of an "insured contract", written agreement, or permit, prior lo the "accident" or "loss" giving rise to the payment, those rights to recover damages f rom another are transferred to us. That person or organization must do everything necessary to secure our rights and must do nothing alter the "accident" or "loss" to impair them. 18. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE INFORMATION Your unintentional error in disclosing, or failure to disclose, any material facl existing alter the eflective date of this Coverage Form shall not prejudice your rights under this Coverage Form. However, this provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or exercise our right of cancellation or nonrenewal. 19. HIRED AUTO - WORLDWDE COVERAGE Outside the coverage territory described in a., b., c., and d. above for an "accident" or "loss" resulting from the use ol a covered "auto" you hire, without a driver, or your employee hires without a driver, at your direction, for the purpose of conducting your business, for a period of 30 days or less, provided the suit is brought within The United States ol America or its territories or possessions. SECTION V. DEFINITIONS 20, MENTAL ANGUISH Paragraph C. "Bodily iniury", SECTION V - DEFINITIONS is replaced by the following: C. "Bodily injury" means bodily inlury, sickness or disease sustained by a person including death or mental anguish resulting from any ol these. e lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services OFfice, lnc. with its permission. Copyright, lnsurance Services Otfice, lnc., 1996 461-0155 (9-97) Page 7 ot7 5. Transter Ot Blghts Of Recovery Agalnst Others To Us The following is added to SECTION lV BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS. B. General Conditions, paragraph 2. Concealment, Misrepresentation Or Fraud: The following is added to SECTION lV - Business Aulo Condilions, B. General Conditions, paragraph 7. Policy Period, Coverage Territory provision :