2022/06/01 Bio-Tox Laboratories, Inc.ACA}f COVERAGES CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NU BER: 555?{9?2 REVISIOI{ UMBER: ELLATION @ 1988.2015 ACORO CORPORATION. All .lght! .ot.rvod. Th. ACORO nlna rnd lolo !r. r.gLlor.d mr.t. ofACORO friiffs& zlrl THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELOW HAVE EEEN SSUED TO THE INSUREO NAMED ASOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INoICATEO. NOIWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, IERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR oTHER OOCUI',IENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY 8E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIEED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TIIE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOY'/N MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS. x COMI{ERCIAL OEI{ERAL LIABILIIY x x BIIPD D.d! 2,500 x Retro rrar.: 10/1/ 17 GENl AGGREGATE LrMII APPLIES PERI x -.,"'!ffi [.0. r,sc8{ 62 0 5 06/o!/22 06t07/23 EACHOCCURRENCE r 2,000,000 OAMAGE TO RENTEOPREM SES lE. o-urcnc)t 50,000 MEo ExP (Any o.. p.M)t 5,000 PERSONAL A AOV INJURY PROOUCTS. COMP/OP AGG t 1,000, 000 t c@blnoalAgg 3 Co6blE6dlgo I {,000,000 B AUTO OAILELIAEIIITY x OI,INED AU'IOSONLY HIRED AUTOS OI{LY SCNEOULEO x x AUTOS ONLY Bts2357312750 06t07/22 05/07t23 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I 1,000,000 gOolLY TNJURY (P, p6ll@)$ BOoILY INJURY (Pr .6il.i0 I I I EXCET!LtAS OCCUR CLAIMS.MAOE EACI] OCCI] RRENCE I I DEO RE'IENTION'I woixEil cofPElil.lrorl IIIO ETPLOYERI' !A'ILIIY ANYPROPRI€IOi,FARTNEFYEXECUll!€ OFFICEF/I\IEMBEREXCTUOEO? DascRrPrroN oF oPFR^roNs b.rd OTH. ER E L EACH ACCIOENT I IEL OISEASE EA EMPLOYEE E,L, OISEASE, POLiCY LNTIT I l&o clal[a-xadla a.tro Dats: 10/1/17 I t 8c8a6 205 06/ 01/22 o5to1t23 ta.dtcal/Prof lt!} .C<robtDod ,rgg 82,500 DED 2,000,000 {, 000,000 DalcilfiK,x Or OPEiAnOfia , LOcAllt Il / VElllClla {ACOiD 10'1, AddEoBl i.n.rt. &lr.d!|.. hry b. .lt .h.d r n@ .I... l. dqurod} 8E: loraoaic torlcololDr garvlcaa / lDDtTIqlrlIJ UgUaBDr Clty of x.atf.. & 1!. offlc.!., q)loy..., aga!., I autborlr.d yoluat..rr CERTIFICATE HOLOER ACORO 25 (20r6/03) OB!Erqgan- lE 5567A972 o5/31/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE lE |88UED AS A MATTER OF INFORI'IATION ONLY ANo CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRTIATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AIIEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. TH|S CERr|FTCATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONST|rUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE rSSUrr{G TNSURER(8), AUTHORTZEO REPRESET{TATIVE OR PROOUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. lllPORTANT: It th. c.rtlflc.io holdot l. !n ADoITIO AL INSURED, th. policy{ios) mult h.y. ADDITIONAL INSUREO provlslonr o. bc .ndoBod. lf SUBROGATION lS wAlVEo, a'rbJact to tha tarma and condltlona of tho pollcy, c.rt ln pollcl.. mry requlr. rn endora.mant. A rtrtem.rt on c.rtltlcar. Departm€Dt th13 c6rtificate doer not contor to th€ cortlUcato holdar in lleu or.uch 1,113\u" ."". tgzst trr-rzoo ilH ra, ( e25) eol-0621 EPICc.rt.e.DlcbEokara. coo 3 3118 24082 AFFORDII{O COVERA6E IANDI(^RX AT@R lNg CO n!UREn6; OUIO 8EC!RI'Y It{S CO INSURERE pRooucER C !,tC 0829370 adgarooal Partnar. Inaurarca carrtGra llalald E@ir. - Err-trch ID 1{5{21 P.O. Aor 5003 4-7700 ilv6raldl., cl 92507 8a! R DoD, CA 9{583 1965 chlcago lw.Eu., Sulte c t-925-2 (rPrc) fttuiE0 Blolor L..borator1.! SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POLIGIES BE CAI'CELLEO BEFORE THE EXPIRATIOX DATE THEREOF, XOTICE IYILL BE OELIVERED II{ ACCORDANCE IYIIH THE POLICY PROVISIOIIS, Clty of f,.Dlf.. a lt. offlc.!., q)Ioy..., agrrt., t .uthorlt.dl volunt..r. ugl 29814 Saun Roral x.td!.., c-l 92586 AUTHORITEO REPRE9EI{TATIVE I Cfu- ILANOMARK AMEHICAN INSURANCE COMPANY This Endorsement Changes The Policy. Please Read lt Carefully ADDITIONAL INSURED (BLANKET - PRTMARY) aa This endors€ment modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENEFAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART OWNERS AND CONTBACTORS PROTECTIVE LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART This endorsem€nt 6t ectiv€ 61112022lorms part of Policy Number LHC843218 issuedto Bto Tox LABoRATORTES tNC by Landmark American lnsurance Company 7.L! RSG 95001 0903 Endorsoment No.: 0'1 WHO lS AN INSURED (Section ll) is amended to include as an insured: any person, organizalion, trustee, €state or Govornmontal entity to whom or to which you are obligatsd, by virtue ol a writton contract or by ths issuance or existonce of a permit, to provido insurance such as is afiorded by this policy, but only with respoct to oporations perlormed by you or on your behal, or to racililies used by you and then only for the limits ol liability specilied in such contract, but in no evsnt tor limits ol liability in excess of the applicabls limits ol liability ol this policy; provided that such person, organization, trustee, estato or Governmental entity shall b€ an lnsured only with lespoct to occurr€ncss taking plac€ after such written contract has been ex€culed or such psrmit has been issued. ll you are roquir€d by a writtsn contract lo provido primary insurance this policy shall bs primary as respects your nsgligence and Ssclion lV, Condition 4. Other lnsurance does not apply, but only with respect to coverage provided by this policy. All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. IJILANDMARK AII]IEHICAN INSUBANCE COMPANY This Endorsement Changes The Policy. Please Read lt Caretully. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US IIffi o =zThis €ndorsoment modilies insurance provided under the lollowing: COiTMERCIAL GENEBAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Nams ol Porson or Organlzatlon: Any Person or Organization As R€quired By Written Contract Thisendorsementeflectivo 61112022 Foms parl of Policy Numbsr 1HC843218 lssusd to BIO TOX LABORATORIES INCby Landmark American lnsurance Company Endorsement No.: 16 RSG 54078 03 10 lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services Otfice, lnc., with lts p€rmission Copyright, lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 2009 The following is added to SECTION lV - COMMEBCIAL GENEBAL LtABtLtTY COND|T|ONS, B. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US: We waive any right ol recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the SCHEDULE abovo because of paymont we make for injury or damage arising out ol your ongoing operations, "your producl" or "your work" done under a written contract with that person or organization and included in the "product-completod operations hazard". This waiver applies only to th€ person or organization shown in the SCHEDULE above. I IPol i cy BAS2 3 57312760 COVEBAGE INDEX SEJEC'L ACCIDENTAL AIRBAG DEPLOYMENT COI'MERCIAL AUTO AC 85 43 08 21 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE BEAD IT CAFEFULLY. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsemsnt modifies insurance provided undor tho following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM With respect lo coverage atforded by this endorsement, the provisions ot lhe policy apply unless modified by the €ndorsement. lf the policy to which this endorsement is attached also contains a Business Auto Coverage Enhancement Endorsement ,rvith a specific slate named in the title, this sndorsement does not apply to vehicles garaged in that specified stat€. c z PROVISION NUMBEH 12 AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC EOUIPMENT COVEHAGE BODILY INJURY REDEFINED EMPLOYEES AS INSUBEDS (lncluding Employee HirBd Auto) EXTRA EXPENSE . BFOADENED COVERAGE GLASS REPAIR . WAIVEH OF DEDUCTIBLE HIRED AUTO COVEBAGE TERRITORY HIHEDAUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE (lncluding Employee Hired Auto) LOAN / LEASE GAP (Coverage Not Available ln New York) NEWLY FOFMED OH ACOUIRED SUBSIDIABIES PARKED AUTO COLLISION COVERAGE (WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE) PERSONAL EFFECTSCOVERAGE PHYSICAL DAMAGE - ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE COVERAGE PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTIBLE - VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEIVI I BENTAL REIMBUBSEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS TOWING AND LABOH TWO OR MORE DEDUCTIBLES UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS I 4 7 '18 19 WAIVEB OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF IIECOVEHY AGAINST OTHEIiS TO US 21 SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE is amsndsd as lollows: 1. NEWLY FORMED OR ACOUINED SUBSIDIARIES SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph A.1. Who ls An lnsuFd is amsnded to include the following as an "insured": d. Any logally incorporated subsidiary of which you olvn moro than 50 percent intsrest during the policy period. Coverage is atforded only for g0 days from the date ol acquisition or tormation. Howsver, "insured" does nol include any organization that: (1) ls a parlnership orioint venlure; or (2) ls an "insur€d" und€r any other automobile policy sxcopt a policy written spocificall y to apply in excess ol this policy; or (3) Has exhausted its Limit of lnsurance or had its policy terminated under any other automobile policy. @ 202, Liberty Mutual lnsurance AC 65 43 08 21 lnclud€s copyriohted matsdal ol lnsurance Ssrvlc€g Otfic€,lnc., with its permigsion. Pagg t ot 7 5 '14 24 2 10 16 22 6 15 I 17 11 I IJ I Coverage under this provision d. does not apply to "bodily injury" or "proporty damage" that occurred bolore you acquired or formed the organization. 2. EITPLOYEES AS INSUREDS SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVEHAGE, Paragraph A.t. Who lr An lnsured is amendgd to includ8 the following as an "insursd": e. Any "€mploy8€" of yours whil€ using a covered 'auto' you do not own, hire or borrow but only for acts within the scops oi their employmont by you. lnsurance provided by this endors€mgnt is excess ov€r any other insursncs availablo to any'employ8e". l. Any "omploy6e" of yours rvhile oporating an "auto" hir€d or borrow€d undsr a written contract or agrsemenl in that "omployoe's" nams, with your permission, while perlorming duties related to the conduct of your business and within the scope ol th6ir employment. lnsursnce provided by this ondorsgment is excass over any other insurance available to the '6mployee", 3. ADDITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRACT, AGBEEMENT ORPERMIT SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph A.l. Who ls An lnsurod is amended to include the tollowing as an "insursd': g, Any person or organization with respoct to the operation, maintenance or use of a covered "auto', provided that you and such person or organization have agreed in a written contract, written agroement, or permit issugd to you by governmental or public authority, to add such person, or organization, or governm€nlal or public authority to this policy as an "insured". However, such person or organization is an "insursd': (t) Only with respoct to ths operation, mainlenance or use of a covored 'auto"; (2) Only for "bodily injury" or "property damag6" caused by an "accident" which takes placo attsr you sxecuted the *,ritten contract or writton agroement, or the permit has beon issuBd to you; and (3) Only lor the duration ol that contract, agreemont or p€rmit. The "insursd" is required to submit a claim to any othor insursr to which coverage could apply for delons€ and indsmnity, Unl€ss th€ "insured" has agreed in writing lo primary noncontributory 4. SUPPLEMENTABY PAY ENTS SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Cov.rag. Extontlons, 2.a. Suppl.mentary Paymenl!, Paragraphs (2) and (a) are r€placed by the following: (2) Up to $3,000 lor cosl of bail bonds (including bonds for related tratfic violations ) requirgd becausg ol an "accidsnt' ryo covor. Wo do not have to furnish these bonds. (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insured" at our request, including actual loss of garnings up to $500 a day bscause of time ofl from work. 5. AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION ln those jurisdictions wh€re, by law, fsllon, 'employees' are not entitled to the protsction atlorded to th6 employer by the work8rs componsatlon exclusivity rule, or similar protBction, tho following provi- sion is addsd: SECTION ll - LIABILITY, Exclusion 8.5. Fsllow Employee doos not apply if lhe "bodily injury' rssults from ths use of a cov€red "aulo" you own or hire il you have workers compensation insurance in force lor all of your "employ€€s" at th€ tims of'loss". This coverage is gxcBss ov6r any othsr collsctiblo insurance. SECTIOI{ lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVEBAGE is amendod as lollows: 6. HINED AUTO PHYSICAL DAHAGE Paragraph A.4. Covorag. Extrn.lon! ot SECTIOi{ lll - PHYSICAL OAUAGE COVERAGE, is amendod by adding the following: lf hired "autos" aro coverod "autos" for Liability Coverage, and it Comprehensive, Spocified Causes of Loss or Collision coverags are providsd under the Businoss Auto Coverage Form lor any "auto" you own, then th€ Physical Damags cov€rages provided are oxtended to "autos': O 2O2l Libsrty Mutual lnsurance lncludos copyrlght€d materlal ol lneurance Servlces Otfic€, lnc., with lts permission ffi zL! I E TE - -= - Eti8 8 I AC 85 43 08 21 Paga 2 ol 7 I Tho "loss" must be reported to the polico authorities within 24 hours ol known damage. Tho total amount ol the damage to the cover€d "auto" must oxceed the deductibls shown in the 0eclarations. This provision does not apply to any "loss" if the covored "auto" is in the charge of any person or organization engaged in thg automobils businoss. 18. N O OB MORE DEDUCTIBLES Und€r SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, il two or more company policies or coverage forms apply to thB same "accident", the following applies to Paragraph D. Deduc blo : a. It tho applicable Business Auto deductible is the smaller (or smallest) deductible, it will bB waived; or b. lf the applicable Business Aulo deductible is not the smaller (or smallest) deductible , it will be reduced by th6 amount of lhe small€r (or smallost) deduciible; or c. lf the 'loss" involves t[,o or moro Business Auto covorage lorms or policies, the smaller (or smallest) d6ductibl6 wlll bo waived. For the purpose of this ondorsomont, company means any company that is part of lhe Liberty Mutual Group. SECTION lV . BUSINESS AUTO CONOITIONS is amonded as follows: 19. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO OISCLOSE HAZANDS SECTION lV. BUSINESS AUTO CONOITIONS , Paragraph 8.2. is amanded by adding the fo owing: ll you unintentionally lail to disclose any hazards, exposures or material facts sxisting as of the incep- tion date or renewal date of the Business Auto Coverage Form, the coverage atforded by this policy will not bs prsjudicod. However, you must report the undisclosed hazard of exposure as soon as practicablg atter ils discovery, and we hav€ the right to collect additional premium lor any such hazard or exposure. 20, AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVEI{T OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS , Paragraph A.2,4. is roplaced in its entirety by ths tollor,v- ing: a. ln th€ ev€nt of "accid€nt", claim, "suit" or "loss", you must promp y notity us when it is known to: o c =Z 8 I (1) You, i, you are an indivldual; (2) A partn6r, if you ar6 a partnership; (3) Msmbsr, il you are a limitod liability company; (4) An executive otficer or th€ "employee" designated by the Named lnsured you are a corporation. To tho ext€nt possible, nolics to us should includo: (a) How, when and where the "accidenl" or "loss" took place; (b) Th€ "insurod's" name and address; and (c) The names and addresses of any injurad porsons and witngsses. lo give such notice, if 21. WAIVER OF TRANSFEH OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US SECTIOI{ lV . BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIOI{S , Paragraph A.S. Transrar O Rtghts Ot Rocovory Agatnst Others To Us, is amended by the addition of the lollou/ing: ll ths p€rson or organization has in a written agreement waived those rights bsfor€ an "accidant" or "loss", our rights are waived also. 22. HIFED AUTO COVEBAGE TEHRITORY SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS , Paragraph 8.7. poflcy p6riod, Covsrage Terrltory, is amended by the addition of the followingi l. For "autos" hir8d 30 days or less, th8 coverago torritory is anywhere in the world, provided that the'insurod's" responsibility lo pay lor damaggs is d€termined in a,'suit,,, on the m€rils, in th8 United Statss, the territoriss and possessions ol the United States ol America, Puerto Eico or Canada or in a settlem€nt w€ agr€6 to. @ 2021 Llberty Mutust lnsurance AC 85 43 08 2l lncludss copyrlghtod mat€rlal ol lnsurance Servic€s Otfice, lnc., with its permission. Paga 6 of 7 I I I - - I h*ri$wx This enension ol coverage does not apply to an 'auto" hired, leased, rsnted or borrowed wjth a C =zL! SECTION V - DEFINITIONS is am8nded as fotlows: 24. BOOILY INJURY REOEFINED Under SECTION V - DEFINITIONS , Dolinition C. is replaced by the fo owtng: 'Bodily injury" means physical injury, sickness or disease sustainsd by a p6rson, including angulsh, mentral injury, shock, frlght or death resulting from any ol th€a€ at any tim€. @ 2o2l Liberty Mutuat tnsurance lncludos copyrlghlod material ol lnsuranc€ Servicss Oflice, lnc., with itE permlssion. m6ntal 23. PHIMABY AND NON€ONTRISUTING IF REOUIRED BY WBITTEN CONTRACT OR WFITTEN AGREE. MENT Th€ following is added to SECTIOI{ lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDIT|ONS, conorat CondNons, B.S. Ohsr lnluranco and supersedes any provision to the contrary: This Coverage Form's Covered Autos Liability Covorage is primary to and will not seek contribution from any othsr insurance availablo to an "insured" under your policy provided that: 1. Such "insur8d" isaNamed lnsursd under such other insurance; and 2' You have agreed in a written contract or writlen agreement that this insurance would b€ primary and rvould not seek coniribution from any other insurancs availabls to such'insured,, AC 85 43 08 21 Pags 7 ol 7