2021/11/01 Crown Building Maintenance Co.Ptg. I of 1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY lNSURANCE OATE (XI!DO,,YYYY) LL/03 /202r THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTEF OF INFOFMANON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CEBTIFICATE HOLDEB. THIS CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT SETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZEO REPFESENTATIVE OR PROOUCEF, ANO THE CEFTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: ll the cerllllcale hold€r ls !n ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) mwt have ADOITIONAL INSUBED ptovlsions o. b. ondorsed. ll SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, lubloct lo tho term! lnd condlllonE ol th6 pollcy, cortaln pollclat mEy rsqul.s an e[dorssmo. . A ttaloment on thl! certlticate doss nol conler rlght3 to th6 codlllcttc hold.r in lleu ot such endortemonl(3). PROOUCeAlllltr t6r. rrt.on gdth.r.!, c/o 26 C.Dtury Blvd D.o. Lr 305191 l..hvr.ll., tN 3?3305191 lrar rtIIl, tor.t. rrt.on C.rtific.t. c.nt.t PHONE 1-877- 9a5-r318 1-6 a E-t 6 7-23?6 c..t1(icrt..grlILir. coo ITrSUFEAA: rcl rlr.rl6.a tn.ur.nc. Co-Prtry 22661 ll(tuiEDctom Bulldlnt L.I6t.nsd co. DEr lbl. lulldlnq ltlnt. nc. u lta lndu.tll.t tn@!por.t.d cot6y a151 t.hload Dsrcody lto.d, auit. 600 lt10t., o^ 30319 COVERAGES cEFT|FICATE NUMBER T{227e34e1 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE AEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAM€D AAOVE FOB TI{E INOICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIBEMENT. TEHM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTHACT OR OTHEB DOCUMENT WITH BESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFONDEO BY THE POLICIES OESCBIBED HEREIN IS SUAJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN FEOUCEO BY PAID CLAIMS, PO!ICY EXP(UTOOYYYY) POLICY PEFIOD LtrrlsTYPE OTINSUFANCE AOOL SUBR POLICY EFF POIICY NUIITEF (U[,OEYYYY) 2, 000, 000EACHOCCURAENCE xsl, G 72ar8 605 \1/01/2021 I J I $ s c x xcu 2,OO0,OO0 2,000, oo0-TAfiTAGt^YdHEflTE- i PHEMISES (Ed .)@,,enc€l MED ExP rAny one p.,s.n) GEN'L AGOFEGATE LIMIT APPL ES PEF)l poucv - 5P"o; to" OIHER X COTTENCIAL GE ENALLIABILITY - "ao,u".u-, T *"uaX 91, ooo, ooo 8rR 6,000, 000 2,O00,000 Lt/ot lzo22 PEBsOlil! A ADV tNJURy S 6ENEFAL ACGFEGATE PBODL]Crc COMP]OF AGG Aulorlollll uAlruTY X ANYAUTO .- OwlVFD : SCHEDI-ILED1 AUTos q{LY L l AUTosv HIBEO - lNOti.owNEDj:- ^uros o.rLY |]l Auros o.,rLY \t /o1/2021rsA Ha55{0529 E $ LL/O!/ZO2Z BOOILY |NURY {Pd a@ld.nr, I B xX OCCUR CT IMS.MAOE UUBRELL Lr{a EXCESS UAI OED X FEIENTTONT 10, OO0 ri ixru c2r 910865 0o? EACHOCCUFFENCE 10,000, 000 10,000,000LL/OLl2OZl I l/Oll2Oa: AGGREGATE wo8run3 corPErsrrott ANO !MPIOYE88' LIA! ILIIY ANYPFOPFIETOB'PAFIiIEA/EXECUI VE OFFICER/MEMBEBEXCLUOEO'|ILR C64912 t 43c E,L DISEASE EA EMPLOYEEL 3 E L DISEASE, POLICY LIMIT -EE_ TION tr/or/202L 11/01/2022' 1, O0o,0o0 E.L EACH ACCIOENT 1, O0O, 000 1,000, o0o $ oESCRlmON OF OpEBATtONa / LOCAn()|{a / VEHTCLEa (ACOFo r0r , ACClron.r Rrn rtt Sch.rirr., m.y tr rt .h.d ll mor. .p.o. l. r.qlik d) th. Ctry o! ta.nt!.., i.t. councll !rGb.r., ottlc.r!. .g.nt., .nd Gploy... rr. lncLud.d .t ld.lltl,on.L In.u!.d (.rc.Pl rork E. coe.n.rlfon) to !h. .rt.n! r.qu:Ir.d by rritt.n contr.ct. lh. G.n r.I t,t..blllty .nd lueo Llrbtlity Potlci.. ara plllary and noa-corrtrlSutory tlta!. r.qui!.d by rllttan contlact. CERTIFICATE HOLDER NCELLATION O 1988-2016 ACORD COFPORATION. All righlt reservcd. Thc ACORD nrmo and logo ars reglslarEd msrk! ol ACORD lr rD: 21778296 t tca: 229162' 2ots SHOULD AI{Y OF THE AAOVE DESCFIBED POUCIE,s BE CAICELLED SEFORE THE EIPIBATIOTI OAIE IHEREOf, NOTICE wlLL BE DELIVEPED II{ ACCORDANCE wlTH THE POLICY PROVISIoTTS. AIIIHO RI2ED A EPF ESENTATIV Eclty ot x.nL!.. 29714 A.un Ro.d x.all.., cr 92586 acoRD 25 (2016/03) 5924 tNsUFSn(S) aFFORptic CgYE!lg!_ lct Plop.rty a Crtu.lty h.u!rDc. cocP.ay 20599 IDd.dDlty tn.!tuc. co4.ny ot tlorlh llrl! 43575 I I Ix"l rr,r x ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS lssued By (Name of lnsuranc€ Company) ACE American lnsurance Company lnrert lhe pollcy number rem8inder oilhe inlormation is lo be compleled only when lhis onc,oEement b i$uad subsoquent to ths prsparetton oflhe pollcy THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifiEs insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM EXCESS BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Additional lnsured(s)Anv oerson or oroani n whom vou have aoreed to include an additional insured Named lnsured ABM lndUstries lnoorporated Endorsamenl Numb€r Policy Symbol ISA Policy Number H25540529 1 1 t01 t2021 ro 1 1 t9'l t2022 Policy Pe.iod Effectlve Dale ot Endorsemenl under a written contract. Drovided such contracl was executed orior to the date of loss For a covered ,auto." Who ls lnsured is amended to include as an "insured," the persons or organizations named in this endorsement. However, these persons or organizations are an "insured" only for "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from acls or omissions of: 1. You. 2. Any of your 'employees" or agents. 3. Any person operating a covered "auto" with permission from you, any of your .employees" or agents The persons or organizations named in this endorsement are not liable for payment of your premium. Authorized Representative DA-9U74C (03/16)Page 1 of 1 2 B NEmed lnsured ABM lndustries lncorporated EndorBement Number 2 Policy Symbol ISA Policy Number H25540s29 Policy Period 1 1 lO1 t2021 ra 1 1 t01 12022 Etfective Date ot Endorsement lssued By (Name of lnsurance Company) ACE American lnsurance Company 2 NON-CONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT FOR ADDITTONAL INSUREDS polrcy number Tie remarnde. ollhe atron rs lo De @rnpleled onv wnen lhE endoBement rE lssued stibrequenl to the prcparallon lhe pohcy THIS ENOORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE REAO IT CAREFULLY. BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM Schedule Oroanization Any additional insured with whom you have agreed to provide such non-contributory insurance, pursuant to and as required under a wrinen contract executed prior to the date of loss. Additional lnsured Endorsement (ff no inlormalion is filcd in, the schcdule shell rcad: 'A f€.rstr,ns ot cnlftics added as additional insurcds through an cndorscmcnl with tho tem "Additiondl lnsured" in the ti c) For organizations that are listed in the Schedule above that are also an Additional lnsured under an endorsement attached to this policy, the following is added to the Other lnsurance Condition under General Condilionsl lf other insurance is available to an insured we cover under any of the endorsements listed or described above (the "Additional lnsured") for a loss we cover under thls policy, this insurance will apply to such loss on a primary basis and we will not seek contribution from the other insurance available to the Additional lnsured. Authorized Representative DA-21886b (06/14)Page 1 of 1 3.t 5 5924 Named lnsured ABM lndustrieS lnCorporated EndorB€rnent Number 26 Policy Symbol XSL Policy Number G72478605 Policy Perlod 1 1 t01 t2021 10 1 1 1011202? Effective Date of Endorsement lss gy (Name nsurance company) ACE American lnsurance Company BLAITKET ADDITIONAL INSURED THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNDER THE FOLLOWNG: EXCESS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY Any person or organization whom you have agreed to include as an additional insured in a written contract is includ€d aB an additional insured under this policy, but only to the extent required by and in accordance with the terms of such writlen contract executed prior to loss, provided that written contract does not speciFy an ISO endorsement or olher specific wording, and only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage', or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of your ongoing or completed operations. rvrs-309963.2 (11/20)@hubb. 2016. All rights reserved Page 1 of 1 o NON-CONTRIBUTORY EN DORSEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INSUREDS Named lnsured ABM lndustries lncorporaled Endorc€hent NumberI Polcy Symbol XSL G72478605 Pollcy Period 1 1 t01 12021 lo 1 1 lO1 t2O22 Etl€clrve Dato ol Endo.s€menl l$u!d By (Nam6 ol lnsurancc Company) ACE American lnsurance Company ln3ert the pollcy numbar Th6 r?rnain(h{ of thc inbrmstoo l! lo be corndGl.d mly when thl! endrrsement l! l8luod subsequenl to lhe prspsratlon ol lhr pollcl THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Thls sndors€ment modifies inauranco provided und€r tho following: EXCESS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY tc[ett& Orqanization Any additional insured with whom you have agreed to provide such non-contributory insurance, pursuant to and as required under a writlen contract executed prior to the date of loss. Additional ln Endorsement (lf no information is fillcd in, thc schedule shall read: 'All Nrsons ot ontities addad as addltional insurods thtough an endotrament with the lerm "Addiaional lnsuDd" in the title) For organizations that are listed in the Schedule above that are also an Additional lnsured under an endorsement attached to this policy, the following is add€d to Section lV.4: It other insurance is available to an insured we cover under any of the endorsements listed or described above (the "Additional lnsured") for a loss we cover under this policy, this insurance will apply to such loss and is primary (subiect to satisfaction of the "retained limit"), meaning that we will not seek contribution from the other insurance available to the Additional lnsured. Your "retained limit" still applies to such loss, and we will only pay the Additionsl lnsured for the 'ultimate net loss" in excess of the "retained limit" shown in the Declarations of this policy. Authorized Representative xs-20288a (05/14)OChubb.2016. All rights reserved.Page 1 of 'l 4 ol5 592,4 Enhanced Commercial Umbrella Liability Policy i. To you, to your partnem or members (if you are a partnership or joint venture), to your members (if you are a limited liability company), to a co-"employee" while in the course of his or her employment or performing duties related to the conduct ofyour business, or to your other 'volunteer workers" while performi.ng duties related to the conduct of your business; ii, To the spouse, civil union partner, domestic partner, child, parent, brother or sister of that co]'employee" or "volunteer worker" as a consequence of Paragraph 3.a.(r)i above; iii. For which there is any obligation to shale damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because ofthe injury described in Paragraphs 3.a.(t)i or 3.a.(r)ii above; or iv. Arising out of his or her providing or failing to provide professional health care services, except with respect to "Good Samaritan acts". (:) "Property damage" to property: i. Owned, occupied or used by you; ii. Rented to, in the care, custody or contml of, or over which physical control is being exercised for any purpose by you, any of your "employees", "volunteer workers", any partner or member (ifyou are a partnership orjoint venture), or any member (ifyou are a limited liability company). b. Any person (other than your "employee" or 'volunteer worker") or any organization while acting as your real estate manager, but only for acts within the scope of that person's or organization'i duties as your real estate manager. c. Any person or organization having proper temporary custody ofyour property ifyou die, but only: 1. With respect to liability arising out ofthe maintenance or use ofthat property; and z. Until your legal representative has been appointed. d. V9-9I legal representative if you die, but only with respect to duties as such. 'fhat representativewill have all your rights and duties under this policy. e. Any person or organization from whom you lease equipment, but only with respect to the maintenance or use by you of such equipment and only if you are conlractually obligated toprovide them such insurance as is afforded by this contract. However, no such person or organization is an "insured" with r€spect to any: r. Damages arising out oftheir sole negligence; or z. 'Occurrence" tJrat occurs or offense that is committed after the equipment lease ends. f. Any person or organization from whom or from which you lease premises, but only with respect to the-ownership, maintenance or use of tlat particular part of such premises leasid to you ind only if you are contractually obligated to provide them with such insurance as is afforded by this contract. However, no such person or organization is an "insured" with respect to any: r. Damages arising out oftheir sole negligence; z. "Occurrence" that occurs or offense that is committed after you cease to be a tenant in the premises or the lease ends, whichever Ls later; or 3. Stntctural alteration, new construction or demolition op€rations perforrned by or on behalf of them. g. Any person or organization, other than those described in subparagraphs a. through f. above, if insured under "underlying insurance". Coverage provided by this policy for any such "insured,, will be no broader than coverage provided by "underlying insuranie". Howevei, this restriction XSE- 50762(o5lrB)Page 20 of 27 EHL'EEI EHIJEEI Enhanced Commercial Umbrella Liability Policy shall not apply to coverages specifically designated to be exc€ss of the "enhanced coverage self- insured retention" or excess ofa "scheduled retained limit". h. With respect to any coverates provided by this policy excess of a "scheduled retained limit", any person or organization that the "Named Insured" agrees to add as an additional "insured" to this policy by wriften contract or agreement, but only with respect to "occurrences" frrst toking place after the effective date of the contract or agreement and not for brnader coverage than was required under the terms ofsuch written contract or agreement. Notwithstanding anlthing above: 1. No person or organization is an "insured" with respect to the conduct of any current or past partnership, joint venturr, or limited liability company that is not a "Named Insured", z. Where this polic.v is excass of "underlyi.ng itrsura[ce", if any person or orga.aizetion &at is an"insured" under this policy is not included as an "insured" under such applicable "underlying insurance", this policy will apply as if the person or organization were included as an insured under such "underlfng insurance" excess of a self-insured retention equal to the highest applicable limit of such "underlfng insurance". However, tlris provision shall not apply to coverates specifically designated to be excess of the "enhanced coverage self-insured retention" or excess of a 'scheduled rerained limit'. 'Insured contract' means that part of any contr&ct or agreement pertaining to your business under which any "insured' assumes the tort liability of another party to pay for "bodily injury" or 'property damage" to a third person or organization. Tort liability means a liability that would be imposed by law in the absence of any contract or agreement. 'Insured contract" does not include that part of any contract or atr.eement: r. That indemnifies a railroad for "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of construction or demolition oPerations within fifty (So) feet ofany railroad property and affecting any railroad bridge, trestle, tracks, road-beds, tunnel underpass or crossing; 2. That indemnifies an architect, engineer or surveyor for injury or damage arising out of: a. preparing, approving or failing to approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, survevs, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or b. giving directions or instructions, or failing to give them, if that is the primary cause of the injury or damage; or 3. Under which the "insured", if an architect, engineer or surveyor, assumes liability for an injury or damage arising out of the "insured's" rendering or failure to render professional services, including those shown in subparagraph z. above and supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. 'Key individual" means: t. Each general partner (ifthe "Named Insured" is a partnership); z. The sole proprietor (if the "Named Insured" is a sole proprietorship); 3. Any "employee" authorized by you to give or receive notice of an "occurrence', claim or "suit"; and 4. That one individual who is a payroll "employee" and "executive offrcer" of the "Named Insured" holding the senior-most position in each of the following categories at the time of the "occurrence": a. Chief Executive Officer; b. Chief Operating Officer; c. Chief Financial Offrcer; XSE- 5o762(o5lr8)Page zt of z7 5ot5 5924