2022/09/15 Advance Refrigeration & Ice Systems, Inc.-.,-\A,CORD ADVRE-3 09t26t2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGI.ITS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEO BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT AETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. TMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSUREO provisions or be endoraed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may requirc an endo6ement. A statement on hts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement{s)this cortificate does not confer rig INSURERA qIUEEE B INSURER C INSURER D !!!!RER E ITISURER F INSURER(q AEESIIDNG COVERAGE Ohio Security lnsurance Co. 909-98042r 1 24082 PROOUCER Silverstone lnsurance Sewices Advantage lnsurance PO Box 1200 Rancho Cucamonga, cA 91729 Robert W. Young coNtAct!AT]IE. fJ8)'[,.", sos-sao+zt t E.##LEss sarah@silverstoneins.com INSUREOAdvance Retrioeration & lceSvstems. lnc. - 1i133 W Linden St Ste A Riversldo. CA 92507-6816 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE EEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO INDICATED NOTWTHSTANOING ANY REOUIREMENT TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUEJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCEO BY PAID CLAIMS INSR LIMITSPOLICY NUMBERIYPE OF INSI,IRANCE I POLICY EFF POLICY EXPAODL SUBR EACH OCCURRENCE DAi/IAGE TO RENTEO I PREMISES (Ea occurr€nca) MED EXe (any 0.6 p€rson) PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS, COMP/OP AG6 1,000,000 500,000 15,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 $ Ix $ $ A X 8KS56322453 9 J X coMMERctaL GENERAL LtaBrLrrY CLATMS MADE X occuR 09t1512022 09t1512023 GEN'! AGGREGAIE LIMIT APPLIES PER . PoLrcY ![P; X Loc OTHER x x OWNEOAUTOS ONLY auIOs cii.i 1,000,000 s 5 I |P#a?Rf,F9 O9l1512O22 0911512023 BoDrLy NJU Ry (pe, pe,son) $ SCI]EDULEDAUTOS COMBINEO SINGLE LIM T BOOILY INJURY iP6t qcqqglti PROPERTY OAMAGE A lurouogrLe ulgtul U ARELLA LIAB OCCUR E'(CESS UAA . CLA]MS'MAOE DED RETENTION I E4Qtr OCCURRENCE AGGR€GAIE .L 5 N E L EACH ACCIDENT OTH ER E L O SEASE EA EMPLOYEE $ ,ITATUIEWORI(ERs CO[PENSATION ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPR ETOR/PARTNEREXECUILVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLI]OED? oEscRtpItoN oF oP€RAllor,ls / LocaTloNs/ vErilcLES (acoRo lol, Addltion.l R.m..*. sch.dul., m.y b..n.ch.d Ir moro.p.c. ir r.quir.d) RE: Contract #5285. City of Menifee and its officers, employees, agents and authorized volunteeG a-re named as Add'l lnsds per #CG8610 0413 incl P&N & #cG2037 04'13 attached, Auto Add'l lnsds per #CA88'10 0113 attached NOC form #CGO224 1093, attached. *10 Day notice of cancellation in the event of non- payment of premium. *30 Day written notice for policy cancellation. CITMENI City of Menifee and its officers, employees,agents and authorized volunteers 29714 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICI€S gE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE wlLL gE OELIVEREO IN ACCORDANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AIJTXORIZEO REPRES€NTATIVE A-d,.,oLfin.- O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered mark of ACORD ACORD 25 (2015/03) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE x 8A556322453 F I OISFASF - POLICY LIMIT $ InsuredlAdvance Refriger.ttion & Ice Systems, Inc Pol icl., #Il hS56.l22.153 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CABEFULLY' COMMERCIAT GENERAL LIABILITY EXTENSION Thls endorsem€nt modilies insurance provlded under th€ following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART INOEX SUBJECT NON.OWNED AIRCRAFT NON.OWNED WATERCRAFT PBOPERTY DAMAGE LIAEIUTY . ELEVATORS EXTENDED DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RENTED TO YOU (Tenant's Proprrty Damose) MEDIGAL PAYMENTS EXTENSION EXTENSIOiI OF SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS . COVERAGES A AND B AODITIONAL INSUREOS . BY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PEBMTT PRIMABY AND NON.CONTR]8UTORY. ADDITIONAL INSURED ETTENSION ADD]TIONAL INSUREDS . EXTENDED PROTECT]ON OF YOUR "LIMITS OF INSUBANCE" WHO IS AN INSUBEO . INCIOEiITAL MEDICAL ERROBS/MALPBACTICE AND WHO IS AN INSURED . FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXTENSION . MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES NEWLY FORMED OR ADDITIONALLY ACOUIREO ENNNES FAILUBE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS AND PRIOR OCCURRENCES KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE. OFFENSE, CLAIM OB SUIT LIBEBAUZATION CLAUSE BOOITY INJURY REDERNED EXTENDED PROPERTY DAMAGE WAIVEH OF TBANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US . WHEN REOUIREO IN A CONTBACT OB AGREEMENT W|TH YOU O 2Of3 Libcity Mutu.l trlurlnc! lncludas oopyrightrd malcrlrl ol lniurrnco Sc.vico! Otticr, lnc.. wlth hi p.rmi3tion. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 88 10 04 13 I 7 7 7 7 7 I 8 cG 88 10 04 13 Page t of I PAGE 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 With rasp€ct to coverage attordad by lhis endorsamenl, ths provlslons of the policy apply unless modltled by tho endorsement. A. NON.OWNED AIRCRAFT Under Pa.sgr8ph 2, Excluslonr of Soction I . Coverage A - Bodlly lnjuiy And Proprrty Damlgo Li8bility, excluslon g. Aircraft, Auto OrWlt.rcr'ft do€S not apply to an sircrsft provided: 1. lt is not owned by any lnsured; 2. h is hired, chartorod or losned wlth s tr8ined psld cr6w; 3. Th€ pllot ln command holds I currenlly offectlv. certlflcale, lssuod by the duly conslltutad authority ol th6 United States of Amerlca or Canada, doslgnstlng her or hlm a commercl8l or el.llne pilou and 4. lt i8 not b€ing usad to carry persons or property tor a charge. Howcver, the insurenca altorded by thls provlslon does nor apply lf thero ls evellablo to tho lnsured oth€r valld and collectlblo lnsurance, wh6th0r prlmery, oxcoss (othsr thEn lnsursncg wrltten to Epply specitically ln excess of this policy,. contingBnt or on any olher berls. that would rlso epply to tho losg covered undsr thls provislon. B, NON.OWNEDWATEBCRAFT Under Paregrsph 2. Exctueionr o{ Ssction I - Coverage A - Bodlly lnlury And Property Domag. uabllitY, Subpsregrsph (2, of excluslon g. Altcr8ft, Auto O? w'tercreft ls roplacod by tho followlng: This exclusion does not spply to: (2) A wstercraft you do not own thst ls: (., Less than 52 ta€t long; End lbl Not being u88d lo cerry persons or propeny fot a charge. C. PROPERTY DAMAGE LI.ABILITY. ELEVATORS l. Under Paragraph 2. Cxclusions of Srctlon I - Covarage A - Bodlly lniury And Prop€?ty Demagc Liabil' ity. Subpar;graphs (31, {41 and (8} of exctuslon i. Drmege fo Prop€ny do not spply il such "proparty dimagei' res-ults from the use of olevators. For tho purpose of thls proylslon, elovators do not lncluds vehicla lifts. VEhlclo llftg ar6 lifts or holgts u3od ln sutomobllo sorvlco or r€palr oP€ratlon8. 2. The foflowlng is addad to Secdon w - Comm.rcl.l Grnaral Llability Condhiom, Condition 4. Other lmuranca, PsragrBph b' Ercels lnsuranco: The lnsur8nco afforded by thls provlslon ol this endolsement ls exces8 ovor any propErq lnsurance, whether prlm8ry, oxc€ss. contlngent or on 8ny othor brsls. D. EXTENDED DAMAGE TO PROPERW RENTED TO YOU [T6N.] '$ PTOFOTIY D.MTgEI lf Damege To Proml6€s Bonted To You ls not otherwlse excluded from this covarage Psrt: 1, Under paragraph 2. Exclusiom of Soction I - Covar.g€ A . Bodlly lnlury tnd PtoPltty D.m!g€ Lhblllty: !. The lourth from thc last paragr8ph ol exclusion j, Oamage To Prop.rtY ls raplacad by tho follow- ing: paragraphs l1l, (3) and (41 of this exclusion do not apply to "PropsrtY damage" (other than damage ny tire, iightntie, exploslon. smoke. or leakage from an automatlc firs protactlon system) to: (i) Promlsos rented to you for 6 P6rlod of 7 or f€wot consocutive dayg; or (ii) Contents thst you rant or lease 8s part of a premlses rontal or lcrse !groamant lor a perlod of more then 7 days. Paragraphs (l), (3) and !t) of this oxclusion do not spply to "prop€ny damage" to contlnts o, premises rented to you for a period ol 7 or lew€r consecutive days. A s6psrats limlt of lnsurance sppllos to this covorage EB dosctibod in S.ctlon lll - Llmits ol lnsur!nco, e 2ol3 Llb.rrY Mutull lnlut.noo lnolldoi copyrlghlcd rnalcrial ol lntur!ncg S!.vlce3 Olllcc, lnc.. lrlth lta p.rmllaloncG 88 l0 04 13 Prgc 2 of 8 b. Th6 last psr8grsph of subsection 2. Ercluelona ls roplaced by the following: Exclusions c. thtough n, do nol aPPly to damags by flre, llghtning, explosion, smoke or leakage ftom automstlc llra prolectlon syslems to promisos whi16 rontod to you or temporarily occupied by you wlth pormisslon of the owner. A sepstato llmll ol lnsuranco applias to Damage To Premisat Rented To You as descrlbed in Ssctlon lll - Umlu Ol lnluranco. 2. Paragraph 6. under Section lll - Limits Of lncurance ls rsplscsd by the following: 6. Subject to Parsgraph 5. above, the Damags To Premlses RBntod To You Limlt is the most we will pay undor Coverags A foi damEgBs bacsusB of "proPeit"y damage" to: a. Any ona ptomlsg: (11 whlle rented to you; or (2t While rented to you or temporsrlly occupied by you with permlsslon of tha owner for damage by llrB. lightning, explosion, smoke or leakage from automatic Protestion sys- tems; or b. Cont€nts that you rent or lease as Part ol a premises rentsl or lease sgteement. 3. As regants covsrsge provided by this provlslon D. EXTENOED OAMAGE TO PROPERW RENTEO TO YOU (Tenant'e Proparty Damsg€) - Paragraph 9.r. of Dsfinitiont is replsced with the followlng: g.!, A contrrct fo. e lease ot premlses. However, lhat ponion ot th€ conttact for a lsss€ of premises that lndomniflos sny person or org8nlzatlon tor damage by flrB, llghtnlng, Explosion, smokc, or leakage trom Butomatic firo protectlon syslams to proml3as while rented to you or temporarlly occupied by you wlth th8 permigsion of the owner. or lor damaga to contsnts of such premises that are includBd in your premises rontal or lease agreemsnt, ls not 8n "insured contract"' E. MEDICALPAYMENTSEXTENSION lf Covcrag€ C Medlcll PaymsnB ls not otherwlso oxcluded, the MedlcSl Paymonts providsd by lhis policy are amended as follows: Under paragreph L lnaurlng Agr€omont of Srction I - Covarlgo C - Modlcll Paymen$, Subparagraph (bl of Parsgraph !. is r€placed by the followlng: (bl The Bxpensos are lncurrad and reported withln thtse years ol thg date of the sccldent and F. EXTENSION OF SUPPLEMEiITARY PAYMENTS . COVERAGES A AND B l. Under supplem€ntrry Psyments . coveragea A and B, Paragaph 1.b. is rePlaced by lhg followlng: b. Up to 13,000 lor cost of balt bonds r6qulrgd bacause of accldents or trafllc law violallons Erlslng out of tho uso of any vehlcle to whlch ths Bodlly lniury Llability Coverog8 applles. We do not have to furnlsh thes6 bonds. 2. Paragraph 1.d,ls rBplaced by th€ lollowing: d, All reasonable expensss lncurred by th6 lnsurod at our request to stslst uE in th€ invesligation or defense ol the clair or "sult", Includlng actual loss of sarnlngs up to $500 a day because ol time otf from work. G. ADDTTIONAL INSUBEDS . BY CONTBACT, AGREEMENT OR PERM]T 1. psrsgrsph 2. under Soction ll - Who ls An lnsured Is am€nded to includ€ as an insuled any person or organtzitton whom you have €gread lo add as an additionel lnsured in a wlitton contract, written agieement or permlt. Such person or organlzatlon ls an additional lnaured but only wlth respect to lGbility for "bodlly lnlury", "property damoge" or "personal end advsrtlslng ln.lury" caused in whole or ln part by: ,. Your acts or omissions, o; the ects or omigslons of those acting on your b€halt ln lhe Petformsnce ol your on golng operatlons for the sddltional insured that ers th€ 8ubiacl of lhe wrltten conlract or written agreement provided thet the "bodlly lnJury" or "ProPEttY damage" occurs, or thg "pGr' sonal and advertising iniury" ls commlttcd, subsequont lo the slgnlng of such written contract or written agteemenl; or o ?ol3 LittdY Muturl lnsu,lncc Indudar coDvrl0htad mrLi.l ol lnturunos ScrvlcoS Orflco,lrc,, whh ils psrmiEEion'cG 88 10 04 13 Page 3 of 8 b. Premlses or fgcilitigs rEntsd by you or used by you,' or c. The malnlenanco, operation or use by you of equipment renlad ot lsased lo you by such person or organization; or d. Op6r6tlons performed by you or on your b€hall for whlch th6 stato or polltical subdivision has lssued a p6rmlt sublect to the lollowlng addlllonal provlslons: (11 This insurance does not 6pply to "bodlly injury", "p,ope(y damage". or "personal and ad- vortlslng lnlury" arising out of the operatlonB performed lor the Etste or politieel subdivision; (21 Thls lnsurance doBs not opply to "bodlly lnrury" or "proparty damago" lncluded wlthln thg "comploted operations h8zsrd". (31 lnsurance appllss to prBmlses you own, rent, or conlrol but only with .sspoct to the ,ollowing hazards: (sl The exlstenoe. msintenanco, .opalr, constructlon. erectlon, or removal of advertising slgns. ewnlngs. canoplos, cal16r onltsnces. cosl holes, drivewaye, manhol6s, mrrquoes, hoist 8woy openlngs. sldewslk voults, str€et bannars, or decorallons and slmllar expo- suret; or (b) The construction, erectlon, or removal of elsvolors; or (cl Th6 ownorshlp, malntenance, or use of sny elevators covarod by thls lngurance, Howev6r: 1. The insurance aftorded to such sddltlonal lnsured only appli6s to the Bxt8nt pormitted by Isw; and 2. lf coverage provld€d to the additlonrl lnsured is requirsd by a contract or agr€€men! tha insur. ance effordad to such sdditionEl lnsured wlll not be broader than thet whlch you are raquired by th6 contract or sgreemenl to provldB for such addltlonsl insured. With respect to Parsgraph l.a. above, 0 p€rson's or organlzalion's status ss sn addltlonel insured under thls endorsemsnt ends when: lll All work, lncluding materlsls, p.rts o, equlpment lurnlrhod ln conncction with such work. on the proleot (other th8n servlce, molntenanco or ropol.s) to bo p€rlormed by or on b€h8lf ol th€ sdditional lnsursd(s) at tho locatlon of the cover€d opgratlons has boon complotod; or l2l ThEt ponlon of "your work" out ol whlch th€ lnlury or damage srises h8s b€en put to its intend€d use by any p€rson ol ofganizotion other thsn another contractor or subcontractor engaged In parrormlng operetlons for a prlnclpol as e part ot th€ s8m6 prol€ct. Wlth rgspgct to Paregr.ph 1.b. ebove, I person's or organlzatlon's 8t8tus es en addltlon8l insured undar thls ondorsement onds when thelr written controct or wrltten agreement with you for such premises or lacllltlas ands. Wlth respscts to Paragraph t.c. Ebove. thls lnsurarce does not apply to sny "occurrsnc€" which tek€s place after lho equipmont rsntel or lesse egrs€ment has explrBd or you hsya roturnod such equlpment to the lessor. The lnsurance plovlded by thls ondors6m6nt applles only lf lhe wrltten contrect or wrltton egr€smenl is signed prlor to the "bodily iniury" or "proparty damage". We have no duty to dafend en addltlonal lnsured under thls ondorsomBnt untll we recelve wrltten notice of a "suit" by the additlonsl lnsured 8s requlred ln Parsgrsph b. of Conditlon e. DutlB ln tha Evant Of Occurrcnce, Offonso, Chlm Or Suit undor Slction lV - Commercial Generll Lirbility Condi- tions. o 2or3 Libaity Murusl Inrurrnc! lnclud.! co9yri!hlsd motori.l ot lnt!.rnc. Sorvi6E Ollicc, lnc-. wlth h! pa?mlislon.Poge 4 of ICG 88 10 otl 13 2. WIth respect to tho lnsurance provided by this endorsement, the followlng are Edded to Paragraph 2. Exclusions under Seetlon I - Covemge A - Bodily lnjury And PropGrty Drmaga Llabllity: Thls lnsurance does not spply to: a. "Bodlly inlury" or "proparty dEmagg" arising from the sole nogligsncs o, the additional insured. b. "Bodlly lnrury" or "propeny damage" that occurs prior to you commenclng opsrations at the localion where such "bodily iniury" or ''propeny damag€" occurs. c. "Bodily inlury", "property dsmage" or "personal and sdvo(lsing iniury" arising out of the render- ing oi, or ih6 failura to rendar, any professionai archhoctural. engineorinO or surveying sorvices, including: (lf Tho preparlng, approvlng. or falllng to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawlngs, oplnions, reports. gurveys, field orders, change orders or drawings End specificslions; or (21 Supervisory, inspEctlon. architectural or engineering sctivities. Thls exclusion applles even lf the clelms 89ainst any lnsur9d allega nagligenca or othsr wrongdolng ln the supervlslon, hlrlng. employmEnl, trainlng or monitorlng ot othors by lhet insured, lf the "occur- rence" whlch csused ths "bodily lnjury" or "property dsmag6", or the otfense which caused lhe "porsonal and advertising iniury". involved the rendering ot, or tho fsilure to render, any professional archltoctural, engineering or surveying services. d, "Bodlly lnlury" or "propBrty d6mage" occurring after (11 All work, including msterlals, parls or oquipmant furnished in connection wlth such work, on the proiect (othor than sorvicg, msintonance or repairs) to be performed by or on behElf of the additional insured{sl at the location of the covered oper8tlons hss baen completed; or (21 That portlon of "your work" out of which the inlury or damage orises has been pul to its intended use by any person or organizetion other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in per(orming op8ratlons for a principal as a part of the samo proiect. a. Any person or organlzation speclllcally designated as sn addltional insured for ongolng operations by 6 sepsrate ADDITIONAL INSURED -OWNERS, LESSEES OR COIITRACTORS sndorsement ls- suod by us and mado a part of this policy. 3. With respoct to the insursnco afforded to these additional insureds, tho followlng ls edded to Sactlon lll - Limlts Of lnsurencs: lf coverage provided to tho additionsl insured is rcquired by a contract or agreement, tie most we will pay on boh6lt ol the additional insured is rhe amount of lnsurence: o, Requlrod by the contract or agreemenu or b. Av6llable under the appllcable Llmits of lnsurance shown in the D€claratlonsi whlchever is less. Thls endorsement shE ll not lncresse the appllcable Llmlts of lmurenca shown ln the oeclarations. H. PRIMARY AND NON.CONTBIBUTOBY ADDITIONAL INSURED EXTENSIOiI Thls provlslon appllas to any person or organlzation who quallfles as an addltional lnsured under any form or endorsemant under this policy. Condltion 4. Othor Insurancs ot SECTTON lV - COMMEBCIAL GEIVEBAL LIABILITY CONOmONS is amand- od as lollows: a. Tho lollowlng ls added to Plregreph s. Prlmery lnsur8nc6: lf an addltlonal inaured's policy ha8 en Othe. lnsuranco provlslon msklng lts policy excess, and you hava agraed ln a written conlrect or writtsn agreomgnt to provide the additlonal lnsured covemge on 6 primary end noncontributory bs!l!, this pollcy shall ba prlmary and we wlll not seek contrlbutlon trom th6 addltlonal insurBd's policy for dam.ges ws cover. cG 88 10 04 13 6 2ol3 Lihny Mutuol lneurrncs l rcludos clgyrightod matora.l ol lntu6nc. S.rvicrs Ofrico, lnc,, with itt porml3sion.Pag6 5 of 8 b. The following ls addod to Paregraph b' Excsss lnsurancc: Whgn a wrltten contract or writton sgraement. oth€r than I premises lease, fEcllltlss rental contrsct or agroemant, an equlpment rgntal or lBas6 contraot or agreoment, or pstmit issued by a state or Polltlcal subdivlslon botwsan you and an additionol lnsured doss not roquire this insul€nce to be prlmary or prlmary and non-contributory, thls insursnce ls exc€ss ovor !ny other lmurance lor which thg sddl' tional insured is design0t6d as a Named lnsured. Regardless of ths wri sn agreBment betwe€n you and an additional lnsured. this lnsurance i3 excoss ov6r any othrt lnsur6nca whgther prlmtry, axcess, contlngSnt or on any othsr basis for whlch tho eddltlonsl lnsursd h8s boen oddod ts 5n sddltlonal lnsured on other pollcles' I. ADDfTIONAL INSUFEDS. EXTENDED PROTECTTON OF YOUR "LIMITS OF INSURANCE" Thls provislon applles to any porson or organization who quslitles as an addltlonel lnsurad und€r any form or €ndorsoment under lhlg pollcy. l. The followlng 13 addad to condltlon 2. Dutles ln Th. Event Of Occsrrance, offenac, clalm or Suh: An oddltlonsl insurad undor thls endorssment will as soon as practicable: a, Give wrltten notice o, 8n "occurr8nce" or En oftense thst may result in e claim or "suit" under thls lnsurancB lo u3; b. Tender th€ delense and lndomnity of any claim or "sult" to all lnsurers whom slso havB insuranca avallabl€ to the 6dditional insured; and c. Agree to make avallable €ny other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under thls Coverage Psrt, d, We have no duty to defend or lndemnlfy an addltlonsl lnsured under this sndorsemont until wB recolvo wrltlgn notlca of a "sull" by the sdditlonEl ln3urod, 2. Th6 limlls of lnsurance sppllcable to the additional insured are those speclfled ln 8 wrlttsn contracl or wrltton sgre6m6nt or the llmlts ot Insuranca Es st5ted ln lhe Declatatlons ol thls policy 8nd deflned ln Scctlon lll - Umlts ol lnsurtnca of lhls pollcy, whlchaver are leas. Thes€ llmlts 8r€ lncluslv6 ol and not ln 6ddltlon to the llmlts ot lnsurance av6llable under this pollcy. J. WHO IS AN INSURED. INCIDENTAL MEDICAL ERRORS, MAT"PRACNCE WHO IS AN INSURED. FELLOWEMPLOYEE EXTENSION. MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES Paragraph Z..lt ) of Scctlon ll - Who 13 An lnlorod is replaced wlth the following: (11 "Bodily inlury" or"personal end advertlalng lnlury": (o) To you, to your p8rtnors or marnbarE (if you ere I pann€rship or.iolnt v6nturo), to yout tnambars (lf you ar€ a llmlted liabllity companyl, to a co-"employoo" while in the course of hia or het employ- ment or p6rforming duti6s relatod lo the conduct of youl buslness, or lo your othot "volunteer workers" whllo porforming dutios iolat€d to the conduct ofyour businessi {bl To tha spousa, chlld, p8r6nt, brothor or sister of thst co-"employee" or "volunteor worl€r" es I coneequence o{ Parag.aph (1) (8r 8bove; (c) For whlch there ls 8ny oblig8 on to sharo damsg8s with or repsy 8omoon€ elso who must pay dsmoge8 bBcau8a of tha lnJury descrlbed in Paragraphs {11 (el or (bl abov€, or (d) A.lslng out of hls or her provlding or failing to provlde prolessional hgalth csro s€rvlce3, HoweYor, l, you ar6 not ln tho businoss of providlng professlonal health care servlces o. provldlng prof€s- sional hoslth csro personnel to othors, or il covarage lor provlding profssglonal h€8lth caro ser- vlces ls not otharwlse €xcluded by separate endorsement, this provislon (Paragraph (d)) does nol 8pplv. Paragraphs (!) snd lbl above do not Epply to "bodlly injury" or "percon8l and tdv€nising lnluri" caused by an "omployoo" who ls scllng ln a supervisory cspacity for you. Supervlsory capeclty 8s ueod her6in m€ans ths "omployee's" lob rasponslblllti66 aBsign6d by you, includes th€ dir6ct supervlslon of othor "employ- ees" of yours. How6ver, none of these "employees'' are lnsureds for "bodlly lnlury" or "porsonsl and cG 88 t0 04 13 6 2ol3 Llbrny Mutuotlneuroncs lndudgs copyrlghted motc.lll o[ lnsu.lnca Sg,vicls Omc!, l.lc., wlth il3 pttmilllon.Plge I of I advertlsing iniury" arislng out o, their willtul conduct, whlch is defined .s the putpos€ful or wllltul lntent to cause "bodity lniury" o, ''personal end advertising iniury", or caused in whole or in patt by their lntoxics- tion by liquor or controllod substances, The coverage provlded by provision J, is sxcoss over any other valid and collectable insurancs avallabla to your ''employee". K. NEWLY FORMED OR ADDITIONAI.IY ACOUIREO ENTITIES Paragraph 3. of Sactlon ll - Who ls An lnlured is repleced by tho followlng: 3. Any organization you nowly acqulre or form and over whlch you maintain ownorship or malorlty lntergst, wlll qualify as a Nsmed lnsured if thors ls no other similar insurancs aveilablo to that orgsnizstlon. However: s. Coyerage under this provision is afforded only until the expiration of the policy perlod in which the entity was acquired or lormed by you; b. Coversge A does not epply to "bodily injuty" or "property damags" th.t occurr€d bsfora you scqulred or formod ths org0nlzatlon; and c. Coverage I does nol apply to "p6r8onsl End sdvenlsing injury" srislng oul of an oflense commlttad bafore you acqulrad or formed the olgsnization. d. Rgcords and descriptions ol operetions must ba msinteined by the tirst Named lnsur€d. No person or organizrtion ls an lnsursd wlth rcspect to lh6 conduct of any current or past PsdnershlP, Jolnt venture or llmited llsbllity company thst is not shown as I Named lnsured ln thg Declaratlons or qualillgs as an lnsured under this plovision' L. FAILURE TO OISCLOSE HAzARDS AND PRIOR OCCURRENCES Under Sectlon lV - Comm€rcisl Gonerul Liabilaty Conditions. the following ls added to Condilion 6. Rcpre' r€ntations: Your failure to disclose all hszsrds or prior "occuffencas" sxlsting 89 of the inception dete ol tha pollcy shall not pr!.ludlce thR coverage aflordsd by this policy provlded such failura to discloae ell hazards or p,ior "occur.ences" is not intentional' M. KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURREilCE, OFFENSE, CTAIM OR SUIT Under Sectlon lV - Commorclal G.narrt Llrbility Conditlons. the following is eddsd to Condltlon 2. Outlc! ln Th3 Ev€nt ot Occurrcnca, Offcnro Clalm Or Suit: Knowledgo oI an "occurence", offanse, claim or "suit" by an agent, sen ant or "€mployae" of any insured shall not ln ltself constatute tnowledge ot the insursd unless an lnsured listed undet Psragrsph 1. of Sectlon ll - Who ls An lngured or a person who has been deslgnated by th€m to .eceivo ,eports ol "occurrenc6s", otfenses, claims or "suil3" shall have recelved Buch notice trom the 89enl, servsnt or "employee". N. LIBERALEANONCI.AUSE lf w9 reviso th13 Commsrcial G€nersl Llsblllty Extenslon Endorsom8nt to provldo more cov€rage wlthout eddltional premium chSrge, your policy wlll automatically provide lhe coverage as of tho daY the revislon is effective in your sEte. O. BODILY INJURY REDERNED Und6r S€ction V - Dollnltlons, Dsflnltlon 3. ls r6plsced by the following: 3, ,,Bodlly lnlury,, moans physlcel lniury, sickness or dlsease sustoined by e person. Thls includos mentai engulsh, mentsl lnlury. shock, fright or death that results from tuch physical iniurY, slck- ness or dlsease. O 2013 Liblrw Mutull lnlurrnco lncludos copv,iohlod m.lcrltl ol lntur!ncc Servicoi Orfloe, lnc.' whh it! p€fmlt8lon.cG 88 10 04 13 Page 7 of 8 P. EXTENDEDPROPERTYOAMAGE ErGIusIon a. oI COVEBAGE A. BODILY IiIJURY A]'ID PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILFY is replaoed by iho following: r. ErPoGt.d or lntendod lnjuTy "Bodily iniury" or "propeny damage" oxpoctsd or intended fiom the stendpolnt of the lnsu.ad. This excluslon doos not apply to "bodily inlury" or "property damage" resulting from lhe use of reasonsble fo186 to protoct persons or prop€rty. O, WAIVER OF TRANSFEB OF RIGHTS OF BECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US . WHEIU REOUIRED IN A CONTBACT OR AGREEMENT WMI YOU Under Ssctlon lV - Commcrcial Gancrel Lhbility Conditlons, tho following is addod to Condition 8. Tnnc- fer (N Raohts Of Rocovory Agalnst (hhers fo U3: W6 waiv€ any rlght of racovery we may have rgEinst a porson or organization beceuso of poymonls w6 make ,or inlury or damsgo arlslng out of your ongolng operatlons or "your work" done undEr I contract wlth thst person or organlzatlon and lncluded ln the "products-completod op6rstions hszard" provlded: l. You 8nd th6t person or organilation have egreod ln wrltlng ln a contncl or agreement that you walve such rlghts ag6lnst that person or orgenization; snd 2. The lnlury or damage occurs subsoquent to tho axeculion ol the writlon conlract or wrltten agrae- ment. O 2or3 Llbany Mutu.l lnsur.not lncludag copyri9htad mli€.itl of lnsuonca Sawtcag Ofllca. lnc,, \rrith ht prrmiario.r.cG 88 10 04 13 Prg. I of I lnsured: Advance Refrigeration & lce Systems, lnc. Policy #BKS56322453 rn the Declaralrons B. Wilh respect to lhe rnsurance alforded to these additional insureds, the lollowing is added lo Secllon lll - Llmlts Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the mosl we will pay on behall ol the additional rnsuted is the amount ol rnsurance: l. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Availabie under the applicable Limits ol lnsurance shown rn lhe Declaralions; whrchever rs less. This endorsement shall nol increase the ap- plicable Ltmtts of lnsuranc€ shown in lhe Dec- larations. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIL]TY cG 20 37 04 t3 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE FEAD TT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS Thrs endorsemenl modifaes insurance provrded under the following: COMMEBCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PBOOUCTS/COMPLETED OPEFIATIONS LIABILITY COVEHAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Ol Additional lnsured Per3on(s) Or Organizstlon(s) Blanket Additional Insured agreed LocEtlon And Deacrlptlon Ol ComplEted Operstlons Work described in writing in the contract, agreement or permit Location (s) at which You performed work described in written contract, agreement or permit. lnlormatron required to complele this Schedule, il not shown above, wrll be shown cG 20 37 04 13 @ lnsurance Services Olfice. lnc. 2012 Page l ol 1 A. Secllon ll - Who b An lnsured rs amended lo include as an additional insured the person(s) or organrzation(s) shown in the Schedule, but only wth respect to liability I0r "bodily rn- jury" or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the localion des- ignated and described in the schedule oI this endorsement performed lor lhal additronal insured and included in the "products-com- pleted operations hazard". However: l. The insurance alforded lo such add{ional insured only applies to lhe extenl permil- ted by law; and 2. It coverage provided to the addfronal rn- sured is required by a contract or agree- ment, the insurance afforded to such additional insured wrll nol be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide lor such addrtional insured. lnsured: Advance Refrigeration & lce systems, lnc. coMMEBcIAL AUTo Poticy No. 8Ass6322453 Ac 85 43 06 18 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage afforded by this endorsement, the provisions of the policy apply unless modified by the endorsement. lf the policy to which this endorsement is attached also contains a Business Auto Coverage Enhancement Endorsemont with a specific slate named in ths title, this endorsement does not apply to vehicles garaged in that specified state. COVERAGE INDEX cr ta lcaT PROVtStO N UMBER ACCIOENTAL AIRBAG DEPLOYMENT AODITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRAC'I, AGREEMENT OR PEBMIT AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS AMENDEO FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTHONIC EOUIPMENT COVERAGE BODILY INJUBY REDEFINED EMPLOYEES AS INSUREOS (lncluding Employee Hired Auto) EXTR,A EXPENSE - BRO,ADEI\ED COVERAGE GLASS REPAIR - WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE HIBED AUTO COVERAGE TEfiRITORY HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE (lncluding Employee Hirad Auto) LOAN / LEASE GAP {Coverage Not Available ln New'York) NEWLY FORMED OB ACOUIRED SUBSIDIARIES PABKEO AUTO COTLISION COVERAGE (WAIVEB OF DEDUCTIBLE} PEHSONAL EFFECTS COVEBAGE PHYSICAL DAMAGE . ADDITIONAL TBANSPORTATION EXPENSE COVERAGE PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTIBLE - VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM PRIMABY AND NON-CONTRIBUTOBY - WRITTEN CONTRACT OR WRITTEN AGBEEMENT RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS TOWING AND LABOR TWO OB MORE DEDUCTIBLES UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS WAIVEB OF TRANSFEB OF BIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHEBS TO US SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE is amended as follows: 1. NEWLY FORMED OR ACOUIRED SUBSIDIARIES SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph A.1. Who ls An lnsured is amended to include the following as an "insured": d. Any legally incorporated subsidiary of which you own more than 50 percent interest during the policy period. Coverage is afforded only for 90 days from the date of acquisition or formation. However, "insured" does not include any organization that: (1) ls a partnership or joint venture; or (2) ls an "insured" under any other automobile policy except a policy written specifically to apply in excess of this policy; or (3) Has exhausted its Limit of lnsurance or had its policy terminated under any other automobile policy. @ 2018 Lrborty Mutuallnsurance AC 85 43 06 18 lncludos copy,rghted matenal of lnsurance Servrces Ofl ce, lnc., wrth rts permrssron. Page 1 of 7 12 3 20 5 14 24 2 10 1A 22 6 1 17 1'l 8 l3 23 4 1 '18 19 21 Coverage under this provision d. does not apply to "bodily injury,,or,'property damage,,that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization. 2. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph A.1. Who ls An lnsured is amended to include thefollowing as an "insured": e. Any "employee" of yours while using a covered "auto" you do not own, hire or borrow but only foracts within the scope oI their employment by you. lnsurance provided by this endorsement is excess over any other insurance available to any "employee". f. Any "employee" ol yours while operating an "auto" hired or borrowed under a written contract oragreement in that "employee's" name, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conduct of your business and within the scope of their employment. lnsurance provided by thisendorsement is excess over any other insurance available to the "employee',. 3. ADOITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRACT, AGFEEMENT OB PERMIT SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Paragraph A.1. Who ls An lnsured is amended to include the following as an "insured": g. Any person or organization with respect to the operation, maintenance or use of a covered "auto", provided that you and such person or organization have agreed in a written contract, written agreement, or permit issued to you by governmental or public authority, to add such person, or organization, or governmental or public authority to this policy as an "insured". However, such person or organization is an "insured": (1) Only with respect to the operation, maintenance or use o, a covered "auto,'; (2) Only tor "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused by an "accident', which takes place afteryou executed the written contract or written agreement, or the permit has been issued to you; and (3) Only for the duration of that contract, agreement or permit. The "insured" is required to submit a claim to any other insure, to which coverage could apply for defense and indemnity. Unless the "insured" has agreed in writing to primary noncontributory wording per enhancement number 24, this policy is excess over any other collectible insurance. 4. SUPPLEMENTARYPAYMENTS SECTION ll - LIABILITY COVERAGE, Coverage Ext6nsions,2.a. Supplementary payments, paragraphs (2f and (a) are replaced by the lollowing: (2) Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (including bonds for related traffic violations) required because of an "accident" we cover. We do not have to furnish these bonds. (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insured" at our request, including actual loss o{ earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. 5. AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION ln those jurisdictions where, by law, fellow "employees" are not entitled to the protection afforded to the employer by the workers compensation exclusivity rule, or similar protection, the following provi- sion is added: SECTION ll . LIABILITY, Exclusion B-5. Fellow Employso does not appty if the "bodily injury,, resutts from the use of a covered "auto" you own or hire if you have workers compensation insurance in force lor all of your "employees" at the time of "loss". This covsrage is excess over any other collectible insurance. SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended as follows: 6. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE Paragraph A.4. Coverage Extensions of SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, is amended by adding the following: lJ hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability Coverage, and it Comprehensive, Specified Causes o, Loss or Collision coverage are provided under the Business Auto Coverage Form for any ,,auto,,you own, then the Physical Damage coverages provided 3re extended to "autos": @ 2018 Ltborty Mutual tnsuranc€ lnc[rdos copyrlghtod mateflalof lnsuranco Servrcos Office, lnc_, with rts perfi!rssron Page 2 ol 7AC 85 43 06 18 a. You hire. rent oI borrow; or b, Your "employee" hires or rents under a written contract or agreement in that "employee's' name, but only if the damage occurs while the vehicle is being used in the conduct of your business, subject to the following limit and deductible: a. The most we will pay for "loss" in any one "accident" or "loss" is the smallest of (1) $50,000; or (2) The actual cash value of the damaged or stolen property as of the time of the "loss"; or (3) The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged or stolen property with other property o, like kind and quality, minus a deductible. b. The deductible will be equal to the largest deductible applicable to any owned "auto" for that coverage. c. Subject to the limit, deductible and excess provisions described in this provision, we will provide coverage equal to the broadest coverage applicable to any covered "auto" you own. d, Subject to a maximum ol $1,000 per "accident", we will aiso cover the actuai ioss of use of the hired "auto" if it results from an "accident". you are legally liable and the lessor incurs an actual financial loss. e. This coverage extension does not apply to: (1) Any "auto" that is hired, rented or borrowed with a driver; or (2) Any "auto" that is hired, rented or borrowed from your "employee" or any member of your "employee's" household. Coverage provided under this extension is excess over any other collectible insurance available at the time of " loss ". ?. TOWING ANO LABOR SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVEBAGE, Paragraph A.2. Towing, is amended by the addition of the following: We will pay towing and labor costs incurred, up to the limils shown below, each time a covered "auto" classified and rated as a private passenger type, "light truck" or "medium truck" is disabled: a. For private passenger type vehicles, we will pay up to $75 per disablement. b. For "light trucks", we will pay up to $75 per disablement. "Light trucks" are trucks that have a gross vehicle weight {GVW) of 10,000 pounds or less. c. For "medium trucks", we will pay up to $150 per disablement. "Medium trucks" are trucks that have a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 10,001 - 20,000 pounds. However, the labor must be performed at the place of disablement. 8. PHYSICAL DAMAGE - ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE COVEBAGE Paragraph A.4.a. Coverage Extensions, Transportation Expenses of SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, is amended to provide a limit of $50 per day and a maximum limit o, $1,500. 9. RENTALBEIMBURSEMENT SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Covorage, is amended bv adding the following: a. We will pay up to $75 per day for rental reimbursement expenses incurred by you for the rental of an "auto" because of "accident" or "loss", to an "auto" for which we also pay a "loss" under Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or Collision Coverages. We will pay only for those ex- penses incurred after the first 24 hours following the "accident" or "loss" to the covered "auto." b. Bental Reimbursement requires the rental of a comparable or lesser vehicle, which in many cases may be substantiatty less than $75 per day, and will only be allowed for the period of time it should take to repair or replace the vehicle with reasonable speed and similar quality, up to a msximum of 30 days. c, We will also pay up to $500 for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by you to remove and replace your tools and equipment from the covered "auto" This limit is excess over any other collectible insurance. @ 2018 L,beny Mrtual lnsurance lncludes copyrightad matorral of lnsurance Sdrvlc6s Olfrce, Inc., wih rts pormrsslonAC 85 43 06 18 Page 3 of 7 d. This coverage does not apply unless you have a business necessity that other "autos" available for your use and operation cannot fill. €. lf "loss" results front the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger type, we will pay under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement expenses which is not alreadyprovided under Paragraph 4. Coverage Extension. f. No deductible applies to this coverage. g. The insurance provided under this extension is excess over any other collectible insurance. ll this policy also provides Bental Reimbursement Coverage you purchased, the coverage provided by this Enhancement Endorsement is in addition to the coverage you purchased. For the purposes of this endorsement provisioo, materials and equipment do not include "personal effects" as defined in provisioo 11.8. TO. EXTRA EXPENSE . BROADENED COVERAGE Under SECTION lll - PHYSICAL OAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, we will pay for the expense of returning a stolen covered "auto" to you. The maximum amount we will pay is 9],000. 1I. PERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE A. SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, is amended by adding the fo owing: lf you have purchased Comprehensive Coverage on this policy for an "auto, you own and that "auto" is stolen, we will psy, without application of a deductible, up to 9600 for ,'personal etfects,, stolen with the "auto. " The insurance provided under this provision is excess over any other collectible insurance. B. SECTION V - OEFINITIONS is amended by adding the following: For the purposes of this provision, "personal effects" mean tangible property that is worn or carried by an "insured." "Personal effects" does not include tools, equipment, jewelry, money or securi- ties. 12. ACCIOENTAL AIRBAG DEPLOYMENT SECTION lll - PHYSICAL OAMAGE COVERAGE, B. Exclusions is amended by adding the fo owing: lf you have purchased Comprehensive or Collision Coverage under this policy, the exclusion ror "loss" relating to mechanical breakdown does not apply to the accidental discharge of an airbag. Any insurance we provide shall be excess over any other collectible insurance or reimbursement by manufacturer's warranty. However, we agree to pay any deductible applicable to the other coverage or wa rra nty. 13. PHYSICAL DAMAGE DEDUCTIBLE . VEHICLE TBACKING SYSTEM SECTION lll - PHYSICAL OAMAGE COVERAGE, D. Deductible, is amended by adding the foltowing. Any Comprehensive Deductible shown in the Declarations will be reduced by 50o/. for any "loss" caused by theft if the vehicle is equipped with a vehicle tracking device such as a radio tracking device or a global position device and that device was the method of recovery of the vehicle. 14. AUOIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC EOUIPMENT COVERAGE SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, B. Exclusions, Paragraph a. of the exception to exctu- sions 4.c. and 4.d. is deleted and replaced with the following: Exclusions 4.c. and 4.d. do not apply to: a- Electronic equipment that receives or transmits audio, visual or data siqnals, whether or not de- sig ned solely for the reproduction o, sound, if the equipment is: (1) Permanently installed in the covered "auto" at the time of the "loss" or removable from a housing unit that is permanently installed in the covered "auto"; and (2) Designed to be solely operated by use from the power from the "auto's" electrical system; and (3) Physical damage coverages are provided for the covered "auto". lf the "loss" occurs solely to audio, visual or data electronic equipment or accessories used with this equipment, then our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stolen property will be reduced by a $100 deductible. O 2018 L'be.ry Mutual lnsurance lncludes oopyrlghted mdteflsl of lnsurance Sarvices Office, lnc., wrth ris permtssronAC 85 43 06 18 Page 4 of 7 15. LOAN / LEASE GAP COVERAGE (Not Applicsble ln New York) A. Paragraph C. Limit Of lnsurance of SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended by adding the following: The most we will pay for a 'total loss" to a covered "auto" owned by or leased to you in any ooe "accident" is the greater of the: 1. Balance due under the terms of the loan or lease to which the damaged covered "auto" js subject at the time of the " loss" less the amount of: a. Overdue payments and financial penalties associated wilh those payments as of lhe date of the "loss"; b. Financial penalties imposed under a lease due to high mileag6, excessive use or abnormal wear and tear; c. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life lnsurance, Health. Accident or Disability Insur- ance purchased with the loan or lease; d. Transter or rollover balances from previous loans or leases; a. Final payment due under a "Balloon Loan"; t. The dollar amount of any unrepaired damage which occurred prior to the "total loss" of a coYered "auto" g. Securitv deposits not refunded by a lessor; h. All refunds payable or paid to you as a result of the early termination of a lease agreement or as a result of the early termination of any warranty or extended service agreement on a covered "auto"; i. Any amount representing taxes; j. Loan or lease termination tees; or 2. The actual cash value of the damage or stolen property as o{ the time of the ' loss" An adiustment ror depreciation and physical condition will be made in determining the actual cash value 8t the time ol the " loss". This adjustment is not applicable in Texas. B. AdditionalConditions This coverage applies only to the original loan for which the covered "auto" that incurred the " loss " seryes as collateral, or lease written on the covered " a uto" that incurred the " loss". C. SECTION V - DEFINITIONS is changed by adding the following: As used in this andorsement provision, the following definitions apply: "Total loss" means a "loss" in which the cost of repairs plus the salvage value excesds the actual cash value. A "balloon loan" is one with periodic payments that are insufficient to repay the balance over the term of the loan, therebY requiring a large final payment. 16. GLASS REPAIR . WAIVER OF OEDUCTIBLE Paragraph D. Deductible of SECTION lll - PHYSTCAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended by the addition of the following: No deductible applies to glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than replaced. r7. PARKED AUTO COLLISION COVEBAGE (WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE) Paragraph D. Osductibls of SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended by the addition of the following i The deductible does not apply to "loss" caused by collision to such covered "auto" of the privata passenger type or light weight truck with a gross vehicle weight o, 10,000 lbs. or less as defined by the manufacturer as maximum loaded weight the "auto" is designed to carry while it is: a. ln the charge of an "insured"; b. Legally parked; and c. U noccupied. ac 85 43 06 l8 Page 5 of 7 @ 20lE Lrbe(y Mulual Insurance lnclud6s copyflghted matenal of lnsurance Sorvlces OfIice, lnc., with lts permrssion The "loss must be reported to the police authorities within 24 hours of known damage. The total amount of the damage to the covered "auto" must exceed the deductible shown in the Decla rations. This provision does not apply to any "loss" if the covered "auto" js in the charge of any person ororganization engaged in the automobile business. 18. TWO OB MOBE DEOUCTIBLES Under SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, if two or more company policies or coverageforms apply to the same "accident", the Iollowing applies to paragraph D. Deductible: a. lf the applicable Business Auto deductible is the smaller (or smallest) deductible, it willbe waivediol b. lf the applicable Business Auto deductible is not the smaller {or smallest) deductible, it will bereduced by the amount of the smaller (or smallest) deductible; or c. lf the "loss" involves two o. more Business Auto coverage forms or policies. the smaller (or smallest) deductible will be waived. For the purpose of this endorsement, company means any company that is part of the Liberty Mutual Group. SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONOITIONS is amended as follows; 19. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZAFDS SECTION lV- BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, Paragraph 8.2. is amended by adding rhe foltowing: lf you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards, exposures or material facts existing as of the incep-tion date or renewal date of the Business Auto Coverage Form, the coverage afforded by this policy will nol be prej udiced. However, you must report the undisclosed hazard of exposure as soon as practicable after its discovery, and we have the right to collect additional premium for any such hazard or exposure. 20. AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, Paragraph A.z.a. is replaced in its entirery by the follow-ing: a- ln the event of "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss", you must promptly notify us when it is known to: (1) You. if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; (3) M6mber, if you are a limited liability company; (41 An executive officer or the "employe€" designated by the Named lnsured to give such notice, ifyou are a corporation. To the extent possible, notice to us should include: (a) How, when and where the "accident" or "loss" took place; (b) The "insured's" name and address; and (c) The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses. 21. WAIVER OF TRANSFEB OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERV AGAINST OTHEBS TO US SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, Paragraph A.5. Transfer Of Bights Of Recovery Against Others To Us, is amended by the addition of the following: l, the person or organization has in a written agreement waived those rights before an "accident" or"loss", our rights are waived also. 22. HIRED AUTO COVERAGE TERRITORY SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, Paragraph B-7. Policy Period, Coverage Territo.y, is amended by the addition of the following: f. For "autos" hired 30 days or less, the coverage territory is anywhere in the world, provided that the"insured's' responsibility to pay for damages is determined in a "suit", on the merits, in the Unitod States, the territories and possessions of the United States o, Am6rica, Puerto Rico or Canada or in a Settlement we agree to. @ 2018 LrbortY MurLral lnsurance AC 85 43 06 18 lncludes copynghted matenal of lnsurance Sorvrces offrco, lnc., wrth rts pormrssron Page 6 of 7 This extension of coverage does not apply to an 'auto' hired, leased, rented or borrowed with a d river. 23. PRIMARY AND NON.CONTRIBUTING IF REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR WRITTEN AGREE. MENT The {ollowing is added to SECTION lV - BUSINESS AUTO CONOITIONS, General Conditions, B.5. Other lnsurancs and supersedes any provision to the contrary i This Coverage Form's Covered Autos Lrability Coverage is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available lo an "insured" under your policy provided thatl 1. Such "insured" is a Named lnsured under such other insurance; and 2. You have agreed in a written contract or written agreement that this insurance would be primary and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to such 'insured". SECTION V - OEFINITIONS is amended as follows: 24. BODILY INJURY REDEFINED Under SECTION V - DEFINITIONS, Definition C. is replaced by the following: "Bodily injury" means physical injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including mental anguish, mental injury. shock. friqht or death resulting from any of these at any time. @ 2018 Lrbe(y Mutrrallnsurrnce lnclodes copynght6d matorr.l or lnsurance Serylcos Ot{lc€. lnc., with lts permlssronAC 85 43 06 18 Page 7 of 7 lnsured:Advance Refrigeration & lce Systems, lnc PClt,lCY NUMtsER: 8KS50322453 CC..,;EFCI.A,L GENEITAL LIABII,ITY TIiiS EI\JO(IRSEME T CHANGES]'HE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CABEFI.'LLY. EARLIER NOTICE OF CANCELLATIOT{ PROVIDED BY US This endorsement modifies iosurance provided under the follo','/ing: COMMEBCIAL GENERAL LIABILII'Y COVEflAGE PABT LIOUCR LIABILITY COVERAGE PAET POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETEO OPEBATIONS LIABILITY COVEEAGE PABl' SCI-IEOULE Numbor of Days' Notice 30 (lJ no entry appears above, inforrtation r6quired to coinplete this Schedule will be shown in the Dsclaralions as appiicuble to lhis endolsement.) For any statulorily perntittecl reason other than nonpayment of pfen]ium, the number o{ days required for notice of cancellation, as provided in paragraph 2, ol eilher the CANCELLATION Common Policy Condition or as amended by an applicable state cancellation endorsement. is increased to lhe numbei of days shown in the Schedule above. cG 02 24 10 93 Copyright lnsurance Services Olfice, lnc , 1992