2023/01/31 CableCom, LLCo.ofu COVERAGES CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: 0 DATE IfM'DD/YYYYI 01121nu3 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRiIATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AtrlEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE GOVERAGE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING II{SURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IiTPORTANT: ll the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or bo ondoBsd. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVEO, subject to the termg and conditions of the policy, certain policies may roquirG an endorsemont. A statement on this certificate doos not confer hts to the cortificato holdor in lieu ot such endorso s PROOUCER IN COVERAGE i,,lulual Fire lnsuranceCN1 0298692!uplGAwU-2!24 PHONE I NAIC 424c/. 23035 10725 33600 II{SURER E INSURER D INSURERC atonlltsuREo Cablecom. LLC 19910 Norh Creek Partway Norh, Suite 100 Bohdl, wA 9001 'l 'lrarsh USA, lnc Two Alliance C6nler 3560 Lenox Road Suite 24t10 Atanta, GA 303m INSURER A: Li INSUREfiB]LMINSU'ANC€ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSUREO NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATEO NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOvvl.I MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSR LTR TYPEOF INSURANCE AODL SUSR POLICYNUT/lBER POLICY EFF POLICY EIP L IllS x COMMERCIAL GENERAf LIABILITY OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER POLICY OTHER JECT LOC x x T82-631,510825 233 0113112023 01t31t2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $5 000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES lFa oc.uiiemer $1,000,000 MEO EXP lAny ore p6rson)$ $5 000,000PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE $10000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $10,000.000 $ AUTOMOAILELIABILIIY ollarEo AUTOS ONIY HIREO AUTOS ONLY X A52,631,004260,023 01/31/2023 01t31t2024 COMBINEO SINGLE LIMII $5,000 000 BOOIIY INJURY (Per pers)$ EOOILY INJURY (Psr accrd€oo $ $ $ C X UMBRELIALIAB EXCESS IIAB OCCUR RFE-63r-51073!r43 01t3112023 01t3112024 EACH OCCURRENCE $5.000,000 AGGRECATE $ DEI)RLlENIION $$ B B D IIIORI(ERSCO PENSATION AND E PLOYER8'UABILITY ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUOED? DfscRrPfloN oF oPEF{arroNs beros N N wAt63M04260-033 (A0S) wcF631-004260-043 (r\rN,WD wA7-63D51068$513 (MA) 01t3112023 01t3 2023 01/3r/2023 01t31t2024 01t31t2024 01t3112024 x STATUTE OTH ER E L EACHACCIDENI 1 000,000$ € L OISEASE . EA EMPI.OYEE 5 1,000.000 $1,000.000E L DISEASE . POLICY LIMIT oEsc8rpnoN oF opERAno||a / LocaTlor{s , vEHlcrEs (AcoRo l0l, addlond R.r.rt. s.h.dd., nry !. rti.cEd r mdr .p... b r.qrT.dl lo C€neral l-iability as rcquiGd by $rinen conlracl. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City ol Menifee AUn Public Wo.ts oepl. ' Engineering Dept iB714 Ham Rd Bldg A Sln Ciry, CA 9258&6540 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES SE CANCELLEO BEFORE rHE EXPIRATION DAIE THEREOF, NOTICE WLL BE DELIVEREO II'I ACCOROANCE WTH THE POLICY PROVISIOT{S. AT,IHORIZEO REPRESE?TIANVE @ 1988-2016 AGORD CORPORAnON. All .ighb 'l orvod. Tho ACORD namo and logo are i€gistered marks of ACORDACORD 25 (20r6/03) ATL-004595347-24 SCHEDTILED AUTOS NON-Olrl]liEO AUTOS ONTYX X 5 000,000 %a.aaZ 2/.94 ?ae. 0002168 SP 0035 -C01.PO2r69-r City ol Menilee Alln: Public Works Dept. - Engineering Dept. 29714 Haun Rd Bldg A Sun City, CA 92586-6540 ffi 0035-01 .00.0002 r 6a-@o 1 .001 3094 ffii POLICY NUMBER: A52-631 -004260-023 COMi,ERCLAL AUTO cA 20 {8 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED INSURED FOR COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE This endorsement modifios insurance provided under the following With rsspect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of th€ Coverage Form apply unless modifiod by lhis ondorsoment- This endorsemont identifios person(s) or organization(s) who a/e 'insureds' for Covered Autos Liability Coverage under the Who ls An lnsured provision of the Coverago Form. This eMorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage Form. SCHEDULE l{ams Of Peraon(B) Or Organlzation(s): Any Person(s) or Organization(s) as requited by u/ritten contract prior to loss on llle with the broker lnformatbn required to complete this Scheduls, if not sho'rvn above, will be shown in the Declaratbns Each person or organization shown in the Schedule is an "insured" for Covered Autos Liability Cov€rage, but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insurod' under the Who ls An lnsured provision contained in Paragraph A.1. of Saction ll - Covered Autos Liability Coverage in tho Business Aulo and Motor Canier Covorage Forms and Paragraph D.2. ot Section I - Covered Autos Coverages ol the Auto Dealers Coverage Form. cA 20 48 .t0 13 @35-01-00.0002168,@02 001 3095 O lnsurance Services Oftice, lnc., 201 I ffii AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM Page 1 of I Policy Nmber lsruod by AS2€3t{XX2E0{il3 Libedy Mufual Fitr hatrrtcc Company THIE E1{DORSEXE'{T C1IAXGE8 IHE FOLICY. PLEAEE READ IT CAREFULLY. M'NCE OF CAT'CELI.ATK)I{ TO THIRD PARTIES This endorsemont modills inarance provtsod und€r the lbllowlng: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE PART MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE PART CTARAGE COVERAGE PART TRUCKERS COVERAGE PART EXGESS AUTOII,IOBILE LIABIUTY INDEMNITY COVERAGE PART SELF-INSURED TRUCKER EXCESS LI,ABIUTY COVERAGE PART COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABIUTY COVERAGE PART EXCESS COMMERCIAL GENEML LIABILITY @VERAGE PART PROOI.,CTS'COMPLETEO OPERATIOMT LIABIUTY @VERAOE PART UQI'OR LIABILTTY @VERAGE PART COMMERCIAL LIABLTTY - UMBREII.A @VERAGE FORM &h.dr- ilrnc of O$r Prron(r) / OmrnLrlion{r): Etllll Addlt . a mrlllng add!.t: Fer Schedule on File With The Company Per Schedule on File With The Company 75 or as required by writ- ten contract, whichever is less, per the schedule on Irle wrtn the company Dry. A. lf wr cilcd this polry tur sry Erson othlr lhIl nonpayflrfit of Fsrium. wr wll mrufr tho p.rssl! a orgatlzations shown h thc schcdub ebow. Wo wll sand notcr to th. crnal or mrlng addrus tsbd !bo\r. at lca.t '10 day!, or thc numbcr of dayr lsbd sbotrq lf any, bcfqr thc cancalaflon becors cfiadhr. ln no 6y.nt do6 tho notice b $. thld psrty .x6ad th. nodcr to tho frtt namcd lnruld. B. Thb advanE nouncatbn of € p.ndlng cgncrlhtofl of cortr.go b lnbndcd .. . couilley only. Our hllu]! b prwldc sudr edvgrcs nodicadon wlll not dnd tr. pollcy cencolatlon detr nor negab cancslgton d lh. pollcy. All other bms and condltlons ol tN8 pollcy ramaln uncftang6d. O 201t Lborty Muttel Gronp of Comp6nlo6. AI dghts rfi.rvod. lndudo! oopyilghbd mebrH of lnrurenco Son lcas Ofllca, lnc., wltr lb pormbCon. Llt 9!t 0r 05 {{Pego I of I POLICY NUMBER: AS2-631 -004260-023 COMTTTERCIAL AUTO GA 04 .t{ 10 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGATNST OTHERS TO US (WATVER OF SUBROGATION) This endorsement modifies insurance provid6d under the following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provision$ of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsemeni. SCHEDULE Name(s) Of Person(s) Or Organizatlon(s): Any person or organization for whom you perform work under a written contract if the contract requires you to obtain this agreemenl from us, but ooly if the contract is executed prior to the injury or damage occurring. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown atove, will be shown in the Declarations. The TranEfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Othere To Us condition doos not apply to the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only to ttle extent that subrogation is waived prior to tho 'a6cidont" or the 'loss" under a contract with that p6rson or organization. cA 04 44 10 13 0035 01-00-00021 68-0003 00r3096 @ lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 201 1 Pago 1 of I ffi#fflH THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS GOMPLETEDOPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under tho following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE PoLrcY NUMBER: T82-631-510825-233 COMI/lERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 37 04 t3 B. With respoct to the insurance afforded to thBse additional insureds, the following is added to Section lll Llmlts Of lnsuranco: lf covcrage provided to the additional insurod is required by a contract or agreement, tho most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amounl of insurance: 1. Roquired by the contract or agreementi or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations: whichever is less. This endors€ment shall not inerease the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. Namo Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organizatlon(sl Location And Dosc.iption Of Completed Operatlons AII persons or organizations for whom you have agreed in a written contract or agree- rnent, prior to an "occurrence" or offense, to provide additional insured status lnformation roquired to comptqte this Schedulo, if not shown above, will be shown in the Oeclaratlon$. cG2037lX13 O lnsurance Servic€s Office, lnc-.2A12 Page I of 1 A. Section ll Who ls An lnaured is amsnded to include as an additional insured the person(s) or orgaoization(s) shown in the Schedul€, but only with respect to liability for "bodily iniury" or "proporty damage' caused, in whole or in part, by 'your wo*' at the location destgnated and doscribed in the Schedule of this endorsam€nt parformed for that additional insured and included in the "products{ompleted operations hazard". However: l. Th6 insuranco afforded to such additional in8ured only applias to tho sxtent permitt8d by law; and 2. lf coverage provided to the addilional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insuranco afforded to such additional iosurod will not be broader than that which you are required by tha contract or agroement to provide for such additional in$ured. THls EiIDORSEHENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AI'DITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS . SGHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION Thb rn lanrrmt modfi.. lnaurmor ptovHcd und.r th.lUlowlng: @i,MERCIAL GENEML I.IABILITY COVERAGE PART POLICY NUMBER: T82431 -510825-233 A 8rcfon Il - Who lr An lnrurrd h amoded b l.rdudo as an addldonal h$r€d tho por&n(s) r ooentsston(r) 3lrown ln the Sdrduh, hn ql[ wlth ,€6p6ct b lhulty lbr lodlly lnjurf, Droportydrrr{p' or lersonal arrd a.hrodlhg ldrrf cal3rd, in rhdc or h parq bf l. Your !c!r o. anblbns; a 2. The acts o ombdons of thce acJng on your boftalt h thr perfoirnancc of your orpdng oFratom fur tho addthld lmund(r) €t th. locauon(s) dclgnabd abota tlorsvrr: '1. Thc lrruram afiordad to such ddtrqrd ilgircd only apdl.. b thr .J6nt p.rmltbd by htf end Z lt @lrorage provldsd b tho lddtonal lmul€d b nqulod by a conblcl c ag nnr( thc hEurglca frrdod to rucfi addlflonel lnsu]ad wll nol b. brcad$ $rr th8t wtrir! you rr llqullld by lhe contrect or agrromont b p(wldo fu. tucfr sddltional lrr3rirsd. B. WDt r!8p.at b th. lndrrarEo afurdcd b tlr.a. addluonal lrEurqb, th. dloflirE .ddiuon l otcbCons apply Thb hsur$o. do.o not apdy b lodly lnluQ/ c ?rcFrty ddnagd occunhg aftor: GO 20 10 0'l lS COIXERCIAL GEI{ERAL LIABIUTY GG 20'10 0/t'13 t. Al uro.lq lndudlng mat*lals, partr or €qulpment fumilh€d h cmnocdon yulth luch u,od( m tho plqloat (o0rar than scrvioc, mdntenanoc or 7!pdt!) b bc p.rbm.d I or an bchalf ol ho additlon l lnrund(a) at h. loce0on of thc co\roEd opea0ons has boon coolplot d; d 2 That po.ton of lour m.k' out of nfrich thc lnJury or demagc !rb6 h8! b..n Fd to it! lnbnd.d u!. by any perron or orgEnhatbn ohor Ulan andrrr conbsctor or subconffir qreagcd h pedormlng operadons for a prlnc$d es a pail of the same p{ed C. Wtrr rlsp€d b th. lnarrano do.d.d b thc.c additional lmuodr. the fo[oillng ls eddod b 8rcdon lll - Umlb (lf lnrur:rct: ll covrragc pruvid.d b thc a.Hltbml l.rEuEd b roqdrd by a contact or agrr.mdrt iha moat w! wlll pay on bohdf of Ule adddonal lrpumd ls the grrcunt of lmurancc: l. R6quirrd by thc conkact c agllqr.flh o. Z Avdlabb under the applhable Lhtlts ot lnsurarrcc ahorYn h lh! t).chrsthm; whLfi€t€. b l€sg. Thls adorsarcnt dtall not lncreae the appllcaHe llmltr of lnrrama dronn ln tho DedaraUonr. 0035.01 -00-000216a,@04.001 3097 O ISO Pmperlht, lttc.,2012 Prgc t oI ffi ECHEDULE illnc Ol Addltlond lnrumd Penon(rl OrOmnEdon(rl Locrtlon(r) Ol Govlltd OpGrrflon3 All persons or organizations for whom you have agreed in a written contract or agree- ment, prior to an "occurrence" or offense, to provide additional insured status- All locations as required by a written con- tract or agreement entered into prior to an 'occurrence" or offense. lnfonnatbn t€quird b completo thb Schedlle, lf not shofln 8bovo, u,f bs sflown ln tho Dedqlltielg. GG 20 l0 0'l lt O lnsurame Sorirhos Offlc3, lnc., 20'12 fii2ol2 THIS EI{DORSEIIENT CHANGES THE P'OLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifi$ insuranc€ providod under tho full(Ifling: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE PART MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE PART GARAGE COVERAGE PART TRUCKERS COVERAGE PART EXCESS AUTOMOBILE LIABIUTY INDEMNITY COVERAGE PART SELF-INSURED TRUCKER E(CESS LIABIUTY COVERAGE PART COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART EXCESS COMMERCIAL GENEML LIABILITY GOVERAGE PART PROOUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIAEIUTY COVERAGE PART UOUOR LLqBILITY COVERAGE PART COMMERCIAI. LIAEILrI-Y - UMBREI.I.A COVERAGE FORM Schrdulr ilrme of Othcr P.r.on(.) , Omenization(r): Em.ll Addrrar or malllng lddll !:Numbff Daya Nodc.: Per Schedule on File With The Company Per Schedule on File With The Company 75 or as required by writ- ten contract, whichever is less, per the schedule on lrle wttn tne company A" lf w. eancd thls polcy fu ary lEas(rr oth.r lhan nonpaynent of pr.rlum, s! will noufy tho prrsorE or orlanizatiom shown h thc Schcdulo above. We wll s.nd nolice to thc crnal or mailng addtms llsbd abovc at lca8t 10 dryr, or thc numbcr of day! tsbd abovc, lf arry, before hc cancclaton bocomes gffacthr€. ln no ovent does th6 notcs b tha third party oxcood tho noticc to tho lld namod lnBrad. B. Thls advanE notiflatlon of a p€ndin! cancdhtlon of co{rerage h lnbnd€d a8 a courtEsy only. Our lailurE to provlde su$ advsrce nofffca0on will not extond tre polhy canelstbn date nor negab cancsllsfon of lhe polby. All other bnnB ard condniotB d t s pdicy romsin urr'lrdlgsd. Policy Nrmber lssued by L[r 99 0,r 05 t{O 2ol l Liberty Mutd Goup of Companlot. AI rights rosoilod. lndudos copyrlghbd mabrtd of lnsurance Senr'rces Ofih6. lnc., with lbPemislidl. H#14Et'fli+li'iFf, IIOTICE OF CAI{CELLATIOI{ TO THIRD PARTIES TB2S31S't082$233 Liberty Mutral Fire hturance Gompany 0o3s 01 -oo-0002168-000s 001 3094 Page I of 'l Polhy Number TB2{31-510&!5-233 lsand by UBERryMUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY THIS EilDORSETIEIIT CIIA}IOE8 TIIE FOUCT. PLEASE READ IT OIREFUI-LY, PRI'IIARY AI{D IiIONCONTRIBUTORY - OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION This endoGement modifiee in8urance provlded under the followirg: Tho follouring is added lo Saction IV - Conditions 4, Othor lnsurarEe and Eupera8ds€ any provi8ion to th6 contrary: P.lm$y And N onoontribubry lnararrce This insranco iB primsry to ond will not so6k contrluJtion from arry oth6r insuanca avalable b an addltbnal insurod urul€r your pdicy pmvk sd tEt: (1) The additional hsur€d is . Nemed lnsorcd under suc-h other hsurance; and (2) Yott have agrced pdor to e brs, th.t lhis lnsurance would be prlmary and trodd not s€ek contrlbulbn fiom any olher insuranca evailablo to the addltiort61 iniurad. (3) Thls lnourance li excoss over any dher insurance avallable b he additional lnsured for whkfi lt lr also co\r6tad as an addiliond lnrurcd by attiachm6nt of an ondo[semcnt lo anoth€r polcy pio\rirhS covaragc for lhe sane "occunorre", daim or 'suif. e 2016 Lbqty Muhtd lnsunonco lnclud.r copyrighbd matErial of lnsuranc. Servi6s Ofr6, lnq, wilh ib p.rmlookrn. LD 2.t ltt 0E la Pog6 | of I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTSICOMPLETED OPERAT|oNS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PollcY NUMBER: T82-631-510825-233 COMi' ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 2a 0{ 05 09 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US This endorsement modifies insurance provided under tho fotlowing: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PROOUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILIfi COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Nam€ Of Person Or Organlzatlon: As required by agreement entered into prior to loss. lnformation Lqquired to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, wiu be shown in the Declarations The folbwing is added to Paragraph 8. Transtor Of Rlghts Of Recovery Agalnsl Others To Us of Sec-tlon w Conditions: We waive any right of recovery we may have against th€ pe.son or organization shown in lh6 Schedul€ above because of payments we make for iniury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or 'your work" done under a conlract with that person or organizatlon and included in the "products" completod oporations hazard". This waiver ar)pli€s only trc lhe person or o€anization shown in the Sch€dule abovs. CG 24 0/t 05 09 0035-01-00-0002 168.m06-001 3099 O tnsuranco Servicos Office, lnc., 2008 Page 1 of 1 ffiiHffiT A. lf wu canccl thlc polby for tty Erron othcr tt|trl nonpsym.flt of prumlum, m wll noflry fic Pcnorlr or oryankatlons rhorrn tr tho S.rr€dde below. We wll rend notle to he a.nill or trdllng lddr€sr I&d belil, Et lo!.t 10 day!, a the numbor ol dryr lhbd bdour, lf any, befoo cancdldon becorrr efisctvo. ln m over doo thc notbc b thr thlrd porv.xc..d ft. notc. b ht tht mlrld lnar.d. B- TH! rdvanc. milf,E tbn of ! p.ndlrp arcclatbn d covrngp b lnbnd.d s r courbrry only. Ourhlh]!b provldc rudr dvancc noffllca0qr ul not .r&.rd tE pollcy canc.laton datr IDr n $[l cuctldon d h. pollsy, NONCE OF CAiICELIATIOil TOTHIRD PARTES scltEDutr Emdl Ad&... ornalngaddn .:l{rrrr 010th.r Prron(r} I OrgrnLrdon(r): List on Flo $th tho brd(er Al other bnrE and condltbns ol tHs pollcy rcmaln u;drangsd. l58ued by Lll lnsurnc. Corpo]alion Foras.clrnErrto poricy WA5{3}004260-033 Erlldll Dob 113112023 to 113112024 hlrr.d bDyEorn lndurli[., lnc. wc9Da75 Ed. t2l01/2016 l{rrnbrr Dlyr }lodcr: 30 02016 t"b6rv Mutlal hrllr ce P8{.e'l o,l1 NONCE OF CA}ICELLATIoI{ TOTHIRD PARTIEE A- lf wa cacol firlg pollcy for any leesdr othcr lhan nonpaymanl of pramlum, w! t/yll noilry thc pcrcons or orgenizations shovm h the Schedde bebw. We wll land notioe to the emall or malllng addresa lk*ed belor at least '10 dap, or the number of dayr liabd below lf any, beforc carrcdlsthn becomas sftdlve. ln no ovent &cE the notico b tho third party cx6.d lhc notlcc b thc il,d namcd lnuEd. B- Ttis d\rancc noliflcathn of a pcndlng arcclatlon of cowlagc b lntandad ac a courbay only. Our hlhra b prcn id. Eudr dvanoc notillce0m u not lr(bnd tr. pollcy cancrlation dd. mr mgsb crncalaton d hc polrcy. SC}IEDULE Endl Adtlrr or malng addo..:ilrmr of Othor Prrron(r) I O,mrrnLdion(r): List on Fib with tho bm*or All other brmo and conditions of ttis pollcy remaln urrcharigsd. lssued by LM lnsurance Corporalion Foratbdrmentto Pollcy l/t/C5S31-004260-043 Eltbcdvt Dab '11311202X Prsmlum I Eau.d bDycom lndu$lh.s, lnc. Xunbrr Dlyr llodcr: t0 0035 01-00-000216a-0007'00 r 3100 O 2016 Lb€rty Mrrlual hsurfico Pa0s I ot 'wc9D20 75 Ed. 12tO1n0I6 ffi Wo have th€ right to r€co\Ior our paym6.rt fiorn aryom lhble fur m lnJury oovemd by thb polcy. We wll not enlbrce our right .g.imt the perlon a orIE {z.tdr named ln lh6 s.*redub. (Thh aglEerient appl€! orly fo tho o)dsnt fiaf yorJ p€rlbmr work under. $rrlt!.n @nfact that Equhel you b obt|h lhh .elEfient frun u..) Thk ag]ldrcm lhal not op!.ar dt!.ily or lndlErily b b.nClt anlon n ,l namrd ln thr Sdrrdra. S.tr.dd. Where Required By Contract Or Writlen Agreement Prior To Loss And Allowed By Law. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Dist. Of Col, Georgia, ldaho, lllinois, lndiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode lsland, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia The premium charge is 2o/o ol lhe total manual premium, subject to a minimum premium of $100 per policy. Connecticut, Florida, lowa, Maryland, Nebraska, Oregon The premium charge is 1 % of the total manual premium, subject to a minimum premium of $250 per policy. Hawaii The premium charge is $250 and determined as follows: The premium charge for this endorsemenl is 1 % of the total manual premium, subject to a minimum premium of $250 per policy. Louisiana The premium charge is 2o/o ol lhe total standard premium, subject to a minimum premium of $250 per policy. Massachusetts The premium charge is 1 % of the total manual premium New York, Tennessee The premium charge is 2o/o of the total manual premium, subject to a minimum premium of $250 per policy. Virginia The premium charge is 5olo of the total manual premium, subject to a minimum premium of $250 per policy. h.u!d br LM lnsurance Corporation For rtlalhnlnt b FoIc? t{o wA563IL00420G03it lrr.db: wc 00 0t 13 Ed. rut11304 Prxr r.m S @ 1g6il Natlonal Councll on CompcnEelbn lniurlnco, lnc.Ptgc 1 of 1 WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROTI OTHERS ENDORSEiIENT EltotlYr Ddt 1131120231o 113112024 Wr hrvc lhc dght b rrcov€r our paynEnts lhom fiyonc lhbL for sn injuy covl]ld by this po0cy. Wc wtl nol onfucs our dght eg€lr,rrt lho po.lon or organkatlon named ln tho Sdlqtde. (Thb agiEemant apCos mly to tho od.nt tlEt you p.rfdfli work undor a writbn conbad lhat ruquil3 lrou b obtdn hb agEem.nt fiom ua) Thb agm.fiEnt shal rct operato dhrc0y or hdmcfy b benefit aryone rd nfitod ln the Safirdule. WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROil OTHERS ENDORSEMENT Thb udv.r do6 not spdy to any dghil to .€cowr paym6nt8 whidr lhe Mlnnesob Wortar Compansaton R.lra.rrElce Assodatbn ma!, ltayD or pursu. undrr M.S. 78.!16. Sch€dde lrJhac Rrquhcd By C.anfad Or Wrltbn Agildmnt P,br To Lst And Alou,ld ByLff. Mhn mb Thc p(trnbm cfiaEp b 296 of thr btll milual p(tmlun, u.lblGct b a mhlmum famlun of $l m por pollc,. Whmrdn The prflntJm chsrgE b 296 o, fia bbl m'luel p.Bml[m, ruqect b a mhimum pramlrn of $50 per polcy. lrurod br tu trrurno corpof3ldt For..Lorn ntb Polcy noWC5-631-004260-04Glhdiw w 113112023 to 1/31/2024 Ppilirm $ b$rd h Dycom ldutr., hG. WG 00 Gl 13 O 1983 NaUonal Counc[ on Comp€nletlon lruuranco, lnc. Ed. tltlflt04 0035-01-00-0002168.0004-0013101 PagE I of t ffi