2022/10/01 Armstrong & Brooks Consulting Engineers Inc (19)StateFarm STATE FARU GENERAL INSUBANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN ELOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?"H3/0t 8f, .t ?* r t o t s. t t r s Addl lnsured-Sectlon ll Only rvr-23-0555-FACE F U002479 3123CITY OF IIEN I F EE29844 HAUN RD t{EN I FEE CA 92546-6539 ,rlh l,tlhr,lh tl,,, rh, tril,rl,,lil l,rhr,trlt, rlrll, t, trt, r,r, DECLARATIONS oOVERAGE SUMMAHY AUG 17 20D Policyl{umber 92-CV-K206-3 Polhy Pe od Elloclivo Da!. Exoiralion Dalc 12 Mbnrhs ocr 12022 ocT 1 2023 fhe oolicv period begins and ends at 12:01 am standardtme at the premlses Tocaton. Named lnsured ARTSTRONG & EROOKS CONSULTING EIGII{EERS INC & V*LL{E.A 3s 5 Aubmalic R.newal - lf the policy period is shown as 12 monlhs , dris policy forms in effect for each succeeding policy period. lf dris policy is terminated compliance witr fre policy provisions or as required by law. will be renewed automatically subjectm $e premiums, rules and we willgive you and t're Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in Entity: Corporation R€qu€stod By:Policyholder Policy Premium Discounts Applied: Protective Devices Claim Record $ 1,492.00 Pre p ared AUG 17 2022 cMP-4000 02a704 290 Al N O Co[yrioht Stlto Ftrm Muturl Automobilo Inrurlnc! comp!ny,2m lncludr. copvri0hbd m!t6ri.l oI lnsurcnc! Slrvicat ofiicr, lnc., with hs psrmission Continusd on Ravorse Side ol Pags Page 1 ol 6 5i0 6e0 ! 2 05 ll ?011 lolll?llcl Olfice Policy DECLARATIONS (CONTINUEO) Ollice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-CV-K20F3 sFeTtoN I - pPopF RTY SCHFDI II F Location Number Location olDescrlb6dPremis€s Limit of lnsurance* Coveraoe A - Bulldi-ngs Llmit o, lnsurancs' Coveaaoe B - Business Fersonal Property Seasonallncrease-Business PersonalProperty 001 1350 E CHASE DRcoRoNAcA 92881-4001 No Coverage $ 84,100 25% - As of the effective date of rs po Limit of lnsurance as s own inclu es any increase in the lirnit duo to lnflation Coverage,cy, t SECTION I - INFLA ON COVERAGE INDEX{ES} Cov A - lnflatron Coverage lndex: Cov B - Consumer Price lndex: N/A 292.3 SECTION I - DEDU TIBLES Basic Deductible Special Deductibles: Money and Securities Equipment Breakdown $1 ,000 $250 $1,000 Employee Dishonesty $250 Other deductibles may apply - reler to policy Prepared AUG 17 2022 cMP-4000 020704 O Copyrigh! St.te F.rm Mutu.l Automobile lnsurance Comprny, 2t[E lnclud.s copyrightsd m0terinl of lnsur.ncs Ssrvicas 0ffic0, lnc., with its psrmissron. Continued on Next page Page 2ol 6 StateFarm ErrrEt# DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Offico Pollcv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-CV-K20&3 SECTION I . EXTENSIONS OF COVEFAGE - LIMIT OF INSURANCE - EACH DESCRIBED PREMISES D E 63 The covoragss and corresponding llmlts shown below apply separatoly to each described premls€s shown in thgss oeclarations, unless indicatod by "Seo Schodule." lt a coverage does not have a corespondlng llmit shown below, but has "lncluded" indicated, please reter to that policy provision for an explanatlon of that cov€rage. LIMIT OF INSURANCECOVEBAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Off Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Of Sewer Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debrls Removal Equipment Breakdown Fire Dspartmont Service Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Becharge Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Expenses lncreased Cost Of Construction And DEmolition Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacement cost basis) Money And Securities (Ofl Pr€misss) Money And Securities (On Pr€mises) Money Orders And Counterleit Money Newly Acquired Business Personal PropErty (applies only if this policy provides Coverage B - Business Personal Prop€rty) Newly Acquired Or Constructed Buildings (applies only il this policy provides Coverage A - Buildings) $50,000 $15,000 $5,000 $15,000 lncluded Coverage B Limil 25% of covered loss lnclud€d $5,000 $s,000 $10,000 lncluded 10% Prepared AUG 17 2022 cMP-4000 020705 290 N @ Copyri0h! StltB Frrm Muturl Automobil0 lniur!n6r Conplny, 2m lncludai copyri0htsd mltorirl o,l ln!urrncs S0rvicai offic0, lnc., rdlh i$ p€rmiSlion Continued on Beverse Side ol Page $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 $100,000 $250,000 Page 3 of 6 & DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Oflice Pollcv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-CV-K2083 Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Outdoor Property Personal Ellscts (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Psrsonal Properly) Personal Property Off Prgmises Pollutant Clean Up And Removal Presorvation Of Property Property Ol Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Busin6ss Personal Property) Signs Unauthorized Business Card Use Valuablo Papers And Records On Premises Off Premises lncluded $5,000 $5,ooo $1s,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,500 $2,s00 $s,000 $50,000 $15,000 SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE . LIMIT OF INSUBANCE - PEB POLICY The covorages and corresponding limlts shown below are lhe most we will pay rogardless of the number oldescrlbod premises shown in thes€ Declarations. COVERAGE Dependent Property - Loss Of lncome Employee Dishonesty Utility lnterruption - Loss Of Income Loss Of lncome And Extra Expense O Copyri0h! St0t0 F6rm lvutu !l AutomobilB lnsur!nc6 Comp.ny, 2008 lncludes copyri0hted mltEri.l of lnsur!nce S.rvicss ofllco, lnc., witi it! psrmrision Continued on Next Page LIMIT OF INSUEANCE $5'ooo s10,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 Months Prepared AUG 17 2022 cMP-4000 020705 Page 4 ol 6 StateFarm& ffi* DECLARATTONS (CONnNUED) Ot ice Pollcv for CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-CV-K20&3 SECTION II . LIABILITY ! E g a8 COVERAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage llil - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) Damage To Premises Renled To You AGGBEGATE LIMITS Productycompleted Operations Aggregate General Aggregate LIMIT OF INSUHANCE $3,000,000 $5,000 $300,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE Excluded $6,000,000 Your policy consists of lhese Declarations, tho BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as w€ll as those issued subsequent to the issuance ol this policy. FORMS ANO ENDOBSEMENTS cMP-4101 FE-6999.3 cMP-4705.2 cMP-4710 cMP-4260.1 cMP-4698 cMP-4709 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4703.1 cMP-4819,1 cMP-4261 cMP-4845 cMP-4859 Businessowners Coverage Form Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Loss ol lncome & Extra Expense Employee Dishonesty Amendatory Endorsement-CA Back-Up of Sewer or Drain Money and Securities Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Utility lnterruption Loss lncm Unauthorized Business Card Use Amendatory Endorsoment Excl Product Comp Operatn Liab Al Engineer Architect Survey Prepared AUG 17 2022 cMP-4000 020706 290 N O Copyright, Stlto Flrm Mutu!l Automobilg ln.ur.nco Comptny,200t lncludss copyriohted mlbriil o,f lnsurrnc0 Ssrvic0! Olfics, lnc.. with it! p0rmission Continued on Revorse Side ot Page Page 5 of 6 Each paid claim for Liability Coverage reduces the amount ol insurance we provide during the applicable annual period. Please reler to Section ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached endorsements. DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) O,lrlca Pollcv for CITY OF MENTFEEPolicy Number 92-CV-KT&3 cMP-4787 cMP-4786.1 cMP-4870.1 FD-6007 Waiver of Trans Flgt of Recov Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched Addl lnsd Primary Non Contrib lnland Marine Attach Dec This policy is issued by the State Farm General Insurance Company. Participating Policy You are entitled to parucipale in a distribution of the earnings of the company as determined by our Board of Diractors in accordanoe with lhe Company's Artioles of lncorporalion, as amended. ln Witness Whereor, the Stale Farm General lnsurance Company has caused lhis policy to be signed by its President andSecretary at Bloomington, lllinois. fiu,--nl"-* Secr€tary -il-r" M4 President IMPORTANT NOTICE: Calliomls hw reqJlEt u3.lo provlde you wfth inlormatlon tor llllng complolmg whh lhs sftte lneutsnc€ Depa mem regardlng tlE coverage and ssrvico provldod undor this policy. You, sgent's name snd contrct inlormatbn are providod on the lrori ol lhls documed, Anothar option ig to leach out bymallor phono direc{ly lo: Slile Frrma Erecutlve CudomeJ slrvioo PO Box 2320 Bloomlnglon lL 61702 Phone t 1€oo€TATEFARII ('l -90G782-8332) O,gp!runent-of lnsurance complrlnts shouH be liled only art€l you and Stale Fam or your agbr or other companyroprogontrtfuo hivc lalsd to roocfi r g€tislactory €glgemotrt on s probbm. CElilomi8 Depanment ol ln rrunco Consumer Sorylcas Dklsbn t00 South Sp ng $]tel Lo8 Angcles, CA 9{1013 Phone t'l€{D-927-HELP (4354 ol ybit rww.insunnce.cr,qoy/ot-coEmera Prepared AUG 't7 2022 cMP-4000 020706 2S0 N @ Copyright, Stots t6rm lvluir al Automobil6 Insurance Comp6ny, 2008 lncluds! copyraghted mrtorillof lnsur!ncE Sorvicos ofiice, lnc., with its osrmission Page 5 of 6 I StateFarm STATE FABM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS INLAND MAFINE ATTACHING DECLARANONJ] Policy umber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Pedod Etleclivr Date Erolration Dale 12 Mbnrhs OCT 1 2O?2 OCT 1 2023 Ihe polipv period begins 4nd ends at 12 0'l am standardtme at tie premlses Iocaton. & E?"E?io€*ff ?*, u o r t. t t r t Named lnsured rvr-23-0555-FACE F U ffi 8I'raa3 ATTACHING INLAND MARINE Aubmslic Renowal - lf the policy period is shown as 12 rnonlhs , dris policy will be renewed automatically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeeding policy period. lf fiis policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wi$ the policy provisions or as required by law. Annual Policy Premium $ 373.00 The above Premium Amountis included in the Policy Premium shown on fre Declarations Your policy consrsts of these Declarations, tre INLAND MARINE C0NDITI0NS shown below, and any other forms and endorsemenb 6at a pply, including frose shown below as well as fiose issued subsequentto the issuance ol tltis policy. Forms, 0plions, and Endorsomanb FE-8745 FE-8739 FE-8760 FE-6271 lnland lnland Mobile l\rlarine Computer Prop lvlarine Conditions Equipment Form Amendatory Endorsement See Reverse for Schedule Page witr Limib O Co0/righ! Strto Frrm Muturl Automobils l0surlnco Comp.ny, 20(E lncl!des cofyri0htsd mrterirl ol lnsur!rco Ssrvior3 officr, lnc., wilh iti pirmitsion tlo 880r.2 Dt lt 20ll lo1lU3zcl ARTISTRONG & BROOKS CONSUTTING ENGINEERS INC Prepared AUG 17 2022 FD-6007 020707 92-CV-K206-3 ATTACHII{G INLAND MABINE AITACHI]'IG IT'ILAND MABINE SGHEDUTE PAGE ENDORSEMENT NUI\4BER FE-8745 FE-8760 COVERAGE LIIVI IT OF INS URANC E DEDUCIIBLE AMOUNT ANNUAL PREM IU I\4 lnland N4arine Computer Prop Loss ol lncome and Extra Exoense Mobile Equipment Form 25,000 25,00037,000 I 500 $ 1,000 Included IncludedI 373.00 $ s Prepared AUG 17 2022 FD-6007 020707 OTHER LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY . REFER TO YOUR POLICY @ Cogyrighl Stlte Flrm lvlutu rl Automobils lnsuranco Comprny,2()OS lncludos cogyrightsd m!t.ri!l ol lnr!rrnce S€rvicrs oflice, hc., with its p0rmisrion. 530 633s7 Dt:ll2 1 lol,32ll3r StateFarm 92-CV-K206-3 020708 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY CMP4786.I ADDITIONAL INSURED _ OWNERS, LESSEES, OR CONTRACTORS (Scheduled) D(D@ cMP-4786.1 Page 1of2 ffi E -H Thrs endorsement modifies insurance provided under the followng BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM 1. SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED of SECTION ll - LIABILITY is amended to in- clude, as an additronal insured, any person or organization shown in the Schedule, but onlywith respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertis- ing injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: a. Ongoing Operations (1) Your acts or omissions, or (2) The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf, in the performance of your ongoing opera- tions for that additional insured; or b. Products - Completed Operations "Your work" performed for that additional insured and included in the "products- com pleted operations hazard". However, Paragraph 1. above is subject to the following: a. The insurance afiorded to the addrtional insured only applies to the extent permit- ted by law; Policy Number: 92-cv-K206-s Named lnsured: ARMSTRONG & BROOKS CONSULTING Name And Address Of Additional lnsured Person Or Organization: CITY OF MENIFEE 29844 HAUN RD MENTFEE CA 92s86-6539 b. lf coverage provided to the additional in- sured is required by a contract or agree- ment, the insurance provided to the additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such addition- al insured: and c. lf the contract or agreement between you and the additional insured is governed by California Civil Code Section 2782 or 2782.05, the insurance provided to the additional insured is the lesser of that which: (1) ls allowed for the satisfaction of a de- fense or indemnity obligation by Cali- fornia Civil Code Section 2782 or 2782.05 tor your sole liability; or (2) You are required by contract or agreement to provide for such addi tional insured. We have no duty to defend or indemnify the additional insured under this endorsement un- til a claim or "suit" is tendered to us. O, Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobila ln8urance Company, 2013 lncludes copyrighted materialof lnsurance SeMc6 Ofrica, lnc., with its permission CONTINUED SCHEDULE 2 92-CV-K206€ 020708 Any insurance provided to the additional in- sured shall only apply with respect to a claim made or a "surt' brought for damages for which you are providod coverage. With respect to the insurance afforded to the additional insured, the following is added to SECTION II _ LIMITS OF INSURANCE: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured will be the lesser of the amount of insurance: a. Required bythe contract or agreement; or b. Available under the applicable Limits Of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. This endorsement shall not increase the ap-plicable Limits Of lnsurance shown rn the Declarations. With respect to the insurance afforded to the additional insured, the following is added to Paragraph 3. Duties ln The Event Of Occur- rence, Offense, Chim Or Suit of SECTION II _ GENERAL CONDTTIONS: The addrtional insured must: a. See to it that we are notfied as soon as practicable of an 'occurrence" or an of- fense which may result in a claim. To the extent possible, notce should include: (1) How, when and where the "occur- rence'' or offense took place; (2) The names and addresses of any in-jured persons and witnesses; and CMP.47B6 I "#?'J'1?l (3) The nature and location of any injuryor damage arising out of the "occur- rence" or offense; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit' to us and to all other insur-ers who may have insurance potentially available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insur ance the additional insured has for de-fense or damages for which we wouldprovide coverage under SECTION ll -LIABILITY, 5. With respect to the insurance afforded the ad- ditional insured, the following replaces SEC- TION ll -LIABILITY of Paragraph 7. Otherlnsuran@ of SECTION I AND SECTTON ll -COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS: a. This insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional lnsured, provided that the additional insured is a ndmed in- sured under such other insurance. b. Regardless of any agreement betweenyou and the additional insured, this insur- ance is excess over any other insurance whether primary, excess, conttngent or on any other basis for which the additional in- sured has been added as an additional in-sured on othor policies. There will be no refund of premium in the event this endorsement is cancelled 3 4. All other policy provisions apply. O, Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile lnsurance Company. 2013 lncludes copynglted material of lnsurance Services Ofice, lnc. with its pBrmbsion StateFam 92-CV-K206-3 020709 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY CMP.,.0787 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERYAGAINST OTHERS TO US !&ctvP-4787 Page 1 ol 1 ffi 8 E I This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the followrng BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE Policy Number: 92-CV-K206-3 Named lnsured: ARMSTFONG & BROOKS CONSULTING CITY OF MENIFEE 29844 HAUN RD MENTFEE CA 92586-6s39 The following is added to Paragraph 10.b. of SECTION I AND SEGTION ll - COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS: We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of: a. Your ongoing operations; or b. "Your work" done under contract with that person or organaation and included in the "products- com pleted operations hazard". This waiver applies only to the person or organization shown in the Schedule. All other policy provisions apply. ctvP-4787 O, Copyright, State Farm l\4 utual Automobile lnsurance Company, 2008 lncludes copyrighted material of lnsurance Services ofiice, lnc , wth iE permiSsion Name And Address Of Person Or Organization: