2022/10/01 Armstrong & Brooks Consulting Engineers Inc (18)StateFarm STATE FAFM GENEFAL I SUNA CE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN ELOOMING|ON, ILLINOIS DECLARATIONS AMENDE D FEB 2 2023a W-,14 t#ts E?E#,61J?, t a, z az. zs, s Addl lnsured-Sectlon ll Only 003863 3123 CITY OF I.IEI{ I FEE 29E44 HAUN RD r,f EN r FEE CA 9?5A5 - 6539 M.23-0555-FACE F U Policyl{umber 92-CV-K206-3 Polhy Period Efhclive Dalc Exoirrlion Drb 12 Mbnths ocr 1 2022 ocT 1 2023 The polipyperiod begins 4nd ends at'12:01 am standard tme atlhe premlses loca[on. Nam€d lnsured AR'ISTRONG E BROOKS CONSULTING EIGITIEERS INC tllltllhlll,llIll',tllt'llt,t,"lllllllIlll't,tlllt,'il1t,,',' I 8 Oltice Policy Aubmalic Renewal - lf dre policy prrlod is shown as 12 monlhs . tris policy will be renewed automatically subiectto the premiums, rules and forms in etfect for each sucleediiri policy period. lf tris policy is terminated, we will give you and tre Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wifr the policy provisions or as required by law Entity: Corporation Beason foa DeclarationS:Your policy is amended FEB 2 ?023 ADDITIONAL INSURED ADDED PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT FORM CI\iIP.4786.1 ADDED Endorsement Premium lncrease Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Protective Devices Claim Record $ 44.00 O CopyIi0hL St.te Farm Mutu nl Automobile lnsurnnc. Complny,2008 lnclud6s copyrightsd material of lnsur0ncs Soruicss offico, lnc., wi$ iis p?rmisston. Continued on Reverse Side of Page Page 1of 6 t30 tlE o 2 05 l! ?0ll lolll2llc, ! Prepared FEB 20 2023 cMP-4000 030677 290 Al N DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Otllce Pollcv ,or CITY OF MENIFEE Pollcy Num6er 92-CV-K20&3 SECTION I. PROPERTY SC LE Location Numbor Locatlon ol Descrlbed Preml3gs Limit of lnsurancs* Coveraoe A - Buildings Llmlt ol lnsurance' Coverao€ B - Buslness Fersonal Property Seasonal lncrease- Business Personal Property 001 1350 E CHASE DR coRoNA cA 92881-4001 No Coverage $ 84,100 25% . As ol the ective date o spo cy, t e m SECTION I - I lnsu rance as s nc udes any incroase in the I tmt ue to nf latlonn verage FLATION COVEHAGE IN ES) Cov A - lnf lation Coverage lndex: Cov B - Consumer Price lndex: N/A 292.3 sEcrroN l -DEDUCTIBLES Basic Deductible Spoclal Deductibles: Money and Securities Equipment Breakdown $1,000 $250 $ j,ooo Employee Dishonesty $250 Othsr d€ductibles may apply - refer to policy Prepared FEB 20 2023 cMP-4000 030677 Page 2 ol 6 O Copyri0ht, St!t. Farm Muturl Automobilq hsur.nc€ Comprny,20(E lnclud!t copyrightBd mot8rial of ln!urrnce S6rvices offior, lnc., wi?h its psrmi!sjon. Continued on Next Page StateFarma E-fi tE4 DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Orlice Pollcv lor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-Cv-K20&3 SECTION I . EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE . LIMIT OF INSU RANCE - EACH DESCRIBEO PREMISES ! E,3a3 The coverages and corrosponding llmlts shown below apply soparatsly to each descrlbod premisos shown in lhese Declaratlons, unless lndicatsd by "Soe Schsdulo." ll a coverage does not hav6 a corrgsponding limlt shown below, but has "lncluded" indlcated, pl6ase rerer to that pollcy provision for an oxplanatlon ol that coverage. COVEBAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Off Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Of Sewsr Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Robbery Debris Removal Equipment Breakdown Fire Dopartment Service Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense Forgery Or Altetation Glass Expenses lncreased Cost Of Construction And Demolition Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacement cost basis) Money And Securilies (Olf Premises) Money And Securities (On Premises) Money Orders And Counterteit Money Newly Acquired Business Personal Property (applaes only if this policy provides Coveiage B - Business Personal Property) Newly Acquired Or Conslructed Buildings (applies only if this policy providos Coverage A - Buildings) LIMIT OF INSUBANCE $5,ooo $15,000 lncluded Coverage B Limit 25% ot covered loss lncluded $s,ooo $s,000 $10,000 lncluded 10% $5,000 $10,000 $1,ooo $100,000 $250,000 000 000 $s $ 0 Prepared FEB 20 2023 cMP-4000 O Copyrioht Strlo F.rm Mulull Automobils lnsurlncs Company, 2008 Includss coovri0htod m.brilt ot lnsurrnca S.rvices 0ffice, lnc., with its permistion Continued on Revsrse Side ol Page030678 290 N Page 3 of 6 DECLABATIONS (CONTINUED) Offic€ Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-CV-K20G3 Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Outdoor Property Personal Ellects (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Personal Property Ofl Premises Pollulant Clean Up And Removal Preservation Of Property Properly Of Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B - Business Personal Property) Signs Unauthorized Businsss Card Use Valuable Papers And Flecords On Premises Off Premises lncluded $s,ooo $s,000 $15,000 $10,000 30 Days $2,s00 $2,500 $5,000 s50,000 $15,000 sEcTtoN r -EXTENSIONS OF COV ERAGE . LIMIT OF INS RANCE - PER POLICY The covorages and corresponding limits shoJvn below are the most we will pay rogardless of the number oldescrlbod premisos shown in thoso Oeclarations. COVERAGE Dependent Property - LosE Of lncome Employee Dishonssty Utility lnterruption - Loss Ol lncome Loss Of lncome And Extra Expense @ Copyrich! Stlt€ F!rm Mutu!l Automobil? lnsur.nc0 Comp!ny, 2mB lnEludsr cogyriohtsd mlterirl of lnrurunce Servic0s officB, lnc., with lt! trermission Continued on Next Page LtiitlT oF INSURANCE $s,000 $10'000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained , 12 Months Prepared FEB 20 2023 cMP-4000 030678 Page 4 of 6 StateFarm(D@ W1#.Lffi DECLARATIONS (CONTINUEO) Oflice Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er S2-CV-K20F3 SECTION II . LIABILITY D a ts ,'J 6A COVERAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage M - Medical Expenses (Any One Person) Damage To Premises Rented To You AGGREGATE UTITS Products/Completed Opsrations Aggregate General Aggregale Each paid claim for Liability Covarag€ reduces lhe amount ol insurance wo provide during annudl period. Please refei to Ssction ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached LIMIT OF INSURANCE $3,000,000 $5,000 $300,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE Excluded $6,000,000 the applicable endorsements Your oolicv consists of these Declaralions, the BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM shown below, and any other forms and-endorsements lhat apply, including those shown below as well as those issuod subsequent to the issuance of this policy. FOBMS AND ENOO RSEMENTS cMP-4101 cMP-4786.1 cMP-4787 FE-6999.3 cMP-4845 cMP-481 9.1 cMP-4698 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4710 cMP-4709 cI/P-4703.1 cMP-4705.2 cMP-4260.1 Businessowners Coverage Form 'Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched .Waiver of Trans Rgl of Recov Terrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Excl Product Comp Operatn Liab Unauthorized Business Card Use Back-Up ol Sewer or Drain Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Employee Dishonesty lVoney and Securities Utility lnterruption Loss lncm Loss of lncome & Extra Expense Amendatory Endorsement-CA o copyriqh! Strt. F!rm lvlutual AutomobilE lnsurrnce Complny, 2m8 lnclud6s copyrightod m6torial of lnsu16nc0 Soruices 0ffio8, lnc., with its psrmission Continued on Reverse Side ol Page Page 5 ol 6 Prepared FEB 20 2023 cMP-4000 030679 290 N DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) Otllc€ Policv tor CITY OF MENIFEE Policy Num6er 92-CV-K20&3 cMP-4261 cMP-4859 cMP-4870.1 FD-6007 Amendatory Endorsement Al Engineer Architect Survey Addl lnsd Primary Non Contrib lnland Marine Attach Dec NOTICE: INFORMATION CONCERNING CHANGES IN YOUR POLICY LANGUAGE IS INCLUDED. PLEASE CALL YOUR AGENT IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS.. New Form Altached This policy is issued by the State Farm General lnsurance Company. Participating Policy You are entided to parlicipats in a- dlstrlbution of the earnings of the company as det€rminad by our Board of Dirsctors in accordanca with the Company's Artbles of lncorporation, as amended. ln Wtness Whereof, he State Fam Geh€ral lnsurance Company has caused this policy to be signed by its President and Secrotary al Boomington, lllinois. ffU, .lnltr"'r,n Sscretary -ileM4 President IMPOBTANT NOTICE: Callomla bw requhes us.to plovlde,you wlth lnlomatlon for llllng complslrte whh tho Stat6 lnsuronce llepattmem regordlng rhecovercgs and ssrvhe provldod under fia policy. Your rgsnl'! name and conltct lnlormdlon are plovid€d on the lrom ol lhis documenl. AnotlEr optlon iB to letch oul by mail or phone dlrectly 'to: Stde Farmo Erecrrtiye Curlomar garvlog PO Eor 2320 Bloomhgnon lL 61702 Phone t 1{oo-STATEFABI (l -80G762'OAP) D,spannent or lnsurance comphlntt should be llhd only alter you and Stste Fam or yout agpnl or olhor company reptE$rt8tfus hsvs lsiled to rrrch 0 stlrlactory agls€mont on E problgm. Crlifomir Deparunent oI lr|ainnco ConslIner 9ervlcer Dlvlslrlr 300 Soulh gprlng Srrc€t LoE Angeles, CA 90013Phon, lSoo-927-HELP (r&157) or ybit iyw.insuranca,s€.qov/o.|-conl(fnerr Pre p ared FEB 20 2023 cMP-4000 030679 290 N O Copyri!h! Strto F.rm lMutu al Automobil€ lnsuranc? Comprny,2008 lDcluds! cogyri0htBd matErial of lnsur.nce Servicos Offi6s, lnc., with its pormislion. Page 5 of 6 I STATE FART' GEI{EBAL INSURANCE COI/IPANY A STOCK COMPANY WfH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS EIAPI&1I7,t t,,or.rt, u Named lnsured M-23-O555.FACE F U AR}ISTRONG & BROOKS CONSU LT I NG ENGITIEERS INC ATTACHING INLAND MARINE INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS Policyltlumber 92-CV-K206-3 Policv Pedod Elleclive Oata Exoiration Dats 12 Nitbnths ocT 1 2022 ocT 1 2023 Ihe polioy penod begtns and ends at I2:01 am standard tme at the premlses locauon. (D@ ffi Aulomatic Renewal - lf the policy period is shown as 12 monlhs , tris policy will be renewed automatcally subiectto the premiums, rules and forms in effect tor each sucieedin! policy period. ll tris policv is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder writien notce in compliance wi r the policy provisions or as rgquired by law Annual Policy Premium $ 373.00 The above Premium Amount is included in fre Policy Premium shown on he Declarations. Your policy consists of these Declarations, tre INLAND MARINE C ONDlTl0NS shown beloq and any other Iorms and endorsemenb that app[l inclirding trose shown below as well as fiose issued subsequentto the issuance of dtis policy Foms, 0plions, and Endorsoments FE-8739 FE-6271 FE-8745 FE-8760 See Reverse for Schedule Page wi$ Limits Prepared FEB 20 2023 FD-6007 030680 O Copyright Stlto Flrm Mutu!lAutomobih lnrurrnc. ComplnY,2m lnclud0! copvrilhted mlt8ri0l of lnsurroco S€ryicoi ofic8. lnc., with its permissign. I !30 6[0a.2 05 ill 2[]1 lo1l3?12cl StateFann lnland Marine Conditions Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marine Computer Prop Mobile Equipment Form 92-CV-K20&3 ATTAC HII{G IITLAIIID MARIIIE ATTACHING INTAND MABI]tIE SCHEDULE PAGE ENDORSEMENT NUMBER FE-8745 FE-8760 C OVERAGE lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Exoense Mobile Equipment Form I I $ 25,000 25,00037,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE AM(]UNT ANNUAL PREMIUM Included IncludedI 573,00 s 500 $ 1,000 Prepared FEB 20 2023 FD-6007 030680 OTHER LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY . REFER TO YOUB POLICY O Cogyrighl Suts F.rm lvlutuEl Automobile lnsurlnco Comp6ny, 2m8 lnclud0! copyrighted mrtsrill of lnsur6ncs Ssrvices 0ffice, lnc.. with its ogrmission. 530 t86 BZ 05 3l ?ll1 loxStllcl