FPG Tricon Menifee Property LLC Faithful Performance Bond TM32628 K41598700FOR: Streets and Drainage $ 64,500 Riv. Co. Flood Control $ Water System Rec. Water Sewer System Total 49 000 Surety Westchester Fire lnsurance ComoanvAddress 4 Walnut Street WA06T Tract Map 32628 Bond No. K41598700 Principa I FPG Tricon Menifee Property LLC Address 27271 Las Ramblas Suite 100 sion Vieio. CAZip 92691 Phone (949) 445-6929 $ $ $ $113 500 City/State Philadelphia. Pennsvlvania City/State Mis Zip code Phone 1 9106 215-640-1000 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California,and FPG Tricon Menifee Property, LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvements relating to Tract 32628. which agreement(s), dated 81512022, is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW THEREFORE, we the principal and lnput name of surety, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of One Hu Thi n Thousand Five Hundred Dollars 113 500.00 lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement(s) and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City of Menifee in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. rMENI FEE]:r!lH: i FAlTHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND CIry OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) Other Proj. Ref .1P22-Q24. -043 Premium $ 2."157.00/Annuallv \:/ rIENIETfl?.^ FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work or to the specifications.. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. When the work covered by the agreement(s) is complete, the City of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% with the remaining 10% held as security for the one-year maintenance period provided for in the agreement(s). lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on August 5 2022 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): FPG Tricon Men ifee rooertv ilcP l,4By: N me: Bing Chen Title: Authorized Signer NAME OF SURETy: Westchester Fire lnsurance Compan AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Melissa Lopez, Atto Fa (rF co ORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL AGKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRI NCI PAL AN D ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. tt,^ (tF coRPoRATloN, AFFIX SEAL) CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verilies only the identity ofthe individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached. and not the lrulhfulness, accuracy. or validity ofthat docunlent. State of Califomia County ofOrange AU6 O5 On . before me.Albert Melendez . Notarv Public. 282 If Z personally appeared Melissa Lopez who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person($ whose name({ is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hit/her/their authorized capacity(id6). and that by hiG/her/tfreir signature(X) on the instrument the person(pf. or the entity upon behalf of which the person(x) acted. executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 7 @;$$rffi,WITNESS my hand and official seal. Sl(;N,\ IIRt n \( t.\oT\R\ st \t \ll()\'l: Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the documenl and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment ofthis fornr to another docunlent. Document Date:Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other than Named Above: Description of attached document Title or tvne of document: EHUEIEI' Power ofAttorney Federal Insurance Company lVlgllant Insurance Company I Pacif,c Indemnity Company Westchester Fire lnsurance Company I ACE American Insurance Company OOrP rfY, . wtt on.ln coryor.uo4 wBSTf,llSSTBt lltA nSUIAI{Ca COITAIY .d /lcg AiLICAII lllst l XCf COIPAIIY corpor.Uont ot lh. Cormo]|1r'lrlrh of P.trruylvdr do ach h.rtby contdtlE .nd .ppolnt M€liss. Lopez SufiyBondNuE$cn K41598700 Obli8.c, City of Menifec lnirum.nt! rmadlnt or .ltlrlng th. i.lr., tnd co8.ntr to th. modln..don or .ltlrruor of iny lnrErrmcDt rcflrrtd to In t.ld bond! o? obll;ruoos h WtE|c.r Wh.ltot, r.ld IIXTBnAL |IrS,uRAXCI COXPATY, vIGIlIxr l}lSUnr]I@ COIP lY, PACIPIC l DExxlTY CO PAI{Y, WBSICIIISTET ntg fiSUnAICf COIIP^JIY rnd A(f ,llli8llclt{ I}astn rlcl COlllPA Y h.vt G.c-h !x..1lt d :nd attlrtld th.r. pr6.nts rnd .iL.d th.lr corporit s..ls on tili .3.d dey of Jrnurry, 2012, $r4'nl/--,Sulr'L-Tn.U\l.o .Br Dawn M. Chlomr As.bEnl S..rctrry St.ph.n M. H.ney. Vl.. P.cald.nt STATE Of I{EW IERSEYcountyofHunt.rdon ss 0n thi! l.d d.y of Jmu.ry, 2022 , b€lor. mq s Not ry Pubuc of N.w l.B.y, p.rsondly c.me D.rvn M. Chlorls .hd St Dt.a M, Hrn.y, to m. known to b. Attln nt Sccrfirry end Vk Prcstdent rc6p.ctlvdy, of IEDER L |I{SURANCB CoMPATY, vlcll-ANT IXSUR INCE COXPA}{Y, P CIPIC lt{DEXNnY COMPAIIY, WESTfiUSTSR nn8 INSURAI{CE COI{P IY .nd ACE AMEnICfi{ IISUn,AICE COMP NY, th. comp.nl.t whlch de.rrt d th€ forrtolru Por.r of^ltom.y,.bd th.s.id D.wD M. Chlor6 .nd St ?hm M. Hrnq. bdnS by m. duly swo.rt rewr:lly .Dd c.ch lor b.rs6lf.od ht$..If dld d.poie a s.y tt t th.y .r. lttl3Lit S.cnt t, md vlc. Pmsld.nl r8P.cdvdy. of F8DBML I SUR I{cB col.fP^lf, VIGILAiIT INSUR t{CE COMPAI{Y, P CIFIC IXDEMNITY COXPTI}IY, WESTTHISTBR trRE lllsutut{C8 COMP }{Y d ,tCE Ati{ERlCAtl lNSUnr{[CE COMPAT{Y rlld horv thc slgnatures .! $ch om(.r3 wcr. duly .fir€d end subtctlb.d by llb ruthodty. xatt{atrrl J. aE.Aait(tttrF/ F.rlrJc of l?Jli-Y,&.ale(ffi.r !ar..r, rqlEa CBNTiFICATION R!.oludon! rdoprrd by rh. Bo.dr of DItt torr of PBDEML lNSUM.tlc! CoMP llY, VICIIANT IXSUn]iXCB ColilPl}{y, .nd P OnC INDEy ITY COMPANY oo AuSutl 30, 201Gi WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURAICB CoIiPAI{V on D.c.tnbll 11,2006; rrd ACB AMBRICAN I!|SURAI{CE COMPAI{Y on M.fth 20,2009. id hto h lh! o?dln r, @u. olbsltE (adr . Wtltt ll Conntmrnf) (1) td o, rh OrhD.! tlL Pr.tilar !i tl ri.. Prrddr! of lh. CobD.rr lt t r!t, thoit d t. clr.sy wrltt6 C Ell!|.* br udoaladf ofrt.CMFry,lDdcdrtd orth. CoDr.qt a olhdrlE (2) sdrdd,?p.hEde6."]r.bott C..rFrrlh.6y.dEbdbGlED!,!illc.aCoEEltuthr.rdo.t ittol6.Corqry,ud..r&tolorrn coorayorodt6xl:. btll..d.nti.idrEu.obrriorttdbyri.tndoarof.'tPrwl&dhbndlP.utyrltt.ryFl!![6tatrdr&q-ln.ft.t (3) Erd olti. OdlEa l} lrEE nr.!d ri. Uct Pttdd.lB ot 6. Corwlrti$rr{tlort (hr.!do!t Sdfoab C!Ep.!r, to.rr.btb rn&t .ry pc-n 6. et!.y-l'! ra o( r!. CoEp.r nth t! ,oirt rld rltt.nqrto a-!4 h. rrd o! td!.ltoltll. ConDrV, m{.r 6. .-l .tdr ConlF..ry Gr oda',!r., f.! WnE.l Co!D1rtn..6 ottlx CoED|l[y r Dry !. .p.dI!d h rrd rdrta rpDohEmt wtkt .D.dnodo! rEy t It tu.ri .],F or .lrr ot Wrttoo Connrl!'|.rn .r lt rp.dtano! ol on or morr p.t{orh. B$n n c.h6t!r6t Cohpo, t .rtlb.lty to dd6 br lld o! b.Ll, ol th. CohD&r, u.d.r ttt Coop.tr/. r.d or othillt , edr Wtltt t CodldErGE or tt. CohPU!), l| d tP..10.d li todr wnn n d.lq!.doa.l,tt hrFdn.rdoo ml, b. V t.nE l VFor clrl.ot wftt o Comntlm t or t, "..xLdor 0(6. ot rmlt Fdarrwrltl1| CoElnED.nt . (t tL.trr.un ot.!, ollar or ortrG Fno! .rtdna .ry WntEn Cdtdn!.nt or .p9otll'r.rt o, d.la.ft. FrtrEt to tblr telcio[.nd 6. 16! ol ti. CdF., i., b. d!!d by idlhl. or il.l! nHrle Comllt.nt c r&r. .EgohnE* d.ld.gtlor. rURTB!f, R!SO!VEO. th.r dr. f..lotra Ralu6! .Ll lbr b.d6.d r. b. d ndrlr. n i.irrt ottt lot sr 6d dinarydo .6,.oPlor.. rtd d.r l.DB to -t ft.ld m tduLotfi Co.?by,.naixl R.dfiro. drll.otlrlt6otldrit.lt tlt s!tb. o,.!r&dt DorEot tuioit,oltt wf.rdldtt Ldartd.' l, Drwn M. Chlorot, l||lrt nt S.dtnry of PBDEf,^L INSURIIICE COIPATY, VlcllJrlfr USURT CE COXPINY, P CIFIC ll{DEMt{lTY COMPANY, WESTCHESTBR PIRE ltlsrt RANCE COMPANY end ACE AM8ruflN INSI R^NCB COMP NY (dr.'CornFnl.t) do h.trby clrdry lhlt (l) th. forqohg Rdolutlont rdopt d by th. Bo.rd oa Dlr.cton ofth. Comp.nlct ir! Eu., cort .1 lnd ln frrl forcc ..d ar[a6(U) tbc forlfoht Po*.r ot Attom.y lr urq .orrrt snd ln full lorca and tr.(1, Glvrn und.r my h.d.nd r..ls ofr.Id Col[prnl...l WhlLlosro Srtlon, tlr,lhl. August 5, 2022 @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ AOlrruTn.UUO,IS( Conbi,l.d: FEDVIGPI-IVFTCJAC (l!r. I i.l9) Dawn M. Chloros, isslstant Secretary IN THE EVENTYOU Ii'ISHToVETiYITIEAINIEiNOTY OP Tllls AOXD OR TIOT1PY o8IllY OIflER 903,3.9! Notadal S.al EHUEIEI' SURETY BOND CORPORATE SEAL NOTICE AND ADDENDUM In an effort to facilitate the use of our respective corporate seals during the COVID-I9 pandemic, WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ("WESTCHESTER FIRE") has authorized its respective Attorneys-in-Fact to affix WESTCHESTER FIRE'S corporate seal to any surety bond executed on behalf of WESTCHESTER FIRE by any such Attorney-in-Fact by attaching this Notice and Addendum to said bond. To the extent this Notice and Addendum is attached to a surety bond that is executed on behalf of WESTCHESTER FIRE by its Attorney-in-Fact, WESTCHESTER FIRE hereby agrees that the corporate seal below for WESTCHESTER FIRE shall be deemed affixed to said bond to the same extent as if its raised corporate seal was physically affixed to the face ofthe bond. Dated this 3oth day of March,2O2O. By: Stephen M. Haney, Vice President /\ WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYtu ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the kuthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange ) On August 8, 2022 before me,Brittany A. Stilwagner, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) Bing Chen who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) isla+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helsheAhey executed the same in hi€lherlth€i+ authorized capacity(ie€), and that by hiGlherlth€i+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(€), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(€) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal ERITTANYA, STILW^GNIN Notiry Publia . Carifornra oBni. Counly Cominirtion I la01e80 ,.y comm. E$rrr' aay 27. 2026 Signature (Seal) personally appeared