2022/10/01 Armstrong & Brooks Consulting Engineers Inc (21)I StateFarm STATE FAFM GENERAL INSUNA CE COi'PANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN ELOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS6D@ E?#?i&lli L u,tor.re,s Addl lnsured-Sectlon ll Only DECLARATIONS AI,IENDED DEC 14 2022 Policy ltlumbe r 92CV-K206-3 Policy Period 12 l\ilonths Elleclive Dateocr 1 2022 Exoiration DateocT 1 2023 The polipv period begins and ends at 12:01 am standard tlme at the premlses Iocaton. Named lnsured ARI.ISTRONG & EROOKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC E M.23.0555-FACE F U H#EE^iri t, tlr,il trt,lil,ll, rltr, tltlllil t,lrilllh,,lrlhlrFtrl,h rl E E.3 Oflice Policy Aubmalic Renewal - lf the pollcy pedod is shown as 12 months, fris policy will be renewed automatically subiectto fie premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeed ing policy period. lf fris policy is terminated, we will give you and fre lVlongagee/Lienholder wriften notice in compliance widr $e policy provisions or as required by law. Entity: Corporation Reason tor D€clsrations:Your policy is amended OEC 14 2022 ADDITIONAL INSURED ADDED PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT FORM CMP-4859 ADDED Endorsement Premium Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Claim Record None Prepared JAN 16 2023 cMP-4000 029110 290 Al N @ Copyriqh! Stat€ Farm Mutuil AutomobilB lnrurdnc€ Complny, 2008 lnclude! copyrightEd mrtoridl o[ ln3urance Servicss officB, lnc., wilh it! p€rmr!9ion. Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 1 of 6 003851 3123CITY OF IIEN I FEE29844 HAUN RD HENIFEE CA 92586-6539 DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Office Policy for CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Number 92-CV-KAnE3 SECTION I - PROP BTY SCHEOULE Location Number Location olOoscribed Promises Limit of lnsurance' Coveraoe A - Buildi'ngs Limit ol lnsurance' Coveraoe B -Business FersonalProperty Seasonal lncrease- Busineqg PersonalProperty 001 1350 E CHASE DB coBoNA cA 92881-4001 No Coverage $ 84,100 25% -Asofthee ve date o rs po , the Limit of lnsurance as s own includes any increase in the limit due to n atron overage SECTION I - INFLA ION COVERAGE INDEX(ES) Cov A - lnflatron Coverage lndex: Cov B - Consumer Price lndsx: N/A 292.3 SECTION I . D DUCTIBLES Basic Deductible Special Deductlbles: lvloney and Securities Equipment Breakdown $1.000 $2s0 $1.000 Employee Dishonesty $250 Other deductibles may apply - refer to policy Prepared JAN 1 6 2023 cr\4P-4000 029110 O Copyright, Stats Frrm Mutu6l Automobilo lnsur0nce Compdny.2008 lncludes copyri0ht6d msterirl of ln,ur!nce Servicss olfice, lnc., with its prrmission. Continued on Next Page Page 2 of 6 StateFam(DCO ffi DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Oflice Policv ,or CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-CV-K206-3 SECTION I - FXTFNSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSU RAN(:F . FACH DFSCRIBED PREMISES 8 s,l The coverages and corr€spondlng limits shown below apply separately to each descrlbed premlg€s shown in these Declarationa, unless indicatad by "S€e Schedule." ll a coverage does not have a corespondlng llmit shown below, but has "lncluded" indicatod, pleas€ reler to that policy provision to. an explanatlon of thal coverago. COVERAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Ofl Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Of Sswsr Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned BuiHings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Equipment Breakdown Fire D€partment SeNice Chargs Fire Extinguisher Systems Becha196 Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Expenses lncreased Cost Ol Construction And Demolilion Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacement cosl basis) Money And Securities (Ofl Pr€mi8es) Money And Securities (On Promisos) Money Orders And Counterfeit Money Newly Acquired Business Personal Property (applies only il this policy provides Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or Constructed Buildings (applies only il this policy provides Coverage A - Buildings) $5'000 $1s,000 lncluded Cov€rage B Limit 25% of covered loss lncluded $5'000 $5'000 910,000 lncluded 10/" $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 $100,000 $250,000 000 000 0 5$ Prepared JAN 1 6 2023 Cl\ilP-4000 @ Copyrioh! St!t8 Frrm Mutual Automobile lnsurln60 Comprny,2008 lnrl!d€s copyrighted m!t€ri.l d lnsurrncr servicqs 0flio€, lno., with rts p0rmi!rion Continued on Reverse Side ol Pago029i11290 N Page 3 of 6 ! LIMIT OF INSURANCE oEcLARATTONS (CONTTNU ED) Oftice Policv for CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-CV-K206,3 Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Outdoor Property Personal Effects (applies only to those premises provided Coverags B - Businsss Personal Property) Personal Property Off Premisas Pollutant Cl€an Up And Removal Presorvafon Of Property Property_Of Othgrs (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Psrsonal Property) Signs Unautho,izod Business Card Use Valuablo Papers And Records On Premises c,ff Premises SECTION I. EXTE lncluded $s,ooo $5,ooo $1s,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,500 $2,500 $s,000 $50,000 $1s,000 IONS OF COVERAGE . LIMIT OF INS RANCE . PER POLICY The coverag€s and correspondlng limits shown below are the most we will pay rogardless of the number ofdoscrlbod premises shown in thgso Dsclarations. COVERAGE Dependenl Property - Loss Ot lncome Employee Dishonesty Ulility lnterruption - Loss Of lncome Loss Of lnmme And Extra Expense O Copyri0hL St,te F6rm Mutuol Automobilo lnsursnce Comp!ny,2OOa lncludes cogyrighted mat8ri6l of lnsur!flco S0rvicss otfi0e, lnc , with its psrmission Continued on Next Page LIMIT OF INSUBANCE $s'000 $10,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 lvlonths Prepared JAN 16 2023 cMP-4000 0291fi Page 4 of 6 hr"r"/e E DECLARATIONS (CONTINUEO) Oflice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Numbsr 92-CV-K206-3 H#tE!.'- SECTION II . LIABILITY a ;3 COVERAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Porson) Damage To Premisss Flented To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Products/Completed Operations Aggregate General Aggregate Each paid claim tor Liability Coverage reduces the amount ol insurance we provide during annual period. Please refer to Soction ll - Liability in lhe Coverage Form and any attached LIMIT OF INSUBANCE $3,000,000 $s,ooo $300,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE Excluded $6,000,000 the applicable endorsements Your policy consists of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequont to the issuance of this policy. FORMS AND ENDOHSEME cMP-4101 cMP-4859 cMP-4787 FE-6999,3 cMP-4845 cMP-4819.1 cMP-4698 ClvtP-4704.1 cMP-4710 cMP-4709 cMP-4703.1 cMP-4705.2 cMP-4260.1 Businessowners Coverage Form.Al Engineer Architect Surv6y.Waiver of Trans Bgt ol Recov Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Excl Product Comp Operatn Liab Unauthorized Business Card Use Back-Up of Server or Drain Dspendent Prop Loss of lncome Employee Dishonesty Money and Securities Utility lnterruption Loss lncm Loss of Income & Extra Expense Amendatory Endorsement-CA Prepared JAN 16 2023 cMP-4000 029112 290 N O Coprrigh! Stlls Farm Mutual Automobils Intur!nco Comp!ny. 20m lncludei copyrighbd mlt8ri6l of lnsu16nce Sorvic0! offic8, lnc., with it pormis!ion Continusd on Reverse Side of Page Page 5 of 6 DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Offic€ Policv for CITY OF MENIFEEPollcy Num6er 92-CV-K2OG3 cMP-4261 cMP-4786.1 cMP-4870.1 FD-6007 Amsndalory Endorsement Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched Addl lnsd Primary Non Contrib lnland Marine Attach Dec NOTICE: INFOBMATION CONCERNING CHANGES IN YOUR POLICY LANGUAGE IS INCLUDED. PLEASE CALL YOUR AGENT IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS.. New Form Attached This policy is issued by th€ Stats Farm General lnsurance Company. Participating Policy You are entiued to participal€ in a distribution of the €arnings of the company as determined by our Board of Directors inaocordance with the Company's Articles of lncorporation, as amended, ln Witness Whereof, he State Farm General lnsurance Company has caus€d lhis policy to be signed by its President andSecr€tary at Bloominglon, lllinois. ff*m$ut Sscrstary -il-r," Mr{ Presrdent IMPORTANT NOTICE: Colltomls hw requllre us.to provlde you wlth lnlomatlon lor llllng complolrltg wlth the State lngurance Dop€ttmem legardlno tlEcoverEgB and $ryi'! provi&d ul|de] thi8 policy. Your aged's nsme rnd coltact inlqmstion are provided on the lrord ol thle documern. AnottEr optbn is to reach out bymlilor phone dloctt to: State Farm@ Executlve Cudomot Service PO Bor 2320 Bloomington lL 61702 Pho no s 'l €oo-STATE FAB I ( I .800-782-8332) D,ePertnent-of lnsurtnco complalntr should be liled only arter you and Stste Fsrm or your qgcrt or other companyroprBge atfuo havo lilsd to telch a satlglsctory agreemet* on a problsm. CElilorniE Deprftnent oI lnar]loce Con3!mer SeaYlco3 Dhl!bn 300 gornh Spdng Slre€t Los Angples, CA 900 | 3 Phoru , l{0O427.HELP ((r54 ol vbit xuw,inEura nce.cs.oov/o1-qoflE(m era Prepared JAN 1 6 2023 cMP-4000 O Copyriohl Stsle t.rfi MuEalAutomobil€ lnsuronc0 Compony, 2008 lncludes copyrightsd msterllof lnsur0nce Sorvics! 0ffice, lnc., with its p€rmission 029112 290 N Page 6 of 6 ]ut"rur-i(-/@ Hi?iL, Efl* STATE FANM GENERAL INSUFANCE COMPANY''^' -iK ;;npAi1ifuru uoue orr-rCii ii 'aloouNcrou.1114yp7s INLAND MABINE ATTACHING DECLAHATIONS E?oEH,6?Ji,, u, zor" rt, u Policy umber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Period Etlective Date Expiration Date 12 M'onths ocl 1 ?022 ocT 1 2023 The oolicv oeriod beoins and ends at 12:01 am standard time'at$6'premiseslocaton. Named lnsured M-23-O555.FACE F U AR]ISTRONG & IROOKS CONSULT ING ENGINEERS INC I bE Aubmatic Renewal - lf the Policy Pirlod is shown as 12 months , ttris polic forms in effectfor each suci:eeding policy period. lfttris policy is terminate y will be renewed automatically subjectto the premiums, rules and d. we will give you and $e Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance witr the policy provisions or as required by law Annual Policy Premium $ 373.00 The above Premium Amount is includod in tre Policy Premium shown on $e Declarations Your oolicv consists of these Declaradons, tre INLAND MARINE C 0NDlll0NS shown below, and any other lorms and endorsements that applv, inclirding $ose shown below as well as $ose issued subsequentto the issuance ofthis policy. Foms, 0ptions, and Endoisallrents FE-8739 FE-6271 FE-8745 FE-8760 lnland Marine Conditions Amendalory Endorsement lnland Marins Computer Prop Mobile Equipment Form See Reverse for Schedule Page wifr Limis Prepared JAN 16 2023 FD-6007 029113 O Cowright State Fsrm Mutual Automobil0 lnsurtnce Cornp!ny,2008 lncludes copyrighted m6terial of lnsurance Seivicss olfic€, lnc , with its permission t3u 686d 2 05 31 20ll lollS?3zc| ATTACHING INLAND MARINE 92-CV-K206-3 ATTACHIITG I I.AITD MARINE ATTACHING INLAiID MABINE SGHEDULE PAGE ENOORSEMEN] NUMBER FE.87 45 FE-8760 COVERAGE LIIVIIT OF INSURANC E DEDUCTIBLE AIVIOUNI ANNUAI P RE I\4IU I\4 Included Includeds 575.00 lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncomo and Extra Exoense Mobile Equipment Form $ $ 25,000 25 , 0 0 037,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 Prepared JAN 16 2023 FD-6007 0291 13 OTHER LIMIIS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY . REFER TO YOUR POLICY O Copyri0h! St6te Farm l\,lut! al Automobile lnsursnce Comp6ny, ZOOB lncludes copyrighted miterisl ot lnsur!nce Services office, lnc., wilh its p0rmasston. 530 [06d.2 05 ]l ?01! lo1tU33rl