2022/10/31 Western A/V, Inc.StateFarm STATE FAFTI GENERAL INSUBANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN ELOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?&*i&?li L u,roz-zs,s Addl lnsured-Sectlon ll Only M-23-61F8-FB8A F Z 002387 3123CITY OF I{EN I FEE AI{D ITS OFFICERS, E}IPLOYEES, AGENTS & AUTHORIZED VOLUNTEERS 29844 HAUi{ RD ]{EN I FEE CA 9?5A6-6539 il [,,ltrtl,l,lil r,,l,lr,rlll[il til, trlr, rt,, trl,ltrt,ll, [, [], Home Product Sales Policy ! DECLARATIONS covERAGE SU|\,IMABY FEB 3 2023 Policyilumbor 92-GY-D812-0 Policv Period Etlective Dato Exoiration Dats 12 Mbnrhs ocl 31 2022 ocT 31 2023 The polipv period be0ins and ends at l2:01 am standard fime at me Premlses I0caoon. Named lnsured WESTERI{ A/V INC & II..-.irfir't '.ff,fl. E Automatic R.nowal - lf the policy period is sh own as 12 months , this policy will be renewed automatically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeeding policy pertod. lf tris policy is terminaled, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance wi$ dre policy provisions or as required by law. Entily: Corporation Policy Premium Discounts Applied: Renewal Year Years in Business Enclosed Building Protective Devices Sprinkler Claim Record $ 13,949.00 Prepared FEB 03 2023 cMP-4000 @ Copyright Stite FErm irutunl Automobil€ lnsur!ncr Company, 2008 lncludes copyright.d materirl of lnsuranco Services oflice, lflc., with its p€rmission Continued on Reverse Side ol Page020502 290 N Page 1ol 7 Home Product Sales Pollcv Policy Numb€r 92-G DECLARATIONS (CONNNUED) 'or CITY OF MENIFEE Y-D812-0 sFcTtoN t - 9PopEFTY Sn].t FDIII F Location Number Location ot D€scrlbed Prsmlses Limit ol lnsurance' Cov€raos A - Buildings Limit ol lnsurance' Coverao€ B - Business Fersonal Property Seasonal lncrease- Business Personal Property 001 002 1592 N BATAVIA ST STE 2 oRANGE CA 92867-3554 1590 N BATAVIA ST STE 4 oRANGE CA 92867-3534 No Coverage $ 140,900 25% 25o/. .Aso the dale th spo cy, the Limit of lnsurance as shown inc des any increas- in the imit ue to n at ron overage sFcTloN r - rNFr ATI6N .:OV BAGF INDFX{FSI Cov A - lnflation Coverage lndex Cov B - Consumer Price lndex: N/A 296.3 SECTION I - DFDI BLES Basic Deductlble Spscial Deductlbles; Money and Securitjes $2.500 $250 Data Compromise $1,000 Prepared FEB 03 2023 cMP-4000 020502 Page 2ol 7 No Coverage $ 141 ,100 O Copyrighl Stat6 Farm Muturl Automobils lnsurincB Compiny,2008 lncludes copyrightsd materirl ol l[!urdncB SBruics$ officE, lnc., with it! D0rmission. Continued on Next Page StateFarm !& Fntfi iBE Home P.oduct Sales Policv Policy Numbei 92-G DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) for CITY OF MENIFEE Y-D812{) Employee Dishonesty $250 Equipment Breakdown $2,500 Other deductibles may apply - rel6r to policy SECTION I. EXTENSIONS OF COVEBAGE - LIMIT OF INSURANCE. EACH DESCBIBED PREMISES8 6b'The covorages and correspondlng limits shown bolow apply separalsly to oach dgscribsd promises shown in these Declaratlons, unless lndlcatad by "See Sch€dule." ll a coverags does not have a correspondlng llmlt shown below, but has "lncluded" indlcated, ploase relsr to that policy provision lor an explanation ot that coverago. COVEFAGE Accounts Receivable On Premises Olf Premises Arson Reward Back-Up Of Sewer Or Drain Collapse Damage To Non-Owned Buildings From Theft, Burglary Or Bobbery Debris Bemoval Equrpment Breakdown Fire Department Servico Charge Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense Forgery Or Alteration Glass Expenses lncreased Cost Of Construction And Demolition Costs (applies only when buildings are insured on a replacemont cost basis) Money And Securities (Ofl Pr€mises) Money And Securities (On Premises) Money Orders And Countertsit Money LIMIT OF INSURANCE See Schedule Sse Scheduls $s'000 See Schedule lncluded Coverage B Limit 25% ol covered loss lncludad $2,500 $5'000 910,000 lncluded 10% See Schedule See Schedule $1,000 Prepared FEB 03 2023 cMP4000 020503 290 N o copyright Stlts Flrm lvlutual Automobih lnrurlncs Comptny,2008 lncludos cowriohtsd mltgrirl of lnsur!ncB SBryicss offica, lno., wih iti psrmission Continued on Reverse Sid6 o, Page Page 3 ol 7 Home Product Sales Policv Pollcy Number 92-G DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) for CITY OF MENIFEE Y-D812-0 Newly Acquired Business Personal Property (applies only i, this policy provides Coverage B - Business Personal Propery) Newly Accpired Or Construct€d Buildings (applies only if this policy provides Coverage A - Buildings) Ordinance Or Law - Equipmenl Coverage Outdoor Property Porsonal Etfects (applies only to those premises provided Covarage B - Business Personal Property) Personal Proparty Off Premis€s Pollutant Clean Up And Removal Preservalion Ol Property Property Of Others (applies only lo those premises provided Coverage B - Business P€rsonal Property) Signs Valuabls Papers And Records On Promises Orl Premises $100.000 $2s0,000 lncluded See Schedule $2,soo $25,000 $10,000 30 Oays See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule See Schedule SECTION I - EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE - LIMIT OF INSU FANCE. SCHEDULE The covereg€s and corresponding llmlts shown bolow apply only to the described premlses as shown LOCATION Prepared FeB $ 2023 cMP-4000 020503 COVEHAGE LIMIT OF INSURANCE 0001 Signs Back-Up Of Sewer Or Drain Money And Securities (On Premises) Money And Securities (Olf Premises) Property Of Others (applies only to those Personal Prop€rty) Accounts Receivable (On Premises) Accounts Receivable (Off Pr€mises) Outdoor Property Valuable Papers and Records (On Premises) Valuable Papers and Records (Off Premises) 0002 Accounts Heceivable (On Prsmises) $5,000 $15,000 $10,000 $s,000 premises provided Coverage B - Business $2,500 @ Copyri0hl St.ts Flrm Muturl Automobih lnsurlnce Complny, 2m lncludos coFyri[htsd mrtsri!lof lniur!ncs Srrvicrs offioe, hc..widl it! psrmis.ion Continued on Next Page Page 4 of 7 $10,000 $5,ooo $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 StateFarm !(D@ Home Product Salos Poll Policy Number 92 DECLARATIONS (CONTINUED) tor CITY OF MENIFEE Y-D812-0 cI-t: ffi*II'iII I 6 ;8 Accounts Rec6ivable (Otf Premises) Back-Up Of Sewer Or Drain Money And Securities (OIl Premises) Money And Securities (On Premises) Outdoor Property Property Of Others (applies only to those premises provided Coverage B ' Businsss Personal Property) Signs Valuable Papers and Becords (On Premises) Valuable Papers and Records (Off Premises) $s,000 $15,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 SFCTION I. EXTENSIONS OF COVFRAGF . 1 IMIT OF INSTIFANCE. PER POLICY The coverages and corresponding limits shown below are the most we will pay regardless ot the number of described premlses shown in theso Declaratlons. COVERAGE Data Compromise Legal And Forensic lnformation Technology Review Per Occurrence Dependent Property - Loss Ol lncome Employee Dishonesty ldentity Restoration Other Expenses Case Management Services Per Occurrence Lost Wages And Supervision Expenses Utility lnterruplion - Loss Of lncome Loss OI lncome And Extra Expense @ copy.i0ht Strts tlrm Mutual Automobilo In3urrncs Comprny,2008 lncludes copyrightsd mlterial of lnsuranco Servic€3 offico, lnc., with its p8rmission Continued on Reverse Side of Pago LIMIT OF INSU RANCE $5,000 $50,000 $5,ooo $10,000 $1,000 12 months $3s,000 $5,000 $10,000 Actual Loss Sustained - 12 l\ilonths Page 5 of 7 Prepared FEB 03 2023 cMP-4000 020504 290 N Home Product Sales Pollcv Policy Numb€r gz-G DECLABATIONS (CONTINUEO) Ior CITY OF MENIFEE Y-D812-O sEcTtoN - r IABILITY COVERAGE Coverage L - Business Liability Coverage M - Medical Exponses (Any One Person) Damage To Promises Rented To You AGGREGATE LIMITS Products/Completod Operations Aggregate General Aggregale Each paid claim lor Liability Coverage Ieduces the amount of insurance we provide durino the aDolicable annual period. Please rofer to Section ll - Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached endoidements LIMIT OF INSURANCE $2,000,000 $s,000 $500,000 LIMIT OF INSURANCE $4,000,000 $4,000,000 FOBMS AND NDORSEMENTS cl\4P-4101 FE-6999.3 cMP-4705.2 cMP-4990.1 cMP-4994 cMP-4260.1 cMP-4746.1 cMP-4261 cMP-4710 cMP-4698 cMP-4704.1 cMP-4709 cMP-4703.1 Businessowners Coverage Form Tgrrorism lnsurance Cov Notice Loss ol lncome & Extra Expense ldentity Restoration Coverage Data Compromise Amendatory Endorsement-CA Hired Auto Liability Amendatory Endorsement Employee Dishonesty Back-Up of Sewer or Drain Dependent Prop Loss of lncome Money and Securities Utility lnterruption Loss lncm Prepared FEB 03 2023 cMP-4000 020504 O Copyrioh! St!13 trrm MuturlAutomobib hsurlncB Comprny,200g lncludsi copyriohtod nrtsrirl of lnsur!ncs ServicB3 oflics, lnc., with i$ oormission Continued on Next Page Page 6 ol 7 Your policy consisls of these Declarations,.the BUSINESSOWNERS COVEBAGE FORM shown below, and any otherforms and endorsements that apply, including those shown below as well as those issued subsequent t6 theissuance of this policy. StateFam& ffi DECLAHATTONS (CONTINUEO) 'or CITY OF MENIFEE Y-D812-O Home Product Sales Policv Policy Number 92-G cMP-4786.1 cMP-4787 CMP461O crvlP-4875 cMP-4793.1 cMP-4788.1 FD-6007 Addl lnsd Owners Lessee Sched Waiver of Trans Rgt of Flecov General Agg Limit Per Proj Loss Payable Al State Polltical Perm Prem Addl ln6d Mgrs Lessor of Prem lnland Marino Attach Dec8 { E This policy is issued by tre State Farm General lnsurance Company Participating Policy You are entitled to participate ln a distibution of th€ earnings ot the company as determined by our Board of Diroctors in accordance with the Company's Artlcles of lncorporation, as amended. ln Witness Whereof, the Stat6 Farm General lnsuranoe Company has caused lhis polioy to bo signed by its Presid€nt and Socretary at Bloomington, lllinois. Y,r"^-Yn)1"',ttt-")() usecr€Iary -il*& C",h IMPOFTANT NOTIGE: Callomla hw requlEg ua to provldo you wth lntoma on ror llllne complrlnls wth th6 :ltite lneirance llepanmem re0ardlng tlE coverago and service provldsd undor this Policy. youl rger 'c name snd conllc-t lnlormatbn arc plovided on tb lrofl ol lhig docrmor . AnotiEr opllon ls to reach out by mailor phons diroctlY lol stdo Farm6 Erect tlva qltlomcr scrYice PO Box 2320 Bloomlngton lL 617m Phone f 1€oo-STATEF RI (t '80+782-8332) O,eDsttmel ol lnrulrnoo comphlttr lhould be llled only alter you 8nd Stste Fam ot youl ager ol olhel comPany r€prE$ntatlve havo hllcd to rEich ! aalirlrcloly .gleoment on a problom' CslilomiE oepsrunent ol lnlllrnce consumBr soff lc€ Dhl!lon So0 Sodh gpllng girset Loa Anoslss. CA gr0'13 Phom ; l€oo-927-HELP (4illtl) o, Yilit xlw.inaurance.cq qoY/01-co]rE{t[err President o copyrioht St6t0 F.rm lvlutu !l Automobile Inlur.n66 Comprny,2008 lnolud€5 copyrightod mlteriol of lnsuronce Services oflicB' lnc.' wifi it! psrmission Prepared FEB 03 2023 cMP-4000 020505 290 N Page 7 ot 7 I StateFarm STATE FAFM GENEFAL INSUHANCE COi'PANY A STOCK COMPANY WITH HOME OFFICES IN BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS E?BPI ie?Ji L a, ro r"z s,s Named lnsured l\il-23-61 F8-FB8A F Z },ESTERN A/V INC ATTACHING INLAND MARINE L] INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS Policyltlumber 92-GY-D812-O Policv Period Elhclive Dale ExDiralion Data 12 Nlbnths ocr 31 2022 ocT 31 2023 Ihe polipy period beqins qnd ends at l2:01 am standard tme atthe premlses localon. & H# l..'tEltr I FA Auiomatic Ronowal - lf the policy poliod is shown as 12 monlha , this pohcy will be.renewed automati forms in effectlor each sucieedin! policy period. lf fris policy is terminated. we will give you and the callv subiectto *re premiums, rules and Monga gee/Lienholder written notice in comp liance witr the policv provisions or as req uired by law your oolicv consists of fiese Declarations, fre INLAND MARINE C 0NDlTl0NS shown below, and any other Iorms and endorsemenB tlat a pplyi rnctirdin g $ose shown below as well as trose issued subsequent to fre issuance of this policy. torms, 0plion6, and Endor66ments FE-87 45 FE-6271 FE-8739 lnland lvlarine Computer Prop Amendatory Endorsement lnland Marine Conditions See Reverse for Schedule Page wifi Limits Prepared FEB 03 2023 FD-6007 020506 O Copvright Strte F.rm i, utu !l Automobil6 lnsurincE Complny, 2008 lncludes copyrighted mlteritl ol lnsur!ncB Sorvicss offics, lnc., with iti pelml3rion 530 6lt!.2 05 3l ?0ll lolll?3?cl AnnualPolicy Premium lncluded The above Premium Amount is included tn tre Policy Premium shown on $e Declaralions. 92-GY-0812{) ATTACHI GI LA D MARIITE ATTACHING INI.AND MARINE SCHEDULE PAGE ENDORSEMENT NUMBER FE-87 45 C OVERAGE lnland Marine Computer Prop Loss of lncome and Extra Expense LIMIT OF INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT ANNUAL PREMIUM OTHER LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY . BEFEB T(] YOUR POLICY @ Copylight, Stots F6rm Mutual Automobils lnsur.nco Compnny, Z00B lncludgs copyrightBd m6t8ri0l of lnsursncs Ssrvic€i Office, lnc., wth its DBrmission_ $ 500 Included Included $ s 25,000 25,000 Prepared FEB 03 2023 FD-6007 020506 t!0 6860.2 05 3l ,011 loltl2:Ecr StateFarm tl92-GY-D812-0 020507 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY CMP4786.1 ADDITIONAL INSURED _ OWNERS, LESSEES, OR CONTRACTORS (Scheduled) cMP-4786.1 Page 1of2 F# This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the followng BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM 1. SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED of SECTION ll - LIABILITY is amended to in- clude, as an additional insured, any person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only wiih respect to liability for "bodily injury'', "property damage', or 'personal and advertis- ing in.jury" caused, in whole or in part, by. a. Ongoing Oporatlons (1) Your acts or omissions; or (2) The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing opera- tions for that additional insured; or b. Products - Completed Operations "Your work" performed for that additional insured and included in the "products- completed operations hazard". However, Paragraph 1. above is subject to the followng: a. The insurance afiorded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permit- ted by law; 8 E ;B SCHEDULE Name And Addresa Of Additional lnsured Person Or Organization: CITY OF MENIFEE AND ITS OFFICERS. EMPLOYEES. AGENTS & AUTHOHIZED VOLUNTEERS 29844 HAUN RD MENIFEE CA 92586 b. lf coverage provided to the additional in- sured is required by a contract or agree- ment, the insurance provided to the additional rnsured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such addition- al insured; and c. lf the contract or agreement between you and the additional insured is governed by California Civil Code Section 2782 or 2782.05, the insurance provided to the additional in$ured is the lesser of that which: (1) ls allowed for the satisfaction of a de- fense or indemnity obligation by Cali- fornia Civil Code Section 2782 or 2782.05 for your sole liability; or (2) You are required by contract or agreement to provide for such addi- tional insured. We have no duty to defend or indemnify the additional insured under this endorsement un- til a claim or "suit" is tendered to us. O. Copyright, State Farm lllutual Automobile lnsuranoe Company, 2013 lnclud66 oopyriglrted material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc , with itE permission CONTINUED & Policy Number: 9z-cY-D812-0 Named lnsured: WESTEFN AA/ INC 3 2 4. 92-GY-O812-0 020507 cMP-4786'l Any rnsurance provided to the additional in- sured shall only apply with respect to a claim made or a "suit" brought for damages for which you are provided coverage. With respect to the insurance afforded to the addilional insured, the following is added to SECTION II _ LIMITS OF INSURANCE, lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured will be the lesser of the amount of insurance: a. Required by the contract or agreement; or b. Available under the applicable Limits Of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. This endorsement shall not increase the ap- plicable Limits Of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. Wrh respect to the insurance afiorded to the additional insured, the following is added to Paragraph 3. Duties ln The Event Of Occur- rence, Offense, Claim Or Suit of SECTION II _ GENERAL CONDITIONS: The additional insured must: a. See to it that we are notified as soon as practicable of an ''occurrence" or an of- fense which may result in a claim. To the extent possible, notice should include: (l) How, when and where the "occur- rence" or offense took place; (2) The names and addresses of any in- jured persons and witnesses; and "*!"'lr1 (3) The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "ocCur- rence" or ofiense; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or 'surt' to us and to all other insur- ers who may have insurance potentially available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insur- ance the additional insured has for de- fense or damages for which we would provide coverage under SECTION ll -LIABILITY. 5. With respect to the insurance afforded the ad- ditional insured, the following replaces SEC- TION ll -LIABILITY of Paragraph 7. Other lnsurance of SECTION IAND SECTION ll -COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS: a. This insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured, provided that the additional insured is a named in- sured under such other insurance. b. Regardless of any agreement between you and the additional insured, this insur- ance is exc€ss over any other insurance whether primary, excess, eontingent or on any other basis for which the additional in- sured has been added as an additional in- sured on other policies. There will be no refund of premium in the event this endorsement is cancell€d. All other policy provisions apply. O, CopyrEht, State Farm Mutual Automobile lnsurance Company, 2013 lnofudes copyriohted materialof lnsurance SeNices Ofi]ce, lnc. \ytth iE permFsion StateFarm 92-GY-D812-0 020508 CMP4787 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERYAGA]NST OTHERS TO US clvP-4787 Page 1 of 1 E* $ This endorsement modrfies insurance provided under the following BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE Policy Number: 92-GY-D812-0 Named lnsured: WESTERN A/V INC Name And Address Of Person Or Organization: CITY OF MENIFEE AND ITS OFFICERS. EMPLOYEES. AGENTS & AUTHOHIZED VOLUNIEERS 29844 HAUN RD MENIFEE CA 92586 The following is added to Paragraph 10.b. of SECTION I AND SECTION ll - COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS: We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of: a. Your ongoing operations; or b. "Your work" done under contract with that person or organization and included in the "products- completed operations hazard" . This waiver applies only to the person or organization shown in the Schedule. All other policy provisions apply. cMP-4787 O, Copyright, State Farm l\4utual AL/tomobile lnsurarrce Company, 2008 lncludes copyrigmed material of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with its permission. & THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY