2022-349 Levying special taxes to be collected during FY2022-2023 CFD No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services)oRDTNANCE NO. 2022-349 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2017-231 AND LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES TO BE COLLECTED DURING FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 TO PAY THE ANNUAL COSTS OF THE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING OF LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING, WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS, GRAFFITI, STREETS, STREET SWEEPING, PARKS AND TRAIL MAINTENANCE, A RESERVE FUND FOR CAPITAL REPLACEMENT, AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES WITH RESPECT TO CITY OF MENIFEE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2017. 1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) WHEREAS, pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 (the "Act"), the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of Menifee (the "City") adopted Resolution No. 17-654 establishing Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) of the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California (the "CFD No. 2017-'1") for the purpose of levying special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein for the purpose of providing certain services (the "Services"), which are necessary to meet increased demands placed upon the City and are described in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, on December 20,2017, the City Council adopted Ordinance No.2017-231 entitled, "An Ordinance Levying Special Taxes to be Collected During Fiscal Year 2018-'19 to pay the maintenance and servicing of landscaping, lighting, water quality improvements, graffiti, streets, street sweeping, parks and trail maintenance, a reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2017-1 (Maintenance Services) ("Ordinance No. 2017- 231"), pursuant to which the City Council levied special taxes within the CFD No. 2017-1, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary and in the public interest that pursuanl to Sections 53340 and 53358 of the Government Code special taxes be levied on parcels of taxable property in CFD No. 2011-1 fot Fiscal Yeat 2022-23 and subsequent fiscal years for the purposes of paying for the Services provided by CFD No. 2017-1. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, ACTING AS THE LEGTSLATTVE BODY OF COMMUNTTY FACtLtTtES DISTRTCT NO. 20'17-1 (MAINTENANCE SERVICES) OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 2. Findinqs. lt is necessary that the City Council of the City of Menifee levy special taxes pursuant to Sections 53340 of the Government Code to provide and finance the costs of certain types of services, and related costs within the CFD No. 2017-1, including (i) the maintenance and servicing of landscaping, lighting, water quality improvements, graffiti, streets, street sweeping, and trail maintenance, (ii) a reserve fund for capital replacement, and (iii) administrative expenses, all as more completely described in Exhibit "A" to Resolution No. '17-654, attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 3.Amendment to Exhibit B of Ordinance N 2 o17 -231 Exhibit B of Ordinance No. 2017-o 231 is hereby amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with Revised Exhibit B attached hereto Section 4.Amendment to Section 2 of Ordinance No. 20'17-231. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2017- 231 is hereby amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following Section 2. Lew of Special Taxes. Special taxes shall be and are hereby levied for the Fiscal Year 2018-19, and each fiscal year thereafter, on all parcels of real property within the CFD No. 2017-'l which are subject to taxation, which are identified in Revised Exhibit B attached hereto, and in the amount set forth for each such parcel in 1 Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 5.mittal to Cou The City Clerk shall immediately following adoption of this Ordinance transmit a copy hereof to the Board of Supervisors and County Auditor of the County of Riverside together with a request that the special taxes as levied hereby be collected on the tax bills for the parcels identified in Exhibit "8" hereto, along with the ordinary ad valorem property taxes to be levied on and collected from the owners of said parcels. Section 6. Severabilitv. lf for any reason any portion of this Ordinance is found to be invalid, or if the special taxes found inapplicable to any particular parcel within the CFD No. 2017-1 , by a court of competent jurisdiction, the balance of this Ordinance and the application of the special tax to the remaining parcels within the CFD No. 2017-1 shall not be affected. Section 7 Authorization to Publish Ordinance The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall attest thereto and shall, within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, cause it or a summary of it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City and in the CFD No. 2017-1 . Section 8. the date of and Sectio Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and shall be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption, at which time Revised Exhibit B will replace Exhibit B of Ordinance No. 2017-231 n 2 of Ordinance No.2017-231 will be amended as described herein. This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting held on the 1Srh day of June and PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of lvlenifee at a regular meeting held on this 20rh day of July , 2022 . ATTEST:APPROVED: nie Roseen, Acting City Clerk Bill Zim Mayorp APP VED AS TO FORM: J elching, Ci 2 said Revised Exhibit B. Pursuant to Section 53340 of the Government Code, such special taxes shall be collected in the same manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure, sale, and lien priority in case of delinquency as is provided for ad valorem taxes. 1/A,h/ EXHIBIT A DESCRTPTTON OF SERVTCES (EXHtBtT A TO RESOLUTTON NO. 17-654) The services which may be funded with proceeds of the special tax of CFD No. 2017-1, as provided by Section 53313 of the Act, will include all costs attributable to maintaining, servicing, cleaning, repairing and/or replacing landscaped areas (may include reserves for replacement) in public street right-ot-ways, public landscaping, public open spaces and other similar landscaped areas officially dedicated for public use. These services including the following: (a) maintenance and lighting of parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space, which maintenance and lighting services may include, without limitation, furnishing of electrical power to street lights and traffic signals; repair and replacement of damaged or inoperative light bulbs, fixtures and standards; maintenance (including irrigation and replacement) of landscaping vegetation situated on or adjacent to parks, parkways, streets, roads and open space; maintenance and repair of irrigation facilities; maintenance of public signage; graffiti removal from and maintenance and repair of public structures situated on parks, parkways, streels, roads and open space; mainlenance and repair of playground or recreation program equipment or facilities situated on any park; and (b) maintenance and operation of water quality improvements which include storm drainage and flood protection facilities, including, without limitation, drainage inlets, catch basin inserts, infiltration basins, flood conlrol channels, fossil fuel filters, and similar facilities. Maintenance services may include but is not limited lo the repair, removal or replacement of all or part of any of the water quality improvements, fossil fuel filters within the public right-of-way including the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons and other pollutants from waler runotf, or appurtenant facilities, clearing of inlets and outlets; erosion repairs; and cleanup to improvements, and other items necessary for the maintenance, servicing: or both of the water quality basin improvements within flood control channel improvements; and (c) public streel sweeping, on the segments of the arterials within the boundaries of CFD No. 2O17-1i as well as local roads within residential subdivisions located within CFD No. 2017-1', and aay portions adjacent lo the properties within CFD No. 2017-1 . ln addition to payment of the cost and expense of the forgoing services, proceeds of lhe special tax may be expended to pay "Administrative Expenses," as said lerm is defined in Exhibit B to this resolution of intention. The above services shall be limited to those provided within the boundaries of CFD No. 2017-1 or for the benefit of the properties within the boundaries of CFD No. 2017-1 , as the boundary is expanded from time to time by anticipated annexations, and said services may be financed by proceeds of the special tax of CFD No. 2017-'l only to the extent that they are in addition to those provided in the territory of CFD No. 2017-1 belorc CFD No.2017-1 was created. REVISED EXHIBIT B coMMUNtTY FACtLtTtES DtSTR|CT NO. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) SPECIAL TAX FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 District Name County Fund No. Levied Parcels Preliminary FY 2022-23Lew CFD2017-1 Zone 1 68-0167 664 $228,062.00 CFD2017-1 Zone2 68-0259 65 $38 894.03 CFD 2017-1 Zone 3 68-0260 115 $86 525.36 CFD2017-1 Zone 4 68-0261 237 $230,578.43 CFD2017-1 ZoneS 68-0400 68 $72 582.38 CFD2017-1 Zone 8 68-0403 121 $89,742.02 CFD2017-1 Zone g 68-0404 98 $75 810.96 ORIGINAL FORMATION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS APN APN APN APN APN 360850024 360850029 360850030 360850031 360850032 360860026 360860027 360860028 360860056 360860057 360860058 360860059 360860060 360860061 360860062 360861001 360861002 360861003 360861004 360861005 360861006 360861007 360861008 360861009 360861010 360861012 360861013 360861014 360861015 360861017 360861018 360861019 360861020 360861021 360861022 360861023 360861025 360861026 360861028 360861029 360861030 360861032 360861033 360861034 360861035 360861036 360861039 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331603019 REVISEO EXHIBIT B (Continued) coMMUNtTY FACtLtTIES OtSTR|CT NO. 2017-1 (MATNTENANCE SERVTCES) APN APN APN 33161 1002 33161 1003 33161 1004 33161 1005 33161 1006 33161 1007 33161 1008 331611009 33161 1010 33161 101 1 33161 1012 33161 1013 331611014 33161 1015 331611016 331612001 331612002 331612003 331612004 331612005 331612006 331612007 331612008 331612009 331612010 33161201 1 331612012 3316r 2013 331612014 331612015 331612016 331612017 3316r 2018 331612019 331612020 331612021 331612022 331612023 331612024 331612025 331612026 331612027 331612028 331612030 331612031 331612032 331613001 331613003 331613004 331613005 331613006 331613007 331613008 331613009 331613010 331613011 331613012 331613013 331613014 331613015 331613016 331613017 331613018 331613019 331613020 331613021 331613022 APN APN 331612029 331613002 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF MENIFEE l, Stephanie Roseen, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No.2022-349 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 20th day ol July,2O22 by the following vote: ) )ss ) Ayes: Deines, Karwin, Sobek, ZimmermanNoes: NoneAbsent: LiesemeyerAbstain: None nie Roseen, Acting City Clerk MENIFEE -