2022/09/03 CR&R, Inc.CR&HINCACORD* CERTIFICATE OF LTABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUI\,IBEB REVISION NUMBER R OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFEBS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THISCERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIFMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOBDED BY THE POLICIESBELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUBER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCEB, ANO THE CEBTIFICATE HOLDER. e certilicate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poticy(ies) must lS WAIVED, subject to the lerms ahd conditions ol the poticy, certainlhis cerlificale does nol confer any rights to the cerlilicate holder ln lieu ot such endorsemen IMPORTANTT lf th If SUBBOGATION havg ADDITIONAL INSUBED provlsions or be endorsedpolicles may require ah endoasement. A statement on THIS CEBTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTE t(s). PFODUCER Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC Marsh & McLennan lns. Agency LLC 1 Polaris Way #300 Aliso Viejo, CA 92655 INSURED INSUREF D ADDR€SS tNsuREF A. ACE Property & Casualty lnsurance Co 800 321-4696 20699 lnterstaie Flre & Casualty Company Scotlsdale lnsurance CompanyCH&R lncorporated 11292 Western Avenue Stanton, CA 90680 INSUFEB B INSUR€B C INSUBER E INSURER F RJ.Simmons@MarstMIIA.com rNsuFER(S) AFFOROTNG COVEFAGE 22429 41297 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PEBIODINDICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING ANY FEOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHEB DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THISCEFITIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OB MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUB.'ECT TO ALL THE TERMSEXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCEO AY PAID CLAIMS, TYPEOFINSUFANCE x co,ltMEFctaL GENERAL LtABtLIfl I crarr,,ls veoe I Xl occun INSB WVD POLICY NI'MBER LIMITS A HDOG47307065 9to3/2022 09t03t202 55,000,000 OAMAGE TO RENTEDqFEMTSES (Ea occunence)s 100.000 MED EXP (AN !!qp!E!!L $1qpQq $5,000,000PERSONAL& AOV ]NJUFY GEN'LAGGAEGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER GENERAL AGGREGAIE s10 000,000i -.,"" f l JECT LOC PRODI]CTS . COMP/OP AGG 0 000 A AUTOMOBILE TIABILIIY MMTH10701661 9lO3t2O22 Ogi03t202 ,000,000 x OWNEOAUTOSONLY HIREDAUTOSONLY BOOILY INJUBY {Per parson) x SCHEOULEDAUTOS NON OWNED AUTOS ONLY BODTLY INJUBY (Pcr acc denl) S B UiIBBELLA LIAB x ExcEss L|AB x OCCUR usz0003't420 o22 91312023 EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGAIE s7,000,000 DED RETENTION $ A WOFKEFS COUPENSANO AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILIIY ANY PBOPBIETOF'PAFTNEfu EXECUTIVEOFFICEfi/MEMBER EXCLUOED? DESCBIPTION OF OPEBAJIONS bslow EXCESS AUTO w1RC7030564'l o22 9t3i2023 x SIA]IJTE I ] oTu E L EACH ACC DENT s1,000,000 E L, DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE sl 0 000 E.L, DISEASE POL CY L MIT s1,000,000ccRA0000006022 9t3t2025 2,000,000 OESCnIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / V€HICLES (ACOBO 10r, Addlllontl Ae6trks Schedule. may be alt.ched ll mor. sp.c6ls requted) Excess Liability policy U5200031420 is excess auto onty. Certilicale Holder is included as Additional lnsured as respects General Liability and Auto Liability per the attached. (See Attached Descriptions) CERIIFICATE H LD R NCELLATION O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved The ACORD name and logo are reglstered marks ol ACORO WOPZB SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE OESCRIAED POLICIES AE CANCELLED BEFOAETHE EXPIEATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE wlLL BE OELIVEFED IN ACCOFDANCE WITH THE POLICY PBOVISIONS- City of Menilee 29844 Haun Road Sun City, CA 92586 AUTHORIZED BEPRESEMTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) 1 ol2#sl 17't2595/M1 17'10161 Cllent#:569053 DATE (MU]OD/YYYY) 9t0212022 RJ Simmons $ $ s Y/N N/A OTHEF DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) City ol Menilee and its oflicers, oflicials, employees, and aulhorized volunteers are included as additional insured with respects to General Liability and Auto Liability per atlached endorsements. Primary and Non-Conlributory Wording applies to General Liability and Auto Liability per attached endorsement. Waiver of Subrogatlon applies to Workers Compensation per attached endorsement.30 day Notice ot Cancellation except 10 days lor non-paymenl will be endorsed lo all policies, endorsements to rollow, SAGITTA 2s.3 (2016/031 2 ol2 #s'l 1 71 2695/M'l 17'l 0'l 6'l INSURED: CB&B tncorporated POLICY#: HDoc47s07065 POLICY PERIOD: o9/o3tzo22 TO 09/03/202s COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 26 12 19 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COIVIMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s): Any person or organizalion whom you have agreed to include as an additional insured under a writlen contract, provided such contract was executed prior to the date of loss. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by your acts or omissions or the acls or omissions of those acting on your behalf: 1. In the performance of your ongoing operations; or 2. ln connection with your premises owned by or rented to you. However: 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement lo provide for such additional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section lll - Limits Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable limits of insurance; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase lhe applicable limits of insurance. cG 20 26 12 19 O lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 2018 Page 1 of 1 INSURED: POLICY#: CR&R lncorporated MMTH10701661 POLICY PERIODT as a3 2022 TO: 09i03/2023 ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM EXCESS BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM For a covered "auto," Who ls lnsured is amended to include as an "insured," the persons or organizations named in this endorsement. However, these persons or organizations are an "insured'' only for "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from acts or omissions of: 1. You. 2. Any of your "employees" or agents. 3. Any person operating a covered "auto" with permission from you, any of your "employees" or agents The persons or organizalions named in this endorsement are not liable for payment of your premium.B DA-gU74c (03/'16)Page '1 of 1 Additional lnsured(s): Anv person or orqanization whom vou have aoreed to include as an additional insured under a written contract. Drovided such contract was executed prior to the date of loss. CR&R lncorporated B, $ntol PMI HDOG47307065 0910312022 TO: 09/03/2023 Elhcut. Oi. of E iGr:rrr.rt 09103/2022 8r.6 B, iiLar rl rrrrllar C.llFiyl ACE Arne0can lffirrance Comparry THIS ENOORSEIi,IENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE REAO ITCAREFULLY. COiNCRC!{L GET{ERAL UABILITY COVERAGE Schedule OrEa.Ealbn Ad(flkr3l tnaJrEd Endor6Brlprd A3 r€qrrEd by wdtt€n codnrcl or aglelgment, p.ovlded 6Lrch contrad waa execuled pmr to th€ €b of lo€€ (!{ no inbtmalion iz litrEd in, ,tte srEdrrb rhs, r9€d; 'At Fru oz d an}ths affi Er adlhflal inrured3 th7orrgfi afl €/rdorsemc.rl wtth the Enn'Addltonal lns./,ed. h be ti.,f) Fu or€Er zatlorB lhal ale llsbd ln the SclEd,E abow that are alro an Additonal hsursd uder an endo6€flErialldEd to this pdicy. tn. lollowin0 i8 adled to S€ctioo lV.4 a: I ottEr ln&ranoe lo s\€rlaue lo an |tcur€<, rve co€r un(tsr arry ol the ero]tementB lisled q dEcnbed above (UE 'AddtiorBl lnrrr.dJ tot f lo.a w. oov.r und.r thit polisr, thiB irE|,lna wll lpfry to s!ft lol m r prir:y badr End tr€ wlll nol seek mntribJton lrom lho drEr rrEurarDe arE oble to tfE Ad onal lrBUrEd LG:0?67 (0d06)Pto6 1 ol t NON.CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR AOD]TIONAL INSUREDS NON-CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INSUREDS BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM Additional lnsured Endorsement Any person or organization whom you have agreed to include as an additional insured under a written contract; provided such contract was executed prior to the date of loss. (lf no information is fi ed in, the schedule shall read: "All persons or entities added as additional insureds through an endorsement with lhe term "Additional lnsured" in the title) For organizations that are listed in the Schedule above that are also an Additional lnsured under an endorsement attached to this policy, the following is added to the Other lnsurance Condition under General Conditions: lf other insurance is available to an insured we cover under any of the endorsements listed or described above (the "Additional lnsured") for a loss we cover under this policy, this insurance will apply to such loss on a primary basis and we will not seek contribution from the other insurance available to the Additional lnsured. DA-21886b (06/14) Schedule Orqanization POLICY PERIOD: e/s/2022 Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Policy TO: st3t2o23 Named lnsured SPECTRUM PHARIVACEUTICALS, INC Endorsement Number Policy Number Symbol: Number: (21) 7175-61-00 Policy Period 01 t28t2021 T O o 1 t 28t2o22 Effectrve Date of Endorsement 01124t2021 lssued By (Name of lnsurance Company) fgderal lnsurance Company insert the i number. The remainder olthe inlormation is to be corn when this endorsement is uent lo the on of the CALIFORNIA WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT This endorsement applies only to the insurance provided by the policy because California is shown in ltem 3.A. of the lnformation Page. We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule, but this waiver applies only with respect to bodily injury arising out of the operations described in the Schedule, where you are required by a written contract to obtain this waiver from us. You must maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneration of your employees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule. (!) Specific Waiver Name of person or organization BLANKET WAIVER - ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHOI\4 THE NAI\,4ED INSURED HAS AGREED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT TO FURNISH THIS WAIVER (X) Blanket Waiver Any person or organization for whom the Named lnsured has agreed by written contract to furnish this waiver 2. Operations: ALL CALIFORNIA OPERATIONS 3. Premium: The premium charge for this endorsement shall be 'l % percent of the California premium developed on payroll in connection with work performed for the above person(s) or organization(s) arising out of the operations described. 4. Minimum Premium Authorized Representative wc 90 03 75 (05/18) INSURED: CR&R tncorporated POLICY#: WLRC7o3o5641 Schedule