2021/08/01 Harris & Associates, Inc. (3)COVERAGES I GERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAIE (UI/DD/YYYY} 08 t 02/202L THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CO}'IFERS NO RIGHTS UPOI{ THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES I{OT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY A ENO, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. TH|S CERTTFTCATE OF |NSURAT{CE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A COr{TRACT BETWEEN THE TSSUTNG TNgURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. IMPORTANT: lf tho c.rtlticato hold.r i. !n ADoITIONAL INSURED, th. policy(io.) mult havo ADDITIONAL INSURED p.ovl.lonr or bo 6ndo..od. ll SUBROGATION lS WA|VEo, rubroct to th. terma lnd condltlona of the pollcy, cartsln pollclos nay roqulro !n endorashont. A datom€nt on thir cortlflcele do6s not confor ohls lo lho certiflcrto holdor ln llou ot luch .ndorlomant(B). piooucER LXC *0757776 800-817-{550 firrB lDt.lutloDil hiur6nc. s.rvlc.. tnc. P,0. Box {047 coocord, cl 9452{ os,l Tar 92s 6 09 -6500 925 509-5550 ll{3URER(S) AFFOROTNG COVERAOE rxluiER^, vaIrI/8Y EOAga ItlS CO 205 08 INSURERS, COIIIINEITTI! CIS CO 20]t41 c, cotatrNENrrl, rNs co 35289 Dt!uiEosfil. & lr.oclit.. IDc. at!D! au.an to.trllllag 1{01 rtIlol. Pa.. Roaal, 8ult. 500 corcord, cA 94520 usr tNluREnD. tRtvELlRg PROP C-A8 CO Ol IXER 25611 ffi ; Z cERTtF|CATE NUtigER: 53510{185 REVISION NUMBER: THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEO ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INOICATEO. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER OOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOROED 8Y THE POLICIES OESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE EEEN REOUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS, x COHTERCl T GENEFAL LIABILITY OCCUR x D.d! 0 GEN'L AGGREGATE L]MIT APPLIES PER: JECT x LOC x x 6072t7 57 39 ogtoL/2t I 08lo:.l22 t 1,000,000 OAMAGE IO RENTEO PRE[.!ISES lE. @urin6)31,000,000 MEo EXP (aiy on. p.tun)I 15,000 3 1,000,000PERSONAL&AOV NJURY PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG t 2,000,000 12.000,000 I B AIJTOXOBI(EI.IABILIIY x AUTOSONLY HratE0 D.d: 0 SCHEOULED x EUA 5076590520 oa t 0l t2r oa I oll22 COMBINEO SNG!€ LIM T EODTLY TNJURY (P.r p.6on) 11,000,000 t BOoILYI|JURY(F adir.nt)I I c x ElcEla !46 x OCCUR cu! 6076590551 os/ot/27 0a / 01/ 22 r 10,000,000 310,000'000 DED x RETENTIoNt 10' 000 I D tvoFkEitcoxPErll TroN Al,tD ExPIOYEi!' LAllllTY Ai'IYPROPRIEToRTPARTNEREXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMAEREXCLUOED? DESCRLPTION OF OPERATIONS bd* uB-88456{48-21-{3-O .0a /oLt2L 08toa/22 x I OTH. E.L EACHACC1OENI t 1,000,000 E.! DISEASE . EA EMPIOYEE 31,000,000 E.L O SEASE - POLICY LIMIT i 1,000,000 B PROPISAIO!'A! LIIAIIITT c lal.[r -Xadl. aEH991891588 oa/oL/21 oB/07/22 oEtcrupior{ of opER nonartocanoit/vExrcLla {acoro 101, aldld.n r im.,t llci.d!|., 'n y !..n&h.d It nm.t 6l.,tqohd) r tfolhcla c(@anaattoa DoLlcy arclual.t DDogo1iatlc .tatGa lfD, oE, fA, raa. OcD.!.] Ll.btlity rad Auto Liabluty MtllElo!.] IE ur.ll r!.tu. grrat.<!, If roquir.d 00, ttlt!.o coDtract/tlrr.@rt, I'Gr artach.d !oro. qNA?50?9n 1016 .nd cxr53359)c 0{12 (09. 1. t'r.3). ctry i 1!. offlcGr., qloy..., rs.!t. & .uthorlz.d wotunt..r. tr. ldd1llonll tE.ur.dr uDd.r Cr.n.r.1 IJllblllly lnd Auto LI.bUtty lt r.qulrld by a rrllt.n codtradt. Rar Oll-call Prof..6lodr1 EatlEl@.Et & Alrttl Ergir..rlng A.rvic.. (EA l+1600{68) CERTIFICATE HOLOER 160-ort58 ( 2 021) clty o! l,l.D1f.. ,n1.o liuDItbltc Xork. / bgla..llEg 2971a tlru! Roadtl.rlt.., Cl 92 585 I'SA 3HOULD AXY Of THE ASOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES 8E CAT{CELLEO EEFORE THE EXPIRATIOI{ DATE THER€OF. I{OIICE WLL BE OELryERED IN ACCOROANCE WIT}I TH€ POLICY PROVISIONS, AUIHONEED AEPRE6EI{'ATIVE &*,m*z- CANCE N O 1988-2015 AcoRD CORPORATIoN. All rlghts ro!6wod Th. ACORD ngmo 8nd logo.ra ragllt.rad mr*. of ACORD eccxi;f ll tr 10, OOO, OOO/cl!I!, 10,000,00019 l*.o... 10, ooo, ooo lo.o. ".* "rna | ,'uo,ooo ACORD 2s (20r6103) bboga!t 53510a185 E I CT{A Blanket Additional lnsured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors . with Products.Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement o z This ondorsement modifies insurance provided under the lollowing: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART It is understood and agreed as follows: I' wHO lS AN INSUFED is amend€d to include as an lnsurod any person or organization whom you are required by written contract to add as an additional insured on this coverago part, but only with r€spgct to liability lor bodily inlury, proporty damago or peraonal and adver slng lnlury caused in whol€ or in part by your acts or omissions, or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behall: A. in the performance ofyour ongoing operations subject to such written contract; or B. in the pertormance of your work subject to such wrlttsn contract, but only with rsspect to bodlly lnlury or property damago included in ths products-comploted oporatlons hazard, and only if: 1. the lyritton contract requires you to provide th€ additional insured such coverage; and 2. thls coverage part provides such coverage. ll. But if the written contract requires: A. additional insured coverage under the 11-85 6dition, 1O-93 edition, o|l O-Ol sdition of CG2O1O, or under th€ 10-01 edition ol cG2037: or B. additional insured covorage with "arising out of" languags; or C. additional insured coverags to the greatesl extent permissible by law; then paragraph l. above is dslsted in its entir6ty and rsplac€d by ths following: WHO lS AN INSURED is amendsd to include as an lnsursd any person or organization whom you are required by wrltton conlracl to add as an additional insured on this covsrago part, bul only with respoct to liability lorbodily lnlury, proPony damags or p€rsonal 8nd advartlslng lnlury arising out of your work that is subjoct to such written conlract. lll. Subject always to the terms and condilions of lhis policy, including lhe limits ol insuranc€, the lnsurer will not provido such additional insured with: A. covgrage broader than required by the wrltten controct; or B, a higher limit of insurance than required by the written controcl. lV. Tho insulance grantsd by this endorssment to th6 additional insured does not apply to bodlly lnlury, property damage, or porsonal and advertislng lnrury arising out of: A' the rendering or, ol the failure lo render, any professional architectural, engineering, or surveying services, including: l. the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approv6 maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; and 2. supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities; or B' any premises or work lor which the additional insured is spscifically lisled as an additional insured on another endorssment attachsd to this coveraga part. V. Under COiIMERCIAL GENERAL LlABlLffY CONDITIONS, th6 Condition entitled Othor tnsursnce is amended to add the following, which supsrsedes any provision to the contrary in this Condition or elsewhore tn this covorage pad: cNA75079XX (10-16) Page 1 of 2 lnsured Name: Harris & Associates lnc. Policy No: 6072170739 Etlective Dat6: OBlO1l2O2l copyrighr cNA Arr Fights R6s€N6d. rncludes copyrighrgd matsriar ot lnsunncg ssrylcss oflc€. lnc., with irs pormission f I CNA Blanket Additional lnsured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - with Products-Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement ffi Z Prlmary and Noncontrlbutory lnsurenca With respect to other insuranco availabls to tho additional insured und€r which the additional insured is a named insurod, this insurance is pimary to and will not so6k contribution lrom such other insurance, providod that a wrltlon contract requires lhe insurance provided by this policy to be: 1. primary and non-contributing with othsr insurance available to the additional insured; or 2. primary and to not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insur6d. But sxcept as specilied above, this insuranco will be excoss of all other insurance availabls to the additional insured. Vl, Solely with respect to the insurance granted by this endorsement, the section entitlsd COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COt{DlTlO S is amended as follows: Tho Condition entitled Dutlss ln The Evont ol Occurronco, Otfense, Clalm or Sult is amend€d with the addition ol the lollowing: Any additional insured pursuant to this endorsemsnt will as soon as prac,licable: 1. givo the lnsurer written notice o, any clalm, or any occurrence or otfense which may result in a clalm; 2. sendthe lnsursr copies ol all lsgal papers rsceived, and othen /is€ cooperate with the lnsurerin the invostigation, delense, or settlement ot the clalm; and 3. make available any other insurance, and tender lhe defense and indemnity of any clalm to any other insurer or soll-insursr, whos€ policy or program applios to a loss that the lnsursr covsrs und€r this covotage part. However, il the w tten contract requiros this insuranca to be primary and non-contributory, this paragraph 3. does not apply to insurance on which the additional insured is a named insured. The lnsu16r has no duty to delsnd or indsmnify an additional insur6d under this endorsemenl until the lnsurer rec€ives written notice ol a clalm from the additional insured. Vll. Solsly with rospoct to th6 insurance granted by this ondorsement, the section sntitlod DEFINITIONS is amendod to add tho following definition: Wrlttgn contract means a writtsn contract or written agreement that requires you to make a porson or organization an additional insurod on this covorago part, provided the contract or agresmsnt: A. is curr€ntly in etlect or becomes eflectiv€ during lho term of this policy; and B. was €xocuted prior to: 1, the bodlly lnlury or propcrty drmagc; or 2. the otlonse that caused th€ porronal and advsrtlslng lnlury; for which the additional insur8d seeks coverage. Any coverage grant€d by this endorsemsnt shall apply solely to the extent permissible by law. All other terms and conditions ol the Policy remain unchanged This endorsement, which forms a pan of and is lor attachm€nt to the Policy issuod by lhs dssignated lnsurors, tak€s etfoct on the 6tf6ctive dat6 of said Policy at th6 hour stat€d in said Policy, unless another etfective date is shown belo$/, and expires concurrently with said Policy, cNA75079XX (10-16) Page 2 ol2 lnsurod Nams: Harris & Associateg lnc Policy No: Etfective Date 6072176739 08t0112021 Copynohl CNA All Rights R63oN€d. lncludos copyrighlod mat€rialol lnsuranc€ S€rvic€s Ofllc€, lnc., with its p€rmisEion. I CNA Architects, Englneers and Surveyors General Liability Extension Endorsement (6) of the Damage to Property Exclusion do not apply to property damage lhat results from the use ol elevators. B. Solely for the purpose of the cov€rage provided by this PROPERTY OAMAGE. ELEVATOBS Provision, the Othor lnsurancg conditions is amond€d to add the lollowing paragraph: This insurance is oxcess ovsr any of th€ othsr insurance, whother primary, excess, contingenl or on any othBr basis lhat is Property insurance covering property of oth€rs damagsd from the us6 of elevators. 23. RETIBED PARTNERS, MEMBERS, DIFECTORS ANO EMPLOYEES WHO lS INSUFED is amsnded to include as lnrursds natural persons who are retired parlners, members, direclors or employees, but only for bodlly lnlury, proporty damage or porsonal and advortlslng lnlury that r€sulls from s€rvices performod for th€ Namod lnsurod under th6 Named lnlurod's direct supsrvision. All limitations thal apply to employo€t and volunteor workors also apply to anyone qualitying as an lnsursd under this Provision. 24. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS The section entitled SUPPTEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVEBAGES A AND I is amended as follows: A. Paragraph 1.b. is amended to delete ths S250 limit shown for the cost of bail bonds and replace it with a $5,000. limit; and B. Paragraph 1.d. is amendsd to d€lete the limit of $250 shown for daily loss ol earnings and roplace it with a $1 ,000. limit. 25. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS ll ths Nemed lnsurod unintenlionally lails to discloso all existing hazards at ths incsption date of ths Named lnsurad's Coverage Part, tho lnsurer will not d€ny coverag€ under this Coverago Parl because ol such failure. 26. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION . BLANKET Under COI{D|T|ONS, the condition €ntitlod Transtor ot Hights Ol Fecovory Agalnst Others To U8 is amsndsd to add the follorYing: The lnsuler waives any ght of aecovery the lnsurer may have against any person or organization because of paym€nts ths lnsurer makes for iniury or damag€ arising out of: l. the Namsd lneur€d's ongoing oporations; or 2. your work includsd in the producls-completed opsratlons hazard. However, this waiver applios only whsn the NamBd lnsursd has agroed in writing to waive such rights of recovery in a written contract or written agreemsnt, and only if such contract or agresment: 1. is in eifect or becomes ettective during lhe term of this Coverago Parl; and 2. was executed prior to the bodlly lnlury, proporty damago or porsonal and advertlslng lnlury giving rise to the clalm, 27. WRAP.UP ExTENSION: OCIP, CCIP, OB CONSOLIDATED (wHAP-UP) INSURANCE PROGRAMS Nots: The following provision does not apply to any public construction pro,ect in the stat€ of Oklahoma, nor lo any construction project in the state of Alaska, that is not permitted to be insured under a conrolldated (wrap- up) lnsurance program by applicable stats statute or regulation. !a ! 7. CNA74858XX (1-15) Pag€ '16 of 17 lnsured Name: Harris & Associatos lnc Policy No: Etlsclive Date: 6072176739 0810112021 Copynghl CNA All HightB R6s6rvod. lncludes copyrilhtod matodal o{ lngulance Selvicos Ollic€, Inc., with it8 psmission t-I \ I CNA Business Auto Policy l?riliey Indors*lllenl THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PTEASE READ IT CAREFULTY. This endorssment modiries insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM I, IIABILITY COVERAGE A. Who ls An lnsured The tollowing is added to Scctlon ll, Paragraph A.1., Who ls An lnsured: 1. 8. Any incorporated ontity ol which the Nam6d lnsurad owns a msjority of the voting stock on the date ot inc€ption ol this CoverEg6 Form; providBd that, b. The insuranco afforded by this provision A.1. does not apply to any such sntity that is an insurod und€r any other liability 'policy' providing aulo coverage. 2. Any organization you newly acquire or form, other than a limitod liability company, partnorship or joint venturs, and ovor which you maintain msjority ownership interest. The insurance aftorded by this provision A.2.: a. ls effective on the acquisition or formation date, and is alforded only until the end of the policy period ot this Coverage Form, or the next anniversary oI its inception date, whichever is earli6r. b. Does not apply to: ll l Bodlty fniury or proprrty damrgr crused by an accidont that occurred b€for6 you scquirod or formed the organization; or (21 Any such organization that is an insurod under any other liability "policy' providing auto cov€rage. 3. Any person or orgsnizstion that you are required by a written contrsct to name as an additional insured is an insursd but only with respect to their logal liability for acts or omissions ol a person. who qualifi€s as an lnsurod under SECTION ll - wHO lS AN INSURED and for whom Liability CovBrage is afforded under this policy. lf required by written contract, this insurance will be primary and non-contributory to insurance on which the additional insured is I Named lnsured, 4. An omploye6 of yours is an insured while oporating an auto hirsd or ranted undar I contract or agreement in that employee's name, with your permission, while performing duti6s related to th€ conduct of your business, "Policy", as usod in this provision A. Who ls An lnsured, includes thoss policies that were in force on the inception date of this Coverage Form but: 1. Which are no longer in torce; or 2. Whose limits hsve been exhausted. B. Bail Bonds and Loss ot Esrnings Section ll, Paragrephs A.2. (2) and A.2. (4) are revised as rollows: 1. ln a.l2), th€ limit for the cost ol bail bonds is changed Jrom $2.000 to 95,000; and 2. ln a.l4), the limit tor the loss of earnings is changed from $250 to S500 a day. ffi lil o z Form No: CNA63359XX (04-2012) Endors6mont Efloctive Dater Endorsement Expiration Date: Endors6ment Noi 13; PEge: 1 of 4 Underwriting Company: Th6 Continontal lnsursnco Comp8ny, 151 N Fraoklin St, Chic8go, lL 60606 o Copyright CNA All Rights n€s6ru6d. lncludss copyrightod m8torial ot the lnsuranc€ S6rvic€s Oflice, lnc., u3ed with its psrmission. Policy No: BUA 6076690520 Policy Elfoctive Oater 08/01/2021 CONTRACTORS EXTENDED COVEftAGE ETIIDORSEMET{T . BUSINE$S AUTO PLUST I CNA Business Auto Policy Policy Endorsement C. Fellow Employoe Section ll, Paragraph 8.5 does not apply. Such coverage as is afforded by this provision C. is excess over any oth€r collectible insurance. PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE A. Glass Broakago - Hitting A Bird Or Animal - Falling Objocts Or Migsiles The following is added to Section lll, Paragraph A.3.: With respect to any covered auto, any deductible shown in the Doclarations will not apply to glass breakage if such glsss is repaired, in a manner acceptable to us, rather than r€placed. B. Transpo.tation Expensss Section lll, Paragraph A.4.a. is revised, with respect to transportation expense incurred by you, to provide: a. $60 per day, in lieu o, $20; subject to b. $ 1 ,800 maximum, in lieu of $600. C. Loss of Use Exponses Soction lll, Paragraph A"4.b. is revised, with respect to loss of use expenses incurred by you, to provide: a. S 1 ,000 maximum, in lieu of $600. O. Hired "Autos" The following is added to Section lll. Paragraph A.; 5. Hlrod "Autos" lf Physical Damage coverage is provided under this policy, and such coverage does not extend to Hired Autos. then Physical Damage coverage is extended to: a. Any covered auto you lease, hire, rent or borrow without a driver; and b. Any covered suto hired or rented by your employog without a driver, under a contract in that individual employee's name, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. c. The most we will pay for any one accidont or loss is tho actual cash value. cost of repair, cost ol replacement or $75,000, whichever is less, minus a $500 deductiblo for esch covered 8uto. No deductible applies to loss caused by fire or lightning. d. The physical damage coverage as is provided by this provision is equal to th€ physicsl damage coverage{s) provided on your owned autos. e. Such physical damage coverage for hired autos will: (11 lnclude loss of use, provided it is the consequence of an accidont lor which the Named lnsursd is legally liable, and as a lesult of which a monatary loss is sustained by the leasing or rental concern, 12) Such coverage as is provided by this provision will be subject to a limit of $7SO per accident. E. Airbag Coverag6 The following is added to Section lll, Parggraph 8.3.; The accidental discharge of an airbag shall not be considered mechanical br6akdown. Fom No: CNA6335gXX I04-2012) Endorsement Eflective Date: Endorsement Expiration Dat€: Endors6mant No: 13; Pag6t 2 of 4 Und€rwriting Company: Th6 Continental lnsuranc€ Company, 151 N Frsnklin St, Chic€go, lL 00606 a Copyright CNA All Rights R€served. lncludos copyrightod materist oI th€ lnsuranc€ S€rvicss Offico, lnc., used with its pormission. c0! c ; z Lr.l Policy No: BUA 6076590520 Policy Effoctive Dste: 08/01/2021 I B CTIA Business Auto Policy Policy Endorsement F. ElsctronicEquipmant Section lll, Paragraphs B.4.c and B.4.d. are deleted and replacsd by the following: c. Physicsl Damage Covorags on a covared auto also applies to loss to 8ny permanently installed electronic oquipmsnt including its Entsnnas snd other sccessories d. A $100 per occurrence deductible applies to the coverage provided by this provision. G. Diminution ln Valu6 The following is added to Section lll. Paragraph 8.6.: Subject to the following, the diminution in value exclusion does not apply to: a. Any covered auto oi the private passenger type you lease, hire, rent or borrow, wilhout a driver Ior a poriod of 30 days or loss, while performing duties r€lated to th6 conduct of your busin€ss; and b. Any covered auto of the privat€ passeng€r type hired or rented by your omployoo without a drivsr for a period of 30 days or less, under a contract in that individual omployoo's nam€. with your permission, while performing duties 16lated to the conduct of your business. c. Such coverage as is provided by this provision is limited to a diminution in value loss arising directly out of accidental damage and not as a result oI the failure to maks repairs; faulty or incomplete mainlenance or repairs; or the installation of substandard parts. d. The most we will pay for loss to a covered auto in any one accident is the lesser orl lll $5.000; or l2l 20o/o ot lhe suto's actual cash value (ACV). lll. D vo Oth6r Car Covorags - Exocutive Olllcerg The lollowing is added to Soctions ll and lll: 1. Any auto you don't own, hire or borrow is a covered auto lor Liability Coverage whil6 being usBd by, and lor Physical Damage Coverage whilo in the care, custody or control of, any of your "ex€cutive officers", except: a. An auto owned by that "€xecutive officer" or a member of th8t person's hous€holdi or b. An auto used by that "executive officer" while working in a business of selling, servicing, repairing or parking autos, Such Lisbility and/or Physical Damage Coverage as is aflorded by this provision. {1) Equal to the greatest o, those coverages afforded any covered auto; and {2) Excess over any othsr coll6ctiblo insurance. 2. For purposss of this provision, "executive officor" m€ans a person holding any ol the olficer positions created by your charter. constitution, by-laws or any other similar governing document, and. while a resident of the same household, includes that person's spouse. Such "executive officers" are insureds while using a covered 0uto described in this provision, IV. BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS A. Dutlos ln Tho Ev6nt Ol Accidont, Claim, Suil Or Loss The following is added to Section lV, Paragraph A.2.s.: Form Noi CNA63359XX (04-20121 Endorsement Effective Dater Endorsement Expiration Dste: Endorsement No: 13; Pager 3 ot 4 lJndorwriting Company: Th6 Continontal lnsurancs Company, 151 N Franklin St, Chicago, lL 60606 ffi o z o Copyright CNA All Right3 Rgserv€d. lncludos copyrighted materiol of the lnsurance S€rvic€s Offics, lnc., us€d with its permission, Policy No: BUA 6076590520 Policy Eftectivo Date: 08/01/2021 I CNA Business Auto Policy Policy Endorsemont 14) Your employees may know of an accidont or loss, This will not m€an that you have such knowledge, unless such accidont or loss is known to you or if you are not an individual, to any of your executive officers or partners or your insurance manager. The following is added to Soction lV, Paragraph A.2.b.: (6) Your employ€es may know of documents rgcoived concerning a claim or suit. This will not mean that you hav€ such knowledgs, unless receipt of such documents is known to you or iI you aIe not an individual, to any ol your executive otficers or partners or your insurance manager. B. Transfor Of Rights Ot Recovery Against Others To Us The following is added to Section lV, Parsgraph A.5. Transfer Ol Rights Of Rocovely Against Othors To Us: We waivo any right of recovery w6 may have, b€cause of psym8nts we make for injury or damage. against any person or organizstion for whom or which you ar8 requir€d by written contract or agrsement to obtain this waiver from us. This injury or damag€ must srise out of your activities under a contract with thst person or organization. You must agree to that requirement prior to an accident or loss. C, Concoalment, Misloplosontation or Flaud The following is added to Soction lV, Psrsgraph B.2.: Your lailure to disclose all hazards existing on the date oI inception of this Coverage Form shall not prsjudice you with respect to the coverage aftorded provided such ,ailure or omission is not intentional. D. Oth6r lnsuranca The following is added to Section lV, Paragraph 8.5.: Regardless of the provisions of Psragraphs 5.a. and 5.d. above, the coverage provided by this policy shall be on a primary non-contributory basis. This provision is applicable only when required by a written contract. Thst written contract must have been entered into prior to Accidsnt or Loss. E. Policy P6riod. Coveraga Toritory Soction lV, Paragraph B. 7.(5l.la). is revised to provide: a. 45 days of cov€rag8 in lieu of 30 days. DEFINITIONS Ssction V. paragraph C. is deleted and replac€d by the Iollowing: Bodily injury means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including mental anguish. mental injury or death resulting Irom any of these. a! z I Form No: CNA6335gXX (04-2012) Endorsement Elf€ctiv6 Dater Endorsement Expiration Date: Eodorsem€nt Nor 13; Psger 4 of 4 Underwriting Companyi Ths Conlinentsl lnsurance Compsny, 151 N Franklin St, Chacago, lL 60606 B Copyright CNA All ni€hts R€serued. lncludos copyright€d mat€rialof ths lnsuranco Ssrvices Offic6, lnc., us€d with its permission. Policy Nor BUA 6076590520 Policy Effectiv€ Date: 08/01/2021 3 CNA Businasg Auto Policy Policy Endorsement I THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This sndors€mant modifiss insursnce provid€d und6r th€ following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this €ndorssmont, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by th6 €ndorsement, This 6ndorsement chsngos the policy eflectlve on lhe inc€ption date of the policy unless anoth€r date is indicated below. Namod lnsurod: HARFIS & ASSOCIATES lNC. Endorsomont Effectivo D8t6: 08101 12021 SCHEDULE Nam6(sl Ol Porson(sl 01 Organization{3): ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHOM OR WHICH YOU ARE REOUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT TO OBTAIN THIS WAIVER FROM US, YOU MUST AGREE TO THAT REOUIREMENT PRIOR TO LOSS. lnformation requir6d to comp l6t6 this Schodule, iI not shown above, will be shown in th€ Declarations ThB Transfer OI Rights Of Rocovery Against Oth€]s To U! condition doos not spply to the porson(sl or organization(s) shown in th€ Schedule, but only to tho ext6nt that subrogation is waived prior to the "accidsnt" or the 'loss' under a contract with thst psrson or organizslion. ttr ! o E zlr.l Form No: CA 04 44 10 13 Endors6mont Etloctiv6 Oslo: €ndorsamEnt Expiration Dato: Endor66mont Nor 4; Psg€: 1 of 1 lJndorfiiting Companyi Tho Continontal lnsuranco Company, 151 N Franklin St, Chicago, lL 60606 . Copyright lnrurance Soruicss Otfice, lnc., 201 1 Policy No: BUA 6076590520 Policy Effoctiv€ oalo: 08/01/2021 WAIVER OF TRAI{SFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAII{ST OTHERS TO US IWAIVER OF SUBBOGANO l a E I ,-. IRAYELERSJ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY ENDORSEMENT WC990376( A), oo1 POLICY NUMBERi U8.8K458448-21.{3.c Schedule Job Description Policy No acil z Lr,l WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT _ CALIFORNIA (BLANKET WAIVER) We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. The addltional premium for this endorcement shall be 2.00 o/0 of the California workers, compensation pre- mium, ONE TOIIER SQUARE HAI,TFORD CT 05183 Person or Organization Endorsement Effective lnsured ANY PENSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHICTI THE INST'RED IIAS AOREED BY WRITTEN CONIRACT EXECUIED PRIOR TO IJOSS TO FI'RITISH THIS WAIVER. This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwisestated. (The iniormation below is required only when this endors€ment is issued subsequent to preparatlon odthe pollcy.) Endorsement No Premium lnsurance Company Page 1 of 1 I Countersigned by_ STATE FUND COMPENSATIONINSIJRANCE IN BEPLY NEFES IO ocToBER 15, 202L CITY OF MENIEEE 29844 HAUN RD MENIFEE CA 92586-5539 CERTIFICATE OE WORKERS ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CANCELLATION IfI THDRAWAL NOTICE RE: CERTIFICATE DATED JANUARY I, 2O2L THE CANCELLATION HAS BEEN VI I THDRAWT FOR THE WORKERS. COMPENSATION I}ISUNANCE POLICY FOR THE EIi{PLOYER NAI{ED BELO},. THIS LETTER SUPERSEDES THE NOTICE OE CANCELLAT I ON SENT TO YOU ON OCTOBER 7, 2O2L. THIS EMPLOYER'S TTORKERS' COMPENSAT I ON INSURAXCE COVERAGE COI{T I NUED UN I NTERRUPTED . EMPLOYER: ND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY , 1OO W BROADWAY STE 3OOO LONG BEACH, CA 90802POLTCY t066062-21 INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTAT IVE CUSTOMER SERVICE CEXTER(888) 782-8338 sctF 1910 2 5860 Owens Dr Pleasanton, CA 94588-3900 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8'192-Pleasanton, CA 94544-9642 Phone: (951)723-3754 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 10118t2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER. AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER, IMPORTANT: lf the cortificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSIJRED, the policy(ies) must have ADOITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms ahd conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement- A statement on lhis certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsem€nt(s). DFI - Dicerolamo Family lnsurance Services ,l 5-5335 I 735-37582027 Hamner Ave Norco, CA 92860 License #: 0D26889 anne@df iinsurance.com rNsuRER{S) aFFOROTNG COvERAGE profits lnsurance Alliance of CA lnsurance Alliance of California From the Lord 1650 S. Juanita St. San Jacinto, CA 92583 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE HOLDER CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 99010s25-28411s REVISION NUMBER: 13 CANCELLATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY TTiAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOWHAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEDABO\E FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOIWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENI IERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONIRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT U,ITH RESPECIIO WTIICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFOROEO 8Y THE POLICIES DESCRIBED ).]EREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWI.] MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS 2021-24323-NPO 1110112021A 000$2 11t0112022 2,000,000 1,000, GEN ERAL AGGREGATE PROOIJCTS. COMP/OP AGG CEN L AGGRE6ATE LIMIT APPLIES PERi -u., f lil& I.o. I I OIHER 000 000 PREM SES (E. o-urene) MEO El(P (Any one poren) PERSONAL A AOV INJURY 500,000 20,000 lx li3?53"uoI I NoN-o!9{ED ] ] AUrosoNLY s S S I ,000Y 2021-24323-AUTO ! 1,OOOB Auiorio6rLe Lrasrlrfi Ior .o i1to1t2o21 11to1t2o22 I E?T""J51;'"." u''' I sOorLY lNruRY {Pe p€..6) AOOIIY INJURY {Ps lcods0 5 RETENTIONSt- IEACH OCCIJRRENCE 499!E94!E_ ANO EIJPLO YERB' LIABILIfY ANY PROPR ETOR/PARTNER/EXECIJTIVEOFFICER/MEMSER EXCLUDED' NFSCRIPIION OF OPERATIONS &IE I PEF I totr!L- SIATIJLE-L-I EL.I I e a eoc, occ,oe"t E. "**. *^.,,".".{ I a,- o,"*"a- "o.'a".,u', $ ], 5 OESCRIPTION Oa OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICtES IACORO 101 , addilionrl R.turr. o- .p.c. r. -qurodlCertiricate holder named as addtional insured. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES AE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE I/YITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS- NN City of Menifee 297'14 Haun Rd Menifee, CA 92586 ACORO 25 (2016/03) @ 1988-2015ACORD cORPoRATloN. All rights resewod Tho ACORO name and logo aro .egistsrgd markg of AcoRD Pnnled by ANN on October 18, 2021 at 12r58PM f]:i:ilil::'r,r-I"; , s 1,Q!Q000 lr POLICY NUMBER: 2021-24323 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Named lnsured: From the Lord CG 20 26 1219 THIS ENOORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s): Any person or organization that you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy, under a wri(en contract or agreement currently in effect, or becoming effective during the term of this policy. The additional insured status will not be afforded with respect to liability arising out of or related to your activities as a real estate manager for that person or organizalion. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by your acls or omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf:1. ln lhe performance of your ongoing operations; or2. ln connection with your premises owned by or rented to you. However:1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to lhe extent permitled by law; and2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such addilional insured. B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section lll - Limits Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the addilional insured is required by a conlract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance:1. Required by the contract or agreementi or2. Available under the applicable Limits oI lnsurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. cG 20 26 12 19 o lnsurance Services Office, lnc.,2012 Page 1 of 1