2022/12/01 Black Diamond Blade Co. Inc.,-,ACORD' pRooucER License # 0757776 HUB lnternalional lnsurance Services lnc4695 MacArthur CounSuite 600Newport Beach, CA 92660 BLACDIA-21 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE fi!ilElcr Dana O'Malley, CISR iJ3.*,f.,.,e, 1zr+1 21o-7s03 7e03 [#, r"),ola) e17-3i86 imtEss dana.om-lley@hubinternational.com INSURER{S) AFFOROING COVERAGE NAIC I 111su6sx 4 . The Travelers lndemhity Company of Conneclicut 256g2 lxsgp6x 6 . Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 rNsuRER c , North Pacific lnsurance Company 23ggzBlack Diamohd Blade Co. lnc 234 E. "O" Street Colton, CA 92324 11t30t2022THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY ORBELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CE OF INFORI''ATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS}IEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEO BYTHEPOLICIESDOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER('), AUTHORIZEDRTIFICATE HOLDER. bjecl M oPR fTNT ce ifirt ate dhol r D ONADITI htLsNREDU tUS AOhave tTtD No L INpov()SU ERD rst ns be d edrsptUsRBTroOGANDrvEsutothestermndaditihtcertapopendmrsent.may req tetam nthtsrtifitednttsolnnItheholcertificatedern5Uhendrsems covE CERTIFICAT ER UMBETHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED AELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEDINDICATEO, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONOITiON OF EIY COITANCERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICEXCLUSIONS ANDCONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY TO THE INSUREO NAMED AAOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOOCT OR OTHER DOCUMENT W|TH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS;IES DESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SUSJECTTOALL THE TERMS,PAID CLAIMS, POUCY EFF POLICY EXP EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTEOPREMISES (Eaoe!rercqI MEO ExP (An!!ie peGgaL PERSONAI qADV INJURY GEN ERAI AGGREGATE PROOUCTS. COMP/OP AGG 1,000,000 300,000 5,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 9t3012022 9t3012023 iF""i lx GEN'L A6GREGATE LIII,IIT APPL ES PER LOC A X corvrmencw- eeNERAL uaBrLrry cLAtMs-MAoE X occuR O-THER: X ary eLrro OWNED X lffi& o"," COMAINED SINGLE L MII(Ea accdenll s 913012022 913012023 BoDrLy INJU8! 1pe. p€con) s 1,000,000 BAAP 4246242214c Y NON.OWNEO ! s SCHEDULEO A nurorroerue rtlsrrrry BODILY iNJURY {Per a@denr) (Pd accdonr) L L $ QWC6000096 B c x lFlruru l12t1t2022 12112023 E L, OISEASE, POLICY 9,000,000 9,000,000 OTH 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 EACH OCCI]RRENCE9/30/2022 9/30/2023 aGGREGATE E L EACH ACCIDENI 9 E L OISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE S X uugnerrt Laa X occun EXCESS UAB CLAIMS-MADE oau f *ara*rars o WORI(ERS COMPENSATIONaND EMPLOYERS' LtABtLtTY Y/ NANY PROPRIETOFITPARTNER,'EXECUTIVE OFF CERIMEMBER E^CLtiDFDT(M.ndrlory ln NH) DESCRIPTIoN OF OPERAIIoNS, LOCAIIoNS , vEHlcLEs (AcoRO 1or. Addir'ohrt R.m.ri. Sch.dut., n.v b..n.ch.d it more snac. i.,.dur.d! additiohallnsured wlth respect to genoralliablllty porcGD458 0219, ccD246 0419. primary and noncontiiu,it.ii'1"'.iri"i p"rccTloo 02i9. soparaiio; oflnsureds clause included, per CG0001 tOO1. 30 days notice ofcancellation applias per policy provision. c HOLDER LLATION City of ilcnifee and its officers, omployees, agents, andauthorized volunteers 298i14 Haun Road Sun City, CA 92586 SHOULD ANY OF THE AEOVE DESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO BEFORETHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE wlLL BE DELIYEREO INACCOROANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUIHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 2s (2016/03)All rights reserved. Nn*ru*,- cuP314a52612214 the ts 6303L480394TCT22 s $ $ s $ $ @ 1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATTON. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks ofACORD POLICY NUMBER: 6303L480394TCT22 A Who ls An lnsured - Unnamed Subsidiaries B. Who ls An lnsured - Employees And Volunteer Workers - Bodily lnjury To CeEmptoyees And Ccvolunteer Workers C, Who ls An lnsured - Newly Acquired Or Formed Limited Liabillty Companies D. Blanket Additional lnsured - Broad Form Vendqs E. Bla nket Add itional lnsured - Controlling lnlerest F. Blanket Additional lnsured - lvlortgagees, Assignees. Successors Or Receivers G. Blanket Additional Insured - Governmental Entities - Permits Or Adhorizations Relating To Premises PROMSIONS A WHO IS AN INSURED - UNNAMED SUBSIDIARIES The following is added to SECTION ll - WHO lSAN INSURED: Any of your subsidiaries, otfier than a partnership or joint venture, that is not shown as a Named lnsured in the Declarations is a Named lnsured if:a, You are the sole owner of. or maintain an ownership interest of more than 50o/. in, such subsadiary on the first day of the poticy period; andb. Such subsidiary is not an insured under similar other insurance. No such subsidiary is an insured for "bodily injurly', or "property damage" that occurred, or "personal and advertising injury" caused by an ofiense committed: COt\,4MERC IAL GEN E RAL LtABtLlTy H. Blanket Additional lnsured - Governmental Entitjes - Permits Or Authorizations Relating To Operations l. Blanket Additional lnsured - Grantors Of Franchises J. lncidental Medjcal Malpractice K. Medic€l Payments - lncreased Limit L. Blanket Waiver Of Subrogation M. Contractual Liability - Railroads a. Befqe you maintained an ownership interes of more than 50% in such subsidiary; or b. After the date, if any, during the potiqy periodthat yqJ no longer maintain an ownership intere$ of more than 50% in such subsidiary. For purposes of Paragraph 1. of Secrion ll - Whols An lnsured, each s.rch subsidiary will be deemed to be designated in the Declarations as: a. A limiled liability company, b. An organization dher than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company; or c. A t'ust; as indicated in its name or the documeds thatgovern its strudure. This erdorsement modifies insurance provided under the icllowing: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE -This endorsement broadens co\r'erage. However, coverage lor anyinjury, damage or medical e{oenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be eicluded orlimited by another endorsemer( to this Co\r'erage Part, and these co\,erage broadening provisions do not apply tothe extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. tne tot'iowing listing is a generalco\€rage descriptisl only. Read all the provisions of this endorsement and the rest of y-ur poiicy carefully todetermine rights, duties, and what is and is not co\€red. cG Dlt 58 02 't9 O 2017 The Travelers lndemnity Company A rights reserved.lncludes copyrighled malerial of lnsurance Services Office. lnc. with its oermission Page I of 5 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ I'T CAREFULLY. XTEND ENDORSEMENT FOR MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY B. WHO IS AN INSURED - EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEER WORKERS - BODILY INJURY TOCO.EMPLOYEES AND CO.VOLUNTEER WORKERS The follovving is added to paragraph 2-a.(11 of SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: Paragraphs (1)(a). (b) and (c) above do not apptyto "bodily injury" to a cc"employee" while in the course of the cc"emdoyee's" employment by you or performing duties related to the conduct ofyourbusiness, or to "bodily injuqy'' to your other"volunteer workers" while performing duties related to the conduct of ycrJr busiless. C. WHO IS AN INSURED _ NEWLY ACQUIRED OR FORMED LIMITED UABILtrY COMPANIES The following reptaces Paragraph 3. of SECTIONII_WHO IS AN INSURED: 3. Any organization )ou newly acquire or form, other than a pa(nership or joint venture, and of which you are the sole owner q in whictt you maintain an ownership interest of more than 50%, will qualify as a Named lnsured if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. However: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded onlY: (1) Until the 180th day after you acquire or form the organization or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier, if )ou do not report such organizatiorl in writjng to us within 180 days afrer you acquire or form it; or (2) Until the end of the policy period, when that date is later than 180 da!6after )acu acquire or form such organization, if you report such organization in writing to us within '180 days afrer you acquire or form it; b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage'that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization; and c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and advertising injury" arising out of an offense committed before ),ou acquired or formed the organization. For the purposes of Paragraph '1. of Section ll - Who ls An lnsured, each such organizationwill be deemed to be designated in the Declarations as: a. A limited liability company; b. An organization, other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company; or C. A AuSt; as indicated in its name or the documents that govern its structure. D. BLANKET ADDITONAL INSURED - BROAD FORM VENDORS The following is added to SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Any person or organization that is a vendor and that you have agreed in a written contrad or agreement to include as an additional insured on this Coverage Part is an insured, but only with respecl to liability for "bodily injury" or ',property damage'that a. Occurs subsequent to the signing of that contract or agreement; and b- Arises out of ")acur products,' that are distributed or sold in the regular course of such vendor's business. The insurance provided to such vendor is subject to the following provsions: a. The limits of insurance provided to such vendor will be the minimum limits that you agreed to provde in the written contract or agreement, or the limits shown in the Declarations, whichever are less. b. The insurance provded to such \|endor does not apply to: (1) Any erpress warranty not authorized by )4cu or any distribution or sale for a purpose not authorized by you; (2) Any change in "your products" made by such vendor; (3) Repackaging, unless unpacked sotety for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufadurer, and then repackaged in the original container; (4) Any failure to make such inspections, adiustments, tests or servicing as \endors agree to perform or normally undertake to perform in the regular course of business, in connection with the dislribLrtion or sale of ")our products,'; Page 2 of 5 @2017 The Travelers lndemnity Company. A[ rights reserved. Inc udes copyrighted malerial of lnsurance SeNices Office, tnc. with its permtssion cG D4 58 02 't9 (5) Demonstration, installatjon, servicing or repair operatjons, except such @erationsperformed at such \,rendo/s premises in connection with the sale of ")cur products"; or (6) "Your products" that after di$ribution orsale by you, have been labeled orrdabeled or used as a container, part orir€redient of any other thing or substance by or on behalf of such vendor. Coverage under this provision does not apply to:a, Any person or dganization from whom youhave acquired "your produds,', or anyingredient, part or container entering into, accompanying or containing such producis: or b. Any vendor for which co\rerage as an additional insured specificalty is scheduted by en dorse men t. E. BLANKET ADD]TIONAL INSURED CONTROLLING INTEREST 1. The following is added to SECTION ll - WHO IS AN INSURED: Any person or organization that has financialcontrol of you js an insured with respect toliability for'bodity injuqy'',,'property damage" or "personal and advertising injury,,that arises out of: a. Such finarcial control: or b. Such person's or qganization,s ownership, maintenanc€ or use ofpremises leased to or occupied by you. The insurance provided to such person ororganization does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of suchperson or organization. 2. The following is added to paragraph 4. of SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED: This paragraph does not apply to anypremises owner, manager or lessor that hasfinancial control of you. F. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSUREDMORTGAGEES, ASSIGNEES, SUCCESSORS OR RECETVERS The following is added to SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Any person or organization that is a mortgagee,assignee, successor or receiver and that you have agreed in a written contac{ or agreement toinclude as an additional insured on this CoveragePart is an insured, but only wih respect to its COM[,,IERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY liability as mortgagee, assjgnee, successor orrecd\€r for "bodily injury', "property damage, or"personal and advertising injury. that a. ls "bodily injuqy'' or "property damage', that occurs, or is "personal and ad\ertisng injury,,caused by an offerEe that is committed. sJbsequent to the signing of that contract q agreement; and b. Arises out of the ownership, maintenance q use ofthe premises for which that mortgagee, assignee, successor or receiver is requiredunder that contract tr agreement lo beincluded as an additional insured on this Coverage ParL The insurance provided to such mortgagee,assignee, successor or receiver is subjed to the following provisions: a. The limits cf insurance provided to suchmortgagee, assignee, successc s re@iver will be the minjmum limib that )ou agreed toprovide in the writen contrad or agreement,or the limits shown in the Declarations, whictlever are less. b. The insurance proMded to such person q organization does not apply to: (1) Any "bodity injuny'' or "property damage,that occurs, or any "personal andadvertising injuly''caused by an offense that is committed, after such contract q agreernent is no longer in effect; or (2) Any "bodily injuny'', "property damage, or"personal and advertising injury" arbingorjt of any structural alterations, newconstruction or demdition operationsperformed by or on behalf of suchmortgagee, assignee, successor q rec€i\/er G. BI.ANKET ADD]TIONAL INSUREO GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES - PERMITS OR AUTHORIZATIONS RELATING TO PREMISES The following is added lo SECTION Il - WHO lS AN INSURED: Any govemmental entity that has issued a permit or authorizatim with respect to premises ownedor occupied by, or rented or loaned to, )ou andthat yqJ are required by any ordinance, law, building code or written confact or agreernent to include as an dditional insured on this Coverage Part is an insured, but only with respect to liability for "bodily iniury", "property damage, or,,personaland adveijsing injury" arising out of the existence, ownership, use, maintenance, repair, construclion, eredion or removal of any of the following for which that governmental entity has cG D4 58 02 19 O 2017 The Traveters tndemnity Company. A[ rights rsserved.lhcludes copyrighted maleriatof tnslrancs Services Ofiice. lnc. with its permisston Page 3 of 5 CO[,4MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY issued such permit or authorization: advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coalhdes, drivgr',/ays, manholes, marquees, hoist away openings, Sidewalk vaulls, devators, street banners or decoralions. H BLANKET ADDIIONAL INSURED GOVERNMENTAL ENNTES - PERMITS OR AUTHOREATIONS RELATING TO OPER. ATIONS The following is added to SEGTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Any govemmental entity that has issued a permitor authorization with respect to operations performed by )ou or on your behalf and that you are required by any trdinance, law, building code or written contracl or agreement to include as an additional insured on this Coverage Part is an insured, but only with resped to liability for "bodity injuqy'', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of such operations. The insurance provided to such governmental entity does not apply to: a. Any "bodily injuly'', "property damage" or "personal and ad\r'ertising injury" arising out of operations performed for the govemmental entity; or b- Any "bodily injuqy'' or "property damage"included in the "products-cqnpleted operations hazard'. I. BLANKET ADD]TIONAL INSURED GRANTORS OF FRANCHISES The following is added to SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Any person or organizatim that grants a franchiseto you is an insured, but only with respec{ to liability for "bodily injuqy'', "property damage" or "personal and advertasng injury" arising oJt of \our operations in the franchise granted by that person or organization. lf a written contracl or agreement exists between )ou and such additional insured, the limits of insurance provided to such insured will be the mininum limits that you agreed to provide in the written @ntret or agreement. or the limits shown in the Declarations. whichever are less. J. INCIDENTAL MEDICAL MALPRACTICE 1, The following replaces Paragraph b. of thedefinition of "occunence" in the DEFINfflONS Sedion: b. An ad or omission committed in providing or failing to provide ''incidental medical services", first aid or "Good Samaritan services" to a person. unless ycu are in the business or occupation of providing professional health care services. 2. The fdlowing replaces the last paragraph of Paragraph za.('ll d SECTION lt - WHO lS AN INSURED: Unless yc! are in the business or occupation of providing professional heatth cai.e seMces, Paragraphs (1Xa), (b), (c) and (d) above do not apply to "bodily injury" arising out of provjding or failing to provide: (a) "lncidental medical services" by any of )^cur "employees" who is a nurse, nurse assistant, emergency medical technician. paramedic, athletic trainer, audiologist,dietician, nutritionist, occupationaltherapist or occupational therapy assistant, physical therapist q speech- language pathologist; or (b) First aid or "Good Samaritan services" by any of your "employees" or "volunteer workers", other than an employed or \/olunteer dodor. Any such "employees" or "\,rclunteer workers" providing or failingto provide first aid or "Good Samaritan serMces" during their work hours for you will be deemed to be acting within the scope of their employment by you or performirE duties related to the conduct of your business. 3, The following replaces the last sentence of Paragraph 5. d SECTION lll - LIMITS OF INSURANCE: For the purposes of determining the applicable Each Occurrence Limit, all related acts or omissions commifted in providing q failing to provide "incidental medical services", first aid or "Good Samaritan services" to any one person will be deerned to be one "occurrence". 4. The following exclusion is added to Paragraph 2., Exclusions, of SECTION I -COVERAGES - COVERAGE A - BODILYINJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: Sale Of Pharmaceuticals "Bodily injuqy'' or "property damage" arisingout of the violation of a penal statute q ordinance relatirE lo the sale ofpharmaceuticals committed by, q wath the lglowledge or consent of, the insured. Page 4 of 5 O 20T7 The Travelers lndemnily Company All riqhts reserued. lncludes copyrighled mateialof lnsurance Services Office, tnc. with its permission CG D/t 58 02 19 5. The foflowing is added to the DEFINITIoNS Section: "lncidental medical seryices', means: a. Medical, surgical, dental, laboratory, x-rayor nursing Service or treatment, advice or instruction, or the related fumishing offood or beverages; or b. The furnishing or dispensing of drugs ormedical, dental, or surgical supplies or appliances. 6. The following is added to paragraph 4.b.,Excess Insurance, of SECTION lV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIry CONDITIONS: This insurance is excess over any valid and collectible other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, thatis available to any of your "employees,'for "bodily injury" that arises out of providing or failing to provide "incidental medical services',to any person to the extent not subject to Paragraph 2.a.(1) of Sedion ll - Who ts An lnsured. K. MEDICAL PAYMENTS - INCREASED LIMIT The following reptaces Paragraph 7. of SECTION III - LIMITS OF INSIJRANCE: 7. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the l\.4edical Expense Limit is the most we will pay underCoverage C for all medical e)eenses because of "bodily injuty'' sustained by any one person, and will be the higher of: COMN,,!ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIry a. $10,000; or b. The amount shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part for [,4edical E)qcense Limit L. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION The following is added to Paragraph 8., Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us,of SECTION lV - COMMERCTAL GENERAL LIABILITY COND]TIONS: lf the insured has agreed in a contract or agreement to waive that insured's right of recovery against any person or orqanization, we waive our right of recovery against such person or organization, but only for payments we make because cf: a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage,' that occurs: or b. "Personal and advertising injury" c€used by an offense that is committed; subsequent to the execution of the contract or agreement. M. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY - RAILROADS '1. The follc,vr'ing replaces Paragraph c. of thedefinition of "insured contract,, in the DEFINIfIONS Section; c. Any easement or license agreement; 2. Paragraph f,(1) of the definition of ',insured contract" in the DEFINITIONS Section is deleted. O2017 The Trave ers tndemnity Company. A[ rights reserved.lnc udes copyrighled material of lnsurance Services Office, tnc. with its permission cG D4 58 02 ,19 Page 5 of 5 COMMERC IAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED (lncludes Products-Completed Operations lf Required By Contract) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the follci/ving COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PROVISIONS The following is added to SECTTON ll - WHO tS AN INSURED: Any person or organization that yoJ agree in awritten contract or agreement to indude as anadditional insured on this Coverage part is an insured, but only: a. With respect to liability for ,,bodity injury', or "property damage' that @curs, or for ',personal injuly''caused by an offense that is committed, subsequent to the signing of that contract oragreement and while that part of the contracl or agreement is in effect: and b. lf, and only to the extent that, such injury or damage is caused by acts or omissions of ycu or )our subcontractor in the performance of',)alur work" to which the written contract or agreement applies. Such person or organization does not qualify as an additional insured with respect tothe independent acts or omissions of such person or organization. The insurance provided to such additional insured is subjecl to the fdlowing provisions: a. lf the Limits of lnsuranc€ of this Coverage part shown in the Declarations exceed the minimumlimits required by the written contraci oragreement, the insuran@ proMded to the additional insured will be limited to suchmininum required limits. For the purpGes of determining whether this limitation appties, the minirrum limits required by the written contracl or agreement will be considered to include theminimlm limits of any Umbrella or Excessliability coverage required for lhe additjonal insured by that written contract or agreement.This provision will not increase the limits of insuranca described in Section lll - Limits Of lnsurance. b. The insurance provided to such additional insured does not apply to: (1) Any "bodity injury", "property damage,, or "personal injury" arising out of the providing.or failure to provide, any professional architeclural, engineering or surveying services, including: (a) The preparing, approving, or failing toprepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys,field orders or change orders, or thepreparing, approving, or failirE toprepare or approve, drawings and specifications; and (b) Supervisory, inspection, architecturat or en gineering actjvities. (2) Any "bodity injuty'' or "property damage,, caused by "!our work" and included in the"produds-completed operations hazatd, unless the written contact or agreement specifically requires !,ou to provide such co\€rage for that additional insured during the policy period. c. The additional insured must comply with the following duties: (1) Give us written notice as soon as praciicable of an "occurence" or an offense which may resllt in a claim. To the extent possible, such notice sfrould include: (a) How, when and where the ,'occurence,, or cffense took place; (b) The names and address€s cf any injured persons and wjtnesses; and (c) The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the .,occunence', or offense. (2) lfa claim is made or "suif is brought against the additional insured: cG D2 46 04 19 O 2018 The Travelers tndemntty Company. Afl rights reserved Page 1 ol 2 COI\,4MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY (a) lmmediately record the specifics cf the claim or "suit' and the date received; and (b) Naify us as soon as practbable and see to it that we receive written notice of the claim or "suit" as soon as praqlicable. (3) lmmediately send us copies of a tegat papers received in conneciion with the claimor "suit", cooperate wih us in the investigation or settlement cf the claim or defense against the "suit', and otherwise comply wifl all policy conditions. (4) Tender the defense and indemnity of anyclaim or "suit' to any provider of other insurance which would cover such additional insured fc a loss we co\er. However, this condition does not affect whether the insurance provided to such additaonalinsured is primary to other insurance available to such additional insured Which covers that person or organization as a named insured as described in Paragraph 4., Other lnsurance, of Seclion lV - Commercial General Liability Conditions. Page 2 af 2 O 2018 The Travelers lndemnity Company. A[ rights reserved cG D2 46 04 19 POLICY NUMBER: 6303L480394TC'f 22 CO[,4I\NERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY c. Method OfSharing If all of the other insurance permits cmbihrtiql by equal shares, we will follow this rnethod also. Under this approach eeh insurer cmtributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or none of the loss remains. whichever comes first. lf any of the other insurance does not permit contributifi by equal shaes, we will cqrtributeby limits. Under this method, erch insure/s share is based on the ratio of its applic*le limitof insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. 5. Premium Audit a. We will ccrnpute all prerniums fq this Cc,erage Part in accordance with qrr rules d rates.b. Premium sho,rr'n in this Co\,erage part as ad\rance premium is a depcit premium only. At the close of each audit period we will cornpute the earned premium for that period and send notice to the flrst Named lnsured. The due date for audit and retrospecli\e prerniums is tlle date sho,vn as the due date on the bill. lf the sum ofthe advance and audit premiums paid for thepoliqy period is greater than the earned premium, we will return the ercess to the first Named lnsured. c. The first Named lnsured must keep records ofthe informatjon we need for prerrfum cot'nputatlf,n, and send us copies at such tjmes as we may request. 6. Representations By accepting this pdicy, )(aJ agree: a. The statements in the Declarations are accurate and cqnpete; b. Those s{aternents are based upon representations )ou made to us; and c. We ha\,e issued this pdiqy in reliance upon )oul. representaticn s. The unintentlral omission of, or unirtentional effor in, any information provided by )ou whicfi we relied upon in issuing this policy will not prejudice \qlrrights under this insurance. Howe\,er, this provision does nci affect oilr right to collect additionalpremium or to e)€rcise our rights of cancdlatjm or nmrens/val in accordance with applicable insurance laws or regulations. 7. Separation Of lnsur€ds Except with respect to the Limits of lnsurance, andany rights or duties specifically assigned in this Co\,erage Part to the first Named lnsured. this insurance applies: a. As if each Named lnsured were the orily Named lnsured; and b. Separately to each insured against whqn claim is made or "suit' is brcught. 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Againsi OthersTo Us lf the insured has ri{Jhts to recc /q all or part of anyp4/rnent we ha\€ mde under this Co\€r4e part, those rights are transfened to us. The insured must do nothing after lcss to impair them. At our request, the insured will bring "suit, or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce thern. 9. When We Do Not Renary lf we decide not to renelv this Co,erage part, we will mail or deliver to the first Named lnsured shown inthe Declarations written notice of the nmrenewal not less than 30 da)/s befqe the e)piration date. lf notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be sufficient proof cf notice. SECTION V- DEFIN]TIONS 1. "Ad\ertisement" means a notice that is broadcad orpublished to the general public or specific ma.ket segments about )qlr goods, producls or servicesfor the purpose of attracting customers orsupporters. For the purpGes of this definition:a. Notices that are published include materialplaced on the lnternet or on similar electronic means of ccnmunicatitrt: and b. Regarding websites, only that part of a website that is about )our goods, products or servicesfor the purposes of attrrcting custotrrers or supporters is considered an ad\,erlisement. d.Primary And Non-contributory nsu rance tf RequIed By Wriften Contract lf you specificdly agree in a written conuact or agreernent that the insurance afforded to an insured under this Co\€rage part must applyona primay basis, or a prima-y and non- contributory basis, this insurance is primary to other insurance that is a\aildle to such insured which co\€rs such insured as a named insured, and we will not share with that other insurance, proMded that: (1) The "bodily injury' or "property danrage' for which co\€rage is sought occurs; and (2) The "persmat ard ach.ertising injuqy',for which coverage is sought is calsed by an offense that is ccrnmitted; subsequent to the signing of that cmtract oragresnent by )ou. Page 16 of 21 @ 2017 The Traveters lndemnity Company. A righls reservedlncludes copyrighled maleriat of tnsurance Services Offtce, tnc. with its Dermission cG T1 00 02 19 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY c. Method Of Sharing lf all of the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we will follow this method also. Under this approach each insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or none of the loss remains, whichever comes first. lf any of the other insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares, we will contributeby limits. Under this mefrod, each insure/s share is based on the ratio of its applicable limitof insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. d. Primary And Non.Contributory lnsurance tf Required By Written Contract lf you specifically agree in a written contract or agreement that the insurance afforded to an insured under this Coverage part must appv ona primary basis. or a primary and non- contributory basis, this insurance is primary to other insurance that is alailable to such insured which covers such insured as a named insured, and we will not share with that other insurance. provided that: (1) The "bodily injury' or "property damage,, for which coverage is sought occurs; and (2) The "personal and advertising injury,, for which coverage is sought is caused by an offense that is committed; subsequent to the signing of that contract or agreement by you. 5. Premium Audit a. We will compute all premiums for this Co\erage Part in accordance with our rules and rates. b. Premium shown in this Co\€raoe part as advance premium is a deposrt premium only. At the close of each audat period we will compute the earned premium for that period and send notice to the first Named lnsured. The due date for audit and retrospective premiums is the date shown as the due date on the bill. tf the sum of the advance and audit premiums paid for thepolicy period is greater than the earned premium, we will return the excess to the flrst Named lnsured. c. The rirst Named lnsured must keep records ofthe information we need for premium computation, and send us copies at such times as we may request. 6. Representations By accepting this policy, you agree: a. The statements in the Declarations are accurate and complete; b. Those statements are based upon representations you made to us; and c. We have issued this policy in reliance upon )our representations. The unintentional omission of, or unintentional error in, any information provided by you which we relied upon in issuing this policy will not prejudice your rights under this insurance. However, this provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or to exercise our rights of cancellation or nonrenewal in accordance with applicable insurance laws or regulations. 7. Separation Of lnsureds Except with respect to the Limits of lnsurance. and any rights or duties specifcally assigned in this Coverage Part to the first Named lnsured. this insurance applies: a. As if each Named lnsured were the only Named lnsured: and b. Separately to each insured against whom claim is made or "suit" is brought. 8. Transfer Of Rights of Recovery Against Others To Us lf the insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment we have made under this Coverage part, those rights are transferred to us. The insured must do nothing after loss to impajr them. At our request, the insured will bring "suit' or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them. 9. When We Do Not Renew lJ we decide not to renew this Coverage part, we will mail or deliver to the first Named lnsured shown in the Declarations written notice of the nonrenewal not less than 30 days before the expiration date. lf notice is mailed. proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. SECTION V - DEFINITIONS 1. "Advertisement" means a notice that is broadcast orpublished to the general public or specific market segments about your goods, products or servicesfor the purpose of attracting customers or supporters. For the purposes of this definition: a, Notices that are published include materialplaced on the lnternet or on similar electronic means of communication: and b. Regarding welsites, only that part of a website that is about your goods, products or servicesfor the purposes of attracting customers or supporters is considered an advertisement. @ 2017 The Travelers lndemnty Company. All rights reserved. lncludes copyrighted material of tns!rance Services Ofltce, tnc. with its permission Page l6 of 21 cG T1 00 02 19 POLICY NUMBER: 6103L480394TCT22