Construction H, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond PW21-18 107607978PERFORMANCE BOND BOND NO. 107607978 PREMIUIVI: $4,341.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the C of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, by minute action passed 75/2€a2 as awarded to coNsrRucrloN H, lNC. hereinafter des ignated as the "Principa 1", a Contract for construction of the pw zr-r s, ryle i,,tnnsH penr4rNreNr pne-rrenrcrreo project together with appurtenances thereto, spd RESrRoor\4 rNsrALLAlroN WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said Contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said Conlract. NOW, THEREFORE, we CONSTRUCTION H INC AS Principal, and ranverens casuarrv nno sunerv couparv or euenrce a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of coNNEcTlcuT and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee hereinafter called the Contracting City, in the penal sum of one hundred percent(100%) of theamountot o'|,t"iu"[RBt*?]'iFIY*o"ouill?Dollars($1e2,ss000 ), lawful money of the United Stated of America, for payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, THE CONDITION OF THE OBLIGATION lS SUCH that, if the hereby bounded Principal, his/hers or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by and well and truly keep and perform all the undertakings, terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in said Contract and any alteration thereof, made as therein provided all within the time and in the manner therein designated and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall faithfully fulfill the one- year guarantee of all materials and workmanship after final acceptance; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Menifee, its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otheruise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder. No final settlement between the Principal and the Contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. 5 EXECUTED IN THREE (3) IDENTICAL COUNTERPARTS Notices, papers and other documents required by Chapter 2 of Title 14 of Par12 of Code of Civil Procedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the Contract may be served upon Principal at this address:2766 cARLToN cr. SAN PABLO, CA 94806 and upon Surety at this address:1 1070 White Rock Road. Suite 1 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by the Principal and Surety herein named on the 22 day of JULY 2022 The name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of its governing body, CONSTRUCTION H, INC Principal By 2 N PR TRAVELERS CASUALW AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA Su rety BRYAN RI MOND, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT By 6 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 l GALTFORXT,A AIL-PURPOSE AGKilOWLEDOXEilT CtVtL CODE S 1189.rhlrc&a@rffidarEu$ A nohry public or othor orficsr comploting this cedificato vorifies only the idontity ol th€ individual wtlo rsgned the documerf to which this certificato is attachod, and not the truthtulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Califomia County Of NAPA On JULY 22, 2022 before me,K. M. IiILLBACK NOTARY PUBLIC Date personally appeared He,e lnsert Nen e aN TNe of tl?€ Offrcet BRYAN RICHMOND Name(s) of Slgne4s) who proved to me on th€ bajs ol sstisfactory €vid€rrce to be the person(s) whose name(s) iyare subscribed to the within irtstrument and acknowledged to me that h€r'she/thoy oxecuted the same in hisy'hor^hoir authorized capaclty(rsB), and that by hls/hsnhsir signatur€(s) on the instument the p€rson(s), or the ontity upon behalf of which th6 p6rson(s) act6d, execut€d tho lnstrument I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY und€r the laws of the State of Calirornia that the foregoing pamgraph b true and con6ct. WTNESS my hand and offlcial soal. ! Partner - ! Limited tr Genoral! lndividual flAttomey in Fact D Trusteo ! Guardian or Conservator Signature /1" Signaturc of Notary Public E Partnor - tr Limited tr General tr lndivldual flAttorney in Fact E Trustae tr Guardian or Cons€ryator! Oh6r: Ul,*t,X. T. WILLLACX Notlry Pubtic ' Callfornla ri.g. cowty Comrni$ion , 2!9|ll, y Colnm. Erpirer Feb 1 1, 2015 Pbce Nobry S@l Above OPfIONAL IDougl, this section is optional, completing this ittfonnat@ can deter eltention of the clocument or tnudulent reathchment ol thls tom to an unlntended document. D€scriptlon of Attached Documont Title or Type of Document:Document Date: Numb€r of Pag€s: _ Signo(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name:Slgnor's Name:! Corporate Officer - Title(s):tr Corporate fficer - fitle(s): tr Other: Signer ls Representing:Signer ls Representing: ) ) 02014 Natlonal Notary Assoclatlon . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTAFY (1-800-878-6824 ltsm #5907