2021/10/08 Sturgeon Electric California, LLC (3)<jAD' COVEFAGES CEBTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBEF: 1687183873 NEVISION NUMBER: oAE 0ax/DD,1YYY) 14tU2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFONMATION ONLY AND CONFEBS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIHCATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY ON NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OF ALTEF THE COVEBAGE AFFOROEO BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CEBTIFICATE OF INSUBANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTBACT BETWEEN THE ISSUII{G INSURER(S), AUTHOFIZED REPRESETITATIVE OR PROOUCER, AND THE CEFNFICATE HOLOEH. IMPORTANT: It the certilicale holder ls .n ADOITIONAL lNsuFED, the pollcy(ies) must h.ve ADDITIONAL lNSUBED provisions or be endorsed lf SUBROGATION tS WA|VED, lublect to the terms rnd condltlons of the pollcy, cerlaln pollcier msy requhe En ondoraement. A slatemenl on thls cerllllcale does nol conter rightg tg thc cenlllcrte holder ln lleu ol such €ndorsemcnt(s). ptoDticEF Arthur J. Gallaghsr Risk Managemont Servicas. lnc 2850 Golf Road Rolling Meadows lL 60008 DlSUhEO Sturgoon Electric Californra, LLC 13501 Benson Av€nue Chino CA 91710 -d6nrrcr'Shannon LenE E 630.285-4418 -----ir 530-285-3922 shannon Ientl@alg coryr INSURE S)AffOFOING COVERAGE Arc' ] 18535INSUBEF A Zurich American lnsurance Company rnsuatal-499!!ann€ lnsJrance Company .-_?2a37 20070INSUREF C INSUF€F D INSUBEF € Natronal Fi16 & Mannc lh6urance Co THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSUBANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANOING ANY REOUINEMENT. TERM OF CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH FESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED 8Y THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUEJECT TO ALL THE TERIVS, EXCLUSIONS ANO MNDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN FEOUCEO BY PAID CLAI[/lS, NAi,,tEO ABOVE FOF THE POLICY PERIOD !lrtI5TYPE OF INS IJRANC E POUC Y NUM6EF G1O0186r 1706 x EACHOCCURAENCE S2.000 000.StrAGETdFEN.IET T. - . . PqElrlsEs iEa ocaJn6.ccl I S r(ru'uuu PFOOUCrc Co,''PIOP AGG $ 1018no21 , 10t0n022 GENEFAL AGGFEGATE OIHE X Co|IIIEHCIAI GEIIEFAL IIAAIUTY - "r^,ra-rooa 1 *"r" MED EXP (Any orle p.lnF) t 10.000 PEasoNALr Aov TNJUFY 32.000.000 t4.000 000 $4.000.000 GEN L AC'oBEGATE LIMIT APPLTES PEB . "or"" iIl SPco; ' - Loc 8AP018611806 AIJTOS ONLY c 10t5no21 1U8nO22 BODILY INJUBY 1Pr. p.Bon) SCI"IEOULEDAUIOSN(N OWNED r2 000,000 $ AUTOAOEI€ UAAlllTY -PBoPaBT't -Di^.tAoE s 6100.000 O SINGLE LIMII OWNEO - AUTOS CI'JLY HIFED AUIOS ONLY 10tat2021 10/82022 :Elcj!99q!E!g:_ l! l?92SRD307196/1210605 AGGFIEGAIE t 12.000.000 UTAFEIIALIAB x- ercess u^r !. occua CLI]MS-MADE BETENIION$-TDEO c !v0BKEBSCOTPE|{S 1tor AI{o :IIPLOYEAS' LIABILIWA YPFTOPFIETOR,PABTNEREX€CUTIVE OTfl CERMEMSEREXCLUOED?([.ndrrory ln t{X) wco18611006 ATt]TE s 1,000 000 1otgt2o2t 1oBno22 X EFI !,,009.099 ! 1.000 000 E L EACH ACCIOENT EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYE E L. OiSEASE. FOTOY llMrlDESCRPNON OF OPEBA $3 500.000MXt93069696101812021 10/8/2022 si6 8. ow oEscFtpTlot{ oF opEn^noB} / LocAlor{s, vEhtcLES (ACOFD 1or, Addrlron l a.l. r &h.dri., mry b. .llEh.d ll morc.P.c. l. r.qu[.ll) FJ-iii *t ti te:oo969Z -Fropirty ftoator - covcrod Propcrty - lVat.rials ol Oth6r6 rn thc c aro Custody and control ofNamed Insur.d CERTIFICATE HOLDEH CANCELLANON 1770 City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee CA 92562 S}X)ULO ANY OF TTIE ABOVE DESCTiIBEO POUCIES BE CAXCELLED BEFOfiE THE EXPINANON DATE THEBEOF, I{OTICE WILL 8E DELIVEFEO IN ACCORDANCE wllH THE POLICY PROVISIOI{S. Wry: @ 1988-2015 ACOHD CORPOHATION. All rlghts reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03)Th€ ACOHO nsme and logo are reglsterod marks of ACOHD 2'ol2 7724 gOO,rV rl.r,rrlnv fP" "*,0"",f1 I I Arlhur J. Gallagher Risk lvlanagement Services, lnc. 2850 Golf Road Rolling Meadows, lL 60008 7724 ',t MB 0.482 rllrlrlrrrrrrlrrrrrrrrlrl,,,ll,llll,,,rt,il,,,ltt'h,,,tll,lrrlll 7724 1770 CITY OF MENIFEE 29714 HAUN RD t\,4ENtFEE. CA 92586-6540 We are providing you with a Certificate of lnsurance confirming our client's coverage. Want to get certificates of insurance faster? "Go Green with Gallaghef' by receiving digital copies of certificates via e-mail in the future. Or, do you no longer require a certificate of insurance for our client? Please contact us at COl.UpdateMyEmail@AJG.com and provide the following information for processing: 1. Confirmation that a certificate of insurance is no longer required; or2. E-mail address to send future certificates of insurance in lieu of u.S, Mail delivery3. lnsured Code found in the lnsured section on the enclosed certificate. An example of this code is XXXXXX-o]4. This Certificate Number: 1687183873 To learn more about the lnsurance and Risk Management Services offered by Gallagher, please visit us at www, ajg, com/u s/about-us/how-we-work/core-360. Gallagher does not share your e-mail as detailed in our privacy policy found at https;//wwwaig.com/us/privacy-policy/ 1" ol2 7724