2022/09/27 Axon Enterprise, Inc. (3)-A.(-()Rbd CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 0ATE(MII,UDD,YYYY) 09]29/2022 THIS CE FTIFICATE IS ssu ED AS MATTER OF INFORMATION ON LY AN D NFERS N o RIGHTS UPON THE c E RTIFICATE HOLDEB THIS CEHTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIB AIIVELY oB NEGATIVELY EXTE ND oF ALTE R THE COVEBAGE AFFORDE D BY TH BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER. ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEB. CONTRACT ETW EEN TH€SSUIN NSURER(s)UTHORtzEo tf cate I san ) must DITION provaSions or suBBocATlot{ ts wAlvED, subiect to tho tsrft. and condition3 ol the policy, c€rtain policies may roquiro an endorgement-A stalemeht on this cortificats does nol conlor righls lo the certilicato holdor in lieu ol stlch ondorsemenl(3) PRODI'CEF Aon Risk Insurance services west, Inc Phoeni x Az offi ce2555 East camelback Rd.su'ite 700Phoenix az 85016 u5A -lFo e,,r te66r zer-'122 -800 361 0105 INSUFEF(S) AFFORDING COVEBAGE INSUFEO axon Enterpri se, rnc. 17800 N. 85th streetscottsdale Az 85255 usA rirsuFERA: Navi qators Insurance co 42307 INSUFER B: SCottsFa] e rndemniti company 1s 580 06UAER Cr HartfoiFri re tnsurance co 1968 2 |tasunEs or Hartford Ins Co of the Midwest 37 478 ! I z E COV E BAG ES CEFTIFICATE NUMBEB: 570095664789 REVISION NUMBERI #E E CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION @1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights ressrved. The ACORD name and logo aro .ogEtered marks ol ACORD s 3 E 8 E E BTA AVE POL c ETHEDTE1..1 N UBES AMEDNNLOWENEVE8EUELNTPOLEEC]OFSRTHTISIS PEES TCTo c THN STHoEUMEDOCNTITHITDONANYOFCONTORACTINGEUoRIMEENTTOBE RI\,i CONINDEND,ITOTW SHc L HT TEERMSDE8EHDE1NESUECTBJTODDEBPOLTNEEcSsNUct,t AFFOEEMAEINTHEcFRTcEEBSSEUoD N E N DRE CU BY cID IVSED LimilsLl\,1 STS NSHPOLESONSDNNcoION0oSUClcSLUEXC t 1,000.000EACH OCCUFFENCE t1,000,000PFEMISES rEa 6cunetu6) 150.000M€0 ExP (A.y ona porson) s1,000,000PERSONAL& ADV INJURY $2.000,0006€ NEFAL AGGREGAIE ExcludedPFOOUCTS - COMP,OP AGG $r,000,000 o!/oL/zotz ns & condi' 01/ol/zol) :ionssrR applies per policy terNGr0000057BCOMMEFC AL GENEFAL LLABLLIIY GEN LAGGREGATE LIMIIAPPLLES PEF OCCLJBCLA MS MADE OTHER xcl Prodl JECT $1,000,000COMBINEO SINGLE LIMT BOoILY lNJl..riY t Por p€6on) BoolLY NJURY lPo. acodenrl 09/10/2022 09/30/202359 UEN FN6O6Oc SCHEOULED AUTOS NON OWNEO AL,]TOS ONLY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AUTOS ONLY EACH OCCUFFENCE 9,000, $9,000,000 OCCUH EXCESS LIAE 03/01/20t3o3/o1/2O22uNr0000002 ETENTON 110'OOO B x OTH. E L EACHACCIOENT t1,000,000 s1,000,000E L OISEASE EA EMPIOYEE $1,000,000 09/27 /2021 E.L DISEASE POLICY L MII 09/27 /2OZZtfwEAa0s6DowOiiKEFs coMP€NsATtott ANo EllPLOYEFS' LIASILITY ANY 9FOPRIETOA, PAAINER, EXECUTIIE OtFICER,"EMEEF EXCLUOEO? DESCFIPTION OF OPERAIIONS b€IOw Cjtv of Menifee, i!s officers, agents and-employees.ar€ inc]uded as additional Insured in accordan(e with the policy provisions of the ceneral Liability and Excess Liabi llty pol rcres. DESCFTPTTON OFOpEBATTOI{S/ lOCArrOtiS I VEHICIES (ACOBD 1Ol, Addirton.l R.mrrs schadula, 6.y b. rnrch.d ll moG !p.c. li t.qok.d) stolllo ANY of rxE aBovE oE9cFl6E0 POllclE9 BE CAI{CE!|-Eo SEFORE tHE EXPIFAIION OAT€ THEBEOF. NOIICE WlL BE OETIVEFEO IX ACCOBOAIICE $IH THE mLlcv PFOV|S|OT{S, -M-gu/3*-*9.** %;9* AUTHOFIZED FEPFESENTATIVEcitv of Meni fee29844 Haun RoadMenifee ca 92586 usA t {1:naffi acoRo 25 (2016i 03) POLtCTESAMEND, N E.iis!4r{e AGENCY CUSTOMER lD: 570000007117 LOC #:.q,c-Rf ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE eage _ of _ AGENCY Aon R'isk lnsurance Services West, Inc.Axon Enterpri se, rnc. POLICY NUMAER See Certi fi cate Number 5 70095664789 See cert'i ficate Numberi 570095664789 NArC CO0E EFFECT VE DATE ADOITIONAL BEMARKS EMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM. FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TTTLE: Certificate ot Liabiti THIS ADDITIONAL R 1y lnsurance INSUBER(S) AFFOROING COVERAGE NAIC # INSI ]RF R INStiRhR lNslRtiR lNStrlthR ADDITIONAL I,OLICIES ll a policy below does nol include linit information, rcfcr () the corrcsprrrding policy on the ACORI, ccnificate l'ornr li)r policy limils. I \sRt.I{Tl',Pt: r)tst\sl R,t\('tl mlt( ltfrl:('t]1u I)A1u lot_t('\I t\t I t\ EXCESS L IAB II1'1Y MR22Exc7443 58Iv 03/07/2022 01/01/2023 ag9 reqate t10,000,000 Each s10,000,000 I IIrr IIIIII IIrlrtIIIIrlrI tlIrltrI acoRD 10r (2008,01) Th€ ACOBD name and logo aro rogislered marks ot ACOBO O 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. Allrtghts rsservod. M- t- 570000007117 o-G}r*ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page - of - AGENCY aon Risk Insurance serv'ices west, Inc. NAMED INSIJFED Axon Enterpri se, Inc. POLICY NIJMBER see certificate Number: 570095664789 see certi ficate Number: 570095664789 NAICCODE €FFECTIVE OAIE ADDITIONAL BEMABKS AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: LOC #: r"ilsffi b E II 3 E THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FoBM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: Cedilicale of Liabil lnsurance Products Li ab'jl i ty Schedule products/comp'l eted operati ons coverage 2/r/2022 - 2/ 7/2073 | Pol i cy #034064091 Lex'i noton rnsu rance comDanvclain; Made coveraqe roim I products Liab'ility 910.000.000 Each occurrence Limit 110,000,000 Products/completed operations Aggregare Limit$ 5,000,000 per claim self rnsured Retention Pol i cv *014064092rex'inlton rnsurance company - Products Liability occurrence coveraoe Form s10.ooo.O00 Each 6ccurrence Limit f10:0oo:000 products/comp]eted operat'ions Aggregate Limitt 5,000,000 Per occurrence Self Insured Retention E:1:iitrMI acoBD r0, 12008/0'l)The ACOBD namo.nd logo are regisleled m.rks ol ACOBD O 2ooo ACORD COFPOFATION- Allrighl! r83ewod. Certificate No: 570095664790 Citv of [/eni{ee 29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 USA Thursday, September 29, 2022 MSC# 17755lAon P.O. Box 1447 Lincolnshire, lL 60069 AON To whom it may concern: Following a concentrated effort to reduce our environmental footprint and provi{e^timely certificate delivery,-Aon will begin delivering our Certificates ot lnsurance eiectronically in PDF format. Please utilize one of the following methods to ensure you will receive the electronic copy of your Certificate (Certificate No: 570095664790) for future renewals: - Visit aon.com/e-cert; or - Utilize the QR Code below to enter/validate your informatton. lf your email address has changed or will be changing in the future, or you no longer require this cejrtificate, please let us know using one of the methods above. Thank you for your cooperation and willingness to help us reduce our impact to the environment. EffitaC-:i I :Ig I 8I E I I I tr ] I Elftafui A,(-C)r< i)@ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE E : IoI COVER CEBTIFICATE NUMBER: 5700S5664790 BEVISION NUMBER:H}i+H4 DATE(MM/OD/YYYY) 0912912022 CEBTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OF NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXT BELOW. THIS CEBTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATIVE OR PBODUCER, AND THE CEBTIFICATE HOLDER. CATATIATE ALTEB FIBTI HE EOLD THR,SNOIGRUHTSTHPONCEEoNFOONONANDFECONBSSSSASUEDMATTREsTHIFICCERTI E POLIC ESTHHEEAGDEOAFFORBENORoTCOVER RIAUTHO DZENSBUENTBETWACTEETHNtssuNGEcoRB(S), -iM-FOFmnTl-l th-o certilicatth iei is an AoDITIoNAL INSURED, lhe policy(ies) musl havo SUBBOGATION tS WAIVEO, subiect to the tsrms 6nd conditions ol the policy, certain policlos may requiro 6n sndorsement. A stalement on this certilicatg doos not conler aight3lo the certificate holdor in lieu ol Such ondorsemen(t). AOOITIONAL INSUREO provisions or be ehdorsed. It (866) 281-7122 800-363-0105 tNSUFEFlS) AFFOBOING COVEEAGE PFODUCEB Aon Ri5k rnsuranc€ Services west, Inc Phoenix Az office 2555 East camelback Rd. Sui te 700 Phoenix AZ 85016 UsA 42)O7t|lsuaEEA: NavigatorS Insurance co 15580rMruFEa B: Scottsda'le Indemnity company 19682NSUAES Cr Hartford co 17478rNsuFEF O: Hartford Ins Co of the Midwest AXOn Enterpri 5e, Inc. 17800 N. 85th streets.otrsdal€ Az 85255 usa 1\,1AYIFlCAT D T EF]FOOVBBNEESISTHEoTOU8EINSULCESDTETTHTNSTOSBTCEE HTENl\,4 T HT ESP TC TO ICHH SANRACTCONToHOTEUDOCTEotvcDONOFITIONNYEENTl\,4NOTWSTTHNt)N REOUNICAoTED [,1TOCTLLHTS.E TETHECSEEDSCEBHDEINESUsBJETEHEANCDEFOBBPOLoNINSURTEISBEESUoFlDMPERToCLA MS[,1iT N M E EN8E ER UCED D LIDroSNSUOFPOLICCHS,E s SHOWXCLE!oNUSS CONDIT $1,000,000EACI.] OCCUBFENCE s1,000,000 $ 50,ME0 EXP (A.y one p€6on)x J1,000,PEASONALA ADV INJUFY t2 .000, Exc l udedPFOOI,]CTS. COMP/OPAG6 $1,000,000 & cond isrR appl ies per policY teCOMMEFCIAL GENEFAL LIAAILITY GEN LAGGREGATE LIMIIAPPTES PER orHEB Xc'l Prodlc LOC CLA MS-MADE JECT COIIBINED SINGLE LIM I $1,000,000 BOoILY lN..jUFY ( Pd p66on )x BODILY |UURY lP6.accdo.l) /202109/30/202259 UEN FN (,0 scsE0uLEo AUTOS NON,OWNEO AUIOS ONLY ALJTOMOAIfE UASILITY OWNEO AUTOSONLY €ACH OCCUNFENCE $9,000,000AGGREGAT€ occrJR EXCESS LIAB UNIg DEO BETENiON t10,000 X PEF STATUTE $1,000,E L EACHACCIDENINE! DISEASE,EA EMPLOYEE J1,000, E L OISEASE'POLICY LlM T 1, EMPLOYEiS' LIABITITY ^NY PFOPFIEIOR/ PAFTNEA / EXECUIIVE OFFICEAUEMAEF EXCLUDEO? o€scFrPIroN oF oPEFArroNs bdh rnterview Roons, TASER/Bwc/orone pqm. city of Menifee its officers, e,nploYees, ag as additional Insured in ac(ordance trith the poli(y provislons ot the General Llabr I iia'diiiiv-iioi i iv-eriaencea trerein !s Primarv and N6n:contributorv to other insurance but only in ac(ordance with the policy s provlslons. 101. Addlrio..l F.h!rk3 schodul., mly be.tt.ched ll mor..p.c. 13f.qrk.d)OESCRIPTION OF OPEFATIONS / LOCaTtoNs r vEHtcLEs lAcoao ents and authorized voluntee15 areity and Excess Liability policies. ai/ai lable to an Additionali ncl udedGeneralInsu red, SffiEffi 3 oz E r+ il;E CERTIFICATE HOLOEB CANCELLATION 01988-2015 ACORO CORPORATION. All rlghts reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registeted marks ol ACORO E cI 8 a E SHOUTO ANY OT THE AOVE DESCFIAED POLICIES BE CAI{CEILED BEFOF€ THE E)(PN NON OATE TXEFEOF. NOTICE WTL BE OELIVEFED II.I ACCOFOA'.ICE V'IIH IHE POLTCY PAOVlstOiS, M-%g*,-,*9* %'r-f* AUTHORITED REPFESENTATIVEcity of Meni fee 29844 Haun Road M€ni fee cA 92586 usA E/iiitl H4 acoRD 25 (2016/03) AGENCY CUSTOMER lO: 570000007117 LOC #:A,<:<)frrif ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE eage _ of _ AGENCY Aon Risk Insurance Services lriest, Inc.axon Enterpri se, Inc See Certi fi cate Number: 570095664790 5ee Certi fi cate Number: 570095664790 NAIC CODE EFFECTIVE DAlE ADDITIONAL FEMARKS FORM IS A SCHEOULE TO ACORD FOBM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLEi Cerlilicate oI Liabj THIS ADOITIONAL REMABKS llty lnsuranc€ INSUREB(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSLIRI]R INStiRtlR tNsLrRtrR INS UR trR AI)l)r1 t()N,\1. P()t.t(- is lf a pol icy hclow does Dot include linril ini)rnlrlion. rclcr lo thc col!sp(rndi[g policy on rhc ACORI) ccrtillcatc li)rnt lbr policy limils. t\sR L'I'R I YPE Or I\St k,\N(',u .\Dt)t. tNso H)t,tctutP[l"l.l\'t: DAT' FtxH*,\'l.lON DAlr.l t.ntIIs EXCE55 LIABlLITY MR22Exc744 358rv 03/ot/2022 01/0L/2023 aggregate $10,000,000 occurTence s10,000,000 I ItlrII IIttI TIIrr IrIrrttll acoBD 101 (?008/0r) Th6 aCOBD name and logo 6re rogisterecl marks o, ACOFD O 20Og ACORD COBPOFATTON. Attrlghts reserved. AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: LOC #: 5 70000007117 AiaoRtt)-ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page _ of _ AGENCY Aon R'isk rnsurance services west, Inc. NAMED NSUFEO Axon Enterpri se, Inc POLICYNUMBEF see certif icate Number: 570095664790 NArC COO€ EFFECT VE OATE ffi I E H THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FOFM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORO FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: CeTtifiCATo OI LiAbi|it lnsurance Products Li ab'i l'ity schedule Products/completed operations coverage2/l/2022 - 2/7/2023 t Pol i cy #034064091 Lexi ngton lnsurance companyclaims [4ade coverage Form - Products L'iability $10,000.000 Each occ.rrrence Limit$10,000,000 p roducts/comp l e ted operations Aqgregate Limi t$ 5,000,000 Per claim self rnsured Retention Pol i cv #034054092rexinlton rnsurance company - Products Liabilityoccurrence Coveraqe Form $10.000.000 Each occurrence Limi t J10,000;000 products/completed operations Aggregate LimitS 5,000,000 Per occurrence Self rnsured Retention ffi acoFD 101 (2008/0r) The ACOBD name 5nd logo are rogisterod msils ol ACOHD @ 20oo aCOBD COBPORATIOI{. Altrlghts rcsorv€d. see certificate Number: 570095664790 AOOITIONAL REMARKS Certificate No: 570095664789 Thursday, September 29, 2022 AON Evi*tu* E a 3 BI 8 E I I I tr D f.:f i* EIG City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 USA To whom it may concern: Following a concentrated effort to reduce our environmental footprint and provi{e_timely certificate delivery,-Aon will begin delivering our Certificates of lnsurance eiectronically in PDF format. Please utilize one of the following methods to ensure you will receive the electronic copy of your Certificate (Certificate No: 570095664789) for future renewals: - Visit aon.com/e-cert; or - Utilize the QR Code below to enter/validate your information. lf your email address has changed or will be changing in the future, or you no longer require this cdrtilicate, please let us know using one of the methods above. Thank you for your cooperation and willingness to help us reduce our impact to the environment. MSC# 17755 | Aon P.O. Box 1447 Lincolnshire, lL 60069