Pulte Home Company, LLC Faithful Performance Bond TM32102 0243517*,'3F"lI*"" MAY 0 2 2022 RECflVED FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND / OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) FOR GRADING: Grading/Drainage Erosion Control WOMP Total 202.00 00 Parcel Niap S TM32 r 02 21.500.00 Other Project No.$GP21-061 000 Bond No $0243517 223.500 00 Premaum s 838 $ $ $ $ Su16ty Berkley lnsurance Company Principal l)ultc I Iornc (i)rnpany, l.l.(i Address 412 Mt. Kombl€ Ave. Suite 310N 4667sss 27-4ttl Los (.;.s,Stc. 4(n) City/State Morristown NJ City/StaleMi$lilljl-ylquJl\- zip code 07960 Zi'P q)6q IPhone 657-356-2894 Phone q5r -5ilt-5815 WHEREAS, the c(y councrl ol the crty of Meniree, Slato of caftfornra, "nd -l]-:11t"': (lt'np"Ill'L( l (he,einafter dssignated as 'principal') have enter€d lnto, or are about to enter into, the allached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated grading project, relaled to (Parcel Map)l!l!!Z!9e, which agre€menl(s), dated , is/are hereby refarred to and made a part hereof, and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to lurnish bond(s) for the faithful performanca of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and , 3s surety, are held end tirmly bound unto lhe City of Menifee in the penal sum of -@!g!!!!Egl@]gthree ttrous.nd flve hundred nor100, Dollars .jluliMl law{ul money of the United Slates. for the paymenl of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, iointly and severally, frrmly by these presents. The condition of thrs obligation is such that if the above bonded princlpal, his or its heirs, executors, adminBtrators, successors or assigns, shall in all lhings stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform th€ covenants. conditions and provisions in th€ said agreement(s) and any alleration lhereof made as lherein provided. on his or their part, to be kept and performed al the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respecls according to their lrue intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the Cily of Menifee, its orllcers, agenls and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and efrect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addilion to the face amount specrfied therefore. lh€re shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees. including reasonable altolney's rees, incurred by the City of Menifee in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to b€ taxed as costs and included in any judgmenl ]endered. fiEFr^ ,8 t5 ?t^f,Itr FAITHFUL PERFORTIANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND OR'EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The surety hereby stipulales and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligalion on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement(s) or to the work or to the specifications. Surety lurther stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2E45 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. \Men the work covered by the agreement(s) as complete, the City of Menifee will accepl the work and thereupon, the amount ofthe obligation of this bond is be released. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, this instrumsnt has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on April 2l 2022 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pulte Home Company, LLC By S. Rives le t Treasurer NAI\,E OF SURETY: Berkley lnsurance Company AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:ttorney-in-Fact llorn -in-Facl (tF Ti e ORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIALACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPALAND ATTORNEY.IN-FACT. o 1975 o 9 8 l1 RAivqa z AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): Jeremy Polk, S}}L ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Arizona County ol Moricopo On LI .IDZ1 before me personolly appeored teremv Polk whose identity was proven to me on the bosis of sotisfactory evidence to be the person who he or she cloims to be, ond ocknowledged that he or she signed the attoched document. (seal)AA" Notory Signoture Motthew Stonton Erru Commission Expires March gth, 2026 MATTHEW STANTON NOTARY PUBLIC . ABIZONA MARICOPA COUNTY coMMlssloN # 622269 MY COMI',tISSION EXPIRES ERHA MAI]CH ?026 :lo. Bl-7991g-cl PO\\ Ltt OI: .\T tOR\11\' Rt.RKl.t:\ t\st R.\\( E ( oltP,\\\ \\ It.\ \(;t o\. Dt,l.r\\\',\Rtl KNOW ALL MEN BY ItlliSli l'ltlisliNl S. that lllrliKLllY lN:il IltANCli C( )MI'ANY (lhe Corrrpiu\ '), a coryroration dulr' organized and cxisting under the laws oflhe Stale ol Delaware, having its principal olfice in Creerwich, CT. has made. corlslilured and appointed. and docs by these presents nrake. co[stilute and appoint: Jercm! R. Polk ot Malthew Erro of USI lnsurunce Senices, LLC of Ph.,eti\,,42 its true and lawful Attorncy-in-Fact. lo sign ils narre as surety only as delineated below and to execute. seal, acknowledge and dcliver any and all bonds and undcrtakings. with thc crception ofFinancial Cuaranly lnsurance. providing that no single obligation shall cxcccd Fifty Million and 00/100 Ll.S. Dollars (t!.S.$ to the samc cxtent as ifsuch bonds had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected ollicers ofthe Conrpany al its principal office in lheir orvn proper persons. This Power of Attomey shall be corstrued and enforccd in accordance with. and governed by, the laws ol the State of Delaware. wilhout giving effect to the principles of conllicts of laws thereof. This Porver ol Attorney is grantcd pursuant to the lbllowing rcsolutions which were duly and validly adopted al a meeting of the lloard of Directors oflhe Company held on January 25. 2010: RESOLVED. that. wi(h respect to the Surety business written by Berkley Surety. the Chairman of lhe Board. Chief Execulive Olllcer. President or an-v Vice President of lhe Company, in conjunclion with (he Secrctary or any Assistanl Secretary are hercby authorized to execute powers of attorney authorizing and qualifling the attomey-in-fact named therein to execute bonds. undenakings, recognizrnces. or other surelyship obligations on bchalf of the Compan). and to aflix the corporate seal of the Company to powers of attorney execuled pursuant hereto: and said officers nray remove any such attorney-in-facl and revoke any power ofattorrrey previously granled: and t'unher RESOLVED. that such power ofattomey limils thc acts ofthose named thcrein to thc bonds, undertakings, rccognizanccs. or other suretyship obligations specilically nanred therein. and tlrey havc no autlrority to bind the Clonpany except in the nranner and to the extcDt thercin staled; and funhcr RESOLVED. thal such power of attorney revokes all previous powers issued on behalfofthe attorney-in-fact nanred; and lirrther RESOLVED, that the signature ofany aulhorized omcer and the seal ofthe ('ompan) may be affired by facsimile to any power of anorncy or crnification thercof authorizing the cxecution and delivcry of any bond. undenaking. rccognizancc. or orher surelyship obligation ofthe Company: and such signature ard seal when so used shall have lhe sanre force and cffcct as lhough manually amxed. The Compary may continue to use for the purposes herein staled the facsimile signature ofany person or persons who shall have been such olTicer or officers ofthe Company. notwithslarding lhe fact lhat they nray have ceased to be such at the lime when such instruments shall be issued. IN ST|NE,SS WHEREOF, tbc Compaay has coDoratc seal helarDto afExed lhis !!U day of caused tbcsc Prcsents t be signcd strd aftcncd by its appropriatc ofEc.$ aDd its Attcst B l$ura.Dce B)'St.\1.J Exccutivc Vicc PrcsidcDt & Sc.rcrary ST-ATE OF COtdI\iECTICUT ) COIINTY OF FATRFIELD SworD to bcfor. oc, a Not{y Public i.n ttre Stalc of Conoccticut, this 30rl day of ) ) iccDt 2021 , by Ira S. LcdcrBaD Scc.rctary, rtrd ScDior Vicc hcsidcn!od ,.ftcy M. Htncr who ar! Ewom to E. to b. tic Exc.1jtivc Vice rcspctivcly, of Bdklry bsuraacc Compaoy. S.l#tr|,FcoMtEc'|crrlIV @nntsstoai ExanEt APHIL Il. a02a otary Public, StaIe o Connaaticut CERTMCATE I, 6c DDdssigDc4 Assistat Socftta'y of BERKIEY INSLIR{NCE COMPA}ry. DO HEREBY CERTIFY thar the forcgoing rs a bur, oolroct aDd coroplstc copy of thc origioal Powgr of Attomcy; rhar said Powor of Atlomcy bas Dot bccr rcvokcd or rcscindcd Apri au(bority of thc Adomcy-in-Fact sct forlh thcrcio. who cxccutcd tlc bo[d or w, sl.-\ is in ftrll forcc and cffeci ar of 6is duc- roy bsnd and scal offtc company. this 2lst day of Vhccut P. Fort. to which this PowEr of 2022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PRINCIPAL STATE OF GEORGTA) ) ss. couNTY oF coBB) WITNESS my hand official seal. T I !"--"-4Y\ara, T JESSICA TASX Notary Public - St.te of Gcorsi. Cobb Countv ^{y Comftirsion Erpire.;cb 21. 2026 This record was acknowledged before me on April 21 , 2022, appeared Gregory S. Rives, Assistant Treasurer of Pulte Home Company, LLC, who provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and is personally known to me. I. JESS/CA MASK Notary Public State of Georgia My Commission Expires: February 21, 2026