2023/01/18 Department of Transportation LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MENIFEELANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MENIFEE THts AGREEMENT is mode effeclive ft,i, I 'l it tov ot between the Stote of Colifornio, octing by ond through the -Deportmeni of Tronsportoiion, hereinofter referred to os "STATE" ond the City of Menifee; hereinofter relened lo os "CITY" ond collectively refened io os "PARTIES." l. The PARTIES hereto mutuolly desire to identify the mointenonce responsibilities of CITY for newly consiructed or revised improvements within STATE's right of woy by Permit Number 08-2,]-6-CD-026O. ,,/ 2. This Agreement oddresses CITY responsibility for the londscope, plontings, ond inigotion systems (collectively the "LANDSCAPING") ploced within Stote Highwoy right of woy on Stoie Route 74, os shown on Exhibit A, otloched to ond mode o port of this Agreement. 3. Mointenonce responsibilities thoi include, bul ore not limited to, inspection, providing emergency repoir, replocement, ond mointenonce, (collectively hereinofter "MAlNTAlN/MAINTENANCE") of LANDSCAPING os shown on soid Exhibii "A." 4. The degree or extent of mointenonce work to be performed, ond the stondords, lherefore, sholl be in occordonce with the provisions of Section 27 oI the Streels ond Highwoys Code ond the lhen cunent edition of the Stote Mointenonce Monuol. 5. When o plonned fuiure improvement is constructed ond/or o minor revision hos been effected with STATE's consenl or initiotion within the limits of the STATE's righi of woy herein described which offects PARTIES' division of mointenonce responsibility os described herein, PARTIES will ogree upon ond execute o new doted ond revised Exhibit "A" which will be mode o port hereof ond will thereofter supersede the ottoched originol Exhibit "A" to thereofier become o port of this Agreement. 5.].The new exhibit con be executed only upon written consent of the PARTIES hereto octing by ond lhrough their outhorized representotives. No formol omendment to this Agreement will be required. 6. CITY ogrees, oi CITY expense, to do the following: 6.l.C|TY moy instoll, or controct, outhorizing o licensed conlroctor wilh oppropriote closs of license in the Stote of Colifornio, to instoll ond thereofter will MAINTAIN LANDSCAPING conforming lo those plons ond specificolions (PS&E) pre-opproved by STATE. r{2OEby ond 6.2.CfiY will submit the finol form of the PS&E, prepored, stomped ond signed by o licensed londscope orchitect, for LANDSCAPING to STATE's District Permit Engineer for review ond opprovol ond will obloin ond hove in ploce o volid necessory encroochment permit prior to the stort of ony work within STATE'S right of woy. All proposed LANDSCAPING must meet STATE's opplicoble slondords. 5.2.I . CITY controctors will be required to obtoin on Encroochmenl Permit prior to the stort of ony work within STATE's right of woy. 6.3. CITY sholl ensure thot LANDSCAPED oreos designoted on Exhibii "A" ore provided with odequote scheduled routine MAINTENANCE necessory to MAINTAIN o neot ond oitroctive oppeoronce including providing for woter, ond fertilizer necessory to sustoin heolthy plont growth during ihe entire lite of this Agreement. 5.3.3. To expeditiously MAINTAIN, reploce, repoir, or remove from service ony LANDSCAPING system component thot hos become unsole or unsightly. 6.4.To furnish electricity for inigotion system conirols, ond lighting system controls for oll street lighting systems instolled by CITY. No stote resources will be utilized for electricol services. 6.5.To MAINTAIN, repoir ond operote the irrigoiion syslems in o monner thol prevents woter from flooding or sproying onto STATE highwoy, sproying porked ond moving outomobiles, sproying pedesirions on public sidewolks/bike poths, or leoving surfoce woter thot becomes o hozord to vehiculor or pedestrion/bicyclist trovel. 6.6.To conlrol weeds ot o level occeptoble to the STATE. Any weed control performed by chemicol weed sproys (herbicides) sholl comply with oll lows, rules, ond regulotions estoblished by the Colifornio Deportment of 6.2.2. An Encroochmeni Permit rider moy be required for ony chonges to lhe scope of work ollowed by this Agreement prior io the stort of ony work within STATE's right of woy 6.3.'i .To prune shrubs, tree plontings, ond trees to control extroneous growth ond ensure STATE stondord lines of sight to signs ond corner sight distonces ore olwoys mointoined for the sofeiy of the public. 6.3.2.To reploce unheolthy or deod plontings when observed or within 30 doys when notified in writing by STATE thot plont replocement is required. Food ond Agriculture. All chemicol sproy operotions sholl be reporled quorterly (Form LAl T) to the STATE to: District 0B Mointenonce ot 464w 4 Street Son Bernordino Co 9240. 6.7. CITY sholl ensure LANDSCAPING within the Agreement limits will provide for the repoir ond removol of dirt, debris, groffiti, weeds, ond ony deleterious item or moteriol on or obout the LANDSCAPING in on expeditious monner. 6.8.To MAINTAIN oll porking or use restrictions signs encompossed wilhin the oreo of the LANDSCAPING. 6.9. To remove LANDSCAPING ond oppurlenonces ond restore STATE owned oreos to o sofe ond ottroclive condiiion occeptoble io STATE in the event this Agreement is terminoted os set forth herein. 7. STATE moy provide CITY with timely written notice of unsoiisfoctory conditions thot requke correction by ihe CITY. However, the non-receipt of notice does nol excuse CITY from mointenonce responsibilities ossumed under this Agreement. B. STATE sholl lssue encroochment permits to CITY ond CITY conkociors ot no cost to them. 9. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: g.l.Nothing wilhin the provisions of this Agreement is iniended to creoie duties or obligotions to or righls in third porties not poriy io this Agreement, or offecl the legol liobility of either PARTY to this Agreemenl by imposing ony stondord of core respecting the design, construciion ond moinlenonce of these STATE highwoy improvements or CITY focilities different from ihe stondord of core imposed by low. 9.2. lf during the term of this Agreement, CITY should ceose to MAINTAIN the LANDSCAPING-io the sotisfoction of STATE os provided by this Agreement, STATE moy eiiher undertoke to perform thot MAINTENANCE on beholf of CITY oi CITY's expense or direct CITY to remove or itself remove LANDSCAPING ot CITY's sole expense ond restore STATE's right of woy to its prior or o sofe operoble condition. CITY hereby ogrees to poy soid STATE expenses, wilhin thirty (30) doys of receipt of billing bv STATE. However, prior to STATE performing ony MAINTENANCE or removing LANDSCAPING, STATE will provide wrilten notice io CITY to cure the defoult ond CITY will hove thirty (30) doys within which to offecl thot cure. 9.3.Neither CITY nor ony officer or employee thereof is responsible for ony injury, domoge or liobility occurring by reoson of onything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with ony work, outhority or .iurisdiction orising under this Agreement. lt is understood ond ogreed thot STATE sholl fully defend, indemnify ond sove hormless CITY ond oll of its officers ond employees from oll cloims, suits or octions of every nome, kind ond description brought forih under, including, but not limited to, tortious, controctuol, inverse condemnotion ond other lheories or ossertions of liobility occurring by reoson of onything done or omitted to be done by STATE under this Agreement wilh the exception of those octions of STATE necessory to cure o noticed defoult on the port of CITY. 9.4. Neither STATE nor ony officer or employee thereof is responsible for ony injury, domoge or liobility occurring by reoson of onything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection wiih ony work, outhority or jurisdiction orising under this Agreement. lt is understood ond ogreed thot CITY sholl fully defend, indemnify ond sove hormless STATE ond oll of its otlicers ond employees from oll cloims, suils or octions of every nome, kind ond description brought forth under, including, but not limited to, iortious, controctuol, inverse condemnotion or other theories or ossertions of liobility occurring by reoson of onylhing done or omitted to be done by CITY under this Agreement. 9.5.PREVAILING WAGES: 9.5.1 . Lob om lio lf the work performed under this Agreement is done under controct ond folls within the Lobor Code section 1 720(o) (1 ) definiiion of o "public works" in ihot it is construclion, olterotion, demolition, instollotion, or repoir; or mointenonce work under Lobor Code section i771. CITY must conform to the provisions of Lobor Code sections 1720 through,l815, ond oll opplicoble provisions of Colifornio Code of Regulotions found in Title 8, Chopter 8, Subchopter 3, Arlicles l-7. CITY ogrees to include prevoiling woge requirements in iis conirocts for public works. Work performed by CITY's own forces is exempt from the Lobor Code's Prevoiling Woge requirements. 9.5.2.Reouirements in Subconirocts - CITY sholl re quire its controctors to include prevoiling woge requirements in oll subcontrocts when ihe work to be performed by the subcontroctor under ihis Agreemenl is o "public works" os defined in Lobor Code Section I 720(o) (l ) ond Lobor Code Section l77l . Subcontrocts sholl include oll prevoiling woge requiremenis set forth in CITY's controcts. I O. INSURANCE. 10.1.SELF-INSURED - CITY/COUNTY is self-insured. CITY/COUNTY ogrees to deliver evidence of self-insured coveroge providing generol liobility insuronce, coveroge of bodily injury liobility ond properiy domoge liobility, noming STATE, its officers, ogents ond employees os the odditionol insured in on omount of $l million per occurrence ond $2 million in oggregote ond $5 million in excess. Coveroge sholl be evidenced by o certificotion of self-insuronce letter ("Letter of Self- lnsuronce"), sotisfoctory to STATE, cerlifying thot CITY/COUNTY meets the coveroge requirements of this section. This Lelter of Self-lnsuronce sholl olso identify the locotion os depicted in EXHIBIT A. CITY/COUNTY sholl deliver to STATE the Lelter of Self-lnsuronce with o signed copy of this AGREEMENT. A copy of the executed Leiter of Self-lnsuronce sholl be otioched hereto ond incorporote os Exhibit B. 10.2. SELF-INSURED using Controctor - lf the work performed under this AGREEMENT is done by CITY/COUNTY's controctor(s), CITY/COUNTY sholl require iis controctor(s) to mointoin in force, during the term of this AGREEMENT, o policy of generol liobiliiy insuronce, including coveroge of bodily iniury liobility ond property domoge liobiliiy, noming STATE, its officers, ogenis ond employees os the odditionol insured in on omount of $1 million per occurrence ond $2 million in oggregote ond $5 million in excess. Coveroge sholl be evidenced by o certificote of insuronce in o form sotisfoctory to the STATE thot sholl be delivered to the STATE with o signed copy of this Agreemenl. I I.TERMINAT|ON - This Agreement moy be terminoted by timely mutuol writlen consenl by PARTIES, ond CITY's foilure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement moy be grounds for o Noiice of Terminotion by STATE' 12.TERM OF AGREEMENT -This Agreement sholl become effective on the dote first shown on its foce sheet ond sholl remoin in full force ond effect until omended or terminoted of ony time upon mutuol consent of the PARTIES or until lerminoted by STATE for couse. PARTIES ore empowered by Streets ond Highwoys Code Section I l4 & 130 to enter into this Agreement ond hove delegoted to the undersigned the outhority to execute this Agreement on beholf of the respeclive ogencies ond covenonts to hove followed oll the necessory legol requirements to volidly execute lhis Agreement. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES herelo hove set their honds ond seols the doy ond yeor first obove writlen. THE CITY OF MENIFEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION lnilioted ond Approved Armondo , City Monoger ATTEST: By: Sie eR cting C ty Clerk tv^6 oo By: tt6$v r. uetcrr ty Jim A. Rogers Deputy District Director Moinienonce District 0B By:By: e Attorney en, DATE ocToBER r 8. 2022 NOT TO SCALE SCALE SHEET I OT l EXHIBIT "A' tANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EXECUTED DATE DATE z_ ENC M ENT tr N0.08-2 r .6-cD-0260 CITY OF MENIFEE SICNATURE CALTRANS APPROVAL SICNATURE STATE ROUTE 74 AND TRUMBLE ROAD EXHIBIT "A' Post mile 2 7.75 I I I I I I I l- ( ( ( / ?\ LANDSCAPT AREA TO BT MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF MENIFET CAT TRANS RICHT OF WAY ll+tffi#\ I 9l ( l t422 / \ /I /I t / \\ \\\\ I 4' \ - {-tt-tr -L .L a ]I \I /,G I \ lz) EXHIBIT "B" MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951-672-6T17 Fax95f679-3843 cityofmenilee.us District 08 Maintenance MS 1107 464 W 4th Street San Bernardino Ca 9240 ATTN: Oavid Gilbert october 11,2022 RE: Maintenance agreement with the City of Menifee Dear MR. Gilbert The purpose of this letter is to certify that the CIW of Menifee is self-insured and self-funded covering third-party claims arising out of its Seneral operations (for example, commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance). Further the CITY of Menifee is self-insured covering workers' compensation claims and has received the consent of the state Department of lndustrial Relations to do so. Each fiscal year, as a part of its budgetary process, the CITY of Menifee appropriates funds specifically to satisfy valid third-party claims and workers' compensation claims, which may be brought against the CITY of Menifee. The CIW of Menifee certlfies its self-insured, general liability coverage for bodily injury liability and property damage liabillty, meets the requlred coverage amounts in section 10.1 (INSURANCE) of the Maintenance Agreement, specifically general liability insurance, coverage of bodily injury liability and property damage liability in an amount of 51 million per occurrence and 52 million in aggregate and $5 million in excess. The CITY of Menifee further represents that regarding any claims made in connection with the Maintenance Agreement by the STATE, the STATE will be first-in-line regarding the reserved, self-insured amounts. lf you need any additional information regarding this letter, please direct those inquires through my office. Sincerely, Nick Fid ler Public Works Director City of Menifee Dean Deines Mayor Pro Tem Drstrcl 4 Bob Karwin Councrlmembet Drstflct l Matt Liesemeye. Councilmember Drstnct 2 Armando G. VilLl Crty M.rndger New Better. Best. Bill Zimmerman Lesa A. Sobek Councilmember Drstricl 3