2022/10/28 Absolute Software Corporation and Absolute Software, Inc.CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ISSUE DATE YYVY/MM/oD 2022111t01 BROKER HUB lnternational HKMB Limited 595 Bay Street, Ste 900 Toronto, ON M5G 2E3 PHON E: 416-597-0008 FAX: 416-597-2313 HUB This certiticato is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rjghts upon th. c€rtlficate holder and imposes no liability on the insu.er. This cerlificate does not amend, extend oraltertho cov6rage afforded by the policles below Company Chubb lnsurance Company of Canada - A-l\,4. Best A++ Company B Company CINSURED'S FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS Absolute Software Corporation and Absolute Software, lnc. 1055 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 1400 Four Bentall Centre Vancouver. BC V7X 1Kg Canada Company D Company E COVERAGES subieci io all lerms excLusions and cond lions of such pol cies LlMlrs sHowN MAy HAVE BEEN REoucED By pArD cLArMs TYPE OF INSURANCE co LTR POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE YYYY/Mlvl/DO EXPIRY DATE YYYYI\,{M/OO LIMITS OF LIABILITY (Canadian dollars unless inclicated otherwise) ! cL,lm,rs r,rloe [] occunrirruce E PRoDUcrs AND/oR COMPLETEO OPERATIONS E PERSoNAL INJURY I euerovrn's lreetrrv E TENANT,S LEGAL LIABILITY E NoN-owNED AUTor'4oBrLE [] Hrneo lurouoarre 36022681 (All limits in USD) 2022114t28 2023110128 S 1.000.000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s 1.000.000 PRODUCTS. COMPi OP AGGREGATE 5 1000.000 PERSONAL INJURY $ 1,000,000 E[IPLOYER'S LIABILITY $ 1,000,000 TENANT'S LEGAL LIABILITY $ i,ooo,ooo NON.OWNED AUTOMOBILE $ 1,000,000 HIRED AUTOIT/OAILE $50,000 AUIOUOAIE LIABILITY! oescnraeo lulolroerLes ! lrl owHeo ,lurouostres E LEASEo AUToMoBiLES - E GARAGE LrABrLr]'/ tr BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED S BODILY INJURY (Per person)$ BODILY INJI]RY (Per accldenl)s PROPERTY OAMAGE s D UM8RELLA FoRM E oTHER THAN UMBRELLA FoRM EACH OCCURRENCE s AGGREGATE S OTHER (SPECIFY)s s $ $ $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/AUTOMOBILES/SPECIAL ITEMS TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE APPLIES (but on y with espet lo rhe op€ralions or the Named rnsued) The Certificate Holder is added as Additional lnsured(s) to the Commercial General Liability Policy but only insofar as their legal liability arises, vicarjously. out of operations performed by, or on behalf of, the Named lnsured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of l\,4enifee 29844 Haun Road [,4enifee. CA 92586 Should anyofth6 above described policies be cancellBd befo.e lhe expiration date thereof, the issuing company will endeavor lo mail 30 days wrilton nolice to the ceatificate holder named lo lhe leff. bul failure lo mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability ol any kind upon tho company, its agenls or represenlatives. AI JTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Per: EACH OCCURRENCE 4z"a-