2021/10/15 Atkins North America, Inc.z.c,ilr."OAIE (IT/I'I'VYYYI $111tm21 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A HATTER OF INFOR ATIOII ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIR}IATIVELY OR '{EGATIVELY A END, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEI'I THE ISSUING INSURER{S). AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IITIPORTANT: lf the certillcatr holdor b an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(lor) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provlllon3 or bo ondoEed. ll SUBROGATION lS WAIVEO, rubJoct to tho torms and condltione ol tho pollcy, cortaln pollclo! may roqulra an ondoraomc.[. A atatomont on thlr cortlflcato doos not contsr rlghtt to t lo cortlllc€to holder ln llou ot auch ondortsmsnt{!). Pioo{rcER i,lARSH USA, lNC. TVTO AIIAXCE CENIER 3560 tEnox RoAD. SUIE 2400 ATI.AI{IA, GA 30326 CN102421n +4fi inGAWUp2l-22 CONTACI PHONE INSURER(S) AFFORTING COVERAGE NaURER a : Zuddr Amedcan lnsulaDe Cofipany 16535 INSUBED Adhs Ndh Arn€rii. l.c. 103,0 West Boy ScorJt Evd. St€. 700 Tarpa, FL 33607-5713 NaURER B : AnEdcar Gua tg€ & Lidilitv lns Co 26247 lrrrsuiERc INSURER O: I}ISURER E COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:ATL,00t7n 18tu9 REVISION NUMBER: o THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAI'ED ABOVE FOR TITE POLICY PERIOD INOICATED NOT\TITTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WlH RESPECT TO WiICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED AY THE POLICIES DESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SUSJECT TO ALL IHE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANo CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOvll.l MAY l"lAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR I"YPE OF IIISURANCE SUBf,POUCY UIBER POIrcY EXP LI tTS X CO{{ERCIAL GENERAL L|AalUTY CLAIMS MAOE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE TIMITAPPLIES PER x .o.,"' f] !lf; fl .o" x G100r3757M7 101152021 10t1t2022 EACH OCCURRENCE I 2.000.0m OAMAGE TO RENTEO PREMISES 1F. lMe,El 5 1000.m0 MED ExP {Any m p6@n)I 50 000 PERSONAL A ADV INJURY t 2,m0,000 GEN€RAL AGGREGATE I 4.000.000 PRODUCIS COMP/OP AGG $4,000,000 t AUIO'.OBILELIAEILIIY AUTOS OI{IY HIRED AUTOS ONTY SCTJEOULEOAUIOSNON.oVINEO AUTOS ONLYxx MP0r3757t07 10t1512021 10t192022 I 2,m0,000 SOOltY INJURY (Pg po.!o.r)I SOOll-Y I JURY (Por sc€!s0 s t t B x U MBRCIIA LIAE EXCESSUAB X OCCUR CTAIMS MADE AUC93M20919 10t15tfr21 10115t2022 EACHOCCURRENCE s r,000,000 AGGREGATE 3 r,000,000 DEO RETENTION$$ WORTERS COIPENSAIIOI{ AI{O €XPLOYERA LIABIUTY ANYPROPRIEIORPARTN€R/EXECWIVE OF'ICER/MEMAEREXCIUOEo? DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS b.ro., N wco137577-07 1W1512021 10t1512022 x PER STATUTE OTH- ER E L EACHACCIOENT 1 m0 000I E L OISEASE EA EMPLOYEE I 1,m0,000 ET OISEASE. POLICY TIMIT $1.000,000 DEscRrPTroN of oPERAroNs / L@ATroN8 i vEHEr.Ea Oco,lo tor, Arrdrdo r Rmwr. E n.dul., mr! !..tLGh.d I mo.l.p.c. L..qtrl..dl is mlrablo f,/hee lequi,ed by untt€n conbad vrh rts@ to G€neral ttdil,ty, fuh Liahl'ty drd Wo*ors C<riponsalbn pah€s ad suqed b Fiity lom6 trd cqxflivrs. CERTIFICATE HOLDER TION @ 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rlght! rc.e.vcd. Tho ACORD namo and logo rrs rcgiltar€d merka of ACORO SHOULD ANY OF THE ASOVE DESCRISEO POLICIES BE CANCELLED SEFORE THE EXPIRATIO'{ DAIE THEREOF, NOTICE WLL BE DELIVERED IiI ACCORDANCE IVITH THE POLICY PROVISIOI{S. 721444 2/.94 ?ee. UTHORIZED REPRESENIAIIVE City d l\Lniteo 29714 Ham Road l €rifee. CA 92546 ACORO 25 (20r6/03) GERTIFIGATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 0001059 sP City of Menilee 297'14 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 0.460 h{tFiffi 0460,01 -@400 r 059@0 r -000367s ffi a Coverage Extension Endorsement ZURICH t:ll t)rrr ol I'ol Lrp- l}Jt. (l Irol !:ff Drt! ol tlnd BAP 0137575-07 10t1512021 10!15J2022 18232000 rt.lcL THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ ITCAREFULLY. This endorsement modifios insurance provid6d under the Business Auto Coverage Form Moto, Caraier Coverage Form A. Amended Who lB An lnsured 1. The following is add€d to th€ Who b An lnEurod Provision in Soctlon ll - Covered Autos Liability Coyerage The followrng are also lnsureds"l a. Any "employee" of yours is an 'insured'while using a covered 'auto'you don't own, hirg or borrow foI acts performed within the scope of employment by you. Any "€mployee' of yours is also an "insured" while operating an 'auto" hired or rentod under a contract or agreement in an "smployoe's'' name, with your permission, while performing duties rohted to the conducl of your businsss. b. Anyone voluntooring servrces to you is an "insurgd" while using a covered "auto" you don't own, hile or borrow to txanspo( your clients or other porsons in activities necessary to your business. c. Anyone else who furnishos an'auton referenced in Paragraphs A.1,a, and A.t.b. in this ondorssment. d. Where and to tho extent pe{mitted by law, any person(s} or organization(s) whore requirod by wfltten contract or written agreement with you executed prior to any "accident', including those person(s) or organization(s) directing your work pursuant to such written contract or written agreement with you, provided the "accident" arises out of oporations governed by such contract or agreement and only up to the limits ,€quired in the written contract or written agreement, or the Limit6 of lnsurance shown in the Declarations, whichever is less. 2. The following is added to lhe Other lnsurancs Condition in the Business Auto Coverage Form and the Other lnsuranco - Primary and Excsss lnsurance Proybions Condltion in the Motot Carrier Coverage Form: Coverag€ lor any p€rson(s) or organization(s), wher€ r6quir6d by rfiitten contract or written agreement with you executed prior to any'accident", will apply on a primary and non-confibutory basis and any insurance maintarned by the additional "insured" will apply on an excess basis. Ho\#ever, in no evenl will rlis coverage extend beyond the terms and conditions of the Coverage Form. B. Amendmont - Supplementary Paymont5 Paragraphs a.(2) and a.(4) of the Covsrago Extenslons Provision in Soctlon ll - Coverod Autos Liabllity Cove.ag6 are replacad by the following: (2) Up to $5,000 for the cost ol bail bonds (including bonds for relatod traffic law violations) requirod because of an 'accid6nt' wo covor. We do not havo to fumish these bond6. (4) All reasonable oxpenses incurred by the "insured" at our request. including aclual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work- lncludss copyrtghbd materialof lnsu.anco Sstuic66 Oftco, lnc., wilh its pormassion 0460-0r.00-0001 059.0002 0003676 ucA424-F CW ( Pas€ffi C, Follow Employoe Coveregr The Fellow Empbyeo Erclusion contain€d h Scc'tlon ll - Covcred Auto. Lbblllty Coyerree do€6 not apply. D. Drlyer Saftty Progrrm Uabllty .nd Phyllc.l D8m.go Coyor.ge i' The followang is added lo tho R.clng Exclusion in Sectlon ll - Covered Autos Ll.blllty Cov.rag€: Thig exclusion do€s rot apply to cov€red "autos' participating in s driver safoty progran 6venl, such as, but not limibd to, auto or truck rodoos and oth6r aulo or truck agility demonstrations. 2. The folloning b addod trc Paragraph 2. in the Erclu.lonr of Sectlon lll - Phy.lcat D.m.g6 Coverag€ of th6 Business Auto Cov€rage Form and Paragraph 2.b. ln tho Exclurlon. of Sectlon lV - Phy8lcll D.m.goCov.isge of ho Motor Carrier Coverag6 Form: This oxclusion doos not apply to covered 'auto8 participating in a drivor safoty program evgnt, such as, but not llmited to, auto or truck rodoos and othsr auto or truck agility domonstrations. E. Lease or Loan Gap Coverage Tho followlng is addod to th6 Cover.g6 Pfovision of tho Phyrtcal Damage Cov.rags Seclbn: Leaee Or Lo.n Gap Covorage ln the ovont of I total 1oss' t) a covered 'auto', wo will pay any unpaid amount duo on ths loa6e or loan fo. a coverod 'autc', loss: a. Any amount pail und6r tho Phyrlcal Dgma8e Cowraga S€ction of th€ Coverago Form; and b. Any: (1) Overdu€ loass or loan psymeflts at ths tlns ot the 1osE ; (2) Fhanoial ponalties impossd undsr a loage for excassive u8o, abnormal wear aod t€ar or high mileago; (3) Security deposib rbt retirnod by tho l€ssor; {41 Co$ts for oxtendod warranties, crodit life insuranc€, hoalth, accident or disability insuranco purchased with ths loan or loaso; and (51 Carry-ovor balances from previous leases or loans. F. Towhg .nd Lsbor Paragraph A.2. of th6 Phyilcrl D.mage Coveragt Soction is roplacod by th€ fo[oring: Wo will pay up to $75 for tot{ing and labor costs incuned aach timo 6 cov€rod 'auto' of ti€ prlvate pessoagsr typo is diseblsd. How6ver, the labor mu3t bo perfomod at the place of disablemsnt. G. Ertanded Gbat Covarego Tho fdlowing is addod to Pa.agraph A.3.. of tho Phyrlcsl Damagc Coverago Section: lf glass must b€ replacod, th6 d€ductible ahown in th€ Ooclaratbns will apply. Holvever, if ghss can be repaired and i8 sctualty repaked rsther than replaced, th€ deductibls will be waived. You have the optbn of having the ghss repairod rathor than roplaced. H. Hlrod Auto Phyllcal Damagc - lncreesod Lo!! of Uro Expenlo! The Coverage Ext nrkon for Lols Of U3e Expeneee in th€ Phy.lcal Damagc Coveraoo Sgction is replacod by the following: Lo.r Of Ur! Expons6! For Hirod Auto Physical Damag€, wo wlll pay oxpensos for whir:lr an 'insured' bocomes legally fBsponsiblo tc pay for loss of usa of a vohicle rentsd or hired without s driver under a written rental @ntract or written rontal agreemsnt. Wo wil p8y for los8 of us€ exp€n8€o if caused by: ucA-r24-F CW (04-14) Psge2dBlndudG copyrirrbd ft.brial ol lnsu.srlc6 Sorvic6 Oflbo, lnc., with ts po.masstqt. (1) Other than collision only if the Declaratlons indicate that Comprshensive Coverage is provided for any covored "auto'; (2) Sp€cified Cause8 Of Loss only if tho Declarations indicato hat Speoified Causes Of Loss Coverage is providad br any coverod "auto': or (3) Collision only if the Declarations indicato lhat Collision Coverage is provided for any covorod'auto'. l-lowever, the most \ re will pay for any exponses for bss of use is $100 per day, to a maximum of $3000. l. Perlonal EtiBcts Coverago The folbwing is add€d to the Coyorago Provision of ths Physical Damago Coverago Section: PeBonal Effects Coverags a. We will pay up to $750 for 'loss'to personal effects which are: (1) Porsonal prcperty ownod by an'insured'; and (21 ln or on a covered'auto'. b. Subjocl to Paragraph a. abovs, the amount to be paid for "loss'to personal eflacts will be basod on tho lorser of: (ll The reasonable cost to replace; or (2) The actual cash value. c. The coverage pmvided in Paragraphs a. and b. above, only applies in the evenl ol a total theft of a covered 'auto'. No deductible applies to this coverage. However, wo will not pay for'lo6s'to personal efscts of any of the following: (l) Accounts, bills, currency, d€ods, svidenca of debt, money, notes, securitles, or commorcial paper or othor documents of valuo- (2) Bullion, golr, silvsr, platinum, or other precious alloys or m6tals; ,urs or fur garments; iewelry, watches, precious or semi-precious stones, (3) Paintings, statuary and other wo*s of art. (4) Contraband or proporty in the cours€ of illegal transportation or trade. {5) Tapos. records, digcs or othor similar devic€s usod wilh audio, visual or data eloctronic equipment- Any cov€rage provided by this Provision is excess over any other insuranco coverage available for fle sams "loss'. J. Tapes, Racords and Dl6cs Coversge l. The Exclusbn in Paragraph B.rl.a. of Sectlon lll - Physlcel Oamago Covorrge in th6 Business Auto Coverage Form and the Exclusion in Paragraph 8.2.c. of Soction lV - Physlcal Damage Coverage in the Motor Carrior Coverago Form doos nol apply. 2. The following b add€d to Paragraph 1.a. Comprehonslve Coverag€ und€r tho Goverage Provision of he Physlcel Drmage Covorage S6ction: We vyill pay for "loss'lo tapes, records, discs or other similal devic€s used with audio, visual or data electronrc equipment. We will pay only if the tapes, records, discs or oth€r similar audio, visual or data electronic devices: {r} Aro the property of an "insured"i and (b) Are in a covered "auto" at th6 tims of "loss". The most wo will pay for such "loss'to tapes, records, discs or other similar dovices is $500. The Physlcal D.mago Coverago Deductlblo Provision does rot apply to such 'loss'. lnclud6s copyflghtgd matarial of lnsuranc€ S6rvic6s Ofti:o, lnc., wilh its permiEsion 0460 01-00-o0o r 059.0003-000367 7 u-cA-424-F CW ( Pago ffi K. Alrbsg Coverago The Exclusion in Paragraph 8.3-s. of Section lll - Phyrlcal Oamage Covcrage in th€ Business Auto Covorago Form and the Exclusion in Paragraph 8.4s. of Soc{lon lV - Physlc8l Dsmrge Coverago in ths Motff Canier Coverage Form doos not apply to the acridontal disclargo of an airbag. L, Two or lloro Doductlblos The following i6 addsd to the Deductlble Provision of tho Phy.lc.l D.m.ga Cover.ge Section: lf an accilont is covered both by this policy or Covorage Form and by anothor policy or Coverago Fofm tssued to you by us, tho follo,ing applies br each covered 'aulo'on a per vohiclo basis: t. It the dsductiblo on this policy or Covorage Form i8 the smaller (or small$t) deductible, lt will b€ waivodlor 2. f tho doductible on this policy or Coverago Form is not tho smaler (or smallest) doductbl€, it will be roducsd by hs amount of tho smaller (or small€st) doduqlible. ll. Phytlcrl Demage - Compr.hsnllv. Covorsge - D.ductbl. The tollowing is added to tho Doductlblo Provision of the Phyahal Damsgo Cov.rrg6 Sodion: Regardless of the numbor of covored 'autos'damaged or stclen, th6 maximum deductible that will bo appliod to Comprehonslv€ Covarago for all 'loss" from any one cause b S5,000 or tho deductiblo shown in the D6clarations, whichever is greater. N. Tomporary Substtut. Aulo! - Phytlcal Dam.ga 1. The following is added to Scctlon I - Covrred Auto.: Temporary Subttltute Auto3 - Phyalcil Damago lf Physical Damags Covorago is pDvidsd by lhi6 Covoraga Form on your owned @vsr6d "autoo', the ficlbwing types of vehichs are also cov€red 'autos' for Phygical Dsmage Covoroge: Any 'aub' you do not own whsn us€d with ths pormi$ion of its owner as a temporary subEtitula for e corsred 'auto' you do own but b out of servics bocauso of its: t. Breakdown; 2. Repairi l. Sorvieing; l. "Loss"; or 5. Destruction. 2. Tho followhg is addod to ho Paragraph A, Govcragc Provisim of Urs Physlc.l Dlmrga Coyorrga S6ciion: Tamporary Sub.tltute Auto. - Phy3lcrl Dam.gd We win pay the ournor for 'loss" to the temporary substitute 'auto' unless the 1os3' re3ults from fraudul€nt aclE or om issions on your part. lf w€ maka any payrnent lo th€ otvnor, wo will obhin he orvno/s rights agahst any othor party. The doductiblo fot the temporary substitut€ 'auto' will b€ tho oeme s3 tho deductblo for th6 covored 'auto' it r€places. O. Amended OutloE ln Tha Evont Of Accldont, Cl.lm, Sult Or Lo.! Paragraph a. of the Dutle3 ln Th. Event Of Accldont, Cl.lm, Sult Or LoB3 Condltion b replaced by the folowing: t. ln lh€ evcnt of "accident", claim, "suif o. loss', you must give us or our authoriz€d rgpr€sontativo prompt notico of the'accid€nt', claim, "$ui" or'bss'. Howover, thes6 duties only apply whon the'accid€nt', claim, 'suit'or 'loss' is known to you (if you are an individual), a partner (if you are a partn€rship), a membor (if you aro a limitod liabillty company) ot an executiv€ omcer or insurance managor (if you ar6 a corporation)- The lailuro of any lrdudos copyflghbd mabrial ol lmuranco Sgrvice6 Ofli)q, lnc., wi0t it8 p..mi66ioi u.cA-a24-F CW (04-r4) Pagp 4 ot 6 lncludos copyrghtod maloftal of lnsu€nco S€rvicos Oftico, lnc., wilh ds p€rmassion 0a60.0r.00.o0o1 059 m04 0003678 u-cA424-F CW ( Pa9€ffi agent, servant or employeo of the 'insured" to notify us of any 'accident", claim, "suit" or "loss' shall not invalidate the insuranc€ afforded by thb policy. lnclude, as soon as practicable: (l) How, when and whore the 'accadent" or "loss" occurr€d and if a claim is made or "suit" is brought, writton notice of th6 claim or "suit' including, but not limited to, the date and details of such claim or "suit"; (2) Tho'insursd's" name and address; and (3) To the extent possible, the namos and addrosses of any iniured parsons and witnesses. lf you r€port an'accidenf, daim, "suit'or'loss' to another insuror when you should have reported to us, your faalure to roport to us will not be seen as a violation of these amended dulies provided you give us notice as soon as practicable affer the fact of the delay becomes known to you. P. Walver of Transfer Of Right3 Of Recovery Agalnst Othe6 To Ug The following is added to the Transfot Of Rights Of R.covery Agalnst Others To U3 Condition: This Condition does not apply to tho extent required of you by a written conlract, €x6cuted prior to any "accident" or 'loss", providod that the "accident' or "loss' arisas out of operations contemplatsd by such contract. This waiver only applios lo the person or organization designated in the contract- Q. Employso Hlr6d Autos - Physlcal Damago Paragraph b, of the Other lnsuranco Condition in the Businoss Auto Coverage Form and Paragraph f. of tho Othor lnsutancs - Prlmary and Exceas lnaurSnce Provlsions Conditioa in tha Motor Carrier Coverage Form are replacod by the following: For Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage, the following are deemed to be covered "aulos" you own: (11 Any covered'auto" you l6ase, hire, r€nt or borrow; and (2) Any covered 'auto" hired or rented under a written contract or written agreemant entered into by an "employee" or elected or appointed omcial with your permission while being operated within the course and scope of that "employea's" employment by you or that elected or appomted official's duties as respect their obligations to you. Howev€r, any 'auto" that B leased, hired, rented or borrowed vrith a driver is not a covered 'auto". R. Unlntentional Fallure to Dlsclose Hazards Tho following is added to tha Concealment, Mlsrapresentation Or Fraud Condition: However, we will not deny coverage under this Coversge Form if you unintentionally: (1) Fail to disclose any hazards existing at thc inception date of this Coverage Form; or (2) Make an error, omission, improper descripbon of "autos' or other misstatement of information. You must notify us as soon as possiblo after he discovery of any hazards or any othel informatioo that was not provided to us prior to the acceptance of this policy. S. Hired Auto - world wido Covorage Paragraph 7a.(5) of E'te Policy Period, coverage Territory Condition is rGplaced by the following: (5) Anywhere in lhe world lf a covered "auto' is leased. hired, rented or borrowed for a period of 60 days or less, T. Bodlly lniury R€defined The dofinition of "bodily iniury" in the Deflnitioni Section is replaced by the following: "Bodily in,ury" means bodily injury, sicknoss or disease, sustainod by a person including death or mental anguish, resulting from any of these at any time. Mental anguish means any type of mental or emotional illness or disease. All oth€r terms, conditions, provisions and oxcluEions of this policy romain tho same l&Jud€a copy,ghbd mabrialol lnsurance Sefvic66 Oflb6, tnc., wi8r t6 permi8slm u€A"a24-F CW (04-t4) Psgo 6 or 0 U. Erpocted Or lntended lnjury The Erpoctod Or lntended hlury Exclusion in Paragraph B. Erclualonr undor Srcllon ll - Coverod Auto Ll.bllty Coyerage is rBplaced by the lollitving: Erpoctod Or lntendcd ln ury 'Bodily injury'or "propetty damag6" expected or hlonded from tho stiandpoint of th6'insursd'. Thas €xclusion does not apply to 'bodily inrulf or "propeny damag€' resulting from tho use of rsasonabl€ forcs to protect persons or property. V, Phy3 lcal Damage - Addltbnel Temporary Tranrport{tlon Expenao Covor.go Paragraph A.ar. of Section lll - Phy3lc.l Dsmag. Coverago is r6pbcsd by the foltovring: tl. CovcrageExtonalons 8. Trsorportatkrn Expenrea we will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum of $1,000 for temporary transportatbn exponse incuned by you b€causo of the total theft of a covored "aulo' of the privata passengor typs. we will pay only for hos€ coverod "autos'for which you carry oither Comprehen$ve or Spocifi€d Caus€s of Loss Coverage. Wo will pay for tomporary transportatbn oxpens€s incurred during the p€riod boginnlng 48 hours after tho thoft and ending, r€gardless of tho policy's oxpiration, Mlgn th€ covorod 'auto' b ratumod to use or we pay for ite.l06s". W. Roplacement of a P.lvate Paas.ngcr Auto wlth I Hybrld or Alternatlyc Fuel Source Auto Th€ following is addod to Paragraph A. Cov.rrto of tt6 Phyrtc.l Damage Coverage Secuon: In the ovont of a total 'loss* to a covered 'aub' of th€ privat€ passonger typo thal i6 roplac€d with a hybrid 'aulo" or"aub" powered by an alternative fu€l source of the private passengor typo, we will pay an additional 100/6 of tho cost of lho replacement 'auto', excluding tax, titls, licsnse, oth6r fBes and any anormarkot vohich upgrades, up to a maximum of $2500. Tho coverod 'aub'must bo roplaeed by a hybrid'auto" or an "auto' powsred by an alternativs llrel source within 60 calendar days of the paymont of the 'loss' ard 6vi,6nc6d by s bll of sata or n6w vahiJo leas€ agre€monL To qualify as a hybrtr'auto', the "auto' must be powersd by a conyenlionsl gasoline cnglne and another source of propulsion powor. The other source of propulsion powar must be shctrlc, hydrog€n, propane, solar or natural gas, eithsr compross€d or lhuofiod. To qualify as an 'auto" pourerod by an albrnativ€ fuel 6ourco, the .auto" must bo powored by a sourc€ of propulsion power othor than a conv€ntional gasolino engins. An 'auto' sol6ly prop€ll€d by tiofuel, g8soline or diosol fuol or any bl6nd th6roof is not an "auto" powered by an altefnative fuol sourco. X. Return of Stolan Automoblle The following is added to the Covorrgo Extenslon Provislon of th€ Phy8lcal D.m.go Covorage S.c.tion: lf a covered "auto'i5 sblen and recovered, we will pay the cost of transport to return the'auto' b you. We will pay only for those covored "autos' for which you carry eithor Comprehonsive or Specifiod Causos of Loss Coverage. a Additional Insured - Automatic - Owners, Lessees Or Contractors ZURICH hrltt) l\o tlll. I)rr. ol l'ol [:ip. Ibtc ol Pol [.lI Date ol t]nil GLO 0137576-07 10115t2021 10t1512022 18232000 INCL THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Named lnsured: SNC-LAVALIN ENGINEERS 6 CONSTRUCTORS, Addros3 (lncluding ZIP Codo): 919 MrLAM ST, STE 1000 HOUSTON, TX /7002-5386 This €ndorsoment modif ios in6urance provided under the: Commerclrl Gonoral Llabllity Coverage Part INC. lnclud6s copyrghtod matefial of lnsuraoco Servicos Offico. lnc , wilh its p€rmissron 0460,01 00 0001059 0005 0003679 u6L-1175-F CW ( Pa96 ffirU F=rnrj A. Soction ll - Who ls An lnsur€d is amended to include as an additional insured any pGrson or organization whom you are requirad to add as an additional in$ured on this policy under a writtan contaact or written agreement. Such person or organizalion is an additional insured only with respect to liability for'bodily iniury", "property damaga" or "personal and advertising iniury' caused, in whol€ or in pan, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acls or omissions of those acting on your behalf, in ths performance ol your ongoing operations or'your work' as included in the "products-completed operations hazard', which is th6 subject of tho writton c,ontract or written agreement. However, tho insurance affordod to such additional insur6d: 1. Only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2. Will not be broader than lhat which you are required by the written contract or written agreement to provide ,or such additional insured. B. With rospect to the insuranco afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional €xclusion applies: This insuranco does not apply to: 'Bodily injury", "property damage' or "p€rsonal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendeting of, or failure to render, any pro[6ssional archilectural, engineering or surveying services including: a. The preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop dra',vings, opinions, raports, surveys, liold orders, change ordors or drawings and specifications; or b. Supervisory, insp€ction, architeclural or enginearing actjvitbs. This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other r,vrongdoing in the supsrvision, hiring, omployment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the "occuncnce" which caused the 'bodily injury' or 'property damage', or the offense which caused the'personal and advertising injury', involved the rendering of or the failure to ronder any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services. C. Ths following is addod to Paragraph 2. Duties ln Tho Evont Of Occunonce, Offense, Claim Or Suit ol S€ction lV - Commerclal Gen.ral Ll.blllty Condltlon.: Tho addilional insursd must s€€ to it that t. We are notmed as goon as praclicablo of an "@currence" or offense that may lesult in a cleim: 2. Wo receiva writtcn notica of a claim or 'suit' as soon as p{actcabl€; and 3. A request for defenso 8nd indemnity of the claim or'suif will pnomptly bo brought against any policy bsued by another insuror under wtlich the additional insurod may be an insured in any capacity. This provbion doe6 nol apply b ircurance on which the additional insurod is a Nam€d lnsurod if th€ writton contract or written 6gr6€m6nt require€ that this coverage be primary and no&.contributory. D. For the purpoces of the covorag€ provid€d by this ondorsament: 1. The fdlowing is sddod to the Other lnsurance Condition of Saction lV - Commercl.l G.n.r.l Ll.blIty Gondltlon.: Prlmary and l{oncontrlbutory lnruranca This insuraoce is primary to and will not seek conlributbn lrom any othor insuranco availabl€ to an additional insured providsd that: a, The additional insured i9 a Named lnsurod und6r such othor insutanco; and b. You are requiod by writton conuacl or writtan agreement that this insuranco ba primary and not se€k contributbn from any oths insuranc€ availabl€ to hg additional inEurgd. 2. The following paragraph i8 added to Paragraph a.b, of tho Ohor lnsurance Condition of Soctlon lV - Comm.rd.l Gon6.el Llabillty Condldonr: Thls insurance is oxcogs ovst: Any of the othgr insuranca, whehor primary, oxcess, conting€nt or on any othor bagis, available !c an addilional insutod, in which th€ additional insured on our policy ie also covered as an additional insured on another policy providing covorags for tho same 'occurrsnce', offqnse, claim or'suif. Thi6 provision does not apdy to any policy in $/hich tho additional insured i6 a Namod lnsured on su6h othor policy and wh€ro our policy is reguirod by a writton @ntract or wfitton agreemont to provkle covorago to lho additional insured on a primary and non- contributory basb. E, This endorsement do€s not apply to an additional insurod which has boon added to this policy by an endorsoment showing tha additional lrsurod in a Schedul€ of additionel insureds, and which endors€mant appli€s specificslly to that identified additbnal insurod. F. With rospoct to tho insurance affordod to tho additional insurods under thb srudors€ment, th€ foIowlng b addod to Soction lll - Llmltr Of lnlurance: The most w€ wil pay on behaf of th€ additional insurod is the amount of insurence: l. RequiI3d by tho writtan contrad or written agroam€nt ref6r6nced ln Para$aph A. of this ondorsemanti or 2. Available und€r tho applicsble Limits of lnsuranco shown in the Dedarations, yyhich€ver is less. This endor3omgnt shall not hcrgaso the applicablo Limits of lnsuranca shown in tho Doclaration$. All other t€rms and conditions of thi6 policy r€main unchanged u€L.I175+ CW (04/13) Paoo 2 al2 lncludos copyrbhbd mabrisl ol lnslrrancs Sorvic6$ OIfbo, lnc., wi}l its pormiGeioo POLICY NUMBER: GtO 01 37576-07 COT,lMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 24 04 12 19 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ 1T CAREFULLY. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF REGOVERY AGATNST OTHERS TO US (WATVER OF SUBROGATION) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART ELECTRONIC DATA LIABILITY COVERAGE PART LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE PART POLLUTION LIABILITY COVERAGE PART OESIGNATED SITES POLLUTION LIABILITY LIMITED COVERAGE PART DESIGNATED SITES PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART RAILROAD PROTECTIVE LIABILITY COVERAGE PART UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK POLICY DESIGNATED TANKS SCHEDULE Name Of Porson(8) Or Organization(6): ANY PHRSON OR ORGANIZATION THAT REQUIRES YOU TO WAIVE YOUR RIGHTS OF RECOVERY, IN A WRIITEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT WITH THE NAMEO INSURED THAT IS EXECUTED PRIOR TO THE ACCIDENT OR LOSS. Information required lo complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Doclarations. The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us of Section lV - CondltionB: We waive any right of recovery against the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule above because of payments we mako under this Coverage Part. Such waiver by us applies only to the extent that the insured has waived its right of recovery against such person(s) or organizalion(s) prior to loss. This endorsement applios only lo the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule above. Page 24 ot 24 046C-Or-00-0001 059-@06.0003680 o Insurance Services Office, lnc., 201E cG 24 04 12 1{ ffi This endorsemenl modiRes insurance provrded under the following: WORKERS COf,PENSATION ANO EMPLOYERS LIABILITY tI,tSURANCE POLICY l,vc 00 0313 (Ed. &-84) We havB th€ right to reco\rer our paymonts from snyone liabb br an iniury covBrad by this policy. We rrvill rbt€nbrce our right against he person or organization named in tre Scfredule. (T}is agreinrent applies only to th€ oxtent that you perfom work undcr a written c'onlracl that r€quires yor to oblain his agr€emont frorn us.) ThiB agr€€mont shall not op€rate direcdy d indi€dly to benefrt anyone not nam€d in the Scfredule. Schedule ALL PERSONS AND/OR ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT ORAGREEMENT WITH THE INSURED, EXECUTED PRIOR TO THE ACCIOENT OR LOSS, THAT WAIVER OFSUBROGATION BE PROVIDED UNOER THIS POLICY FOR WORK PERFORMED BY YOU FOR THATPERSON ANDIOR OROANIZATION OR SCHEDULED ATID PREMIUM CHARGE. This sndo.semgnt changss th€ poLcy to tttrich il i8 atlschod and is effec{ive on th6 dat€ issu€d unl€ss oth€n bo stratsd. (Th. lniormadon b.low 18 roqulr"d only whon thlr cndoEoment lc b.ucd .ub.squent b p,rparltbn of tho pollcy,) Endorsdnont Efiectve: 10/15I2&l Policy tlo. WC 13757747 -lflsur€d: Atkins North Amerila, lnc. Pr6mlum $ - Endoassrnsrt No. lnzuranc, Company : Zuricfi Arnerican lnauranco Company CounterEignBd by wct2a (a-E4) wc 00 03 13 CqrEtf, 1983 Nstpod Corncll on Componsslton ln6uranc€, lnc Pago 1 of I WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT Dear Certificate Holder: As many companies have moved to a remote working environment, mailing Certificates of lnsurance to a physical address can cause unnecessary delays in providing you proof of insurance, To streamline deliveryand in an effort to support our firm's commitment to sustainabality, going forward, we would like to distribute your Certificates of lnsurance electronically rf possi ble. We are kindly requesting Certificate Holders provide us an email address where we can deliver your COI in the future. Please send your response to: Usooerations.email@marsh.com and provide the following information 50 that we can expedite your COI delivery: r Certlficate S (Shown below lnsured Name - e.g.: ABC-12345578901) . E-Mall for future delivery: For undeliverable email addresses, our system is configured to automatically redirect the Certificate for deliveryvia USPS. Lastly, if you no longer need this COI please respond to USOoerations.email@marsh.(om with the Certificate number and we willinactive the record in our system to avoid future automatic delivery. Tlank you. US Operations, lr4anh USA, lnc. 0460.01-00.0001059 rno7.0003641 t+Effi