2022/12/18 C Below, Inc. (5),-\ -A(:ORD"CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 12123t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CEBTIFICATE HOLOEF. THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER TH€ COVEFAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEET{ THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZEO REPFESENTATIVE OR PRODUCEF, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lt tho cortiticale holdor ii en AODITIONAL INSUREO, the policy(i68) mu8t have ADDITIONAL INSURED provioione or bo endoraed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, aubloct to tho tormB and conditions ol the pollcy, cortaln pollcioa m6y requlro an ondorsement. A alatomont on lhia corllflcale does nol confar righta to the certlficet€ hold€r in li6u ol auch 6ndors6mgnt(3). PnoDucEn A(hur J. Gallagher & Co. lnsurance Brokers of CA., lnc. 2'1820 Burbank Blvd 175 Woodland Hills CA 91357 Vanossa Aldershof NE 818,449 0216 818-316-0990 ald€rshof@ajg.com INSUPER{S)A FFORDING COVERAGE lArq! 12177L,cense* 0726293 INSUBEB A CO mpWest lnsurance Company INSUFEO C BELOW. INC. 14280 Euclid Avenue Chino. CA 91710 caELow-01 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 445125940 REVISION NUMBER THIS IS TO CER'TIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSUFEO NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PEBIOO INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTBACT OFi OTHER DOCUMENT WITH FESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEFTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OB MAY PEIITAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOBDED 8Y THE POLICIES DESCFIBEO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, I PoLtcY EFf PoLtcYExP IlMM,oo/vvvYl l -.' uu"" COMMERCIAL GENEFAL L AIL|TY "ro,r. roo, I lo".r" ] *."" [ 5P"o; [ ,* I orxsn, EACH OCCUFRENCE 0PBEMSES(Ea MED E PERSONAL& ADV INJUHY GENEAAL AGGBEOATE s PRODUCTS , COMP/OP AGG S 5 AUTOMOAILE LIAA L]TY OWNEDAUTOS ONLY H]REOAUIOS ONLY COMB NEOSNGLE L MIT S(Er rcdd.nll BO0TLY TNJUHY (P.r p6ren)s saooLY TNJUFY (P6l accidenr) FiOFtRTV D^lill6E Sieq!c!{.!u ---- s t EXCESS LIAB OCCUF CLAIMS.MAOE DED tl FEIENTON$ EACHOCCURFENCE 5 V/OFKENS COMPEI{SATION ANO EMPLOYEB6' LIABILITY ANYPROPB]ETOB/PAFTNEN/EXECI-IT]VE OFFlCEfu MEMSEPETCLUDED? DESCFTPTION OF OP€FAITONS b6low cwwcP100086909 12t1412022 1211et2023 x lSiirure L E,L EACH ACCIOENT ER $ 1 000.000 E L DISEASE - EAEMPLOYE s 1 000.000 E L OISEASE. POLICY LIM T s 1 000.000 OESCnTPllO OF OPEFAIIONA / LOCATIONS / VEhIC!E8 (ACOaD 1Ol, Addi(on.l e.n.rl. S.h.dul., n.y b. rt[eh.d n ho- .pd ir dqulrid) Waiver of Subrogation applies in favor ofth6 certiticrto holder per the anached form. For Professional Liability, the aggregale limit is the lotal insu.anc€ for all @vered claims reported within the policl period Citv of Menifee 29095 Evans Road Menifee CA 92586 USA SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE OESCHIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFOFETHE EXPIBATION DATE THEBEOF, NOTiCE wlLL BE DELIVEFED IN ACCOBDANCE WITH THE POLICY PBOVISIONS, ^g'PAEs'Nr^rNE,r4 CEBTIFICATE HOLDEB CANCELLATION @ 1988-2015 ACORo CORPORATION. All rlght! rclorvcd The ACORo nlmc and logo aae rcgistorcd mark! ol ACORoACORO 2s (2016/03) L$ I I SCHEDIJLEO ALJTOSI lNoN.owNEo! I AlrosoNLY I Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, LLC 21820 Burbank Boulevard, Suite 175 Woodland Hills CA 91367 ffi trDG2023 00008289 01 t,.l,,t,.r,rl,,l,,,lrhl,ltltrtItlll,rtlr,,rtlrtlll,rlt,[,,lltl City of l\4enifee 29995 Evans Road Menifee, CA 92586 We are providing you with a Certificate of lnsurance confirming our client's coverage Want to get certificates of insurance faster? "Go Green with Gallagher" by receiving digital copies of certificates via e-mail in the future. Or, do you no longer require a certificate of insurance for our client? Please contact us at COl.UpdateMyEmail@AJG.com and provide the following information for processing 1. Confirmation that a certificate of insurance is no longer required; or 2. E-mail address to send future certificates of insurance in lieu of U.S. Mail delivery 3. lnsured Code: CBELOWI-01 4. This Certificate Number: 445125940 To learn more about the lnsurance and Risk Management Services offered by Gallagher, please visit us at www.ajg.com/us/abou!us/how-we-work/core-360. Gallagher does not share your e-mail as detailed in our privacy policy found at https:// www.ajg. com/us/privacy-pol icy/. u.'it*ffi u,i:'.rtEffi s 5 sa 5 5 cE E A,CORi}CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1212312022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTEF OF INFORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CEFTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OB ALTER THE COVEBAGE AFFOBDEO BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CENNFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUFEF(S), AUTHORIZEO REPBESENTATIVE OF PRODUCEB, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, IMPOBTANT: lf th€ certiticale holdor is an AODITIONAL INSUBEO, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provlsions or bo endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subiecl to the terms and conditions oI the policy, cerlain pollcies may roquire an endora€menl. A etatoment on thie cerlificate does nol confer righla to the certiticale holder in li6u ol such endorsement(e). Arthur J Gallagher & Co lnsurance Brokers of CA , lnc. 21820 Burbank Blvd 175 Woodland Hills CA 91367 Vanessa Aldershof 818-449-0216 818-316-0990 vanessa alde com DINGCOVEBAGE IN ny 12177 INSUFED C BELOW, INC, 14280 Euclid Avenue Chino, CA 91710 CBELOW.OI IN INSURER E COVERAGES CEBTIFICATE NUMBER: 3421S21 17 NEVISION NUMBER CANCELLATION O 1988-2015 ACORD COBPORATION. All rights rese.v6d The ACORD name and logo are .egistered marks ol ACORD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSUAANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE EEEN ISSUED TO THE INSUFED NAMED ABOVE FOB THE POLICY PEBIOD IND1CATED, NOTWTHSTANDING ANY HEQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTBACT OR OTHEF DOCUMENI WITH NESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEBTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OB MAY PERTAIN, THE INSUHANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCBIBED HEREIN IS SUAJECT TO ALL THE IERMS, EXCLUSlONS AND CONOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN I\4AY HAVE BEEN BEDUCED BY PAID CLAII\,1S IADbLISUBNI POLICY EFF P6LICY EXP COMIIllERCIAL GENEBAL LIABIIITY CLATMS.MADE f] occuF GENL AGGFEGATE LIMIT APPLIES PE F: PoLcY f] 58coi [_] Loc €ACHOCCUFFENCE I -$ $MEo ExP (A.y on6 p€lson) PEFSONAL &ADV NJUFY GEN EFAL AGGFEGATE PBOOUCTS. COMP/OP AGG $ $ i $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY OWNEDAUIOSONLY HIREDAUTOSONLY SCI]EDULEOAUIOSNON.OWNEO AUTOS ONLY $ BOOILY INJ!RY (Pe. p66o.) BOoILY INJLTFY (Per acc denl)$ s $ UMBNELLALIA6 I :::'i'i:.,.^-""] OCCUB CLAiMS.MADE s s 5 WORKEFS COMPENSAIION ANO EM PLOYEAS' LIAAIL|TY ANYPBOPF ETOF/PAFTNEB/EXECUI VE OFF!CEB/MEMBEREXCLUDED? DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS belos cwwcP100086909 '12t1812022 121'18t2023 E.L EACII ACCIDENT E L DISEASE. EAE s 1,000 000 s 1.000 000 E L DISEASE. POLCY LIM T 61.000 000 oESCRIpTION OF OPEFATIoNS / LoCATIOT{S/VEHICLES (ACO FD 10r, Addirion.l F.h.rk! S.h.dul., m.y b. .n.ch.d il mor. 3p.c. i. 6quir.d) Waiver of Subrogalion applies in favor ofthe c€rtificate holder per the altached form For Protessional Liability, the aggregate limit is the total insurance for all covered claims reported within the policy period c TE SHOULDANY OFTHEABOVE DESCBIAED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFOBETHE EXPIBATION OATE THEBEOF, NOTICE WILL AE OELIVEREO IN ACCOBDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.City of Menitue 29714 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586USA ILw.PFEsErf ^nvE ACORD 25 (2016/03) R I I I COI BINEO SINGLE LIM1T l LEalclElltL !{c! q9qq!!E!9q AGGBEGATE f r'II Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, LLC 21820 Burbank Boulevard, Suite 175 Woodland Hills CA 91367 ffi It4DG2023 00003260 01 , r , , | | . | | r , | , r , | , | | | ! | r I I | ' , , I I | | , r , I r ' r I r | | | | | ' r | | r ' r"'rl"ilrl City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 fi"SEIET We are providing you with a Certificate of lnsurance confirming our client's coverage Want to get certificates of insurance faster? "Go Green with Gallaghef' by receiving digital copies of certificates via e-mail in the future. Or, do you no longer require a certificate of insurance for our client? Please contact us at COl.UpdateMyEmail@AJG.com and provide the following information for processing: Confirmation that a certificate of insurance is no longer required; or E-mail address to send future certificates of insurance in lieu of U.S. Mail delivery lnsured Code: CBELOWI-01 This Certificate Number: 342192117 Gallagher does not share your e-mail as detailed in our privacy policy found at httpst// www.ajg. comius/privacy-pol icyi. 1 2 J 4 t it* dEr E E g 6 E To learn more about the lnsurance and Risk Management Services offered by Gallagher, please visit us at vwvw.ajg.comius/about-usihow-we-work/core-360.