2022/10/01 Armstrong & Brooks Consulting Engineers Inc (20)STATE FABM GENERAL INSURAT{CE COi,lPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN SLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?Efli in?|i,, u,, 0,. r,, u Addl lnsurod-Soctlon ll Only M-23-0555-FACE F U001898 3123CITY OF I{EI{I FEE298(4 HAUN RD }IENIFEE CA 925A6-5539 ll,lrrlrrrl,,lllI,,,,I,,tll,rt,,r,il,r,,tIt,rtlJilrtl[,,,1r, DECLARATIONS A|\,1ENDED OCT 12 2022 Policyllumber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Period Eflactive Date Eroiretion Deb 12 Mbnths OCr 1 2022 ocT 1 2023 Ihe polipy period beqins and ends at 12:01 am standardtme atthe premrses Iocat0n Namod lnsured ARI.TSTRONG T EROOI(S COI{SU LT I NG ENGI i{EERS INC (-@ ffi E J Olfice Policy Aulomatic Ronewal - lf tlre policy period is shown as 12 monlhs , ttris policy will be renewed automatically su biect to the premium s, rules and forms in effect for each suc ceeding policy period. lf fiis policy is terminated. we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance witr the policy provisions or as required by law. Entlty: Corporation Reason lor Doclafations:Your policy is amended OCl 12 2022 ADDITIONAL INSURED ADDED PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT FORM CMP.4859 ADDED Endorsement Premium Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Claim Becord None Prepared JAN 10 2023 cMP-4000 017177 290 Al N Page '1 of 6 ll0 6i6 r ? 05 31 20!l (oll3?llc StateFarm O Cogyrilh! st.t. tlrm Mutu!l futomobils lnlurlnca Complny, 2008 lnclud.s copryrightd mltanll ol ln!ur!nca Scrvicar 0ffica, lnc., with its psrmission. Continuod on Beverse Sids o, Page DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Olllce Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Pollcy Number 92-CV-K206-3 SECT]ON I. PBOPEBTY SCHEOULE Location Number Locatlon ol Descrlb€dPremls6s Llmlt ot lnsurancs* Coveraoe A - Bulldfngs Limit ol lnsurance' Coveraoe B - Business FersonalProperty Seasonallncrease-Buslnoss PeraonalProperty 001 1350 E CHASE DRcoRoNA cA 92881-4001 No Coverage $ 84,100 25% -Aso ctive date ol th spo cy, t e mit of lnsurance as shown inc s any ncrease nl tm ue to nf lat on verage SECTION I - INFLATION COVEBAGE INDEX(ES} Cov A - lnflation Coveraoe lndex: Cov B - Consumer Pncdlndex: N/A 292,3 SECTION I . DEDUCTIBLES Baslc Deductlbl€ Spoclal Doductlblos: Iiloney and Securities Equipment Breakdown Employee Dishonesty $1,000 $2s0 $1,000 $250 Other deductibles may apply - 16fer to policy Prepared JAN 10 2023 cMP-4000 017177 @ CopyriOht Stlts F.rm lvlutual Automobih lnsurrncr Comprny.200g lnclud.r cowriohted mrtsri!l of lniur!nc! S6rvrcrs oflice. lnc., wjth ils pgrmission Continued on Next Page Pago 2 of 6 StateFam& Effiba-t!-Et DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Otllco Pollcv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Num6er 92-CV-K20G3 SECTION I. EXTENSIONS OF COVEHAGE. LIMIT OF INSURANCE. EACH DESCRIBEO PREMISES ! B,i;5 The coverag€s and corresponding llmits shown below apply ssparatcly to each descrlbed premls6s shown ln these Declarations, unless lndlcatod by "See Schedule." ll a coverage does not have a corresponding llmlt shown b€low, but has "lncludsd" lndlcated, please refer to that pollcy provislon lor an explanation ot that coverage. COVERAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Otl Premises Arson Reward Back-Up OI Sewer Or Drain Collapse Damag€ To Non-Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Equipment Breakdown Fire Doparlment Servica Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Expenses lncreased Cost Of Construction And Demolition Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacement cost basis) Monsy And Securities (Off Premises) Money And Securities (On Premises) Money Orders And Counterl€it Money Nawly Acquired Business Personal Property (applies only if this policy provides Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or Constructod Buildings (applies only if this policy provides Coverage A - Buildings) $50,000 $1s,000 $5'000 $15,000 lncluded Coverage B Limit 25olo ot coverod loss lncluded $s,000 $5,000 $10,000 lncluded 1Oo/. Prepared JAN 10 2023 cMP-4000 O Copyri0h! Sr.to Frrm lvluturl Automobih lnsurlncs Complny, 2m lnclud0! copyright€d mltorial of lnrurrnce Servic.! offica, lnE.. witi its psrmis!ion Continued on Reverse Side of Page $5,000 $10,000 s1,000 $100,000 $250,000 017178 290 N Page 3 of 6 LIMIT OF INSUBANCE DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Ofllce Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEEPollcy Num6er 92-CV.K206-3 Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Outdoor Property Personal Effects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Personal Property Otf Premises Pollutant Clean Up And Removal Pressrvation Of Property Property Of Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Signs Unauthoriz6d Business Card Use Valuable Papers And Records On Premises Otf Pramises Included $s,000 $5,000 $1s,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,s00 $2,500 $s,000 $50,000 $1s,000 SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSUBANCE . PEB POLICY The coverages and corresponding limits shown below are the most we wlll pay regardless ot the numbsr of describ€d premises shown in these Declaralions. COVERAGE Dependent Property - Loss Ol lncome Employoe Dishonesty Ulility lnterruption - Loss Of lncome Loss Of lncome And Exlra Expense O Copyri0h! Stato F!rm Muturl Automobilo lnsurlncs Compnny,2OOS lncludEs copyright'd mltsrirl of ln!ur!nc6 Sorvicos oflics, lnc., with its p0rmission Continued on Next Page Prepared JAN 10 2023 cMP-4000 017178 Page 4 of 5 LIMIT OF INSUBANCE $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 Aclual Loss Sustained - 12 Months StateFarm(-@ DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Ofllce Pollcv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Pollcy Number 92-CV-K20G3 ffi SECTION II - LIABILITY ! 88,Ja3 COVEHAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage M - Modical Expenses (Any One P6rson) Damage To Premises Flented To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Products/Completed Operations Aggregate General Aggregate Each paid claim for Liability Coverage reduces the amount ol insurance we provide during the applicable annual period. Please refer to Section ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached endorsemenls LIMIT OF INSURANCE $3,000,000 $s,000 $300,000 LIMIT OF INSUFANCE Excluded $6,000,000 Your policy consists of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FOBIVI shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequent to the issuance of this policy. FORMS ANO ENDOFSEMENTS cMP-4101 cMP-4859 FE-6999.3 cMP-4845 cMP-481 9.1 cMP-4698 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4710 cMP-4709 cMP-4703.1 Cl\jlP-4705.2 ctltP-4260.1 cMP-4261 Businessowners Coverage Form 'Al Engineer Architect Survey Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Excl Product Comp Operatn Liab Unauthorized Business Card Use Back-Up of Sewer or Drain Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Employee Dishonesty Money and Securities Utility lnlerruption Loss lncm Loss of lncome & Extra Expense Amendatory Endorsement-CA Amendatory Endorsement Prepared JAN 10 2023 cMP-4000 0r7179 290 N @ Copyrilht, St6tr tlrm Mutuil Autottobile lnturlncr Complny,200€ lncludgs copyrighod m!$ri.l of lnsurlnca Sgrvica! olficr, lnr., ryilh its pormi!sion Continued on Roverso SidE of Page Page 5 of 6 DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Ofllco Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPollcy Number 92-CV-K206-3 cMP-4787 cMP-4786.1 cMP-4870.1 FD-6007 Waiver ol Trans Rgt of Recov Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched Addl lnsd Primary Non Contrib lnland Marins Attach Dec ' New Form Attached This policy is issued by the State Farm Gsneral Insurance Company. Participating Policy You aro entitl€d to participate in a distribution of lhe earnings of the company as det€rmined by our Board of Directors in accordance wilh the Company's Articles of lncorporation, as amended, ln Wihess Whereof, the Stat€ Farm Gsneral lnsurance Company has caused this policy to be signed by its President and Secrotary at Bloomington, lllinois. tr " .m\-,,,n Secretary -{A-e C"/ry President IMPOHTANT NOTICE: Calltomla lsw requllrt LL.to provlde you whh lnlormotlon lot llllng complalmg wlth the gtets lnsurance Depanme legsrdlng the covorago and aorvica provkled under this poEcy. Your sgenl'! nsme and cortrct lnlomdion arc provided on the lrorll ol lhls documer . Another option i8 to reach out by mall or phone dltectly lot State Farmo Execullve Curtomer Scrvlco PO Box 2320 Bloomlngton lL 61702 Phone fr 1€oo-STATEFAR (1-80d782-E332) Department of ln8ursno. comphintr should be liled only 8r!er you 6rd Slste Fam or your rgsnt or other companyroprBEntstlve hqve lalled lo ,oach r lsuslastory rgIEemsnt on a problom. CElilomir Dopir[ne] of lnafi!nce Consumer Eervlcer DM!lon 300 Sonth gprlm Street Loo Angoba, CA 0o013 Phono I i €O0.927-HELP (rul57) or vbh ;uwjnEurEno".cE.qoy,0l -corErmert Prepared JAN 10 2023 cMP-4000 017179 290 N @ Copyrioht Stlto Flrm lvlutu ! I AutomobilE lnsur!ncr Comp6ny.2m8 lncludas copyright.d mltiri.l of lnsurrncs Ssrvicas olficr, lnc., with its pBrmission Page 6 of 6 StateFann STATE FARM GENEEAL INSUHANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Po Box 2915Bloomi nglon I L 6 1 702-29 1 5 Named lnsured rvr-23-0555-FACE F U AR}ISTRO]IG & BROOKS CONSUL T I NG ENGIIEERS INC ATTACHING INLAND MARINE INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS(-@ ffi E 63 Policy unber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Pedod Ellective Dale Eroiralion Dab 12 Mbnths OCl 12022 ocT 1 2023 Ihe polipy period begins qnd ends at 12:01 am standardflme atthe Premlses Iocaton. Aubmalic Renswal - lf the policy period is shown as l2 months , tltis policy will be renewed automatically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeeding policy period. If tris policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notjce in compliance wifi the policy provisions or as required by law Annual Policy Premium $ 373.00 The above Premium Amount is included in the Policy Premium shown on tre Declarations. Your policy consists of trese Declarations, $e IN|AND MARINE C 0NDlTlONS shown below, and any otrer forms and endorsemenb tlat apply, including $ose shown below as well as trose issued subsequent to tre issuance of tris policy. Foms, 0plions, and Endorsemsnb FE-8739 FE-6271 FE-8745 FE-8760 lnland Marine Conditions Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marine Computer Prop Mobile Equipment Form See Reverse for Schedule Page widr Limit Prepared JAN 10 2023 FD-6007 017190 O Copyrioht St!$ Frrm Muturl Aubmobili lnsurrnci Complny, 2m lncludes cofyrghtsd m.tiri!l of ln!ur!nrr Soryic.s offic,, lnc., with its prrmission t30 6800 ? 0! !l ?011 lollu 92-CV-K206-3 ATTAC HING I ITLA'{D MARII'IE ATTACHING INI.AND MARINE SCHEDUTE PAGE ENDORSEMENT NUI\4BER FE-8745 FE-8760 C OVERAG E LIMIT OF INSURANCE DEDU CTIBLE AMOUNT ANNUAL PHEM IUM Included Included0 573.00 lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Expense Mobile Equipment Form $ s $ ?5 ,000 25,00057,000 $ 500 I r,000 Prepared JAN 10 2023 FD-6007 01 7180 0]HERLlMlTSANDExCLUsl0NsMAYAPPLY'REtERT0Y0URP0L|CY- @ Copyrioht Strte Frrm lvlutu !l A! tomobili lnrur.nc€ Comp!ny.2008 lnclud0r copyright d m.tori!lof lnsurrnc. Servic.s otfica. lnc., lrhh iB pEtmission 530 D8i r.2 05ll20ll loll3233xl