DMSD Cajun Properties, LLC Faithful Performance Bond PLN22-0199 1185555FOR LANDSCAPE [\ilainlenance Cost: Gommunity Development Department FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) $ 5,3O8.OE Parcel Map No. Total Cost Estimate: $ 62109g.7l PLN22-0199 - POPEYES ON. SITE LANOSCAPE PLAN The following to be completed by the Applicant: Surety: Arch lnsurance Company Principal: DIvISD property, LLC Address:3 Parkway, Suite 1500 Address: 41760lvy St., Ste. 201 City/State Philadelphia, PA City/State Murrietta, CA Zip Code. p1g2 Phone: (770)519-s827 Phone: (951)816-0 189 Bond No. 1 185555 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and,DMSD ProDertv. LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and maintain all landscape, including any additional landscape materials, related to "Popeyes on-site Landscaping and lrrigation plans", (Landscape plan No. PLN22-0199, conceptually a part of ptot plan No. pLN20-0348), which is tocated at 26765 Newport Road, west of winterhawk Road, APN 360-200-029), which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Arch lnsurance Company as surety, are held and firmlybound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of SIXTY THOUSAND NINTY.EIGHT DOLLARS AND SEVENW-ONE CENTS ($62,098.71) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation rs such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise. it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any .iudgment rendered. Project No. Zip Code: 92562 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, andit does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named,on September 22nd ,2022 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: DMSD PTopeTtv, LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) 1?- ..;----" ,"wTitle. M7't\L6d( o urqhoe Com'tnv (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: ATCh INS pany AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Its Attorney-in-Fact Title Bonnie S. Robbins (tF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. tu._) PLN22-0199 - Popeyes On-site Landscaping By: Arc 0000377686 .\ot validln \otc, Loan, Late. if Oedit, Ct..en.r R. c,Iat.rust Rote R.sitcntial t'altu cao.ontecs. POUTR OT ,\TTORIiEYKno* All Persons Bt Thes€ Pre.enrs: New Jersey (hcrcrmfrer relcrrcd to as lhe "Company") does hereby appornr: Bonri€ S. Robbins. Brenna P. Tuccelli. Chrrles P. Eoormzi!n rnd \icktc L. Sorcn.en of t orgrryood, FL IEACH) 'ls truc ltnd hwtul At(ornc)(slrn-Frct. lo make. e\ecure. seal.:rnd dcliler tont rhc &rr! ol'issuance ofrhis p<,wc. fiir and on Company. lr Trsdmory Whereof. the Company has cius€d this iostrumcorJs!},20!!. Million rng lo whrch n is rrrched shall cotrtitru€ ro be v.rtrd rt brndirg upon rhc nd its nxporare scnl to be aftixed bt rhcir aurhorizcd otil.crs. this.El d.r rrch Insurancc Comp,n\ irs hehalfns surcty. and as (\,rct.rnd dced: Dollars (S90.000.000.00). thifl lhe dollar ImrL ofruthonrv as sel li)rth ffi/h,U^,...- Any xnd all bonds. undcnakings. rccognizanccs and othrr surcr] obtiga{i('ns. in rhc r--n{t sum nor c\rccding This aulhorily docs nol pcrnrit rhe sam. obligariofl lo bc sJrtil inro rwo or morc bond\ ln order to bnn8 .ach such bond wi herein. and any such powcr so e\ccur.d. scrlcd and cenified *irh rcspcct lo any bond or u d.rrak oliice in Jerscy Ciry. Ncw Jcrse). and aecurare copics ol which rre her.inalier set tbnh and are hereby ctrrilird ro hy (he undcrsigned Sccrcrary as being in tir rbrce and eltccri .reecplance ol' p()ccss." Dircctors ol rhc Company on Dccsnbcr 10. 2020: VOTED. Th:rr lhe sig rurc oflhe Charrmrt of thc Bo:lrd. thc P.esident. or thc Exccuritc vrcc Presiderr. or any Sc'rior Virc Prcsidcnl. ofrhe Surcly BusrDess \llestrd and Certilied .k",A.gtL-- C-.!toa ,F hrt IlGttrO,rcryr*(c,ryCffi ,1,& cERII tc ^Tt0f,JI. Regrn A" Shulln.n. Sccretary ol dre Aijh Insurmcc Company. do h€rcby r(nrty rh:tl the rnachcd Por€r rs listcd abovc rs a truc and corrccl copv and fiat lhc \amc has bccn in full [orcr and clliu sincc rh. dn ce(ificalei and I do funhcr denrlf that lhe laid Slcphen C Ruschak. who exe.urcd the Power ol'Arorney a the auachcd Po*cr ofAnomey thc duly elccted Execuri\e Vice Prcsidenr ol rhe Arch Insurancc Companv. IN TESTIMONI' WHEREOF. I havc hcreunto subscribed my name and a[irerl rhe corporare scal of rh 20 ll My commission expires ()7 j 1,2025 of Arome!-. de.cd J!!f..1!5J4I!3 on bdha lf of rtte p.r$n( r) tc thc.cofand is in tull forcc rnd clTcd on rhc darc ot rhrs Ls Fxe(utive Va.e Presidenl. $rs on the dirrc ofexecutron oI e Arch lnsuran(c Company o'r rhis::-dr.v oflillEmbI., b^.A.gIt - Stefhcn C RuschxL. |]\ruuri!! Vie.l'rcsrdcnr sI {l u o} Pu\\sl !_\',\r\t \ ss( ()t'\'I \ ()Ij Pl t .\t)Ft.Pl r \S Vissouri. subs!ribcd l,) thc lirreSoing rnsrrxmen(- appeared beinrc mc this day ra pcrson !nd severall] rekno{led-e€d that rhey being lhereunto duly rnthonTcd \r!n\:d. rut\ li)r thc llscs rnJ 1; odi. N hlre n.-&r( e. s lut nrnn.s"*.-r"ry Thrs Powcr ol Atl(n'ncy lrnrG thc !cls olllros€ named therern to lhc honds and undcnrkrng\ specrllully naDrcd lherein and rhey y t() bind the ( ompany ercepl rI tl]e nra ncr and td lhc cxtent hcrern staled. Pt,EASE SE:{D ALL C1,.{IM tNQUtRIES RELATT:{G TO THIS BOIiD 1O THE }OLLOWt:{C {DDRESS: Arch lnsurrnce- Surety Division 3 Prrkway, Sulle 1500 Philad€lphlr, PA 19102 fo vat$y tl,. outhaotkity ol thit fuyat of Atlon y, ple.ta contoct Arxh htturonca Conqny ot PLos. r.ftr b ttp obove oancd Altoney-irtFoct o.,d tb d.toib ol tL bnd to uhkh tlE pw.t is anoclpd. noa.colll tant', lbrsd t(lt'n It$ili AtcPoA040120 Printed in U.S.A. purposcs thdrcin {t li,(h Cert i, icare of Ac kr,ow I edqemerr t fitatc gl CcuntY cf Florida On (date ) per sona -- oR -- proved to ne on the basl,a name (6) islar€ subscrlbrd that h€/she/they executed and that by h1B,/her/th€lrthe enttty upon behslf of IvITNESS ny hand and offlci.I 6e51 (nottry 6ignrt ur:e ) My CoNnission ExpiroE:Dec 03 2022 ( notary; Bonnie S. Robbins {aigrrers ) I)amaris Martinez, betcre ne, DAMARIS MARTINEZ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA NO. GG281212 MY CoMMISStoN EXPTRES DEC. 03, 2022 of sstiEfactory evidence to be the p€rsonls) !'hose to tho ulthln Lnstrurnent lnd acknowlodged to ne the lrmG 1n hl3/he!/th61r authorizcd capaclty(te6)' rlgnstur€(s) on the lnBtrulnent the p€rson(8) or nhlch thq perron(s) act€d, ex€cut€d thc lnstrument ( sea.I ) rsonafly knolrn to ne CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE S 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Rtrtet<de [v/v.rnz-}.Jp"ac, nfuq guLltzbefore me,iiiiiiiiiii6iii t$oni.,", personally appeared mef) of Sisnerll) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(r) whose namep') is/q/,e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/y'elt[dy execuied the same rn hrstljdrttlar authorized capacityreg, and thatby his/D6rlt!6ir signatur#) on the instrument the persoq6f, or the entity upon behalf of which the personJE) acted, executed the instrument. , I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. r^RNEE WOOD! Not.ry Public - Crllfornla RlY.rlld! County Commiriioft , 2 3 2a774 Lly Comm. Etpiret $.r 17 2024 Sig nature Ploce Notory Seol ond/or Stomp Above Signoture of Notory Public OPTIONAL Completing this informotion con deter olterotion of the document or froudulent reottochment of this form to on unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type ol Document: Document Date Number of Paoes: Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) claimed by signer(s) Signer's Name:Signer's Name tr Corporate Officer - Title(s)E Corporate Officer - Title(s): tr Partner - D Limited tr General o lndividual trl Attorney in Fact D Trustee tr Guardian or Conservator tr Partner - tr Limited El General tr lndividual o Attorney in Fact El Trustee E Guardian or Conservator E Other:tr Other Signer is Representing:Signer is Representing: 02019 National Notary Association o^ SoPlen"br L1,Zou- Dote Insurancc CHANGE RIDER To be attached to and form a part of surety bond nu mber 1185555. dated the 221 day of !9961q[gg ]!f] issued by Arch lnsurance Company, a Missouri insurance company, as surety ("Surety"), on behalf of q!!SLBIg!9I!y-L!e, as principal (the "Principal"), in favor of Citv of Menifee, State of California. as obligee (the "Obligee"). The Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing the attached bond as follows: Principal's Name Shall be changed From: DMSD Property, LLC To: DMSD Cajun Properties, LLC It is fu rther u nderstood and agreed that the penal sum of the attached bond is hereby !!gge!gd from N/A (S* **) Dollars, to N/A (S*'*) Dollars. This change is effective the 22!!l day of Seotember. 2022. The attached bond shall be sub.iect to all of its terms, conditions and limitations except as herein modified. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this z31 day of Seotember, 2022. WITNESS / ATTEST DMSD Ca un Pro rties, LLC (Principal) By (Sea l) Name: DatrJ,oe Iitle: WU.f,t' ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY By 5ea l) Bren na P. Tuccelli, Attorney-in-Fact ACCEPTED (obligee) By: ;jiArch l..g Name Title: Date: (Sea l) ffi-0 Arc 0000377691 'This Poxr! of A on.! Iinits thc a!:ts of.hos. na ed hercin, an,l they hor. no aaahori| to hind the Co p.rn! en:ept in thc manrier s l t, the extent hcr.in stuad. , Not wlid lot Notc, Lom, l-.tt r of Cr.dil, Curr.rrc! Rdte, Intcfts, Rate ot R.sidcntiol yoluz Guaronte.r PO\ITR OF ATTORI\if,Y Know All Persons By Thes€ Presenlr: That thc Arch lnsurance Company, a corporarioo organized and existing undcr thc laws ofthc Statc ofMissouri, havinB ils principal administrrtivc officc in Jcrscy Ciry, Ncw Jcrscy (hereinafter referred lo as thc "Conpany") does hereby appoinl: Bonnie S. Robbins, Br€nm P. Tuccelll, Chsrles P. Boornaziatr and Nickie L. Sorensetr of Longwood, FL (EACH) ils truc and lawful Artorney(s)in-Fac(, to makc, cxccute, seal, and deliver ftom thc datc ofissuanc€ olthis powcr for and on its bchalfas surcty, and as ils acl and dccd: Any and nll bonds, undertakings, rccognizanccs and otbcr sureiy obligations, in thc pcnal sun not cxcccding Nilclllllljg Dollars (S90.000.000.00). This authoriry docs not pcrmit thc samc obl,gatron ro bc split into rwo or morc bonds In order lo bring €ach such bond within thc dollar linit ofautborily as scl forth hcrcin. The execution ot$rch bonds, undenakings. recognizaNes and other surety obligalions in pursuance ofthese presents shall be as binding upon the said Comfrnny as fully and amply ro all inr€nrs and purposes, !s if rhe same hrd been duly exe.rred and ackno\ledged by its r€gularly clected omcers al its principal ldminislnliv. office ir Jersey City. NewJersey. This Powcr ofAnomcy is cxccurcd by aurhoriry ofrcsolulions adoptcd by unanimous conscnt ofthc BoaJd ofDircclors oflhc Company on Dccembcr 10,2020, truc and accurarc copics ofwhich arc hclcinancr sd fonh and arc hcrcby ccrlificd to by thc undcrsigncd Sc.retary as bcing in full lorcc and cffctt: ''VOTED. That the Chairman of the Board, thD Presidenr, or lhe Executive Vicc Prcsidcnl, or any Senior Vice Prcsidcnt. of thc Surcty Busincss Division. or thcir appoinrccs dcsignatcd in writing and filcd with lhc Sccrctary, or thc Sccrchry shall havc lhc po$er and authority to appoinl agents aDd attomeys-in-fact. and to lurhorizc thcm subjccr to thc limitarions sct forth in thcir rcspcctivc powcrs of atlomcy, to cxccutc on bchall ofthe Company. and attach the seal of the Company rhercto, bonds. undenakings, recognizanccs and othcr surcty obtigations obligaiory in thc naturc thcrcol and any such ofliccrs oflhc Comprny may appoint agcnts ibr acccptancc of Proccss.' This power of Attorney is signed. sealed rnd cenified by facsimil€ under and by nuthorily ofthe following resolution adopted by the unanimous consenl ofthe Board ol Direcrors oflhe Company on December 10,2020: VOTED, Thrt thc signaturc of thc ChaimBn of thc Board, thc Presidcnt, or the Execulive Vice Presidenl. or any Scnior Vicc Prcsidcnl, of thc Surcty Busincss Divisioo. or rheir appoinrees dcsifnatcd ,n $riring and filcd with ihc Scrrctary, and lhc signaturc oiihc Secrclary. thc scal oflhc ComPany, and cenificalions by thc Sccrctary, may tr alfKed by facsimile on any pouer ofatromey or bond exccutcd pursuant to lhc rcsolution adoplcd by thc Board ofDircctors on D€ccmbcr 10. 2020, and any such powcr so cJ(crutcd, scalcd and cenilicd with respect to any bond Company. In T€stimony Whereof. thc Company has causcd this instrumcnt to or undcrlaking lo *hich it is atlachcd. slEll continuc to be valid and bindinS upon the its corporate seal lo bc affxcd by lhcir aulhorizcd oIficcrs. this!* d.y of.lulr- 2t|22 Allcrtcd rnd Cerlilied ,trch lnsurrnce Comp!tr] A Rcgan Shulman. Sccrclary Slcplrcn ( Ruschak, Ixccutivc Vrcc Prcsidcnl S'I'A'I T] ()['P]]NNSYLVANIA SS C0II\T\' oF PHII-ADEI-PHIA SS I, Uichele Tripodi. a Nohry public, do hcrcby certify ihar Regan A. Shulrnan .nd Stcphcn C. Ruschak persooally known lo nlc lo bc thc samc pcrsons *hosc names arc rcspcclivcly as Secretary and Executivc Vicc Prcsidcnl of rhc Arch Insurance Company, a Corpomtion orSanizcd and cxisting under th€ laws of the Sialc of Missouri, subscrib€d lo the foregoing scalcd with thc corporate scal and dcli purposcs thccin s€t forth- instrumcnt. apF?rcd bcfore mc this day in persoo and s€veBlly ackrlo{ lcdgcd lhat thcy being thereunto duly aurhorizcd signcd, vcrcd thc said instrument as lhc &cc and volunlary acl ofsnid corporation and as lhcir orrn frccand voluntary CqrrtnUr oa tult lv.|b. il!.rD LC llcH[U nrr@r,lhr.y ,irUk rllCelrltd.o 2m5 N .1; nsurance.com I, Reg.n .A. Shulman. Secretary ofthc Arch Insurance Company. do hercby cfirly rhat rhc axached Power of Attorney dsted JlE !L!!22 on bchalfofthc pcrson(s) ls li;d above is a true and corr€ct copy and thar the same has been in full force and etlecl srnce the date thereofand is in tutl force and effect oD the dalc olthis cenificaret and I do tunhcr cerrify that ihe said Srcphcn C. Ruschak, lrho exccutcd thc Po\rcr ofAtlorncy as Execulive Vicc Prcsidcnt, was on th€ date ofexe€ulion ol thc atlachcd Porv€r of Altomcy thc duly clcclcd Exccutive Vicc Prcsidcnl oIthc Arch Iosurance ComPany tN TESTIIIO\Y WHERf,OF. I havc hereunto subscribed my name and affixed rhc corporate s.al ofrhe tuch lnsurance Company on this2Ldry oISSD!S!qEL' My commission cxpircs 07i31/2025 ( IJItTII.I('AIION 20 tl A A. Shulman. Secretary This power ol Artorney limits rhe acrs ofthose named therein to the bonds and undenakings specifically named therei excepl in the manner a.d to the extent herein stated. PLEASE SEND ALL CLAI}I INQUIRTES Rf,LATINC TO THIS BOND TO THE FOLLOWING AI)DR.ESS: Arch Insurrnc€ - Surety Division 3 Perkwey, Suire 1500 Phihdelphir, PA 19102 oriry to bind rhe Company fove ly the outhentlcity of thtt fuw.t olAfto rey, pledse contoct Atch tnsurcnce Conqny otsu pleose relq to the obove ndm.d Attomey-it -Fcct dnd tlrE detoik ol the bond ao whlch the pwef ls onoched. ,ttrtn Ibrord a. tt^trr/t C€ lhrur{ AtcPoA040120 Printed in U.S.A. WASHINGTON SHORT-FORM INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT RCW 42.44.100 ESr4q *d{iB*itsij{j:y.ii&@Es8rbalb*Fj4i4.EftBr:9s€[qrled+!1aiF41F6.1trLr+6]tln.a{bt State of Washington ) SS,LG4-rttCounty of I certiry that I know or have satisfactory evldence th "1 B fcnu-n P '-('trae I [' Nome of Signer is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated 5 "vko*u..-Z1 ,2c22- Month/Doy/Yeor NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON OUANE R BEAVER MY COMMISSION qHBES JULY 10,2020 coMMlssloN # 119458 ->.- an* Signoture of Notorizing Officer ^tJa ?"r.,h E' Title (Such o5 "Notory Public") Ploce Notory Seol ond/ot Stomp Above My appointment expires:w LO OPTIONAL Completing this informotion con detet olterotion of the document or froudulent reottochment of this form to on unintended document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document:V\4 ^\ll- l.*-- Document Date 1-21- Lct-t-LNumber of Pages A.,l a d rlhrrL J LI"LNETLSigner(s) Other Than Named Above -t6_ 02Ol7 National Notary Association CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE 5 1189 A notary public or other oflicer completing this certiticate verifies only the identily ofthe individualwho signed the documenl to which this certilicate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ol that document. State of Califo ta County of \ "" futcnU-Zt,zttz tLb h,blrc-before me, Here lnsert Nome ond Ti the Officer personally appeared Da t"Joo a \e<ua {one4) of Signerlrf who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoqrr) whose name(d) is/96 subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/#e/tbdy executed the same in his/DdrltDdir authorized capacity(lrg), and that by his/lcrlthGir signaturq{rJ on the instrument the personJd), or the entity upon behalf of which the persorf4 acted, executed the instrument. , @,,,;f,ii,,,T",il#;,, I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. il*l*Signature Ploce Notory Seol ond/or Stomp Above Signoture of Notory Public Completing this informotion con deter olterotion of the document or froudulent reottochment of this fom to on unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name Signer's Name: tr Corporate Officer - Title(s) Documentoate: Number of Pages: - tr Partner - tr Limited El General trl lndividual tr Attorney in Fact Et Trustee o Guardian or Conservator tr Partner - D Limited tr General tr lndividual tr Attorney in Fact E Trustee tr Guardian or Conservator tr Other Signer is Representing Signer is Representing 02019 National Notary Association ) OPTIONAL E Corporate Officer - Title(s): E Other: