2022/08/28 Dudek (7)A(:()RI)" 08t17 t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY At{D CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEIID OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF It{SURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lr the coniflcate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, rhe policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL IIISURED provisions or be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms .nd condilion3 of the policy, certain policaes may rGquire En endoraement. A 3tatement on this certificeto do6r not conl6r rights to the certificat€ holdsr in lisu of such sndorsement(s). PROOUCER Lockton Companies 444 W. 47th Street, Suite 900 Kansas City MO 64112-1906 (816)960-9000 kctsu@lockton.com INSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE tNsuRERA: zUrich American lnsurance company 16535 lNsuREo DUDEK 1474537 605 THIRO STREET ENCINITAS CA 92024 rNsuR€R B: Continental Casualty Companv 20443 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1 28273 CANCELLATI REVISION NUMBER: men o 1988-2015 812812023 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO EELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATEO NOIWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDTTIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REOUCED AY PAIO CLAIMS tNso SUBR EACH OCCURRENCE s 1.000.000 s 100.000 MED EXP rAnv.ne De6on)s 10,000 PERSONAI & ADV NJURY 5 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE r 2,000,000 PRODICTS - COMP]OP AGG s 2.000.000 COMMERCIALGENERAL LAAILlTY L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER X X X X JECT Y Y GLOo146311 48t28t2022 08t28t2024 s COM6INEO SINGLE LIMII s 1,000.000 AODILY NJURY (PeI Deuon)S XXXXXXX SOOILY INJURY (Per a@idenl)6 XXXXXXX $ XXXXXXX AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SCHEOULEO NONOW!ED X OW\ED Y Y 8AP0146329 08t28/2022 08t2u2423 S XXXXXXX S XXXXXXX EXCESS LIAB AGGRE6ATE S XXXXXXX RETENT ON 5 NOT APPLICABLE s X PER I IOTH. $ 1,000,000 E L DISEASE EA EMPIOYEE s 1.000,000 WORKERS COIIIPEN6ATION ANO EIUPLOYERS' LIABILIIY DESCRTPTToN oF OPERATiONS b.e N 08t2at2a22 08t28t2023 E L DISEASE, POLCY LIM T s 1.000.000 B PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY EEH591932835 INCL POLL 0812812422 08t28t2023 PER CLAI\.' $1,000 000AGGREGATE $1.OOO,OOO DESCRIPTIOII Of OPEFATIOIIS / LOCAITONS / VEHICLES (ACORD i 0 l, Addruon.l i.mrrt. Sch.dul., m.y b. .tt ch.d l, mon .p.c. l. oquhd) 2020-2021 ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICESt CITY AND ITS OFFICERS. OFFICIALS. EMPLOYEES. AND AUTHORIZED VOLUNTEERS ARE INCLUDED AS AN ADOITIONAL INSURED ON THE GENERAL AND AUTO LIABTLITY POLICIES WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THE GENERAL AUTO, AND WORKER'S COMPENSAIION POLICIES 30 DAY NOTICE OF CANCELLATION APPLIES 10 DAYS NOTICE FOR NON,PAYMENT OF PREMIUM SHOULDANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATION DA]E THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 16828273 CITY OF MENIFEE 23844 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE CA 92586 AUTHORIZEO REPRESENTATIVE ,$,"2^*/ *1 ACORo 2s (20r6i03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ORO CORPORATION. All rights reserved loeoL " l*".'ou"o I l-I N 5ee / Attachment code : D564542 Certificate lD : 16828273 DUDEK.; 1474537 L uxxroil 1828273 CITY OF MENIFEE 29844 HAUN ROAD, IVI EN IFEE, CA 92586 Dear Valued Client: Certifi cate lD: 15828273 Email: kctsu@lockton.com Subject Line: TSU E-Delivery Signing up for this will Ng[ sign you up for any solicitation emails - your email will only be used to forward updated or renewal certiflcates direct from Lochon. The email you receive will look like this u)0fl10tt It-t6-.-*-tlt..rliErut*.-E L,&a.lr. lf you received this letter with a certificate via email, no further action on your part is necessary. lf you no longer need this certificate, please contact us at the email address above, reference the Holder lD number and use this subject line: "Certificate Removal" L ln our continuing effort to provide timely certiflcate delivery, Lockton Companies is utilizing paperless delivery of Certificates of lnsurance. To ensure electronic delivery for future renewals of this certificate, we need your email address. Please contact us via the email below and reference Certificate lD: 16828273. You must reference this Certificate lD number in order ror us to complete this process, Thank you for your cooperation. Lockton Companies Technical Services Unit ErrEil/ iraihng Update - Liabihy Certifrcaios Attachment Code : D574649 Certificate lD : 16828273 Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees Or Contractors - Scheduled Person Or Organization a THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Policy No. G1O0146311 Effecti\e Date: OB I 281 2022 This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the Commercial General Liability Coverage Part Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s):Location(s) Of Covered Operations ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ARE REOUIRED TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERMIT. ALL LOCATIONS CHEDULE lncludes copyrighted rmlerial of lnsurance Services Office, lnc , w dh its pernission u-GL-2169-A CW (02/19)lge1of2 ZURICH Attachment Code : D574649 Certificate lD . 16828273 A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule of this endorsement, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising inrury" caus€d, in whole or in part, by: l. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) designated in such Schedule. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insrrreds, the following additional exclusions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: '1. All work, including materials, pa rts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operationsfora principal asa partofthe same project. All other terms, conditions, provisions and exclusions of this policy remain the same. u-GL-2169-A CW (02/19) Page 2 of 2 lncludes copyrighted materialof lnsurance Services Office,lnc., with its permission. Attachment Code : D574649 Certiflcate lD . 16828273 Attachment Code . 0574648 Certificate lD : 16828273 Waiver Of Subrogation (Blanket) Endorsement Policy No ElT. Dale of Pol ExD. Date of Pot Eff. Date of End.Add l l'rem G 1o0146 3l.1 o8 /28/2022 o8/28 /2023 08/28n023 37385000 $ INCI,$ The follou,ing is added to the Transfer Of Rights Of Recorery Against Others To [-b Condtion: Ifyou are required by a written contract or agreernent, u4rich is e)€cuted before a loss, to waive your rights ofrecovery Aom others. we agree to waive our rights ofrecovery. This uaiver ofrights shall not be construed to be a waiver with respect to any other operations in utrich the insured has no contractual interest. u-GL-925-B CW (r 2/01) Page I of I T}IIS E.{DORSTME{T CTIANGES THE POUCY. PLMSE READ IT CARIFT]LLY This endorsernent mcdifies insurance provided under the: Comrnercial C,eneral Uatilig Cowrage Part Attachment Code : D574648 Certificate lD : 16828273 Attachment Code : D574651 Certificate lD : 16828273 cA20€1013 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABIL!-TY COVERAGE With respect to co\erage pro\ided by this endorsement, the provsions of the Co\erage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. This endorsement identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds" for Co\ered Autos Liability Co\erage under the Who ls An lnsured pro\,,ision of the Co\€rage Form. This endorsement does not alter co\erage provded in the Co\€rage Form. This endorsement changes the policy efiecti\€ on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Named lnsred: DUDEK Endorsement Effective Date : 081281 2022 SCHEDULE Name Of Person(s) Or Orga nization(s): ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION TO WHOM OR WHICH YOU ARE REOUIRED TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS OR ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS ON A PRIMARY, NON.CONIRIBUTORY BASIS, IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT OR WRITTEN AGREEMENT E)GCUTED PRIOR TO LOSS, EXCEPT WHERE SUCH CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. red to com ete will be shown i POLICY NUMBER: BAP0146329 COMMERCIAL AUTO This endorsement modifies insurance pro\,ided under the following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM Attachment Code : D574651 Certificate lD : 16828273 cA 20 48 10 13 @ lnsurance Senices Ofice, lnc., 2011 Page 1 of 2 Attachment Code : D574651 Certiflcate lD : 16828273 Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an 'insured" for Co\ered Autos Liability Co\erage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who ls An lnsured pror,ision contained in Paragraph A.1. of Section ll - Co\ered Autos Liability Co\erage in the Business Auto and N,lotor Canier Cowrage Forms and Paragraph D.2. of Section I - Co\€red Autos Co\erages of the Auto Dealers Corerage Form. cA 20 48 10 13 @ lnsurance Senices Offce, lnc., 2011 Page 2 of 2 AttachpgB6pqtui\ffiAoEhF0l!fi"j,g tD : 1682827 3 Name(s) Of Person(sl Or Oroa nization(s): ANY'iERSoN oR6RGANI-ZAION YdLJ ARE REOUIRED TO WAIVE YOUR RIGHTS OF RECOVERY IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT. AGREEMENT OR PERMIT WITH THE NAMED INSURED, COMMERCIAL AUTO cA 04 44 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WA]VER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGATNST OTHERS TO US (WATVER OF SUBROGATTON) This endorsement modifes insurance pro\,ided under the following AUTO DEALERS COVERqGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORN/ MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM Named lnsured: DUDEK Endorsement Effective Date : 081281 2022 SCHEDULE nformation uired to com ete this Schedule if not s abore will be shown in the Declarations The Tran$er Of Rights Of Recovery Againsl Others To Us condition does not apply to the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only to the extent that subrogation is wai\ed prior to the "accident" or the "loss" under a contract with that person or organization. cA 04 44 10 t3 O lnsurance Sen,ices Ofice, lnc., 201'l Page 'l of 1 With respect to co\€rage provided by this endorsement, the pro\,isions of the Co\,erage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement. This endorsement changes the policy effecti\e on the inception date of the policy unless another date is indicated below. Attachment Code : D574651 Certificate lD . 16828273 Atta?00RRldkre6BF405flf, efi$iAflo Brrd$?ffiL3 r-reg Lrry r NS uRANcE poucy wc0146330 Dudek 08t28t202208t28t2023 wc 00 03 13 (Ed. 4-84) WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT We ha\e the right to reco\€r our payments tom anyone liable for an injury corered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you lo obtain this agre€ment from us. ) This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to beneft anyone not named in the Schedule. Schedule ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION YOU ARE REQU]RED TO WAIVE YOUR RTGHTS OF RECOVERY IN A WRTTTEN CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERMIT WITH THE NAMED INSURED. wc 00 03 13 (Ed. 4-84) € 1983 National Council on Compensation lnsurance.