2022/03/11 Civic Solutions, Inc.05t1312022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF II{FORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS t{O RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. THISCERTIFICATE DOES I{OT AFFIRi,IATIVELY OR NEGAIIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFoRoED BY THE PoLICIESBELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF IT{SURAI{CE OOES iIOT GOI{STITUTE A CO'{TRACT BETIYEETI THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AIJTHORIZEO REPRESEI{TATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. IMPORTAi{T: lf ths certitic.te holder l! .n ADDITIONAL I SUREO, the pollcy(io!) murt hrvo ADDITIO}{AL I SUREO provi.ion! or bo ondo'led. It SUBROGATIOII lS WAlvEo, .ubject to the te.m! lnd condltlon! of the pollcy, co,t in pollcle. m.y rcquiro .n €ndo6errGnt. A ttatGmont onthi3 certific.ie doe! not confer .i9htr to the c€rtitic.te holder in lieu of auch endodemont(sl f118,",L,.o,, zrqqro-oors [i6.,.r E-8HEss shawn@shoropointinaurance.com IN SURER(SI AFFOROING COVERAGE rrusunenr Pacific Employera lnsurance Co tNsuRER s Chubb lnsuranco 714430-0035 , ca 92675 nc nua fiR IACT shawn nnce Shor€point ln!urance ServicesCA Licenle { 0K07568 1120 Briltol St.Co3ta MG3r, CA 92626-5964 22748 41386 ACORD ctvrc-,1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE c CITYMEN City of Menifee 298,14 Haun Rd Menifee, CA 92586 SHOULO ANY OF THE AAOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCOROANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUIHORIZED REPRESENTATIV[v{--JA ICATE H c TI THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO EELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSUREO NAMEO ABOVE FOR IHE POLICY PERIODINDICATED NOTWTHSTANDIN6 ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER OOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO VVT1ICH THISCERTIFICAIE MAY SE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDEO gY THE POLICIES OESCRIEED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS.EXCLUSIONS ANO CONOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOv'/l.I MAY HAVE BEEN REOUCEO BY PAID CLAIMS EACHOCCURREIEE ostl3t2022 orr5,2o23 BASSEI?EIESSR-, rllEo ExP {Ai! ori. l.r!9!L PERSONAL I AOV INJIJAY CENERAT AGGREGATE PROqJCTS . COTllP/oP AGG Emp Bon. y D96099022 2,000,000 2,A X couuenolrcereur Ltnerury CLATM9MAOE x OCCUR 8EN'L AGGRElAIE LLMIT AP!!ES PER PoLrcY tE& X roc 2,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 5,000 X lFbos o*." COI/iBINED SINGLE LIMITlEr.Esd.n0 E0Ol!Y,r!4aI (P ![E!!!4L soorLY rNJUSl (P."!I grtlFll 2,000,000 Y 096099022 o5t15t2022 05/15/2023 A ruroloeLe uee[rrY SCHEDULED x l9ia8$,t? B X u*eRErLA rae EXCESS LIAB ! occu"1,000,000 D96100206 05t15t2022 05t1s12023 s 0 5 E^CH OCCURNENCE AGGiEGATE oeo X nerEnr on s Y PER I OTH.^ STATUTE I IER Lwo1l2o21 o9to1t2o22 .|.. ",^"",o.*, I. l a . o'"a "a. a^ arr.o@, I .. ,"-".. *,.',,r" I . ANY PROPR ETOR/PARTNEFYEXECUIIVEOFF CER/IllEMBER EXCLUDED'(M.nd.tory i. NH) lry.3 d.r6b. under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS bdd 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 B woRKERs coMP€nsanoN ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 1,000,000 2,000,000 B Prolerrional Liabi D959757{{mO3l1'll2022 03/11i2023 Ea Clai Aggregate DESCRIPTIOiI OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Addilid.l R.mrrk Sch.d!r., .y b. .(.ch.d 'r ro. .p.r rr Equrr.d) Rei FY2O21l22 On-Call Contract Planninq Services, Certificate Holder andits officers, employees. aqents and auth-orized volunteeB ars included asadditional insu-red;.primary non.-contributory applies aE per the policywordrng and by written contract. ACORO 2s (2016/03) 71798529 tGES @ 19E8-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights rosorv6d. Tho ACORD nams and logo aro .ogisterod marks of ACORO BUSINESSOWNERS BP 14 88 07 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY -OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION Thi6 endorsement modities insurance provided under tha following BUSINESSO\TVNERS COVERAGE FORM The following is added to Paragraph H. Other lnsurance of S€ction lll - Common Policy Condltlons and supersedes any provision to the conlraryl Primary And Noncontrlbutory lnsuranco This insurance is primary to and will not s66k contribution from any other insurance available to an additional insured under your policy provided that: 1. The additional insured is a Named lnsured under such othsr insurance; and BP 14 g8 07 13 O lnsurance Servicos Offico, lnc., 2012 Pags 1 of 1 2. You have agreed in writing in a contracl or agreement that this insuranca would be primary and would nol seek contribution from any other insuranco available to the additional insured. ctvlc soLUTloNs, lNc. Endo.!em6nl N!mber 8OP47635a0716 SER D96099022 05-15-2022 to 051 5-2023 E/166dw Dal€ of Endm6nEnl o5-16-2022 tseuea ey lNamJot tnsutance C Pacific Employers THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modlfles insurance provlded under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe Supplemenlary Payments - Bail Bonds And Bonds To Appeal Judgments - No Sublimit Medical E nses - Three Years To ort 2 Non-Owned Watercraft Under 55 Feet 2 Noo-Owned AircIafl 2 Dama ToP - Exce n For ul menl Loaned Or Rented To Insured 2 Who ls An lnsured - Subsidiaries Or Newl uired Or Formed O izations 3 Who ls An lnsored - Em Includin For CPR and Firsi Aid And Volunteer Workers 3 Additional lnsured - Lossor of Leased ut t 4 Additional lnsured - lvlan Or Lessors Of Premises 4 Additional lnsured - Vendors 5 Additional lnsured - Other Persons Or O anizations Pursuant To Contract Or reement 6 e To Premises Rented To You - $1 000 000 7 Per Location General Limit With Combined Total e Limit 8 Knowled e/Notice Of Occunence o Bodilv lniury, lncluding Resultinq Mental Anguish o Coveraoe Territory, Limited Worldwide 10 Personal lniury, lncluding Discrimination,Harassment And Segregation 10 Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards 10 Other lnsurance lnclud Prima Provision 10 Waiver of Subrogation Required B Contract 11 This endorsement moditios the coverages provided under the Businessowners Coversgo Form. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the provisions ofthe Businessowners Coverage Form apply, except as providod in thitendbrsement. The tllles of the various paragraphs of this endorsem€nt are inserted solely for convenience or r6ference and are not to be deemed in any way to limit or affect the provisions to which they relate.A. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - BAIL BONDS ANO BONDS TO APPEAL JUDGMENTS . NO SUBLIMIT ln Sactlon ll - Liability, Paragraph A. Covsragee, l. f. Coveraqe Extenslon - Suppl8montsry Paymenta, subparagraphs (1Xb) and (c) are replacad by the following: (b) The cost of bail bonds, but only for bond amounts within the available limit of insurance. We do not hav€ to fumish these bonds. Bopi7635a (07/16) lnctudes copyrightod material of lnsurance Services Oflice, with Its pormi$ion, 2016. Page 1 of 11 BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY ENHANCEMENTS ENDORSEMENT (c) Ths cost of bonds lo appealiudgments or releass attachments, but only ,or amounts within the available limit of insurance. We do not hava to lurnish these bonds. B. MEDICAL EXPENSES - THREE YEARS TO REPORT EXPENSES ln Section ll- Llablllty, Paragraph A. Covoragos,2. M€dical Exponsea, subparagraph a.(b) is replacad by the following: (b) The expenses are incurred and reported to us within three years of lhB dale of the accident; and C. NON4WNED WATERCRAFT UNDER 55 FEET ln Section ll - Liablllty, Paragraph B. Excluslons, subparagraph (2) of Exclusion '1.9. Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft is replaced by th6 following: This exclusion does not apply to: (2) A watercraft you do not o\rn that is: (a) Loss than 55 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge; D. NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT ln Section ll - Liability, Paragraph B. Exclusions, the following exception is added to Exclusion 1.9. Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft ln Section ll - Liablllty: This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft you do not own provided: 1. The pilot in command holds a cunently offective certificate, issued by the duly constituted authorily of lhe United States of Amelica or Canada, designating that person as a commercial or airlino transport pilot: 2. lt is rented with a trained, paid crew; and 3. lt does not transport persons or cargo for a charge. E. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY . EXCEPTION FOR EQUIPMENT LOANED OR RENTED TO THE INSURED ln Soctlon ll - Liability, Paragraph B. Exclusions, the following exception is added to Exclusion 'l.k- Damage To Property: Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this exclusion do nol apply to 'property damage' to equipment rented or loaned to the insured, provided such equipment is not being used to perform any opeEtions at a construction job site, F. WHO IS AN INSURED - SUBSIOIARIES OR NEWLY ACQUIRED OR FORMED ORGANIZATIONS ln Section ll - Llablllty, Paregraph C. Who ls an lnsurod is amended to include the following: lf th6ro is no other insuranco available, each of the following is also a Named lnsured: BOP-47635a (07/16) lncludes copyrighted material ol lnsurance Services Office, wih its pemission, 2016. Pago 2 ol 11 l. A subsidiary organization of the first Named lnsured shown in the Declsrations of which, at the beginning olthe policy period and at the time ot loss, the first Named lnsured controls, either dir€ctly or indirectly, more than 50 percent of the interests ontitled to vote generally in the election of the goveming body of such organization; or 2. A subsidiary organization of the first Named lnsured shown in the Declarations that tho first Namod lnsured acquires or forms during the policy period, if at th€ time of loss tho first Nam€d lnsured controls, either directly or indirectly, more lhan 50 percent of the intelests entitled to vote generally in the aloction of the governing body of such organization. G. WHO IS AN INSURED - EMPLOYEES (INCLUDING CPR AND FIRST AID} AND VOLUNTEER WORKERS ln Section ll - Llablllty, Paragraph C. Who is an lnsured, Paragraph 2'a. is replac€d by the following: 2. Each of tho tollowing is al6o an insured: a. Your "employees" but only for acts within the scope of their employment by you or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. However, no 'employee' is an insured lor. (l)"Bodily injury" or "personaland advertising injury": (a) To you, to any of your diroctors, managers, membsrs, 'executive offlcers' or partners (whether or not an 'employee") or to any cojemployee" while such injured p€rson is either in the course of his or her employment orwhile performing duties related to the conduct of your business; (b) To the brother, child, parent, sister or spouse of such injured person as a consequence of any injury described in Paragraph (a) above; or (c) For which lhere is any obligation to share damages with or repay someone elso who must pay damagos because of any iniury described in Paragraph (a) or (b) above. Wth rospect to "bodily injury' only, the limitations described in Paragraph 2 a.(1) abov€ do not apply to you or to your directors, managers. members, "executivo ofticors', partners or supervisors as insureds. The limitalions also do not apply to your'employees' as insureds, with respect to such damages caused by cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid servic€s administered by such an 'employee'. (2) "Property damage" to any property ownBd, occupied or used by you or by any of your directors, managers, members, "executive officers' or parlners (whether or not an 'employee') or by any of your 'employees". This limitation does not apply to "property damage' to pnemises while rented to you or temporarily occupiad by you with the permission of the owner. b. Your'volunteer workers", but only while acting within the scope of their activities for you and at your direction. H. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS ln Soctlon ll - Liability, Paragraph c. Who is an lnsured, the following is added 2. Each of tho following is also an insured BOP-47635a (07/16) lncludes copyrlghted material of lnsuranca Servicos Oflice, with its permission. 20'16. Page 3 of 11 e. LESSOR OF LEASED EQUIPMENT Any person or organization lrom whom you l6ase equipment, but only r,r/ith respect to liability for 'bodily injury", 'property damage' or'personal and advertising injury' caused, in $/hole or in part, by your maintenance, operation or use of equipm€nt leas€d to you by such person or organization and only if you are required by a contract or agreoment to provide them with such insurance as is affordod by this policy. However, the insurance afforded to such additional insuredl (1)Only applies to th€ extont permitted by law; and (2)Will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, this insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment lease expires. Any person or organization from whom you lease premises, but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, mainlenance or use of that part of the premises leased to you and only if you are required by a contract or agreemenl to provide them with such insurance as is aflorded by this policy. However, the insurance afforded to such additional insured: (llOnly applies lo the extent permitted by law; and (2)Will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. This insuranc€ does not apply to (1) Any "occu rrence' that takes place after you cease to be a tenant in such premises (2lStructural alteralions, new construction or demolition operations performed by or for such additional insureds. VENDORS s Any person or organization vrho is a vendor of'your products', but only with respect to 'bodily injury' or'properly damage' arising out of'your products" which are distributed or sold in the regular course of the vendo/s business. However: (1) The insurance afforded to such vendor only applies to the extont permitted by lawi and (2) lf coverage provided to lhe vendor is required by a contract or agreemBnl, lhe f BOP-47635a (07/16) lncludes copyrighled material of lnsurance Servlces Office, with its permission, 2016. Page 4 ot 11 MANAGERS OR LESSORS OF PREMISES With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply: l insurance affolded to such vendor will not be broader than that which you are required by tho contract or agreement to provide for such vendor. Vvith respoct to the insurance afforded to these vendors, the following addilional exclusions apply: (l I This insurance afbrded the vendor does not apply to (a) "Bodily injury' or'property damage'forwhich the vendor is obligatBd to pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agr66ment. This exclusion does not apply to the liability for damages that lhe vendor would have in the absence of the contract or agreement; (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (s) Any express warranty unauthorized by you; Any physical or chomical change in the product made intentionally by the vendor; Repackaging, except when unpackod solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturor, and lhen repackaged in tha original conlainer; Any failure to make such inspections, adjustments, lests oI servicing as the vondor has agreed to make or normally undertakos to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the producls; oemonstration, installalion, servicing or repair oparations, except such operations parformed at the vendor's premises in connection with the sale of the product; Products which, after distribution or sale by you, have boen labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor; or "Bodily injury" or "property damage' arising out of the sol8 negligence of the vendor for itg own acts or omissions or those of ils employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. However, lhis exclusion does not apply to: (h) (l) The excBptions contained in Subparagraph (d) or (0; or (ii) Such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or noamally underlakes lo make in the usual course o, businoss, in connection with the distribulion or sale of the products. (2) This insurance does not apply to any insured person or organization fmm lvhom you have acquired such products, or any ingredi6nt, part or container entering into, accompanying or containing such products. With respect to the insurance afforded lo the8e vendors, the following is added to Paragraph D. Liabllity And M€dical Expenses LimiG Of lnsuranca: lf coverage provided by the vendor is required by a contract or agreement, ths most we will pay on behalf oI the vendor is the amount of insurance; (1) Raquired by the contract or agreemont; or (3) Available under the applicable Limits Of lnsurance shown in the Declarations, BOp-47635a (07/16) lncludes copyrightsd material of lnsurance Services Offico, with its permission, 2016. Page 5 of 1'1 whichever is less. This shall not increase the applicable Limits Of lnsurance shown in the Oeclarations. OTHER PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS PURSUANT TO CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT h. Any persons or organizations that you are required by a conlract or agreement to provide with such insurance as is afforded by this policy. However, such a person or organization is an insured only: (1) To th€ extent such contract or agreement requires the additional insured to be atforded status as an insur€d; and (21 For activities that did not occur, in whole or in part, berore the execution of the contract or agreement. No person or organization is an insur6d under this provision: (1) That is moro specifically identified under any other provision of Paragraph C, Who la An lnsured (regardless of any limitation applicable thereto). (21 With respect to any assumplion of liability in a contract or agreement. This limitation do6s not apply to the liability for damages th€ additional insured would have in the absence of the contract or ggreement. Ho,^,ever, the insurance aflord€d to such pgrsons or organizations: (1) Only applies to the exlent permitted by lawi and l2l Will not be broader than lhat which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such addilional insured. The following is added at the end of Paragraph C. Who ls An lnsurod: No person or organization is an insured with respect to the conduc{ of any current or past partnership, joint ventura or limited liability company that is nol shown as a Named lnsured in the Declarations. However, no person or organization is an insured wilh respect to the: a, Ownership, mainlenance or use of any assets; or b. Conduct of any person or organization whose assets, business or organization; any Namad lnsured acquires, eith€r directly or indirectly, for any: (l)'Bodily injury' or'properly damage' that occurredi or (2) "Personal and adverlising injury' arising out of an offense first committed; in whole or in part, beforo such acquisition is executed. Wth respect to the insurance afforded to the persone or organizations described in Paragraphs o., f.,. and h. above, the following is added to Paragraph D. Llabllity And Medical Expenses Llmlts Of tnsuranco: The most we will pay on behalf of such parson or otganization is the amount of insurance: 8OP476358 (07/16) lncludes copyrighted material of lnsuranc€ Servlces Office, with its pemission 2016. Page 6 of '1 1 ({) Required by the contract oragreement; or (2) Available under the applicable Limils Of lnsurance shown in the Doclarations; whbhever is less. This shall not increes€ the applicable Limits Of lnsurance shown in ths Declarations I. DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU - $1,OOO,OOO ln Section ll - Liabllity, Paragraph D. Liability and Medical Expensss Llmits ot lnsuranca, Paragraphs 3. and 4. are deleled and replaced with the following: 3, Subject to ths Ltability And Medlcal Expenses Limlts Of lnsuranco, the most wo will pay under Businass Liability Coverage for damages because of'property damaga'to any one premises while ronted to you or while temporarily occupied by you with permission of the qvner is $1,000'000. 4. Aggregate Limits The most we will pay fon a. All 'bodily injuq/ and 'prop€rty damage' that is included in tho 'products-completed operations hazard' is twice tha Liability and Medical Expenses limit. b. A[: (l)'Bodilyinjury'and"propertydamage'excaptdamagesbecauseot'bodilyinjury'oI'ploperty damage" includcd in the 'products-completed operations hazard'; (2) Plus medical oxpenses: (3) Plus all'personaland advsrtising iniury'caused by olfenses corrnitt€d; is twics tho Liability and Medical Expenses Limit. The Limits of lnsurance of Section ll - Liability apply separately to each consecutive annual period and to any remaining period of less than 12 months, starting with the beginning of the policy period shown in ihe Declaritions, unless the policy period is extentled after issuance tor an additional period of l6ss than 12 months. ln that cas6, the additional period will be deomed part of the last preceding period fff purposes of detelmining the Limits ol lnsurance. J. PER LOCATION GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT WITH COMBINEO TOTAL AGGREGATE LIMIT ln Section ll - Liability, Paragraph D. Liability and Msdical Expsnses Llmlts of lnsurance, the following is added 1 subject to th€ combined Total Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, for the sum of all damages thatihe insured becomes legally obllg;ted to pay for all ''bodily injury" and'property damage'caused bv "occurrences" unoer Paragraph A.l. Business Liability, and for all medical expenses caused by aacidents under Paragraph A.2. lvledical Expenses, which can be attributed only to a single "location": BOp47635a (07/16) lncludos copyright€d material of lnsurancs Servlcos Offc€, with its permissiofl, 2016. Page 7 of 11 a. A separale Location General Aggregale Limit will apply lo each "localion", and that limit is aqual to the Other than Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Deciarations. b. The separate Location General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages for "bodily injury" or "property damage" under Paragraph A.1. Business Liability, excspt in connection wilh "bodily injury" or "property damage' included in lhe "products- completed operations hazard", and for medical expenses under Paragraph A.2. Medical Expenses, regardless of the number of:(l) lnsureds; (2) Claims made or "suits'brought; or (3) Persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits". c. Any payments made under Paragraph A.1. or under Paragraph A.2. MedicalExpenses shall reduce the separate Location GeneralAggregate Limit for that "loeation". Such paymenls shall not reduce the Othsr Than Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Declaralions nor shall they reduce the separato Location GeneralAggregate Limit tor any other "location'. d. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Occurrence, Damage To Premises Rented To You and Medacal Expense continue to apply. However, instead of being subject to the Other Than Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, such limils will be subject lo the applicable separale Location General Aggregate Limit. Subject to the Combined TotalAggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, for the sum of all damages that the lnsured becomes legally obligated to pay for all "bodily iniury" or "property damage,'caused by occurrences under Paragraph A.1. Business Liability and for all medical expenses caused by accidents under Paragraph A.2., which cannot be attributed only to operalions at a single ',locaaion". a Any payments made under Paragraph A.1. Business Liability for damages or under Paragraph A.2. for medical expenses shall reduce lhe amount available under the Other Than Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit or the Products/Completed Operations Aggr€gate Limit, whichever is applic€ble; and 3 4. b. Such payments shall not reduce the soparate Location General Aggregate Limit applicable to a single "location". Subject to the s€parate Location GeneraiAggregate Limit and all other applicable limits, the Combined Total Aggregate Limit shown in the Declaralions is the mosl we will pay for the combined sum of amounts described above, regardless of the number of 'locations'. Any paymenls we make for "bodily injury" or "proporty damage" included in lhe 'products-completed operations hazard'will reduce the Products-Completsd Operations Aggregate Limit regardloss of the number of "locations", and nol reduce the Other Than Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit nor the separale Location General Aggregate Limit applicable to a single ',location." As used in this endors€ment, 'location" means premisas involving the same or connecting lots, or premises whose connection is interrupted only by a street, roadway, wateMay or right-of-way of a raikoad. The provisions of Paragraph D. Liability and Medlcal Expenses Limits Of lnsurance not olherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to appv as stiputated. K. KNOWLEOGgNOTICE OF OCCURRENCE ln Sectlon ll - Liability, Paragraph E. Liability and Modical Exp€nses ceneral Conditions, 2. Duties ln lhe Event Of Occurrence, Offsnss, Clalm or Sult is amended to includs the loltowing: BOP-47635a (07/16) Includes copyrightod malerial of lnsurance Sorvices Oflice, with its permission, 2016. Page I of 11 6. e. Knorrledge ot an 'occurrence' or offense by an agent or 'employee' of the insured will not constilute kno ledge by the insurad, unless an 'executive officei (whether or not an '6mployee") ot any insured or an 'executive oftice/s' designee knows about such "occurrence' or otfense. Failura of an agent or "employee" of the insured, othel than an "executive officer' (wheth€r or not an "employee") of any insured or an'oxecutive officefs' designea, to notity us of an 'occu rronce' or offense that 6uch person knows about will not aftect the insurance afforded to you. f. lf a claim or loss does not reasonably appearto involve this insurance, but it later devalops into a claim or loss to which this insurance appli6s, the failure to report it to us will not violate this coadition, provided tho insured gives us immodiate notice as soon as the insured is aware that this insurance may apply to such loss or claim. L. BODILY INJURY, INCLUOING RESULTING MENTAL ANGUISH ln Soctlon ll - Llability, Paragraph F. Liability and M€dlcal Expenses Definilions, paragraph 3. is deleted and replaced with the following;3. "Bodily injury'' means physical: a. lnjuryi b. Sickness; or c. Disease; sustained by a person, including rasulling dealh, humiliation, mentalanguish, mental injury or shock atanytime. Allsuch loss shall be deemed to occur at the time of the physicalinjury, sickness or disoase. M. COVERAGE TERRITORY, LIMITED WORLDWIDE ln Section ll - Llability, Paragraph F, Llability and Msdlcal Expenses Definitlons, paragraph 4. is deleted and replacod by the following: 4. "Coverage ter]itory" means all parts ofthe world. However, 'coverage territory' does not include any: a. "Bodily iniury' or 'prope(y damage' that lakBs place or any olfense committed outside of the United States of America (including its possessions and tenitories), Canada and Puerto Rico, unless lhe insuled's responsibility to pay damages is determined by a'suit'on thB merits that is brought in lhe United States of America (including lls possessions and t€nitories), Canada or Puerto Rico; or b. lniury or darnage in connection with any "suit' brought outslde the Unitad States of America (including its possessions and tanilorias), Canada and Puerto Rico. N. PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT AND SEGREGANON ln Section ll - Llabllity, Paragraph F. Llability and Medlcal Expenses Definitions, paragraph 14. is amended to include tho following: h. Discrimination, harassment or s€gregation bas€d on a person's age, color, nationalorigin, race, religion or sex unl€ss committed by or al the direction of any'execulive office/, director, stockholder, partner or member of the insured. BOp-47635a (07/16) tncludes copyright€d material of lnsurancs SsNices Offic€, with its permission, 2016. Pag€ I of 11 O. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS ln Section lll - Common Policy Condltlons, Paragraph c. Concoalm6nt, Misrepresenlation or Fraud is amended to include lhe following addilional paragraph: Unintentional failur€ of an "employee" ofthe insured to disclose a hazard or other material information wili not violate this condilion, unless an "executive office/ (wh6th6r or not an 'employee') of any insured knows about such hazard or other material information. P. OTHER INSURANCE, INCLUDING PRIMARY PROVISION In Ssction lll - Common Pollcy conditione, Paragraph H. Other lnsuranco, subparagraphs 2. and 3 are replaced by the following: H. Other lnsurance lf other vslid and collectible insurance is available to the insur6d for a loss we cover under this insurance, our obligations are limited as follows: 1. Prlmary lnsurance This insurance is primary except when Paragaph 2 below applies. lf this insurance is primary, our obligations are not affected unless any of the other insurance is also primary. Then, we will share wilh all that other insurance by the method described in Paragraph 3 below. 2. Excess lnsuranc€ a. This insurance is oxcess over (a)That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Buildeds Risk. lnstallation Risk or similar coverage for "your work'; (b)That is insurance that applies to "property damage'to premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission ofthe owner; or (c) lf the loss arises out of aircraft, 'autos' or watercraft to the extenl not subject to Exclusion g. of Section ll.B. Exclusions, '1. Applicable to Business Liability Coverage; or (2) Any other primary insurance available to you covering liabilily for damages arising out of the premises or operations for which you have been added as an additional insursd. b. When this insuranc€ is excess, we will have no duty to defend tha insured agaanst any "suit' if any otherinsurerhasadutylodefendtheinsuredagainstthat'suit.'lfnootherinsurerdefends,we will undeiake to do so, but we will be entitled to tha insured's rights against all those other insurers. When this insuranca is excess over other insurance, we will pay only our share of the amounl of lhe loss, if any, that exceeds tho sum of: (1) The totalarnount that all such other insuranca would pay forthe loss in the absence ofthis insurance; c BOP-47635a (07/16) lncludos copyrighted n]aterial of lnsurance Sorvices Office, with its permission, 2016. Page 10 of 11 (1) Any of the other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis: (2) The totel of all deductible and selt-insured amounts under all that other insurance. d. We will share the remaining loss, if any, with any other insurance that is not doscribed in this Excess lnsurance provision and was not blought specifically to apply in excoss ot the Limits oI lnsuranca shown in the Oeclarations of this Cov€rago Parl. 3. Method of Sharing lf all of the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we will follow this method also. Under this approach, each insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or nona of the loss remains, whichever comes first. lf any of the other insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares, we will contribute by limits Under this method, each insuror's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limil of insurance to th€ total applicablo limits of insurance of all insurers. Q. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION REQUIRED BY CONTRACT ln Section lll - Common Pollcy Conditions, Paragraph K' Transfer of Rlght3 of Rocovery Agalnst others To Us, subparagraph 2. is replaced by tha following: 2. Applicable to Businesso',\,ners Liability Coverage: We will waive the rights of recovery we would otherwise have had against another person or organization. for loss to which this insurance applies, provided the insured has waived lheir rights of recovery against such person or organlzation in a contract or aqreement that is executed bofore such loss To the extent that the insored's rights to recover all or parl of any payment made under this Coverage Part have not been waived, those rights are transferred to us. The insured must do nothing after loss to impair them. At our request, tha insured will bring 'suit" or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them. This paragraph does not apply to Medical Expenses Coverago. All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged BOp-47635a (07/16) lnctudes copyrightBd materlal of lnsurance Services Office, with its p€rmission, 2016. Page 11 of '1'1 I 1