2022-351 Amending Various sections of Title 9 of the Menifee municipal codeoRDtNANCE NO. 2022-351
WHEREAS, on December 1, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2009-66, which
established Riverside County Zoning Ordinance 348 as the City's Zoning Ordinance to be
effective until such time when it is repealed, amended, or replaced by the City's own ordinances
adopted by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, on December 4, 2019, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2019-289
approving a Comprehensive Development Code Update ('CDCU) that established City of
Menifee-specific zoning regulations to replace County Ordinance 348, also known as the
Development Code ("Code"); and
WHEREAS, since adoption of the Code, staff has implemented and identifled areas of the
Code where improvements are needed related to technical and grammatical corrections,
amending language to simplify and provide more clarity, and for consistency with General Plan
goals and policies; and
wHEREAS, certain standards have had unintended consequences that do not reasonably
facilitate development as anticipated, and revisions to the standards are needed and appropriate;
WHEREAS, on May 19, 2022, lhe City of Menifee initiated an application for a Code
Amendment No. LR 22-0140 to amend Title 9 (Zoning Ordinance); and
wHEREAS, this proposed Code Amendment No. LR 22-O14O consists of Code clean-up
amendments that include technical and grammatical corrections, amended language to simplify
and provide more clarity to certain provisions, to provide consistency with the General Plan,
comply with State law, and amend standards as needed to facilitate development in an
appropriate manner as needed to implement the Code reasonably and effectively in support of
the Goals and Policies of the City's General Plan; and
WHEREAS, the most substantial amendments involve changes to requirements of
Chapter 9.215 - Parking and Loading Standards related to parking requirements for lndustrial
uses, Parking Conditions and Exceptions, and Alternative Programs for Parking; and
WHEREAS, on June 23,2022, the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission
(ALUC) Director found Code Amendment No. LR 22-0'140 consistent with the 2014 March Air
Reserve Base/lnland Port Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan and lhe 201012O11 Perris Valley
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan; and
WHEREAS, Code Amendment No. LR22-0140 was publicly noticed for a Planning
Commission public hearing to be held on July 13, 2022, ptovided by a publication in Tfle Press
Enteryrise (a newspaper of general circulation), an agenda posting, and to persons requesting
public notice; and
WHEREAS, on July 13, 2022, lhe City of Menifee Planning Commission, held a public
hearing on Code Amendment No. LR22-0140, considered all public testimony as well as all
materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for Code Amendment No. LR22-0140;
WHEREAS, on July 13, 2022, lhe City of Menifee Planning Commission, unanimously
adopted Resolution No. PC22-566 recommending that the City Council approve Code
Amendment No. LR22-0140; and
WHEREAS, Code Amendment No. LR22-0140 was publicly noticed for a City Council
public hearing to be held on August 17,2022, provided by a publication in lhe Press Enteryise
(a newspaper of general circulation), an agenda posting, and to persons requesting public
notice; and
WHEREAS, on August 17,2022, the City of Menifee City Council, held a public hearing
on Code Amendment No. LR22-0140, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in
the staff report and accompanying documents for Code Amendment No. LR22-0140.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee hereby ordains as
SECTION 1. Sections 9.15.040, 9.15.070, 9.30.120,9.'105.020,9.105.160, 9.135.030,
9.190.050, 9.190.060, 9.195.030, 9.195.040, 9.215.040, 9.215.070, 9.220.O40, 9.220.060,
9.220.130, 9.235.010, 9.235.020, 9.235.050, 9.240.110, 9.260.040, 9.280.040, 9.290.060,
9.300.040, and 9.3OO.1OO of the Menifee Development Code are amended pursuant to Code
Amendment No LR22-014O as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Deletions are shown via
€trketh+eugh and additions are shown via underline.
SECTION 2. All ordinances, resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance are
hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. Ihe proposed Development Code Amendment is consistent with the intent
of the goals and policies of the General Plan.
The proposed Zoning Code Amendment consists of Code clean-up amendments thet
include technical and grammatical corrections, amended language to simplify and provide more
clarity to certain provisions, provide consistency with the General Plan, State law, and amend
standards as needed to facilitate development in an appropriate manner aS needed to implement
the Development code reasonably and effectively, and are consistent with the intent of the
following goals and policies of the General Plan:
. LU-l.9: Altow for flexible development standards provided that potential benefits and
merit of projects can be balanced with potential impacts.
CD-5.3: Consde r shared parking and reduced pafting standatds in areas designated
as Economic Development Conidor.
SECTION 4. The proposed Development Code Amendment prescibes reasonable
controls and standards to ensure compatibility with other estabrished uses.
The proposed amendments to the Zoning and Development Code prescribes reasonable
controls and standards to ensure compatibility with other established uses as none of the
proposed amendments involve any changes in zoning, or any changes to allowed uses, or density
and intensities allowed within any zone. The proposal consists of Code clean-up amendments
that include technical and grammatical corrections, amended language to simplify and provide
more clarity to certain provisions, provide consistency with the General Plan, comply with State
law, and amend standards as needed to facilitate development in an appropriate manner as
needed to implement the Development Code reasonably and effeclively.
SECTION 5. The proposed Development Code Amendment provides reasonable
propefty development ights while protecting environmentally sensitive land uses and species.
The proposed amendments to the Zonang and Development Code will provide reasonable
property development rights while protecting environmentally sensilive land uses and species as
it consists of Code clean-up amendments that include technical and grammatical correctlons,
amended language to simplify and provide more clarity to certain provisions, provide consistency
with the General Plan, comply with State law, and amend standards as needed to facilitate
development in an appropriate manner as needed to implement the Development Code
reasonably and effectively.
SECTION 6. The proposed Development Code Amendment ensures the protection of
the genenl health, safety, and welfare of the community.
The proposed amendment will not result in conditions detrimental to the public health,
safety, or general welfare aS designed and conditioned aS none of the proposed amendments
involve any changes in zoning, or any changeS to allowed uses, or density and intensities allowed
within any zone. The proposal consists of Code clean-up amendments that include technical and
grammatical corrections, amended language to Simplify and provide more clarity to certain
provisions, provide consistency with the General Plan, comply with State law, and amend
standards as needed to facilitate development in an appropriate manner aS needed to implement
the Development Code reasonably and effectively.
Therefore, the modification would not create conditions materially detrimentalto the public
health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land
uses in the impacted vicinity.
SECTION 7.Compliance with CEQA. The proposed Development Code Amendment is
in compliance with the requirements of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act.
The proposed Development Code Amendment LR22-0140 is exempt pursuant to
section 15061 (b) (3) "Common Sense Exemption" of the CEQA Guidelines, as it is a clean-up
amendment to the Development Code that consists of minor technical correc{ions, clarifying
language, amendments for General Plan consistency, and changes to parking requirements for
tndustrial and Warehouse/Distribution Facility uses where it can be seen with certainty that there
is no possibility that the proposed amendments will have a significant impact on the environment.
SECTION 8. lf any secfion, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or porlion
of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any
court of competent jurisdiction, then such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Menifee hereby declares the Council
would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause,
phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sub-
divisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared unconstitutional, invalid,
or ineffective.
EIL9IL.]L This ordinance shall take effect 30 days from the date of its adoption
SECTION 10. The Mayor shall sign this ordinance and the City Clerk shall attest and certify
to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and cause this Ordinance to be published using
the alternative summary and posting procedure authorized under Government Code
Section 36933.
This Ordinance was introduced for first reading on August 17, 2022, and PASSED,
APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 21st day of September 2022.
Bi m n, Mayor
Approved as to form
T. Melching,City ey
anie Roseen, Acting City Clerk
l, Stephanie Roseen, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 2022-351 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a
meeting thereof held on the 21sr day of September,2022 by the following vote:
Ayes: Liesemeyer, KaMin, Sobek, ZimmermanNoes: NoneA.bsent: DeinesAbstain: None
anie Roseen, Acting City Clerk
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 1, Page 9.15-1
Chapter 9.15 Nonconforming Uses and Structures
9.15.040 Nonconforming Use of Structures
Nonconforming use of a structure may be continued, provided that:
A. Relocation or Enlargement.
1. Such nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or intensified, nor shall it be extended to
occupy a greater area of any structure than occupied by such use at the time of the adoption
of this Title, except as authorized in Section 9.15.040.A.3 below.
2. A structure which contains a nonconforming use shall not be placed on a different portion of
the lot or parcel of land occupied by such use on the effective date of this Title, except when
authorized by approval of a Conditional Use Permit if the approving authority finds that the
new location would result in the nonconforming use having less adverse effect on surrounding
3. A structure, or portion thereof, which contains a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged,
nor shall any external evidence of such use be increased by any means whatsoever, except
that when authorized by approval of a building permit, a structure containing a
nonconforming use, and such nonconforming use, may be enlarged or extended to an extent
not exceeding 25% of the floor area of the structure devoted to such nonconforming use.
4. The enlargement or extension of a structure permitted by this section shall comply with all
requirements of the applicable zone, as well as any additional conditions or more restrictive
development standards that the approval authority determines are necessary in order to
protect adjacent residential development.
B. Discontinuation or Replacement.
1. If such nonconforming use of a structure ceases for any reason for a continuous period of one
year or more, except as provided in Section 9.15.040.E (Restoration of Nonconforming Uses
in Damaged Structures), or is changed to a conforming use, any future use of such structure
shall be in conformity with all provisions of this Title.
2. If the structure in or on which a nonconforming use is conducted or maintained is moved any
distance for any reason, except as provided in Section 9.15.040.A.1, then any future use of
such structure shall be in conformity with all provisions of this Title.
3. Such nonconforming use may be reestablished, repaired, or replaced upon the determination
that without reestablishment, repair, or replacement, there are no economically viable uses
available to a property owner that are consistent with the then-existing land use designations
and regulations.
C. Alteration. Except in the case of relocation as provided for in Section 9.15.040.A (Relocation or
Enlargement), such structure containing a nonconforming use shall not be structurally altered or
reconstructed, except for such alteration, maintenance and repair work as is required to keep said
structure in safe condition, subject to a determination of the Building Official and/or Fire Marshall.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 1, Page 9.15-2
D. Change Only to a Conforming Use. A nonconforming use of a structure may be changed only to a
conforming use. Any part of a structure occupied by a nonconforming use which is changed to or
replaced by a conforming use shall not thereafter be used or occupied by a nonconforming use.
E. Restoration of Nonconforming Uses in Damaged Structures. The nonconforming use of any
structure which is destroyed or damaged by fire, explosion or other natural calamity, or the public
enemy may be continued upon the reconstruction of said structure, provided that, except as
otherwise permitted by Section 9.15.040.A (Relocation or Enlargement) herein, said
nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or expanded and the resumption of said nonconforming
use takes place within 18 months of the time of its interruption, which period may be extended by
the Community Development Director Building Inspector for a maximum of 12 months for good
9.15.070 Reconstruction of Damaged Nonconforming Structures
A. Reconstruction Must Conform. If any nonconforming structure is damaged by fire, explosion or
other natural calamity, or the public enemy to an extent of 50% or greater of the replacement cost
of the entire structure as determined by an estimate prepared by a qualified professional
acceptable to the Community Development Director Tax Assessor after any necessary consultation
with the Building Official, it shall not thereafter be repaired, reconstructed or used except in
conformity with the provisions of this Title.
B. Reconstruction Requires Approval. The reconstruction of all nonconforming structures shall be
subject to Plot Plan approval per Chapter 9.80 and all findings and requirements thereof except as
otherwise expressly allowed or modified by this section. The approving authority shall determine
the degree to which such nonconforming structures shall be required to conform with the
requirements of this Title. The approving authority shall consider the extent of the nonconformity,
the value of the original structure, the relationship of neighboring properties, conformity with the
General Plan, the proposed reconstruction and any other consideration it deems appropriate.
C. Exception for Multifamily Dwellings. In accordance with Government Code Section 65863.4, the
restoration and reconstruction restrictions contained in this subsection shall not apply to any
multifamily residential dwelling which is currently occupied at the time it was involuntarily
damaged or destroyed and which was legally constructed and occupied at the time of its initial
construction. The application of the exceptions of this subsection shall not apply to any multifamily
residential dwelling which constituted a public nuisance prior to being involuntarily damaged or
destroyed, which was abandoned for a period of one year prior to being involuntarily damaged or
destroyed, or to any property for which the property owner requests a reduction in density on the
D. Exception for Single-Family Residential Dwellings. The restoration and reconstruction restriction
in this subsection shall not apply to any single-family dwelling or mobile/manufactured home
which is currently occupied at the time it was involuntarily damaged or destroyed and which was
legally constructed and occupied at the time of its initial construction. The application of the
exceptions of this subsection shall not apply to any single-family dwelling or mobile/manufactured
home which constituted a public nuisance prior to being involuntarily damaged or destroyed,
which was abandoned for a period of one year prior to being involuntarily damaged or destroyed.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.30-1
Chapter 9.30 Common Application Processing Procedures
9.30.120 Modifications to Previously Approved Permits
A. Applicability. Any person holding a permit granted under this Title may request a modification to
that permit. For the purpose of this section, the modification of a previously approved permit may
include amendment of the terms of the permit itself, amendment to project design, or the waiver
or alteration of conditions imposed in the granting of the permit.
B. Request for Modification. An applicant may request a modification to a permit after the effective
date of the permit. An application shall be made on forms provided by the Community
Development Department and shall be accompanied by the applicable fee.
C. Review Process. A modification may be granted only when the designated approving authority
makes all findings required for the original approval. The designated approving authority for a
modification to a previously approved permit shall be determined as follows:
1. Minor Modification. Minor modifications to a previously approved permit shall be processed
as follows:
a. Applicability. A minor modification is a non-substantive change of a previously approved
permit. Minor modifications include:
i. Structural additions to non-residential projects of more than 200 square feet and
less than 2,500 square feet or 50 percent of existing square footage, whichever is
less. Square footage shall be the aggregate of all proposed structures.
ii. Structural additions or alterations to existing residential projects that add no more
than six units.
iii. Expansion of existing parking lots that add less than 25 parking spaces on an existing
iv. Modifications to parking and circulation configurations which change the basic
parking areas or circulation patterns or which reduce the number of parking spaces.
v. Landscape modifications which alter the general concept or reduce the effective
amount of landscaping.
vi. Architectural or exterior material or color changes which change the basic form and
theme of an existing building, such as, change the location of windows or doors, or
conflict with the original architectural form and theme of an existing building.
vii. Adjustments to the standards of development established through an approved
Planned Development.
viii. Other requests similar to the above-listed minor amendments, as determined by the
b. Review Process. The Director is the designated approval authority for minor
modifications. No public hearing shall be required. A written notice of decision shall be
issued in the same manner as the original permit. Minor modifications of discretionary
permits may be appealed.
2. Major Modifications. Major modifications to a previously approved permit shall be processed
as follows:
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.30-2
a. Applicability. A major modification is a substantive change of a previously approved
permit. Major modifications include:
i. Structural additions to non-residential projects of equal to or greater than 2,500
square feet or 50% of existing square footage, whichever is less. Square footage shall
be the aggregate of all proposed structures.
ii. Structural additions or alterations to existing residential projects that add more than
six units.
iii. Expansion of existing parking lots that add 25 parking spaces or more on any existing
iv. A modification in the approved access to the project site.
v. Changes in the allowed uses established for an approved Planned Development.
vi. Other requests similar to the above-listed major amendments, as determined by the
b. Review Process. The Planning Commission The original approving authority shall be the
designated approving authority for major modifications. Where entitlements were
processed concurrently, the designated approving authority shall be the specified
approving authority in accordance with Table 9.30.090-1 (Designated Authority for
Permits and Approvals) for the permit or approval subject to the request for major
modification. A major modification shall be processed in the same manner and subject
to the same standards as the original application. Major modifications of discretionary
permits may be appealed.
D. Permit Expiration. Granting of a modification to a previously approved permit does not extend the
permit expiration date. A permit extension must be reviewed and approved in accordance with
the provisions of Section 9.30.110 (Permit Time Limits, Expiration, and Extensions).
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.105-1
Chapter 9.105 Temporary Use Permit
9.105.020 Applicability
A. Temporary Use Permit Required. A Temporary Use Permit is required prior to establishment of
any temporary use as identified in Chapter 9.115 (Temporary Uses) or as otherwise required by
this Title.
B. Level of Temporary Use Permit Required. The following applicability thresholds shall be used to
determine if the proposed project shall require a Minor Temporary Use Permit or a Major
Temporary Use Permit.
1. Minor Temporary Use Permit. A Minor Temporary Use Permit shall be required for temporary
uses meeting all the following criteria:
a. The temporary use does not impact surrounding properties, as determined by the
Director. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
i. Weekend promotional events consisting of outdoor display and sales of
merchandise within commercial land use districts, including sidewalk sales;
ii. Flower sales (non-mobile), vendor stands (non-mobile), seasonal sales of agricultural
products for limited periods of time, which, at no time, may be conducted in the
public right-of-way;
iii. Special lighting exhibits including spotlights, and specifically including holiday
lighting displays;
iv. Veterinary vaccination clinics on developed sites that are not in conjunction with a
veterinary facility (i.e., pet store, groomer);
v. Garage or yard sales conducted at the same residential location more than four
times per year;
vi. Car shows;
vii. Private events including weddings, picnics or block parties to which 100 people are
invited and/or which would not require public road closures or significantly impact
traffic on adjacent public roadways;
viii. Live entertainment at a restaurant or bar no more than four times per year.
b. The temporary use is exempt from CEQA.
2. Major Temporary Use Permit. A Major Temporary Use Permit shall be required for temporary
uses meeting any of the following criteria:
a. The temporary use does impact surrounding properties, as determined by the Director.
Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
i. Temporary construction offices in all zones, except the open space and conservation
ii. Outdoor temporary swap meets or auctions;
iii. Christmas tree sales lots and associated jolly jumps, food sales and on-site banners
and other signage;
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.105-2
iv. Pumpkin sales lots and associated jolly jumps, food sales and site banners and other
v. Farmer’s markets held on one day per week in the same location for a total period
of time not exceeding one year
vi. Private events including weddings, picnics or block parties to which more than 100
people are invited and/or which would require public road closures or significantly
impact traffic on adjacent public roadways;
vii. Special outdoor events, when not held within premises designed to
accomodateaccommodate the events, including carnivals, circuses, fairs, parades,
rodeos, and large athletic, religious, or entertainment events.
b. The temporary use is not exempt from CEQA.
C. Exempt Uses. The following uses are exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
1. Going out of business sales with no additional merchandise and normal promotional activities
conducted within the approved display area for the business.
2. Commercial filming regulated by other provisions of this Municipal Code.
3. City, state, federal, school district, community college district or other public agencies’ event
when conducted wholly on that agency’s public property or with the consent of another public
property owner and which will not require public road closures or significantly impact traffic
on adjacent public streets.
4. Homeowners’ association events conducted wholly in common areas within the boundaries
of the association and which do not impact public streets or other public facilities.
5. Small scale events (art shows, holiday events), sponsored and sanctioned by the Master
Property Association or Property Manager for Regional Shopping Centers which are 20 acres
or larger located within the CR - Commercial Retail or EDC - Economic Development Corridor
zones, shall be exempt from the TUP process provided the entire event occurs on managed or
owned properties and are not anticipated to impact parking, circulation/access, surrounding
properties or generate significant traffic.
6. Temporary emergency facilities to accommodate emergency public health and safety needs
and activities.
7. Yards and sheds for the storage of materials and equipment used as part of a construction
project, provided a valid building permit has been issued and the materials and equipment
are stored on the same site as the construction activity.
8. Mobile food truck operations at construction sites that are actively under construction
pursuant to a valid building permit or grading permit where the mobile food truck does not
vend to the general public during the stop.
D. Other Temporary Uses. For temporary uses that are not identified in this Title, the Community
Development Director, at his or her discretion, may determine whether the use should be classified
as a minor temporary use or a major temporary use. This determination shall be based upon the
similarities and differences with temporary uses and related standards of this Chapter and
consideration of the proposed temporary use’s compatibility with the applicable zone and
surrounding land uses. Those temporary uses which do not fit within the criteria for minor
temporary or major temporary uses shall be addressed through a Plot Plan, Conditional Use Permit
or other type of permit or approval identified in this Title, as determined by the Director. A
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.105-3
temporary use which will exceed the length of one calendar year (even when sporadic) requires
other types of land use approvals as determined by the Community Development Director.
9.105.160 Standards of Approval – Standards by Activity/Use
The following standards shall apply to the specified temporary activity or use:
A. Weekend promotional events consisting of outdoor display and sales of merchandise within
commercial land use districts, including sidewalk sales, that exceed existing land use restrictions
shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Merchandise displayed or sold must be customarily sold on the premises by a permanently
established business.
2. The maximum number of consecutive days for any one event shall not exceed nine calendar
3. Setup and takedown of canopies, lighting, fencing, merchandise and/or items for the event
shall not be counted toward the allowable event days per event, except that setup shall not
exceed 36 hours and takedown shall not exceed 36 hours unless otherwise authorized by the
Community Development Director.
B. Outdoor temporary swap meets or auctions shall be limited to no more often than twice per
calendar year on the same property and shall not exceed three consecutive days per event.
C. Christmas tree sales shall only be held from November 1 through December 31.
D. Pumpkin sales sales shall only be held from September 15 through November 2.
E. Vendor stands (non-mobile) shall be limited to the seasonal sale of agricultural products, and shall
not be located in the public right-of-way, and signage shall not exceed the standards of the zone
in which the stand is located.
F. Farmers markets shall be limited to one day per week in the same location for a total period of
time not exceeding one calendar year.
G. Mobile food trucks shall comply with the following provisions:
1. General Standards.
a. Maintain a valid business tax certificate from the City of Menifee to operate within the
b. Maintain a valid County Health permit and operate in conformance with all applicable
health standards.
c. Post, in public view and without obstruction, on both the front right windshield and the
back left bumper of the mobile food truck, the following items:
v. The County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health permit certification
vi. A notice with at least 3-inch font providing “To report a violation, call the City of
Menifee Code Enforcement at 951-246-6214."
d. Sell only food and beverage items regulated under the California Retail Food Code
(California Health and Safety Code Division 104, Part 7, Section 113700 et. seq., as it
currently exists or as may be amended).
e. No verbal solicitation of business from pedestrians or persons in vehicles, and no sale to
persons in vehicles.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.105-4
f. No amplified sound or loudspeakers are allowed. The vendor and operation shall comply
with the noise limits in Section 9.215.060 (Noise Control Regulations).
g. No lighting, except localized lighting that is used on or in the mobile food trucks for the
purpose of inside food preparation and menu illumination are allowed.
h. No signs other than those exhibited on or in the mobile food truck are allowed.
i. No selling or serving alcohol.
j. Provide one trash receptacle and one recycling receptacle for use by patrons in a
convenient location that does not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
k. Collect and remove all litter or debris generated within a minimum 25-foot radius of the
food truck.
l. Contain all associated equipment and operations within the mobile food truck, except for
the trash and recycling receptacles required herein.
m. No furniture, umbrellas, generators, objects or structures outside of the vehicle are
n. No obstruction or interference with the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic,
including but not limited to access to or from any business, public building, or dwelling
unit is allowed.
o. No restriction of visibility area sight distance at any driveway or intersection.
p. Mobile food trucks shall not encroach onto a public sidewalk with any part of the vehicle
or any other equipment or furniture related to the operation of the business, except for
required trash and recycling receptacles or any attached sign or awning. The operator
shall provide an 8-foot vertical clearance for pedestrian access under any sign or awning.
q. Mobile food truck operators shall control smoke and odors caused by food preparation
to avoid a public nuisance.
2. Mobile food trucks prohibited in the Public Right-of-Way. Mobile food truck operators are
prohibited from operating in the public right-of-way, except as allowed with a temporary use
permit pursuant to this chapter.
3. Mobile Food Trucks on Private Property. Property owners and food truck operators shall
comply with all of the following:
a. Ensure that a mobile food truck operator operates only at the location designated on any
permit, where applicable.
b. Ensure that a mobile food truck operator displays a copy of the approved mobile food
truck permit in a prominent and visible place within each mobile food truck, together
with a letter of permission from the property owner consenting to mobile food truck
operations on the site in accordance with any approved development permit, where
c. Mobile food trucks shall operate as follows:
i. Within a paved, level parking area, unless otherwise approved surface by the City
Engineer, where it can be demonstrated that any off-street parking spaces located
in that area are not otherwise reserved, encumbered, or designated to satisfy the
off-street parking requirement of a business or activity that is operating at the same
time as the mobile food truck.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 2, Page 9.105-5
ii. Operations shall not impede pedestrian or vehicular ingress or egress through the
remainder of the parking area or adjacent public right-of-way.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-1
Chapter 9.135 Commercial and Industrial Zones
9.135.030 Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
A. Allowed Use Table. Table 9.135.030-1 identifies allowed uses and corresponding approval
requirements for the commercial and industrial zones subject to compliance with all other
provisions of this Title. Descriptions/definitions of many of the land uses can be found in Article 6
of this title (Definitions). The list of land uses on Table 9.135.030 shall be permitted in one or more
of commercial and industrial zones as indicated in the columns corresponding to each zone.
B. Approval Requirements. Where indicated with a letter “P” the use shall be a permitted use. A
letter “C” indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional
use permit. Where indicated with a “--,” the use is prohibited within the zone. The Additional
Requirements column in the table identifies additional use regulations for specific uses and/or the
specific chapter or section where additional regulations for that use type are located within this
title, where applicable. Uses for which additional requirements are listed shall be allowed only
upon satisfaction of the specified additional requirements. Under no circumstances shall Table
9.135.030-1 authorize a use without satisfaction of such specified additional requirements
C. Unlisted Uses. Uses not specifically listed in this table shall be considered not permitted in all of
the listed zones. The Community Development Director may make a determination pursuant to
Chapter 9.95 (Similar Use Determination) that new uses not listed here that have substantially
similar characteristics to specific listed permitted uses may be considered permitted as the similar
use by right, or conditionally as appropriate.
Table 9.135.030-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Adult businesses -- -- -- -- See Ordinance ____
Airport -- -- -- C
Ambulance services C C P P
Amusement arcade P -- C --
Amusement park, (including multiple
activities such as simulated flying,
racing, mini-golf, etc.)
Animals, Small (e.g. hamsters, rabbits,
chinchillas, and similar sized animals)
Chapter 9.240 (Animal
Animal hospitals and veterinary services
(with outdoor facilities)
Animal Rescue -- -- C C Chapter 9.240 (Animal
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-2
Table 9.135.030-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Antique shops, pawn shops, thrift stores P -- C -- Outside collection bins
Art gallery, library, reading room,
museum. P P -- --
Art supply shops and studios. P P P --
Auction Houses P -- P --
Auditoriums, event centers and
assembly areas, including live
Bakery goods distributors. P -- P P
Bakery shops, Coffeehouse, Cybercafé,
Delicatessens, Ice cream shops P P P --
Banks and financial institutions. P P P --
Banquet facilities. C -- C --
Batting cages – indoor
C -- C
C --
Billiard and pool halls, Bowling alleys P -- P -- Chapter 9.255 (Alcohol
Breweries, distilleries, and wine making
facilities with on-site tasting room and
sales for off-site consumption
C -- P -- Chapter 9.255 (Alcohol
Business services P P P --
Car washes P -- C
Caretaker residence or on-site operator
residence, only as accessory to primary
Catering services P -- P --
Cemeteries and mausoleums -- -- C C
Clinics, including but not limited to
medical and urgent care C C C --
Collection Containers -- -- -- --
Commercial television and radio
broadcast structures -- -- -- P
Concrete batch plants and asphalt plants -- -- -- C
Congregate care facility -- C C --
Chapter 9.275
(Community Care
Contractor, landscape and building
materials storage yard -- -- C C
Convenience stores, not including the
sale of motor vehicle fuel P -- P --
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-3
Table 9.135.030-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Dance Halls, night clubs, discos,
cabarets, cocktail lounges, lodges and
incidental dancing areas, and similar
facilities where dancing is the principal
C -- C -- Chapter 9.255 (Alcohol
Day Care Center P C C --
Chapter 9.275
(Community Care
Department stores P -- P --
Drug Store P P -- --
Dry cleaning and laundromats (except
uniform supply and industrial
P C C --
Educational Institution C C C C
Emergency shelters -- -- -- P In locations specified in
the Housing Element
Equipment sales and rental, Large
(including large vehicles, trucks with
beds over 18 feet in length, eighteen
plus (18+) wheelers, and construction
-- -- -- C
Equipment sales and rental, Small
(including rototillers, power mowers,
sanders, power saws, cement and
plaster mixers not exceeding 20 cubic
feet in capacity and other similar
P -- C C
Fast food/quick service, with drive-
through C C C --
Fast food/quick service, without drive-
through P P P --
Feed and grain sales C -- -- P
Fertilizer production and processing
(organic or inorganic) -- -- -- C
Funeral parlor, mortuary with
crematorium -- C C --
Funeral parlor, mortuary without
crematorium P C C --
Gas station with/without convenience
store, with or without alcoholic
beverage sales, and with or without car
C -- C C
General retail P -- -- --
General warehousing, distribution
centers, and storage (except noxious,
explosives, or dangerous materials)
-- -- P P
Golf Course -- -- -- --
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-4
Table 9.135.030-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Golf driving range (not in association
with full scale course) C -- C --
Governmental facility P P P P
Grocery Store P -- -- -- Chapter 9.255 (Alcohol
Hardware and Building Supplies
without outdoor sales/storage
with outdoor sales/storage
Health, fitness, dance, martial arts
<5,000 sq.ft.
>5,000 sq.ft
C --
Heliports -- -- C C
Hospital C C -- --
Hotels and resort hotels P C C --
Kennel or cattery -- -- C C Chapter 9.240 (Animal
Laboratories, research and development P P P --
Live/work units C C C --
Lumber yard -- -- -- C
Manufacturing, Handcraft P P P P
Manufacturing, Light-Intensity -- C P P
Manufacturing, Medium-Intensity -- C C P
Manufacturing, Heavy-Intensity -- -- -- P
Marijuana dispensaries, mobile
marijuana dispensaries, marijuana
cultivation, and marijuana processing
-- -- -- --
Massage Establishment C C -- --
Material storage yard -- -- C P
Membership clubs, organizations, and
lounges C C C --
Mobile home sales and storage, trailer
sales and rental house trailers C -- C C
Motels C -- -- --
Motocross Facilities, Bicycle (BMX)
course -- -- -- --
Motor vehicle body, paint and
upholstery shops C -- C P
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle parts and supply stores P -- C --
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-5
Table 9.135.030-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Motor vehicle repair/services (e.g. tune-
ups, emission tests, brakes, tires,
batteries, electrical)
P -- C P
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle repairs/services - major
(e.g., engine and transmission
repair/rebuild, etc.)
-- -- C P
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle sales and rental (including
outdoor display area and repairs
associated with sales)
C -- C --
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle wholesale, with no
outdoor display P P P P
Motor vehicle impound, wrecking and
junk yards -- -- -- C
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle, trailer or boat storage -- -- C (indoor
only) C
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Nurseries and garden supply, indoor and
outdoor (retail sales only) P -- -- P
Does not include
cultivation of
Offices, professional and medical P P P --
Parking lots and parking structures P P P P
Personal and Professional Services P -- P --
Public utility substations and storage
buildings -- -- -- P
Radio and television broadcasting and
recording studios P -- P --
Recreational vehicle, trailer and mobile
home sales and rental. C -- C C
Chapter 9.245 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Recycling collection facilities C -- C C Chapter 9.285
(Recycling Facilities)
Recycling processing facilities -- -- C C Chapter 9.285
(Recycling Facilities)
Religious institutions P P P P
Restaurant P P P P Chapter 9.255 (Alcohol
Residential care facility -- C -- --
Chapter 9.275
(Community Care
Restaurants with breweries, distilleries
and/or wine making facilities with sales
for on-site and off-site consumption
C C C C Chapter 9.255 (Alcohol
Self-Storage, public storage facilities C -- C P
Shooting range; Indoor -- -- C --
Shooting range; Outdoor -- -- -- --
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-6
Table 9.135.030-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Simulated shooting games, Indoor (laser
tag, etc.) C -- C --
Simulated shooting games, Outdoor
(paintball, etc.) -- -- -- --
Solid Waste Disposal -- -- -- C
Specialized Retail P -- P --
Sports and recreational facilities (not
including motor driven vehicles and
riding academies, but including archery
ranges, athletic playgrounds, athletic
fields, sports arenas, skating rinks, skate
parks stadiums, and commercial
swimming pools)
Studios for professional work in or
teaching of any form of fine arts P C P --
Swap Meets (Indoor only) C -- -- C All activities must be
conducted indoors.
Tattoo Establishments C C C -- Chapter 9.270 (Tattoo
Theater C -- C --
Tourist information centers P P P --
Towing services (with tow truck parking
- no auto storage) -- -- P P
Towing services (with tow truck parking
and auto storage) -- -- -- C
Chapter 9.240 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Transportation Stations (bus, railroad
and taxi) P P P P
Trucking and freighting operations -- -- -- C
Uniform supplier and industrial
launderers -- -- C P
Utility offices, uses, and structures P P P P
Vehicle storage and impoundment
within an enclosed building -- -- P P
Vocational/trade school; C -- P C
Warehouse/club store, Standalone
facility 50,000 sq. ft. or larger C -- C --
Wholesale businesses with samples on
the premises but not including storage P -- P --
Wholesale stores and distributors -- -- C --
Wireless Communication Facilities C C C C
Chapter 9.295
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.135-7
9.135.040 Development Standards
The development standards listed below are the minimum standards for development within the
respective zones. Separate development standards have been established for developments on a single
lot and for those commercial shopping centers or industrial planned developments which multiple
structures on one or more lots.
Table 9.135.040-1 Commercial and Industrial Zones - Development Standards
for Developments within Planned Shopping Centers or Industrial Parks
Standard Additional Requirements
Net Lot Area (Acre) 5 5 10 10
Minimum 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.15
Maximum 0.35 1.0 0.60 0.50
Yard Adjacent to Street (Feet):
Yard Adjacent to Residential Zone (Feet) 25 25 50 50
Interior Side Yard (Feet) 0 0 0 0
Rear Yard (Feet) 15 10 10 25
Minimum Building Separation (Feet):
One story:
Two stories:
Three or more stories:
Principal Building (Feet) 50 50 50 50
Building Coverage (Percent) 30% 50% 40% 40%
Landscaped Open Space Required (Percent) 20% 25% 25% 20%
Fence wall or hedge – maximum height
(feet) 6 6 6 6
Fence wall or hedge screening outdoor
storage –minimum/max height (feet) 6/8 N/A 6/12 6/12
1. Roadway classifications per the General Plan Circulation Element.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-1
Chapter 9.140 Economic Development Corridor Zones
9.140.030 Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
A. Allowed Use Table. Table 9.140.030-1 identifies allowed uses and corresponding approval
requirements for the EDC zones subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Title.
Descriptions/definitions of many of the land uses can be found in Article 6 of this title (Definitions).
The list of land uses, with the exception of prohibited uses, on Table 9.140.030-1 shall be permitted
in one or more of the EDC zones as indicated in the columns corresponding to each zone.
B. Approval Requirements. Where indicated with a letter “P” the use shall be a permitted use. A
letter “C” indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a conditional
use permit. Where indicated with a “--,” the use is prohibited within the zone. The Additional
Requirements column in the table identifies additional use regulations for specific uses and/or the
specific chapter or section where additional regulations for that use type are located within this
title, where applicable. Uses for which additional requirements are listed shall be allowed only
upon satisfaction of the specified additional requirements. Under no circumstances shall Table
9.140.030-1 authorize a use without satisfaction of such specified additional requirements
C. Unlisted Uses. Uses not specifically listed in this table shall be considered not permitted in all of
the listed zones. The Community Development Director may make a determination pursuant to
Chapter 9.95 (Similar Use Determination) that new uses not listed here that have substantially
similar characteristics to specific listed permitted uses may be considered permitted as the similar
use by right, or conditionally as appropriate.
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Accessory dwelling units P P P P P As allowed by State law
Adult businesses -- -- -- -- -- See XX (Adult Use
Airport C -- -- -- --
Ambulance services P C C C P
Amusement and game arcade -- -- P C P
Amusement park(including multiple
activities such as simulated flying,
racing, mini-golf, etc.)
Art gallery, art studio, library, reading
room, museum P P P P P
Auction Houses:
Auditoriums, event centers and
assembly areas, including live
Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-2
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Banks and financial institutions P P P P P
Batting cages – indoor
Billiard and pool halls, Bowling alleys P C P C P Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Breweries, distilleries, and wine making
facilities with on-site tasting room and
sales for off-site consumption
P P P P P Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Business Services P P P P P
Car washes P C C P --
Caretaker residence or on-site operator
residence, only as accessory to primary
P -- -- -- P
Catering services P C C C P Includes truck parking
Cemeteries, crematories and
mausoleums C C -- C C
Clinics, including but not limited to
medical and urgent care. P P P P P
Collection Containers -- -- -- -- --
Commercial radio and television
broadcasting C C C C C
Community center P P P P P
Concrete batch plants and asphalt
plants -- -- -- -- --
Congregate care facility -- C C C --
Chapter 9.270
(Community Care
Contractor, landscape and building
materials storage yards (new) -- -- -- -- --
Contractor, landscape and building
materials storage yards (legally existing
as of the effective date of this
C -- -- -- C
Convalescent hospital/care facility -- P C C C
Dance Halls, night clubs, discos,
cabarets, cocktail lounges, lodges and
incidental dancing areas, and similar
facilities where dancing is the principal
C C C C C Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Day Care Center C C C C C
Chapter 9.270
(Community Care
Dry cleaning and laundromat (except
uniform supply and industrial
-- C P P C
Educational Institution C C C C C
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-3
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Emergency shelters 1 P P P P P
As mandated by State
law and City Housing
Element. See footnote1
Equipment (new) sales, Large (including
large vehicles, trucks with beds over 18
feet in length, eighteen plus (18+)
wheelers, and construction equipment)
P -- -- -- C
May not be located
within 1,000 feet of the
freeway right-of-way.
Equipment (new) sales Small (including
rototillers, power mowers, sanders,
power saws, cement and plaster mixers
not exceeding 20 cubic feet in capacity
and other similar equipment)
May not be located
within 1,000 feet of the
freeway right-of-way.
Fast food/quick service, with drive-
through; C C C C C
Fast food/quick service, without drive-
through P P P P P
Feed and grain sales C -- -- P C
Fertilizer production and processing
organic or inorganic -- -- -- -- --
Gas station with or without a
convenience store, with or without
alcoholic beverage sales, and with or
without car wash
Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
In SG-May not be
located south of Scott
General Retail P P P P P
Golf Course -- C C C --
Golf driving range (not in association
with full scale course) C C C C C
Governmental facility P P P P P
Grocery Store, Drug Store P P P P P Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Guns and ammunition store C -- -- C C
Hardware or Building Supplies Sales
without outdoor sales/storage
with outdoor sales/storage
Health, fitness, dance, martial arts
<5,000 sq.ft.
>5,000 sq.ft
Heliports C C C C C
Hospital C C C C C
Hotels and resort hotels P P P P P
Kennel or cattery C C C C C Chapter 9.235 (Animal
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-4
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Live/work units (2) C C C C C
Subject to the
residential percentages
in the General Plan.
Manufacturing, Handcraft P C C C P
Manufacturing, Light-Intensity P C C C P
Manufacturing, Medium-Intensity P -- -- -- P
Manufacturing, Heavy-Intensity C -- -- -- --
Marijuana dispensaries, mobile
marijuana dispensaries, marijuana
cultivation, and marijuana processing
-- -- -- -- --
Massage Establishment P C C C C
Meat packaging plants, poultry and egg
processing, processing and rendering of
fats and oils
-- -- -- -- --
Membership clubs, organizations, and
lounges C C C C C
Mobile home sales and storage, trailer
sales and rental house trailers C -- -- -- --
Motocross Facilities, Bicycle (BMX)
course C -- -- -- --
Motor vehicle body, paint and
upholstery shops P C -- C C
Chapter 9.240 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle repair/services (e.g. tune-
ups, emission tests, brakes, tires,
batteries, electrical
Chapter 9.240 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle repairs - major (e.g.,
engine and transmission repair/rebuild,
C C -- C C
Chapter 9.240 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle sales and rental
(including outdoor display area and
repairs associated with sales):
Automobiles Sales
Automobile Rental
Boats and RVs Sales and Rental
Chapter 9.240 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
*P - Permitted in the
EDC-CC Auto Overlay
Motor vehicle wholesale, with no
outdoor display C -- -- -- --
Motor vehicle wrecking and junk yards -- -- -- -- --
Chapter 9.240 (Motor
Vehicle and Related
Motor vehicle, trailer or boat storage –
Motorcycle sales/service C P C P P
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-5
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Multi-family dwellings C C C C C
Subject to the
residential percentages
in the General Plan.
Section 9.140.050
(Special Requirements
for Mixed Uses and
Residential Uses in EDC
Zones). May not be
located within 1,000
feet of the I-215 right-
Natural gas, above ground storage C -- -- -- C
Nurseries and garden supply, indoor
and outdoor (retail sales only) C C C C C
Does not include
cultivation of
No outdoor bulk
Offices (professional and medical) P P P P P
Outdoor dining P P P P P
Chapter 9.260
(Outdoor Sales,
Display, and Dining)
Parking lots and parking structures. P C C P P
Personal Services C P P P C
Pet shops, pet supply, and pet care and
grooming P P P P P
Public utility substations, offices and
storage buildings P P P P P
Recording studios P P P P P
Recycling collection facilities C C -- C C
Chapter 9.280
(Recycling Facilities);
May not be located
within 1,000 feet of the
freeway right-of-way.
Recycling processing facilities C -- -- -- --
Chapter 9.280
(Recycling Facilities);
May not be located
within 1,000 feet of the
freeway right-of-way.
Religious Institutions C C C C C
Research and development (except
noxious, explosives, or dangerous
P -- P -- P
Residential care facility C C C C C
May not be located
within 1,000 feet of the
I-215 right-of-way.
Restaurants P P P P P Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-6
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Restaurants with ancillary breweries,
distilleries and/or wine making facilities
with sales for on-site and off-site
P P P P P Chapter 9.250 (Alcohol
Self-Storage, public storage facilities
(new) -- -- -- -- --
Self-Storage, public storage facilities
(existing as of the effective date of this
May expand only
within the footprint of
the existing
Shooting range; Indoor P C C C C
Shooting range; Outdoor -- -- -- -- --
Single-family residences C C C C C
Requires tentative
tract map approval.
May not be located
within 1,000 feet of the
I-215 right-of-way.
Smoking Lounge C C C C C
Solid Waste Disposal -- -- -- -- --
Sports and recreational facilities (not
including motor driven vehicles and
riding academies, but including archery
ranges, athletic playgrounds, athletic
fields, sports arenas, skating rinks, skate
parks, stadiums, and commercial
swimming pools)
C C C -- C
Swap Meets (Indoor only) -- -- -- -- --
Tattoo Establishments C C C -- -- Chapter 9.265 (Tattoo
Theaters C C P C P
Towing services (with tow truck parking,
no auto storage) p C -- -- C
Truck stops -- -- -- -- --
Trucking and freighting operations C C -- -- C
Vocational/trade school; P C C C P
Warehouse (except noxious, explosives,
or dangerous materials)
Fulfillment Center
Warehousing, logistics and
distribution facility
Warehouse/club store, Standalone
facility 50,000 sq. ft. or larger C C C C C
Warehouse/club store, Standalone
facility under 50,000 sq. ft. P P P P P
Wedding chapels C C C C C
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-7
Table 9.140.030-1 Economic Development Corridors Zones Allowed Uses and Approval Requirements
Allowed Use
Wholesale businesses with samples on
the premises but not including storage. P P P P P
Wholesale stores and distributors C C C C C
Wireless Communication Facilities C C C C C
Chapter 9.290
1. Emergency Shelters shall:
A. Provide on-site facilities management personnel during all hours that the emergency shelter is in operation.
B. Be located no less than 300 feet from another emergency shelter.
C. Provide adequate lighting to illuminate the entire outdoor and parking areas of the property.
D. Provide security during all hours that the emergency shelter is in operation.
9.140.050 Special Requirements for Mixed Uses and Residential Uses in Economic
Development Corridor Zones
A. Intent of Mixed Uses. The mixed-use allowances within the Economic Development Corridor (EDC)
Zones are intended to enhance, revitalize, and provide opportunities for new development in
designated areas of the community. This allows for retail and service commercial businesses (local
and regional) and moderate- to high-density residential uses to be integrated vertically or
horizontally for the benefit of the community.
B. Mixed Use Setback Requirements. Within the required front setback area, paved walkways for
pedestrian use shall be augmented with landscaping such as planters and trees. Elements
enhancing the pedestrian experience shall be incorporated into the design of the front setback,
including but not limited to, benches, lighting schemes, and decorative paving.
1. Mixed-use developments where the front lot line abuts a major traffic corridor must have a
minimum front yard setback of 40 feet.
2. Mixed-use developments where the front lot line does not abut a major traffic corridor must
have a minimum front yard setback of 25 feet.
C. Mixed Use Notification Requirements. The following notification requirements for mixed use
developments in a designated EDC district apply:
1. Residents (owners and tenants) of new residential and mixed-use development projects in an
Economic Development Corridor Zone where residential uses are allowed shall be notified in
writing before taking up residence that they will be living in an urban-type environment and
that noise levels may be higher than a strictly residential area.
2. The conditions of approval of a residential or mixed-use project within an Economic
Development Corridor Zone will require prospective residents to acknowledge the receipt of
the written noise notification. Signatures shall confirm receipt and understanding of this
D. Restrictions on Land Uses and Activities in a Vertically Integrated Mixed-Use Development.
Economic Development Corridor Zones featuring vertically integrated mixed-use developments
shall be subject to the following use limitations:
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-8
1. Commercial, office or institutional development component shall comprise a minimum of 0.3
FAR of the overall development.
a. A project consisting entirely of deed-restricted affordable housing will not be required to
have a commercial feature component but shall be limited to the EDC districts’ residential
percentage limit of the City’s General Plan.
b. Commercial storefronts in the Community Core and Southern Gateway Zones are
required along street frontages. Residential development(s) are not allowed street
frontage in these EDC Zones.
c. Live-work units are allowed as part of a mixed-use development. Dwelling areas in multi-
family residential units are not allowed to be devoted solely to a commercial, office, or
production activity.
2. Prohibited Land Uses and Activities in a vertically integrated mixed-use development. The
following activities are prohibited within vertically integrated mixed-use developments:
a. General auto repair including paint or body work, auto maintenance or similar use.
b. Manufacturing or industrial activities, including, but not limited to, welding, machining
or open flame work, except those necessary as part of an art or jewelry producing activity.
c. Any other activity, as determined by the Community Development Director to be
incompatible with residential activities and/or to have the possibility of adversely
impacting the health or safety of residents due to the potential for the use to create late-
night activity, dust, glare, heat, noise, noxious gases, odor, smoke, traffic, vibration or
other impacts, or would be hazardous because of materials, processes, products or
wastes, within individuals units or to adjoining/surrounding units.
3. Loading and unloading activities. Conditions of approval for a mixed-use development shall
indicate the times when the loading and unloading of goods, products, supplies or similar
items will occur. Loading or unloading activities are prohibited between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00
a.m. the following morning on any day of the week.
4. Conversion to Residential. A mixed-use building shall not be converted to entirely residential
use unless the development is consistent with all of the standards of this chapter, including
9.140.050.D.1.b and 9.140.050.E.2 regarding street frontage and freeway adjacency. The
conversion project proposal must first be reviewed and approved by the Planning
Commission. A certificate of occupancy for the conversion is required.
E. Special Requirements for Residential Uses in EDC Zones. All residential uses in EDC zones shall be
subject to the following provisions:
1. Residential uses shall not exceed 15% of the total Economic Development Corridor acreage.
2. Residential developments are allowed as "stand alone" projects but not allowed on EDC
parcels directly adjacent to a freeway.
3. New residential developments in the Economic Development Corridor Zones are required to
include a commercial, office or institutional component and/or enter into an agreement with
the City for the development of a commercial, office or institutional facility on another
property within the same Economic Development Corridor Zone and within a specified time
4. Residential density limitations are established within the General Plan and are in addition to
other applicable requirements of this chapter.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-9
F. Single Family Residential Developments in EDC Zones. Single Family residential uses in EDC zones
shall be subject to the following requirements:
1. Single-family dwellings existing as of the effective date of the Ord. 2015-180, passed 11-18-
2015 in an Economic Development Corridor Zone shall be considered as permitted uses and
shall be subject to development standards for LDR-2 zone, as set forth in Chapter 9.130 of this
Title or other zone as determined by the Community Development Director.
2. Tract maps approved prior to the effective date of this chapter located within any Economic
Development Corridor Zone shall be considered a permitted residential use and shall be
subject to the appropriate Residential Zone development standards of Chapter 9.130 of this
Title, as determined by the Community Development Director.
3. Single-family residential portions of mixed-use developments shall be subject to the
development standards of the appropriate residential zone in Chapter 9.130, as determined
by the Community Development Director.
G. Multi-Family Residential Developments in EDC Zones. Multi-family residential uses shall be
subject to the development standards of the appropriate zone in Chapter 9.130, as determined by
the Community Development Director.
H. Mixed-Use Multi-Family Developments in EDC Zones. The provisions of this section shall apply to
multi-family residential portions of mixed-use developments in addition to other applicable
requirements of this chapter.
1. Maximum Number of Bedrooms per Unit. No single dwelling unit shall have more than 4
bedrooms, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
2. Residential Building Separation. Residential developments and residential portions of mixed-
use developments shall meet the minimum building separation requirements as established
Minimum Building Separation
(Same Recorded Lot)
From 1 story to 1 story building 15 ft.
From 1 story to 2 story building 20 ft.
From 2 story to 2 story building 20 ft.
Additional story either building 20 ft. plus 5 ft. per additional story above 2 for either building
3. Elevation of First Floor. The first habitable floor of a residential-only building shall be located
not more than 4 feet above and not more than one foot below the elevation of the adjacent
sidewalk or the finished grade 8 feet from of the foundation.
4. Open space, recreation and leisure area requirements for residential components of integrated
mixed-use developments. Residential components of mixed-use developments shall provide
open space, recreation, and leisure areas at a minimum of 300 square feet per dwelling unit.
The following spaces shall contribute to the open space, recreation area, and leisure area
a. Private Open Space. Private open space shall be provided at each unit. Private open space
may be provided in the form of a patio, yard, balcony or combination thereof and shall
be directly adjacent to and accessible from each unit. Private open space shall have a
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-10
minimum area of 90 square feet, with a minimum depth dimension of 6 feet and a
minimum width dimension of 10 feet.
b. Active Recreation Areas.
i. Active recreation areas shall include one or more of the following: spa, pool, indoor
equipped work-out room(s), tennis, volleyball, racquetball courts, basketball half
court, or other similar usable recreational activities as determined acceptable by the
Planning Commission during a discretionary review. Active recreation areas shall be
open to and accessible to all residents of the mixed-use complex. The required active
recreational amenities shall be based on a needs assessment evaluation of the
proposed project. The evaluation shall take into consideration the following criteria:
ii. Size and shape of active recreation area;
iii. Location and placement of buildings;
iv. Diversity of recreational amenities needed based upon anticipated resident mix;
v. Number of units, size mixture of units, and lot size.
vi. Active recreation areas shall not be less than 20 feet in width or depth. Increased
dimensions may be required through the discretionary review process based upon
specific project circumstances and the intended use of that active recreation area.
vii. Active recreation areas may be located indoors, in outdoor portions of habitable
levels, or on roof decks. Active recreational areas located in this manner shall not
contribute more than 50% of the required open space, recreation, and leisure areas,
unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
viii. Active recreation areas shall be buffered from adjacent residentially zoned lots.
Active recreation areas that feature such activities as pools, spas, court activities
shall be placed and operated so as not to infringe upon the peacefulness of nearby
residential units or adjoining residential properties.
c. Passive Recreation Areas. Passive recreation areas shall incorporate pathways,
waterscape, hardscape (i.e., large rocks or boulders, benches, gazebos, raised planters
constructed on site of bricks, concrete or rocks, or other materials) and unique features
that enhance the appearance, desirability and usability of the area. The intent is to
provide landscaped areas that can be utilized for walking, sitting, viewing plants and
vegetation, reading, and similar types of passive activities. Passive recreation areas shall
have a minimum dimension of 10 feet in width and 30 feet in length. These areas shall
not contribute more than 50% of the required open space, recreation and leisure areas.
An area designated as a "Community Garden" may contribute up to 25% of the required
open space, recreation and leisure area(s) of a residential development.
d. Mixed Use Shared Passive Recreation Areas. Passive recreation areas and joint use patios
and plazas may contribute to the requirement for open space, recreation and leisure
areas. Passive areas are generally shared with commercial, office or institutional
components in a mixed-use development. Passive recreation areas do not include areas
used for outdoor dining, fenced or otherwise restricted for use by a single business or
tenant. Shared passive recreation areas shall have a minimum dimension of 10 feet in
width and 30 feet in length. Such areas shall not contribute to more than 25% of the
required open space, recreation and leisure areas.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 3, Page 9.140-11
5. Additional multi-family residential unit requirements. Each residential unit in a multi-family
component of a mixed-use development shall comply with the following requirements:
a. Laundry Facilities. Each unit shall be provided with washer and dryer hookups and
laundry space within the unit. For apartment units, common laundry facilities may be
b. Storage Facilities. Each unit shall be provided with a separate storage area having a
minimum of 300 cubic feet of private and secure storage space. This storage space may
be located within the parking garage provided it does not interfere with garage use for
automobile parking. Closet and cupboard space within the dwelling unit shall not count
toward meeting this requirement.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.165-1
Chapter 9.165 Accessory Structures
9.165.030 Development Standards
An accessory structure (not including metal shipping containers, see Section 9.165.050-110) is permitted
in all residential zones subject to the following requirements, which are in addition to any requirements
of that residential zone.
A. Location. Accessory structures shall be located only in rear and interior side yards or within the
allowable buildable area.
B. Height. Accessory structures shall not exceed a height of 16 feet, except they shall be allowed up
to the maximum building height in the agricultural and rural residential zones.
C. Separation. Accessory structures shall be located at least 10 feet from the primary building and at
least 5 feet from another accessory structure.
D. Setbacks. Setback requirements and the placement of accessory structures in the required yards
are set forth in Table 9.165.030-1, Accessory Structures Setbacks.
Table 9.165.030-1 Accessory Structures Setbacks
Accessory Structure Front Yard1 Rear Yard1 Interior Side Yard12
Accessory Dwelling Units3 Not permitted 410 ft1 45 ft
Carports Not permitted 5 ft for support column 2 ft
20 ft (Entrance faces street)
10 ft (Entrance from side not
facing front yard)
10 ft 5 ft
Gazebo/garden structure Not permitted 5 ft 5 ft
Detached guest house Not permitted 10 ft 5 ft
Solar Equipment Not permitted 3 ft 3 ft
Storage/utility storage Not permitted 3 ft 3 ft
1If the zoning classification of a particular property provides for a different front, rear, or side yard setback, the smaller setback shall apply.
2For corner (street) side yard setback requirements, refer to development standards of the applicable zone.
3 See Chapter 9.295 (Special Housing Types) and 9.35 (Accessory Dwelling Unit Permit) for additional requirements for Accessory Dwelling
E. Accessory uses and structures shall be incidental to and not alter the residential character of a
F. No accessory structure, or total square footage of multiple accessory structures, shall occupy more
than 30% of the rear yard of a parcel. No accessory structure shall be greater than 600 square feet
for lots less than one-half acre, 900 square feet for one-half to 1 acre, or 3,000 square feet for lots
greater than 1 acre.
G. Lot coverage calculations shall include all enclosed accessory structure area on a lot or parcel.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.165-2
H. In the case of through lots, no accessory structure shall encroach upon the required front yard on
either street. In the event that the front yard and rear yards cannot be clearly determined, the
Community Development Director will determine the required setbacks.
I. Underground facilities shall not be subject to the height limitations.
J. Accessory structures shall include eaves or overhangs and be compatible with the materials, colors
and architecture, including roof pitch, of the primary building or residence.
K. Bare metal buildings (metal buildings without paint or exterior architectural coatings or
treatments) shall be prohibited.
L. Accessory structures shall not be placed within a lot in a manner which would cause significant
environmental impacts to drainages, watercourses, sensitive habitat, or archeological or
paleontological resources.
M. An accessory structure used for vehicle storage shall have clear, unobstructed access to the
structure across the parcel. No additional curb cuts may be installed for the accessory structure
unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
N. The use of metal storage container(s) to construct an underground facility shall be prohibited.
O. No accessory structure shall be erected unless a primary building exists on the parcel.
9.165.050 Metal Shipping Containers
Metal shipping containers shall conform to the following standards:
A. Use.
1. Metal shipping containers shall be allowed in all zones on a temporary basis during
construction, grading operations when utilized solely for the storage of supplies and
equipment that are used for the construction, grading on that site.
2. Within Agriculture and Rural Residential zones, metal shipping containers shall be an
accessory use for storage and shall not be used for habitable space, except as allowed by
subsection Section A.3 below.
3. Alternative allowances, including size, screening, condition, location, or habitation, may be
considered and approved by the Planning Commission under review and approval of a
Conditional Use Permit.
B. Minimum Lot Size.
1. No new Metal Shipping Containers may be placed on lots of less than 1 acre.
2. One small shipping container (not exceeding 10 feet in length) may be located on lot of 1 acre
or greater.
3. No more than one (1) shipping container is allowed on lots of 2-5 acres.
4. No more than two (2) shipping containers are allowed on lots of 5 acres or greater.
C. Setbacks. Metal shipping containers shall not be located closer than 50 feet from any property
line, nor within the area in front of the leading edge of the home upon the residential property, or
within any required parking space.
D. Enhancements.
1. Metal Shipping Containers shall be painted a neutral earth-tone or a color consistent with the
principal building or dwelling unit.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.165-3
2. Metal shipping containers shall be screened from view of public rights-of-way or adjacent
residential properties by residential structures, landforms or physical features of the lot,
landscaping or opaque fencing of up to 6 feet in height with any visible remaining exterior
portion of the container(s) painted in a manner compatible with the principal residence or to
blend with the existing landscaping on-site.
3. Screening shall be waived if the container(s) is/are completely encased within an on-site, stick-
built skin and eaves, which are architecturally consistent with the primary residence on-site.
E. Size. Containers shall not exceed 50 percent of the floor area of the primary residence on-site,
inclusive of all accessory structures.
F. Placement.
1. Metal shipping containers shall conform with all health, safety development, and
environmental requirements.
2. Metal shipping containers shall not be placed upon a residential lot in a manner which would
cause significant impacts to drainages, watercourses, sensitive habitat, or archeological or
paleontological resources.
3. Metal shipping containers shall not be stacked vertically.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.185-1
Chapter 9.185 Fences, walls and screening
9.185.040 General Development Standards
A. Architectural Compatibility. Walls, fences, and architectural screening elements shall be
compatible with the architectural treatment of the primary building on the parcel and shall meet
all standards applicable to the Zone unless otherwise modified by this chapter.
B. Visibility. No wall, fence, or landscaping element shall interfere with intersection visibility or line
of sight or other safety issue.
C. Blank Walls Prohibited. Blank walls are prohibited. Where screening or security walls (excluding
wrought iron fences) are located within 10 feet of a public ROW, landscaping shall be provided
between the wall and the ROW to a minimum height of 42 inches to minimize opportunities for
crime and unsafe conditions.
D. Permitted Materials. Approved materials include wood, plexi-glass, vinyl, stone, masonry, brick,
block, stucco, wrought iron, and concrete. Where opaque walls are required, they shall be
constructed of brick, split-face block, stone, or frame-stucco.
E. Prohibited Materials.
1. Barbed, razor, concertina, corrugated metal and plastic, tarps, and electrified wire of any kind
or configuration is prohibited in all Zones, except as modified by section 9.185.040.E.2 below.
2. Woven wire, barbed wire, or electrified fencing may be permitted in the front and side yards
of all Agricultural (AG) zones only if needed to secure livestock and/or horses; maximum
height not to exceed six feet.
3. Chain-link fencing and similar materials are prohibited along any public ROW regardless of
setback, except for temporary construction fencing (9.185.040.C). Where chain-link fencing is
used, it shall not be visible from the public ROW. This standard shall apply to all zones except
Agricultural (AG) zones.
F. Maintenance. Fences and walls shall be constructed of new material and shall be maintained in a
state of good repair. Any dilapidated, dangerous, or unsightly fences or walls shall be repaired or
G. Maximum Height. The height of all walls, fences, and architectural screening elements shall be
measured from the finished grade of the property to the highest point of the element.
1. Table 9.185.040-1 establishes the maximum wall/fence heights by Zone.
2. Where additional height is needed based on security or specific site operating requirements,
additional wall/fence height may be approved by the Community Development Director,
subject to evaluation of adjacencies and necessity.
3. Hedges or other screening vegetation, excluding trees, shall not exceed the maximum height
of walls permitted in the zone.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.185-2
Figure 9.185.040-1 Fence Height by Location (applicable to all Residential Zones)
Figure 9.185.040-1 Fence Height by Location (applicable to all Residential Zones)
Table 9.185.040-1 Wall/Fence Maximum Height Standards by Zone
Maximum Permitted Height by Setback
Ag & Residential
Zones Commercial Zones Industrial Zone EDC Zones
Setback ≥ Min.
Setback Setback ≥ Min.
Setback Setback ≥ Min.
Setback Setback ≥ Min.
Front/Street 36” 6’ 36” 6’ 36” 6’ 36” 6’
Side 6’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 12’ 6’ 8’
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.185-3
Table 9.185.040-1 Wall/Fence Maximum Height Standards by Zone
Maximum Permitted Height by Setback
Ag & Residential
Zones Commercial Zones Industrial Zone EDC Zones
Setback ≥ Min.
Setback Setback ≥ Min.
Setback Setback ≥ Min.
Setback Setback ≥ Min.
Side 6’3 6’ 36” 6’ 36’ 6’ 36” 6’
Rear 6’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 12’ 6’ 8’
1. Fences, walls and screening are not required between land uses unless otherwise specified in this Title. Fences, walls and screening
must also be located outside of any public utility easement except as authorized by the applicable utility agency.
2. Maximum height may be increased by the designated approving authority as part of development review.
2.3. For corner side fences, a minimum 5-foot-wide landscape planter strip is required between edge of public sidewalk and wall.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.190-1
Chapter 9.190 Hillside Development Standards
9.190.020 Applicability
This chapter applies to all development on properties in Menifee that contain significant areas of steep
slopes and prominent hillsides and ridgelines as defined in this Title within the areas illustrated on Figure
9.190.020-1 Menifee Hillside Map. These areas and features are typical of the properties in the Rural
Mountainous (RM) and Rural Residential, 5-acre minimum (RR5) zones, but not limited to these areas.
Figure 9.190.020-1 Menifee Hillside Map
9.190.030 Exemptions
The following are exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
A. Development that maintains a minimum of 50 feet from the top of any steep slope or hillside and
is no closer than 200 feet horizontally and 50 feet vertically from prominent ridgelines.
B. Any project that has a valid, unexpired City- or county-approved tentative tract map or grading
permit or other entitlement in place that is consistent with the restrictive regulations previously in
effect prior to adoption of the City's General Plan update on December 18, 2013. The requirements
of this chapter shall be applied to all approvals that require a discretionary extension or that are
extended pursuant to a discretionary extension.
C. Open space projects and regional or community trails on City-owned property.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.190-2
D. Local public streets or private roads and driveways which are necessary for primary or secondary
access to the portion of the site to be developed on steep slope lands of less than 25 percent,
provided no less environmentally damaging alternative exists. The determination of whether a
proposed road or driveway qualifies for an exemption, in whole or in part, shall be made by the
Community Development Director based on an analysis of the project site.
E. Public and private utility systems, provided the Community Development Director finds that the
least environmentally damaging alignment has been selected. However, septic systems are not
included in this exemption unless the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health has
certified that no grading or benching is required.
F. Areas with native vegetation, which are cleared or trimmed to protect existing or proposed
structures in potential danger from fire, provided that the area of such clearance is the minimum
necessary to comply with applicable fire codes or orders of fire safety officials and that such slopes
retain their native root stock or are planted with native vegetation having a low fuel content, and
provided further that the natural landform is not reconfigured.
9.190.050 Application Requirements
In addition to the application requirements of Chapter 9.80 (Plot Plans), unless otherwise waived by the
Community Development Director, all of the following shall be submitted with a plot plan application for
development on steep slopes, hillsides or ridgelines:
A. Plot Plan. A site plan drawn to scale by a California-licensed land surveyor or registered civil
engineer, showing the location of all existing peaks, ridgelines, hills, hillsides and other significant
landforms including rock outcroppings, all areas within 200 feet of a peak or ridgeline, the location
of all existing watercourses, the location of all existing vegetation including oak trees and the type
and quantity thereof, the location of all existing and proposed agricultural areas, the location of all
existing and proposed dwellings and the location of all existing and proposed accessory facilities.
B. Grading Plan. A grading plan, including a blasting permit, if necessary, subject to the requirements
of Title 8 (Grading Ordinance) of the Menifee Municipal Code.
C. Topographic Map. A topographic map of the site, drawn to scale by a California-licensed land
surveyor or civil engineer, showing all the items referenced in Subsection A (Plot Plan) of this
section. The scale on the topographic map shall be no smaller than 1 inch equals 100 feet, with
contour intervals not exceeding 10 feet.
D. Slope Analysis. A slope analysis of the site showing the following slope categories: 0–24% grade,
25–34% grade, 35–50% grade and over 50% grade prepared by a licensed land surveyor or a
registered engineer. If the site contains steep hillsides but does not have 50 feet of vertical
elevation, an off-site analysis of the adjacent property(ies) must be made to determine whether
the steep hillsides on the subject site are part of a steep hillside system that extends off-site and
exceeds the 50-foot elevation.
E. Utility Plan. Underground utility plan.
F. Biological Report. A biological report for the site addressing the topics enumerated in subsection
G (Conservation Required) of this section.
G. Conservation Required. For any project for which a hillside development plot plan is required by
this section, evidence that it is designed to protect wildlife habitat areas, biological corridors,
native plants and plant communities, and where practicable, support interconnected, contiguous
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.190-3
and integrated open space systems within an area, particularly when located contiguous to open
space preserve areas.
H. Cultural Report. A cultural resources assessment prepared by a qualified archeologist.
I. Photo Survey. Photographs of the portion(s) of the site that would be disturbed taken from each
corner of the site and from all vantage points deemed appropriate by the Community Development
Director of Planning.
J. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. A proposed erosion and sedimentation control plan
showing and describing interim and ultimate erosion and sedimentation control measures.
K. Landscape and Restoration Plan. A proposed landscape and habitat restoration plan, including a
restoration time schedule, showing and describing how the site would be landscaped and repaired
and how the natural conditions of the site would be replicated. A qualified biologist shall prepare
the habitat restoration plan.
L. Architectural Plans. A proposed architectural plan showing how primary and accessory structures
would be constructed.
M. Lighting Plan. A proposed exterior lighting plan showing how primary and accessory structures,
and landscaping would be illuminated.
N. Visibility Analysis. A line of sight visual analysis.
O. Fuel Modification Plan. A fuel modification plan consistent with the General Guidelines for
Creating Defensible Space adopted by the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, February 8,
9.190.060 Development Standards
Development that proposes encroachment into steep slopes, hillsides or ridgelines, or that does not
qualify for an exemption pursuant to Section 9.190.030 (Exemptions) is subject to the following
regulations and the Menifee Steep Hillside Guidelines.
A. Land Disturbance. No disturbance of steep slopes, hillsides and ridgelines shall be permitted
except in conformance in all respects with an approved plot plan that details the proposed land
disturbance meeting all of the following requirements.
1. Areas situated within 200 feet horizontally and 50 feet vertically of a hilltop or ridgeline shall
not be disturbed.
2. The horizontal distance between a natural or graded steep slope and a roof, or portion
thereof, shall not be less than 20 feet.
3. The maximum height of a graded slope in areas of natural steep slopes, hilltops or ridgelines
shall not exceed 30 feet.
4. The use of blasting for road construction or pad grading shall be strongly discouraged and
alternate construction techniques shall be used if feasible. Site disturbance and grading shall
be kept to a minimum.
5. The maximum encroachment that may be permitted into steep slope lands shall be as set
forth in Table 9.190.060-1- MaximumMaximimum Steep Slope Encroachment. This
encroachment may be further reduced due to environmental concerns or other design
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.190-4
Table 9.190.060-1-Maximimum Maximum Steep Slope Encroachment
Percentage of Lot in Steep Slope Lands Maximum Encroachment
as Percentage of Area in Steep Slope Lands
75% or less 10%
> 75% and ≤ 80% 12%
> 80% and ≤ 85% 14%
> 85% and ≤ 90% 16%
> 90% and ≤ 95% 18%
> 95% and ≤ 100% 20%
An additional 2% may be added to the maximum encroachment allowance for projects where the existing development area is not contiguous,
and access to the entirety of the development area is not otherwise available; or the existing development area does not have direct access to
a public right-of-way.
6. Land disturbance shall conform in all respects with the erosion and sedimentation control plan
approved by the Community Development Director or City Engineer.
7. All development occurring in steep hillsides shall incorporate the design standards identified
in the Menifee Design Guidelines, Hillside Development, as deemed appropriate by the
approving authority.
B. Height.
1. No dwelling, building or structure shall have more than two stories.
2. On a level building pad, the maximum height of a dwelling, building or structure shall be
measured from the foundation.
3. On a terraced building pad, the maximum height of a dwelling, building or structure shall be
40 feet measured from the lowest finished floor level, excluding any basement areas.
C. Cluster Development Subdivision. Cluster development subdivision pursuant to Chapter 9.170
(Cluster Development Subdivisions) is encouraged as a method to avoid and minimize disturbance
of steep slopes, hillsides and ridgelines for residential subdivisions.
D. Subdivisions.
1. Each newly created lot within a subdivision shall include some portion that does not contain
steep hillsides that will serve as the location (or future location) of development on the lot.
Such unconstrained area shall be sufficient in size to accommodate a reasonable development
without requiring additional encroachment into steep hillsides.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.190-5
2. If additional encroachment is desired for development area on an individual lot, the maximum
permissible encroachment area calculation will be based on the original subdivision and not
the individual lot. If the individual lot has an encroachment area that is less than the maximum
percentage of the lot area, additional encroachment into steep hillsides on the lot will only be
permitted if and to the extent that the encroachment area of the original subdivision was less
than the maximum allowed area of the original unsubdivided premises.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.195-1
Chapter 9.195 Landscaping Standards
9.195.030 Landscape and Irrigation Plans
When this chapter is applicable to new parks, projects or existing development, as identified in Section
9.195.020 (Applicability), preliminary and final landscape plans shall be submitted in accordance with the
requirements of this chapter, including City's Landscape Standards and Park Development Design
Standards, and review of such plans shall be conducted as part of the approval process.
A. Preliminary landscape and irrigation plan. A preliminary landscape and irrigation plan shall be
submitted to the designated approving authority as part of the discretionary review process. This
plan must show a water budget that includes the estimated water use (in gallons), irrigated area
(in square feet), precipitation rate and flow rate in gallons per minute, square feet of impervious
materials, and stormwater infrastructure locations, as well as conceptual locations for trees,
shrubs, ground cover, etc. A corresponding list of planting material by species (using common and
scientific name), quantity and size shall be included.
B. Final landscape and irrigation plan. After a preliminary landscape and irrigation plan has been
approved by the designated approving authority, a final landscape and irrigation plan shall be
submitted to the Community Development Department. For landscaping in public easements or
ROW, the final landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Public Works and
Engineering Department, in conjunction with improvement plans. The final landscape planting and
irrigation plans shall be prepared by a registered licensed landscape architect and shall be in
substantial compliance with the preliminary landscape and irrigation plan approved by the
designated approving authority. Final plans shall show the location of and irrigation for trees,
shrubs and ground cover. The final landscape plan shall include, at a minimum, plant name
(providing both common and scientific name), plant quantity, plant size, location of permeable
surfaces, utilities and lighting, irrigation system and plans for tree retention and removal where
applicable. For landscainglandscaping in public easements or ROW, when, allowed at the discretion
of the Engineering and Public Works Director due to unforeseen circumstances, the installation of
the plants, irrigation system and/or other items shown on the final landscaping plan are not
installed as illustrated, prior to final inspection an "as- built" plan shall be submitted to document
the actual location of installation. The final landscape plan shall also include a water budget that
identifies the estimate water use (in gallons), irrigated area (in square feet), precipitation rate and
flow rate in gallons per minute.
C. Concept park plans. Preliminary park plans, inclusive of landscaping and irrigation plans, shall be
submitted to the designated approving authority as part of the discretionary review process. This
plan must show the basic design of the proposed park, whether public or private, parking areas,
active and passive activity areas, areas left natural, and drainage and dual use areas, as well as
other information as required by the Community Services Department.
9.195.040 Landscape Requirements
The requirements listed below apply to special types of landscaping. However, in any wildland-urban
interface fire area, the Riverside County Fire Department/Cal Fire requirements shall prevail.
A. Residential landscape. See Section 9.195.050 (Additional Requirements for Residential Areas).
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.195-2
B. Substantial landscaping. All required landscaped areas and planters, unless utilized for other
purposes such as Water Quality compliance with the governing jurisdiction, shall be landscaped
with a mix of trees, shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses, vines and ground cover to create a
dense and layered design. A substantial quantity of plants shall be planted. Drought -tolerant
plants shall be used within all landscaped areas to augment the aesthetic and decorative nature of
the planted area. Drought- tolerant plants shall augment, but not completely substitute for, other
floral arrangements unless specifically approved by the approval authority.
C. Decorative materials. Decorative materials such as mulch, decomposed granite, bark and drought-
tolerant plants, as well as non-living inert material (rock, cobbles, decorative stone, etc.), may be
used within any landscape area required by this chapter upon approval by the approval authority.
D. Project entry landscaping. Entries to projects (both residential and nonresidential) shall be
designed as a special statement reflective of the character and scale of the project to establish
identity for tenants, visitors and patrons. Irrigated, flowering accent plantings, decorative drought-
tolerant annuals (to be replaced as needed for maintenance) and specimen trees shall be used to
reinforce the entry statement.
E. Trees adjacent to building walls. With the exception of single-family housing developments, trees
shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to structures at a rate of one tree per 30 linear
feet of building dimensions, particularly to interrupt expansive horizontal and vertical surfaces.
Tree clusters may be used to satisfy specific design objectives.
F. Screening of drive-through aisles. To shield vehicles and associated headlights in a drive-through
lane from view of abutting street rights-of-way, a minimum 5-foot -wide planter shall include a
minimum 3-foot-tall (maximum 4-foot-tall) landscape barrier planted with trees and other
landscaping consistent with those in the parking area. Trimming and pruning of the landscape
barrier shall be performed in a manner that maintains the shielding of vehicle headlights in the
drive-through lane from adjacent street rights-of-way. The landscape barrier site design shall not
preclude or impede safe and secure ingress and egress from the facility while providing screening
from the public right-of-way.
G. Screening of outdoor equipment. Screening is required according to Chapter 9.185 (Fences, Walls
and Screening).
A. Public and Pedestrian spaces. Public and Pedestrian space landscaping shall include a combination
of shade trees and pedestrian shading devices (e.g., canopies, awnings, umbrellas) placed so as to
cover 50% of the total space with a shade canopy within 15 years of securing the building permit.
B. Signs. Landscaping shall be provided at the base of the supporting structure of freestanding signs
equal to the area of one face of the sign except as otherwise allowed by the approval
authorityCommunity Development Director. For example, 50 square feet of sign area requires 50
square feet of landscaped area. The approval authorityCommunity Development Director may
reduce this ratio during formal project review if found necessary and/or appropriate for the overall
design of the proposed project. Such landscaping shall be appropriately irrigated and shall include
floral arrangements that include drought- tolerant annuals and perennials that are designed to
facilitate maintenance as well as to enhance aesthetic quality.
C. Buffering between uses. A landscape buffer shall only be used between land uses when residential
uses are located next to non-residential uses or when necessary, as determined by the designated
approving authority. A landscaping strip with a minimum width of 5 feet shall be installed adjacent
to a screening wall, except that a minimum of 6 feet of landscaping (with trees) shall be provided
between a parking lot and a screening wall.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.195-3
D. Sound walls/masonry walls. Where setback and open space areas are screened from public view
by walls or similar approved structures, landscaping shall be provided so that 50% of the wall will
be covered by landscape material within three years. See Chapter 9.185 (Fences, Walls, and
E. Existing trees. Mature trees on the site in good health shall be preserved whenever possible. Credit
for the preservation of existing trees shall be as specified in Section 9.200.030.C (Credit for Tree
F. Parking lot landscape. Parking lot landscape includes perimeter planters, planters abutting parking
lots and drive aisles, tree planting for parking lot shade, and a combination of continuous planting
strips, planting fingers and parking islands throughout the parking lot. All landscaped areas,
including those with drought-tolerant plants, shall be irrigated. Landscape requirements applicable
to all commercial, industrial, mixed-use and multi-family parking lots with five or more spaces are
listed below. See Chapter 9.240 (Motor Vehicle and Related Uses) for superseding standards,
requirements and exceptions.
1. Maintenance. All landscaped areas, whether populated with drought-tolerant plants, other
species or decorative materials such as mulch, decomposed granite, bark or other non-living
inert materials (rock, cobble, decorative stone, etc.), shall be maintained in a clean, weed-free
and disease-free manner as specified in this chapter and as reviewed, approved and installed
(per City inspection) at all times.
2. Trees required. Trees are required to be planted at a rate of one tree for every four parking
stalls. At maturity, trees should reach a minimum height and spread of 40 feet so as to form a
shade canopy over parking stalls. Smaller ornamental trees may not be used to satisfy this
requirement. Tree selections shall be approved by the Community Development Department.
3. Minimum landscape. A minimum of 10% of the total off-street parking area shall be
landscaped with trees, shrubs and appropriate ground cover. The parking area shall be
computed by adding the areas used for access drive aisles, stalls, maneuvering and
landscaping within that portion of the premises devoted to vehicular parking and circulation.
4. Minimum Parking Lot Shading Requirements. Parking area landscaping shall include shade
trees unless otherwise approved by the approval authority, so as to provide for adequate
shade canopies within 15 years of age as follows:
a. 30% for Parking Lots with between 5-24 parking stalls
b. 40% for Parking Lots with between 254-429 parking stalls
c. 50% for Parking Lots with more than 50 parking stalls
5. Perimeter strip. Unenclosed parking facilities shall provide a perimeter landscaped strip at
least 5 feet wide (inside dimension) where the facility adjoins a front, side or rear property
line. The perimeter landscaped strip may include a landscaped yard or landscaped area
otherwise required and shall be continuous, except for required access to the site or parking
6. Screening. All surface parking areas shall be screened from streets and adjoining properties,
and the open space areas between the property line and public street right-of-way shall be
landscaped with berms, swales, trees, shrubs and ground cover (or a combination thereof).
7. Location. Parking lot landscaping shall be located so that pedestrians are not required to cross
unpaved areas to reach building entrances from parked cars (see Figure 9.195.040-1, Parking
Lot Landscaping ).
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.195-4
8. Planter design. All parking lot planters shall be designed to meet the following minimum
requirements (see Figure 9.195.040-1, Parking Lot Landscaping):
a. Planters shall be separated from maneuvering and parking areas by a 6-inch raised
concrete curb or equivalent.
b. Tree planting wells located at the front of parking stalls shall contain a minimum of 25
square feet, and the smallest inside dimension shall not be less than 5 feet.
c. Landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls shall be a minimum 5 feet wide, the
same length as the adjacent parking space, and shall contain a 12-inch-wide concrete
monolith pour or curb and "step-out." in addition to the planter width. The length of the
planter shall be, at a minimum, the same as the adjacent parking space.
9. Please see the City of Menifee Landscape Standards Design Guidelines for additional
applicable standards for parking lot landscaping.
Figure 9.195.040-1 Parking Lot Landscaping
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-1
Chapter 9.215 Parking and Loading Standards
9.215.040 Development Standards
In the case of mixed land uses, the total number of parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements
for the various uses computed separately unless shared parking is approved.
The following Table 9.215.040-1, Parking Requirements, is designed to allow calculation of parking spaces
required for the uses shown.
Table 9.220.040-1 Parking Requirements
Use Per Square Foot or Unit
or Student
Other Criteria For Vehicle Stacking
General Commercial/Retail Uses
Automobile repair and service
1 space per 150 sq. ft.
gross floor area (not including
building for service bays)
4 spaces per service
Banks and financial institutions 1 space per 250 sq. ft.
gross floor area
Stacking for 6 vehicles
prior to the drive-up
Furniture and home furnishing
1 space per 750 sq. ft. of sale
or display area
Clubs, discos, ballrooms,
cabarets, cocktail lounges,
dance halls, lodges &
incidental dancing areas, and
similar facilities where dancing
is the principal use
1 space per 30 sq. ft. of dance
floor area
General retail 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of
gross floor area See 9.220.040.A.1
Personal Services (barber,
beauty, nails, etc.)
1 space per 150 sq. ft.
gross floor area
Professional business offices 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of
floor area
Restaurants or similar use,
including drive-through
8 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of
gross floor area
1 space per
2 employees
Stacking for 6 vehicles
prior to the menu
board, or as required
by a traffic impact
Self-Storage, public storage
facilities 2 spaces per
3 employees
Recreational Uses
Amusement parks including
multiple activities (such as
simulated flying, racing, and
mini gold etc.), and arcades
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of gross
floor area
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-2
Table 9.220.040-1 Parking Requirements
Use Per Square Foot or Unit
or Student
Other Criteria For Vehicle Stacking
Auditoriums, event centers,
bingo operations, and assembly
areas, including live
1 space per 30 sq. ft. of net
assembly area 1 space per 3 seats
Billiard and pool rooms, bowling
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of gross
floor area
Game courts, badminton,
tennis, racquetball 1 space per court
Golf Course 4 spaces per hole
Golf driving ranges (not in
association with full-scale
1 space per tee
Health and Fitness
clubs/gymnasiums, indoor
1 space per 200 sq. ft. of gross
floor area
Parks and recreational areas,
1 space per 8,000 sq. ft. of
active recreational area within
a park or playground
1 space per acre of
passive recreational
area within a park
or playground
Sports and recreational facilities
(not including motor driven
vehicles and riding academies,
but including archery ranges,
athletic playgrounds, athletic
fields, sports arenas, skating
rinks, stadiums, and commercial
swimming pools)
1 space per 30 sq. ft. of net
assembly area
Theaters 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of gross
floor area 1 space per 3 seats
Industrial Uses
Industrial uses
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of
office area, PLUS 1 space per
500 sq. ft. of fabrication area,
PLUS 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
of storage area, AND 1 space
per 500 sq. ft. of floor plan
which is uncommitted to any
type of use
Manufacturing or repair plants
maintaining more than one shift
of workers Research and
1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. of
gross floor area1 space per
300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-3
Table 9.220.040-1 Parking Requirements
Use Per Square Foot or Unit
or Student
Other Criteria For Vehicle Stacking
Warehouse, Logistics and
Distribution Facility used
exclusively for storage
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of
gross floor area of warehouse,
plus 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of
office use 1 space per 1,000
sq. ft. of gross floor area for
the first 100,000 sq. ft.; 1
space per 1,500 sq. ft. for any
additional gross floor area
between 100,000 to 500,000
sq. ft.; 1 space per 2,000 sq.
ft. of additional gross floor
area over 500,000 sq. ft.; plus
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of
office use
Fulfillment Center
subject to parking
Residential Uses
Single-family 2 spaces per dwelling unit
Duplex (two-family dwelling) 2 spaces per dwelling unit
Multiple-family: single bedroom
or studio 1.00 spaces per unit
Multiple-family: two bedrooms 1.50 spaces per unit
Multiple-family: three or more
bedrooms 2.50 spaces per unit 1 space per
Planned residential
development: single-bedroom
or studio
1.25 spaces per unit
Planned residential
development: two or more
2.5 spaces per unit
Senior citizen development 1.25 per unit
Mobile home park
2 spaces per travel trailer or
mobile home space; spaces
may be tandem
1 guest space per 8
mobile home
Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) See 9.300.020 See 9.220.040.A.4
below See 9.300.020
Multi-family and Mixed Use
Residential guest 1 space per each 10 dwelling
Lodging Uses
Boarding houses, lodging or
rooming houses, dormitories,
fraternity and sorority houses
1 space per guest
Hotels and motels
1 space per guest
room PLUS 1 space
per 300 sq. ft. of
or ballrooms
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-4
Table 9.220.040-1 Parking Requirements
Use Per Square Foot or Unit
or Student
Other Criteria For Vehicle Stacking
Recreational vehicle 1 space per recreational
vehicle site
1 visitor space per 5
recreational vehicle
Medical Uses
Assisted living and community
care facilities 1 space per
3 employees
1 space per 3 beds,
PLUS 1 space per
vehicle owned and
operated by the
1 space per
member of
largest shift
1 space per 2
patient beds, PLUS
1 space per vehicle
owned and
operated by
hospital or clinic
Offices, clinics, including but not
limited to medical, urgent care,
eye care, dental and
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
of net leasable floor area
Small animal hospitals and
veterinary services (no outdoor
1 space per 300 sq. ft.
of gross floor area
Civic/Religious Institutions
Art gallery, library, reading room,
museum 1 space per 400 sq. ft.
of gross floor area 1 space per 2
Cemeteries 1 space per 50 sq. ft
of net assembly room area
1 space per
1 space per vehicle
operated on the
grounds by the
Funeral parlor, mortuary with
1 space per 50 sq. ft.
of net assembly area
1 space per
Religious institutions
1 space per 50 sq. ft.
of net assembly area
used simultaneously
for assembly purposes
Public Utilities
Public utility substations and
storage buildings 1 space per
2 employees
1 space per vehicle
kept in connection
with the use
Educational Institutions
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-5
Table 9.220.040-1 Parking Requirements
Use Per Square Foot or Unit
or Student
Other Criteria For Vehicle Stacking
Day care centers, including
nurseries and preschools
1 space per
2 employees
PLUS 1 space
per 5
based on
Elementary and junior high
1.5 spaces per classroom PLUS
1 space per 5 fixed seats in
auditorium, gymnasium, or
similar public assembly facility
space for at least 2
school buses, or as
required by a traffic
impact assessment
High schools 8 spaces per classroom
space for at least 2
school buses
Colleges, universities, business
colleges, commercial schools
1 space per
spaces per
10 students
based on
Trade and vocational schools 1 space per 35 SF or
instruction gross floor area OR
2 spaces per
3 people
based on
number of
students and
A. Conditions and Exceptions. The following are conditions and exceptions to the requirements of
Table 9.215.040-1, Parking Requirements.
1. Existing, permitted, non-residential uses on lots less than 6,500 square feet are exempt from
the parking requirements.
2. Up to 2,500 square feet of floor area of non-residential uses in existing vertical mixed-use
buildings are exempt from the parking requirements.
3. No minimum requirement for residential or mixed-use reuse of listed historic structures.
4. Multi-family and mixed-use guest parking. Guest parking spaces shall be distributed
throughout multi-family development sites and the residential portion of the mixed-use
development in a manner that allows an ease of use between the guest space and the location
of the residential units. Guest spaces shall be marked as such and shall remain available for
visitors to the property. In mixed use projects, these spaces are not to be used as additional
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-6
parking for permanent residents or count towards required commercial parking within a
mixed commercial/residential development.
5. Unless otherwise specified, all parking must be within 600 feet of the use served, on the same
parcel as the use or on an adjoining appropriately zoned parcel.
6. All vehicle storage (stacking) spaces shall be located off-street. A driveway for stacking leading
to a drive-up window shall be designed so as not to interfere with the free or orderly
circulation of the parking area. See Section 9.240.090 Drive-Through and Drive-In Facilities for
stacking space dimensions.
7. Commercial parking stalls shall be within a building or screened with a combination of walls
and landscaping. An alternative screening structure/device may be approved by the approval
8. Residential parking requirements set forth in this Chapter shall be provided within a parking
structure or enclosed one- and two-car garages, except that for multiple family residences,
condominiums, planned residential developments and senior citizen planned residential
developments, at least one of the required parking spaces per unit shall be located in a garage
or carport. Parking spaces shall be assigned to each individual unit. Individual one- and two-
car garages shall maintain a minimum clear parking area of not less than 10 feet by 20 feet for
a one-car garage and not less than 20 feet by 20 feet for a two-car garage. No storage cabinets,
areas designated for trash cans or recyclable containers, or mechanical equipment, including
but not limited to, water heaters, utility sinks or washers and dryers, shall encroach into the
required parking area.
9. The total number of required parking spaces may be reduced by the amount necessary to
accommodate electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), if the EVCS and associated equipment
interferes with, reduces, eliminates, or in any way impacts the required parking spaces for
existing uses (for additional EVCS provisions, see Section 9.220.100 Electric/Alternative Fuel
Vehicle Parking).
B. Layout Design Standards.
1. Location of Parking Areas
a. No parking space shall be located within 3 feet of any property line.
b. No parking space on a driveway providing direct access to a street shall be located closer
than 30 feet from the property line at the right-of-way.
C. Parking Space Specifications.
1. The location and dimensions of parking spaces and aisles adjacent to parking spaces shall be
provided in accordance with Table 9.215.040-2, Dimensions of Parking Spaces and Aisles.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-7
Table 9.215.040-2 Dimensions of Parking Spaces and Aisles
to Curb
or Wall
to Wall
or Curb
Depth to
Aisle Width
to Interlock
Double Bay
Wall to
Bay (feet)
Label A B C D E F G Not
Shown H
90 o 9.0 18.0 9.0 18.0 18.0 24.0 60.0 60.0 60.0
75 o 9.0 18.0 9.5 19.5 18.5 21.0 59.0 60.0 58.0
60 o 9.0 18.0 10.5 20.0 17.75 17.5 55.25 57.5 53.0
45 o 9.0 18.0 13.0 19.0 15.75 15.0 49.75 53.0 46.5
0 o 9.0 22.0 NA 9.0 22.0 12.0 43.0 33.0 NA
(1) Aisles used for fire access shall not be less than 24 feet in width. Aisle widths below 24 feet can only be used for one-way traffic.
Figure 9.260.040-2 Reference Drawing for Minimum Parking Dimensions
2. The width of driveways for one-family and two-family dwellings shall be 12 feet, and 24 feet
for all other multifamily and non-residential uses, except as otherwise modified by the
approval authority. All driveways located within a road right-of-way shall be approved by the
City Engineer. Where parallel parking is allowed, the minimum width shall be increased by 8
feet for parking on one side and by 16 feet for parking on both sides.
3. Stub streets in excess of 150 feet shall have a minimum 45-foot radius turnaround at the end,
or as otherwise approved by the Riverside County Fire Department/Cal Fire.
D. Off-Street Parking Area Striping
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-8
1. If five or more parking spaces are provided, each space shall be clearly marked with white
paint or other easily distinguishable material.
2. If ten or more parking spaces are provided and one-way aisles are used, directional signs or
arrows painted on the surface shall be used to properly direct traffic.
E. Drainage
1. All parking areas, including driveways, shall be graded to prevent ponding and to minimize
drainage runoff from entering adjoining properties.
F. Curbs, Bumpers, Wheel Stops or Similar Devices
1. Public parking areas shall be equipped with permanent curbs, bumpers, wheel stops or similar
devices so that parked vehicles do not overhang required walkways, planters or landscaped
a. If the method used is designed to stop the wheel rather than the bumper of the vehicle,
the stopping edge shall be placed no closer than 2 feet from the edge of any required
walkway, planter or landscaped area, or from any building.
b. The innermost 2 feet of each parking space, between the wheel stop or other barrier,
and any required planter or walkway, may either be paved or be planted with low ground
2. This additional planting area is considered part of the parking space and may not be counted
toward satisfying any landscaping requirement(s).
G. Lighting
1. Parking area lighting is not required. However, if parking areas are lighted, such lighting
facilities shall be located to prevent lights from shining directly onto adjoining properties or
2. Parking area lighting shall be of an energy-efficient type. Parking area lighting shall be
consistent with Chapter 9.205, Lighting Standards and Chapter 6.01, Dark Sky Lighting
Requirements of the Menifee Municipal Code.
H. Walls
1. All paved parking areas, other than those required for single-family residential uses, which
adjoin property zoned residentially, shall have a 6-foot-high solid masonry wall with an anti-
graffiti coating installed to preclude a view of the parking area from such adjoining property.
However, any walls within 10 feet of any street or alley shall be 30 inches high.
I. Loading Space Requirements
1. On each lot used for manufacturing, storage, warehousing, goods display, a department store,
a wholesale store, a market, a hotel, a hospital, a laundry, dry cleaning or other uses which
involve the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, adequate loading
space for delivery vehicle stacking and for loading activities shall be provided and maintained.
The loading space and delivery vehicle stacking area shall be located and designed so as to
avoid undue interference with parking, or the public use of streets and alleys.
2. Each required loading space shall be ten feet wide, twenty-five feet long, and fourteen feet of
unobstructed vertical height.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-9
3. Turning Radius. All loading areas shall be provided with an adequate turning radius. An
adequate turning radius means one which will enable a vehicle to maneuver into and out of
the loading area without backing onto a street or highway.
4. Screening shall be provided consistent with Chapter 9.185, Fences, walls and screening.
Gross Floor Area (square feet) Number of Loading Spaces
7,499 or less 0
7,500 to 14,999 1
15,000 to 24,999 2
25,000 to 39,999 3
40,000 to 59,999 4
60,000 to 79,999 5
80,000 to 100,000 6
For each additional 100,000 6 plus 1
J. Parking for Persons with Disabilities
Parking spaces shall be provided for access by persons with disabilities in accordance with
California Code of Regulations, Title 24.
K. Bicycle Parking Facilities
1. Bicycle Parking Facility Classifications. Bicycle parking facilities shall be classified as follows:
a. Class I. Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles.
b. Class II. Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks, where the bicyclist
supplies only a padlock.
c. Class III. Lockable, permanently anchored bicycle racks, where the bicyclist supplies a
padlock and chain or cable to secure the bicycle to the stationary object, typically a
cement slab or vertical metal bar.
2. Bicycle Parking Requirements.
a. Minimum Bicycle Parking Facilities. The minimum bicycle parking shall be provided per
Table 9.215.040-5, Bicycle Spaces for Bicycle Parking Facility Class.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-10
Table 9.215.040-5 Bicycle Spaces for Bicycle Parking Facility Class
Bicycle Spaces for Bicycle Parking Facility Class
1 bicycle space for every
25 parking spaces
required. A minimum of 2
bicycle spaces required.
Type: Class I or Class II
1 bicycle space for every
25 parking spaces
required. A minimum of 2
bicycle spaces required.
Type: Class I or Class II
1 bicycle space for every
25 parking spaces
required. A minimum of 2
bicycle spaces required.
Type: Class I or Class II
A minimum of 2 bicycle
spaces required.
Type: Class I, II, or III
Patrons or
visitors Type: N/A
1 bicycle space for every
25 parking spaces
required. A minimum of 2
bicycle spaces required.
Type: Class I, II or III
1 bicycle space for every
25 parking spaces
required. A minimum of 2
bicycle spaces required.
Type: Class I, II, or III
Tenants N/A N/A N/A
1 bicycle space for every
20 parking spaces
required. A minimum of 2
bicycle spaces required.
Type: Class I, II, or III
1. Where the application of the provisions in the above table results in the requirement for a fraction of a bicycle parking space,
such a space need not be provided unless the fraction exceeds 50 percent.
2. Where the application of the provisions in the above table results in the requirement of fewer than six employee spaces, Class
II racks need not be placed within an enclosed lockable area.
b. Design Standards. Bicycle parking facilities shall be installed in a manner which allows
adequate spacing for access to the bicycle and the locking device when the facilities are
occupied. General space allowances shall include a 2-foot width and a 6-foot length per
bicycle and a 5-foot-wide maneuvering space behind the bicycle. The facilities shall be
located on a hard, dust-free surface, preferably asphalt or concrete.
c. Exemptions. Requests for exemptions from bicycle parking requirements shall be made
in writing to the approval authority.
i. Exemptions from bicycle parking requirements shall be submitted and processed
concurrently with the project application.
ii. Exemptions may be granted depending upon the location of the site with respect to
an urbanized area, the nature and hours of operation of the proposed use, and the
accessibility of the site by bicycle at present and in the future.
9.215.070 Alternative Programs for Parking
A. A residential, commercial or industrial project may provide for alternative programs which reduce
parking demand in return for a reduction in the number of off-street parking spaces required.
Parking reductions can be combined for a maximum reduction of 15% of the required parking
standard unless stated otherwise.
B. Alternative programs that may be considered by the approval authority under this provision
include, but are not limited to, the following:
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-11
1. Private Carpool/Vanpool Operations. Office or industrial developments which guarantee
preferred parking spaces to employees who participate regularly in a carpool or vanpool may
have their parking requirement reduced by 2 parking spaces for every one space which is
marked for a carpool or vanpool at a preferred location.
2. Mass Transit. Developments which are located within 150 feet of a mass transit facility may
have their parking requirement reduced by 2% of the total number of required parking spaces.
3. Bicycle Parking. Developments which provide secured bicycle parking facilities exceeding the
minimum requirement may reduce the number of required parking spaces by one vehicle
space for every three additional bicycle spaces provided.
4. Shared Parking Requirements. The approval authority may, upon application by the owner or
lessee of any property, authorize shared use of parking facilities under the following
a. Sufficient evidence shall be presented to the approval authority to demonstrate that no
substantial conflict in the principal hours or periods of peak demand will exist between
the uses or structures which propose to share parking.
b. The building or use for which an application for shared parking is being made shall be
located within 300 feet of the parking area to be shared.
c. No more than 50% of the parking space requirement shall be met through shared parking.
d. Parties sharing off-street parking facilities shall provide evidence of a reciprocal parking
agreement for such joint use by a proper legal instrument recorded in the office of the
County Recorder with the number of copies as required and thereof filed with the City
5. Roadway Improvements and/or Dedications. A commercial/industrial project that provides
roadway improvements that exceed the improvements required by this Code and/or
improvements recommended by an eligible traffic study may be eligible for up to a 5%
reduction to parking required by this Chapter 9.220. Eligibility for a reduction in required
parking pursuant to this Paragraph shall be determined by the Community Development
Director and Public Works Director in their sole discretion.
6. Lot Consolidation. Developments involving lot consolidation and the elimination of existing
legal non-conforming uses/structures/properties totaling a minimum of 5 gross acres may be
eligible for up to a 5% reduction to parking required by this Chapter 9.220, provided that the
adequacy of the proposed parking can be demonstrated in a parking study approved by the
Community Development Director and Public Works Director. Eligibility for a reduction in
required parking pursuant to this Paragraph, and the amount of said reduction, if any, shall
be determined by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director in their
sole discretion.
7. Renewable Energy. A commercial/industrial development that installs a solar photovoltaic
(PV) system or otherwise acquire energy from a local utility that has been generated by
renewable sources, sufficient to power 100% of the anticipated initial improvements for the
facility may be eligible for up to a 5% reduction to parking required by this Chapter 9.220.
Each building shall include an electrical system and other infrastructure sufficiently sized to
accommodate the PV arrays. The electrical system and infrastructure must be clearly labeled
with noticeable and permanent signage. Documentation shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Community Development Director prior to approval for this renewable
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.215-12
energy incentive. Eligibility for a reduction in required parking pursuant to this Paragraph, and
the amount of said reduction, if any, shall be determined by the Community Development
Director and Public Works Director in their sole discretion.
8. Landscape Setback. Industrial developments that provide additional front yard landscaping
(along the entire frontage) beyond the first 25 feet may reduce required parking as follows:
a. 1% for additional 5 feet
b. 3% for additional 10 feet
c. 5% for additional 15 feet
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-1
Chapter 9.220 Sign Regulations
9.220.040 Prohibited Signs
The signs listed in this section are inconsistent with the purposes and requirements of this chapter and as
such are prohibited in all zoning districts, unless specifically authorized by another provision of this
A. Any sign inconsistent with the requirements of this chapter.
B. Roof signs or signs placed above the roofline, except if allowed as part of an approved master sign
C. Blinking and flashing signs.
C. D. Can signs.
D. E. Pennants, banners, A-frame ("sandwich board") signs, and flags displaying a commercial message
unless allowed through a temporary sign permit.
E. F. Signs which are mobile, rotate or move, except if allowed as part of an approved master sign
F. G. Signs which block a pedestrian path of travel.
G. H. Obscene or unlawful advertising.
H. I. Off-site commercial signs, except as provided in Section 9.225.150 (Allowed Off-Site Signage).
I. J. Signs placed in the public right-of-way or affixed to an element or structure on the public right-
of-way, or located on a tree, fence, utility pole or other item located on public property, except
where required by a governmental agency.
J. K. Inflatable balloon signs, including, but not limited to, individual balloons, balloon strings and other
inflatable objects made of a flexible material and inflated so as to be lighter than air, except if
approved as part of a temporary sign permit for a property occupied by an auto center. This
category also includes air-activated or air-blown signs and "air dancer" signs.
K. L. Neon-style signs with or without exposed tubing, except as otherwise permitted for commercially
zoned property and as part of exempt window signage as described in 9.225.050.
L. M. Painted signs, such as signs painted on a fence, unless a noncommercial mural or part of a master
sign program.
M. N. Signs affixed to vehicles or trailers that advertise or promote a business that are the primary
purpose of the vehicle (e.g., rolling billboard). This prohibition does not apply to signs
permanently affixed to the side of a business or commercial vehicle (e.g., vehicle wraps on a
delivery or service vehicle) or to signs required by state or federal law (e.g., contractor's license
N. O. Signs attached to light standards unless part of a master sign program or the City's street banner
O. P. Signs affixed to or placed on a structure or property not owned by the person installing the signs
without the written consent of the structure or property owner.
P. Q. Signs that are dilapidated, abandoned or in disrepair or dangerous condition.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-2
Q. R. Pole signs.
R. S. Any sign not expressly authorized pursuant to this chapter.
9.220.060 Application Process
A. Method of application. An application for a standard sign permit, temporary sign permit or master
sign program shall be made on the form(s) prescribed by the Community Development
Department. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established by resolution
of the City Council.
B. Review authority. The Community Development Director, or his/her designee, shall be the review
and decision-making authority for all sign permits required by this chapter, unless the sign permit
application is accompanied by a variance request and/or is not exempt from review under the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). For sign permit applications accompanied by a
variance request and/or that are not exempt from CEQA, the Planning Commission shall be the
review and decision-making authority. In addition, the Community Development Director may, on
a case-by-case basis, refer an application for a minor master sign program to the Planning
Commission, in which case the Planning Commission shall be the review and decision-making
authority for that application.
C. Processing of applications.
1. Completeness. The Community Development Director shall determine whether an
application contains all the necessary information and items. If it is determined that the
application is not complete, the applicant shall be notified personally or in writing., within 5
business days for temporary sign permits, 15 business days for standard sign permits and 30
business days for master sign programs, of the date of receipt of the application that the
application is not complete and the reasons therefor, including a listing of any additional
information necessary to render the application complete. The time frames set forth in this
paragraph are subject to reasonable extension by the Community Development Director if
notification from the City within such time frames is infeasible due to, for example, a holiday
2. Disqualification. A sign application shall not be approved if:
a. The applicant has installed a sign in violation of the provisions of this chapter and, at the
time of submission of the application, each illegal sign has not been legalized, removed
or included in the application.
b. There is any other existing code violation on the site of the proposed sign(s) (other than
an illegal or nonconforming sign that is not owned or controlled by the applicant and is
located at a different business location on the site from that for which the approval is
sought) which has not been cured at the time of the application, unless the
noncompliance is proposed to be cured as part of the proposed sign(s).
c. The application is substantially the same as an application previously denied, unless (i) 12
months have elapsed since the date of the last application, or (ii) new evidence or proof
of changed conditions is furnished in the new application.
d. The applicant has not obtained any applicable required use permit.
D. Multiple sign applications. When an application proposes two or more signs, the application may
be granted either in whole or in part, with separate decisions as to each proposed sign.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-3
E. Temporary or standard sign permit issuance. The Community Development Director shall issue a
temporary sign permit within 5 calendar days of an application being deemed complete if the
Community Development Director determines the proposed signs are in conformance with the
requirements of this code. The Community Development Director shall issue a standard sign
permit within 30 calendar days of an application being deemed complete if the Community
Development Director determines the proposed signs are in conformance with the requirements
of this code.
F. Master sign program approval. The Community Development Director shall approve a master sign
program, if exempt from CEQA and if no variance is required, if the Community Development
Director determines the proposed signs are in conformance with the requirements of this code,
and the design, location and scale of proposed signs for the integrated development are in keeping
with the architectural character of the development. The Community Development Director may
impose conditions in order to ensure compliance with this chapter and to prevent an adverse or
detrimental impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Community Development Director may
approve deviation from the requirements of this chapter where deemed consistent with the intent
of the chapter.
G. Form of decision. The Community Development Director's decision concerning a temporary sign
permit, a standard sign permit or a master sign program shall be in writing and delivered to the
applicant personally, electronically or via mail at the address provided on the application. The
processing time periods set forth in this section may be waived by the applicant. If a decision is not
rendered within the time periods described in this section, or as otherwise agreed to by the
applicant, the application shall be deemed denied.
H. Permits issued in error or in conflict with this chapter. Any approval or permit issued in error may
be summarily revoked by the City upon written notice to the holder of the reason for the
revocation. Any permit or authorization of any type issued in conflict with the provisions of this
chapter shall be null and void.
I. Inspections. Inspection and approval of foundations, as well as a building permit, are required
when a sign includes a footing design. The purpose of such inspection is to allow the inspector to
verify the size and depth of excavated footing, reinforcement method and the like. All signs subject
to this permit requirement require final inspection and approval by both the Community
Development Department and the Building and Safety Department.
9.220.130 Permanent On-Site Sign Standards
A. Purpose and intent. All permanent on-site signs, unless specifically exempt from permitting
requirements under this chapter, require a sign permit as described in this chapter. Except as
provided in divisions (d) through (h) of this section, permanent on-site signs shall be consistent
with the standards listed in Table 9.220.130-1 (Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs) as
listed by base zoning district.
B. General sign development and design requirements. The following general design requirements
shall apply to permanent on-site signs.
1. Design compatibility with building. Signs shall be compatible with the architectural style of
the primary building or buildings on the site where the sign is located. Signs located on
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-4
commercial sites but in a predominantly residential area shall consider compatibility with such
residential area. In determining whether a sign is compatible, the Community Development
Director may consider the form, proportion, scale, color, materials, surface treatment, overall
sign size and the size and style of lettering.
2. Sign illumination. The artificial illumination of signs, either from an internal or external
source, shall be designed so as not to cast stray light on surrounding rights-of-way and
properties. The following requirements shall apply to all illuminated signs:
a. External light sources shall be directed and shielded to limit direct illumination of an
object other than the sign.
b. The light from an illuminated sign shall not be of an intensity or brightness that will create
glare or other negative impacts on residential properties in direct line of sight to the sign.
c. Unless otherwise permitted by another requirement of this chapter, signs shall not have
blinking, flashing or fluttering lights, or other illumination devices that have a changing
light intensity, brightness or color.
d. Colored lights shall not be used at a location or in a manner so as to be confused or
constructed as traffic control devices.
e. Light sources shall utilize energy-efficient fixtures to the greatest extent possible and
shall comply with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, as well as with all
applicable provisions of this code, including Chapter 6.01 (Dark Sky; Light Pollution).
C. Development and design standards for specific sign types. The following additional requirements
shall apply to the specific sign types identified:
1. Awning, canopy and umbrella signs. Awning, canopy and umbrella signs may be permitted
only as an integral part of the awning, canopy or umbrella to which they are attached or
applied. They shall be considered wall signs for signage area calculation purposes; however,
if the sign does not contain any text, it shall not be considered a sign for allowable signage
area calculation purposes. Awning signs shall only be allowed for first- and second-story
occupancies, and temporary signs shall not be placed on or attached to awnings, canopies or
umbrellas unless authorized pursuant to a temporary sign permit.
2. Monument signs. Monument signs shall only be permitted as follows:
a. In an effort to promote full architectural integration of signs, voids between the sign face
and the sign structure are prohibited. Either the sign face shall utilize the full width of the
sign structure or coverings that are architecturally consistent with the rest of the sign
shall be used to fill any voids.
b. Materials and design for freestanding signs shall be complementary to the materials and
design of the buildings for the related development. For example, if the facade of the
building is made of brick or brick veneer, a complementary monument sign would also
include brick.
c. For monument signs in multitenant centers, the name of the center shall not be
calculated in the maximum sign area. Rather, the name of the center shall have a
separate maximum sign area of 8 square feet. All tenant signs shall have a minimum letter
height of 8 inches. The maximum number of tenants is four tenants on each sign face.
The two sign faces of a monument sign are not required to be identical in terms of tenant
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-5
d. Landscaping shall be provided at the base of the sign. At a minimum, the landscape area
shall be equal to the area of the sign. The approval authority may reduce this ratio during
formal project review if found necessary and/or appropriate for the overall design of the
proposed project. Landscaping shall be complementary to the landscaping for the overall
site, shall be appropriately irrigated and shall include floral arrangements that include
drought-tolerant annuals and perennials, which are designed to facilitate maintenance
as well as to enhance aesthetic quality. The design of the landscaping shall be such that
natural growth will not obscure the sign from the public right-of-way.
3. Projecting signs. Projecting signs, including, but not limited to, blade signs, bracket signs and
marquee signs, shall be considered wall signs for the purposes of sign area calculations.
Projecting signs shall only be permitted as follows:
a. Location. Projecting signs shall be placed only on ground-floor facades, except for
businesses located above the ground level with direct exterior pedestrian access and shall
be spaced to maximize visibility of the signage.
b. Angle of projection. Projecting signs shall be located either at right angles to the building
front along the building facade, or, when located on the corner of a building, at a 45-
degree angle to the corner of the building.
c. Height. The lowest point of a projecting sign shall be a minimum of 8 feet above grade.
d. Projection and suspension. The sign may project a maximum of 5.5 feet from the building
and shall be suspended with a clear space of at least 6 inches between the sign and the
e. Sign structure. Sign supports and brackets shall be compatible with the design and scale
of the sign.
f. Encroachment. Blade, bracket or marquee signs may not encroach into the public right-
of-way or be located above it, into a designated emergency vehicle/fire access lane or
into City-owned property without first obtaining an encroachment permit.
4. Wall signs.
a. Signs should not obscure or cover architectural elements or decorative features of the
building. A building’s architectural style and overall proportions should guide the design
and placement of signs and the sign types selected for each business. The size and shape
of a sign should be proportionate with the scale of the structure and/or architectural
feature on which the sign is placed.
b. Wall sign raceways shall be concealed from public view (e.g., within the building wall or
otherwise integrated with the design of the sign and building) so as to not detract from
the architectural character of the building.
c. Channel letters, reverse channel letters and pushpin letters are required. Use of can signs
is prohibited.
d. Signage containing multiple elements (e.g., logo and text) on one facade shall be designed
so that the multiple elements are located and scaled with relationship to each other.
e. Wall signs shall not extend more than seventy-five percent of the suite length for multi-
tenant buildings or seventy-five percent of the facade/architectural element that the sign
is placed on for a single tenant or multi-tenant buildings.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-6
f. Signs shall be placed in a manner that is consistent with the proportion and scale of
architectural elements on the building facade.
g. For businesses with more than one permitted wall mounted sign, the second sign shall not
exceed eighty percent, third seventy percent, and fourth sixty percent of the maximum
allowable sign area for the corresponding frontages.
Figure9.220.130-1 Appropriate Wall Sign Placement
5. Neon-style signs. Neon-style signs for business identification are only permitted in
commercial zoning districts as part of a master sign program, except that up to two signs not
exceeding 4 square feet (combined) of neon-style window signage shall be allowed by right in
all districts. Neon tubing shall be fully enclosed in a metal frame and covered with Plexiglas.
Neon-style banding of buildings for architectural detailing is prohibited.
6. Menu/order board signs for drive-in and drive-through uses. Each drive-in or drive-through
use is permitted two menu/order board signs and one clearance bar per drive-through lane.
Such menu/order board signs and clearance bars shall not count as signs for purposes of Table
9.220.130-1 (Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs), either in terms of number or
area. The maximum height for a menu/order board sign shall be 6 feet and the maximum area
allowed for each sign is 75 square feet. No alterations or additions (e.g., rider signs) along the
exterior of a menu/order board sign or clearance bar are permitted.
7. Home Occupation and Home-based businesses. Provided the business is properly licensed
and in compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations, signage for home occupation
and home-based businesses shall comply with Chapter 9.320.050.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-7
8. Regional centers and automobile centers. The maximum number of signs permitted,
maximum area and maximum height of signs for regional shopping and automobile centers
shall be determined as part of a master sign program. In addition to the allowable signage set
forth in Table 9.220.130-1, regional centers and automobile centers are allowed one
additional monument sign, with a maximum height of 55 feet, a maximum width of 20 feet, a
maximum of two sign faces and a maximum sign area of 480 square feet per sign face
(including center identification).
9. Movie theaters. Permissible signage and associated regulations for movie theaters shall be as
determined as part of a master sign program.
10. Service stations. Signs for service stations shall be consistent with the standards in Table
9.220.130-2 (Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs for Service Stations).
D. Format and organization of standards. The signage standards listed below are summarized, where
applicable, in table format for ease of use and organization. Concepts described in these tables are
as follows.
1. Collective sign area. Allowable sign area either is a set square footage per establishment or is
based on a ratio of allowable sign area to primary building frontage (e.g., 1 square foot of sign
per 1 linear foot of primary building frontage, or 1 sf:1 lf). Where a ratio is described, it applies
to the maximum sign area listed in Table 9.220.130-1 (Signage Standards for Permanent On-
Site Signs). Sign area is calculated pursuant to Section 9.220.120 (Sign Measurement
Standards). The total sign area allowed herein for each sign type may be distributed among
the maximum number of signs permitted for that sign type. For commercial, office and mixed-
use zoning districts, there are additional wall sign allowances for sub-establishments.
2. Mixed-use zoning districts. In mixed-use zoning districts, signage for residential uses shall be
consistent with the standards for residential zoning districts (e.g., as if the development were
in a residential zoning district). For nonresidential uses, signs shall be consistent with the
standards for commercial and office zoning districts.
Table 9.220.130-1 Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs (1)
Use Type Sign Type
Development Standards
Maximum Number
Aggregate Area (1)
Residential Zoning Districts
Institution Wall sign 1 sign per establishment 20 sf Roofline
Monument sign 1 sign per establishment 24 sf 6 ft.
Multi-family complex,
<=12 units
Wall sign 1 sign per street frontage,
maximum 2 signs 12 sf
Roofline or 20 ft.,
whichever is less
Monument sign 6 ft.
Multi-family complex, >
12 units
Wall sign 1 sign per street frontage,
maximum 2 signs 24 sf
Roofline or 20 ft.,
whichever is less
Monument sign 6 ft.
Permanent subdivision
identification sign
Wall sign 2 signs per development entry 24 sf (2) 6 ft.
Monument sign 6 ft.
School Wall sign 2 per school 20 sf Roofline
Monument sign 50 sf 20 ft.
Commercial and Office Zoning Districts
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-8
Table 9.220.130-1 Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs (1)
Use Type Sign Type
Development Standards
Maximum Number
Aggregate Area (1)
Establishments not in a
multitenant center
Wall sign
1 wall sign per
building face,
max 3
Max 4 signs
total between
both types
1 sf: 1 lf Roofline or 20 ft.,
whichever is less
Monument sign 1 sign per street
frontage, max 2 32 sf 8 ft.
establishments under
100,000 square feet in a
multitenant center
Wall sign, primary
1 sign per establishment per
building face, max 3 1 sf :1 lf, Roofline or 20 ft.,
whichever is less Wall sign, sub-
1 sign per sub-establishment
building face, max 2 1 sf: 1 lf,
Monument 1 sign per street frontage (3 & 4) 32 sf (4) 8 ft.
Retail establishments
over 100,000 square
feet (freestanding or
within multitenant
Wall signs, primary
6 signs total (maximum 4 signs
per building face) 1 sf :1 lf max Cannot project
above wall plane Wall sign, sub-
1 sign per sub-establishment
building face, max 3 1 sf :1 lf
Monument signs 1 per street frontage (3 & 4) 72 sf 12 ft.
Office establishments in
a multitenant center
with two stories or less
Wall sign
1 sign per establishment (not
per tenant) per building face,
max 2
1 sf :1 lf,
Letter height may
not exceed: 2'6"
Logo height may
not exceed: 4'
Monument sign 1 sign per building per street
frontage (3) 32 sf (4) 8 ft.
Office establishments in
a multitenant center
with three stories or
Wall sign
2 building identification signs or
primary tenant identification
signs and 6 secondary tenant
identification signs
3 story - 175 sf
4 story - 200 sf
5 story - 225 sf
Letter height may
not exceed:
3 story - 2'10"
4 story - 3'
5 story - 3'4"
Logo height may
not exceed:
3 story - 4'6"
4 story - 4'10"
5 story - 5'4"
Monument Sign 1 sign per street frontage (3) 32 sf (5) 8 ft.
Industrial Zoning Districts
All establishments Wall sign 1 sign per establishment per
building face, max 2
1 sf :1 lf, max 150 sf
total per
Monument sign 1 sign per street frontage (3) 32 sf (5) 8 ft.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 4, Page 9.220-9
Table 9.220.130-1 Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs (1)
Use Type Sign Type
Development Standards
Maximum Number
Aggregate Area (1)
Table Notes:
1. Signage required by the Fire District's standards for multi-family and commercial/industrial facilities are exempt from
the limits set forth in this table.
2. Subdivision entrance sign areas may be increased based on the subdivision name and architectural enhancement,
subject to approval authority review.
3. May be increased to 2 per street frontage when signs are spaced a minimum of 300 feet apart. Alternatively, the
maximum area may be increased to 48 square feet when the site frontage is longer than 500 feet. In no case may
these two allowances be combined.
4. On multitenant monument signs, the name of the center shall not be calculated in the maximum sign area. Rather, the
name of the center shall have a separate maximum sign area of 8 square feet.
5. May be increased to 2 per street frontage when signs are spaced a minimum of 300 feet apart, but additional signs
allowed per this section cannot exceed 8 feet in height and 32 square feet in area.
Table 9.220.130-2 Signage Standards for Permanent On-Site Signs for Service Stations
Sign Type(1)
Development Standards
Maximum Number Permitted Maximum
Aggregate Area(2) Maximum Height
Monument 1 sign per street
frontage, max 2
Max 5 signs total
between all types
36 sf 8 ft.
Wall sign, primary
1 sign per street
frontage, max 2 2 sf :1 lf, max 50 sf
Wall sign, canopy 1 sign per street
frontage Roofline
Wall Sign, sub-
establishment 1 sign per sub-establishment, max 2 12 sf Roofline or 20 ft.,
whichever is less
Table Notes:
(1) Temporary signs are subject to separate permit requirements and regulations set forth in Section 9.220.130 (Temporary On-Site
Commercial Sign Standards) of this code.
(2) The total maximum area includes pricing information required by California Business and Professions Code Section 13530, et seq.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.235-1
Chapter 9.235 Animal Keeping
9.235.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to provide reasonable standards for the keeping and raising of animals to
avoid and minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties and preserves the city’s quality and character.
This chapter will allows for keeping of animals in limited numbers with reasonable controls and safeguards
to protect the character of the community.
9.235.020 Applicability
A. The requirements contained in this chapter shall apply to all animal keeping in the City of Menifee
including domestic and farm animals, kennels, catteries, horse stables, boarding and riding
B. Any legally established nonconforming animal keeping use that became nonconforming upon
adoption of this ordinance shall be permitted to continue subject to Chapter 9.15 (Nonconforming
Uses, Structures).
C. Animals may be kept on legally established lots of record that are less than the minimum lot size
reference in Table 9.23580.030-1 subject to compliance with setback regulations of the underlying
zoning district and subject to approval by the Community Development Director.
9.235.050 Kennels
A. Kennels may be for commercial or noncommercial purposes, including for raising of guard dogs,
care animals, rescue animals, and breeding and boarding.
B. The following classes of kennels are allowed in the following zones pursuant to Table 9.235.050-1,
pursuant to the following development standards:
Table 9.235.050-1, Kennel Classes and Allowed Zoning
Class of
Number of
Animals per
Lot Size for
Kennel Definitions
No Kennel All zones 1–4 dogs --
One to 4 dogs on a property is allowed without a Conditional
Use Permit issued from the Community Development
Class I Kennel
RR5, RR2,
RR1, RR½,
5–10 dogs 1 acre
Any building, structure, enclosure or premises whereupon, or
within which, 5 to 10 dogs, four months or older of age, are
kept or maintained. A Class I Kennel shall not include a sentry
dog kennel.
Class II
AG, RR5,
RR2, RR1,
RR½, BP, HI,
11–25 dogs
10–25 cats
1 acre
(or as noted in
Section C
Any building, structure, enclosure or premise, whereupon, or
within which, 11 to 25 dogs, four months of age or older, or 10
to 25 cats are kept or maintained.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.235-2
Table 9.235.050-1, Kennel Classes and Allowed Zoning
Class of
Number of
Animals per
Lot Size for
Kennel Definitions
Class III
AG, RR5,
RR2, RR1,
26–40 dogs
26–40 cats
1 acre
(or as noted
Section C
Any building, structure, enclosure or premises whereupon, or
within which, 26 to 40 dogs or cats, four months or older of
age, are kept or maintained.
Class IV
AG, RR5,
RR2, RR1,
41 or more
dogs or cats
1 acre
(or as noted in
Section C
below below)
Any building, structure, enclosure or premises whereupon, or
within which, 41 or more dogs, four months or older of age, or
41 or more cats, are kept or maintained.
Sentry Dog
AG, RR5,
RR2, RR1,
5 or more
1 acre
(or as noted in
Section C
Any building, structure, enclosure or premises whereupon, or
within which, 5 or more guard, or sentry dogs are kept or
maintained. A sentry dog is any dog trained to work without
supervision in a fenced facility and to deter or detain
unauthorized persons found within the facility. The term
"guard dog" shall also mean "sentry dog."
C. Development and Operations Standards.
1. Residency. In agricultural, rural and residential zones permitting kennels, such kennels may
be placed upon parcels containing detached single-family dwelling units. All Class II Kennels
and above shall include a single-family dwelling to be used by a live-in caretaker.
Notwithstanding any provision within this ordinance to the contrary, no parcel with a kennel
or cattery shall contain more than the maximum number of detached single-family dwelling
units permitted by the existing zoning on the property. Multi-family dwelling units and
attached single-family dwelling units shall not be permitted in conjunction with kennels or
catteries, provided, however, that a guest living quarter or accessory dwelling unit shall be
permitted in accordance with current City zoning regulations.
2. Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot size for a kennel or cattery in an agricultural, residential
or rural zone is 1 acre (gross). There is no minimum lot size for a kennel or cattery in a business
park or industrial zone other than what is required by the existing zoning on the property.
3. License. The applicant shall obtain and continuously maintain all necessary licenses as
adopted by the City.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.240-1
Chapter 9.240 Motor Vehicle and Related Uses
9.240.110 Car Washes
Self-service car washes included with a gas station will be reviewed in conjunction with the gas station
conditional use permit, but otherwise, Car Washes shall comply with the following criteria. Car washes
shall comply with the following criteria.
A. Such businesses shall be located at least 150 feet from any residential structure.
B. Wash bays and vacuum areas shall be screened from public view.
C. An attendant shall regularly monitor the facility during business hours to control noise, litter and
other nuisances.
D. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., unless otherwise specifically
established as a condition of approval. Water and electrical systems shall automatically shut off
during non-business hours, except for security and fire protection.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.260-1
Chapter 9.260 Outdoor Sales, Display and Dining
9.260.040 Development Standards and Requirements for Outdoor Sales and Dining
A. Outdoor Merchandise Display. Any outdoor display exhibited in conjunction with the business
being conducted within the building may be permitted without a Temporary Use Permit, provided
that the display complies with the following regulations:
1. The items being displayed shall be of the same types that are lawfully displayed and sold inside
the building on the premises, except alcohol.
2. The aggregate display area shall not exceed 25 percent of the linear frontage of the storefront
or 10 linear feet, whichever is greater.
3. Items shall not project more than 4 feet from the storefront.
4. No item, or any portion thereof, shall be displayed on public property; provided, however,
that items may be displayed within the public right-of-way if an Encroachment Permit has first
been procured from the City.
5. Items shall be displayed only during the hours that the business conducted inside the building
on the premises is open for business.
6. No item shall be displayed in a manner that causes a safety hazard, obstructs the entrance to
any building, interferes with or impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicle traffic, is unsightly
or creates any other condition that is detrimental to the appearance of the premises or any
surrounding property, or in any other manner is detrimental to the public health, safety or
welfare or causes a public nuisance.
7. A minimum continuous pavement walkway and clear pedestrian path of not less than 5 feet
wide is maintained.
B. Outdoor Dining. The following development standards apply to all outdoor dining areas:
1. A clear path of at least 5 feet wide, free of all obstructions to the flow of pedestrian traffic,
shall be provided in the public right-of-way and shall be maintained at all times.
2. No outdoor dining area shall obstruct the entrance to any building, interfere with or impede
the flow of pedestrian or vehicle traffic, or create any other condition that is detrimental to
the appearance of the premises or any surrounding property, or in any other manner is
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or causes a public nuisance.
3. Outdoor dining area furniture, including but not limited to tables, chairs, and umbrellas, shall
be of high quality and consistent with the theme of the primary establishment or overall
4. An outdoor dining area shall be used only for dining, drinking and circulation, and shall operate
only in conjunction with and during the same hours as the adjacent eating and drinking
5. The area within, and adjacent to, the outdoor dining area shall be clean and free of litter at all
6. Trash or storage areas shall not be located on or adjacent to the public right-of-way.
7. Outdoor dining shall be oriented away from adjacent residential uses except as approved by
the approving authority.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.260-2
8. Parking shall be in compliance with the standards of Chapter 9.215(Parking and Loading
Standards) for the primary use and any outdoor dining area in excess of 200 square feet.
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Chapter 9.280 Recycling Facilities
9.280.040 Development and Performance Standards
The following development and performance standards shall apply to all recycling collection and
processing facilities.
A. No Unattended Facilities. All outdoor recycling facilities shall be attended and administered by on-
site personnel during the hours the facility is open.
B. Secured Site. The site shall be secured from unauthorized entry and from deposit or removal of
materials when attendants are not present.
C. Screening. The facility shall be screened from the public right-of-way by operating in an enclosed
building or within an area enclosed by solid wood or vinyl fence or masonry wall at least 6 feet in
height which is buffered by exterior landscaping.
D. Setbacks. Setbacks from property lines shall be those provided for the zoning district in which the
facility is located. The facility shall be buffered by a landscape strip at least 10 feet wide along each
property line.
E. Residential Setback. The facility shall be located at least 150 feet from property zoned or occupied
for residential use.
F. Processing Facilities. Processing facilities shall only be permitted in fully enclosed buildings. There
shall be no outdoor storage of equipment or materials of any kind. The facility shall be located at
least 150 feet from property zoned for, or designated for or occupied by a residential use.
G. Hours of Operation. If the facility is located within 150 feet of property zoned, planned or occupied
for residential use, it shall not be in operation between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m.
H. Containers. All exterior storage of material shall be in sturdy containers or enclosures which are
covered, secured and maintained in good condition, or material may be baled or placed on pallets
if completely screened from view.
1. Storage containers for flammable material shall be constructed of nonflammable material. Oil
storage must be in containers approved by the Fire Department.
2. No storage, excluding truck trailers and seagoing cargo containers, shall be visible above the
height of the fencing, screening or landscaping.
I. Site Maintenance. The site shall be maintained free of litter, dust, flies and any other undesirable
materials, and cleaned of loose debris on a daily basis.
J. Containment. No material shall be left outside the recycling containers. The facility shall display a
notice stating that no material shall be left outside the recycling containers. The containers shall
be clearly marked to identify the type of material that may be deposited.
K. Signs. Sign criteria shall be those applicable to the zoning district in which the facility is located.
1. The container shall comply with the signage requirements of California Welfare and
Institutions Code Section 151.
L. No Nuisance. The facility shall not create any dust, fumes, smoke, vibration or odor above an
ambient level that is detectable on neighboring properties.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.280-2
M. Noise. Noise levels shall not exceed 60 dBA (A-weighted decibels) as measured at the property line
of an existing residence or zoning district allowing residential land uses and shall not exceed 70
dBA at any other property line.
N. Posted Information. The facility shall be clearly marked with the name and phone number of the
facility operator and the hours of operation. Identification and informational signs shall meet the
standards of the zone, and directional signs may be installed with the approval of the Community
Development Department, if necessary, to facilitate traffic circulation or if the facility is not visible
from the public right-of-way.
O. Power Equipment. Power-driven processing, including aluminum foil and can compacting, baling,
plastic shredding or other light processing activities necessary for the efficient temporary storage
and shipment of material, may be approved at the discretion of the approving authority if noise
restrictions and other conditions are met.
P. Waste Oil. A processing facility may accept used motor oil for recycling from the generator in
accordance with Section 25250.11 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.290-1
Chapter 9.290 Wireless Communication Facilities
9.290.060 Development Standards – General
All wireless communication facilities shall comply with the following development standards:
A. Siting.
1. All wireless communication facilities shall be located to maintain applicable easements or
similar restrictions on the subject property.
2. Wireless communication facilities shall meet the setbacks of the underlying zone. All setbacks
shall be measured from the base of the tower or structure to the applicable property line or
structure. Where possible, facilities shall not be situated between the primary building on the
parcel and any public or private street adjoining the parcel so as to create a negative visual
3. In residential zones, wireless communication facilities are prohibited on properties containing
residences but may be permitted on properties containing churches or other non-residential
uses in residential zones only when concealed or disguised and with written consent of the
Community Development Director based upon aesthetics, architectural integration, pole
height and similar factors as set out herein.
4. Wireless communication facilities must be located so as to avoid precluding the future
development of the surrounding property and area.
B. Height Limitations.
1. The height of the antenna structure shall be no greater than the minimum necessary to
provide the required coverage and shall not exceed an overall height of 70 feet as measured
pursuant 9.160.040 Building Height Measurements and Exceptions.
2. No new antenna structure that exceeds 15 feet in height shall be installed on an exposed
prominent ridgeline greater than 1,350 feet above mean sea level, unless it blends with the
surrounding existing natural and man-made environment in such a manner as to be effectively
unnoticeable and a finding is made that no other location is technically feasible, or unless it is
co-located or disguised on an existing structure.
3. Wireless communication support facilities in areas of high visibility shall be sited below the
ridgeline or designed, where possible, to minimize their profile (i.e., placed underground,
depressed or located behind berms).
4. A freestanding above ground wireless communication support facility shall be no taller than
15 feet in height.
C. Stealth, Concealment, Screening, Materials and Design.
1. Antennas shall be constructed of metal or another nonflammable material, unless specifically
approved by the City to be otherwise.
2. All buildings, poles, towers, antenna supports, antennas and other components of each
wireless communication site shall comprise materials that are of the same color or treated
with colors to conceal the equipment, as well as with anti-graffiti paint or coating and
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.290-2
3. Wireless communication support facilities in the public right-of-way shall be constructed of
nonreflective materials (visible exterior surfaces only).
4. Freestanding equipment enclosures shall be constructed to look like adjacent structures or
facilities typically found in the area and shall adhere to the any applicable design guidelines
where appropriate. Where there are no structures in the immediate vicinity, equipment
closures shall blend with existing naturally occurring elements of the viewing background and
shall be screened from view. Screening may include a block wall, wrought iron fence or other
effective mechanism, as determined by the Community Development Director.
D. Vegetation and Landscape Screening, Protection and Maintenance. All equipment enclosures
shall be installed in such a manner so as to maintain and enhance existing native and/or landscaped
vegetation to screen the facility. The level of screening shall be consistent with the type of facility
proposed, its zone and its location. In addition, a landscape screening and maintenance plan or
schedule shall be submitted and must contain the items noted below. Notwithstanding, the
Community Development Director may consider non-vegetative screening where appropriate and
effective. The landscape screening and maintenance plan shall:
1. Comply with the City’s adopted Title 15.04 (Landscape Water Use Efficiency Requirements)
and Chapter 9.195 (Landscaping Standards).
2. Indicate all existing vegetation to be maintained and landscaping that is to be installed on the
site to control erosion and screen the facility from adjacent land uses and public vistas and to
restore vegetation removed or damaged during construction.
3. Provide for the protection of existing trees and other screening vegetation in the vicinity of
the facility and along the access roads and power/wireless communication line routes from
damage to the extent possible, both during the construction period and thereafter.
4. Provide for the repair and replacement of dead or damaged vegetation, watering (as
necessary), disease and insect control, pruning and so forth. The provisions of the lease may
set out the lessee’s or lessor’s responsibility for such maintenance. In addition, the property
owner shall agree to perform such maintenance to the extent the wireless communication
service provider does not do so. The property owner shall consent to the City’s entry onto the
property to inspect and, as necessary, restore or remove vegetation and to place a lien on the
property or on the secured property tax roll for the costs thereof.
E. Maintenance and Debris Removal. In addition to the provisions for ongoing vegetation and
landscape maintenance, the provisions of the lease shall set out the lessee's responsibility for the
maintenance of support facilities (i.e., cleaning, painting and specifically the removal of graffiti
immediately) as well as the removal of trash and debris from the site. The property owner shall
agree to perform such maintenance to the extent the wireless communication service provider
does not do so. The property owner shall consent in writing to the City's entry onto the property
to inspect and, as necessary, remove debris and graffiti as well as to repair or fence any support
facilities which constitute a safety hazard and specifically consent to the City's ability to place a lien
on the property or on the secured property tax roll for the repayment of such costs, plus interest,
without any further notice thereof.
F. Lighting. Except as required by State or Federal law, all wireless communication facilities shall be
unlit except for a manually operated or motion-detector controlled light above the equipment
shed door, which shall be kept off except when personnel are present at night. This requirement
is not intended to address interior structure lighting. Any lighting system installed shall also be
shielded to the greatest extent possible so as to minimize the negative impact of such lighting on
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 5, Page 9.290-3
adjacent properties and so as not to create a nuisance for surrounding property owners or a
wildlife attractant.
G. Parking. All wireless communication facilities shall be served by the minimum roads and parking
areas necessary to accommodate service vehicles. Existing roads shall be used for access,
whenever possible, and be upgraded to the minimum amount necessary to meet standards
specified by the Fire Marshal and the Director of Public Works. Any new roads or parking areas
built shall, whenever feasible, be shared with subsequent wireless communication facilities and/or
other permitted uses. Existing off-site parking areas shall be used whenever possible.
H. Signage. All freestanding wireless communication sites shall provide unlighted identification
signage of not more than 3 square feet in size. The sign shall indicate the name of the company
operating the facility and shall provide a phone number to be called in an emergency. Wireless
communications facilities and antennas shall not contain or add advertising or signs.
I. Security. The wireless communications service and property owner shall:
1. Maintain a security program when determined to be necessary by, and subject to the review
and approval of, the Menifee Police Department that will prevent unauthorized access and
2. Ensure sufficient anti-climbing measures have been incorporated into the facility, as needed,
to reduce the potential for trespass and injury.
Table 9.290.060-1 (1) (2)
Type of Facility All Agricultural, Rural, and Residential
All Commercial,
Industrial, and
EDC Zones
Open Space
Public Facilities
Facility mounted
on the roof or
on/in building or
existing structure
Not allowed on properties containing a
residential use. Allowed for churches or other
non-residential uses when concealed or
disguised and with the written consent of the
Community Development Director based
upon aesthetics, architectural integration,
pole height and similar factors as set out
Yes - when
concealed or
Not permitted
Yes - when
concealed or
mounted on public
facilities (e.g.
water tanks, pump
stations, or utility
Yes - Same as above
Yes - when
concealed or
Not permitted
Yes - when
concealed or
Stand alone
facilities Yes - Same as above
Yes - when
concealed or
Not permitted
Yes - when
concealed or
Colocation (3) Shall be treated in the same manner as
original location
Same as original
location Not permitted Same as original
1. For wireless facilities within specific plans, the facilities shall be allowed as indicated in the comparable zoning/land
use noted above, unless the specific plan document contains requirements that are more stringent.
2. In the event the City must site a facility where otherwise not allowed in order to provide for coverage or co-location,
such siting will require a major conditional use permit.
3. Colocations on existing mono-poles are allowed; however, upgrades to the enclosures, landscaping, or other features
shall be required to the extent feasible consistent with the development standards contained in this chapter.
Menifee, CA | Development Code Article 6, Page 9.300-1
Chapter 9.300 Universal Definitions
9.300.040 “C” Definitions
Can Sign. A sign in which the sign copy is placed on a transparent face, which is attached to an enclosed
box or can, usually made of metal, that has an internal light source.
9.300.100 “I” Definitions
Industrial. The manufacture, production, and/or processing and/or storage of consumer goods. See also