2022/09/23 CMS Mobile Glass Shop, LLC (4)StateFarm STATE FAFi' GENERAL INSUHAI{CE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS DECLARATIONS AMENDED SEP 23 2022(-)@ HS 87o3ff n?,Ji,, u, ror.rt, u Addl lnsured-Sectlon ll Only M-23-163A-FA41 F N 002846 3r23CITY OF i,IEIIIFEE & ITS OFFICERS EI.IP L OYEES AGENTS & AUTHORIZED VOLUNTEERS?98q{ HAUN RD l{EN I FEE CA 92586-6539 lll,llllllll,t,t',llt'1ll,l,11ltlt,ll,l,ltll1,'l",,tltll,ltl Auto Services Policy Policyllumber 92-GR-O228-7 Policv Pe od Elfuctive Dale Exoiralion Date 12 Mbnths SEP 23 2022 SEP 23 2023 Ihe polipy period begins and ends at 12 0l am standardtme at lhe premrses locaton. Named lnsured CI'IS I.IOBILE GLASS SHOP LLC II Aulomrtic Ronewal - lf ttre pollcv period is shown as 12 months , this policy will be renewed automatically su biect to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each sucbeedin! policy period. lf dris policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wih he policy provisions or as required by law Entity: Limited Liability Company Reason tor Declaratlons: Your policy is amended SEP 23 2022 LOSS PAYEE ADDED FORM CMP.4875 ADDED Endorsement Premium Discounts Applied Renewal Year Claim Becord None Prepared NOV 09 2022 cMP-4000 021729 290 At N O Copyright Stlte F.rm Mutu!l Automobile lnlurlnro Complny, 2m8 lnclud.s coEyriohtsd mrterirl ol lnlurrnca Sorvicss offico, lnc.,with rt! pormis!ion Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 1 ot 6 oEcLARAIONS (CONTTNUED) Auto Sorvlc€s Pollcv ,or CITY OF MENIFEE & ITS OFFTCERSPollcy Number 92-GR4,228-7 sEcTtoN t - p OPERTY SCHEDULE LocatlonNumbor Location ol DescrlbedPremises Llmit ol lnsurance' Covsraoe A - Bulldlngs Llmit ol lnsurance* Coveraoe B -Buslness FersonalProporty Seasonallncrease-BusinessP€rsonalProperty 001 4351 BROOKSIDE DR HETVET CA 92545-8988 No Coverage S 1,400 25% As of the elreclive ate of this policy, t mit o nsurance as shown inc U es any ncrease SECNON I.IN n mit due to lnllation verage FLATION COVEHAGE INDEXI ES) Cov A - Inflation Coveraoe lndex. Cov B - Consumer Price-lndex: N/A 29?.3 sEcTtoN t -DEDUCTIBLES BaEic Oeductlble Speclsl Doductibl6s: Money and Securities Garagekeepers - Comprehensive Equipment Breakdown $1,000 s2s0 $2so s1,000 Garagekeepers - Collision Employee Dishonesty $s00 $2so Olher deductibles may apply - reter to policy Pr egarcd NOV 0S 2022 cMP-4000 021725 O Copyrigh! Stlte Fsrm Mutu il AutomobjlB ln!ur!noe Comp.nv, 2008 lncludEs coryilhiod mltsrislof lns!rrnc€ SB.vicss offics, lnc., with its permirsion Continued on Next Page Page 2 of 6 StateFam(D@ ffi DECLAHATTONS (CONllNUED) Auto Servlcss Policv for CITY OF MENIFEE & ITS OFFICERSPolicy Number 92-GH-O228-7 SECTION I. EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSUBANCE - EACH OESCHIBED REMISES COVEBAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Olf Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Ol Sowsr Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-O,vned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Employee Tools (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Busin€ss Personal Property) Per Occurrence Per Employee Equipment Breakdown Fire Department Service Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Rechargo Expense Forgery Or Alteration Garagekeeper's lnsurance - Comprehensive And Collision Glass Expenses lncroassd Cost Of Construction And Demolition Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacemenl cost basis) Monoy And Socurities (Oll Premises) Money And Securitiss (On Premis6s) LIMIT OF INSURANCE $10,000 $s,000 $5,ooo $15,000 tncluded Coverage B Limit 25% of covered loss $2,500 $soo lncluded $s,ooo $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 lncluded 10% $s,000 $10,000 Prepared NOV 09 2022 cMP-4000 021730 290 N O Cop/righ! Strts Flrm Mutu.l Automobilg lnt!rrncs Comp.ny, 2m lncludls co[yrighlod mrtori.l ol lnsur0nca Ssruicor oftica, lnc., wid] it! permisiion Continued on Beverse Side ol Page Page 3 ol 6 tl r The coverages and corresponding limits shown below apply separalely to each desciibed premis€s.shown in these; Declaratlons, unless indicated by "See Sch6dule." lf a coverage does not have a co(esponding limlt shown below, ;E but has "lncluded" indlcated, please r€ter to that policy provlsion tor an explanation o, that coveragg. DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Auto Services Policv fo. CITY OF MENIFEE & tTS OFFTCEBSPolicy Number g2-cR-Q228-7 Money Orders And Count€rleit Money Newly Acquired BusinEss Personal Property (applies only if this policy provides Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or.Con8tructed Buildings (applies onty if this poticy provides Coverage A - Buildings) Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Cwerage Outdoor Property Personal Etfects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B . Business Personal Property) Personal Property Off Premises Pollutant Clean Up And Rsmoval Preservation Of Property Property.Ol Others (applies only 1o those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Signs $1,000 $100,000 $250,000 lncluded $s,000 $2,500 $15,000 $20,000 30 Days $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 Valuable Papers And Records On Premises Ofl Premises SECTION I . E TENSIONS OF COVEBAGE -LIMIT OF INSUBANCE . PER POLICY The coverages and corr$pondlng limils sho-rvn b€low are the most we will pay rogardless ot the number otdescrlbod pr€mises shown in th€s€ Declarations. COVERAGE Employee Oishonesty Loss Of lncome And Extra Expense @ Copyright, St0t€ tarm Nlutu al Automobils lnrurrnce Comp.ny, 20m lncludss copyrightsd matorillof lnsursnts Sorvic0! offic€, lnc., with its osrrrussion Conlinued on Next Page LIMIT OF INSURANCE $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 Months Prepared NOV 09 2022 cMP-4000 o21730 Page 4 0l 6 StateFarm DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Auto Servic€s Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEE & ITS OFFICEBSPolicy Number 92-GR-O228-7 SECTION II - DEDUCTIBLES 8 E 33 Business Liability - Property Damage $250 Other deductibles may apply - refer to policy. SECTION II - LIABILITY COVERAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) Damage To Premises Bented To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Products/Completed Operations Aggregate General Aggregate Each paid claim for Liability Coverage reduces the amount of insurance we provide during the applicable annual period. Please refer to Seclion ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached endorsements LIMIT OF INSURANCE $1,000,000 $5,000 $300,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Your poticy consists of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including lhose shown below as well as those issued subsequent to the issuance of this policy. FORMS AND ENDORSEME cMP-4101 cMP-4875 cMP-4412 cMP-4827.1 FE-6999.3 cMP-4260.1 Businessowners Coverage Form 'Loss Payable Operalion ol Customers Auto Employee Tool Coverage Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Amendatory Endorsement-CA Prepared NOV 09 2022 cMP-4000 021731 290 N @ Copyrigh! Strte Ftrm Mutu!l Ailtomobil€ lnsurrnce Company,2008 lncludss copyrightod mst€ri!lo[ lnsu16ncs Sslvic0s offic€, lnc., with its psrmission Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 5 ol 6 & ffii DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Auto Servlces Pollcy tor CITY OF MENIFEE & ITS OFFICEFSPollcy Number 92-GR-Q22&7 cMP-4261 cMP.4705.2 cMP-4710 cMP-4709 cMP-4470 cMP-4698 cMP-4786.1 cMP4787 FD-6007 Amendatory Endorsement Loss of lncome & Extra Expense Employee Dishonesty Money and Securities Garageksepers Direct Coverage Back-Up ol Sewer or Drain Addl lnsd Owners Lossee Sched Waiver of Trans Bgt of Recov lnland Marine Attach Dec- New Form Attached This pollcy is issued by the State Farm Gen€ral lnsuranco Company. Parlicipating Policy You are onlitl€d to participate in a distribution of th€ earnings of th€ company as detsrmin€d by our Board of Diroctors in aocordanco with the Company's Articles of lncorporation, as amended. ln WtnE6s Whereof, tre State Farm General lnsurance Company has caused this policy to be slgned by it6 President andSecrelary al Eoomrngton, lllinois. ff -tnY*"ttSscretary -il,*t" C"/4 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Clllomle hw recf,Jlres ua.to provlde you wth lnlormatlon ror llllng c{lnplolnts whh the State lnsurance Depanmetrt tegardlng thecov.ngo and eorvics provl&d under thie pof,cy. YouJ agolll's flrme €nd cor rct larlomEtbn a]e prorided on the lrori ol lhis documem, AnottEr optbn l! to ,each out bymall or phono directly tol Slato FrrrP Execuiye Curlomer Servicc PO Box 2320 Bloomlngton lL 61702 Phon r 1€oo-STATEFAHX (t-80G782-8332) I)sPrtnent of lrculance comPbln6 shoub t € llled only attei you lnd Stste Fam ol youl ogent or other companyr"p.eantative havs lrilod to roach E sotialactory eglgsment on s problofi, Crlrornia DepEnment ol lnxrranca ConeLher Serylces Dlvlalrn 300 South Sprlng Slre€t L@ Angelss, CA 9O013 Phorlg | 1{O0-927.HELP (€54 or vbit iwwlnsuft nce,co.ooy/Ol.conlrrnsrs President @ Copyri!ht Stato fafnr Mutu!l Automobil6 ln!urrnoo Comp!ny, zoo8 lnclud€s copyrioht8d miterisl of lnsur!nce S6rvicBs offics, lnc., with its pormis3ion Prepared NOV 09 2022 cMP-4000 021731 zfi N Page 6 of 6 StateFarm STATE FAFM GENEBAL INSUFANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOUE OFFICES IN ELOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Po Box 2915Bloominglon lL 6 1 702-291 5 Named lnsured M-23-163A-FA41 F N CIIS I4OBILE GLASS SHOP LLC ft INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS- Policyltlumber 92GR-O228-7 Policv Poriod Elhclive Dale Exoiralion Dale 12 Nilbnths sEP 23 2022 SEP 23 2023 Ihe polipy period begins and ends at 12:0'l am standardtme at me Plemrses loca0on. ffi 3 ATTACHING INLAND MARINE Aulomatic Ronewal ' ll dre policy podod is shown as 12 months , t'ris policy will be renewed automatically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeedin g policy period. lf fiis policy is terminated, we will give you and tre Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wi$ $e policy provisions or as required by Iaw. Annual Policy Prcmlum lncluded The a bove Premium Amount is included in dre Policy Premium shown on $e Declarations Your policy consists of hese Declarations, fie INLAND MARINE C 0NDlTl0NS shown below, and any odter [orms and endorsemenb drat apply, including trose shown below as well as $ose issued subsequentto the issuance of ttis policy. Foms. 0ptions, and Endorssmenb FE-8739 FE-6271 FE-8745 lnland Marine Conditions Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marine Computer Prop See Reverse for Schedule Page widr Limir Prepared NOV 09 2022 FD-6007 021732 O Copyri!h! St6t€ Flrm l\4utuilAutomobile lnrurrnc€ Comp.oy,2008 ln6lud0s copvrightqd n!t6rial of lnsurrnce SBrvicst olfice, lnc., wilfi its permiition t30 516a.t 05 rl 20ll lollSzucl (-OD 92-GR-O228-7 ATTACHING II{LANO MABIITE ATTACHIilG INTAND MARINE SCHEDULE PAGI ENDORSEMENT NUM BEB FE-87 45 COVEBAGE lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Expense Lil\4 rT 0F INSUBANCE DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT s 500 ANNUAL PREIVIUM Included Included I s 25,O00 25,000 Prepared NOV 09 2022 FD-6007 021732 OTHEB LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY . REFER TO YOUR POLICY O CopynghL Stot6 F6rm M(tu.l Automobile lnsur6nco Compsny, 2008 lncludes copyrighled m.terial ol lnsuronce Seryices office, lnc , with its oermission. !30 60{ r 2 05 ll 20ll loll3z!3cl