2010/09/15 Southern California Edison Application and Contract for Street Lighting Service Customer-Owned System Schedule Nos. LS-2 and LS-3the SOUTHERN CAIIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, a corporarion hereinafter d{signated as "Company", and the City of Menifee, in the County of fuverside, State of Califomia] hereinafter designated "Customer". ] APPLICATION AND CONTRACT FOR STR-EET LIGHTING SERVICE CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEIVI SCHEDULE NOS. LS.2 AND LS-3 THIS AGREEMENT, made *i, l{fL day ol /*2010, by between take and pay for said service so supplied at each point ofdelivery under provisions of Sched 2 and/or LS-3. A copy of said schedule(s) is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and hereof. 3. Customer will by means of street lighting circuit maps and u ,r**l Iperiodically report number, location, size and type of Customer-owned street lights to Cl billing, statistical reporting and load information. A copy of said maps and surnrnary thereq Exhibit "B" and attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Customer hereby requests the Company to enter into an agreement to supply and ver electric energy from Company's distribution system to illuminate the Customer-owned street lights CUSTOMER AND COMPANY HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS l. This agreement shall be for a period of three (3) years, commencing ,2010. Both parties hereto agree that upon expiration of the initial term of this agreement, it shall e extended automatically thereafter in successive terms of one year each, provided that this contiact may be terminated at the end of the original or any extended term by either party upon not less days written notice prior to the expiration of such term. sixty (60) 2. Company agrees to supply and deliver electric energy service and Custo agrces to rlle Nos. LS- de a part rry thereoi, cmpany for f is marked LS- -t- 2 & LS-3 Revised l0/1 7/07 G scnr::iDn*l ,r{ 4. Customer agrees to pay such rates and to be govemed by the terms set Company's tariffs, including, but not restricted to, Schedule Nos. LS-2 and/or LS-3, on Public Utilities Commission of the State of California and any changes or modifications th be authorized by said Commission. property of the Company, and the Company shall have the right to remove the same upon this contract or any renewal thereof. 5. This contract shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications the Public Utilities Comnussion of the State of California as said Commission may, from time to time,direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction 6. Company agrees to install any and all required meters in accordance with visions of Schedule No. LS-3. Upon approval by the applicable agency, said meter(s) shall be set Customer's meter cabinet(s) or other places acceptable to Company at tocation(s) mutually agreed upon. 7.It is understood and agreed that all poles, wires and other appurtenances ied and used by the Company in fumishing the service herein provided for, shall at all times be remain the forth in the tr le wrth the f as may on of 8. All poles, wires and electrical appurtenances installed by Company in SCTVlCC under this agreement, shall be so placed as to work the least possible public and private inc enlence 9. Company has reviewed the right-of-way for the street lighting system as of date of this contract. Company has determined that no additional right-of-way is for the operation and maintenance of the system. In the event the Customer requests modifica ions to the presently €xisting system, additional right-of-way may be required. In the event of Cus -requested system modifications, Customer agrees to acquire, as may in Company's discretion be the Revised I0/17107 -2- 2 & LS-3 effective necessary exclusive €asements for the Company from owners of private property at Custo expense 10 If Company shall be prevented by strikes, by order of court, by public aut of the Commission or other causes beyond the control of the parties hereto, or any o fumishing the service herein provided for, it shall not be liable in damages to customer tbr In case of such failure, a proportionate reduction in the amounts payable to Company by street lighting service hereunder, based on the period of suspension ofsuch service, shall be of such failure. I l. Optional relamp service to Customer under the rates and provisions of S LS-2 and/or LS-3 is available upon written request. customer taking optional relamp servi schedules shall provide circuit maps and a summary thereof indicating the number, Iocati size of those street lights to be serviced by Company. 12. Customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnifu Company, its successors from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, liability arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or dea resulting by reason ofany intemrption or modification of service requested by customer. 13. Company agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Customer, its successors from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, exp liability arising from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons as a interuption or modification of service caused by negligent or willful actions ofcompany. Revised 10/17l07 -3- -2 & LS-3 's cost and ty, by order them, from uch failure. for e tn case e Nos under these t)?e and assrgnees, andJor of persons asslgnees, e and/or It of any d IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be on behalf of each by their duly authorized agents, partners, or corporate officers, as of the first above written. CUSTOMER: CITY COLTNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENtrEE ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MENtr'EE Dallu4 u) BY: Title: ATTEST BY Title: DATE: Tirle:1,41" Llu./, cl/t/tDATE APPROVED AS TO FORM Names and address to which billing(s) will be mailed: Y/Vu+- 09 qXtr Llt Revised 10/17i07 -4- -2 &. LS-3 for and y and year COMPANY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNLA EDISO COMPANY /aftL- 7'/f,-'?o 1 Title: ATTEST: Drsuoln NDC-o' /Rac'io,a I luRG"O'7!R heet 1 Ap p c b to un metered Servt fo the shtinI o Stre ts his av othe pUb c tho ughfares, andpUbclv-owne d and publicly-op street li lated automob parkinI o S ich are o Pen o the s ne I public, where arm, luminairethecUstomeownstheghtinsequpmennclUdnsbutnotmedtohepoemaS and amp and al con nectins cab e n S re sh sys m TERRITORY Within the entire territory served RATES En€rgy Charg€' - S^Wh/Lrmp/Monrh AllNight S6Mc6 Midnight sooice 0.00238 0.00238 0,00473 0.00473 0.000s8 0.00058 0.00448 0.00408 0.00024 o 0.00024 o 0.00469 0.00469 0.0r750 (t) 0.01750 (D 0,09490 0.09490 llul!ore Se^,i.F R:ra A Th€ iolloaing rat6s aE .ppl,cabl€ *h6r6 SCE is roqussled to Drovido . si.gi€ loed poinl to servico a custom6FM6d sk€€r tight sysrsm toinl o,connBcuon Io.e singlsscEom6d photo-conlrol€r lo controia[ str€st]ighrsin th6 systeri. All NighuMidniqhl S6Nice Ch.rgo lncandescent En€.ded Setoice Lamps -158 1.58 1.58 1.58 i,58 1.58 1.56 1.58 r.58 1.58 1.58 158 High Prsssur€ Sodium Vapor Lanps - 50 watl 70 W.n i00 wat 150 watl 200 Watl 250 Wa( 310 Wat 400 wan i.58 1.58 58 58 58 58 58 58 Low PEsslr€ Sodium Vapor Lamps 1_58 1,56 1.58 1,58 1.58 1,53 The kilowatlhours used to d€lermine the Energy Charge for the iamp types and sizes served under this Scheduie ere Conditions sectiofl , below. The ongoing Compelition Transilion Charge {CTC)ol$0.00003 is recovered in th6 URG componenlof Generation.Trans = Transmission and lhe Transmission Ownerc Tadff Charge Adjushents ITOTCA)which are FERC approved. in the Special T TOTCA ntsthe Transmission Rsve Adjustrnent (RSBAA) o Distrbtn : Distribulion Ba ng Adju (TRBAA galive $(0 0006 pe h bili lancing $0 .00040 and Tta ChaE Bala nl Adj nt (r $0.00 2 NOC = Nuclear Decommissioning Charge PPPC = Public Purpose Prcgrams Charge (includes Calilornia Attomele Rates ior Energy Surcharge wh€re appticabte PUCRF = Th€ PUC Reimbursement Fee is descdbed in Schedute RF-E.OWRBC = Deparim€nr of Water Resources (DWR) Eond Charge. The OWR Bond Charge is not applicable to exem Direct Access Custome6, as delined in and pursuant to D.02-10-063, 0.02-02-051, and O.O2,t 2-082. Bundled Service and Total = Tolal Delivery Service ratas are appticabte to Bundt€d Service Direct Access (DA) and Coomunity Choice S€rvice) cuslomols, sxcspt DA and CCA Seruice customers are not subj€cl to the OWRBC raie component of thislhe DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Scheduie CCA-CRS alion Seryice (CCA ule but instead pay Gen = Generalion - The Gen rales are applicable only to Eundted Seruice Customers When catculating the En€qy is calculated as described in lhe Eilting Catculalion Speciat Condilion of this Schedule. rqe, lhe Gen porlion (Continued) s]EDISON 53,.iir',"i"tiir5ini. eai."" Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Ca Cancelling Revised Ca PUC Sh PUC Sh et No et No 42719-E 42263-E (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2134-E lssued by Akbar JazaVerl (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution by Cal. PUC) n 18,2007 11.2007 rte J Decision 1ct3 Vice President J -4819 Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOI\,4ER-OWNED INSTALLATION . UNMETERED SE RVICE APPLICABILITY the clstom6r prov d6s a vt EDISON 3ii'Jir,"?itiii6",a e oi.o" Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Original Cal. PUC Sh Cal. PUC Sh No tNo 42156-E 41544-E Schedule LS-2 HTIN AND HIGHW CUSTOMER-OWNFI)NSTAI I ON - UNIVETERED SERVICE (Continued) RATES (Continued) Multiol6 S.^/ic. - R.ie 9 Th6 lollo^i(lg rat!! .,! .9plirbl. vh.ro SCE E rau.st d to p,o,id6 a sarvlco conn.Euon point to fled a dlsbnar.tli.d !f..t llght dh a Al ilghultdnighr Srvic. Ch4qE hcrnd.... En6d.d s.vi. terDa. 3.2a (t) 3.24(|) 3.2r (D 3.24 0) Hlgt Pr.3!ur. Sodlurn Varor L.mps - 50 Wat 70 Watt t00 W.tt 150 Wat 200 wdr 250 w'T 3r0 rrYa! a(ro wat 3.24 ttl 3.24 o3.21o 3.24(r) 3-2. (r) 3.21o 3.21(r) 3.24o 3.24 3.21 3.24 x24 3_21 324 fl) (t) (t) (D (l) (l) 3.240) 3.24(r) Low PrGsuroSodium vepo. Lamps - 3.2n (r)3.24 0) 3.24 fl)3.24 0) 3.24 o 3.24 (D Th€ ongoing Competition Trans on Charge (CTC)of 30-00003 is r€covercd in th€ |JRG component of Genera0ofl. Trans = Transmilsion and lhe Transfiission Ownec TadflCherge Adjustnents OOTCA)which a'g FERC app.oved. OEl.bm = oistribution NoC = Nucloer Oecommissioning Charg€ PPPC = Public Purpose Programs Chaqe (includes Calafomia Altemate Rates for Energy Surchargo where applicabl€ PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursom€nt Fee is describ€d in Sch€dul€ RF-E. DWRBC = D€panment of Wat6r Resources (DWR) Sond Chaqe. Tha OWR Bolrd Charge is not applicable to exempt Dlrect rGcess Cuslomers, as deflned io and pursuant to O.02-10-063. D.02-02-051, and D.02n2{82. ToLl = Totel Delivery SeNice 6tes are applicable to Eundl6d Service, Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice (CCA Service) customeG. ercept DA and CCA Service custom€rs ane not subjecl to lhe DWRBC rcte compon€nt hshEd pay lh€ DWRBC as provided by Sch€dute DA€RS or Schoduto CCA-CRS. Gen = Generation - The Gen rates ale applicabl€ only !o Bundled SeMce Customors. Wheo caldrleting lheportion b celcLdaled as describ€d in the Bllling Cahutation Sp€ciat Condition of this Sch€dule. (Continued) heet 2 (R) undled Servrce and regation Service lhis Schedule but Charg€. the Gen (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2101-E Decision 07-01-038 lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President (To be in by Cal. PUC) Date Filed Effective Resolution F s 2007 2Ct I F b 14,2007 gt E DISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Cal. PUC 42517 -E 42157-E tNo tNo Deii,/e./ Disrroln:NOC'URC" Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING -STREET AND HIGHWAY 0USTO|\ilER-OWNED INSTALLATT ON - UNMETERED SERVICE (Continued) RATES (Continued) S-ner S..r.e Al MgltuMidnight Sorvic. Chx9.lnend.!.. En .d€d S.rw. t-.hOs - 127 7.21 7.23 1.23 H'gh Pr.3sul6 Sodtum V!ro, L.hp5 . 50 wat ?0 w.( 100 W.rt 150 W.I 200 w.n 250 W.t1 310 W.r 400 Witr 1.23 721 t.23 1.23 1.21 7.2X f .23 1.23 7.23 1.23 LM Piessure Sodiuh V.porLahpe - 7.23 7.23 7.23 1.23 S.rt s S6Mc€ Powfi Facror ChaE6. . 018 018 S.n.s S.M@ VolagE Oscount 0 00000 0.00000 (0.0022s) kVAR losses for lhe Seri€s S€rvice power Factor Charge a.e catculeted in accordance wilh SpeciatThe ongoing Comp€lllion Transition Charge (CTC) of S0.OOOO3 is recovored in th€ URG componentTrans = Transmbsion and the Transmissjon Owners Tariff Charge Adiustrn6nts (TOTCA)wh;h areOislrbtn = Distrlbuuon Condition 14. of GeoeraUon, FERC approved. NOC = Nuclear Decommtssioning Charqe PPPC = Public Pur[o3e ProgGms Charge PUCRF = The PUC R€imDurs€monr Fee |s descnbed m ScheduE RF-E Depa.tment (owR)Bond Charse The Bond Charge iE pplicable toServiceandDteclCustomersandpursuantD02.10-063,o.02-0245 D 02-2-082TolalTDeliven/Serurce appl ble Bundled Service Drr€ct (oa and c Choice Se cCA Service OA CCA S sublect l0 the DWRBC raleSchedbulnsleadlheDWRIcrovidedbyScheduleDA"CRS Sche CcA.cRSGsGloThe6enapplicalyloBSetuiCus laling the E rgvGepodidBIIClaSCondiliolhisSchedule (Continued Sheet 3 (r) (r) rpt Bundled \ggre$ton nenl of this :herge, the (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2121-E lssued by Akbar Jazaveri (To be inserte by Cal. PUC) Date Filed Effective Resolution r 30, 2007Decision lcto Vice President 30 2007 SI EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sh Cal. PUC Sh 39968-E-. 41s46-E No tNo OrslrDtn'rtO rc- Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY at ISTnArtra-r]ll/t\ltrn tNr toN -lt NI\rltrTtrPtrN qtr RVtatr (Continued) RATES (Continued) O.uan.l q.taFo Sa.nca Crrroe ln.:nd6.. En.n(d S€.$c. LeroB - Ftgn Pr.!i/r. Sodlun V.po. L.hp6 - 50 w.tmw 100 wdt !S0 W.t 200 w.t 250 w.n 310W.( a!01i,!( 0.34 034 0,34 0.34 035 035 036 0.y 0.34 0.34 0.3! 0.35 0.35 0.36 Low Pr6${.. Sodium V.por Lrhos Th€ ongolng Comp€tition Tlansiton Cha.g6Tr6ns = T€nsmlssion end lhe Transmission Dlstlbtn = Distrlbution NOC = Nucl€s. o€commissioning ChargePPPC: Public Purpos. Programs Charg6 (CTC) of $0.00004 ls recovered in lhe URG component of Generalion. Ownerc TaiffCharge Adiustrnents (TOTCA)which ere FERC approved. PUCRF : Th6 PUC Reimbursernent Fae is described in Schedulo RF-E DWRBC oe DWR)Bond Charge.T OWR Bond Charge applicable loafldDireclCuslodefitoD,0 0-063,D a242,05 D .02 2-O 2TotslTotal0ServrceapplicableIledService,Direcr (DA)and Community ChoicecCADAServicesubiectt0theOWRBC pay the DWR8C G€nerallon - Th€ provid by Schedule OA-cRs Schedule ccA-cRsGenG6napplicable o.ly lo Sillina Calculeho. B Seturce Cuslomers.laling Ene.gy sleclal Cond lhis Schedule (Continued) Bundled Ssrvice s Schodule bul (T) heet 4 on Service (T) (To be inserted by utility)Advice 1965-E Decision 05-12-041 lssued by John R. Fielder Presiden t (To be inserte by Cal. PUC) b 14, 2006 4C26 Date Filed Effective Resolution F c 29, 2006 :harce. lhe Gen gt EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised P P Ca Ca UC Sh UC Sh et No. 4'1547-E et No. 35135-E '1. Ownership of Facilitjes a For multiple systems SCE will deliver service at 120, 1201240 volts, or, at t of SCE, at 2401480 ot 2771480 volts, three wire, single phase. For existi systems (installed prior to October 25, 1981)SCE will furnish and maintain current regulating transformers and deliver service at the secondary sid transformers. The customer will furnish and maintain all utilization equipment beyond th delivery except for switching equipment and where the cusiomer has el Optional Relamp Service provided by SCE in accordance with Special Condi c New or modified installations normally shall be multiple service installations modifled series installations shall be made only where, in the opinion of practical to supply series service. For new or modifled series installations requiring a new constant current transformer, the customer shall furnish and maintain the transformer; and be delivered at the primary side of the transformer. (Continued) heet 5 (T) rvice will gulating on5 d the New or CE, it iS constant of such e option g series point of (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2041-E Decision 06-06-067 (To be insert by Cal. PUC) Date Filed Effective Resolution 8,2006 5Q13 ct 1. 2006 Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY, CUSTOMER.OWNED INSTALLATION - UNMETERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. d. lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President #^-q"{:.ej Southern Califomia Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Ca Cancelling Revised Ca ee ee 41548-E 41171-E I, PUC I. PUC N N o o 2. Service Connections and Distribution Extensions The point or points of service connection shall be mutually agreed upon b the customer. b. Distribution line extensions to reach a street light or a street light system accordance with the applicable Rule 15. Switching and Related Facilities: For All Night or Midnight Service under SCE' operating schedules, SCE will fumish, operate, and maintain, the necessary facilities. All auxiliary relay equipment, inespective of voltage, not furnished by required in connection with providing street lighting service, shall be furnished, in maintained by the customer in accordance with SCE's requirements. 4 Hours of Service: Under SCE's standard AII Night Service operating schedule app 4,140 hours of service per year will be furnished, and under SCE's standard Midnig operating schedule approximately 2,170 hours of service per year will be fumishe for other operating schedules is not available under this Schedule. 5 Optional Relamp Service: Closed to all new installations. Optional relamp servi provided at the request of the customer. The charges thereunder shall be in addi other applicable charges. After the original lamp installation, relamp service will be by SCE as soon as practicable after notification by the customer. Relamp service i only for the high pressure sodium vapor lamps listed on this Schedule for which shown. At the time of relamping, SCE will clean the refractor, or install replacement furnished by the customer, as required. This service will be provided only wh opinion of SCE, no undue hazard or expense will result because of location, mounti or other reason. (Continued ) Sheet 6 (T) SCE and all be in lled, and imately e wili be n to any standard switching SCE, but t Service Service fumished provided fractors , in the height, (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2041-E Decision 06-06-067 lssued by Akbar Jazayeri (To be insert by Cal. PUC) 8 2406 Vice President Date Filed Effective Resolution e t 1, 2006 Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER.OWNED INSTALLATION . UNMETERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) a. J. ryI EDISON 3"J,ir,"'in'6ii[&" i, eai ro" Rosemead, California (U 33S-E) Revised Cancelling Revised UC Sh UU5 P P et No. 41549-E et No. 35137-E Schedule LS-2 LIGHTIN . STREET AND HIGHWAY CUsTol\,4 ER-OWN FDI TAI I ATION-UNM FTF RFDSERVI CF (Continued) SPECIAL CONDI TIONS (Continued) 6 Remo a EqU pmen he re street sh nI se and of factorderedremovedbvaandSETVIandlorotthereqUIV ordered re n ed thln 36 months from the date the orde to th c U Spavto5EnadvanofreNSlationanonrefundableequatothcoSof the prior facilities and the estimated cost of sucremoved or installed remain the sole property of SCE. h re nSta a on ScE-owne 7 l\,4odiflcation o Fact iti ES ere the custome reqU sts modiflcati of SonfaCIitiescUstomenedstreeshandsuchmodiflcaonSatoCEprtormthereqUstedpovrdedheCUstomeIasrhecostofsad 8 tul dn gh Servlce Where he CUStom e req UESts the nSta ation and/or eordetoakeIVdnshandSUchSacptabtoSESCE th SU ch reqUES provtded the CUStom fi rst as reES to pay to S E the esti m nsta led of an v additiona equrpmen requlred and/o the mova cost of a nvcUnvnsIedSUchPaymentsnobrefundedandshabepatdn a ptab to S E over a pe riod to exceed vea FaC tieS ith beCOme and ma n property SCE I Contract: ln accordance with Rule 4, a written contract for a term of not less thaand not more than five years is required in order to receive street light serviceprovisions of this Schedule. Should the customer terminate service within 36 mo n ndate service is first supplied, the customer shall pay to SCE the cost of installatjcost of removal less salvage for any SCE-owned facilities installed to supply thestreet light service. c (Continued) heet 7 (T) tes were lent, are er shall E-owned s to pay ptable uipment ll comply ed cost ipment or tn talled in year nder the s of the plus the tomer's removal facilities (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2041-E Decision 06-06-q67 lssued by Akbar Jazaveri (To be anse Date Filed Effective Resolution de by Cal. PUC) 2006 7C13 Vice President 8 2006 of SCE-owned customer such facilities, of remove, amou nt a serving facilities, modifications, modifications. removal ofinService,request will installments not threeconnectionsuchrequeststhesole of Slstiisax$ ,,/ro^ ,Nrui&iu,.r .*F.. Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sh Cal. PUC S et No. 4'1550-E et No. 35138-E Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STRE AND HIGHWAY CUSTON,4E R.OWNED INSTALLATION .UNI\,1E TERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAT CONDITIONS (Continued) '10. Kilowatthours: The kilowatthours used to determine the Energy Charge and th Discount shall be as follows: Nominal Lamo Ratinq kwh r Lamp Load lncluding Ballast -Watts Series S TVI AverageLamp lnitial Wattaoe Lumens lncandescent Lamps Extended Service "103 1,000202 2,500327 4,000448 6,000690 10,000 Mercury Vapor Lamps100 4,000175 7,900250 12,000400 21 ,000700 41,0001,000 s5,000 Multiple Service Series Service All Niqht B Midniqht All Niqht 103 202 327 448 690 164 248 347 578 35.535 69.690 112.815 154.560 238,050 18.633 36.542 59.154 81.043 124.821 29.528 64.567 97.638 136.614 227 .559 '131 216 301 474 803 1,135 125 207 285 44s 760 1 ,070 45.195 74.520 103.845 163,530 277 .O35 391.575 23.698 39.074 54.451 85.747 145.263 205322 51.675 85.574 117.819 183.963 314.184 442.338 1 2 When an account has more than one lamp, the total kwh will be the kWh perlamp month lamp rating to three decimal places multiplied by the number of Iamps. ** Represents Extended Service lamps only. For Group Replacement and Regular Se Lamps see Special Condition 1 1. (Continued) heet I (T) h ce k D idn i ht 5.488 oob 7.113 2.083 1.212 1 .656 ,1 6 898 817 521 844 (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2O41-E Decision 06-06-067 lssued by Akbar JazaVeri (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution by Cal. PUC) 8,2006 8C IJ Vice President S t1 Multiole Service kWh 1 Voltage 2006 s,.l ED.ISON Southern California Edison Rosemead. California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sh Cal. PUC Sh 41551-E 40 6 30-E tNo tNo Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY cllsToN,4F R-oWNED INSTAI IATION.IIN N,4ETE RED SE RVIC F (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (ContinJed)10. Kilowatthours: (Continued) Nominal Lamp Ratinq kwh m Per M Lamp Load lncluding Ballast - Watts lVlultiple Service kWh Servi AverageLamp lnitial Multiple Series Wattaoe Lumens Service Service High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps50 4,000 58 6470 5,800 83 85100 9,500 117 121150 16,000 193 174200 22,000 246 233250 27,500 313 N/A310 37,000 383 N/A400 50,000 485 N/A Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps35 4,800 63 5155 8,000 84 7290 13,500 131 .130 135 22,500 182 185180 33,000 229 219 Metal Halide70 5,500 94 N/A100 8,500 125 N/A175 12,000 2't5 N/A250 19,500 295 N/A400 32,000 458 N/A'1000 100,000 1080 N/A1500 150,000 1605 N/A All Nioht All Nioht 20.010 28.635 40.365 66.585 84.870 107.985 132.135 167 .325 't0.492 15.015 21 .165 34.914 44.501 56.622 69.285 87 .737 30.746 40.834 58.128 83.590 111.933 N/A N/A N/A ?1 .735 28.980 45.195 62.790 79.005 11 .397 15.196 23.698 32.924 41 .426 24.225 u.200 61.750 87.875 104.02s 32.430 44.505 74.175 '101.775 158.010 372.600 16.998 23.328 38.879 53.346 82.822 195.300 290.238 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A When an account has more than one lamp, the total kwh will be the kwh per lamp per lamp rating to three decimal places multiplied by the number of lamps. 11 Lamp Loads: SCE will provide service under this Schedule to street ljght lamps whi listed on this Schedule provided that a lamp load, including lamp waGge anA balla reliably established by SCE. n add tion to he xt nd d SerV CE nCandeSCEn ampS IS ed above n Spect a Con5CEhaSdetermnedaampoadattasetarin9othefoowinsumenaedre g rou Com p ep acem n nd S to be US d e the Ene rg pon nts (Continued ) nca ESCen am p o dete rm n heet I (T) D hr e kWh onth , can be are not ition 10, o N/A NiA N/A NiA N/A N/A N/A ular and Charge o. lJ4 1 .429 N/A N/A N/A .s04 .865 .739 2.709 7 s42 .396 .1A2 .575 (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2041-E Decision 06-06-067 lssued by Akbar Jazaveri (To be inserte by Cal. PUC) 8, 2006 9C13 Vice President ct 1, 2006 B Midniqht Date Filed Effective Resolution gt EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cal. PUC Sh Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sh et No. 41552-E etNo.35140-E Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING TREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOIVIER.OWNEDINSTALLATION .UN IVlETERED SERVI (,F (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 11. Lamp Loads: (Continued) lncandescent Wattaqe Per Lamo Average lnitial Lumens bUU 800 1 ,000 2,500 4,000 6,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 [/ultiole Service Series Service Reqular N/A 85 268 370 575 800 N/A Group Reolacement 58 N/A 92 189 295 405 620 860 N/A Reoular 42 57 61 143 213 316 525 755 1 ,275 Group Reolacement 44 N/A 64 152 226 56s 822 N/A The kilowatthours for the above regular and group replacement lamps or any unli 12 shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Special Condition '12, below Kilowatthour Loss Factor: The total monthly kwh usage for each type of service computed applying the following kWh per kW billing factors to the applicable I wattage rating. The kWh shall be computed to the nearest watthour. kWh Per kW of Lamo Load Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Type of Service: All Night Service lilultiple Service Series Service 345.0 393.7 345.0 413.4 345.0 480.4 345.0 475.0 34 N/ Midnight or Equivalent Service Multiple Service Series Service 1 80.9 206.5 180.9 216.9 '180.9 252.'l 180.9 249.2 N/ (Continued) heet 10 (T) d lamps tal 0 I shall be mp load (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2041-E Decision 06-06-067 (To be inserte by Cal. PUC) Date Filed Effective Resolution 8,2006 tact S '1 , 2006 Mercury lncandescent Vaoor High Pressure Sodium Vaoor ,1 lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION - UNI\,4ETERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Charges for Nonstandard Lamps: Nonstandard Lamps are lamps for which a month is not listed in this Schedule. Where a lamp is not listed in this Schedule, the monthl is computed by first computing the applicable kwh for the lamp. The kWh are calcu applying the kiiowatthour loss factor in Special Condition 12 to the lamp load, includi ballast. The Energy Charge is calculated using the rates shown in the Rates section The total monthly lamp charge for nonstandard lamps is the sum of the monthly lam as shown in the Rates section for all other lamps, plus the Energy Charge. For Seri Service Lamps, the Energy Charge is adjusted for Voltage Discount, and the total la charge increased for Series Service Power Factor. 14 Series Service Power Factor: The kVAR losses for the Series Service Power Fac shall be calculated by multiplying the applicable series service kW lamp load from S Condition 10 by the applicable kVAR demand loss factor shown below: Low Pressure Sodium Vapor 15 2.133 2.953 5.270 7.067 Voltage Discount: Bundled Service, CCA Service, and Direct Access customers will Distribution rate component of the applicable Delivery Charges reduced by the co Voltage Discount amount for seTvice metered and delivered at the applicable voltag shown in the Rates section above. in addition, Bundled Service Customers will Utility Retained Generation (URG) rate component of the applicable Generatio reduced by the corresponding Voltage Discount amount for service metered and d the applicable voltage level as shown in the Rates section. (Continued) heet 11 p charge cial level as y charge (r) (r) (r) have the sponding have the charges livered at charge ted by s above. charge gI EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC S Cal. PUC S et No et No 42518-E 39969-E. (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2121-E by Cal. PUC) r 30. 2007 Decision t lct? (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution a 30 2007 kVAR Demand Loss Factor (kVAR Loss/kW load) High Pressure lncandescent Mercurv Vapor Sodium Vaoor lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President Sl puisar.i i3,iin Jli'6litJin i " eoi.o" Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cal. PUC Sh Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sh et No. 39970-E. et No. 41554-E Schedule LS-2 LIGHTING . STREEI AND HIGHWAY CUSTO[,4ER-OWNED INSTALLATION . UNMETERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 16. Billing Calculation: A customer's bill is calculated according to the rates and above. Except for the Energy Charge, the charges listed in the Rates section are calc multiplying the Total Delivery Service rates and the Generation rates, when applicab billing determinants (e.9., per kilowatt [kWl, kilowatthour lkwh], kilovar [kva] etc.), The Energy Charge, however, is determined by multiplying the total kwhs by Delivery Service per kwh rates to calculate the Delivery Service amount of the Ch calculate the Generation amount, SCE determines what portion of the total kwhs is by the Utility Retained Generation (URG) and the Department of Water Resou The kWhs supplied by the URG are multiplied by the URG per kwh rates and supplied by the DWR are multiplied by the DWR per kwh rate and the two summed to anive at the Generation amount. The Energy Charge is the sum of th Service amount and the Generation amount. For each billing period, SCE determines the portion of total kwhs supplied by S and by the DWR. This determination is made by averaging the daily percentages supplied to SCE's Bundled Service Customers by SCE's URG and by the DWR. Bundled Service Customers receive Delivery Service from SCE and recei (Gen) service from both SCE's URG and the DWR. The customer's bill is the charges for Delivery Service and Gen determined, as described in thi Condition, and subject to applicable discounts or adjustments provided und tariff schedules. Direct Access Customers receive Delivery Service from SCE and purchas from an Energy Service Provider. The customer's bill is the sum of the ch Oelivery Service determined as described in this Special Condition excep DWRBC rate component is subtracted from the Total Delivery Service ra the billing determinants are multiplied by such resulting Total rates; applicable charges as shown in Schedule DA-CRS and subject to discounts or ad.iustrnents provided under SCE's tariff schedules. CCA Service Customers receive Delivery Service from SCE and purc from their Community Choice Aggregator (CCA). SCE will read the present the bill for both Delivery and Generation Services to the C Customer. The customer's bill is the sum of the charges for Delivery S displayed in this Rate Schedule and Generation charges determined by the the applicable charges as shown in Schedule CCA-CRS, and subject to a discounts or adjustments provided under SCE's tarifi schedules. a b c heet 12 nditions r) (r) I I I lated by , by the e kwhs icable energy TVICE AS plicable 's URG energy supply sum of Special r SCE's ucts are Delivery Total e. To supplied (DWR). energy rges for that the before lus the ters and Service CA plus ( Decision 05-12-041 (To be in by Cai. PUC) Date Filed Effective Resolution b 14.2006 12c20 F 29. 2006 (To be inserted by utility)Advice 1965-E lssued by John R. Fielder President SI EDISON 6lluinJl" iiiii#"i" roi"on Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Ca Cancelling Revised Ca PUC Sh PUC S et No. 42720-E et No. 42264-E D€lrrery SeNlc€Ger Disrrcn_P(JCRF'o$/Rgc' Scheaule l-S-3 HTI CUSTOIVTER-OWN ED INSTALLATION - I\,'lETERED SERVICE Applicable to metered service for the lighting of streets, highways, directional highw in coniunction with street and highway lighting, other public thoroughfares, and publi publicly-operated automobile parking lots which are open to the general public, where the the street lighting equipment operated within the period from dusk to dawn. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served RATES EneQy Ch.rg.. $Awh/M6t6/Month 0.0023a O.OOO27 0.OOO58 0_00488 (].OOO24(t) 0.00469 O.O13O4(t)0 Cuslom.. Ch.fq€ - grl€t.rllronth M'rltpl. S. ic. S.n€s Setuic€ 0.40 657.29 0.11 o.42 0,42 0.43 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.,ll 042 042 0.43 Ssri.s S.rw. Vort ss Oiscmt. 0.00000 0 00000 S6e Special CondlUon 5. The ongoing Competjtion Transition Charge {CTC)ofSO.OOO03 is rocovered in th6 URG component of Genelsuon-Trem = Transmissioi and lhe Transmisslon OwneG Tarift Cherge AditBtnents (TOTCA) which are FERC appmv€d the Transmission RevenLre Ealancing Accou Adiuslmenl (RSBAA)oI S0.00040 per kwh, aDisl6tn : Dislribution NDC = Nuclear Oocommissoning Charge (TR BAA)of negative $(0 0006 iabilily Se Charge Ba ng justm (T PPPC = Public Purpose Programs CMrge (includes Calilomia Altemate Ral€s for Energy where applicable.) PUCRF = The PUC Reimbursem€nt Fe6 is described in Schedule RF-E. DWRBC = Ospsrlment of Wat6r R6sourc6s (DWR) Bond Charge. The DWR Bond Charge is not appticabt€ to ex Dhecl Access Customers, as d€llned in and pursuant to D.02- 10-063, 0.02{2{ 31 , a d D.02-12482. T pplicable lo B Ssrvice Drrcct (oA Community Choic€S6rvbs) cusloms.s, exc€pt OA and CCA Service customeas ara nol OWRSC as provlded by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedule CCA-CRS. DWRBC G€n = Gen€ratioh - The Gen ral6s are applicable only to Bundl€d SeNice Cusloners When celculating lh€ Energy calcllaled as describ€d in the Billing Calculation Spocial Condirion of this Schedul€. (Continued) signs served ly-owned and ustomer owns The TOTCA represents Ealancing Accounl of $0-00102 per kwh Bundl€d Service and rge, lhe Gen portion is heet 1 0 09490 Service (CCA (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2134-E lssued by Akbar Jazaveri (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution rte by Cal. PUC) J 18, 2007 1 1 ,2007DecisionVice President J -4819 APPLICABILITY 8.40 657.29 Opuon.l R.bmo Sanlc. ChssE tlqh P..${r6 SodM VrCo. Lary|s - 50 Watt 70 w6( 1m wall 150 w.n 200 wa[ 250 w.x 400 Wati but insload pay lhe Revised Cancelling Revised P P UC No UCS tNo 35144-E 24112-E Schedule LS-3 LIGHTING-STRF ET AND HIGHWAY nt lqTn[/trP -OWNED INqTAI LATra'\N - I\/trTtrRtrN CtrR\/ICtr (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued)1. Ownership of Facilities: (Continued) a of SCE, at 2401480 ot 2771480 volts, three-wire, single phase. For existi systems (installed prior to October 25, 1981) SCE will turnish and maintain cunent regulating transformers and deliver service at the secondary sid transformers. b The customer will fumish and maintain all utilization equipment beyond th delivery except for Optional Relamp Service provided by SCE in accord Special Condition 5. c lvleter locations for multiple system shall be at points mutually agreed upo locations for series systems shall be on the primary supply circuit to the curent regulating transformer at a point acceptable to SCE. New or modified installations (installed after October 25, 1981 ) normally multiple service installations. New serjes installations shall be made only the opinion of SCE, it is practical to supply this service. d e For new or modified series installations (installed after Octobet 25, 1981 )new constant current regulating transformer, the customer shall furnish and the transformer; and service will be delivered at the primary side of the tran 2. Service Connections, Meters, and Distribution Extensions a The point or points of service connection shall be mutually agreed upon by the customer. b Distribution line extensions to reach a street light or a street light system s accordance with Rule '15. 3. Switching Facilities: The customer shall furnish, maintain, and operate switching faci (Continued ) CE and (T) heet 2 all be in ities (r) (r) constant Meter shall be ere, ln ET (r) I(r) point of nce with (r) (r) constant of such e option g series quiring a maintain (To be inserted by utility)Advice 1724-E Decision 03-07-029 lssued by Fielder (To be inserte Date Filed J Effective Resolution by Cal. PUC) t 23,2003 2C13 Senior Vice President 12003 For multiple systems SCE will deliver service at 120, 1201240 volts, or, at g-q"'J5.S Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) gI EDISON 3"rir',"ii' U"i#Ji"i" eai.o" Rosemead, California (U 338-E) eet No. 39972-E. eet No. 41 173-E Ca P P UCS UCS Schedule LS-3 LIGHTIN G .STREET AND HIGHWAY CUS IO]\/ER-OWNED INSTALLATION - METERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 4 Removal of Equipment: Where street lighting service and facilities were ordered r a customer and such service and facjlitjes, or their equivalent are ordered reinstall months from the date of the order to remove, the customer shall pay to SCE in reinstallation a nonrefundable amount equal to the cost of removal of the prior fa the estimated cost of such reinstallation. SCE-owned facilities removed or install the sole property of SCE. Optional Relamp Service: Closed to all new installations. Optional relamp se provided at the request of the customer. The charges thereunder shall be in add olher applicable charges. After the original lamp installation, relamp service will b by SCE as soon as practicable after notification by the customer. Relamp service i only for the high pressure sodium vapor lamps listed on this Schedule for which c shown. At the time of relamping, SCE will clean the refractor, or install replacemen furnished by the customer, as required. This service will be provided only wh opinion of SCE, no undue hazard or expense will result because of location, moun or other reason. 6 Modification of Facilities: Where the customer requests a modification of S facilities serving customer-owned street light facilities, and such modifications are to SCE, SCE will perform the requested modifications, provided the customer ag the cost of said modifications. 7 Energy Curtailment Service: Where the customer requests the installation and/or equipment in order to curtail energy requirements, and such request is acceptabl SCE will comply with such request provided the customer first agrees to pay estimated cost installed of any additional equipment required and/or the removal equipment currently installed, Such payments will not be refunded and shall advance or in installments acceptable to SCE over a period not to exceed th Facilities installed in connection with such requests become and remain the sole SCE. Contract: ln accordance with Rule 4, a written contract for a term of not less tha and not more than flve years is required in order to receive street light service provisions of this Schedule. Should the customer terminate service within 36 mo date service is first supplied, the customer shall pay to SCE the cost of installa cost of removal less salvage for any SCE-owned facilities installed to supply the skeet light service. 9 Voltage Discount: Bundled Service, CCA Service, and Direct Access customers wi Distribution rate component of the applicable Delivery Service charges reduc conesponding Voltage Discount amount for service metered and delivered at the voltage level as shown in the Rates section above. ln addition, Bundled Service will have the Utility Retained Generation (URG) rate component of the applicable charges reduced by the corresponding Voltage Discount amount for service m delivered at the applicable voltage level as shown in the Rates section. (Continued) Sheet 3 (N) oved by within 36 dvance of ilities and Tem arn ce will be provided height, E-owned cceptable to pay oval of of any e paid in e years Perty of hs of the I have the pplicable ustomers on to any fumished arges are refractors re, in the to SCE, SCE the one year under the plus the stomer's by the neration red and (To be inserted by utility)Advice 1965-E Decision 05-12-041 lssued by John R. Fielder President (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution by Cal. PUC) eb 14, 2006 c 29, 2006 8. Revised Cancelling Revised 3C17 gl EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sh Cal. PUC Sh 42519-E 39973-E No tNo Schedule LS-3 LIGHTING . STREET AND HIGH\r'/AY CUSTOIVlER-OWNED IN sTALLATION . METERED SERVICE (Continued) P IAL C N ITIONS (Continued ) 10 Billing Calculation: A customer's bill is calculated according to the rates and c above. Except for the Energy Charge, the charges listed in the Rates section are calcu multlplying the Total Delivery Service rates and the Generation rates, when applicabl billing determinants (e.9., per kitowatt [kW], kilowatthour [kwh], etc.), The Energy Charge, however, is determined by muttiplying the total kwhs by t Delivery Service per kwh rates to calculate the Delivery Service amount of the Ch calculate the Generation amount, SCE determines what portion of the total kwhs is by the Utility Retained Generation (URG) and the Department of Water Resources The kWhs supplied by the URG are muttiptied by the URG per kwh rates and t supplied by the DWR are multiplied by the DWR per kwh rate and the two p summed to arrive at the Generation amount. The Energy Charge is the sum of the Service amount and the Generation amount. For each billing period, SCE determines the portion of total kwhs supplied by SC and by the DWR. This determination is made by averaging the daily percentages o supplied to SCE's Bundled Service Customers by SCE's URG and by the DWR. a Bundled Service Customers receive Delivery Service from SCE and recei (Gen) service from both SCE's URG and the DWR. The drstomer's bill is th the charges for Delivery Service and Gen determined, as described in this Condition, and subject to applicable discounts or adjustments provided und tariff schedules. b Direct Access Customers receive Delivery Service from SCE and purchase from an Energy Service Provider. The customer's bill is the sum of the cha Delivery Service determined as described in this Special Condition except DWRBC rate component is subtracted from the Total Delivery Service rate the billing determinants are multiplied by such resulting Total rates; applicable charges as shown in Schedule DA-CRS and subject to a discounts or adjustments provided under SCE's tariff schedules. CCA Service Customers receive Delivery Service from SCE and purchase from their Community Choice Aggregator (CCA). SCE wilt read the mepresent the bill for both Delivery and Generation Services to the CCA Customer. The customer's bill is the sum of the charges for Delivery Se displayed in this Rate Schedule and Generation charges determined by the C the applicable charges as shown in Schedule CCA-CRS, and subject to ap discounts or adjustments provided under 6CE's tariff schedules. c eet 4 itrons (r) ated by , by the e Total upplied (DWR) kWhs cts ar-" ivery SCE'S at the licable ervice icable ,S URG energy e. To supply sum of Special ener9y ges for before lus the energy rs and ICE AS A plus (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution rted Cal. PUC) 30,2007 Decision llla 30.2007 (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2121-E lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President