2022/09/23 US Edison International dba Southern California Edison Landscape and Irrigation ImprovementsAGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION TMPROVEMENTS This AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS ('Agreement") is made and cntered into as of the_.,fi_ day of 1i;U,"LJ$-2022,by and between the CITY OF MENIFEE, a Califomia municipal corporation, ("City'') and U.S. EDISON INTERNATIONAL D.B.A. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, a Califomia corporation ("Landowner") and CONTEC CONSTRUCTION, a Califomia Corporation, D.B.A. RIGHT STOP ('Contraclor"). WITNESSETH .!- Landowner or Contractor, for and in consideration ofthe approval oflandscape and irrigation materials and installation ("Work") on that certain development plan known as "Southem Califomia Edison - Menifee Service Center", landscaping and irrigation plans (working drawings), (Planning Case No. PLN2I-0136), which is located on the northeast comer of Menifee Road and Biscayne, APN 331-260-019 and 331-260-020 (the "Proper["), agrees, at Landowner or Contractor's own cost and expense, to fumish all labor, equipment, and material necessary to perform and complete the Work and, as it rclatcs to the L Landscape and irrigation improvements, Landowner and Contractor also agrees that it shall maintain for a period of twclve (12) months after a building permit or grading permit has been issued or as otherwise required by City's Community Development Director in a good and workmanlike manner, all those landscape and irrigation improvemcnts in accordancc with those landscape and irrigation plans for the development of said entitlement which have been approved by City's Community Development Director, and are on file in the Office of the City of Menifee Community Development Department, andto do all work incidental thereto in accordance with thc standards set fbrth in Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 9 and Mcnifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04, which are expressly made a part of this Agreement, which are attached hereto as Exlibit L to this Agrecmcnt. All the Work shall be donc under the inspection of and to the satisfaction of, City's Community Development Director and shall not be deemed complete until approval of the final inspection is made by City's Community Development Director. Approval of City's Community Development Director of the Work and of the final planting shall be in writing. The estimatcd cost of the Work is ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINTY-THREE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($T30,793.00). L Landowner or Contractor agrees to pay to City the actual cost ofsuch inspcctions of thc Work as may be rcquired by City's Community Development Dircctor. Landowner and City further agree that if suit is brought upon this Agreement or any security guaranteeing the completion of the Work, all rcasonable costs. cxpenses, and fees incurrcd by City in successlully enforcing such obligations shall bc paid by Landowncr including reasonable attomeys' fees, and that upon entry ofjudgment, such costs, expenses, and fees shall be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. L To lhe fullest extent permitted by law (including, without limitation, Califomia Civil Code Sections 2782 and 2782.6), Landowner shall defend (with legal counsel reasonably 2671ret 1858.1)00t 6621oEE.2 !0En3n2 acceptable to City), indemnify, and hold free and harmless City and City's agents, officers, and employecs, (cach. an "lndemnitee") from and against any and all claims, loss, cost, damage, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death oflandowner or any officers, agents, employees, representatives, or subcontractors of Landowner [collectively, the "Landowner Entities"]), expBnse, and liability of every kind, nature, and description (including, without limitation, incidcntal and consequential damagcs, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation) that arise out of, pertain to, or rclatc to, directly or indirectly, in wholc or in part, thc negligence, recklessness, or wiltful misconduct ofLandowner, any ofthe Landowner Entities, anyone directly or indireclly cmployed by cithcr thc Landowncr or Landowncr Enlities, or anyonc that thc Landowner or Landowner Entities control (collectively, the "Liabilities"), in connection with the implementation of this Agreement. Such obligation to defend, hold harmless, and indemnifu any lndemnitee shall not apply to the extent that such Liabilities are caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of such lndcmnitcc. 6- Landowner aglees at all timcs, up to the completion and written approval of thc Work by City's Community Development Director, to give good and adequate waming to the traveling public of each and cvery dangerous condition caused by the Work, and to protect the travcling public from such defective or dangerous conditions- L Landowner, or its agcnts and employees, shall givc noticc to City's Community Development Director at least tirrty-cight (48) hours befbre beginning the Work. F'urthermore, Landowner shall provide City's Community Development Director with any and all information or any other materials, deemed rea.sonably necessary by the Community Development Director or its dcsignee, to allow the City's Community Development Dircctor or its designee the ability to monitor, assess, and inspeot the progress and manner of the Work, & l-andowner and Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to lhe performance ofthe Work. Landowner and Contractor shall not hirc or cmploy any person to pcrform work within City or allow any person to perform the Work required under this Agrecment unless such person is properly documented and legally cntitlcd to be employed within the United States. Any and all work subject to prevailing wages, as dctcrmined by the Director of lndustrial Rclations of the State of Califomia, will be thc minimum paid to all laborers, including Landowner employees, contractors, and subcontractors. It is understood that it is the responsibility ofLandowner to determine the correct scale. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may be obtaincd from the Califomia Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR") pursuant to Califomia Public Utilitics Code, Sections 465, 466, and 461 by calling 415- 70347'74. Appropriate rccords demonstrating compliance with such rcquircment shall be maintaincd in a safe and secure location at all times, and rcadily available at City's request. 2rt7 t ^)] I858400I E62lOE8.2 am,zlr2 1 5- Landowner hercby grants to City, and to any agent or cmploycc of City, the irrevocable permission to enter upon the Property for the purpose of inspecting the Work or detcrmining compliance with this Agreement. This permission shall terminate in the event that Landowner has completed the Work within the time specified or any extension thereof granted by City's Community Dcvclopmcnt Dircctor, and upon the City's Community Dcvclopmcnt Dire,ctor's final approval of the Work. Landowner and all Landowner Entities shall obtain and maintain a City of Menifee business license. Landowncr shall require the same ofall contractors and subcontractors. 9. If Ltrndowner, or its agents or employees, neglects, refuses, or fails to prosecute the Work with such diligence as to insure its completion within thc specified time, or within such extensions of time as have been, or may be, granted by City's Community Development Director, or if Landowner violates, neglects. refuses, or fails to perform satisfactorily any ofthe provisions of the plans and specifications, Landowner shall be in default of this Agreement and notice in writing of such dcfault may be sewed upon Landowner. City's Community Development Director shall have the power to terminate all rights (granted by Planning Case No. PLN2I-0136) of Landowner due to such default. The detcrmination of City's Community Developmcnt Director of the question as to whether any of the terms of this Agreement or the plans and specifications have been violated or have not been performed satisfactorily shall be conclusive upon Landowner, and any and all parties who may have any intcrest in this Agreement or any portion thereof. No dclay or omission in the exercisc of any right or remedy by City shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver- City's consent or waiver of one act or omission by Landowner shall not be dcemed to constitute a consent or waivcr of City's rights with respect to any subscqucnt act or omission by Landowner. Any waiver of any default shall be in writing. The foregoing provisions of this Scction shall be in addition to all rights and remedies available to City under law. 10. Prior to thc date this Agreement is executed, Landowner or Contractor agrees to file with City good and sufficient security as provided in subsections ( I ), (2), and (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 66499 of the Govemment Code in any amount not less than the estimated cost of the Work for the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, exoept that when the estimated cost ofsaid work is $2,500 or less, the security shall be a deposit ofcash or its equivalent as determined acceptable by City's Building Director. Landowner or Contractor further agrees that if thc security is a bond and if the sureties on the faithful performancc bond or the amount of said bonds in the opinion of City's Community Development Director becomes insufficien! [andowncr or Contractor agrccs to renew each and evcry bond or bonds with good and sufficient sureties or increase the amount of said bonds, or both, within ten (10) days after being notified by City's Community Development Director that the surctics or amounts are insufficient. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, if Landowner fails to take such action as is necessary to comply with said noticc, Landowner shall bc in default ofthis Agrccment unless all required work is completed within ninety (90) days of the date on which Cily's Community Dcvclopment Director notifies Landowner ofthe insufficiency ofthe sureties or thc amount of thc bonds or both. I L It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto, including the surety or sureties on the bonds or the issuers ofany instruments or lelters ofcredit securing this Agreement, that, in the event it is deerncd ncccssary to cxtend the time of completion of the Work contemplated to be done under this Agreement, extcnsions of time may bc grantcd from lime to time by City's Clommunity Development Director either at his/her option or upon request ofLandowner, and such extensions shall in no way affcct thc validity of this Agreemcnt or release the surety or sureties on said bonds. Landowner further agrees to maintain the aforesaid bond or bonds or the issuance of any instruments or lefters of credit in full forcc and cffcct during the term of this Agreement, including any extensions of time as may be granted thereon. 2671/031858{ml E6210E8.2 &0E2322 -J- lZ Upon the satisfactory completion and written approval of the Work by City's Community Developmcnt Director, the entire amount of the security shall bc relcased or retumed by City to Landowner or Contractor. -tj- This Agreement shall bc binding upon Landowner and its hcirs. cxccutors, administrators, successors, or assigns, all and each both jointly and severally. 14- With thc exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. l-5- It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that ifany part, term, or provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful and void, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be constnred and enforced as if this Agrecment did not contain the particular part, term, or provision held to be invalid. No waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement shall be a continuing waiver thereof. 16. This Agrecment may bc executed in multiple counterparts, each ofwhich shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. )L Landowner and Contractor shall not discriminatc in any way, against any person on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, physicat handicap, medical condition or marital status in connection with or related to the performancc of this Agreement. -t& The laws of the Sate of California shall govern this agreement. In the event of litigation between the parties, venue in state trial courts shall lie exclusively in the County of Riverside, California. In the event oflitigation in a U.S. District Court, venue shall lie exclusivcly in the Central District of Califomia, in Los Angeles. -19. The person(s) executing this Agreement on behalfofthe partics hercto warrant that (a) such party is duly organized and existing, (b) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, and (c) by so executing this Agreernent, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. 20. Any noticc or notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be served on the other party by mail. postage prepaid" at the following addresses: To City:City of Menifec Community Dcvelopment Department 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92584 2(i7 | /03 1858{m I 8621088.2 r08,23n2 4- To Landowner: SCE Menifee Service Center 26100 Mcnifee Road Menifee, CA 92585 ConTec Construction, lnc. 29830 Mayflower Drive Canyon Lake, Ca 92587 5 267 1/0-1 t 858-{)l)'01 86210E8.2 !0E2122 To Contractor: [signatures on following page] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landowner and City have executed this Agreement as of the datc and ycar first abovc writtcn. SCE MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER ("Landowner") Dated:By (Signaturc lor or Category I Offrcer) (Print Name) (Titlc) o Dated: ef zz f zrrz-z-By ConTec Construction. Inc. ('Contractor") Dated:q L7.LL By Dated Ct a-? aat-t-? Lt-- 1^s-@?U) (Signatire for Secretlfu or oder Category 2 Offioer) a,/ (Print Namc) SCE .RE (Title) (s for Pres f^n,{ E/.,-- "-Q tL/A gory I Officer) (Print Name) /.r,, t/ 2671lott858-0001 EO.IO88.2 a0atBt22 By (Title) -6- ? r,-- I for Secretary other Category 2 Officer) (Print C CITY OF MENIFEE (*City) Dated:q Approved as to Form: T (Title) Cheryl Community W By f)irector City 267tl031858-0001 A62l0aa -Z rOAl2Jlz2 -7- ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OB fZiversi J. On qfzl/z.t 1* . before m J. Me f ) ) ) ss. L Notary Public, personally appeared Rc, (herc insert na.rne and tirle of the officer) oS.\"+f avl 2 almce1-L<r>q. ) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/hcr/thcir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/hcr/their sipature(s) on the instrument thc person(s), or the entity upon behalfofwhich the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I ccrtifu undcr PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of thc Statc of Califomia that the forcgoing paragraph is true and oorrect. WITNESS my hand and official scal. Signature [SEAL] 5. fm [otary Pubhc - C.lifornii Lor Antel6 County Comhirrioo , 2297I0 lly Comm. fupi.er Au! 1t, 2023 I 2671/0I8584001 A62108A 2 nortl2l4A -8- A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ofthat document. ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. County of ) on qfzt/z--z-before me,S. Metz, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Fr'"a l< -tov /o r- aqJ Dqqn",r- fzrrSJe lt who proved to me on the basis of satisfacto'ry evidence to be the perso;(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 5. flEn ilotary Pubhc - Calitornia Ior Ang€l€s County commission # 2297! 10 l{y Comm. Expire! A!! 11, 2021 Signature (Seal) State of California Riverside WITNESS my hand and official seal. @ MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION 26100 MENIFEE ROAD ROMOLAND, CA 92585 APN:331{2m20 (POR.) TRACT. ROMOLAND FARMS #2 OWNER / OEVELOPER: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2244 WALNUT GROVE AVE ROSEMEAD. CA 91770 PROJECT DIRECToRYI -**.ffiH ;-: Ia LOCATION MAP PRO]ECT LOCAT OII a a INDEX: L-0 LD.1 LC1LC2 LG3 Lt-t Lt-2 Lt-3 Ll-4 Lt-5 LP.1 LP.2 LL'1 LREF.1 TITLE SHEET TREE PRESERVATION & OEMOLITION PLAN CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCIION DETAILS IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION LEGENO It NOTES IRRIGATION WATER USE DATA IRRIGATION OETAILS IRRIGATION OETAILS PLANTING PLAN PLANTING DETAILS LIGHTING PLAN CIVILTOP SURVEY S'TE ;E, E E= =6 .61 =o5"iirEs = Eq Q,!to od Iri LIJ zuJ -6rc *rvrr cerrrn COIJRTYARD susTAlur[E l-NDsc]PE nExovATr0 TITLE SHEEI L-0 1Fa t+, -o lQIE] Trsss, plants, walls, sidewalks and p€msnent structurss olany kind shallnot b6 plantad, installsd or built in oas€ments or right-of-way without Conlraclor first obtaining an €ncroachmonl p€mit. U{xaoM 'r LMg r" otr I-d) ot LIJFzz otru{oo>z ffH OD LI,]u* LIJ dl! ,t =o9i @ fiirien96E- 4 a liiiiiiiiiiiiiii Iifiiiiiii EI F: ril iiiiili iii ti Tit:I! i! Tiri iiri t" ii liti ;ItI! iiiiii;iiiiiiii a E,a:i q 6 glt{U- $t TIt;*fts*{ 4 ri ri F c E EE }Ei?IEa, i{r3 E B l L I l L II iI I I I I I I 1 ll I :t =tfz il il I il ii iii ll lil L- l t- I I I I I I I I I I \r Tt\il /- or f- p I II s! E = I 4 a ??EEi{lt iiEEiE !EEEE; iiE!I i'E EEI I tEi i rFri E!lrE h E I u IT 0 o o Iq,i TI { dt IlEtrIrl{ai" TIfi t i it I 2I g I ? zIt I a E I! f ! I n ii-t i t I I I I !r E::!llErlii"lr!!r! oo-:; EI IE;EltIt IE tgi5rlEE I6 'I!iIdt, EIffI E!xd I t I It II I td q 6 iiiffEEiFlifiqflT trEtrgB 8 EiI I isI fl IEi i E! EEIElt!!:fr i Etrtr8trtrH8HB88tiiii,rqrEBqE,.6iEf Ee:H E!!I ilA" :rrati n rT t] \ A I .',1 IIITIIIEI t 'i B'tt ,E Ii : EiieEi rrslrF iliP i H + c) I t9l EE 5E-= EEg= ;! a, MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION ,E .iIir133 I6 U, I rn ADIIIINISIRATIVE APPFOVAL Communily Developlnont Oopl.PL 21-0136. Exhlblt L 9.29.22 26100 MENIFEE ROAD MENrFEE,cAe2s6s ltl I I I i f !!! o['1 t o @ ffi o o g 5 3Iilll 1 l.l I tiii I !it it'i elti!* oo E liii; iriiItri titiit lriii! lrlr!r o I i Ii I iltiii iiliit iii!il!i!rll iHtiirrl-c:,ii ir q Z P E* r)-.I @ I a E5 --o i,ii,iii,i' _ -t i"i[iiii { , I -1rI! flII # l 'I .-€ 4 6 I I ItI I II ! , E IIii IIiir8 iII I I, Ii tiiiiii":llrt!i1l' li i'''i Ii l|i! tiitir ll!" at, iliiit lri m3 a oo s o )o a 't 3 I 3 ) d qo{E E m It 6 I ! .t Ii 3 o o a, ti IIi!;l I F I ti ii a iiiiiri!IttI i e) @ iriiiiE iiii!'i o o o o I I i o o iii'il* 'l I a a o 'iiiii ",8 iilll- iiiiii lll 'iit cloI 6) 1ro; m x -l ft n a o9.g m --l P (o o 6- € 6- = Ii 3 I 3I 3 1r { C) Il'\) F-21 qEEA 3E=!-=riE !:I! IVENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURryARO LANDSCAPE RENOVATION !!. rli U, a rtt I I 26100 MENIFEE RoAD- - aDiar{rsrRATrvE app'ovALMENTFEE'C 02s€5 /|?L *.;1,;;1.1;"lopm.nrlDcpr. 9'29 22 W oo I ? I, H Tlt!i,l!tii I lI cI a ( II I ,I 6 l 11: \ TI It I .) o z U) 6 3 I !. ( I ti a. 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PLN21-0136 - Exhlbll L 9.25.22 tw {{ si4 EgH 6?i 6EE' g 3a I lirl !l il E E * H ililiI !t ti HEiE EE Ei!i ii!E iil! lt Eg iI; E 'sirt e,! i!<6la,E! il llll' !tl ,7R\ uryl LUilt.llo zi 3{ Pc!, 96Tii{ x!.= YE 2 -1 = - o o ! I I 4 ! o iiiiiilii !ili'ilii ii'iiEIi iiEi,rE'; liiliililliill )i L_i .J iL I I I tr l( 1tti ti ir 1 { t E ;iilr !Ei E{ iIIiE"tl t; ;tfi !i;i I';I n=a!;-EB= H 9 MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARD LANOSCAPE RENOVATION 26100 MENIFEE ROAD I : cn rn I n =I AOXINISTFAIIVE APPROVAI. Comnunlty tbvolopmlnt O.pl. PLt{2r4135 - ErnD[ L E.2A.22 NI -1-' I h I I I I I I i't L:: I P-4 q I 'liilii ii lilliifii illiliiii iii i i !E EBAi; IiE :E lis ;irfi! h !;r il iil !Eilr'i !P! l;i; iI;nI rI, E ili E liiE FI','lifr!Egli tEi ar-!86s!l,l ii vE iF illiil"., iiiiqiiiliii; ;*qEirliiililli;riiiii;iiiii iigiEili!'i! iiiiiiii'i liir;Eii ffii! ssi it:i! q r B i*E; i, r T6E e39? 9 ! rii r niE '!i I 8Bti'0t ' 4|65i Eissil ;p e!Ei ;3:6 e * E--**!ili, !i:r:,:ldl3 ]::!!i;it :;ii;E :B rc;4 ;lEili {iE!:r ;E ilE: !iil!Ei :ei$:; s:4sJ: ris:ia E!51+ Bliir r19l9 EE;:g aoui i; ii 9tr19994, ! i; ;r5 i i EelEatBiif iiig ; s; !E ti ;qE !li !r ra rli E ;!ii i: fii ! g; ;q gE rli itsi li ;t ;;E !i;!;iiii:i Eliii:llEE 'iil i i!; id3, ! rll -1 i;!:;isiri!:si; !IIiEI I d I Bi; r E ;*8Id 6t' I i d:;EI 4. 5iiiii;l ilElt! i;EIiI iIfiilill rlEri iti!r::ul I,r:s ! EIEE ilHi rtt i r:! q !Eri;l! I e I ii : E 6t ,i 38 ;P I:lrel!. :t !Eri t t ai i , ad 6 0 t ii IIlilt ,t.lri6it:I: 'Ei: EEIr ll 2u I ttII rlll9 ,i! i! -r ii! {r! 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E! i 9 t ici I i E I sI Pqs *iiqti 9EE9ra B:;!ri E, iA =iEhtE lr!i Ei t !iil i, it l!Er:ri i3t i4lliI i3".-lili iie E:{disrl: !!l 1 *t eEl EE EEEE 'E UH=E ll 6LrN) MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARO LANDSCAPE RENOVATION ii-l .-tr:!l;'l it; U, m 261OO MENIFEE ROAD,,e*ee.c^",s"i ,1ry1 #,1i1,1ffil1l..i1,.l1,.,il,i 9.29.22 l I n d d = I t s E 3 ii9;i:ii loa r ;,}B!!lY ;iF;;E:I !dr;iii:iErl 9eitril r i j ii aI a tH!41 tiir;E;;EE;;T:} i :lriE"Etri=- I ;tirE EI +IEEi ! !!!!li l:rl ii ttt9|; ltii g! Ererli !!lE !! iiiiE:::i;i 31ll[ Etir Er iEEEI " "iilll;;iQ I i9i!!ll lt:;""t 1 lr' NirIil ITSr :i t, I I t lli F l, iti I ; i; iili F iEiirl !u&rr{r! EEF !BE ajbj qtittttt {t5,i!;iIittiilEr!Irl..ir ?::!?I{IiBIiI E e Ei I I ! ; ili rrtrlgr siq aAllb EEriiii!E r tlE ..1:E ;:;iii!iEE !I9 IF e :;! I r1l a,:.13;J lIlll lnai!l;i liEllcI iiI,I t!! it Iii i! , IIi I ! -t r!;iE r iii;E iE!i-ill "! B!;tt :r*flI I iit i, ?IE E : itE :lFrrE ? t!sEIl!,I! r I 3lI 8tE -etE st :Br idr t!? r! qi.lE;li'tr ri-e :l: rr! :i :l: "ii !l "l;ri Ell :F :t .! !l !! an,i es i! E! rq !E 5r EI :r :6 -. !iri .r rl :ns ":gI I rl 5Eii d! 3, gi isEI enEII:?i E! ic d !il. i! I !:i! i: t tt I I p i a I t!lii?ii!iitgtii:i5i ti;ii':, ::::iirii:!EE:il!i iEI!It"lI l {l ellrir;t I tillE 9, "l"l,l" U, a rn6 i ! ,IIII I EE EA a=58s= =;= KI;9 I(-\) 1 I ! MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION ADIIIT{ISTRATIVE APPROVAL Comrunlty Dcvalopmanl Dcpl.Ptt{21{l!6 - €rhlblt L 9,2?.22 tw26100 [/lENIFEE ROAD ll lR\ w1P i t: .. I €6ee600@ iiiiiti:i! iiiiiil' i!'iiE iEl! Et . !ii "'-ESthaI.; :!!ilcIrii.tilt tBi a -rlr!9itt:iId:ir!tr'l II : -- -9\-o ! ;; :r 9rt: ;lIi! ; I I , 2 I I I l I I:"tE!!iI lrall ! ii! !: rfi ;r rlC I!ii!! ii!i !!ilr -'l! ! nt:l ,TI cEi!:; iti i?diir!ii;li T l; ff ll E: t'il sI ! 3 E I t II .B , I!H:EIII$E ' t:;:; i:; !iri;!xFt:l : t!E:Ei i tii i c iSlE: i Iir't e Ein , !! 4 =6I 4 6 4J ! E! 6@00 F 318 rlfl irli l!i I!ljI o(o ! Iit oo !ii rlE!it!ttril;:rrli lr I i! S al 2$i;!itil ir!;lili,!li:ral::i!i i:E Il , It: a! liii;' I!tIE ;i!ii iil'i rl I II eo@ @o€@@ E:l:18:llltl!U!ii3:!ll.:!l ii!iil:itii:!r;Si!Elrl! l-i.::l !!! I t:!! ! !llE I I I ili! tl ,'tTI !r eb B : aI ! I I ; :l$,Ii I i It h-f !5 3 E I P : a t Fcoo @o@ !;:iiliili!i't. ls;ll ;til;!;!i li iiiii'i !Eiri6 o-e@co@c@o i!|!t;|!gi!l rlrl;rEr;rr !ilil!ll!:' ';i !'li l: ;ii!' :;!Eil!i B!!i i!ie it,;ntt T8; I at II I 6Eo L} I i'6 n i'; i'r'6,_'- '''_'''''_- i!iitiiiititi!;: lillEil!!i.iii'i;: ilil;Ei iiiii;i!'ii i i;'it! i i rI! ; i E & lt t! ! B III i E I 9 FI n 6 E P I ;I\4ENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARD LANOSCAPE RENOVATION AOMII{ISTRANVE PPNOVAL Communlly O.Y.lopmcnl D.pl. PLN21-o135 " Erhlblt L 9.29.22 tw U, rn "! "ilr:!! it; I9Ei;9E-T, _t 4. Is I @l : aa Q 5 a T IIt iI I 5 4tI a rB Aa 9e 66d o 08 !-- i) !) I ffil ii 26100 MENIFEE ROAD !t T /.r. \ fl'tHlil)\\\-/J/ 6EE lt :t E iti il 1 1 t II II Itt ili iii Iii iii !ii itlt:!l lr. II I iiitii iiiiii iiiiiiliititIiiil! iirii ii lrII I I fli lii iilIri ifi rii ii illl ir I,I I I ti|iliilitl I Iii ii I I I I II I ii t I I I ! I IiI II t I II I I l,t III I I ri il iltt 1i lt rl lr I rilill iiil Iill iii! lii lii riil !l il il ii i!lt !r titl ll t ttrIr iti: ltr i iriliiil,l! Irillrlri.ll lli,;! irl lrt lli I I II I :I IIt I II I I I iiiit iili! i ilit iiill iiiii i!!llr il rl!l lilr !lII lr.i lr li IBt ! tiii"i'ili!li i !i rl li a III II '': I iir I ; IIIIIi rriirli rlit !arll iiil '!iiilt ili Ii' lr l' I iiiiilliil iiiii Ilt!rtilI ii'ill iir ''; tfi',i I I lt i! I I I I II I I iiiii lii! iili rlrl ilii ilrir! iiiir iiii iii t t I i;;!il iiilil tliiri ili iirtililiII IrI ; I I ri ilIIII ii it I ! !i III I I I I I I 1 I II ,I I I -. "iili iilt iii.tl !ii iii I I illtil iiiii il ii ii ti ii I I I iiii liii iiii iiii iiii I I t I I I I l I fiifiiii|iiiiiiil ti ir!llr rllll iiiiilirl!ti!!i iiiii!ill iiiitl li rli! ltiit fl ir!l IIlli I I iIII I t I I ri fi illrI I I ffi,i! i! ii i I II I I ; q I I : I I :iiiiiIi iiiiiiii !iiilil iiriitiiirlitti lli iiiit iiiii liiiirt!il ll' ll ir l! i'ii I ! ii fiI I II ! I I I I i atI I I I I I ,ii'r iI ii li ii)i 1ii'I I iiii iiiiiirii ir ii iiiiiii llili i,il II I )iriiiiiiliii iii'iiiii iiiiiii i I I I i t II ir ll tl ii i! I It iinil iiiil iiiii tiiii ti tiIIiIrt titl il il It I I I I IfiHiilii iiii riii lltlli I I I I I i I I I II iiiiriir iiiii iiii iii liflrl it I iI iiiiiiiii iiliti iiiiii iitilititi II I! I I"-a - iiiii iii iii 'l I ir II il II I II ! I a I I iri,ir iiri ii!i riittl ii ilii iiii lii 1!1 lli 'li iiiiiiiillll I 1 t!;!li ll , I II iiiiiii iiiii iilrl il itil Ii I I it i t I I II T I iI I I II I liiii iiti iiii iiil iiiiirl I { II I titti r! ii il It I I II i iI ii i1 JiI ! i iiii lliiI I t I !i II I ti T I I I II I 6 I\,IENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURTYARD LANOSCAPE RENOVATION U, rn i2,E;ta.!! i T; I(Jr 26100 MENIFEE ROAD- - aD.ra*rsrRAnvE appBovaLMFNIFFFcae25'5 ry| cohmunlty{ocvd?ffi,lll*, 9.21,22 llrlillii:ri;1;; lllllllilll lllll lll ii i i ii iilii ll ililil it ii i I I ; lriI II lr ;i i! II ll,t t t I ....t. I I I I I I I Ii I ! I I T I I l ! I I I i I I I e rl I' !a= E* gEEfr !iI = =E*fr6 E=aI I \, b) til"!"r I ts I EQ, D' ts EQ, lril ai Eiii d I ? io lo b E itr .D Itr = E + "HtE 6 E _= Pa 8lD !ll!;t i II a T i!E'isE;,'i' !!:EitE !E.;IE E9g8 EE T q a ;,1 t) !t \ r o E tt EI 5 i t J f ; i E ts d s 65 4\6 5 ,tsEre ;EE I G 91 ',;= EEEil ! 3=E Ee= El{{? IVENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURryARD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION i 5;:ft: I a,I U, rI 26100 MENIFEE ROAD :tI ADllITISTRATIVE APPROVAL Communlty Oavalopfi ant Oopl. PLt{21{136 - Erhlbll L 9.29.22 l* \l E t8' trl ,l tl[IL I l! o :r 3 N ^* B .; oi .: i e ; ,i d n :6e ;]rffiffimt i #q$# #iuETffiB$;tifi i *HHq#$ffi i3 fi$# igBS€did 3e sE gEEE*3 ,d:€ EE itsErE E€ s*i-{ EgEiqEg cE r; T{Fi?:g€E ****r*;*E :i9t?lsdi $E$i$fi;i : : p tstss F. fifiTEi#ff4E iiiiE'iEeE, I *4 i I I I I i gr d =l I;:i iiaoi I ::ileil ,o,, ili'ii i"' i, i = I = Ea a F =,I e I 5 !? o 3 0 o ?. aI I H II TE E !t ![I8 lfit til.I :EiI ilf t il r 5,7 I.. t dgtq $l IE fr iETIr!i{ ltiI.! {1v! I{ fli(l tlI d IE l IErt5l ETt.l 5r tifilr i I it IH IIIT{i! I I I t I t t t 1 t I 8 a a I I a I I 5 ii ++++l I Ti !!"ri.?t!Ii r:tt,.;!ti o c o o o*E I t E 3ta {r- \1ta at .T IE TT{l(T lrif[r6 I r JIlr i 1t 9ll ff E an EF $a Eir'{li isI I I T fii'lE*f l:tt II ! h q 6 qq6t q b tqqttt t;i! EIa q : rilgre !ffisnt a ! E :: $ i I t I D \ @ H;!r n rl eoo J I!- 1l H II;lti r( s F {I.I i!,l tl ll t t!;lr {;{diI'Jt I I t9 aEeE a=5i HH EI;iE d> I T!H iir;lll' r<t :ll!tr MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURryARD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION {t :! U, a rn;, fi 261@ MENIFEE ROAD- - aDxr*rsr.llvE appFovaLMEN,'EE.. se5a5 ry| *IlJil"?:flffiffii*. 9.29.22 EI T ! l q 1 I ++t Ett666 !q66 oo9P.t Ea r i Ei !llr ir{r ir ii ri!r .a;r r l at (, T ( ; t:,,l iirl 6 iifiiij;i; e l'l 7 l; li !! IIr I I I 1(-) a '!li'iiilit i iiiiiii I iiiii' l'i' 'i'i ?+ ii iie g g. )-l a t t.Ir lo th ) [-.rdo ;,Iq dr_ I 3 ( I{ I C I i ait , o I 4 6 ",6I!s *iiIt *!i I !? !ii iiI! I I I ItI iiiiri{ii : I Tt t I T!iti'itII t {Ir!ii !iiI tii iii I I t J E (o = q o a ! ( ( I,! I >@ t E]E 'arq tIt i >r@ r oo iii:.i /!/f r -.I iiit ! I a!I ]E r 1! e T, 5 I liii T ii'i!|iiirii, i I ii ,I!ti.!IIi : IiI iiiii,I ri li' iiii ili aI g I II I !trili liI liI ;t !l l\>) d E fl dd !I )) ll) ! o g. o ,ao l-' B G C t t II C I I -E HIqEEfr =E Efr EH ( t i I EIFJ I a MENIFEE SERVICE CENTER COURryARD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION 26,I OO MENIFEE ROAD uin,,.. " .,.". 76 S,fllilllliililllf#ll,"Jil ii ;i; "-i3 U, ]TI ll 9.29.22 i 15 J I rS\11/ P.6,I D) -l !F € =:. E, -.t g. s 63 t &, C Ii i.t I .t a t: I t l I If a t 0