2022/12/07 United Rentals (North America), Inc.oiQo'CERTIFICATE OF PROPERTY INSURANCE dlltql =fz UJ ko t!FEul(., --* iE+#,.- =k ;i E+-€rIJFJe--:rf I DATE (i$r/DDlYYYY) oL/20 /2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFEFS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CEBTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOBDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSUNANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUBER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEB. (800) 361 010t 570000086099 INSUREF(S) AFFOBDING COVEHAGE aon Risk Services Northeast, rnc New York NY offi ce on€ Li bertv Plaza 165 Broadw;y, suite 3201 New York NY 10006 usa LOCAIIOi| OF PBEMISEST OESCRIPTION OF PROPEFIY (An.ch aCOFO 1Ol, addltlo.tl F.n.*. sch.dul., ll ho.. .p.6 lt ..qulEd) Insurance Conpany 19437LexiINSUREO united Rentals (North America), rnc united Rentals, rnc. & subsidiaries 100 First stanford Place, suite 700 stamford cr 06902 usa {lssUEDioTHElNsUREoNAMEDABovEFoRTHEPoLlcYPERloD INOICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY BEOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR li.lAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOnDEO BY THE POLICIES DESCBIBED HEFEIN lS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND COTIDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES- LIIiIITS SHOWN MAY HAVE EEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POI-ICY EXPIFAIION DArE (ilr/VOo/YYYY)COVERED PNOPERTY LIMITSPOLICY EFFECTIVE OATE (IIIII/DD/YYYY) NSA LTF TYPE OF INSURANCE tx PROP!:T1't' CAUSES OL- LOSS DEDUCTIELES BASIC 6UILDING CONTENTS 0\/0t/2021 BUILDING PEBSONAL PFOPEFTY BUSINESS INCOME EXIFAEXPENSE BTANKETBUILDING BLANKET BLDG & PP conm Prop 25M-Lexington 024242221 NAMED PEFILS CFIME 06.P.c.l. cqurr..l) ahern Rentals, rnc. is a subsidiary of un'jted Renta]s, rnc. IIII IIIIIrIIIIIII r IIIIIII III IIrIII E II II IIII 5 7 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION citv of Menifee 297i4 Haun Road Menife€ cA 92586 u5,1 SIIOULD AN]I OF TTIE ABOVE OESCRIBEO POLICIES BE CAIICEIIEO BEfOFE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEFEOF, NO'ICE wlLL AE OEI.IVEFED IN ACCOBDANCE WIIH THE POLICY PFOVtStONS, AUTH.BTZE'BEPRESENTATT,€,V..@/9"**rJnhfuf* O 1995-2015 ACORD COBPOBATION. All riqhts reserved. The ACORD name and logo a1e reglstered malks ol ACORDACOBD 24 (20r6/03) (866) 281-7122 025,000,000 CAUSES OF LOSS INLANO MAANE BOILES & iIACHINEFY / EqUIPMENT BBEAKDOWN I 27077221511097 t6735A )anuary 37, 2023 RE: United Rentals [North America), Inc. Certificate oflnsurance - IMPORTANT NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Effective December 7, 2022, the assets ofAhern Rentals, Inc. were acquired by United Rentals [North AmericaJ, Inc. A certificate ofinsurance reflecting the named insured and coverages ofUnited Rentals is being furnished. The certificate of insurance expires October 7,2023, and a renewal certificate will be provided at this time. After the October 1st renewal, hard copies of certificates will no longer be mailed. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding coverage, please reach out to your United Rentals, Inc. contact. To continue receiving a certificate or to indicate that one is no longer needed, please send an email to: acs.chicago(oaon.com noting your request for United Rentals - Client Number 570000085099. Concerning an existing contract, ifyou have any questions, please reach out to the United Rentals Legal Team at LecalDeDartrnent(a u r,com Thank you for your assistance and attention in this matter. Sincerely, lor Piel ,9rrrrit r //ortlout, /ro, Attachment - United Rentals, Inc. Certificate of Insurance City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee CA 92586 USA