2022/04/01 Garner Holt Education Through Imagination, LLC (3)oiRo"CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 414t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OOES NOT CONSTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSU|NG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZEO REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSUREO, the policy(ies) must have ADOITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to tho terms and conditions ot the policy, certain policies may require an endoGement. A slatement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certilicate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PROOUCER Goodwin lnsurance Agency 1806 Orange Tree Lane Ste A PO Box 7369 Redlands CA 92375 s09-793-8118 909-793-4187 admin n-tns.com INSURER(S) AFFORDII{G COVERAGE TNSURERA: Cilizens lnsurance Companv Of America 31534 GARNHOL.Ol ftsuRER B: Allmerica Financial Benellt lnsurance Company 41840 [{suRERc: The Hanover lnsurance Company rr{suRER D: Securitv Nalional lns Co II{SURER E COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 9934853 REVISION NUMBER LIMITS X COiIMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS.MADE GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIIAPPLIES PER: X JECT LOC OIHER X 783D54336904 41112022 4t1/2023 EACH OCCL]RRENCE $ 1.000.000 DAMAGE IO RENTEOPREMISES rEa oc.uren.6)s 100.000 MEO EXP (Any one person)$ 10.000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY s 1.000.000 GENERALAGGREGATE $2,000.000 PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG $ 2.000 000 B AUTOMOBILE LIABILIry OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED SCHEDULED AlJTOS NON-OWNEOXX 4W3054391604 41112022 4t1/2023 COMBINEO SINGLE LIMIT $ 1.000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per poEo.)s BOOILY INJURY (P€r accrd€nt)S $ 3 c X EXCESS LIAB X CLAIMS.MADE 11H3D543E7104 4t112022 4t1/2023 EACH OCCI}RRENCE s4,000 000 $4.000 000 DED X RETENTIONS n $ D WORKERS COMPENSATION ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNEFYEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUOEO? DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS beld N 4t1t2422 X STATUIE oTrlER E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ 1.000 000 E,L DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE $ 1.000 000 E,L, OISEASE. POLICY LIMIT $ 1.000 000 c 1H3054911104 4t1t2422 4/1t2023 3 000.000 3 000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHIC LES (ACORO 101 , Additional R.mark Sch.dul., may b. att ch.d il moro !pa.o i. roqunod) City of lvlenifee and it's ofllcers. employees, agents and authoized volunteers it's officeas, employees, agents and volunleers are named as additional insureds as required by contracl per the attached fo.ms. 30 Day Notice of Cancellation excepl '10 Day Notice for Non-Payment of premium applies. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 SHOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WLL BE DELIVERED IN ACCOROANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE7/4- ACORD 25 (20r6/03) @ 1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved The ACORD name and logo are registered marks ofACORO INSURED Garner Holt Productions, lnc. Garner Holt Education through lmagination, LLC 1255 Research Drive Redlands CA 92374 I zzzszf-, rr-^r THIS IS TO CERIIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAI,4ED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OIHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERI\,4S, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, $ X sNP1387116 4t112023 Policv #283D54386904 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY BROADENING ENDORSEMENT Thls endorsement modifies insurance providod und6r the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SUMMARY OF COVERAGES 1 Additional lnsured by Contract, Agreement or Permlt lncluded 2.Additional lnsured - Primary and Non-Contributorv lncluded 3.Blankel Waiver of Subrogation lncluded 4.Bodily lnJury Redefined lncluded 5.Broad Form Property Damage - Borowed Equlpment, Customers Goods & Use of Elevators lncluded Knowledge of Occunenco lncluded 7 Liberalization Clause lncluded 8.Medioal Paymenls - Extsndod Raporting Period lncluded 9.lqvly Acquired or Fomed Organizations - Covered until end of policy perlod lncluded 10,Non-owned Watorcrafl 51 ft. 11.Supplomontary Payments lncreased Limits Ball Bonds $2,500 Loss of Eamings $1000 12.Unintentional Fallure lo Oisclos8 Hazards lncluded 13.Unintsntional Failure to Nolify lncluded Thls endorssmBnt ameMs covsrages provided under the Commercial Genoral Liabllity Covorage Part through new coveragos, hlgher llmits and broader coverage grants. 1. Addltlonal lnsur€d by Contract, Agrsement or Permlt Ths followlng is added lo SECTON ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Addltlonal lnsured by Contract, Agreoment or Permlt a. Any person or organizalion with whom )/Eu agrsed ln a wrltten conlract, writtgn agreement or pamlt that such parson or organlzation to add sn addltlonal lnsurod on )our pollcy is an additional lnsurad only wlth rsspoct to llabllltyfor 'bodily lnjury', "property damage', or "personal and advertlslng lnjury' caused, ln whol6 or ln part, by your acts or omlssions, or the acts or omlssions of those acling on your behalf, but only with respect to: (l) "Your work' for the additional insur€d(s) designated in tha contract, agreament or permit; (2) Premises you own, rent, lease or occupy; or (3) Your maintenance, operatlon or use of equipment loased to you. b. Th6 insurancs afforded to such additional insured describsd above: (l) Only applles to the axtent permitted by law; and (2) Will not be broader than the insurance which you are required by the contract, agreemenl or psrmit lo providB for such additional insured. 421-2915 06 1s lnoludirs copyrlghted matsrlol ol lnsuranco Sorvloo8 Ofllco, hc., with [r pormlsrlon.Page I of4 6. (3) Applies on a prlmary basls tf that ls requlred by tho wrltton contract, wrltten agrosmont or permlt. (4) Wlll not be broador than covarage providad to any othor lnsurBd. (5) Do€s not apply lf th€ 'bodily lnjury', 'property damaga' or 'personal and advertising injury' is othorwise sxduded from covorag€ under thls covsrags Parl, lncludlng any endorsBmenB tharoto. c, Thls provlslon doos not apply: (1) Unless tha writt6n contrac't or wdtten agrgement was oxocut€d or p€rmll was issued prior trc the "bodily injun/, 'ProPerty dam8gs", or "parsonal lniury and advsrtl6ing lniun/. (2) To any person or organlzation lncluded as an lnsured bY anothar sndorsamBnl issued by us and mado Part of this Coversge Part. (3) To any l€ssor of equlpment: (a) Afier tho equlpmsnt leasB explrss; or (b) lf tho 'bodlly iniury', -ProP€rtY damags', "parsonal and advertising inlury' arises out of solo negllganca of the le99or (4) To anla (a) Ownors or other lnterosts from. whom land has b6Bn leas6d whlch takes placa aftsr tho loass for tho land ex- plros; or (b) ManagorB or lassors of Promlsas lf: (l) The occunonca takss placa after ),ou caas€ to be a tenant ln that Pr€mlssai or (ll) Ths 'bodlly ln uqf, "Property damags', 'personal lnjurf or 'sdvsrtislng lnjulf arisos out of Etructural altBrauons, new con- slruclion or demolition oporations performad by or on behalf of ths managsr or lessor. (5) To "bodily lnlury", "proporty damage" or "pBrsonal and adv8rtising inju4/ arising out of thB rendsrlng of or tho fallurs to rsnder any profes8lonal EaMces. Thls excluslon appllas svan lf tho clalms agalnst any lnsured allegs negllgonca or other wrongdoing ln the suporvlsion, hlrlng, employment, tralning or monltorlngof othors by that lnsured, lf the 'occunenco" whlch causad tho "bodily lnjury' or'propsrty damaga" or the offonse whioh cau8sd tha "Porsonal and advertising lnjury' involved the rendsring of or failure to render any professlonal servlces by or for you. d. With respocl to th€ lnsurance afford€d to these addltonal lnsureds, the tollowlng ls add6d to SECTION lll - LIMITS oF INSURANCE: The most ws wlll pay on behatf of the additlonal insured for a covered clalm ls the lesser of the amount of lnsurance: 1. Requlred by the contract, agrsam€nt or permlt dsscribsd ln Paragraph a.; or 2. Avallable under the applicablB Limlts of lnsurance shown ln ths Declaratlons. Thls sndorsemant thall not lncr€ase the appllcable Llmfts ot lnsurance shown In the Declaratlons. 2. Addltlonal lnsurcd - Prlmary and Non- Gontrlbutory The followlng is added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 4. Other ln3uranca: Addltlonal lnsured - P.lmary and Non- Contrlbutory lf you 6grse ln a wrltten contract, wrlttsn agreement or permlt that the lnsurance Provlded lo any pennn or organlzatlon lndudad as an Additional lnsured under SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED, ls primary and non-contdbutory, the followlng applles: lf othar valld and mllectlble lnsuranc€ ls avallabls to thB Additional lnsured for a loss @vared und€r Coveragos A or B of this Coverage Part, our obllgations ar€ limited as follows: a. Prlmary lnsurance This insurancs ls primary to other lnsuranca that ls available to the Addltlonal lnsurad whlch covers the Addltional lnsurod as a Namod lnsured. We will not seek contrlbutlon from any other insurance available to the Addlilonal lnsured except: (l) For the sole negllganco ol tha Addltlonal lnsured; (2) When the Addltional Insured ls an Addltlonal lnsured under another pdmary llablllty policy; or (3) when b. below apPllos. lf this lnsurance is prlmary, our obllgations arE not affected unless 8ny of the other lnsurancs ls also prlmary. Then, we wlll sharo wlth 8ll that other lnsuranca by tha msthod descdbed ln c. bolow. 421-2915 06 '15 lncludss copyright6d m6terlalol lnsursnc6Solvlc66 Omco, lnc., with lts psrmlosli,n.Pagc 2 ol 4 I b, Excoss ln3urance (1) Thls lnsuranca ls oxcass ovBr any of the other insuIanco, whsther prlmary, excoss, contlngenl or on any other basls: (a) That ls Flre, Exlsndad Coverage, Bulldo/s Ri8k, lnstallatlon Rlsk or slmllar covsrage for 'your u/ork"; (b) That ls Flre Imulance for prsmlses rantod to the Addltlonal lnsured or tomporarlly occupled by tha Additlonsl lnsured wlth p€rmlsslon of tho owner; (c) That ls lnsuranc€ purchased by the Addldonal lnsurod to cover the Additionsl ln3ured's liability as atenant for 'property damage' topremises rentsd to the Additlonal lnsured or tsmporarlly occupled by the Additlonal wlth permlsslon of the ownar; ot (d) lf the loss arlsas out of tha malntenance or use of slrcraft, "autos" or wslorcrafr to the axtont not sublectto Excluslon g. of SECTION I -COVERAGE A - BODILY INURYAND PROPERTY DAIIAGE LIABILITY. (2) When thls lnsurance ls excess, ws wlll havo no duty under Covsragos A or B to defand tha lnsured agalnst any 'sult" if any othar lnsurer has a duty to dsfend the lnsured agalnst that 'Bult'. lf no othsr lnsurer defends, we wlll undertaks to do so, but w€ will bB sntltled to ths lnsured's rlghts agalnst all thoso othor lnsur6rs. (3) Whon thls lnsurancs ls excess over othBr lnsuranc6, ws lvlll pay only our shars ofthe amount of the loss, lf any, that exceods tha sum ot (a) The total amount that all such other lnsurance would pay for the loss ln the absence of thls lnsurance; and (b) The total of all deductlble and self lnsured amounts under all that othsr lnsuranc€. Ws will share the remalning loss, lf any,wlth any other lnsurance that ls not descrlbed ln thls Excs8s lnsurance provlsion and was not bought speclffcallyto apply ln €xcess of tho Limtts of lnsurance shor/vn ln ths Oeclarations of thls Coverage Part. c. Mothod Of Sharlng lf all of tho other ln8urancs psrmits contrlbutlon by equal sharcs, we wlll follow lhlg method also. Undor thls approach each lnsurer contdbulss squal amounts un l lt has paid its appllcable llmil of insurancs or none of the loss remaln8, whlchsver com6s tlrst. lf anyof the other insurance does not permlt contdbution by €qual shares, w6 Mll contrlbuto by limits. Under thls method, each lnsura/s share ls basad on the ratlo of lts appllcable llmll of lnsuranco to the total app cable limlts of lnsurance of all lnsurers 3. Blanket Walvar ot Subrogatlon The following is added to SECTTON lV -COI{MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIOI{S, Paragraph 8. Transfor Ot Rtghts Of Rocovery Agalnst Othor8 To Us: We walve any right of ro@vory ws may havo agalnst any person or organlzatlon with whom you have a written contract that requlres such walvor b€cause of payments u/B make for damag€ undsr this coverago form. The damage must arlse out of lour acilvitles under a wrltten contract wlth that person or organizatlon. Thls walver applles only tothe extent that subrogatlon ls walvad undor a wdttan contract axecuted prior to tha 'occurronce' or offense glvlng dsa to such payments. 4. Bodlly lnjury Rsdeflnsd SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, Deflnltlon 3. "bodity injury' is replaced by lhe followlng: 3. 'Bodily injun/ means bodlly hjury, stckness or dissass sustainod by a person lncludlng death rBsulllng ftom any of thoso at any tlma. "BodilyinjuDf includes menlal angulsh or othor mental injury rBsultlng fmm 'bodily injury,. 5. Broad Form Proporty Damage - BorowedEqulpment, Cuatomers Goodr, U3€ of Elovatorc 8. SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A-BODIL]Y INJURY AND PROPERTYDAIIAGE LIABILITY, Paragraph 2. Excluslons subparagraph r, ls amBndod as follows: Paragraph (4) doss not apply to "property damage' lo bonowgd equlpment whlls at a Jobsite and nol b6ing used to perform operations. Paragraphs (3), (4) and (6) do not apply to 'property damage' to 'customers goods" whll€ on your pramlses nor do they apply to th6 use of el€vators at premises you own, rent, lease or occupy. b. The followlng ls add6d to SECTION V -DEFINTIONS: 24. "Customers goods" means propsrty ofyour cuslomar on your premises for the purpose of belng: 421-2015 08 15 lncludds copyrlohtsd mat6 alof lnsurance S€rvlces Offlco, lnc., with lts pgmisslon Page 3 of4 a. worked on; or b. used In your manufacluring process. c. Tha lnsuranc€ afforded undar thls provlslon is excess over any other valid and collectible prop8rty lnsurance (lncluding deducliblo) avallable to ths lnsurod whathar primary, excess, contlngenl 8. Knowlsdge ol Occuronco The followlng ls sdded lo SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERA LIABILITY CONOITIONS, Paragraph 2. Dutlos ln tho Evont of Occunonco, Oftsnso, Clalm or Sultl 6. Notlco of an 'occunonco", offense, clalm or "sult" wlll bo considorod knowledge of the insured if reported lo an lndlvldual named insured, partnsr, executlve ofticar or an 'employee" deslgnated by you to givo us such a notice. 7. Llb€rallzatlonClauss The followlng ls addBd to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIL]TY CONDITIONS: Llborallz6tlon clauso lf we adopt any rovislon that would broadon the coverage under thls Coverage Form wlthout addltlonal pramlum, wlthln 45 days prlor to or during the policy poriod, tho broadsnsd covorage wlll lmmedlately apply to thls Covsrago Parl. 8. Medlcal PaymontB - Extsnded Roportlng Perlod a. SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE C - MEDICAL PAYMENIS, Paragraph 1' ln8urlng Agreomont, subparagraph a.(3Xb) ls replaced by the followlng: (b) Tho oxponsas ars lncuned and ropotted to us Mthln three years of ths dale of the accident; and b. Thls coversgo does not apply lf COVERAGE C - ll,lEDlCAL PAYMENTS ls excluded elthor by th6 provisions of tho Coverage Part or by endorsemgnt. 9. Newly Acqulrod Or Formed Organlzallons SEcTloN ll - WHO lS AN INSURED, ParagraPh 3.a. ls replaced by tha following: a. Covorago under thls provlslon Is afforded untll the snd of tho pollcy period. 10. Nonownod Watorcraft SECTION I - COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY OAMAGE LIABILITY, Paragraph 2. Exclualons, subparagraph g.(2) is replac€d by the followlng: g. Alrcrafi, Auto Or watercraft (2) A watercraft you do not own that ls: (a) Less than 51 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge; This provision apPlias to any person who, with )rour conssnt, sither usea or ls rssponsible for lhe use of a watsrcrsft. 11, Supplomentary Paymonts lncr€asod Llmlts SECTION I - SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS COVERAGES A AND B, Paragraphs 1'b. and 1.d, are replaced by the following: 1.b.Up to $2,500 for cost of ball bonds requlrad because of accldents or traffic law violations arislng out of thB use of any vshlcle to which the Bodily lnjury Llabillly covsrage appllBs. We do not havs lo fumish thsse bonds. 1.d.All reasonable expenses lncuned by the lnsured al our requasl to 888lst us ln the investlgation or dsfsnse of the claim or "suit", including actual loss of eamlngs uP to $'t000 a day because of tlm6 of from work. 12. Unlntentional Falluro to Dlscloso Hazards The following ls added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 6. Reprasontatlons: We will not disclaim coverago under thls Coverage Part if you fail to disclose all hazards existlng as of the inceptlon date of the Pollcy provlded such failurE lE not intentional. 13. Unlntentlonal Fallure to Notfi The following is added to SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIL]TY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 2. Dutle! ln the Evont of Occurronco, Off6nse, Clalm or Sult: Your rights afforded under thls pollcy shall not be preludic€d lf you fail to give us notice of an 'occurrence', offense, claim or'sutt", solely due to your reasonable and documentsd bslief that the 'bodily lniury' or 'property damage" ls not covered under this pollcy. ALL OTHER TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND EXCLUSIONS REMAIN UNCHANGED 421.2915 06 15 lnoludescopyrlghtodmaterlolof lnsuranceSoNlcesOfflc6, lnc, wlth ltspermlsslon.Pago 4 ot ,l I I L I i