2023/01/10 The County of Riverside INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MENIFEE, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE -CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION OF THE 2022 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AWARDINTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF BANNING, BEAUMONT, CATHEDRAL CITY, CORONA, DESERT HOT SPRINGS. HEMET, INDIO, JURUPA VALLEY, LAKE ELSINORE, MENIFEE, MORENO VALLEY, PALM SPRINGS, PERRIS, CITY OF RIVERSIDE. TEMECULA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. CA CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION OF THE 2022 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AWARD This Interlocal Agreement ("Agreemenf) Is made and entered into this day .2022. by and between THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, acting by and through its goveming body, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY"), and named CITIES as referenced In Appendix 1 (hereinafter referred to as "CITIES"), acting by and through their respective goveming bodies, the City Councils, all of whom are situated within the County of Riverside, State of Califomia, as follows: WHEREAS, each goveming body, in performing govemmental functions or in paying for the performance of govemmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party; and WHEREAS, each goveming body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY agrees to release to CITIES their respective grant ailocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent (10%) re-allocated to COUNTY, as reflected on Appendix 1. here attached and hereby incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement, on a reimbursement basis; and COUNTY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY'S and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs; and additionally the COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these ^nds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and CITIES believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds. NOW THEREFORE, the COUNTY and CITIES agree as follows: Section 1. COUNTY agrees to release to CITIES up to their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent (10%) re-allocated to COUNTY, as reflected in Appendix 1 on a reimbursement basis, from the JAG Award within (45) days upon receipt of fully documented reimbursement request, and; COUNTY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY'S and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs. Section 2. COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines. MOU - 2022 Justice Assistance Grant Psse 11 JAN 102023 3-4^ DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F8D202C-5560-49AF-BC5B-DC782B483597