2022/11/01 Crown Building Maintenance Co.P.g. 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OAT€ IXIJUODTYYYY) Lt /0L/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTEN OF INFORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFTCATE HOLDEN, THIS CEBTIFICATE DO€S NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROEO BY THE POLICIES SELOW. THIS CERTTFTCATE OF TNSURANCE OOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING Ii{SUBER(S), AUTHOBIZEO BEPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER, AND THE CERNFICATE HOLOEB. IMPORTAttT: ll tho cerllflcsle holder ls an ADDITIONAL INSI,JHED, the pollcy(ies) musl have ADDITIONAL INSUnEO provieions or be endoBed. ll SUBROGATIOT{ lS WAIVED, lublocl lo the terms 6nd condltlon! o, the pollcy, cenaln policles msy rlqulrc an sndorsemenl. A llatemenl on lhis certlflcate does not conler rlghts to tho c.rllficate holder ln lleu of guch 6ndoBement(s). PnooucGnItIL!. rtrr. rrt.on soutlr...t,c/o 26 C.ntuly llrat P,O. Bo, 305191 rar.hwtl1., tlf 3t23051r1 OBI II€UfiEOcaon htldtrg x.IrtG- co. Ll lbt. lulldlDg LLt.!D{ u A.a tn<t{.t!l.r tD@rtb!.t-d c.aoy ar,!1 Lhlord Dsrcody Ar.4l, ault 500 ltl&t., G 3031t l{iLl"i. lor.ar ra.t.on c.rtific.t. c.Dt.! 1-877-9a5-r378 1-848-467-23?8 c.rti.!iclt.r€ri11i. - co It{suFEF{S)AFFOROI G COVERAGE AtCa 22661tirsuFEaAr rca rfi.lLc.n lD.u..nc. c€ Pany IIEUFEF B ItlSUiEiC i It€UnEF O, II.EUFEF E: ac, tlotf,rty 6 C..u.Ity In.ulrnc. Cqr.y 20699 tnd&DLty In.urrnc. Coryoy ol North r!..i a357!1 COVERAGES cERTIFICATE NUMBER. n26s71r15 BEVISION NUMSERT THIS IS TO CEHTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INS{JBANCE LISTED AELOW HAVE SEEN ISSUED TO THE II.].SURED NAMED ABOVE FOF THE POLICY PEFIOO INOICATED, TIOTWTHSTANOING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERII OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTBACT OH OTHEF DOCUMEN'T WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSUHANCE AFFOROEO BY THE POLICIES DESCNIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LII\,IITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REOUCEO BY PAID CLAII\JS. ao0r- suaRTYPE Of IIISUFANCE LIl/lTS !7 /A7/2A22 tt/07/2023xs! c{?3o0tt8X xco X poltcv PBO - JECT - 2, OOO, 000 :,000,00 GEN L AGCFEOATE LIMIT APPLIES PEB LOC EACH OCCUFISEITCE PREMISES !Ea o*rron.el PERSONAL A AOV INJIJBY GENERAL AGGFEGATE , I PRODLICIS COMP/OP AGG t 6,000, 000 2, OO0, 000 2,000, 0oo X COII IIEFCIA! O EI{EFAI LIABILITY X tl, ooo, ooo srR cralMs-M^oE T *"u" 5,000, 000 €ODILY INJUBV lPer psonl 3 lsl 8106 9142 5 1,1, /01/2022x X PAO I I lllOr/2021 SODIIY rrul.lFtY lP...ccjdsn| t- SCBEOULEO. - AIJIOS AUIO|IOBILE UAEIUTY X ANY AUTO OWt\lEOAUTOS C'..ILY HIBEOAUIOS T'{LY xx X aere t.ltoltDED OCCUR CLAIMS,MAOE 10,000 uxBnEt! uAE gIcESS UAB ,,0,0oo,000EACHOCCUBFENCE 10,000, 000 ixlu G2?910465 008 L!/Ot /2022. 11/01/2023 aGGFEGATE wonKEFS COatPEt{gAItOl{ AND EMPLOYEhS' LIAEIIIIY lIIYPFOPNIETOFIiPAFTNERTEXECUIIVE OFFICER,MEMBER€XCLUOEO?rrLR c506?7 370 1,000, 000 c L9I4TI]IEx t!/o\/2022 !!/o1/2023' E,L, DISEASE. POLICY LIM I 1,000, 000 1.000,000 E L, EACH ACCIOENT I E,L. DISEASE EA EMPLOYEEI ' o€scFlmor oF oPEnalor€ / localrotas, vEHcLEa {Ameo r0r. Addlron.r Frt.*. 9ch.drb. m.y !. -Eh.d n mor..9... i...$rr.d) Tb. Clty of lllnlr.., itr courcll D-b.!., oflic..., .g.ntr. .nd qloy..t rr. Lnelud.d .. ldditlon.l InluE d (.rc.pt rort.r. cdE.n.rtion) to th. .-l.nt r.qul!.d by rrj.t!.n contr.ct. rb. 6.mrrL U.bility .nd lulo Ll.bil.lty potlci.. .r. PlL ry .nd aon-coDtrllutory rlr.!. !.qulr.d bt' rEltt.n contlrct. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION clty o! !r.Di.!.. 29?14 AruD Ro.d x.nll... cr 92586 SHOULD At{Y OF THE AAOVE DESCRIAEO POUCIES BE CA CELLEO BEFOFE THE EXflNATIOT{ OATE TXEREOF, T{OIICE $'ILL AE OELIVEBED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTTIOFIZEO FEPFESENTATIVE /a41ta frala,o @ 1988-2016 ACOBD coRPoHATlON. All rlghts relorvGd. Th€ ACOnD name and logo are regl8tored marks ol ACORD sr !D:23269S77 r rcll: 2?25869 2ot4 7114 ACORD 25 (20r6/03) $ t $ tr 2 ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS Named lnsured ABM lndustries lncorporated Endorsement Number 3 Policy Symbol ISA Policy Number H10691825 Policy P6riod 't 1t0112022 10 11t01t2023 Eflecbve Date of Endorsement lssued By (Name ot lns{rrance Company) ACE American lnsurance Company lnao( th6 pohcy numbsr Th. r.m.rndar ol th6 rnlorrnetd1 rE to b6 complolad only wh€n thia endos6r6ntl5lss!€d Eubssquentto th€ gropsrelon THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided underthe following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM EXCESS BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Additional lnsured(s)Anv oerson or oroanization whom vou hav aoreed to include as an additional insured under a written contract. provided such contract was executed prior to the date of loss For a covered "auto,'VVho ls lnsured is amended to include as an 'insured," the persons or organizations named in this endorsement. However, these persons or organizations are an "ansured" only for "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from acts or omissions of: 1. You. 2. Any of your'employees" or agents. 3. Any person operating a covered "auto" with permission from you, any of your "employees" or agents The persons or organizatons named in this endorsement are not liable for payment of your premium. Authorized Representatve B DA-gU74c (03/16)Page '1 of 1 Nemed lnsured ABM Industries lncorporated Endorsement Nu rnb or 2 Policy Symbol ISA Polrcy Number H10691825 Policy P6nod 1110112022 'to 1't 10112023 Eflectrve Date of Endorsement lssued 8y (Name ol lnsurance Company) ACE American lnsurance Company 2 NON.CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INSUREDS Lnserl the policy numb.r Th€ r.Inarnd6r olho informaton 16 tobe completed onlywhcn thb.ndo66rn nit3 ia6ucd subslqu6ntto thc proparoton olth€ policy THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM Schedule Orqanization Additional lnslled En!!oLlgment Any additional insured with whom you have agreed to provide such non- contribubry insurance, pursuant to and as required under a written contact executed prior to the date of loss. (lt no infomation is filled in. the schedule shall rcad. 'All persons or cnliltes addad as additional insureds through an endarsement with the term "Additional lnsuted" in the tille) For organizations that are listed in the Schedule above that are also an Additional Insured under an endorsement attached to this policy, the following is added to the Other lnsurance Condition under General Conditions: lf otrer insurance is available to an insured we cover under any of the endorsements listed or described above (the "Additional lnsured") for a loss we cover under this policy, this ansurance will apply to such loss on a primary basis and we will not seek contribulion from the oher insurance available to the Additional lnsured. Authorized Representative DA-21886b (06/'14)Page 1 of 1 Named lnsured ABM Industries lncorporated Endors!mont Numbar zo Policy Symbol XSL Policy Number G47300198 Polrcy Penod 1 1 t01 t2022 ra I 1 101 12023 Eflective Date of Endorsement lssu€d By (Name ol lhsurance Company) ACE American lnsurance Company BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ ITCAREFULLY. THIS ENOORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNOER THE FOLLOWNG: EXCESS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY Any person or organizaton whom you have agreed to anclude as an additional insured in a written contract is included as an additional insured under this policy, but only to the extent required by and in accordance with the terms of such written contract executed prior to loss, provided that written contract does not specify an ISO endorsement or other specific wording, and only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of your ongoing or completed operations. MS-309963.2 (11/20)Ochubb 2016 All righls roserv€d Page 1 of 1 1 NON.CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INSUREDS ABM lndustries lncorporated EndorE.m.nt NumbsrI Polic, Symbol XSL G47300198 1 1 I U r2O22 to 1 I I 0 1 t2o23 Efiocl,v. 08lo ol EndoGement l6su€dEy (Nsme ol logurance Company) ACE American lnsurance Company nsc( th. po |cy number Th. remarnder olthe nformaton rs to b6 completed only when thls..dors.nEnt s rss!cd subsequ€ntto thc preparatjon ol lhc polcy THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Thls endorsernent modifies insurance provided under the following: EXCESS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY Schedule Orqanization Ad nal ln ured Endo me nt Any additional insured with whom you have agreed to provide such non- contributory insurance, pursuant to and as required under a written contact executed prior to the date of loss. (lf no informetion is fi .d in, the schedule shall raad: 'All peBons or antitios added es additional insureds lhrough an endorsemcnt wilh lhe term "Addilonal lnsured" in the lile) For organizations that are listed in the Schedule abov€ that are also an Additional lnsured under an endorsement attached to this policy, the following is added to Section lV.4: lf other insurance is available to an insured we cover under any of the endorsements listed or described above (the "Additional lnsured") tor a loss we cover under this policy, this insurance will apply to such loss and is primary (subject to satisfaction of th6 "retained limit"). meaning that we will not seek contribution from the otler insurance available to th8 Addilional lnsured. Your "retained limit" still applies to such loss, and we will only pay the Additional lnsured for the "ultimate net loss' in excess of the "retained limit" shown in the Declarations of titis policy. Authorized Representative XS-20288a (05/14)OChubb. 2016. All rights reserved Page 1 of 1