2021/10/01 Armstrong & Brooks Consulting Engineers Inc (8)StateFam !(-@ [,r.:,'J;tffi STATE FABM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS E?"F?id€lf! ?* r s oa s. s s z s Addl lnsured-Section ll Only M-23-0555-FACE F U002160 3123CITY OF ENI FEE?9844 HAUN RDitENIFEE CA 92546-6559 lth [, r,il rt, t,,1, il llttlil,,rltrlttl,tl,t, il l,ttt, tltl,l, ilIl, DECLARATIONS A]VIENDED FEB 4 2A22 Policy umber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Period Elleclive Dale Exoiration Dato 12 Mbnths OCI 12021 o1i i 1022 The polipy period begins 4nd ends at '!2:01 am standardtme at tie premtses Iocaton. Named lnsured ARI.ISTRONG & BROOKS CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC I Olfice Policy Aulomatic Renowtl . lf ttre policy period is shown as 12 months , fiis policy will be renewed automatically subject to $e premium s, rules and forms in effect for each suc ceeding policy period. lf his policy is telminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wifi tre policy provisions or as required by law. Entity: Corporation Reason lor Declarallons:Your policy is amended FEB 4 2022 ADDITIONAL INSUBED ADDED PBEMIUM ADJUSTMENT FORM CMP-4859 ADDED Endorsement Premium None Prepared FEB 17 2022 cMP-4000 018979 290 At N @ Copyrioht Strt€ Farm Mutu6l Automobil€ Ins!rlnca Complny, 2(Dg lncluder copyrighted mctorial ol ln.urance Sowices 0ffic6, lnc., wth it! p6rmission Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 1of 6 Discounts Applied: Benewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Claim Record DECLARATlONS (CONTTNUED) Orlice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-CV-K20&3 SECTION I - PROPERTY SCHEOULE Location Number Location of DescribedPremises Limit ot lnsurance' Coveraoe A - Bulldfngs Llmit ot lnsurance* Coveraoe B - Business Fersonal Property Seasonallncrease-BusinessPersonalProperty 001 1350 E CHASE DR coRoNA cA 92881-4001 No Coverage $ 77,400 25./" "AS ee ate of th s policy, t tm to lnsurance as shown incl s any rncrease rn the lim t due to lnllation erage. RF(:TI.)N I . INFI ATION lir)V BAGE INDFXIFSI Cov A - lnllation Coveraoe lndex Cov B - Consumer Price-lndex: NiA 269.2 SECTION I . DEDUCTI BLES Basic Doductlble Special Deductibles: l\,4oney and Securities Equipment Breakdown $1,000 $250 $1,000 Employee Dishonesty $250 Other deductibles may apply - refer to policy Prepared FEB 17 2022 cMP-4000 018s79 O Copyrigh! Stlt8 Fnrm l\4utu!lAutomobil€ lniurrncs Comprfly, 2OOB lncludss copyriChtsd mllBri.l of lnsur!ncs Ssrvicsr olficB, lnc., wilh iis psrmission Continued on Next Page Page 2 of 6 SlateFam [s DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Ottice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEEPolicy Number 92-CV-K20&3 SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE . LIMIT OF INS BANCE . EACH OESCRIBED PBEMISES ! I E.t;s The coveragos and coresponding llmlts shown below apply separatoly to each described premisos shown in theseDeclarations, unless indlcated by "See Schedule." ll a coverago doos not have a corresponding llmlt shown below, but has "lncluded" indicated, please rel6r to that pollcy provislon lor an explanatlon ol that coverago. LIMIT OF INSURANCECOVEHAGE Accounls Receivable On Premises Otf Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Of Sewer Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Equipment Breakdown Fire Department Servic€ Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Exp€nses lncreased Cost Ot Construction And Demolilion Costs (applies only whon buildings are insured on a replacement cost basis) Money And Securities (Otf Premises) Money And Securities (On Premises) Money Orders And Counterteit Money Newly Acquired Business Personal Property (applies only it this policy provides Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or Constructed Buildings (applies only if this policy providss Coverage A - Buildings) $50,000 $1s,000 $s,000 $15,000 lncluded Coverage B Limit 257o of covered loss lncluded $s'ooo $5,000 $10,000 lncluded 10% Pre p ared FEB 17 2022 Cl\ilP-4000 018980 290 N O Cogyrilh! Star€ tlrm Mutusl Automobilo lnturrnc0 Corprny, 2m lncludos cogyrighl.d m6t.rirl of l[!uranco Ssrvic8t offico, lnc.. with it! p€rmission Continued on Reverse Sido ol Page $s,ooo $10,000 $1,ooo $100,000 $2s0,000 I Page 3 of 6 (-oo DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Ofllce Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-CV-K20&3 Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Outdoor Property P Pe na na so I Effects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business lProperty) lncluded $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,500 $2,s00 $s,000 $50,000 $1 5,000 Personal Proporty Off Premises Pollutant Cloan Up And Removal Preservation Of Property Property Ol Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Signs Unauthorized Business Card Use Valuable Papers And Records On Premises Off Premis6s SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSURANCE - PER POLICY The covorages and corresponding limits shown below are the most we wlll pay rogardless ol the number otdescribed premises shown in theso Oeclarallons. COVERAGE Dependent Property - Loss Of lncome Employee Dishonesty Utility Interruption - Loss Of lncome Loss Of lncome And Extra Expense C Copyn0ht, Stoto Flrm lvlutu.l Auto mobih lnsur.ncs Compiny,2008 lncludss copyri0htsd mltsri!l of lnsurancs Servicss offic6, lnc., with fs p9rmission Contrnusd on Next Page LIMIT OF INSUHANCE $5'ooo $10,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - l2 Months Prepared FEB 17 2022 cMP-4000 018980 Page 4 ol 6 StateFarm 65@ F:dstjfl+ DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Offico Pollcv ,or CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-Cv-K20&3 SECTION II - LIABILITY D II ;E COVERAGE Coverage L- Business Liability Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) Damage To Premises Rented To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Productsicompleted Operations AOgregate General Aggregate Each paid claim for Liability Coverage reduces the amount of insurance we provide durin annual period. Please refer to Section ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attache s d the applicable endorsements Your policy consisls of these Declarations, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other forms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequent to the issuance ol this policy. ctuP-410'1 cMP-4859 cMP-4787 FE-6999.3 cMP-484s cMP-4819.1 cMP-4698 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4710 ct\4P-4709 crvrP-4703.1 ctvtP-4705.2 ctvP-4260.1 Businessowners Coverage Form.Al Engineer Architect Surveytwaiver of Trans Rgt of Recov Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Excl Product Comp Operatn Liab Unauthorized Business Card Use Back-Up of Sewer or Drain Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Employee Dishonesty Money and Securities Utility lnterruption Loss lncm Loss of lncome & Extra Expense Amendatory Endorsement-CA Prepared FEB 17 2022 cMP-4000 018981 290 N @ Copyrigh! Stlte F!rm Mlturl Automobilg lnsur!ncr Comp!ny,2008 lncludes copyrighted mrtori!l ol lns!r!nce Sorvicas offi.!, lnc., with iE prrni!lion Continued on Beverse Side ol Page Page 5 of 6 LIMIT OF INSURANCE $2,000,000 $s,000 $300,000 LIMIT OF INSUBANCE Excluded $4,000,000 FORMS AND ENDOBSEMENTS DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Oftice Policv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy NumSer 92-CV-K20&3 cMP-4261 cMP-4786.1 FD-6007 Amendatory Endorsement Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched lnland Marine Attach Dec NOTICE: INFORMATION CONCERNING CHANGES IN YOUR POLICY LANGUAGE IS INCLUDED. PLEASE CALL YOUR AGENT IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS.. New Form Attached This policy is issued by the State Farm General lnsurance Company. Parlicipating Policy You are entitled to participate in a distrlbution of the earnings of the company as determined by our Board of Directors in accordance with the Company's Articles of lnoorporation, as amended. ln Witness Whereof, the State Farm Secretary at Bloomington, lllinois. General lnsurance Company has caused this policy to be signed by its President and ffu,,^-lnSl*rt SecretaB -{A-l Mry IMPOHTANT NOTICE: Collromla hw requlres us to provlde you v{hh lnlormotlon tor llllng complal g whh th€ 8t8te lngurance Depa menr regsrdlng tlE covorage and servico provklod undgr this policy. Your ag€r|t's nrme and corirct inlomation 8re provided on the lrori ol lhls documenl. Another option is to teach out by mail or phons dlrcc'tly lo: Stat€ Ftlmo Executive Cuglomor Ssrvice PO Box 2320 Bloomlngton lL 01702 Phone tr 1€Oo.STATEFAHH (l '800-782-8332) Dep6rtment of lnourance complainE shouH be llled only slter you End State F8m or your rgpnt or oth€r companyreprogonlstfue h€vs hiled lo rooch o astltlaqtory agrBgmerlt on s problom. Califomio Oeportnent of lnqrrancs Consumaa Servlce3 0lvlslon 300 South gprlng $rEet Lor Angshs, CA 90013 Phorle t l€00-927-HELP (il'il54 et Ybit rww.inEur8nce.cs.aov/ol.comamsra President O Copyn0h! State F!rm lvlutual Automobila hsurnnc0 Comp!ny,2008 lncludrs copvri0htsd mltsri.l ol lnsurrncE Ssrvirss offios, lnc., with its p0rmission Prepared FEB 17 2022 ct\,4P-4000 018981 290 N Page 6 of 6 I StateFarm STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?"H?/f,"li.' ?* r' *'. r' r' Named lnsured M.23-0555-FACE F U ARI.ISTRONG & BROOKS COI{SULT I [G ENGI I{EERS INC ATTACHING INLAND MARINE L INLAND MABINE ATTACHING DECLABATIONS Policyilumber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Pedod Eflcclive Date Exoiralion Dalr 12 Mbnths OCI 12021 OCi t 2622 The poltpy pertod beqrns and ends at l2:01 am standardtme atlhe premrses IocaDon. (-@ ffi:diffi g ,' 36a Aubmatic Re newal - II tre policy period is shown as 12 monlhs . this policy will be renewed automatically subject b dre premiums, rules and lorms in eflect for each succeeding policy period. ll tris policy is terminated, we will give you and $e Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wifi dre policy provisions or as required by law. AnnualPolicy Premium $ 373.00 The above Premium Amount is included in the Policy Premium shown on fie Declarations Your policy consists of trese Declaratons, tre INLAND MARINE C 0NDlTl0NS shown below, and any otrer forms and endorsemenb that apply, including frose shown below as well as 6rose issued subsequentto 6re issuance of this policy. Forms, 0ptions, and Endorsemonts FE.8 FE-6 FE-8 FE.8 739 271 745 760 lnland Marine Conditions Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marine Computer Prop Mobile Equipment Form See Reverse for Schedule Page witr Limits Prepared FEB 17 2022 FD-6007 018982 O Cogyri!ht Stat6 tlrm Mutual Automobil0 lnlur!nco Complny, 2008 lncludes copyri0htrd m!t.ri!l of lnsurancB Ssrvics! 0fticr, lnc.. with n! p0rmission I 530 6ftr Z 05 31 20ll tolll2J2. 92-CV-K206-3 ATTACHII{G II{tAND MARII{E ATTACHING INLAND MABINE SCHEDUTE PAGE ENDORSEIVIENI NU I\4 BER FE-8745 FE-8760 COVERAGE LIIVIT OF INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT ANNUAL PREMIUM Included Includeds 373.00 lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Exoense Mobile Equipment Form I s s 25,000 25,00057,000 $ 500 s 1,000 Prepared FEB 17 2022 FD-6007 018982 0THERL||\4lTsANDExCLUS|0NSMAYAPPLY.BEFERT0Y0UflP0L|CY- O Copyrigh! Stlts Frrm Muturl Automobils lnsur!nor Complny,2008 lnoludo! copyn0ht8d mrtgrirl of lnsur!nce Servicss office, lnc., r,vith [s pErmission 5m 6&r7 05 il l0ll loll32l3cl