2022/12/01 CMB Structures, Inc.@.anstate.Y&t'i!6dh.^d: Conificete Holdor: CITY OF MENIEEE 2 9 7 14 IIAUN RD MENIEEE, CA USA 925866540 Named lndrld: CMB STRUCTURES, INC ?211 HAVEN AVE * E287 ALTA LOMA CA 91? 01.5 O 54 ct cw A(E 10 11 CERTIFICATE OF I NSURANCE This cerlificaE is issued for inlomnlimal purposes only. lt cerlifies that the policils lisbd in thts docrirltnt ha\re been issued to the Naned lnsured. lt dcs not grant any rights to any party ns can it be used, in any uay, to modify coverage provk ed by such polic*s. Altsralion ot this cedificaE des not ctange lhe tsnns, exclusions or cmditms ol such pdicies. Corerage is sublect to lhe provisions of the policies, including any exclusions or conditiorc, r€gardlesg ol the povisions of any olher contact such as bet!\Een fte cerlificaE holder and the NarEd lnsured. The lirdts shown belo{v are the limits pro/kled at the policy inceplion. Subsequent paid dains may rcduce these lhits. Automotile LiaUlitv ln$lgr Name: Allstate lnsurance Company PolicyNumber: 048285011 x 1 - Any Auto 2 - Owned Autos Only 3 - Owned Priv. Pass. Aulos Only 4 - Owned Autos Other Than Priv Pass. Autos Only 5 - Owned Autos Subject to No Fault 6 - Owned Autos Sublect to a Compulsory UM Law 7 - Sp6cilicallV D€scribsd Autos 8 - Hired Autos Only 9 - Nonowned Autos Only Policy E Lcdv. Oale 2 72-a7-2a22 Policy Exdretion lhlei 12- 01-2a23 Limits ol lnsurance s2,000,000 Combined Single Limit (each accid€nt) Bl Per Person Bl Per Accident PD Per Accident DascriBio{r ol OperEtions/Locations/Vehiies/Endorsomonts/Special Prcvidorls hle]€sbd Party TtDe: Addi.tional Insured - Municipality THIS CERTIFICA]E DOES NOT GRANT ANY COVEBAGE OR FIGHTS TO THE CEFNHCATE HOLDER. IF 'IHIS CEHTIFICATE INDICATES'IHAT THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS AN ADDINONAL INSUHED, IHE POLICY(IES) MUST EI'THEB BE ENDORSEO OR CONTAIN SPECIFIC LANGUAGE PROVIDING THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER WIH ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS, IHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ONLY TO THE EX"TENT INOICATED IN SUCH POLICY LANGUAGE OR ENDOBSEMENT. Producrr: DOUG MOORE AGENCY Dato:09-19-22 Authorized Re Fssenlathre; L9t...riffi lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Oftic€, lnc., with its permission Alhirts lnsurance Cqrpdry Pry I ol IBrr14.l cl cw Am 1011 Addilronal lnsu€d Copy @q1'mm L9i-.rliffi POLICY NUMBER: 04 82 860 11 COMMERCIAL AUTO cA 20 48 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POUCY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSUHED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsernent modifies insurance provided under the lollowing: With respect to coverage provided by this endorsernent, the provisions ol the Coverage Form apply unless modilied by this endorserEnt, This endorsernent identifies person(s) or organization(s) who are "insureds" lor Covered Autos Liability Coverage under the l4/ho ls An lnsurod provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsernenl does not aller coverage provided in lhe Coverage Form. This endorsernent changes the policy effective on the inception date ol the policy unless another date is indicaled below. Nanld Insured: CMB STRUCTURES, INC Endors€nEntEfbctiveDab: L2-0l-2022 SCHEDULE NerD Of PeBon(s) Or Organizator(s): CITY OF MENIFEE 2 9 7 14 HAI]N RD MEN]FEE, CA USA 925855540 lnlormalion required to complete this Schedule, il not shown above.lrylll be shown in lhe Dec laratio n s Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" lor Covered Autos Liability Coverage, but only lo the extent that person or organization qualilies as an "insurod" under the vvho ls An lnsured provision conlalned in Paragraph A1. of Section ll - Covered Autos Liability Coverage in lhe Business Auto and Molor Carrier Coverage Forms and Paragraph O.2 ol Section I - Covered Autos Coverages of the Auto Dealers Coverage Form. O lnsurance Services Ottice, lnc., 2011 ldditional L$rad Copy 8!J1r4-3 ca 20 /a 10 13 PagE 1 ol 1 AUTO DEALEBS COVEBAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO CO\ERAGE FORM MOTOB CABRIER COVEBAGE FORM @4lqkls CUSTOMER NUMBER: 67875 RIIN DATE: 09 - 19 -22 DOUG MOORE AGENCY ?27 O VICTORIA PK {3C RANCHO CUCA}.'ONGA, CA 91739 l.li:il.riffi CITY OF MENIFEE 2 9 7 ].4 HAI]N RD MENIFEE, CA 92585.6540 BIlI4.3 1 000022091 904828601 '1 01 1 5001 33000'1003 Additonrl hs!€d Copy