2021/01/14 Siino, Kitty and Associates, Inc. Karen S. Siino, Kitty S. SiinoACo.F,i7"INSURANCE BINDER COVERAGES NAME & AOORESS LIMITS X NOON IHls AINOER IS ISSUEO'TO EXTENO COVERAGE IN THE AAOVE NAMEO COIIPAI{Y PER EIPIRING POLICY ' 05t17 t2021 12:01 11 117 t2021 00004087 949 218-1020 e)220948 THIS BINDER IS A TEMPORARY INSURANCE CONTRACT SUBJECT TO fHE CONDITIONS SHOWN ON PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM. Mercu lnsurance Co coos,045101 n Karen Siino 1 171 Smoketree Lane INSIIREO AXO MAILING AOORESS ta Ana 705 oEscRlPlloN ol oPERAlrolr3 , vEHlcLEs, PRoPERTY {t^orudha !..rrion) 2018 JAGUAR E-PACE SE AWD SADFPzFX7J1214428 [ ""o^o ! "0." OEI{ERAL LI,ABILITY | "o^rr.*",o. ".".*.,'o"','rtI ..^'u"uoo. f lo""u" PROOUCTS COMP/OP AGGRETRO OATE FOR CLA MS MAOF PERSONA! A AOV LNJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE 5 s s s s s00 0 100 2 000 250 000 000 000SCI]EDI,]LEDAUTOS HIREOAIJTOSONLY NON.OWNEOAUTOS ONLY x aoo COMBINEOSINGLELMT !NTNSUFEo roroRrsr l4 Ei4i0 I]N]NSLJREDMOIOR SI PERSONAL IN.JURY PROI !!eqq\!ItM!!rs s 250 000s 500.000 X X cotLtstoN OTHER TI1AN COL 500 250 X actuel crsr ver STATED AMOUNT !ALL VEHICLES ff, ] screoureove*c.es s vEHrcLE PHYSTCA! 0A AGE oEo i AUIO ONLY - EA ACC DENT OTHER TI]AN AUTO ONLY EACIACCIDENT l OTHER THAN UMBRELIA FORM REIRO OATE FOR CLAiMS MAOE SELF.INSI]RFI] RFIFNION s EL OISEASE POLCY LMIT EL OISEASE E^ EMPLOY€E E L EACII ACC OENIWORKER!S COIPENSATIOX Ef,PLOYER'S LIABIIITY PERSTATUIE s 5 TAXES 3 XLENOER'S LOSS PAYABLE Loss PAYEE I vocrcaoee Additional lnterestCity of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Laura Wse acoRD 75 (2016103) Pago I ot 2 @ 1903"2016 AGORD CORPORATIO . All rights rEsorvod Tho ACORO namg and logo aro roglstarqd marks of ACORD Printed by LMW on Septembet 22.2021 alO2:04PM Ortega Ranch lnsurance Agency, Inc. 27221 Ortega Hwy, Suite # D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 lUB COOE: t oArE rnr,Do,ryyy)I oszztzozt D€OtrcTtElr cort!* arouirT I 3 I EACHoccuRRENCE I DaMA-6E-toI RENTEDPREM]SIS s AGGREGATE t I ll AGENcY cusroMER lo: 00004087 CONDITIONS This Company binds the kind(s) of insurance stipulated on page 1 oI this fom. The lnsurance is subjecl to the terms, conditions and limitations of the policy(ies) in current use by the Company. This binder may be cancelled by the lnsured by surrender of this binder or by written notice to the Company stating when cancellation will be effective. This binder may be cancelled by the Company by notice to the lnsured in accordance with the policy conditions. This binder is cancelled when replaced by a policy. lI this binder as not replaced by a policy, the Company is entitled to charge a premium for the binder according to the Rules and Rates in use by the Company. Applicable in Arizona Binders are effective for no more than ninety (90) days. Applicable in California When this form is used to provide insurance in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more, the title of the form is changed from "lnsurance Binde/'to "Cover Note". Applicable in Colorado With respect to binders issued to renters of residential premises, home owners, condo unit owners and mobile home owners, the insurer has thirty (30) business days, commencing from the effeclive date of coverage, to evaluate lhe issuance of the insurance policy. Applicable in Delaware The mortgagee or Obligee of any mortgage or other instrument given for the purpose of qeating a lien on real property shall accept as evrdence of insurance a written binder issued by an authorized insurer or its agent if the binder includes or is accompanied by. the name and address of the bonower; the name and address of lhe lender as loss payee; a desqiption of the insured real property; a provision that the binder may not be c.anceled within the term of the binder unless the lender and the insured borrower receive written notice of the cancellation at least ten (10) days prior to the cancellationi except in the case of a renewal of a policy subsequent to the closing of the loan, a paid receipt of the full amount of the applicable premium, and the amount of insurance coverage. Chapter 21 Title 25 Paragraph 21 19 Applicable in Florida Except for Auto Insurance coverage, no notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of a binder is required unless the duration of the binder exceeds 60 days. For auto insurance, the insurer must give 5 days prior notice, unless the binder is replaced by a policl or another binder in the same company Applicable in Maryland The insurer has 45 business days, commencing from the effective date of coverage to confirm eligibility for coverage under the insurance policy. Applicable in Michigan The policy may be cancelled at any time at the request of the insured Applicable in Montana No binder shall be valid beyond the issuance of the polacy with respect to which it was given or beyond g0 days from iis efrec,tive date, whichever period is the shorter. lf the policl has not been issued, a binder may be extended or renewed beyond such 90 days with the written approval of the insurer. Applicable in Nevada Any person who refuses to accept a binder which provides coverage of less than $1,000,000.00 when proof is required: (A) Shall be fined not more lhan $500.00, and (B) is liable to the party presenting the binder as proof of insurance for actual damages sustained therefrom. Applicable in Oklahoma All policies shall expire at 12:01 a.m. standard time on the expiration date stated in the policy. Applicable in Oregon Binders are effective for no more than ninety (90) days. A binder extension or renewal beyond such 90 days would require the written approval by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services. Applicable in the Virgin lslands This binder is effective for only ninety (90) days. Wthin thirty (30) days of receipt oI lhis binder, you should request an insurance policy or certificate (if applicable) from your agent and/or insurance company. ACORD 7s (2016/03)Page 2 ol2 Printed by LMWon September 22, 2021 at 02 04PM 712712021 Personalumbrella Program for Agents & Brokers Markel lnsurance Company Personal and Business Owner's Umbrella Declarations nmf,n" Nam€d Insured: Scott And Karen Siino 1171 Smoke Tree Ln Santa Ana CA 92705-2328 Policy No: MPU0060213-01 Administered Byj PersonalUmbrella. com P O. Box 8586 Emeryville, CA 94662 (800)564-1799 Insurance Services, Inc. IlDUP 1000 (05/19) Umbrella Declaration (Page 1 of 1) Brokeri Ortega Ranch Insurance Agency, Inc 27221 Ortega Highway Suite O San luan Capistrano CA 92675 Contacti Steve Carey Phone: 949-218-1020 Policy Period: 8/14/2O2L To A/A/2022 (12r01 AIY standard time at the address of the Insured.) Authorized Rep_ICSCltallyCS! lohn K. Clark t( Order ID:170829 INVIDr1653188 Doc#:l Issue Date:issuedate Producer Print Date: 7/27l2021 Coverage A: Bodily Injury, Personal Injury, Advertising Injury and Property Damage Liability Coverage Limits of Liability for Each Loss: $1,000.000 * Policy Total Limit: Not applacable * The Policy Total Limit shown in this policy's Declarations for Coverage A is the most we wall pay for all losses arising out of business operations and/or business property during each policy period. Coverage B: Excess Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists Bodily Injury Coverage Limits of Liability for Ea€h Loss: Policy Total Limit: $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Self Insured Retention: None ($0) charges Policy Premium: Total Policy Premium: $1,934 $1,934 MUP 0001 (05/19) MJrL 1000 (06/10) Endorsements Attached to this Policy at Time of Issue:MDUP 1000 (05/19) r.4DUP 1001 (05/19) i4rL 1214 (09/17) MPrL 1073-CA (05/14) MPUP 1004-CA (05/r9)State and Privacy Notices: MPUP 100s-cA (0s/1s) MPIL 1007 (01/20) MPrL 1083 (04/15) h(ps://www.personalumbrella.com/midmic_order_dec.asp tr &"k- Attached to and forming a part of Form: 7 t27 t2021 Personalumbrella Program for Agents & Brokers Umbrella Schedule Effective Date: 8/ L4 /2021 Expiration Datet I / t4 / 2022 Personal Property Following are the locations declared in your applicataon covered under a Personal Liability or Homeo!/ners policy Primary lnsurance Company & Limits of Liability (in thousands) l.4ercury $500 14740 U.S.95 Blythe CA- Personal Resjdence Aegis $500 480 S. Grand St Orange CA- Rental Residence Travelers $500 478 S. Grand St Orange CA- Rental Residence Travelers $s00 2731 E Lomita Ave Orange CA- Rental Residence Safeco $5oo Drivers Date of Birth Drivers License # Karen Siino o7/03/1951 cA - N3419513 Scott J. Siino o8/2311960 cA N5664551 Personal Automobiles Following are personal vehicles listed in this policy and covered under a peEonal auto policy Personal Automobiles Primary Insurance Company & Limit of Liability (in thousands) 2018 laguar E-Pace IYercury $250/500/ 100 1935 Ford Model 50 1/2 ton truck Hagerty Classic Ins $250/500,/ 100 1991 Harley Davidson FXSTS springer Softa Progressive $250/500/r00 Personal Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Following are policies covering uninsured motorist listed in this policy and covered under a personal auto policy Primary Insurance Company & Limit of Liability (in thousands) Mercury/Hagerty Classic Insg250/500 Progressive $2s0ls00 Description Primary Insurance Company & Limit of Liability (in thousands) 2006 SeaDoo Bombardier - xcc/xmph - Uniicensed Vehicles/Jetski Safeco $s00 2OO5 HONDA MARINE AQUATRAX F.12X . xcc/xmph - Unlicensed Vehicles/Jetski Safeco $s00 2OO2 YAMAHA WAVE RUNNER FX1 . xcc/xmph. Unlicensed Vehicles/JetSka Safeco $500 Losses arising out of ! property, auto, unllcensed vehicle or watercraft that is acquired or leased durirg th€ policy period are cov€red by this pollcy rfthcy a.e cover€d by your primary insurance listed aboye or another rcplacement insurtnce company A.l.l. Best rated B+ (vII) or higher. https://wwwpersonalumbrella.com/midmic_order_dec.asp 214 Policy No: MPU0060213-01 Covered Personsr Scott And Karen Siino Personal Umbrella Personal Drivers Following are the drivers declared in your application and are the only drivers who live in your household and/or regulariy drive your vehicles. Unlicensed Vehicles, ,etskis & watercraft Following are unlicensed vehicles, jet skis and watercraft listed in this policy and covered under a liability policy. Personal Residences, Rentals or Vacant Land 1171 Smoke Tree Ln Santa Ana CA- Personal Residence o.Qo' 09t22t2021 rHE CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPOI{ THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRI|IATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROEO BY THE POLICIESBELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF TNSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A COi{TRACT BETWEEN THE tSSU[{c TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESEI{TATIVE OR PRODUCER, ANO T}IE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf the cedticato hold€r l! an AOOITIONAL INSURED! the pollcy(16!) mult h.ve ADDITIONAL INSURED provlalon. or be endo6ed.f SUaROGATIOI lS WAIVED, rublect to tho tarma rnd condition! of the pollcy, cortlln pollciea may r€qulre .n endoBem.nt. A ltrtemsnt onthll certltlcate does not confer rights to the csrlifictte holder in lieu ofsuch endorsement(!) LIA ADMINISTRATORS & INSURANCE SERVICES PO BOX 1319 SANTA BARBARA CA 93102.1319 DANA DAMI o 805-963-6624 -0652 AFFOROII!G COVEiAGE ruuatee,SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. I l1OOO rlunED SllNO, KITTY & ASSOCTATES INC KAREN S, SIINO/ KITTY S SIINO 115 E. 2ND STREET, SUITE 1OO TUSTIN, CA 92780 tD# 161352 nsunrna,ASPEN AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 43464 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUI,lBER: CANCELLATION @ 1988-20'15 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD nahe and logo arc rogistercd marks of ACORD THIS IS TO CERTIFY IHAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED AELOW HAVE AEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSUREO NAMED AAOVE FOR THE POIICY PERIOD INOICATEO, NOIWTHSIANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONIRACT OR OTI]ER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSUFIANCE AFFOROEO BY TI]E POTICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUEJECT TO ALT THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMIIS SHOUA MAY HAVE BEEN REOUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS COf TIERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIIY Y GEN'L AGGREGATE LIU T APPL ES PER L ] JECI X 72SBM8A9637 12tO6t202 12t06t2A2i , 1,000,000r 1.000.000r 10,000 PREM S€S rE.o@m^a) MEO EXP (Anr o.. ts.oi) PERSONAL & ADV NJURY r 1000,000 s 2,000,000 PRODUCTS COMP/OP AGG r 2,000,000 HIRED SCH€DIJLEO COMBINED SING!E L MIT 5 BODILY INJU RY (Pd .ed.nr)I s 9 I s llORXEil COraPEr'lSATlON AXD EiTPIOYERS' LAAILIIY ANY PROPRIETOR/P^RTNER'DGCUT]VE OFF CER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? RIPTION OF OPERATIONS bdd s s s EL D SENSE EAEMPIOYEE E L DSEASE POLICY LIMIT B AAt004502-06 01t14t2021 01t141202i $1,000,000 EACH c $2 000,000 AGGRE LAIM SATE OEICRImO OT OP€RATIOi{3, tOC llON!,vEHrctAl OCOiO 101,lddldo lR. rb !ct.duh, tuyt .ttr.h.a t .L.p.o L -qut.dl REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERVICES THE BELOW CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED WITH RESPECTS TO THE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY CITY OF MENIFEE 29844 HAUN ROAD IV1ENIFEE, CA 92586 L SHOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRANON OATE THEREOF, NONCE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCOROANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, .2-_<___-r CERTIFICATE HOLDER ACORD 2s (2016/03) E BODILY INJURY (P.r p.rsn) E PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ^Jlr,oRsEo ?'E"RE=N'^M R--/4'