2010/09/15 Southern California Edison Application and Contract for Street Lighting Service Utility Owned System Schedule No. LS-1,.-7H/5 dav '2/-,2010, by and between the SOUTHERN CAItrORNLA EDISON COMPANY, a Califomia public utility corporation, hereinafter desrgnated as "Company", and the City of Menifee, a political subdivision ofthe State of Califorrua, hereinafter desrgnated "Customer". Customer hereby requests the Company to deliver electric energy and to supply street Iighting, which includes the street light poles for attachment of lumrnaires, equipment, and pertinent electric service corurections, to and for the facilities and locations shown on Company's street light inventory maps, which are available to be reviewed upon request. CUSTOMER AND COMPANY AGREE AS FOLLOWS l. The parties hereto agree that the initial term of this contract shall be for a period of three (3) years commencing 7'/{ -2010. Upon the expiration of the initial term of this contract, it shall be extended autornatically thereafter for successive terms of one year each, provided that this contract may be terminated at the end of the original or any extended term by either party upon not less than sixty (60) days written notice prior to the expiration of such term. 2. Customer agrees to take and pay for said service under the rates and provisions of Schedule No. LS-l, marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, commencing on the date customer requests the individual light or street light system to be energized, or as soon thereafter as the Company is reasonably able to supply said service subject also to the provisions of Condition 6 hereof. LS-1 Revised l0-17-07 GSCAil;O (tL+ -001 APPLICATION AND CONTRACT FOR STREET LIGHTING SER\'ICE UTILITY-OWNED SYSTEM SCHEDULE NO. LS-l -l- THIS AGREEMENT, is made tlus 3. Company agrees to fumish street lighting service in accordance with Schedule No. LS-l and Exhibit "A", and other exhibits which may form a part of this contract. The ownership ofsaid street light poles, equipment, and electric service connections shall at a.ll times be and remain the property ofthe Company. 4. Should Customer elect to have other than a standard installation, Customer shall pay the estimated difference in cost installed between such installation and a standard Lrstallation. The difference in cost installed for such an installation is d€termined annually by the Company, effective July l. Where mutually agreed upon, and in accordance with Company's specifications, the excavating, backfilling, and restoring of pavement for an underground installation may be fumished by the Customer in lieu of payment therefor. 5. Company has reviewed the right-of-way for the street lighting system as of the effective date of this contmct. Company has determined that no additional right-of-way is necessary for the operation and maintenance of the system. In the event the Customer requests modifications to the presently existing systern, additional right-of-way may be required ln the event of Customer-requested systern modifications, Customer agrees to acquire, as may ln Company's discretion be required, the necessary exclusive easements for the Company from owners of private property at Customer's cost and expense. 6. Customer agrees to pay such rates, and to be govemed by the terrns, set forth in the Company's tariffs, including but not restricted to, Schedule No. LS-1, on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, and any changes or modifications thereof as may be authorized by said Commission. 7. This contract shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Califomia as said Commission may, from time to time, direct in exercise ofits jurisdiction. Revised l0-17-07 LS- I 8. Termination of this contract shall not affect the obligations or liabilities of either of the parties hereto accruing at such date of termination. Company shall have the right to remove or abandon rn place Company-owned street Iighting facilities, wholly or in part, upon expiration of this contract or of any extension thereof. 9. The parties hereto agree that any changes, deletions, modifications or additions to the street lighting provided under this contract shall mutually be agreed upon in writing. AII other provisions ofthis contract shall remain in effect. 10. All poles, wires and electrical appurtenances installed by Company in fumishing service under this agreement, shall be so placed as to work the least possible public and private lnconveruence. i 1. If Company shall be prevented by strikes, by order of coud, by public authority, by order of the Commission or other causes beyond the control of the parties hereto, or any of them, from fumishing the service herein provided for, it shall not be liable in damages to Customer for such failure but a proportionate reduction in the amounts payable to Company by Customer for street lighting service hereunder, based on the period of suspension of such service, shall be made in case of such failure. 12. Customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Company, its successors and assignees, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, expense andlor liability arising from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons resulting by reason of any interruption or modification of service requested by Customer. 13. Company agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Customer, its successors and assignees, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, expense andior liability arising from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons as a result of any intemrption or modification of service caused by negligent or willful actions of Company. Revised I0-t7-07 3- LS- 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed for and on behalf of each by their duly authorized agents, partners, or corporate officers, as ofthe day and year first above written. CUSTOMER:COMPANY: COLINCIL OF THE CITY OF MENiFEE ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE BYD,llru uO WWLy.d,) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY BY: ATTEST: Tirle;il/L?FL DATE:q-tf-2-7 )b TII ATTEST: UAL,Title: DATE D Names and address to which billing(s) will be mailed: Revised l0- l7-07 -4 LS- I Title:Title: owREc'O1/VR -owned and CE owns and le. heet 1 0 09490 0 09190 Schedule LS-1 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY COMPANY.OWNED SYSTEM APPLICABILITY Applicable to service for the lighting of streets, highways, and publicl publicly-operated automobile parking lots which are open to the general public where maintains the street lighting equipment and associated facilities included under this Sched TERRITORY Wthin the entire tenitory served RATES Ena,gy Chrg.' . ll(Wrrl.np/Monlh Al t{gtl S*i@ Mid.Eht Sdi6 0 00238 0 00238 0.00056 000058 0 00488 00048! 0.00024 o 0 00024 o 0 00469 0.00469 0.01750 t|) 0.0r750 o 0. Al Ni0nur&nir Sru.. ChrE! - 103 Wa[ 202 wat 327 Wa[ .{a wat ?.66 7.69 7.E0 a.22 7.66 7.69 1.80 6.22 M6.c!ryV.por L.frps- - 6.97 7.00 748 7.8€ E.86 856 6.97 7,04 1.41 7.88 8.88 8.56 Hlgh Pr..ruE Sodium Vapd L.mps - 50 wa( 70 wao 100 w.t tS0walr 200 wax 25o w.rr aoo wa( 5.94 7.02 7.39 739 1.86 7.S5 8.29 6.9.1 1.02 739 7.39 7.A8 795 8.29 (Continued ) gl EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2134-E Decision tcl3 Revised Cancelling Revised lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President Cal. PUC S Cal. PUC Sh No. 42717-E No.42261-E by Cal. PUC) 18.2007 1 1 ,2007 J (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution J -4819 0.00473 0.00,r13 Gen D!srrbrn tNCC DWR RATES (Continued) Low PBssur€ Sodluh Vapor Lidls- 35 W.n 55 w.t 90 w.u r35 War ll0w.fl 9.09 8.03 11 02 't1.32 r 1.35 909 8.83 11.O2 11.32 11,35 250 watt 1,000 watt 1.500 Wa[ 14.12 12_43 11.39 9-21 t.79 11.90 17.41 The kilowatthours used k) delormine lh€ EnoBy Charg€ for ihe lamp lyp6s and€izes ssrved underthis Schedul6,re s Condllions s€ction. b6low, Closed to n€w instellalions. The ongdng Compelilion Tansition Charge (CTC) of SO.000O3 is recovorod in lhe IJRG component of Gen€raiion. Irans : Transmissbn end lhe Transmission Ownar6 Tadfl Chaq6 AdiGtments ffOTCA) u,hich ar€ FERC approved. the Transmission R€venu€ Balancing Account Adiustrn€nt (TRBM) of negative ${0.00061) p6r kwh, Reliabillty Adjustm€nt (RSBAA)of 50.00040 perkwh, and Transmission Access Charge Balancing Account Adiustment (TACBAA) OistrblIl = Olstributon NOC = Nucloaa Oecommissionlng ChaEe PPPC = Public Purpose Plogr8ms Charg€ (includes Celifomia Altemale Rates for Energy SurchaBe where applirble.) PUCRF = The PUC Reimburlement Fee is doscribed in Schedule RF-E. DWRBC . Deperh6r[ of Water Resources (DWR) gond Che€e. Th€ OWR Eond Charge Is not applicable to Direcl Access Cuslomers, e3 defrnsd in and pursuant to 0.02-10-063, O.02{2-051, and D.02n2-082. Total = Tolal Oeliven/ Service €las are applicable to Bundled SeMce, oirect Access (OA) and Community Chore Sewice) customers, except 0A and CCA Seruice cuslomeG are nol subject to the DWRBC rat6 componeat ol lhis lhe DWRBC as provided by Schedule DA-CRS or Schedute CCA-CRS. Gen = Generation - The Gen rates are applicabte only to Bundled S6rvic6 Customers. Wh€n calculating lhe Ene0y Ch celculaled as described n lhe Bi,ling Calculalion Special Condition of this Schedule (Continued) TOTCA represents Ealancing Account S0.00102 per kwh Bundled Service and edule but instead pay . lhe Gen podon is heet 2 in lhe Special Service (CCA gJ EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Ca Cancelling Revised Ca I, PUC Sh I, PUC Sh 42718-E 42262-E No t No. (To be inse Date Filed Effective Resolution by Cal. PUC) J n 18 l1 2007Decision 2Ct3 J -4819 Schedule LS-1 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CO[,1PANY.OWNED SYSTEIV (Continued) 14.12 12.43 11.39 9.21 8,7S 11.90 17.41 (To be inserted by utility)Advice 2134-E lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President 2007 gt EDISON Southern California Edison Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Revised Ca Cancelling Revised Ca UC Sh UCS P P et No. 40629-E et No. 35125-E Schedule LS-1 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY COIVIPANY-OWNEO SYSTEI\,I (Continued) SPECIAL CON DITIONS Kilowatthours for Lamp Type and Size: The kilowatthours for the lamp types and siz under this Schedule used to determine the Energy Charge are shown below: Nominal Lamo Ratina kWh Per Lamo Per l\.4onth* B Midnight Service 18.63336. 2 59.'154 81 .043 23.698 39.074 .451 85.7 47 145.263 205.322 '10.492 15.015 21 .165 34.914 44.501 56.622 87 .737 1 1,397 15.196 23.698 32.924 41.426 16.998 23.328 38.879 53.346 82.822 195.300 290.238 AAverage AllLamp lnitial NightWattaoe Lumens Service lncandescent Lamps*'103 1,000 35.535202 2,500 59.690327 4,000 112.815448 6,000 154.560 Mercury Vapor Lamps"*100 4,000 45.195175 7,900 74.520250 12,000 103.845400 21,000 163.530700 41,000 277.0351,000 55,000 391.575 High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps50 4,000 20.01070 5,800 28.635100 9,500 40.365150 16,000 66.585200 22,000 84.870250 27,500 107.985400 50,000 167.325 Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps35 4,800 21 .73555 8,000 28.98090 13,500 45.195135 22.500 62.790180 33,000 79.005 Metal Halide Lamps70 5,500 32.430100 8,500 44.505175 12,000 74.175250 '19,500 101.775400 32,000 158.0101,000 '100,000 372.6001,500 150,000 553.725 * When an account has more than one lamp, the total kwh will be the kwh per month lam three decimal places multiplied by the number of Iamps.-' Closed to new installations. (Continued) heet 3 s served rating to (r) (To be inserted by utility)Advice 1998-E Decision JCg (To be in by Cal. PUC) a 12,2006 J n 11. 2006 lssued by Akbar Jazaveri Vice President Date Filed Effective Resolution