2023/03/01 Boy Scouts of AmericaiQo' COVERAGES CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 166576689 REVISION NUMBER 2t22t2023 IMPORTANT: It the cedificate holde, is an AODITIONAL INSUREO, the policy(ies) must have AODITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. ll SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to lhe terms and conditions ol the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A stalemenl on thia certiticate doeg not confer righls lo the certilicate holder in lieu ot such endorsement(s). PFOOUCEB l\4arsh & McLennan Agency LLC 8'144 Walnut Hill Lane, 16th Floor Dallas TX 75231 INSUREO Boy Scouts of America, National Council and all of it's affiliates and subsidiaries CONTACT ,NAME Laura Uralg fI3,"fi.."r, szz-zzo-r+oz [ffi1g55. taura.craig@marshmma.com li|, ra, e72-770-16es INSURER(S}AFFOFOING COVEFAGE Evanston lnsurance Company INSUNEB B INSUREB C INSUBER D INSUR€F E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED EELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSUREO NAI\,1ED ABOVE FOB THE POLICY PERIOO INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIBEMENT. TEBT' OB CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OB OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CEBTIFICATE I\,4AY AE ISSUED OR I\,4AY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCBIBED HEBEIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEBI!,4S. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LITJITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS. ti'F ryFEoFrNsuFANcE i-"S'"#rT poLrcyNUMBEa ,[8tsBl,t"itr, ,[3]iiBlrii"r, LrMrrs X COiIMEFCIALGENEFALLIABILIrY' "ao,rr.rooa i o""r" v3P0009142 31112023 31112024 EACHOCCTJFBENCE OAMAGE TO RENTEO PFEMI9ES (Ea o.curen@I . MED €XP (Any orept)M) PERSONAL&AOV]NJUBY , G ENEFAL AGG B€GAIE PFOOUCTS. COMP/OP AGG s 1.000 s 1.000 s $ 1,000 $7,000 s $ 000 000 000 000GEN'L AGGAEGATE L M]TAPPLIES PEBx "o,,"" L ]58& [ ].o" OTHEFI: AUTOMOBIIE TIAAIL|TY COMBINEO SINGIE LIMIT (Ea accdonr) BODILY lNJUAY (Per pe6on) BOD LY INJURY (Per acclden0 PBOPEBTY DAMAGE S OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIBED AUTOS ONLY S SCHEDULED AUTOS NON OWNEO AUTOSONLY $ OCCUF CLAIMS.UAOE S EXCESS LIAB S DED BETENIION$s WOFKEBSCOMPENSATION AND€MPLOYERS LIAEIIITY ANYPFOPRIETOF/PAFTNEB/EXECUIIVE OFFICEF/MEMBEF EXCLIJOEO' OESCFIPTION OF OPERATIONS below STATI]TE E! E! E,L E4qH AqC]QE!L DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE DISEASE. POIICY LIMIT CEBTIFICATE HOLOER CANCELLATION City of lvlenifee 29995 Evan Rd Menifee CA 92586 @ 1988-2015 ACOHD COFPOBATION. All rlghts reserved. The ACORO name and logo are registered marks o, ACORDacoRD 25 (2016/0s) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEO AY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S}, AUTHONIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PBOOUCEB, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. NAIC' 35378 EACHOCCUFRENCE AGGFEGATE oEscntpTtoN oF opEf,AltoNs / tocaItoNs / vEHtclEs (AcoFD lol,addilion.r h.ma.k! sch.dul., m.yb.lrt'ch.d it mor..pr.. i.rcquned) Cerlificate holder is nam6d as an additional insured by virtue of a wntten or oral conkact or by the issuance/existence of a permit or cerliflcate of insulance but onlv with resoect to oDerations bv or on behalf of the insured, or to facilities of, or facrlities used by the lnsured and then only ot the limits of liability specified in suih contract tor ttre ivent speciiied. Primary and Non-Contributory applies as .equired by writlen contracl or agreement. Waiver of Subrogation applies when required by written contract 6r agreement. Sexual Molestalion covirrage is incorporaled in the policy and addressed by endorsemenl and is sublect to the policy pg.iod. terms, limits and conditions ofthe policy. For All Official Scouting Activities SHOULD ANY OF THE AAOVE DESCBIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OATE THEBEOF, NOTICE WLL BE OELIVEBED IN ACCORDANCE wlTTI THE POLICY PROVISIONS, }*er=- AUTHORIZEO R EP RESENTATIVE