2023/01/17 Act 1 Construction, Inc.Slatefann STATE FARM@&. PO Box 2368 Bloonington lL 61 702-2368 DATE OF NOTICE: FEB 03 2023 CODE: 704 AT1 23 m1m5 m93 CITY OF ].IEN I FEE 29E44 HAUN RD llEN I FEE CA 9?546-6539 NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY STATE FARM AT THE ADDFESS LISTED AT THE TOP, LEFT CORNER OF THIS PAGE REGARDING ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFOBMATION.Fr::tld EUS r,lrlr,rl,,rh,r,tllrtlh,,,ltlhilrthrlrtrltl,,I[,rlrll,rl ea ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Slale Farm Mulual AutomobilE lnsurance Company 1045'FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 277 9,160.903-75M COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTTON tNC YB/MAKE/MODEL: NONOWNED AUTO -BI_AND PD LlABlLlrY I ++q orH sr VINiCAMPER:I! ruORCOCE 92860.1758 AGENTNAME: TONY FREEMAN E aGENT PHoNE: (so9)s42-6464 8 ENDoRSEMENT No: 6o28BU PoLlcY EFFEcrlvE c 6165CS JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED fi POLICY MESSAGES: This polrcy shown above sup€rsedes policy# 2779160-751. H The policy includes a oss payable clause protecting the additional insured's interesl in lhe described car lo lhe sxtenl o, the insurance i oroviOed ind subiect io a oolicy grovisions. The additional insured will be given 30 days nolice ii the policy iS lerminated. Until SUch notice J is provrded, rt shatt be preslrnei itrat tfre required renewal prsmiums have been paid. The additional insured must notily us within 10 days ol !i any change ot interest or ownershipcoming to lheir atlention. Failur€ to do so will render this policy null and void. E ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stale Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsurance Company NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 711 4075"423.75E Acr 1 CoNSTRUCT|ON rNc YR/MAKSMODEL: 2015|NTL TANKTRK 444 6TH sr VIN/CAMPEH: SHAMMMMM6FL600331 NORCO CA 92860-1758 AGENTNAME: TONY FREEMAN AGENTPHONET (9os)942-6464 ENDORSEMENT NO: 6028BU 1045.FACEA COVEHAGE: BIAND PD LIABILIW SlMIL $2000 DEo. coMP. $2000 DE0. coLL. POLICY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersed€s policy47114o75'75D. The poticy includ€s a loss payable ciause protecting ttie additional insured's interesi in lhe dsscribed car lo the extenl o, the insuranc€ proviOedlnOsO;ecf fo atipolicy provisions, The additional insured will be given 30 days notice the polrcy rs terminated until such notice is prouiOed, it st a'tt be preslmed ihat the ,equired renewal premiums havo been paid. The addilional insurod must nolily us within i0 days ol any change ol interesl or ownership coming to their attention. Failure to do so will render lhis policy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Slals Farm Mulual Automobile lnsuranco Company NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 5OO 1614-C31.75O ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YB/MAKE/MODEL: 2015 FOBD UTILTRK 444 6TH sr VIN/CAMPER: 1 F08W3E63FE808507 NORCO CA 92860.1758 AGENT NAME: TONY FREEMAN AGENTPHONE: (sos)e42-6464 ENOORSEMENT NO: 60288U 1O45.FACEA COVERAGE: BI AND PD LIABILIry $ 1 l\.fl1 $2OOO DED, COMP, s2000 DED. coLL. POLICY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes policy# 5001614-75P Ttre oolicv inctudes a toss oavabie ciause prot€cting ltie additio;al inaured's inl€rest in the describ€d car to lhe exient ol the insurance proriO"Jino sroir.i to irt'priticy provisioni. The additional insured will bo giv€n 30 days notice il the policy is terminated. Untll such notice ^ is provioeo, it strait be presumed ihat the required r€nowal premiums have been paid. The additional insured must notily us wilhin 10 days ol fi any cfrange ol interesior ownershrp comingio lheir all€nlion. Failure lo do so will render this policy null and void. t rar t 3 ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stale Farm Mulual Automobile lnsuranca Company 1045-FACEA NAMEO INSURED: pOLtCy NO: 569 4oi2-817-75H COVEBAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 1997 FORD PICKUP BIANo PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 3FTHF25F3VijA5935O $ 1 MIL NORCOCA 92860-1758 aGENi'HIUE: ioNv rReer,leu $2000 DED. coMP. eGEHr pxoNg: (9a9)942-6464 s20o0 DED' coLL' ENDOBSEMENT NO: 6028BU pOLtCy EFFECIVE PoLlcY MESSAGES: This policy shown abov€ supersedes policy# 5o94ot2-75c. JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED The policy includes a loss payable claus€ protectino the additional insured's inlerest in lhe described car lo lh6 extent o, the rnsurance provided and subjecl to all policy provisions. The addilional insured will be given 30 days notice il lho policy is t6rminaled, Until such notice is provided, il shall be presumed that the required renewal pr€miums hav€ been paid. The addilional insured must nolily us within 10 days of any change ol interest or ownership coming to lh€ir attention. Failure to do so will render thas policy null and void. AODITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE State Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMEO INSUHED: pOLtCy NO: 614 6670-Es1-7sF COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2019 FORD PICKUP BIAND PD LlABlLrrY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1FT8W3BT3KEEM541 $ I MIL NoRco cA s2860-17s8 AGEIiiihlitE: ToNy FHEEMAN $2000 DED coMP' AGEltt iH-iiNt' isos;s+z-o+o+ $2000 DEo' coLL ENDORSEMENT NO: 6o2dBU pOLtCy EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATEDPOLICY MESSAGES: This poticy shown above supersed€s poticy* 6146670-75E. Th€ policy includes a loss payable clause prot€cting the addilional insured's interest in the describBd car lo the extent ol lhe insurance provided and subject to all policy provisions. The additional insured will be given 30 days nolico il the policy is terminated. Unlil such nolice^ is provded, ilshallbe presumed lhat the required renewalpremiums have be€n paid. The additionat insured musl notily us wilhin 10 days ol$ any change ol inleresl or own€rshrp coming to thear attenlion. Failuro to do so will render this policy null and void. g ADDITIONAL INSUREO'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Slale Fa.m Mutual Aulomobile lnsuranco Company 1045.FACEA NAMED INSURED: pOLtCy NO: 647 88s1.E20-7sE COVERAGE: ACT l CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKEiMODEL: 2019 FoRD PIoKUP BIANo Po LIABILITY 444 6TH ST vlN/CAMpER: 1FTEW1EpgKKc61s71 $ r MtL NORCO CA 92860-1758 AGENT NAME: TONY FREEMAN $2000 DED, coMp. 4GEiltifitt't\ii: 1s-odlsaz-ono+ $2000 DED coLL' ENDORSEMENT NO: 6o2BBU poLtcy EFFECTTVE PoLlor MESSAGES: This poricy shown above supersedes policy# 6478891-75D. JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED I he poircy includes a loss payable clause prolecting th€ aodilional rnsured,s inl€rest in lhe described car lo lhe extenl ol the inSuranceprovided and subject to all policy provisions. The additional insured will b€ given 30 days notice il the poticy is terminated. Until such noticeis provided, itshall be presumed that the roquired ren€wal premiums have -been paid. ine aoOitionar iniuied musl notily us wilnin to oays otany change of interesl or ownership coming to their attention. Failure 10 do so will render this policy null and void.3 ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stats Farm Mulual Automobi16 lnsuranc€ Company NAMED INSURED: PoLICY No: 501 7554.E27-75o ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2016 FOFID PICKUP 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPEH: 1 FTEXI C PXG KE25255NORCO CA 92860-]758 AGENT NAME: TONYFREEMANAGENTPHONE: (sos)942-6.64 ENDORSEMENT NO: 6028BU BCXl 1045-FACEA COVERAGE: BI AND PO LIABILITY $1MIL $2000 DED. COMP. 62000 DEO, COLL. POLICY EFFECTIVE POLIC'Y MESSAGES: This poricy shown above supersedes poricy# 5017554-75N. JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERi'INATED The policy includes a loSS payable clause protecting lhe add rO;al iniured's rnterest rn lhe described car to the exlent Ol lhe rnsuranceprovloeo and subjecl lo all policy provrsrons. The addrtronal Insured will be Orven 30 days notice il the policy rs terminated. Untrl such nolicois provded. il shall be presumed thal lhe required renewal premiums have ;een paid. ihe ;ddit,o;, Inlu%J must noidf us wtrnin r o oays otany change ol inleresl or ownershrp coming to their atlentidn. Failure to do so wi renOer rfr;s portv nurianO roiO.- - ' - Xafufann STATE FARMo&. PO Box 2368 Bloonington lL 61 702-2368 DATE OF NOTICE: FEB 03 2023 CODE: NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY STATE FARM AT THE AODRESS LISTED AT THE TOP, LEFT CORNER OF THIS PAGE REGARDING ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION. 7AA 23 001006 0093 CITY OF IIEI{ I FEE 29844 HAUN RD I{ENI FEE CA 92586-6539P,1,i*i tuE 8 ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVEHAGE State Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsurance Company 1045-FAoEA NAMED INSUBED: POLICY NO: 580 5701,A07"75I COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTTON tNC YR/MAKBMODEL: 2007 FORD ptCKUp BIAND PD LIABILITY ! ++1olr-si' - viHlcltupEn: i rrpxr zsozrocz r ss $r'o|lto.o. "o*.iI NORCO CA 92860.1758 AGENTNAME: TONY FREEMAN 6zooo oEo. CoI-I.,E AGENT PHONE: {909)942-6464I ENDoHSEMENT No: 6o2dBU PoLlcY EFFEcrlvEc JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED E POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown abov€ supersedes policy# 5805701-75H. i The policy includes a loss payable clause protecting ths additional insured's intorest in the described car 10 lhe exl€nt ol the insurance E provided and subtect to all polrcy provisions, The additional insur8d will be given 30 days noiice it lhe policy is terminated. Unlil such notice ; is provided, it shall be presumed that ihe required renewal premiums have been paid. The addiiional insured musi nolify us within 10 days ol g any change ol rnteresl or ownership coming to their attention. Failure lo do so will render this policy null and void. F ADDITIONAL INSUREO'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE State Farm Mutual Automobilo lnsuranco Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: s93 73s4-811-751 COVEBAGE: AcT 1 oONSTRUCTIoN INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2017 FORD UTIL TRK AI AND PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1 FD8W3ET7H EE07815 $ 1 MIL NoRCocA s2.6o-i758 iCEI+pAf$i, ;?-U[#..,.JF- - - *3333BEB:33[ ENDORSEMENT NO: 6o28BU POLICY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown abovo sup€rsedes policy# 5937394-75H. The policy inctudes a toss paya6le ciause protecting the addilional insured'S interesl in the described car to the exl€nl ol lhe insurance provided ind subject to all poticy provisions. The addilional insured will bs given 30 days notice il lh€ policy is lerminaled Until such nolice 'is proriOea, it ifra'iiOe p,esilmed ihat the required renewal pr€miums have been paid. The additional insured musl notily us within 10 days ol any change ol interest or ownership com ing io their allenlion. Faiiure lo do so will render this policy null and void AODITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVEBAGE Stalo Farm Mulual Aulomobilo lnsurance Company 1045-FAoEA NAMED INSURED| POLICY NO: 711 4o74-A23-75E COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2013 INTL TANK TRK BI AND PD LIABILITY 444 6rH sr viNidauiEi: l Hrl\rMAALsDJ2s4o3z !r'#b.D. "or".NORCOCA 92860.1758 AGENTNAME: TONY FREEMAN 5iOOO OEO. COU, AGENTPHONE: (9os)942-6464 ENDoRSEMENT NO: 6o28BU PoLlcY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TEBMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supsrsedes policy* 7114074'75D. Itre poticy incluOes a toss payabb ciause protecting the addrtional insur€d's interest in lho described car lo iho extont ol th€ insurance prorifeO inO suOiect to all'poticy provisions. Tho aidilional insured will be gven 30 days notice il the policy is terminated. LJnlil such notice ^ L provroeO, it strj be presume6 inal lhe required r€newal premiums have b€en paid. The additional insured musl notily us within 10 days ol $ any change ot interest or ownership comino io lheir atlention. Failure to do so will render this policy nulland void. E FFT ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stale Farm Mutual Aulomobilo lnsurance Company 1045-FAoEA NAMED INSUBED: pOLtCy NO: 568 9s44,8r6-75c COVERAGE: ACT l CONSTHUCTION INC YR/i,AKE/MODEL: 2OO5 FOHD PICKUP BIAND Po LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1FTRX12W25NB28O65 $1MlL NORCOCA 92860-1758 AGENT NAME: TONY FREEMAN $2000 DED coMP' AGENT PHONE: (909)942-6464 $2000 DEo coLL' ENDORSEMENT NO: 6ozdsu pOLtCy EFFE6IyE PoLlcY MESSAGES: This poticy shown above supersedes poticy# s689544-75F. JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TEBMINATED The policy includ€s a loss payable clause protecling the addilional insured's interest in lhe described car 1o the exient ol lhe insurance provided and subjecl to all policy provisions. The addilional insurad will b€ gaven 30 days notice il the policy is terminaled. Until such notice is provided, it shall be presumed that lh€ required renewal promiums have been paid. The additional insured must noiily us wilhin 10 days oi any change o, interest or ownership coming to their altenlion. Failure to do so will r€nder this policy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stato Farm Mutual Automobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: pOLtCy NO: 462 ss14-E27-7sp COVEFAGE: ACT I CONSTHUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2016 FORD PICKUP BIAND PD LlABlLlw 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1 FTEX1C88GFA21257 $lMlL NoRcocA s2860-i7s8 aGEHT'iihLiE: roNy FREEMAN $2000 DEo coMP' aGEur Fxo'[E: r's-os)s+z-o+6a $2000 DED coLL' ENDORSEMENT NO: 6ozdeu poLtcy EFFECIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes poticy# 4629314-750. The policy includes a loss payable clause proiecting the additional insured's inlerest in the described car lo the extent of the insurance provided and subiocl lo all policy provisions. The additional insured will be givon 30 days notice il the FDthy is lerminated. Until such notice is provided, il shall be presumed lhat the requirod renewal premiums have 6een paid. The additional lnsured must notify us within 1O days ol any change ol interest or ownership coming lo their attention. Failure to do so willrender this poticy nulland void. ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stats Farm Mutual Automobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: pOLtCy NO: s69 1347-Br7-z5E COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2OO7 FOBD PICKUP BIAND PO LIABILITY 444 6TH sT VINiCAMPER: 1 FTpx12s37KD42 i 45 $1MrL NORCO CA 92860-1758 AGENT NAME: ToNY FREEMAN *9q9 PE9 99I4P A9_ENIPIONE: (909)942-6464 $zuuo UEU' coLL' ENDORSEMENT NO: 6o28BU PoLIcY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATEDPOLIC_Y MESSAGES: Thrs poticy shown above supersedes poticy# 5691347-75D, The policy rncludes a loss payable claus€ protecting the additional in;ured's interesl in the d€scribad car to the extenl o, the insuranceprovided and subj€cl to allpoticy provisions. Theadditional insu red will be given 30 days notice il the poticy is ierminaled. Untilsuch noticeis provided il shall be presumed that the required r€newal premiums have been paid. ihe additionat insu/ed must n;tiit us wrthin to days otany change ol interesl or ownershp comrng lo their attention. Failure to do so wi rend€r lhis policy nult and void. ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Slalo Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsurance Company NAMED INSURED: PoLIcY No:614 3101-E t 5-75c 1045-FACEA COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2019 FoRD PICKUP BI AND PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1FTEW1oPoKKD279,4 $1MIL NORCO CA 92860-1758 AGENT NAME: TONY FREEMAN $2000 DED. coMP. A9-EltFl:6i[tL isos)gnz"o+or $2000oEo coLL ENOORSEMENT NO: 6o2dBU poLtcy EFFEoIVE PoLlor MESSAGES: This poricy shown above supers€des poricy* 6143 i o r -75F. JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TE RMINATE D The policy includes a loss payable clause protecting tlie additioriat in;ured's inlerest in the describ€d carto ths extenl of the insuranceprovided and subiect to all policy provisrons. The additional insured will be grven 30 days notice il the polic, is1;rminated. untit sucn noticea :t_?E:d-"^d: 1.s,1?l_9:,p-,_"::1-ll!,rLlh" reqdired renewal premiums have -been paid. ite aoo ionar iniuiio mutr noi'ry us w,tnin ro oays or i any cnange ol rnteresl or ownership coming to lheir attenlion. Failure to do so will render lhis policy nu and void. 9 BCXr stitlefafm STATE FARMq,&. PO Box 2368 Bloonington lL 61 702-2368 DATE OF NOTICE: FEB 03 2023 CODE: NOTE: PLEASE NOTIFY STATE FABM AT THE ADDRESS LISTED AT THE TOP, LEFT CORNER OF THIS PAGE REGARDING ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS INFOHMATION. 704 ZJ 001006 0093 CITY OF ]'IEN I FEE 29844 HAUN RD I'IEN I FEE CA 9?5A6-6539ffi 8 R .A E- I ADDITIONAL INSUHED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stale Farm Mutual Automobile lnsurance Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 636 1132-A02.75I covERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2019 FOBD UT|L TRK BIAND PD LlABlLlry 444 6rH Sr VIN/CAMPER: iioewserr recszssa $rlllto.o. "orr.NORCOCA 92860-1758 AGENT NAME: TONY FREEI\IIAN iiooooEo.coli.AGENTPHONE: (909)942-6464 ENDORSEMENT NO: 6ozdgu PoLIcY EFFEoTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERMINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes policy# 6361132-75H. Th€ policy includes a loss payabl6 clause protecting the addilional insured's interest in the described car to the exlent of lhe insurance provided and subject to all policy provisions. The additional insured will be given 30 days notice il the policy is ierminaled. Until such nolice is provided, it shall be presum€d lhal the required renewal premiums have been paid. The additional insured must noli,y us within 10 days o, any change ot inlerest or ownarship coming 10 iheir attenlion. Fail!re to do so will render lhis policy null and void. ADDITIONAL INSUBED'S NOTICE OF COVERAGE Stale Farm Mutual Aulomobile lnsuranco Company 1045-FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 609 8506-Bo7-75H COVERAGE: ACT 1 CONSTRUoTIoN INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2OO4 FOBD PICKUP BIAND PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1 FTRFI 4544 Nc22o2o $ 1 [/tll NoRco cA e2s6o-17s8 AGENT NAME: roNY FREEI\,IAN I3*P RER !Pl4P'AGENTPHONE: (9os)942-6464 ENOORSEMENT NO: 6O28BU PoLIcY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERI/INATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes policy# 6098506-75G. The policy ancludes a loss payable clause protecting ihe addilional insured's interest in the described car to the €xtent of the insurance provided and subiect lo all policy provisions. The additional insured will be given 30 days notice il the policy is lerminaled. Until such nolice ^ is provided, it shall be presumed lhat the required renewal premiums have been paid. The additional insured must noli,y us within 10 days ol N any change ol inlerest or ownership coming lo lheir atlenlion. Failure to do so will render this policy null and void. I ADDITIONAL INSURED'S NOTICE OF COVEHAGE Stale Farm Mutual Automobile lnsuranca Company 1045'FACEA NAMED INSURED: POLICY NO: 685 6946-C24.75G COVERAGE; ACT 1 CONSTRUCTIoN INC YR/MAKE/MODEL: 2011 FORD PICKUP BIAND PD LIABILITY 444 6TH ST VIN/CAMPER: 1 FTFX1CT8BFC74225 $ 1 MIL NoRCocA e2860-1758 aGeHr HafuE: roNY FREEMAN 33333 BEB 33HAGENTPHONE: (e09)942-6464 ENDORSEMENT NO: 6O28BU POLICY EFFECTIVE JAN 17 2023 UNTIL TERI\,lINATED POLICY MESSAGES: This policy shown above supersedes policy# 6856946-75F. The policy includes a loss payable clause prolecling tho addilional insured's interesl ir lhe described car lo lhe extenl o, lhe insurance provided and subject to all policy provisions. The addilional insured will be given 30 days nolice if the policy is terminated. Unlil such notice is provided, it shall be presumed that the required renewal premiums have been paid. The additional insured musi notify us wilhin 10 days ol any change of inlerest or ownership coming to lheu attention. Failure lo do so will render this policy null and void.